18 September, 2024


A Stake Through The Ideological Heart

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“There has been enough death.” ~ Colm Tóbín (House of Names)

Hours after losing the presidency, Mahinda Rajapaksa climbed on to a windowsill in his ancestral home and informed a crowd of grieving supporters, “We must remember they got their majority vote from Eelam,”

The Medamulana Declaration reframed the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa by Maithripala Sirisena as a defeat of Sinhala-Buddhist Sri Lanka by Tamils, Muslims, and Christians. In this retelling, the minorities are voters, citizens, yet aliens; any electoral outcome in which they play a decisive role is illegitimate by definition, an evisceration of Sinhala-Buddhist birthright. This false narrative had a single aim – enabling the Rajapaksas to regain power with Sinhala-Buddhist vote only, an outcome considered impossible under the presidential system.

Politics of majoritarian grievance became the only Rajapaksa game. Starting with Mahinda Sulanga, the Rajapaksa-led opposition carried out a systematic campaign to overwhelm Lankan democracy with a Sinhala-Buddhist tsunami. In the process, a religio-racial contract was crafted between the Rajapaksas and the majority community – Sinhala-Buddhist supremacy in return for Rajapaksa power. No more concessions or considerations for minorities; no more appeasing of India or the West. An army of political monks acted as the guarantors – and salesmen – of this bargain.

The gamble worked, with more than a little help from a group of Muslim fanatics who blew themselves and around 270 innocent people on 2019 Easter Sunday. The divisive journey that commenced in Medamulana reached its apogee in the landslide victory and Sinhala-Buddhist presidency of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

The Rajapaksas are not ideological. They are consummate users of an ideology. Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism is their sword and shield, their path to power, their rampart against opposition. It is their go-to solution when everything else fails.

The Rajapaksa fidelity to Sinhala-Buddhism is no different from Xi Jinping’s fidelity to socialism. But displays of piety and declamations on morality could be counted on to obfuscate the gaps. Sri Lanka will be a pure Sinhala-Buddhist Raj, led by a family of tough-guys unconcerned about the minorities and unafraid of the West. In that utopia, even the poorest Sinhala-Buddhist would have the satisfaction of knowing that they owned more political power than the richest Tamil, Muslim or Christian. Add a few economic crumbs, and Rajapaksa rule would be safe in Sinhala-Buddhist hands down to young Namal, and perhaps beyond.

Now that utopia lies in tatters. It is hard to feel superior to anyone, when one has to spend hours in a queue for milk powder for a child; or rush from outlet to outlet with an empty gas cylinder. As desperation reaches new highs in tandem with the Rajapaksa-made, pandemic-worsened economic crisis, the regime’s only way out is to displace Sinhala-Buddhist anger towards a suitable enemy.

“Islam has been, in Pakistan and also in other Muslim countries, a refuge for weak and scoundrel regimes and leaders in modern times,” Eqbal Ahmed warned. “Whenever they feel threatened and isolated – and are losing their grip, losing popularity and losing the consensus of the people – they bring out Islam from the closet and use it as a political weapon,” (Confronting Empire). This reading is a perfect fit for today’s Sri Lanka as the Rajapaksas try to cling to their receding popularity.

Soon new and direr threats to the very existence of Sinhala-Buddhists will be uncovered. Soon familiar foes in ever more terrifying guises will loom over the landscape. Rendered infantile by dread and panic, Sinhala-Buddhist voters would cleave to Appachchis Mahinda, Gotabaya, Basil, and Namal, even on empty pockets and emptier stomachs. 

The sudden unleashing of Monk Galagoda-Atte Gnanasara, spewing vitriol against Muslims and Catholics, presages that future.

Bats out of extremist hells

Sri Lanka witnessed two anti-Muslim riots in the last decade. Both were preceded by waves of anti-Muslim hysteria, the halal scare before Aluthgama and the wanda pethi madness before Digana. In the resulting atmospheres of fear and hate, accidental incidents could be used to detonate violence and were.   

In Aluthgama in 2014, it was a dispute involving a Buddhist monk and three Muslim youths. It would have come to nothing, had the BBS led by Monk Galagoda-Atte Gnanasara not descended on the town. “This country still has a Sinhala police, a Sinhala army. If after today a single Muslim or some other alien lays a hand on a single Sinhalese, let alone a robe, it will be the end of all these creatures,” the monk thundered at a hastily organised rally. An outbreak of violence followed, with rioters, often clad in the white garb of piety, attacking Muslim properties with total impunity.

Digana had similar origins. On February 20th, 2018, subsequent to a minor road accident, four three-wheeler passengers savagely attacked a lorry driver. The attackers were Muslim and the victim was Sinhalese. The attackers were remanded. The victim was hospitalised and died on March 3rd. There was grief at the wanton loss of a life, but no outburst of anger or targeting of Muslims until Monk Galagoda-Atte Gnanasara visited the funeral house on the evening of March 4th. Soon after he left, rioting began.

Irrationality is the rationality of the religious fanatic. The Easter Sunday Massacre could have happened even in the absence of Aluthgama and Digana, for the suicide bombers inhabited a mental landscape that had ceased to exist in real world centuries ago. But Aluthgama and Digana would have made the deadly work of Zahran Hashim easier. All he had to say to a potential recruit was, Look.

Now Monk Gnanasara is back, busy at his usual game of rabble-rousing. This time, he has been given a platform by state-owned Rupavahini. While Mahinda Rajapaksa was talking religious harmony in Bologna and Gotabaya Rajapaksa was preaching reconciliation in New York, in Colombo, Monk Gnanasara was laying the groundwork for another bout of religious violence on state television.

This week, Sri Lanka asked India for a loan of 500million dollars to buy fuel, one more indication of the precarious state of our economy. If rabble-rousing Rajapaksa proxies succeed in rousing the rabble, if there is another outburst of mob violence against this or that minority, it will be tantamount to a killer blow to an already ailing economy. There will be no investors, no buyers for prime property, even at bargain basement prices, and much fewer tourists. The economy will crunch, the rupee will collapse, and hunger and want will stalk the land, unconcerned about the ethnicity or religion of the victims.

The Rajapaksas are trying to superimpose a false racial/religious contradiction on really existing politico-economic ones in order to staunch the haemorrhaging of their Sinhala-Buddhist base. Another wave of anti-minority hysteria is necessary for the family’s political survival. But it will be deadly for Sri Lanka as a country and for all Lankans whatever their ethnicity or religion. What the Rajapaksas must do for their own survival will severely undermine the survival of Sri Lanka as a viable nation-state.

“Politics isn’t about the weird worship of one dude,” American senator Ben Sasse reminded his fellow Republicans in the wake of Trump election shenanigans (CNN – 15.2.2021). In the Rajapaksa universe, politics is nothing but the weird worship of one family. Uduwe Dhammaloka thero (who once claimed that one fine morning he found two two elephant calves dumped outside his temple gates) recently equated the destroying of the Rajapaksas with the destroying of Sri Lanka. In reality, the obverse is true. Sri Lanka can have a future only if a stake is driven through the false narrative at the heart of Rajapaksa ideology. Defeating the Rajapaksas is not enough; their raison d’être must be exposed and vanquished. Or, like Bram Stoker’s Count, they’ll be back for another round of bloodletting.

Rajapaksa Raj or Sri Lanka?

In 2011, the Rajapaksa regime came up with a plan to build a 1,435 acre sports village in Suriyawewa, by filling six tanks! This in a dry zone district, where water-loss would lead to the destruction of not just livelihoods but also lives. And the absolute majority of the victims of such a tank-closure would have been Sinhala-Buddhists and bedrock Rajapaksa supporters. The plan was so fraught with disaster and danger that even Chamal Rajapaksa was compelled to object. The plan came to nothing then, but its very consideration exposes the true anti-people nature of Rajapaksa politics.

A recent incident illustrates the full tragedy and perfidy of Rajapaksa rule. A video circulating on the internet depicts an attempt by a group of officials, politicians and policemen to browbeat a woman into giving her land for a jogging track in Baddegama. The official repeatedly demands that the woman writes away her land to the state. She is promised nothing in return, perhaps some compensation, certainly not the full value. The woman – obviously a Sinhalese – refuses. This is her only property she says; she has no place else to go, no livelihood. She had previously given a part of her land to a road project and is yet to receive even a cent in compensation. She is willing to give the rest of the land for a jogging track but she demands justice, either proper compensation, or another piece of land. She says she wrote to everyone from president downwards pleading her case, to no avail. (News 19 Alerts – ඇවිදින මංතීරුවක් හදන්න ඉඩම් ගන්න හැටි | Facebook).

In 2011, the Rajapaksa regime came up with The Sacred Areas Act. If enacted it would have empowered Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs to acquire any land or building by the simple expedient of issuing a gazette and affixing a label – a Protection Area, a Conservation Area, an Architectural or Historic Area or a Sacred Area. The Act was already on the parliamentary order paper when the Supreme Court, in response to a lawsuit by the CPA, ruled that it needs the approval of all provincial councils since land is a devolved subject under the 13th Amendment. The Eastern and North-Central provinces refused to consent, forcing the government to withdraw the Act. (This ruling led to the subsequent illegal impeachment of CJ Shirani Bandaranayake).

Had the Sacred Areas Act become the law, that woman in Baddegama, and millions like her, would have lost their meagre properties sans any compensation. That is the Rajapaksa reality behind all the flag-waving and sloganeering.

As poverty, unemployment, and injustice increases, more and more Sinhala-Buddhists (including many of the 6.9 million voters) would find themselves at the receiving end of Rajapaksa madness. Turning minorities into bogies is the only way the Rajapaksas would be able to deal with their resulting unpopularity. The danger of a such a strategy working should not be underestimated. The only way out is to consistently expose the true nature of the Rajapaksa project, to make Sinhala-Buddhists understand how majoritarian supremacism had undermined – and will continue to undermine – their own safety and wellbeing.

