16 January, 2025


Political Remnants; NPP Will Certainly Succeed

By Asoka S. Seneviratne

Prof. Asoka.S. Seneviratne

Holding political rallies by presidential candidates in every corner of the country and disclosing their programs and policies for the next five years are familiar events these days. The political manifesto of the NPP will be presented to the people soon. Indeed, the NPP, knowing the country’s economic problems and how most people are suffering miserably, has indicated the core of their programs and policies over the last two years or so. Also, it should be noted that it is not economic problems and hardships alone; there are governance problems that hinder or affect the welfare and well-being of the people. Given the above, the NPP always highlights the economic and governance issues at the center of its program and policies. In other words, only by addressing and resolving economic and governance problems simultaneously, the NPP will be able to meet the expectations of the people and the country. Furthermore, the program and policies contain immediate measures that the NPP will provide to relieve the people after winning the presidential election on 21 September 2024. The purpose of this article is to explain the immediate relief measures that the NPP will initiate after 21 September 2024 in the context of the IMF program that is currently being implemented.

Urgent Economic Problems: The Escalating Cost of Living

The country’s people are currently grappling with severe economic problems or challenges, including the escalating cost of living and the repercussions of IMF programs aimed at economic recovery. However, the NPP is committed to addressing these issues, offering hope and optimism for a better future. Indeed, the escalating cost of living is the foremost burning issue for all low- and middle-income households. Given the above, the country witnessed an array of strikes by trade unions, and the government addressed and resolved the workers’ concerns using tear gas and water cannons. There are many aspects of increasing the cost of living. One is the political parties and politicians who caused shortages of gas, fuel, electricity, and medicines, and hence the skyrocketed prices, but now stand on the other side and blame. Except for the NPP, others are the same political parties, and politicians are divided and blame each other, among which people have been like sandwiches. Political parties and politicians from the top to the members of the parliament cannot understand the simple economics that when shortages are there, prices increase so that if the wages are not rising simultaneously, it affects the people because of the actual income (real income) or the volume/quantity the goods and services that can be purchased per Rs 100 as an example will reduce. Political leaders and politicians do not feel the increasing cost of living because they are always rich due to asset accumulation for generations or an array of privileges they lavishly enjoy. But for most people, it is only wages or income from self-employment. The NPP has continuously voiced in the parliament and public rallies that the increasing cost of living and, hence, the hardships faced by the people must be addressed and resolved as the foremost concern. Given the above, the NPP will work to provide tax relief (i.e., tax reduction or tax removal) with VAT on (i) food, (ii) medicine, (ii) education, and health-related essentials to provide relief to the people because they face mounting hardships with the exorbitant prices of the above. The provision of tax relief as an immediate measure will become a reality after 21 September 2024 so that people will see and feel the difference now and then, based on the reduced cost of living. This means people can buy more or more goods and services for Rs—100.

Governance concerns of NPP

It is customary to refer to good governance, which contains many elements that lay the foundation for stable and continuous economic growth and development. Good governance always supports, accommodates, or enhances the welfare and well-being of the people in many ways. Accordingly, restoring law and order is the foundation. It is an open truth that law and order are not equally applicable to all citizens, and people are unhappy because it is not justice for all. Because they are politicians, related to political parties, and wealthy, the law is amenable so that law and order do not apply to all equally. In most cases, impunity has become the norm. Under the NPP government after 21 September 2024, law and order will undoubtedly be relevant and applicable to all, from the president of Sri Lanka to the ordinary people or grassroots. In other words, if the law is violated, due punishment by the law will be ruled. The above will be a massive change in the right direction so people can sense and feel it is becoming part and parcel of life.

Another element of good governance is eliminating corruption, fraud, waste, mismanagement, nepotism etc. The above applies to the president, bureaucrats, and everyone related to management. When the top is corrupted, it affects whole management structures to be corrupted. Fortunately, NPP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) is corrupt-free and has clean hands. He is the only leader who is corrupt-free and well-known to the opposition and the rest of the world. In other words, when the top is corruption-free, it will undoubtedly trickle down. This will be the reality after 21 September 2024, and the people and the country will be convinced.

