The Central Committee of the Lanka Sama Samaja Party at a meeting held on January 25, 2014 has unanimously resolved to press for the abolition of the executive presidency before the end of the current term of the President and the installation of a parliamentary form of government with a Prime Minister and Cabinet responsible to Parliament. Accordingly, the Party will demand that another Presidential election should not be held. The LSSP also decided to demand the re-introduction of the 17th Amendment to the Constitution. Minister Tissa Vitarana and Deputy Minister Y.G. Padmasiri also spoke in support of the resolution.
JimSofty / January 26, 2014
IF Sri Lankans elect Theives to run the country that is their collected bad -merits. IF those thieves select National List MPs who are useless to the country, (that is another debacle ) because they are not fulfilling the country’s needs. Instead, they struggle to implement their obsolete theories and ideology.
Don Stanley / January 27, 2014
This shameless Dodo, Thissa Vitarana, who should have groomed and handed over leadership to the YOUTH and younger generation in his (dead ) party has suddenly woken up – now that the opposition is joining arms to get rid of the Mahinda Rajapaksa military dictatorship!
These dead leftists like Tissa and Vasudeva Nanayakkare need to be unmasked and exposed for the UNPRINCIPLED liars and cheats they are. They have destroyed the LEFT in Sri Lanka! They have run behind and propped up the corrupt and criminal and RACIST Mahinda Rajapaksa military dictatorship in Sri Lanka for a few perks and now are planning to jump ship! The Dead LEFTISTS have destroyed their parties, like Ranil has destroyed the UNP by failing to hand over to the YOUTH and younger generation of the party and hogging and centralizing power. Vasu’s has also turned his Ministry into a FAMILY BUSINESS following the model of his leader Mahinda Jarapassa. Vasudeva is a DEAD LEFTIST SHAMELESS scoundrel. His son is the secretary and big shot in his Ministry of National Lanugages and Social Integration. This Ministry has still not passed a Bill on the Prevention of Incitement to Racial and Religious Hatred. The Ministry of National Integration is a Vasudeva Nanayakkara Family business!
Dinuk / January 27, 2014
The Ministry of National Integration is a Vasudeva Nanayakkara Family business! His son is the secretary and big shot in his Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration. This Ministry has still not passed a Bill on the Prevention of Incitement to Racial and Religious Hatred.
If this is so Vasu is indeed a scoundrel – with adoring Nimalka Fernando the great Human Wrongs activist who is a symbol of the duplicity of the Colombo NGO HR industry at this side!
Sri Lanka’s political parties and political culture, including the majority of Colombo’s donor dependent civil society NGOs are in the family politics business. MONEY POLITICS is big business for the corrupt govt and equally morally corrupt NGOs.
Fathima Fukushima / January 27, 2014
And his daughter is married to that mongrel’s son!
Davidson Panabokke / January 27, 2014
Rajapakse knows that these people can be disabled by a National List MP-ship
Shameless Tissa Vitarana! No ideology!!
JimSofty / January 26, 2014
Anyway, Sri Lanka needs a executive presidency.
what we need is selecting good leaders and not the people from the same old gang.
Asanka / January 26, 2014
Yes I agree. We need good leaders and not from the old gang.
so shall we chase the thief Malabari Perci? Perci is the worst ever administrator chosen as leader by the dumb Silly lankans.
MrRetort / January 26, 2014
Crumb eating Fat Fuks and Sofies would like see the Presidential system but nobody else.
Medalankara de Choppe / January 28, 2014
Jim Softy- How do you do that ie “what we need is selecting good leaders and not the people from the same old gang”.Did we not do that in 2005 and 2010? see what mess we got into.
Fathima Fukushima / January 26, 2014
No one listens to these jokers.
A LSSP joker once said “2 official languages one nation, one official language two nations”. How foolish.
No one takes them seriously. Look at their votes. Zero.