Sri Lanka’s future cannot be secured unless the military is sent back to the barracks and religion (every religion and their officiating priests) is taken out of politics. If that is not done, militarisation and political religions will continue to poison even a post-Rajapaksa future, with their immoderation, intolerance of dissent and propensity for violent solutions.

The military, for instance, can place itself at the head of a future anti-Rajapaksa movement to secure its own political and financial interests. The very same political monks who helped the Rajapaksas hoodwink almost seven million Lankans, who abused the image and teachings of the Buddha to appease Rajapaksa power hunger, are now trying to find ways to survive and thrive in a post-Rajapaksa Sri Lanka. If their efforts succeed, the only appreciable difference between that future and this present might be the absence of the Rajapaksas. 

Consigning not just the Rajapaksas but also their ideology to the ash heap of history requires a policy of zero-tolerance policy towards extremism of every sort. The creed of the extremist is immaterial. There are no good extremisms, just as there are no good racists.

Similarly the struggle against discrimination must not be discriminatory. The aim should be a Sri Lanka where all citizens enjoy the same basic rights. Muslim men, for instance, cannot credibly complain about unequal treatment at the hands of the Sinhalese (who justify their discrimination on the basis of Sinhala-Buddhism), even as they demand the perpetuation of unequal treatment of their own women in the name of Islam.

The habit of allowing extremists to shape the national agenda and set the national course must end if Sri Lanka’s future is to be better than her past. Dethroning the Rajapaksas is a necessary condition for that, and just the beginning.

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  • 32

    “Starting with Mahinda Sulanga, the Rajapaksa-led opposition carried out a systematic campaign to overwhelm Lankan democracy with a Sinhala-Buddhist tsunami.”-

    The man who read out MR’s message at Mahinda Sulanga, Dayan, is now a chief advisor to Sajith and hopes to become Foreign Minister under him. He is also against abolishing the Executive Presidency. He also thinks it is unnecessary to go back to 19A and is for some revision of 20A only.

    • 3

      Dayan is pro-JVP same as Red Elephant, Anura Dissanayake. Very soon Dayan also falling to Dr. Vickramabahu Karunarathana’s category. Maybe very soon he will run to Switzerland the same as Dr. Wickramarathna did.

    • 14

      Buddhist terrorism is further destroying Sorry Lanka.

      Unless and until Buddhist terrorism is contained this island has no future.

      Sorry Lanka’s episodes of violence are all tied to Buddhist terrorism. Without exception.

      (This does not mean minority terrorisms are any better.)

      1. The 1883 event exposed Buddhist terrorism for the first time against Christians in Kotahena. The riot was sparked by Buddhist extremist monks and their Panadurawadaya nonsense

      2. Then came the Buddhist extremist Dharmapala. His extremist views led to the 1915 riot against Muslims. Lankans rejected him and he left for Hindustan.

      3. In 1931 everyone above the age of 21 could vote which was a big win for Buddhist extremist who slaved for 426 years under Europeans resulting in the 1939 anti-Tamil riot in Nawalapitiya.

      4. Buddhist terrorists kept silent until 1956 and they had a big win. Violence followed immediately in 1956 and 1958. So funny when a Buddhist monk shot dead the PM! The world came to know about island Buddhism.

      5. In 1970 Buddhist extremists won again. 1971 insurrection killed scores. They also set alight the north.

      6. In 1977 Buddhist extremists were beaten but by 1981 JR resurrected them with the Buddhist slogan “a righteous society”. Jaffna library was set alight by Buddhists and rioted against Tamils in 1983.

      • 7

        “Buddhist terrorism is further destroying Sorry Lanka.”
        Buddhists in Sinhale have never resorted to terrorism as the way Hindus, Catholics and Muslims have done. There have been few instances when Sinhala Buddhists had no choice other than to react when they were attacked. None of the incidences that you have mentioned were started by Buddhists. Either Muslims, Hindus or Catholics were behind them. You are making a deliberate attempt to twist the truth to blame Buddhists. This is a game that non-Buddhists have been playing from the time Sinhalayo gained Independence from British.

        • 11


          But the common denominator is Buddhists. Isn’t it?

          Let me list down some more facts for you. Can you dispute any of these?

          1. Biggest killers of Buddhists in SL are Buddhists. In 1971 and 1989 over 80,000 Buddhists were killed by Buddhists.

          2. Biggest killers of Hindus in SL are Buddhists from 1983 to 2009 and continues.

          3. Biggest killers of Muslims in SL are Buddhists in 1915, 2013. 2014, 2018, 2019 and continues.

          4. Biggest killers of Christians in SL are Buddhists in 1883, 1956, 1958, 1977, 1983, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2019 (Easter Sunday attackers were paid by Gotabaya and Mahinda – evidence from the Easter Sunday Report).

          5. Biggest killers in riots are Buddhists (1958, 1977, 1983).

          6. According to UNHRC resolutions in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2020 the biggest human rights violators are Buddhists (almost 95% of the military is Buddhist).

          7. Those who set fire to the worst knowledge repository tragedy of SL were Buddhists in 1981.

          8. All (except one) alleged war criminals in the UNGS’s expert panel report are Buddhists.

          You have no case EE. It is jealousy, poverty, hatred, resentment and pettymindedness that is at the heart of this. Get over it.

          • 6


            Sorry. I forgot.

            9. Biggest killers of journalists are Buddhists (almost 95% of the military is Buddhist).

            10. Abduction and killing of Pragethe Eknaligoda is a special case. He was taken out for revealing that the SL army used chemical weapons on Tamils to force them out of the “no fire zone” (almost 95% of the military is Buddhist).

            10 absolutely horrible crimes against humanity in just 73 years!

            EE you really do not have a case. Try to be a human before a Buddhist. Then you will see the trail of disaster you have left behind. Otherwise you will never see humanity.

            • 2

              “Buddhist terrorists…”
              “Biggest killers…”
              You started with the explosive term ‘Buddhist terrorists’. After I countered that and showed that it was Hindus, Catholics and Muslims who resorted to terrorism in Sri Lanka, you have toned down ‘Terrorists’ to ‘Killers’.

              You are not the first person to twist the truth and put the blame on Sinhala Buddhists to cover up the heinous crimes committed by Hindu and Catholic Tamils and Tamils and Arabs who follow Islam in Sri Lanka against Native Sinhala Buddhists and you will not be the last. This has been happening since the time Sinhalayo gained Independence from British rule.
              Sinhala Buddhists know the people who are behind this anti-Sinhala Buddhist campaign aimed at portraying Sinhala Buddhists as violent people who marginalize and oppress minorities in Sri Lanka to mislead the International Community to get their sympathy.
              I am sure you will keep on repeating this rubbish. $$$$s

              • 3


                No. I wrote that before your reply. The main act of terrorists is killing. That’s why I used the word killers to emphasize their act of terrorism.

                If the acts of the list were not perpetrated by terrorists, then there are no terrorists anywhere on earth.

                Sri Lanka and Burma have many Buddhist terrorists.

              • 2


                No. There aren’t any $$$$$$s.

                It is your philosophy following people who wears funny costumes to get dollars.

                e.g. Gota wearing Arabic attire, Udaya’s wife wearing the burqa in UAE!

                Just to get some $$$$$s.

    • 12

      The genius of SWRD …… found something in our people that he could tap into.

      SLFP side of politics has been milking it ever since.

      It’s not simply racism, bigotry, ……. but some form of pet peeve, a grudge against a certain section of society they see as successful ……… it’s a form of insecurity than anything else …….

      That’s why, whenever they get a chance, they try to join that segment of society ……… observe where Mahinda, Gota, Basil, Sirisena, Weerawans, …….. sent their kids to.

      If they hate that segment of society and are fighting against ……. why join them?

      Something wrong somewhere.

      Are Namal and the rest of the Rajapakse children Sinhala-Buddhists or STC trained Christian Anglophiles? Gota’s? Basil’s? Siriseana’s? Weerawansa’s? ………… the rest of the pols?………… the rest of the Sinhala-Buddhists?

      At the end of this “Sinhala Buddhists” shindig ……… no real Sinhala-Buddhist will be left.

      Can a real-job-doing, real Sinhala-Buddhist from the Sinhala-Buddhist heartland (not from Christian America, UK, Canada, OZ, NZ, …… ) stand up? ……… Native, nimal you can sit.

      • 3

        Part 1 of 2

        HI Nimal,

        “The genius of SWRD …… found something in our people that he could tap into.
        SLFP side of politics has been milking it ever since.”

        Very true and still continues as if, the powers that be, could fool all the people all the time”

        That explains,
        1. Call out TNA and others for meeting to discuss issues in July 20, in Colombo (CMB).
        2. Search of Dollars for FDI to bump up foreign reserves to meet crisis
        3. SB sect voices opposition wanting explanation for ‘U’ turn, election pledge!
        4. Not safe and secure to discuss in Colombo as it angers the religious – you know who?
        5. Dismiss the scheduled meeting again in Colombo, without a valid reason!
        6. Go back 6 months before circa March 2021 and ban/proscribe GTF and their leaders.
        7. Circa September 2021, US $ crisis worsens and governor CBSL thrown out/Replaced.
        8. Travel all the way to NY (15,000 miles away from CMB) to announce invitation again.
        9. Then under the guise of attending UNGA meeting, invite proscribed Tamil Diaspora’
        10. No invitation to TNA or renewal of July invite; Duplicity! Or what else?

        • 3

          Part 2 of 2

          This 1 to 6 is the repeat of the scenario of 1956 to 1959, with the assassination of SWRDB.

          Also similar to 1965 to 1966,“Dudleyge Bade Masala Vade” which ended the progress then.

          It is total deception and nothing but it.

          They think they could fool, the same way they fooled the SB’s!!