How NPP could provide relief to people

The opposition, including the government, questions the NPP and how it could help with the increasing cost of living because they know only how to create hardships for people. Furthermore, they argue that the country with the IMF program carved out on rock cannot be changed. The above shows the need for foresight, knowledge, and understanding. The NPP is rich in the above. Accordingly, NPP has programs or strategies. After 21 September 2024, the first strategy is for the NPP government to slash all huge and unnecessary expenditures amounting to billions.  This will compensate for what will be deprived due to the abovementioned tax relief. Along with the above, the NPP government will focus on priorities that enhance the welfare and well-being of the people. The second strategy is the VAT reduction of the essentials, as indicated above. The next question is how to compensate for the decrease in tax because it concerns the IMF in the context of fiscal consolidation.  Given the above, the third strategy is adopting strict tax compliance, and enhancement of the administration certainly will make a massive difference in increasing tax revenue. The fourth strategy is recovering the billions of unpaid taxes following the due legal process, which is possible. In short, the kings of tax evaders for billions are with the opposition.  The strategies mentioned above or measures will significantly help fiscal consolidation or not resorting to borrowing, which will impact many spheres, increasing the total debt burden and risking sustainable debt management, which is the current commitment to the IMF.

NPP and working with the IMF

It is a reality that, one way or another, the future NPP government will have to work with the IMF program. The government argues that even a word of the agreement with the IMF can be changed to imply that it has been carved out of a rock, which is a lousy statement. Only the death has been carved out on rock so the future NPP government can work with the IMF to defend what it is looking for and meet the people’s expectations. Generally, given an agreement with the IMF, what Sri Lanka is fundamentally looking for is instrumental because((i) changing a program, (ii) reforming a program, and (iii) modification and adoption of a program have different meanings, approaches, and implications. For an example, if the change of the program is a concern, there is a massive volume of work to be done by a county to ensure that the expected change will guarantee the expected outcome of the agreement. This is most unlikely because a country goes to the IMF as a last resort, so the agreed program conditionalities are crucial to restoring a collapsed economy like Sri Lanka. I wrote above because many politicians do not focus on what they want to discuss with the IMF or know what engagement they need with the IMF.

At the moment, there is a grave need to provide relief to the people. Given the above, the NPP may seek modification and adoption, which is feasible with the IMF. Even President Ranil Wickremesinghe states that the IMF program cannot be changed and has submitted an income tax reduction proposal, which may be self-defeating. I wrote previously that the notation that the IMF program cannot be changed is a lousy statement. Essential elements must be fulfilled to work with the IMF to provide relief. First, the NPP will set up the house properly before working with the IMF. Regarding the above, two requirements are (i) strictly adhere to law and order, (ii) have the utmost commitment to dealing with corruption, fraud, waste, mismanagement, and nepotism to provide the foundation of good governance. The leadership of the NPP can provide the above compared to the others or the opposition because they cannot follow and adhere to the two requirements mentioned above based on anti-governance practices that are part and parcel of their life.

As per my experience, IMF programs/policies can be modified if Sri Lanka is able to submit buy-in proposals to the IMF that will not risk or endanger the objective of the IMF program that is currently adopted. This means avoiding any derailment of fiscal consolidation and sustainable debt management, providing the foundation of debt repayment as agreed upon, which must be part and parcel of the proposals the IMF can accept to be considered. In short, any proposal to the IMF must guarantee that the IMF program objectives must be met, which is the core of the agreement.  Compared with the opposition parties, including the government, the NPP program that is seeking modification can be rich because (i) utmost commitment and dedication to eliminating all forms of corruption and frauds, etc., (ii) utmost commitment to slashing all unnecessary expenditure and hence expenditure prioritization on economic growth and development (iii) increased revenue via enhanced tax compliance and tax administration (iv) and utmost commitment to fiscal consolidation as per IMF. The above is possible only for NPP or AKD because his hands are clean, his management team is identical to AKD, and except for working to meet the expectation of the people and the nation, they do not have any agenda of self-benefits or asset accumulation along with utmost credibility, responsibility, transparency, accountability, and trust on their part. As for the opposition parties, the NPP does not boast that it will undoubtedly change the IMF programs when they are in power. Instead, the NPP knows what needs to be done systematically and strategically and how to convince the IMF accordingly. Undoubtedly, the IMF will accommodate the future NPP government well because it knows the nature and character of the people sitting in front of it. The IMF knows well that they are not the individuals involved and contributed to the economy’s collapse. This means that the IMF will welcome and accept the NPP team for discussion on providing relief to people with long-term objectives of sustainable debt management and debt repayment as agreed for stable and sustainable economic growth and development in the country.