  • 35

    As the writer passionately argues, the Sinhala-Buddhists should kick out the crooked, pseudo-nationalist Rajapaksas from power if Sri Lanka is to remain a viable nation-state. They must reconsider their ‘majoritarianism’ if they want a peaceful and prosperous country. Accommodating the Tamil and Muslim communities as integral to the political process and treating all citizens as having the same basic rights is a prerequisite for any solution to the current disaster in the country.

    • 13


      Buddhist terrorism is the root cause, Bandaranaikes and Rajapaksas are just symptoms.

    • 5

      Ajay Sundara Devan,
      “Accommodating the Tamil and Muslim communities as integral to the political process…”
      Haven’t Native Sinhalayo accommodated Tamils and Muslims to the political process by allowing them to form political parties showing even their ethnic and religious identities. Some Tamil political parties have been allowed to use ‘Eelam’ the separatist name in the name of political parties. In all the Governments since Independence, there were Tamil and Muslims, some even held Ministerial posts.
      From 2015 to 2019, TNA was the opposition (just for the name sake) and R.Sambanthan was the Leader of the Opposition. For being the Leader of the Opposition in fake opposition, ‘Yahapalana’ Government gave him a luxury house in Colombo 7.
      What else you expect from Native Sinhalayo to do to accommodate Tamils and Muslims to the political process?

      • 9


        Stop killing minorities for political gain.

        Enough is enough.

        First Buddhists killed Christians (1883), then Muslims (1915) and then Tamils (1939).

        Then the cycle reversed after independence.

        First Buddhists killed Tamils (1956, 1959, 1977, 1983 onwards), then Muslims (2013,2014,2018) and then Christians (2019).

        • 2

          “Stop killing minorities for political gain.”
          Sinhalayo did not kill minorities for political gain. Your desperate attempt to put the blame on majority Sinhala Buddhists for the despicable crimes committed by Tamils and Muslims will not succeed. You can not fool the International Community all the time. Tamils and Muslims resorted to terrorism for political gain. Native Sinhalayo have been the victims of their terrorism.

          • 5


            “You can not fool the International Community all the time.”

            Now you are talking sense. Yes you cannot fool the international community. You can only fool the locals.

            The rest is nonsense as usual. I have given a list of Buddhist acts of terrorism. Read it.

          • 4

            Eagle Eye,

            Is Sarath Weerasekara not sinhalaya ?
            recent riots on Muslims were masterminded by SW according to POLONANRUWE donkey, if anyone would love to listen it from DONKEY s cesspit, i can provide you with a link later.

            Is MR not sinhalaya ?
            our great journalists like LASANTHA W and several other went missing being closely in touch with Medamulana Depitakattu musalaya… the blood sucker of the nation… remember ? and this man has done lot more harm to the nation than any other terror leaders all together… please come back to us after a factcheck.

            Is GR not sinhalaya ?
            Almost everyone knows that GR is a poisonous man who would have been only good to be a hang man if gallows were rebrought… right ? however stupid dominated srilanka thought that he would make wonders …. now the outcome is before you…. and this man is a killer by birth… alone the number of 13000 covid deaths should not be there if the bugger is otherway around.

      • 10

        Eagle Blind Eye

        “For being the Leader of the Opposition in fake opposition, ‘Yahapalana’ Government gave him a luxury house in Colombo 7.”

        Could we have the address of this house.
        In the past 73 years can you confirm no other opposition leader did have the privilege of being provided with state paid/owned accommodation?

    • 5

      Ajay Sundara Devan,
      “…and treating all citizens as having the same basic rights is a prerequisite for any solution to the current disaster in the country.”
      I do not think you will write these nonsense if you have a proper knowledge about the situation in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has given same basic rights to all the citizens including those who obtained citizenship by Registration.
      Can you please tell:
      • What is it that the Sinhalayo are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala?
      • What is it that the minorities do not enjoy because they are the minority which the majority enjoys because they are the majority?
      • What is legally, constitutionally and legislatively given to the majority that is not given to the minorities?
      • What is it that the Sinhala Buddhists are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala Buddhists?

      • 10

        One comes to my mind at this stage and current.
        Land grab to house the oversized 300,000 + military and to make sure they are kept busy to grow agricultural products (prevent their fertile minds from straying in to thoughts of power hungriness and weariness!) in those lands in the North and East of SL supplanting those whom they displaced even after 12 years of the end of the LTTE menace.
        It is a discrimination as it does not appear to be happening in any other part of this resplendent Isle! (Only other Place equivalent is in Hambantota, leased/given to Ji Ping’s China Harbour probably Chinese military disguised as port builders/workers!!)
        The poor Kurrakkan growers!!!
        Is it not?

      • 4

        Eagle Eye
        Good answer.

        • 3

          Eagle Eye
          A good answer. I have been asking the same questions since 2015.

          • 2

            Chiampa, no answer. She is silent.

        • 6

          Eagle, Champa,
          “What is it that the Sinhala Buddhists are enjoying that the other communities are not enjoying because they are not Sinhala Buddhists?”
          An incomplete list:
          1. The SB’s can rape 15 year old girls and get away. Their names won’t appear in the paper, even if they are Buddhist monks.
          2. If a girl gets raped in a minority MP’s house while he is in jail, he can be charged for it.
          3. Gandasara hamuduruwo can say Allah planned the Easter bombs, and nothing happens, but a woman with a tattoo of the Buddha is locked up.
          If you want, I can supply more.

        • 2

          I really dont know how SINHALA MAN agrees with Champa here??????????????????
          …. while our Champa says ” Eagle eye good answer”:

          Sinhala Man, could you kindly explain why you commended CHAMPA here ?

  • 34

    Dear Ms Gunasekara, thanks very much again your article. I usuallly read yours to the end though I dont do it with those of others because I do beleive, you the kind of writers make genuine efforts to open the eyes of the masses in a country which is brutally misled by a family born to Medamulana.

    Racism is found in the blood of Mahinda Rajapakshe and the siblings in 2015 at the time, he was hung by balls on the windows of his ancestral house.
    Racism is also found in the blood of the siblings also in 2019. All these were known to the people, nevertheless people were blind and paved the way them to return and loot.

    Needless to mention here how racial the Germans were then.
    Today, former black Germany, says good bye to Dr Angela Merkel who is still named after ” MUTTI DER NATION – the mother of nation”, taught lesions to entire world becoming that human. Syrians entered the country as refugees ” calling Dr Merkel is our mother” made head lines everywhere showing the great humanity.
    Great personalities like Dr Merkel close the eyes one day peacefully but can mlechcha Rajapkshes who also ruled over decades can ever reach that levels ?
    To me, TODAY s SRILANKA ruined/being ruined by MULTIPAKSHE rule is thousand time racials than today’s Germany.

  • 31

    What a wonderful article and so true. Thankyou Tisaranee. Always so brilliant

  • 29

    Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara – let this be a wake up call for all Sri Lankans.

    I just highlight what rocked my heart and mind.

    “Sri Lanka’s future cannot be secured unless the military is sent back to the barracks and religion (every religion and their officiating priests) is taken out of politics. If that is not done, militarisation and political religions will continue to poison even a post-Rajapaksa future, with their immoderation, intolerance of dissent and propensity for violent solutions.”
    “The creed of the extremist is immaterial. There are no good extremisms, just as there are no good racists.”
    Please please get this through to all Sri Lankans. CT please get the article translated into Sinhala and Tamil and published in the main newspapers and posted on all electronic and social media outlets and platforms.

    • 4

      “CT please get the article translated into Sinhala and Tamil and published in the main newspapers and posted on all electronic and social media outlets and platforms.”

      There is no point in wasting time to translate this article to Tamil because they do not like Rajapakshes who gave them a humiliating defeat.

      Except few Sinhala ‘Toiyas’, Sinhala Buddhists will not buy this crap from ‘Toiya’ journos.

      • 3


        Biggest sufferers of Rajapaksa racism today are Buddhists. If this is translated into Sinhala it will spread like hot “kavum” (remember?). Please translate into Sinhala too. And Tamil.

        All Sri Lankans must read this.

  • 37

    TG. is one among very few to admit 7 million or so racist elected Rajapaksas, to see the minorities suffer. In return they are rewarded with sickness, death , poverty, hunger, food scarcity, debts, inflation, sale of assets to foreign powers, unemployment, poor credit rating —- Fully deserve it.

    • 8

      Minorities also suffer everything.

      • 2

        Gatam, there is a saying in North and East ” SEEN IT ALL AND DONE (EXPERIENCED) IT ALL”. Hope you understand.

      • 2

        Minorities should finally understand they have been abused by political crooks like Mahinda for sucha long time.
        Look how that man representing PLANTATION TAMILS (the man with a dot on his forehead… his name is forgotten) reacts in the parliament today
        And ALI SABRY is made silent these days… is he the minister of justice to current cabinet or his roles are to that of a toilet paper, cleaning over flowing asuchi pits of these men in medamulan ?
        There were people that dreamt of ” justice” with the appointment of ALIS SABRY… but today, his role has become similar to that of VASIDEWA (powerless), leaving the thoughtst that WIJEDASA aka DEALDASA was better.

  • 29

    Sinhalese Buddhists are no longer with the Rajapaksas.
    Mahinda Rajapaksa’s stunning betrayal to our motherland is the hardest part to digest. He is selling state lands, national resources and local industries to foreign companies which is a shocking reversal of his ardent promise to protect the same. Anyway, we must thank Gotabhaya for helping us to see the true colours of the Rajapaksas. We cannot expect honesty, loyalty and integrity from someone who contested the election by producing forged documents prepared by a crooked lawyer.
    Those who were surprised by the Yahapalanaya government’s Central Bank bond scam are now stunned by the Rajapaksa government’s series of massive scams; turmeric scam, sugar scam, coconut scam, rice scam, coconut oil scam, palm oil scam, fertilizer scam, gas scam, fuel scam, vehicle scam, Dhammika peniya scam, pcr scam, hotel quarantine scam, experimental vaccine scam, prisoner scam, milk powder scam, paddy scam, elephant scam, garlic scam and many more to come. What is funny is, before every scam involving essential commodities, the Rajapaksas create an artificial shortage to panic consumers.
    I think, in Sri Lanka, Sinhalese people are more worried about Rajapaksa-sponsored destruction of ancient irrigation systems, ruination of ecosystems, biodiversity losses, massive deforestation and colonization of state lands & national resources than the Coronavirus.

    • 10

      Buddhist terrorists are still with Rajapaksas to turn Lanka into the next Thailand.

      They have no one else to turn to for now.

    • 14


      ” Sinhalese people are more worried about Rajapaksa-sponsored destruction of ancient irrigation systems, ruination of ecosystems, biodiversity losses, massive deforestation and colonization of state lands & national resources than the Coronavirus.”

      Aren’t the Sinhalese people worried about the destruction of state, people, their life, judiciary, murderous armed forces and police, a bureaucracy that is filled with lazy bunch of cronies, a judiciary without sense of justice, ………….. favouritism, corruption, saffron clad thugs, backwardness in education, science and technology, idling workforce, …………. run and controlled by Kleptocrats, …………

      Seriously have the Sinhala/Buddhists been in deep, deep,…. slumber for the past 75 years?
      Lets forget the Sinhala/Buddhist for a minute, what about you? Didn’t you know all the above have been happening under Rajapaksa clan rule previously yet you had loads of praise for the clan?

      Are you dumb, thick or something?

      • 4

        Native Vedda
        I didn’t support Gotabhaya. In fact, I warned this is what would happen if he was elected.
        Mahinda betrayed the masses by bringing Gotabhaya and Basil into power.

        • 4

          That is true; Champa stated all that in the run up to the Presidential Elections. It is up to any reader who doubts that to look in the archives of CT. Whatever Champa states is always couched in straightforward, unambiguous English here, and in Sinhala, in the requisite section.:
          Although I have always maintained that Champa is good and sincere, unfortunately, when discussing anything to do with the history of this country, the origins of the Sinhala people or of the earliest Buddhists, she sets the bar for irrationality very high.
          Rest assured, Champa, when we finally are rid of these murderous family, I shall state, clearly that you are sincere and kindly towards all humans who come face to face with you. However, the way things are going, I may starve to death before. .
          Even worse, all citizens will be mired in irrevocable poverty.

          • 1

            Dear SM,

            “Although I have always maintained that Champa is good and sincere, unfortunately, when discussing anything to do with the history of this country, the origins of the Sinhala people or of the earliest Buddhists, she sets the bar for irrationality very high”

            This is seen as one of the common syndrome in sinhala seniors.
            They dont want to focus on FACTs-check. Champa is special.
            S/he behaves as if her FIVE senses are partly inhibited whenever talking high about our ” DOGGY race”. You and other few may the rare mutations (positive mutants).

            • 0

              No doubt that Champa s comments are not based on “hearsays” and hint us that s/he reads a lot. Sometimes more about BALANGODA man or Wimal WEERAWANSE or the like thatn any alarming issues of the hour.
              My question is as to why Champa does NOT seem to use her/his precious time to educate the very people that are permanently caught by RAJAPKSHE-Mantra for such a long time ? Should not people remain that stupid for ever ? Now entire srilanka is upset about the missing announcement of MAHARAJA s Rocket’s chichi’ pet cat.

    • 6

      This is only the start.
      Only just 2 years into the term, hard to ramp up speed in that period.
      The stars will be seen in the 3rd and 4th year of term before soothing balm is applied in the 5th year to condition voters to vote them in again!
      For the next Threats, Massage and cohesion to submission for the second term.

  • 27

    I fully agree with the author about Rajapaksa family and their rule. However, None of the other political leaders who governed this country cannot escape from the responsibility to save the country from this disaster in all components of governance. Even the people have failed in their responsibility. Now people should realise what is right and what went wrong with them. So far politicians and political leaders decided how should the people live, what rights people have on the governance. Now people have to change other way round to that what powers should the leaders have and what standards should they follow in the governance. Can they do it?

    • 4

      “Now people have to change other way round to that what powers should the leaders have and what standards should they follow in the governance. Can they do it?”
      Pipe Dream after 1/4 Gal Arrack and Chicken Biriyani!
      There is no compulsion to revolt at this stage. The pain is insufficient and the hurt to their pride overwhelms that possibility!!
      When the right time evolves, do not know who will hold the political and Purse strings!!! R Bros Inc?
      Nobody could venture an answer at this stage. It’s too fluid.

  • 8

    “Dethroning the Rajapaksas is a necessary condition for that,…”

    Didn’t 6,217,162 voters do that in 2015 assuming that it will cure all the ills brought to this country by Rajapakshes? That experience was like our old saying ‘iguru deela miris gattha wage’ (give ginger and take chili). ‘Yahapalana’ Government brought all the disasters one could imagine to this country. The worst was Easter Sunday terrorist attack by Muslim extremists. Our ‘Ranaviruwo’ made enormous sacrifices to eliminate Tamil terrorists to bring peace to the minds of the people in the country which was denied by Tamil terrorists for three decades. But those two guys ruined that achievement allowing Muslim terrorists to carry out terrorist attacks while they had prior warnings. All the guys in SJB who were in ‘Yahapalana’ Government also should take the responsibility for that disaster.

    • 11


      You are silent about Buddhist terrorists. Why? Be fair and reasonable. Is it too much to ask?

      Here is a short list of Buddhist terrorism in Lanka.

      Sorry Lanka’s episodes of violence are all tied to Buddhist terrorism. Without exception.

      (This does not mean minority terrorisms are any better.)

      1. The 1883 event exposed Buddhist terrorism for the first time against Christians in Kotahena. The riot was sparked by Buddhist extremist monks and their Panadurawadaya nonsense

      2. Then came the Buddhist extremist Dharmapala. His extremist views led to the 1915 riot against Muslims. Lankans rejected him and he left for Hindustan.

      3. In 1931 everyone above the age of 21 could vote which was a big win for Buddhist extremist who slaved for 426 years under Europeans resulting in the 1939 anti-Tamil riot in Nawalapitiya.

      4. Buddhist terrorists kept silent until 1956 and they had a big win. Violence followed immediately in 1956 and 1958. So funny when a Buddhist monk shot dead the PM! The world came to know about island Buddhism.

      5. In 1970 Buddhist extremists won again. 1971 insurrection killed scores. They also set alight the north.

      6. In 1977 Buddhist extremists were beaten but by 1981 JR resurrected them with the Buddhist slogan “a righteous society”. Jaffna library was set alight by Buddhists and rioted against Tamils in 1983.

      • 4

        Sinhalese Buddhists have nothing to do with any of the riots listed in your comment as they were all orchestrated by politicians using paid mobs.

        • 1


          Oh yes they have everything to do with it. Even if they were paid they were still Buddhists and who paid them? Buddhist PMs and presidents. Isn’t it! Why couldn’t they pay Christians, Hindus and Muslims to do their acts of terrorism? Why only Buddhists did these crimes for payment? What else do they do for a payment?

        • 1


          why you say that sinhala buddhists (BUDDHGAMA believers) have nothing to do with the riots inflicted on minorities ?

          Yet today, that BBS head /Ghanasara makes every effort to set fire to the country, making public statements on ” another racial wave”. How come only BP to get the information while country s intelligent services dont issue such warnings ? There are enough evidence to prove that BBS head is a broker to MR-GR et al…. and Athana Methana Natana rathana is no different to a street woman…… all these snakes ruin this country, abusing the place given to them in the society.
          Enough is engou …


      • 7

        Our beloved human being, Eagle eye is silent not only on “buddhagama terror ” but also all what his eyes got to see today. That is pathological and the kind of conditioned mindset would be the vehicle “mlechcha ” politics be established while marginalizing all sound politicians.
        Today the society is reached to a ” garbage dump” with people turned out to be indifferent in many ways..
        They are made eternal fools by irresponsible media coverage s often about serious issues. .
        Needless to say how symbiosis of media and crook politicians misled very people through Kaliamma syrup concocted by an uneducated mason whose mind set is similar to that of Mahinda Rajapakshe in many ways..
        cow dung or any excrement s can easily be introduced and marketed in today s culture prevailing in the country. .
        Mlechcha media are stronger to the same degree as drugs and spread huge lies misleading masses almost everyday.

    • 5


      Dethroning those criminals is not sufficient but it is a good start.

      Dethroning and De-Buddhisifying Sri Lanka is needed to turn it into a humane and compassionate nation.

      Apartheid Article 9 of the Constitution is the curse of Sri Lanka. That must be removed.

  • 24

    Thank you Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara . Yet, another excellent piece !

  • 24

    The Sinhala politicians, especially Rajapakses in the recent past come to power only be pedling RACISM. Once they come to power, they pretend that they are saints and want to promote “Samagiya”, but that is only until the next election comes around. Closer to the election Wanda Koththu, Wanda Panty, Wanda Beheth etc will start to raise their heads. This is the history of most Sinhala leaders who have come to power in Sri Lanka.

    • 3

      And Buddhist voters too.

      Those racist politicians didn’t win with votes from aliens. Someone voted for them.

      (TNA, TULF, SLMC, ACMC are not different either.)

      One striking example is the 1981 burning of the Jaffna library just months before crucial elections. The UNP regime was so unpopular with very high cost of living, violence, no social security, etc. but they became darlings of Buddhists overnight after the Jaffna library was burnt. If you read what Buddhists wrote in media leading up to the event you will realize that it was not spontaneous action. Influential Buddhist writers argued that Jaffna library contained things that challenged Buddhist history of SL.