NPP and United Sri Lanka

In the context of united Sri Lanka, the NPP will win the presidential election on 21 September 2024, and first to relieve the people. This is important. As a habit, NPP and its leadership often go to the North and East to be part and parcel with the people. For the NPP, all are Sri Lankans within a united country. NPP does not talk to the people with a heap of promises to please the people, and the people well understand this. The NPP’s concern is to provide and ensure the basic needs are met in a safe and secure environment as the foundation for a better future. Given the above, NPP has won the people’s trust, which is significant, while other political leaders and political parties go to the North and East once every five years to see the landscape. In short, NPP and its leadership anchor reconciliation for a united country that will receive the support of most of the voters North and East, similar to the rest of the government winning the presidential election on 21 September 2024.

NPP and the Remnants of Aragalaya  – the end of family and class political culture  

Aragalaya in July 2022 was a type of political Tsunami due to two kinds of political remnants or leftovers that further strengthened the solid foundation of NPP to win the presidential election of 21 September 2024 and, hence, to provide relief to the people with immediate measures.

First is the family politics—still from one generation to the next, essentially to the “son” from the father or from that “class” to the next only, even after 76 years of independence, that vividly shows the part of the highly underdeveloped political culture of the country and hence it provides a suitable environment for an easy win to NPP. Indeed, knowing well that the NPP will win, it is unfortunate to see a few young people around the abovementioned remnants without considering the country’s future and generations. In short, they have lost their senses in many ways, helping from one generation to the next, or class, ultimately losing their generation. In other words, they may contribute to the widening gap between the privileged and the poor, mounting hardship for the latter, and social deprivation. Finally, the NPP has to help and rescue them in the future.

The second remnant is related to the political parties belonging to Green and Blue. Green, or UNP, is no longer; SJB is a remnant of UNP. UNP’s symbol, the giant elephant, is now reduced to the size of a gas cylinder after two years of Aragalaya. It will not need refilling after 21 September 2024. The destiny Blue of SLFP is similar to the above; SLPP is the remnant. Furthermore, “Hand,” the symbol of SLFP, is left with one finger remnant, confined to a highly intellectual law professional caught by an infamous Polonnuwara politician. Generally, except for the NPP, other political parties are politically remanent, with some even having no party symbols. Some disintegrated political parties and their leaders or members stand with the aid of political alliances because they cannot face the challenges imposed by the NPP. Some political proxies are there to weaken the NPP, as there are no other alternatives for them. Generally, the opposition to the NPP is a remnant of family generation politics and political parties that will never impose any form of challenge to the NPP.

Given the above, 21 September 2024 will mark the end of the remnant of family politics and political party remnants as most of the 17.1 million voters, or certainly more than 10 million, are with the NPP. As a result, a new generation of young people will undertake the governance system in the country under the leadership of the NPP leader, Anura Kumara Dissanayake. In other words, unprecedented numbers of young and old attending the NPP political rallies in each corner of the country will undoubtedly make the leader of the NPP the next president because there is no challenge to the NPP leader. Given the above, people and the country will be relieved immediately and in the medium and long term towards stability and sustainable economic growth and development without falling into a debt trap again but with prosperity for the people and the country.   

*The writer worked as the Special Advisor to the Office of the President of Namibia and was a Senior Consultant with UNDP for 16 years. He worked as a Senior Economist with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (1972-1993) before he migrated to New Zealand. 

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  • 8

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    • 17

      NPP is not clear on the following : Socialism, Racism and Violence.
      1. Socialism – Instead of continuing the current economic model, if it tries to manipulate it with socialist ideas, it will take the country back to 61 to 70 period and if it takes anti US stand, it will take the country back to 70 to 77 period of shortages and poverty.
      2. Racism – NPP has no plan to meet the demands of Tamils for justice. One of the six lectures by Wijeweera attacked Tamils. JVP also had a hand in 83 Kottiya Friday massacre and demerging of north and east. Their policy is to decentralise power through pradesiya sabhas which no self respecting Tamils will accept. They will try to put down Tamil dissent by force and exacerbate ethnic problem.
      3. Violence – Aragalaya was started by Frontline Socialist party which drew wide support across ethnic, religious and social divide. JVP who could not stomach the success, infiltrated it by their student wing and turned it violent, burning houses of government politicians. This shows that they have not eschewed their violent mindset.
      Unless these are addressed, future holds no good under their rule.

      • 9

        “Aragalaya was started by Frontline Socialist party”
        Ha Ha Ha

        • 5

          Sivasegaram, update your knowledge. Stop making stupid comments.

          • 4

            JVP has the same mindset like LTTE. Pongu Thamil movement was started by Jaffna university students and was becoming popular among people. LTTE could not stomach it eroding into their path, infiltrated it and sabotaged it.

          • 3

            I leave stupidity to you, the specialist.
            How is the Pallava navy faring in South China Sea?

            • 4

              “I leave stupidity to you, the specialist.”

              How about dividing it 50:50 between both of you?

              • 2


        • 5

          The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
          Let’s wait and see how many votes Nuwan Bopage of the FLSP gets.

          • 3

            The voter, unless strongly motivated, goes for the most feasible among candidates who are acceptable to some degree.
            NB is not contesting to win the election. Its votes will be less than under other circumstances because there is strong rivalry between the NPP candidate and the two with a UNP tradition.
            Its base in Aragalaya was nowhere near dominant.

      • 5

        Hello Doctor,
        ” it will take the country back to 70 to 77 period of shortages and poverty”. In our area it has already happened.
        Best regards

        • 6

          ” In our area it has already happened.”
          It’s not yet THAT bad. You’ll know it when you have to stand in line at 5 a.m with a ration book, for a loaf of bread, or when the inspectors want to know how much rice you’re carrying in the bus.

          • 3

            Hello OC,
            You’re right, it hasn’t reached those levels yet. It sounds like Germany in the thirties. But it’s not so long ago that my Nephews queued up from early morning at the Petrol Station and many times had to queue again the next day.
            Best regards

  • 15

    Thanks to the author for stressing on the word “ UNITED “ SL. All the crisis arose from trying to achieve a unitary country in a multi-ethnic multicultural
    & multi religious country. It will be also helpful if the word “ SECULAR “ is also included by NPP. The religion and politics should not be mixed/linked.
    Minorities are hoping for great change to happen soon with NPP

  • 15

    Those mothers whose sons were murdered , going by all possible barbarian methods would never let JVPrs be elected as leaders.
    However we can be patient another 4 weeks to see what the reality ll be.
    Over 50000 youth were killed by Akadists in 89-92 insurgency. They had no ethics and norms. They can only Please gallery.
    God bless srilanka from Northern Europe for this week 🙏

    • 18

      Baberic murders carried out by the governments led UNP and SLFP are worse than any other group in this country.

      • 4

        For barbarism, the LTTE and JVP were just as bad.

        • 0

          SJ, when humans think they are gods and hence not accountable to higher authority, whether JVP, LTTE or ABCDE, it makes no difference to their behavior. MUST understand that this creation has a specific purpose to make humans in God’s image. When they fail, God sends a redeemer to save from sins through an exchange in an eternal covenant. When humans continue their rebellion, Jesus comes again to receive all who desire him in his kingdom. Hell was created for the devil and his fallen angels. Man need not join them but make a faithful choice.