      Rajapaksas are just the tip of the racist iceberg.

  • 8

    “Sri Lanka will be a pure Sinhala-Buddhist Raj, led by a family of tough-guys unconcerned about the minorities…”
    Are minorities concerned about majority Sinhala-Buddhists? If they are concerned about Sinhala Buddhists, they should not have behaved the way they have done during the time Sinhale was ruled by British as well as since Sinhalayo gained Independence.

    • 5

      Simple deduction.
      So replace the British with the Chinese?! Another Buddhist Country and not despicable Western but Oriental! Fantastic!!
      That dream is not too far to become a reality, gauging by the turn of events up to now.
      That will become a realistic event when all others become non-event partners in SWAPS Bailouts and Loans to Sri Lanka, leaving China in the “Ring”, Solo Player!!!
      Well, that seems not too far now

    • 5


      Gained Independence?


      Two American families run Sri Lanka and you say independent?
      Just don’t talk Bulddhist!
      Come on EE. You can do better than that.

    • 0

      of course they have to be.. because so called sinhala buddhists are no different to RWANDIANS or other racists that kill or do any harm on minorities.
      If the garden is filled with poisonous snakes, dont yo uthink that they have to stay anxious forever ? the situation in srilanka is thousand times worst than eastern parts in today s germany where AFD voters are dominating. I dont even travel to that areas because xenophobia is governing in that part of united germany yet today.

  • 8

    “The Rajapaksas are not ideological. They are consummate users of an ideology. Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism is their sword and shield, their path to power,…”
    Rajapakshes use Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism to come to power and Tamil politicians use anti-Sinhala racism to come to power.

    • 12

      Eagle Dump Eye

      “Rajapakshes use Sinhala-Buddhist supremacism to come to power and Tamil politicians use anti-Sinhala racism to come to power.”

      Please please please
      list what sort of power they enjoy after using anti-Sinhala racism?
      Do they run any of the ministries, have control over treasury, could they send armed forces to war or stop them killing innocent people, prevent land grabbing, stop the police humiliating innocent people, stop Sinhala/Buddhist politicians looting the people and state, ………….. ?

    • 13


      Why so many desperate posts?

      It looks like the stake went through your heart instead of the Rajapakses!

      • 4

        nimal fernando,
        “Why so many desperate posts?”
        The number of comments that I write is none of your ef king business.

        • 2

          Looks like you’ve pricked our Vulture in his hemorrhoids.

        • 3

          Eagle Blind Eye

          “The number of comments that I write is none of your ef king business.”

          If it is not his business whose business is that?
          You will know it only when you pull your head from wherever it is now.

        • 3

          “The number of comments that I write is none of your ef king business.”

          Sure …….. but I worry for your health, No!

          If you fall dead ….. what would the forum be without you? :))

          How is the weather down there in the Sinhala-Buddhist heartland of Canada? It gets mighty cold down there …… stay warm, buddy; you might catch a cold!

          BTW ….. are you allergic to garlic? …….When they come with the stake they also bring garlic and the Christian cross ……… stay safe!

      • 2

        as we repeated earlier, EEs nature is similar to that of a deadly COVID variant. The kind of thoughts expecting us sinhalaya to be kept above is a mental disorder to our people. This is more dangerous than a deadly virus. The kind of men have nothing better to do than spread “their sinhala supremacy”. Actually, looking back, what we the sinhalayas have achived during last 7 decades is not even worth to discuss. That is what our idiots stay repeating on our so called ” 2500 sinhala heritage”.
        I got to know a man very similar to that of Eagle Eye, but in Galle.

        Said man was later found dead in a drain – unknown villagers had attacked him to death. By nature, this guy was born ultra racist against lower caste people in that area.
        This was 2- 3 decades ago if my memory is right. Sinhala chaunism, but the general knowledge is comparably very low about srilanka /world. However, the kind of men and women permamently believed in myths. He was then known as GAMMULANDANIYA to the area coming from a so called ” Arachchi family”:

    • 13

      Eagle ‘ding dong’ Eye, learn the English language first you stupid gamarala bugger before you come and write garbage here.

    • 11

      Eagle Eye

      Now that you have accepted that the Rajapakses came to power by Sinhala Buddhist supremist ideology, doesn’t it occur to you that, in this scenario, minority representation can be only by their own ethnic politicians?

      Tamils & other ethnic minorities born in SL are all Sri Lankan, therefore, has the right to live without fear & intimidation, as any citizen in a demcrascy, the difference being their faith & language, although, a majority of them speak Sinhala perfectly (in fact, there many Sinhalese who can’t speak Sinhala) So what’s your solution, ‘ethnic cleansing’ to keep SL ‘pure’ Sinhala Buddhist?

      Political opportunists can survive only if there are hypocrites & simple minded people who can be provoked with a distorted ‘nationalistic’ narrative but it is the country as a whole that suffers in the hands of self serving & corrupt yobs governing the country.

    • 1


      So you accept Rajapaksas use Buddhist racism and Buddhist terrorism to come to power?

      Good. I’m sure it goes with the Dhamma preached 2,500 years ago. That’s where the problem is.

  • 27

    The Rajapakse fidelty to Sinhala- Buddhism has run its course. It is now moving very fast towards total surrender to Xi- Jinping and China.
    In the process Srilanka has been pawned to China.
    The Sinhala Language evolved from the Malayalam script and developed as a separate distinct language spoken only in Srilanka. The Buddhist Theravada philosophy also had its beginnings in India.
    But the Rajapakse journey to preserve Sinhala Buddhism with money from China ………….?.

    • 5

      All depends on the outcome of the next 500 Million Dollars request from India.
      Awakening or Epic point in the episode.
      Keep your fingers well crossed!

    • 4

      “But the Rajapakse journey to preserve Sinhala Buddhism with money from China ………….?.”

      Rajapakshes did not go after Chines money to preserve Sinhala Buddhism but to eradicate Tamil terrorist barbarians who massacred Sinhala men, women, children and even fetus of Sinhala pregnant women for three decades.
      Native Sinhalayo are eternally grateful to Chinese for helping them to liberate their country from Dravidians.

      • 5

        Eagle Blind Eye

        There is no Native Sinhalayo nor any Native Tamils/Dravidian.
        Both Sinhalayos and Tamils are the descendants of Kallathonie South Indians. Don’t fool yourself.

      • 5

        Oh, please, not again.
        The Sinhala language did not ‘evolve’ from Malyalam or any other languages. Malyalam was found only in the 9th Century AD. And, Sinhala grammar is totally different from Malyalam grammar. For example; there are no gender nouns in Malyalam as in Sinhala. I can name so many such differences.
        Besides, over 80% of Malyalam words are Sanskrit (Sanskrutha in Sinhala), and all Sanskrit words are Sinhala. The world recognizes Sanskrit as the mother of all languages which means Sinhala is the world’s first spoken and written language.

        • 3

          What do you mean by “the Buddhist Theravada philosophy also had its beginnings in India”?
          If you are talking about Buddhaghosha Achariyaa who came to ancient Lanka to copy Sinhala Aththakathaa attached to Tripitaka, it is said that, after copying, he had burnt all Sinhala texts and written ‘his own version’ which is the basis of Mahayana.
          According to some books, Buddhaghosha Achariyaa has translated Sinhala Aththakathaa from Sinhala to Pali, which is incorrect as Pali is also Sinhala.
          I believe that Tripitaka was originally written in the Magadhi language.
          Then there is a question: what is Magadhi language?
          In my opinion, Magadhi is the “Sinhala Shorthand,” from which the original Tripitaka was recorded by our ancient Irshis as recited by Lord Buddha while residing in Isibasinaramaya (today’s Isin-bassa-gala).
          For some reason, the transcription of Magadhi has been called Pali.
          What we recite as Pali Gathas are actually Magadhi.
          Pali is also known as Prakurthi (Prakit) which is more apt as Prakurthi means original or the natural state (of the Magadhi language).
          Then there is another question: why don’t we see Magadhi language anymore? It is because, Magadhi was given different names, i.e. Brahmi script by James Princep and Pali by somebody.
          Magadhi, Pali, Prakit, Sanskrit all derived from the Sinhala language.

        • 2

          Sanskrit got into Sinhala post-1956. Yes, Sinhala is a world language. I hear it is understood in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Holland, South Africa, to name a few.

          • 2

            Machang old codger
            The world acknowledges that Rgveda (සෲග්වෙිද) is the first book in the world which was written by Rawana (the Third) in Sanskrit. What is the alphabet he used to write the world’s first book? Sinhala!!! No other language has the vowels, සෘ (ri, ru) and සෲ (ri:, ru:).
            Sanskrit is one of the three writing systems in the Sinhala language.

            • 0

              Where is the evidence that
              “The world acknowledges that Rgveda (සෲග්වෙිද) is the first book in the world which was written by Rawana (the Third) in Sanskrit” ?
              Give a link please. At least one.

              • 1


                I wonder if Champa would come back to you with an evidence.
                my dear OC, please take good care of you… w ith SOLON DORA is now open today all not asking any PCR negative test results, the next wave can be the case in the days to come. But i understand that our people are dollar-beggars today…. and they have to even hang on ” piduru gahe” looking at the grave situation.

                • 1

                  No, I don’t expect Champa to provide evidence, because there isn’t any.