  • 11

    Prof. Asoka. I doubt it that the people are that gullible to swallow what you say. Where have you been all this time when the country got openly robbed, plundered and pillage by successive political regimes until it hit rock bottom? In all shape and form you appear to be a hitch hiker. In case JVP/NPP forms a government you seem to create yourself a sure niche while enjoying the comforts and security in cosy New Zealand far far away from rough and tumble of the Srilankan society. I very much doubt the ability of the JVP/NPP leadership. The country must look for a sound minded technocrat.

    • 8

      Three points why I support NPP:
      It is the only party with a clear plan to develop the country
      Leaders and members of the party possess an anti-corrupt history
      The party is built around a fine group of intellects.
      Blessings to NPP!

      • 4

        Are u sitting on your head?.
        If they would nt continue IMF recommendations this time, becoming Somalia in Slanka is inevitable 😑.
        Palatable stage presentations don’t reflect practical politics when anyone is going to practice in our hell filled with poisonous reptiles in human disguise 🤔.
        .Good luck srilanka!

        • 3

          You might as well argue with DTG about Israel. Logic doesn’t work with the Faithful.

      • 3


        I have yet to see the ‘clear plan’ of the NPP. Have they published their plan, all costed, in their manifesto or still just promises, which are nothing but ‘pie in the sky’ without the costs involved & the sources of funds established. As for their anti corrupt history, its probably because they didn’t have an opportunity to get on the gravy train. I can’t remember the JVP protesting about the unfair privileges & perks of politicians which all had to be paid for by the suffering masses who they are supposed to represent. Didn’t they benefit as well? Must be there conscience that is now troubling them now. As for the ‘group of intellects’, the NPP is a pickle of all sorts, including the old guard JVP who doesn’t seem to have changed their ‘spots’, a ;bhikku’ front, trade unions & a whole lot more. A smattering of ‘academics’ doesn’t make the entire NPP a group of intellects.

        • 1

          Dear Raj,
          You and I repeatedly raise the plan that the JVP should present to the nation.
          Everyone else is stuck with their contradictions. I see something very dangerous if the JVP is appointed by manipulating the people. Those who spoke against religious beliefs are still going to temples and churches these days. How can this be?
          JVP is making every effort to seize power and destroy this nation as it did in the barbaric era of 89 and 92.
          Even the people at CT and the commenters don’t seem to take it seriously. I’m tired of this nation. I really am.
          Unfortunately, the mainstream media makes every effort to promote their favorite candidates during election campaigns. It is very dangerous for the future of our people.

          • 1


            I wonder sometimes if its only me who sees the lack of NPP transparency & not convinced of their ability to turn the country into the righteous society they promise but since I don’t seem to be alone in this line of thinking now, it is a possibility that the popular view is not necessarily right. Fear mongering by sceptics maybe, but I am surprised how people can be convinced so easily when there are so many questions that are being ignored or or taken for granted, & we have been there before. I had the same doubts with Sirisena, & particularly, GR, but even old friends fell out with me over my criticism of these yobs.

            I always wanted to return to SL after retirement but despite the fact my SL friends think I am a third rate citizen in UK, I will certainly have a better life style than in SL under a ‘socialist’ NPP/JVP govt The austerity period under Mrs B I suffered as a small child is still in my memory & I don’t want to go through shortages & queuing up essentials in my old age.

  • 7

    Giving the National People’s Power (NPP) a chance to govern, despite some people believing that it’s safer to stick with the “devil” they know. Whether to stick with a party that has a known track record, even if it’s negative (“the known devil”), or take a chance on a new party (“the unknown devil”) that hasn’t been in power yet.
    Point is that while people might be wary of new, untested leadership, it’s not fair to label them as “devils” before they’ve had a chance to prove themselves in power. If the existing leadership has failed to deliver, it might be worth giving the new party a chance, as they haven’t yet had the opportunity to show what they can do.
    The leadership of Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Pohottuwa party has made future srilankan to pay the dept. recovery from bank rupt is not success story making self sufficient is.
    It’s an argument for change and the possibility of new approaches to governance, rather than sticking with a system that’s already shown its flaws.