                  • 0

                    old codger – on EVIDENCE
                    Please read Vedas including commentaries written by King Rawana (the Third or Sakvithi Rawana) in all four-Vedas.
                    Unlike other religions, the reason that Hinduism has NO teacher is because Hinduism was formed based on some of Rawana’s concepts mentioned in Vedas. However, Hindus have misinterpreted these concepts, that is why Hindus are vegetarians while their Gods are carnivorous!
                    The ancient agricultural civilization mentioned in Vedas was not in India, but in Lanka, which still exists.
                    Many scholars, including German national Michael Witzel, have studied Vedic Sanskrit and translated Vedas into several languages.
                    Although there are many errors in Witzel’s analysis including the date Vedas were written, he has correctly mentioned that Mohenjo-daro (and Harappa – the add-on is mine) was built by “Vismakarma”.
                    Vismakarma was our Sinhalese King Vaishrawana who was always busy flying in his house called ‘Vimana’.
                    Visma(karma) was spuriously mentioned by British writers as Vishnu!
                    Not only Mohenjo-daro, King Vaishrawana (Vismakarma) and his Sinhala Yakkha builders have built many cities around the world including Pyramids in Egypt.
                    (The famous Environmentalist, Agriculturalist and Astrologist, Mr. Tilak Kandegama has already revealed the secret builders of Pyramids.)
                    It should be noted that King Vaishrawana (Vismakarma) built cities, Vimanas (spaceships), stupas, loha prasadas and ancient irrigation tanks based on King Rawana’s architectural designs.

        • 3

          What a load of rubbish. Sinhalese is derived from Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit and not the other way around. Pali and Sanskrit are derived from Sinhalese. Sinhalese only became full evolved around 7-8 AD. As from Malayalam, the language that is now being called modern Malayalam is a highly Sanskrized form of Tamil or the western Chera Tamil dialect. It is around 70% Tamil and 30% Sanskrit. However simple spoken Malayalam is still more or less the original Chera Tamil dialect.

          • 3

            Siva Sankaran Sharma
            What a load of rubbish.
            Tamil is not even an Indian language. The original name of Tamil is Thamizh. I still couldn’t find out the language spoken by Arab Moors who invaded Malabar, who were later known as Malabaris. The Tamil alphabet was not found in any ancient inscriptions.
            How can Sinhala derive from Pali and Sanskrit when neither of them have an alphabet?
            Both Pali and Sanskrit have used the Sinhala alphabet which means Sinhala is the world’s first written and spoken language. We even had numerals in Sinhala.
            You are wrong again. Sinhala did not evolve around 7-8 AD. Colloquial Sinhala started with the arrival of white invaders as they couldn’t understand “high standard Sinhala”, which is Pali/Magadha. Portuguese writers have mentioned that Sinhalese women conversed in “high standard Sinhala” at the time of their arrival.

            • 2

              Stop posting rubbish and making a fool of yourself. You have a computer, please use it and google and read, instead of posting misinformation and lies from Sinhalese extremist sites. Arabs and Moors are two different people. There is no such thing called Arab Moors. Moors are Berbers from North Africa. Arabs never invaded the Malabar coast but came as traders and some of them intermarried into the then local Tamil Chera women and their descendants are the original Mappila Muslims of Kerala. Mapilla meaning son il law in Tamil. from Mappliai. However, the vast majority of the Muslims in Kerala, just like in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka, are Dravidian Tamil converts to Islam. The only Muslim invasion that took place in Kerala was during the rule of Tippu Sultan. He invaded and captured northern Kerala and forcibly converted many Hindus there to Islam. This is why North Kerala now is an Islamic stronghold.

              • 2

                Pali and Sanskrit used the Sinhalese alphabet! Don’t make me laugh. The Sinhalese alphabet is derived from the Tamil alphabet. Before the 10Th century, the Tamil alphabet was rounded just like Kannada and Telugu. Who stated Sinhalese started to evolve around 7-8AD? I posted by the 7-8AD Sinhalese was a fully evolved language. It gradually started to evolve when Buddhism arrived and the converted Dravidian Yakka and other Indian immigrants started to mix their local Tamil dialect with Prakrit and Pali. Sanskrit only started to come into Sinhalese on a large scale from the late 19TH century or early 20Th century onwards. This was a deliberate move. Other Dravidian languages also deliberately started to Sanskritize their vocabulary around the same time, just to prove a point that their languages were not derived from old or middle Tamil.

    • 7


      “It is now moving very fast towards total surrender to Xi- Jinping and China.”

      Actually Sinhalese are being converted into Xi-nhalese, and they are proud about it forget Buddism, way of life, ……. In the past 75 years or since the advent of Anagarika Sinhala/Buddhists have been conditioned to agree to any position physically as they elect their leaders, party, …. and continue to please every foreigner who individually or collectively grope them, in fact they proud about it.

    • 9

      Malayalam only started to evolve from middle Tamil from aorund the 12th century, and evolved fully and came in to its own only a few centuries ago. However what is now called modern Malayalam, was still a minority language that was confined to the immigrant North Indian origin Namboothiri Brahmins and to some of their half caste Nair descendants, The vast majority of Kerala’s population including the powerful Syrio Malabar Christian Church were still speaking and using their local form of Tamil that was called Malayalama or Malabar Tamil or Malayalam written in the Tamil Vatteluthu script. What is now being passed of as Malayalam was then called Grantham or Grantha Bhasha , a highly Sanskritized form of Tamil, that was written in the Tulu based Tilgari script( now called Malayalam script) . Until the 1820s 85% of Kerala still spoke and used Malyalama( Malayalam the western Tamil dialect) or Malabar Tamil and only 15% spoke and used Grantham.

      • 7

        Howsever this 15% were very powerful and the allies of the British India company and the 85% native Dravidian Tamil speaking , population were rebelling against them. At the insistance of their Namboothiri and Nair allies the British in 1820 banned the use of the native Tamil Malayalama/Malayalam, or Malabar Tamil written in the Tamil script and destroyed all traces of it , Printing presses, books , ancient manuscripts and made the highly Sanskritized Grantha Bhasha dialect of the Namboothiri Brahmins written in the Tulu based Tilgari script as the official language of entire Malabar region and cunningly renamed it as Malayalam the name that was used for the local Tamil dialect. As a sop to the Dravidian Tamil indigenous population there mixed lots Tamil words into this Sanskritized dialect . It was not Pali or Sanskrit, but the Tamil language that helped in the formation of the Sinhala alphabets. The alphabets of the Sinhala language are round in shape like the alphabets of the other Dravidian languages. Telugu, Malayalam, Kannadam and proto-Tamil. In the 10th century. Tamils changed the shape of their alphabets to the square shape. According to Dr. C.E. Godakmubara, the Sinhala Grammar Sidathsangarawa was based on the Tamil Grammar Virasolium in the 11th A.D.

    • 7

      Believe me Rajapakshe journey ll be lived short. The days that people tear them into pieces for all the mess is not far away.
      Enough is enough.
      Even stupidest people would not tolerate it any further. Sources say over 90 millions of people s tax funds were wasted by Eliantha white who was known as ” royal astrologer ” for speed of myths. Myths and donky buddhagama rituals fooled the nation because MR took its lead. Mu nam meeharak……🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🤥🤥🤥🤥

    • 5

      Even if OUR radical nationalist CHAMPA, would stand against. I beg to differ that sinhala language has lot of similarities with that of Malayalam.
      Why to feel like – offerended hearing that ? Are we special ? If yes, why have we still been going around with a begging bowl yet today ?

  • 6

    ‘The Medamulana Declaration reframed the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa by Maithripala Sirisena as a defeat of Sinhala-Buddhist Sri Lanka by Tamils, Muslims, and Christians’, is the whole truth.
    ‘Politics of majoritarian grievance became the only Rajapaksa game’, is a polished gem.
    Even though I differ with her notion, ‘with more than a little help from a group of Muslim fanatics’, I yield, for want of evidence to show that it was a crafty move of the M-Clan!

  • 9

    Thanks Ms. Tisaranee Gunasekara for another great article.
    Unfortunately Rajapaksas are not going to go away easily.
    They will try every trick if they cab master mind Easter sunday Bombing they can do unimaginable.

    Here is a thought.
    Sri Lanka will soon run out of countries and Institutions from whom they can borrow.
    Rajapaksa Inc is one of the wealthiest political family in the world.
    No one knows how many billions of dollars they have stashed away offshore
    Perhaps Rajapasasa Inc lend to Sri Lanka
    i.e. The Rajapaksa Government of Sri Lanka borrow from Rajapaksa Inc mortgaging the entire country , it’s assets, and people lock stock and barrel.
    Then Rajapaksa Government let Sri Lanka default payment to Rajapaks Inc
    Rajapaksa Inc.then use the loan default to trigger a leasing arrangement.
    whereby Sri Lanka is leased to the Rajapaksa inc for 99 years.Lock Stock and Barrel.
    Game Over!

  • 8

    This is one of the best article really well explaining how RAJAPAKSAS have brainwashed the foolish SINGALA BUDIST using anti tamil sentiment for a long time and anti muslim from very recently TO KEEP THE FAMILY DYNASTY RULING IN SRILANAKA.I feel that since of late these 6.9 million have got up from their sleep see the real situation and how RAJAPAKSAS have taken them for a ride .HOPE THIS 6.9 MILLION PEOPLE WILL NOT LISTEN IF THEY CREATE FAKE LTTE USING KARUNA AND PILLIYAN AGAIN IN ORDER TO GAIN VOTES AGAIN.

  • 7

    IGP has been given a Free Hand to do what?
    “Does the IG Police who stated in public that he has been given a free hand to do his job, not see the importance and urgency to investigate this conspiracy?”
    Since the advent of this freedom granted to IGP (inseparable is the fact of admission, that, prior to this declaration, there were implied constraints on the duties of the IG Police), he has utilised his new found freedom well, but it would appear that the results of the process is delayed.
    May be he is awaiting a ‘new’ Freedom, that of publishing or expressing his knowledge on the outcome of his investigations.
    Not freeing of his hands () which is useless for this purpose, but freedom of his tongue or mouth (Literally) to share the outcome!
    Why the inordinate delay in at least an interim enlightenment? Or the Finale!
    Sri Lankans do not need enlightenment! What is required is ½ bottle od Gal Arrack and Chicken Biriyani (does that name connote Islamic beginnings in this isle?) to condition their mind to rest in the sagacious feeling they have voted the ‘best’(?) out of the bad lot to power!!!

    • 1


      ….. ………The IGP has been given a Free Hand to do what?….
      Under the Rajapakse doctrine the only Free Hand would be to salute the clan.

  • 9

    Never mind the ideologies. It’s the IQ. They do not have the intellect to operate in a skillful way. For example, in their drive for Vistas of Capitalistic Prosperity, it is found that it is mostly the minorities that do well with the concept. Rather than use the minorities to build up this vision and then implement a better structure so the money flows for all (e.g. appropriate taxation), reasoning is clouded by jealousy in the lack of intelligent design. We understand their need to uphold the SB masses, but at least pretend through it, like the White governments do to the Blacks and other minorities in the US. No, but for them it it overt arrogance and total disregard and disdain for international norms. How far do they think they can go before destroying the country for the very same SB masses? They live in the alternate reality that the means justify the end – kill the rights of the small and unwanted, so they, the powerful, can bring glory to the Motherland. Motherland resides on their crowned heads.

    • 7

      “For example, in their drive for Vistas of Capitalistic Prosperity, it is found that it is mostly the minorities that do well with the concept. “
      Ramona, you nailed it finally! There is no way that the Rajapaksas can allow a level playing field to all Sri Lankans, regardless of ethnicity or religion. The minorities would end up on top. They already control most of the export and import business in the country.
      So, idiots like Jayasumana, Weerasekera, and Seetha Arambepola have to be kept at the top.

      • 3

        There are many structured approaches they can take, like diversifying the workplace, tax-structures, and hiring from a diverse talent pool. https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancamillercole/2020/10/30/6-ways-to-level-the-playing-field/?sh=54f702e2b9f4
        Trouble is, all these require intricate organization, brain-power, and funds. But the intent is on visual prosperity to show Rajapaksa power : city-scapes with skyscrapers, jogging tracks, highways with fancy cars. Hardly anything to so with people-interaction and integration and generally a happiness quotient for the average Lankan.

      • 7

        Jayasumana, seetha or the like became medical graduates thanks to people’s taxes (free education) but failed to realize the basics being unbiased to sinhala racism. I got my education in Europe and I practice srilankeness regardless of where I am today. My religion is late mother’s doctrine which is based on “we are all the same though born to various races and religions ” ✌✌✌✌✌😐😐😐😐😐

        • 0

          LM, Your mother was right. Acts 17,26 says He made us from one blood, every nation with times and boundaries. Reason is to seek Creator/Redeemer Lord, having all beings in him, being his offspring. Times of ignorance are running out as the day appointed for judgment approaches, as the righteous judge has been raised from the dead, calling in compassion and love for deliverance from wickedness and evil of the world. Divine plan, not human.

  • 7

    It is clear from the commentators that there are major concerns from the majority community and minority communities about the security for them. This is mainly because of the failure of the governments to protect these communities and making the changes in the structural institutions to violate the rule of law and justice and policies implemented by the governments. It is now very clear one law for all is not working.
    Our president in his speech at UN promised that he will find solutions to the problems with internal mechanism. The LLRC recommendation points out that when it comes to national problems when one party find a solution other party opposes it and that is the fundamental reason for the so called LTTE terrorism. So, it is time to start to have an open discussion discussion together with all together to agree on the future changes and how to implement those changes. You don’t need to appoint any committee to drag the time. There are enough agreements and proposals in hand but now only implementing them together with open heart.

  • 8

    Tisaranee Gunasekara,

    Dethroning the Rajapaksas is a necessary condition, but not sufficient. We should not only defeat and destroy Rajapakse and in the process the entire discredited Sinhala Buddhist reactionary ideology should be eradicated like fascism in Germany.

    After dethroning Rajapakses if a set of rogues similar to Yahaplanaya or an opportunistic coalition of Sinhala Buddhists in partnership with dissident military only opposed to Rajapakses, but with the same set of Sinhala Buddhist ideology, but without Rajapakses captures power, It is a classic betrayal..

    Beware; it is like falling from the frying pan into the fire..

  • 7

    I would like to share the following from the LLRC report on human rights because people should understand the importance of human rights in the process of reconciliation based on the facts that to understand how the governments, ministers, police and military behaviour on the human rights such as the treatment of Tamil prisoners, treatment of Tamil MPs in the remembrance of dead, attack on innocent fisherman and grama sevaka and removal of Hindu temple with Buddhist statue etc.
    Human rights
Hundreds of persons who appeared before the Commission clearly articulated the critical importance of re-dedicating ourselves to the task of promoting and protecting human rights as a catalyst for bringing about reconciliation, lasting peace and security. The Commission also got the clear impression that the current period, which is the immediate aftermath of a traumatic conflict, is an opportune and a decisive moment for this task. The Commission also notes that the concept of human rights is not an ideal that is alien to the socio-cultural ethos of Sri Lanka, or one that belonged to a particular part of the world, Western or other, but one deeply embedded in the core values and ethics espoused by Buddhism and other religions practiced in Sri Lanka.

  • 13

    All Sinhalese politicians from the time of independence from DS Senanayake onwards, have pandering to the Sinhalese majority and then to the Sinhalese Buddhist majority to win votes and to remain in power. The party or politician who outbids and promises the most to margianlize the Tamil minorities, gets the largest number of the Sinhalese votes, wins the election and forms the government. The Rajapakses have now made this into an art form and improved on this and so far the biggest Sinhalese Buddhist fundamentalists and racist and if they continue in government, the postion of the Tamils and Tamil speakers will become perilous. Britan the last colonial power to rule Sri Lanka, as well as the west and India have all been pandering to this Sinhalese Buddhist racism and fundamentalism and just paying lip service to Tamil rights, for their own selfish interests . The Sinhalese also know this. The British colonial power, incorrectly thought just because the Sinhalese language evolved in the south of the island and was only spoken in the island they were the natives and the island’s Tamils were not, as Tamil was also spoken in South India. Therfore gave everything to the Sinhalese when they left.

    • 11

      They did not have the intelligence to realise the Sinhalese language and people did not evolve from purely local languages or people but largely from Indian immigrants, again largely from the Tamil South and from three Indian languages, Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit. Out of these three only Tamil belongs to the region and to the island. The also did not want to acknowledge that island’s Tamils could have evolved from an ancient Dravidian spillover from South India and migrated long before the Sinhalese or more or less at the same time from South India which was only 20 miles fromthe island or the fact that the Sri Lankan Tamil dialects are very conservative and archaich, closer to old Tamil proving they were ancient and had evolved here, just like the Sinhalese lanaguage. Created all this mess and then left . The Tamils are now facing structural genocide due to their action but yet they support the Sri Lankan state..

      • 3

        “…. three Indian languages, Tamil ……”
        Yes. Tamil is an Indian language.
        The absurdity of Tamil claims is comical – while making your bogus theories about Sinhala, you acknowledged that Tamil is an Indian language, but then you turn right back and make another bogus claim about Tamil evolving here! Reputable linguists like Kamil Zvelbil, Krishnamurti, Southworth etc date the Tamil language to post 500 BC.
        You cannot try to re-write history. The truth comes out, whether you like it or not. Tamil spoken by Tamils in Srilanka is EXACTLY the same language as in Tamilnadu. SL-Tamil dialects can be traced to the villages Tamil settlers came from – its as indigenous as that to this island.
        “SriLankan Tamil dialects are very conservative and archaich….”
        Sure. All emigre languages are conservative.
        BTW, Sinhala language does not have its origins in Paali or Sanskrit (Tamil ofcourse is not relevant in this connection). The accepted scholarly view is that it developed from an ancient western (eg. Geiger) or eastern prakrit. Paali, Sanskrit and Tamil/Dravidian languages influenced Sinhalese much later. The substratum language of Sinhalese was non-Indo-Aryan and non-Dravidian, according to linguists.

        • 4

          Tamils themselves said they were immigrants from Tamilnadu, as it was not a problem back then:
          “The Tamils, as is well known, are not indigenous to Ceylon but emigrated from the opposite coast at different periods.”
          – The castes, customs, manners and literature of the Tamils, Simon Casie Chitty – p.4.
          I cannot understand how Tamils can think that they can reject that they are from Tamilnadu. And what’s so wrong about being immigrants? For the Tamils here it has become so wrong to be immigrants, because it doesn’t suit your unfair demands and sinister political agendas and your never ending competition with the Sinhalese. Get over it.
          As we shall see later, the evidence of the literary and epigraphic sources indicates that the present-day Tamil areas were then settled by Sinhalese people. The evidence of place-names, too, supports this conclusion. A number of Sinhalese inscriptions of this period have been discovered in the Mannar, Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Batticaloa districts, where Dravidian settlements were found(ed) in the thirteenth century. Some of these inscriptions provide us with the earlier Sinhalese names of villages and tanks which now bear Tamil names.”
          – K.Indrapala’s thesis (1965), p.79

          • 5

            Rubbish from a Sinhalese racist with a little brain.
            This is professor Indrapala’s latest book


            By the way, the vast majority of the immigrants from South India, especially from the 10Th century onward, assimilated into the Sinhalese identity.
            This is the Sri Lankan Tamil

            Stop posting lies, misinformation and old outdated theories, that have been disproven. You are another out-and-out Sinhalese Buddhist Fascist and racist like Eagle Blind, repeating the same lies again and again,

            • 3

              THESE MEN ARE BORN PATHOLOGICAL… they dont care about their expressions fueling racism be spread.