  • 9

    Ranil Wickremesinghe will win with a thumbing majority at the Presidential election. It is Ranil who restored the economic situation of the country, after the downfall of Gotabhaya Rajapakse. Thereafter, the economy gradually developed and the Sri Lankan Rupee began its revival. Tourists started visiting Sri Lanka after India had lent a helping hand to Sri Lanka with financial assistance, when China had allowed Sri Lanka in deep crisis. Cost of living had improved gradually. This was the need of the hour, which the people will never forget. Some lands which were under the Military were released in the North. Ranil won the hearts of many people who have now realized that Ranil should be given an opportunity to rule the country and that the promises of other political leaders are fake and suffered enough. They are aware all Western countries & India will invest in Sri Lanka. Earlier there were many obstacles placed by the ruling politicians when Ranil placed meaningful steps before the people, one of which was the Ceasefire Agreement without bloodshed. Tamils have openly supported Ranil Wickremasinghe and are against the Tamil Common Candidate as they are a set of clowns.The Sinhalese too have joined hands with the Tamils.

    • 10

      Ranil Wickremasinghe will win on the second count as no one will get past 50%. I have a feeling that nearer the election, if Namal Rajapakse finds that his chances are low, he will withdraw in favour of Ranil. Tamil common candidate was put to prevent votes going to Sajith or Anura Kumara. Tamils should cast their first vote to Tamil common candidate to show the world that they have no confidence in any of the Sinhala candidates. Tamils should cast the second vote to Ranil, to make him win at the second count. My request to Tamils is not because Ranil is going to do wonders in addressing demands of Tamils for justice, but he will mess up the economy and the defeated JVP will create violence, leading to Indian military intervention.

      • 10

        ‘Ranil Wickremasinghe will win on the second count as no one will get past 50%.”
        How does the former follow from the latter?
        Some screwed up logic.
        “Tamil common candidate was put to prevent votes going to Sajith or Anura Kumara.”
        So that is the purpose and not that “they have no confidence in any of the Sinhala candidates”.

        • 6

          Sivasegaram, you cannot understand these things. When no candidate gets more than 50 % of the vote in first preference, count is made of second preference. In all the presidential elections held so far the winning candidates secured more than 50% and necessity to count second preferential votes did not arise.

      • 1

        There is no way
        that Namal, or anybody else, can “withdraw in favour of Ranil.”
        In fact, the Election Laws expressly forbid anybody campaigning for others.
        I can see what has happened to you! In many countries, there is a second round of voting – a huge additional expense. Here, instead of that, we have the marking of Preferences.
        I don’t know whether Namal will be allowed to say, “give me first Preference, and give Ranil a second Preference.
        In 2020, I gave a First Preference to AKD (knowing that he would come neither first nor second) , and a Second to Sajith. It was meant to boost Sajith’s votes, in case there was going to be a “Second Count“.
        Those who have been involved in counting votes, have told me that it is in only one ballot paper in five hundred or so, that the voter has gone for Preferences. Politicians don’t talk about Preferences at all for many reasons. One is that if a voter (out of sheer confusion, first marks a X for his favourite, and then indicates 2 & 3, his ballot paper will be declared invalid.

      • 0

        This is what I tell those Tamils and Muslims who refuse to vote for AKD as first choice.
        I tell them, vote for a guy from your minority as 1; for you, this means First Preference for a Tamil; giving a Second Preference to a Muslim recognises that both groups are badly treated by the Sinhalese majority.
        Give the THIRD Preference to a Sinhalese who recognises the need to treat minorities better.
        The problem is that, in your case, you hate Muslims more than Sinhalese.
        Please tell this to the average Tamil who lives in areas where the Sinhalese are a minority. If votes get spoilt, it doesn’t really matter. Lots of spoilt votes from Jaffna will indicate to the world that not enough is being done for minority people.
        Even now, in your late seventies, you remain a very intelligent man, but you’re also bitter and irrational when you wax eloquent about the wrongs that you have suffered. So, pardon me, you get what you deserve.
        We must unite to solve our problems!
        Panini Edirisinhe

    • 2

      “It is he restored economy “
      You can tell this lie because you don’t have the knowledge about economy. Why you say that if you don’t elect me the economy will go worse than the level of the mid 2022 and que system will come again. You call this as economic recovery?
      RW may win this election by fraud but not by genuine methods.

    • 3

      “thumbing majority”
      Thumbs like on these pages

      • 1

        “Thumping majority; and NOT thumbing majority””

  • 8

    A yardstick of good governance is getting the entire nation to pull the country out of the woods. What does NPP say about the ethnic issue? Why is it silent over it?

    • 3

      How will any yardstick pull the country out of the woods?

  • 6

    Aren’t there any one from the minorities in the NPP? Talented uncorrupted civilised minority representatives need to be accommodated in the cabinet in the future Government. The current parliament should be dissolved asap so that the crooked parliamentarians do not get their pensions.
    Hopefully the new GoSL abolishes the pensions given to the parliamentarians

    • 3

      Naman. Paying these rogues a pension is shear lunacy. Not only that they should be stopped immediately their ill gotten wealth must be confiscated.

  • 2

    Sri Lanka’s economic crisis, exacerbated by the 2015 bond scam, has led to bankruptcy, with some accusing Ranil Wickremesinghe of using the crisis to deflect from the scandal. In contrast, Nepal has made strides towards self-sufficiency through strategic planning in agriculture and energy. India’s engagement with NPP leader visit to India highlights regional diplomatic efforts.

    Sri Lanka’s economic troubles, leading to bankruptcy, have been linked to various factors, including the infamous bond scam that occurred during the tenure of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

    What is the justification,irregularities in bond issuances allegedly led to significant financial losses for the country

    • 1

      “allegedly ” is hearsay. Facts trump rumours.

    • 1

      Hello RBH59,
      I did a fair amount of investigating the Bond Scam and managed to unearth Criminal Behaviour and some strange goings-on, however I could not find a direct link to Ranil. There was also the payment back to the Government “Incumbent Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa during his budget speech on November 14 transferred 8.5 billion rupees earned by Perpetual Treasuries Pvt Ltd,”.
      “The inquiry also found that Perpetual Treasuries had paid central bank dealers, who were managing the country’s largest pension fund to buy bonds at high prices and other state funds” These Dealers were never named as far as I could find out.
      Wihout access to the Financial Transactions it is extremely difficult for Laymen like us to find out who gained and who lost. Most other Countries would find it very suspicious for Senior Government Ministers to intervene in Criminal Cases.
      Best regards

  • 1

    ”……purpose of this article is to explain the immediate relief measures that the NPP will initiate….”

    Is the Prof. the official spokesman for the NPP? I am waiting for the NPP manifesto to spell out their strategy but is this a ‘sneak preview’? I would have expected the NPP, with a bunch of intellectuals, to have formulated policy & strategy for their official manifesto long ago, instead of at the last minute.

    Anyway, is the NPP endorsing the many strategies outlined by the author officially in their yet to be published Manifesto? I am keen to know what ‘unnecessary expenditures amounting to billions’ that will be slashed’ as soon as NPP comes to power. Will all that savings be adequate to ”compensate for what will be deprived due to tax relief” &. ”priorities that enhance the welfare and well-being of the people”. Is it all costed? Is the ”VAT reduction of the essentials” official? (Costings again please) As for ”recovering the billions of unpaid taxes…”, how is it expected to be recovered & how soon? I trust all these will be clearly stated & costed in the manifesto.

  • 1

    At last we have justice being done!
    This is sensational!
    Panini Edirisinhe

  • 1

    N P P is looking to revolutionise the country or to replace the Old Order ?
    NPP is skilfully avoiding to explain it .

  • 0

    SJ, when humans think they are gods and hence not accountable to higher authority, whether JVP, LTTE or ABCDE, it makes no difference to their behavior. MUST understand that this creation has a specific purpose to make humans in God’s image. When they fail, God sends a redeemer to save from sins through an exchange in an eternal covenant. When humans continue their rebellion, Jesus comes again to receive all who desire him in his kingdom. Hell was created for the devil and his fallen angels. Man need not join them but make a faithful choice.

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