          • 5

            Rubbish. Sinhalese extremists love to quote the outdated 1965 thesis of Professor Indrapala, that he himself later rubbished and stated was inaccurate. In his latest book about the Tamils of Sri Lanka from 3BCE, Indrapala says that though the Tamils originated in South India, they inhabited the areas of north, north-west and north-east Sri Lanka from the 4th century BC. He says they evolved as a second ethnic group, parallel to the evolution of the Sinhalese. All modern anthropological and archaeological studies have proven, beyond doubt, that the Sri Lankan or Eelam Tamils have been living in the island, at least from 2ND century BC and they evolved as a separate ethnic group or nation parallel to the Sinhalese.

          • 4

            Punchi Point
            Punchi Brain
            Punchi Willi

            Thanks a lot, once again you have confirmed by your own typing that that there no redemption for you from being a bigoted ignorant.

            Dr Indrapala wrote that thesis in 1965, when this islanders didn’t have TV, Computers, Humvee, most never flew, didn’t know where Dubai was, crooks stole in thousands unlike now they (politicians, functionaries, professional con artists, armed forces, police, …. Garlic thieves, ….. ) … sand mafia, ganja smugglers, … have mass killing, dishonest intellectuals, ….. pseudo historians, …. Neil hadn’t become the first earthling to be the first Intergalactic traveler, Sirimao hadn’t ruined the country second time, ….. Pakistan was still a two winged country, there wasn’t such concept of petrodollar, rupee was still pecked to Sterling, Anaikottai excavation hadn’t taken place,
            Prof Indrapala hadn’t publish his book titled The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity: The Tamils of Sri Lanka C. 300 BCE to C. 1200 CE,

            I am sorry we got better things to do therefore we cannot educate you now, 100th time.

        • 8

          Punchi Point,
          My question is:
          1. Do you have a good knowledge of Tamil?
          a. Read,
          b. Write and
          c. Understand
          2. If not how do you assess, the difference in dialect of Tamilnadu and Sri Lankan Tamil dialect?
          3. How and when did you acquire this knowledge?
          4. For you to make that assertion that there is no difference in the dialect between the SL and Tamilnadu Tamil, this basic knowledge you must have!
          5. If not, you are just going by hearsay, which is not admissible.
          6. To make us even pay attention to what you are parroting, like a broken record, please clarify the position by answering the above questions.
          If the answer to Q 1,2,3 are negative, then your assertion is baseless!

          • 4

            Good point. But fake patriots are never convinced by facts.

            • 3

              our eyes cant believe it today, but GOTABAYA and HIS BROTHER MR, GR and NR all have proved what you say, as of today.

      • 6

        Believe me Rajapakshe journey ll be lived short. The days that people tear them into pieces for all the mess is not far away.
        Enough is enough.
        Even stupidest people would not tolerate it any further. Sources say over 90 millions of people s tax funds were wasted by Eliantha white who was known as ” royal astrologer ” for speed of myths. Myths and donky buddhagama rituals fooled the nation because MR took its lead. Mu nam meeharak……🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🤥🤥🤥🤥😡😡😡😡😡

        • 6

          Our sinhalayas are barbarians in many ways, looking back.
          1) aftermath riots inflicted on poor muslims and Dr safe
          2)Kandy riots spearheaded by Sarath Weerasekere in 2016.
          3) various other slaughters prior to tha
          4) 89 insurgents ate their own flesh and bones remember?

          • 6

            To be ctd
            5) 83 riots the nanner they killed innocent tamil srilankens.
            6) but yet today they wear pirith noole also around their penises and glitoris,
            Saddest reality, truths are bitter 🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🐃🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥

        • 3

          Believe me Rajapakshe journey ll be lived short. The days that people tear them into pieces for all the mess is not far away
          This has been stated by divine sources in the real gematria database.
          That the masonic ruling class serpent seeds world wide are going to be instantly executed, arrested and later executed or given life sentences in prison.
          So yes the ones in sri lanka are going to get what is coming also.

  • 14

    Tamils have been complaining of land grabbing in the NE since 2009.
    Many racists in the south encouraged the government to continue doing it.
    Now they are starting to get a taste as the government is now trying to confiscate their land also.
    The ruling classes in sri lanka are the serpent seeds who descended from cain. They are also called tares. Their father is the devil.
    They dont care about sinhalese people. They are just using them as pawns to destroy the whole island.
    Serpent seeds in every nation want to wreck this planet because they hate god and hate the real humans who descended from adam and abel.

    • 2

      Humble, At last some truth is spoken. Serpent seed will be head chopped by the woman’s Seed which had heel bruised saving real humans coming into covenant relationship with him. There is a group here which are human but the offspring of fallen angels without God, cohabited Gen.6 producing giant Nephilim eating men and animals whose skeletons are found in world’s nations. Suffered the flood, continued to scale down in stature and morphed into human look, but evil and wicked murderers sacrificing humans to leader devil. Their kingdom values are different from the heavenly kingdom which will destroy it as promised.

  • 4

    It’s always a pleasure to read TG’s articles. The flowing English and the solid logic makes it a pleasant reading. The gist of the logic is that the Rajapaksa clan creates the enemies for Sinhala Buddhists from the weak ethnic groups ruled by them. Though this logic harms all the people in the country, the Sinhala Buddhists are always willing to buy this propaganda. This is the current main weapon in the propaganda armoury of this ruling clan. In the latest development they are again trying to resurrect the LTTE. With nearly two hundred and fifty thousand defence personnel most of whom saturately deployed in Tamil areas of Northeast, is it possible for LTTE to be resurrected, even though the Rajapaksa clan is trying hard to do so? Defeated, weakened and impoverished Tamils only want peace. Sadly the Rajapaksa regime will never let them have it.

    • 1

      Shan R,
      In the latest development they are again trying to resurrect the LTTE.’
      They, the R Bros Inc., know very well, that it is the basic element to qualify them for re-election at any time.
      If LTTE has had a final death, they will easily find a “Fall Guy and organisation”, when the time comes.
      They are very inventive and it is a simple thing!
      Coupled to that ¼ Bottle of gal and Chicken Biriyani Buth Parcel (although it does not sound Sinhala Buddhist origin)
      SB’s who elect R Bros Inc., will not realise that, being soothed mental capacity of gal Arrack!!
      Until Election results are out!!!

  • 0

    Nimal Fernando, “The genius of SWRD …… found something in our people that he could tap into.” and was he assassinated for that treachery or because he didn’t go far enough with what was expected of him?
    I think one of the main pointers of the author is the fact that the entry of religious leaders and the military into the political arena is tragic.
    The spirit of love, compassion and brotherhood that religions profess, is not what drives the people. Instead, the majority of us, have been made slaves to external religious practices and or mythical and superstitious practices. If not, why is it that we have regular spurts of violence, uprisings, wars and now, murder of people at worship?
    How is it that the majority of our adult voters tolerate and even promote political leaders with a history of violence and commitment to injustice and by their own vote condone with their violence to achieve their selfish objectives, especially to gain power?
    Is there an underlying feeling of insecurity among the majority because they are so dependent on the clergy for their own decision making?
    Thus the soft entry of the military into the vital areas of health, education and supply of essentials does not signal any cause for concern among them. On the contrary, some openly appreciate their “efficiency.”

  • 3

    Mahila / September 28, 2021
7 1
    “Land grab to house the oversized 300,000 + military and to make sure they are kept busy to grow agricultural products (prevent their fertile minds from straying into thoughts of power hungriness and weariness!) in those lands in the North and East of SL supplanting those whom they displaced even after 12 years of the end of the LTTE menace.”
    Even before independence, the Sinhalese politicians have contrived a master plan to colonize the Northeastern provinces with Sinhalese settlers. As a result, the Tamils are a minority in 2 out of 3 districts in the Eastern province the Sinhalese population increased exponentially so much so the Sinhalese carved out a separate district in 1960.
Year Tamil Muslim Sinhalese Other Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
    1946 Census 136,059 48.75% 109,024 39.06% 23,456 8.40% 10,573 3.79% 279,112
1981 Census 410,156 42.06% 315,436 32.34% 243,701 24.99% 5,988 0.61% 975,251
2012 Census 617,295 39.79% 569,738 36.72% 359,136 23.15% 5,212 0.34% 1,551,381
    Today, Sinhalese are able to elect not less than 4 MPs in the East out of 16 seats (25%). This is ample proof of the change in demography due to State-aided Sinhala colonization since independence in 1948. There is only one word to explain this drastic change -ethnic cleansing!

    • 2

      Hi Thanga,

      Those who keep on parroting, “What is the discrimination committed against the minorities by the SB’s or Government?”, choose not to read these, exemplary, material! They will endure to parrot factious information – reinvent history!
      Perhaps when the history is fiction – you may deride history! And reinvent to suit one’s needs!!
      Keep quiet for a few weeks and restart the same like a broken record.
      Is it symptomatic of Goebbels reincarnation?!

  • 3

    When the war officially ended on 19 May 2009 a total of 118,253 acres of land were under armed forces occupation. Between May 2009 and 2015, 41,659 acres (35.20%) of land was released. Between 2015 – 2019 a further 47, 604 acres (62.15%) of land were released leaving a balance of 28,999 (37.85%)

    During the last 23 months, only about 200 acres of land has been released. The army has undertaken large scale vegetable cultivation selling the excess in markets. This is while the war-displaced Tamil families are living in refugee camps and friends homes for the last 12 years! Rajapaksa dynasty rule simply doesn’t care tuppence. The family boasts of their Buddhist heritage, but do not live up to Buddhist principles of compassion (Karuna),
    According to Buddhism, compassion is an aspiration, a state of mind, wanting others to be free from suffering. It’s not passive — it’s not empathy alone — but rather an empathetic altruism that actively strives to free others from suffering. Genuine compassion must have both wisdom and loving-kindness. That is to say, one must understand the nature of the suffering from which we wish to free others (this is wisdom), and one must experience deep intimacy and empathy with other sentient beings (this is lovingkindness).” (Dalai Lama).
    Am I crying in the wilderness or hoping for some miracles that will open the hearts of the Rajapaksa dynasty? 2/2

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