Sumith / January 26, 2014
These are the folks who voted for MaRa to pass the 18th amendment which gave even more powers to president.
Now suddenly woke up telling us these fancy stories of abolishing of presidency.
Tomorrow if MaRa gives them few more minister posts or some perks they will even pass a amendment to make MaRa the king of Sri Lanka.
Alan / January 26, 2014
He is already king of Sri Lanka.
watey ranil / January 26, 2014
Not current term,last term !!
shankar / January 26, 2014
Sooner the presidency is abolished the better.Another one of JR’s messes to be cleaned up.Singapore and malaysia developed without any presidency running their countries and we should adopt the malaysian model of primeminister and also their federal system of government.
kapu / January 26, 2014
Jayan / January 26, 2014
Where were you LSSP fools all this time? Sucking [Edited out]
kuveni / January 26, 2014
Tissa Vitarana, You want to re-introduce the 17th Amendment? Do you remember you voted to abolish it? What hypocrisy! Mr Vitarana, you have no credibility. You have become a Mervin Silva.
Sumith / January 26, 2014
Remember Tissa Vitharana chaired the APRC to implement 13++ or similar devolution solution.
So what happened to it? -;0
ruwan / January 26, 2014
well said !
R.M.B Senanayake / January 26, 2014
I am afraid the abolition of the Executive Presidency will create a vacuum for many consequential changes to the Constitution will be required. Will the different political parties and ethno-religious communal parties not press for other changes too which will bog down the exercise.
What is required is to abolish the 18th Amendment and restore the Independent Commission and the Separation of Powers which is a sine qua non in a presidential form of government. Also the PR system must go for it leads to on a proliferation of political parties. If we must have PR let us revert to the 12.55% cut off point which JR had and which Premadasa foolishly changed
Upali Wickramasinghe / January 28, 2014
No Mr.Senanayake.The 1972 and the 1978 constitutions ruined us.That has to be accepted.The difference is in the degree of damage caused.
Let us face facts.While countries starting from De Gaulle’s France, through Nicragua, South Africa, Brazil, Bolivia, Burma,Egypt,Syria all ushered new constitutions through a referendum,the 1972 and the 1978 constitution and all the amendments was rushed through a parliament controlled by bribery.The Soulbury constitution was the only one accepted by the people.( may be because it led to independence).The Soulbury constitution had the concept of Permanent Secretaries who were responsible to the constitution and not to the Ministers or the President.That saved the honey comb, which all the politicians in the post 1977 era are attracted to- the tax payers money.The Soulbury constitution would have made it imperative and easy to remove cancer in the body politic, the present Secretary to the Treasury, the present Governor of the Central bank, the recently accused Chairmen of a number of Govt appointed commissions.
The solution is to get back to the Soulbury Constitution and over a period of time select what had been good in all the post 1948 constitutions ie if there was anything good in the 1972 and 1978 constitutions.
This is easier to do provided that the Supreme Court is willing.
Kutti Machan / January 26, 2014
Good guys. Always saying the right things at the right time. Only problem is they never get the power to rule.
Qassim / January 26, 2014
Last words of late.Gamini Fonseka
Quote:Gamini Fonseka ( In one of the past Election time interview on a local private TV)
As long as we Sinhalese continue to use the derogatory terms Thambiya and para Damalya ,this Country will never progress or prosper.
ruwan / January 26, 2014
True !
Qassim / January 26, 2014
Honestly Sri Lanka I believe has lost the chance of making to the top of south Asian sub continent .
What The Majority wants is to live in make believe, as long as they know they have some super roads ,highways , nice buildings (of cause not owned by any minorities), the Sinhalese language is implemented on everything and everywhere they are extremely happy.(aka Banda’s venom against the minority Citizens.)
Today they want is not what progressive generation of today think collectively, that is for the advancement of their countries ,like efficient transport , affordable homes for every Citizen, affordable electricity and running water for all citizens, best of education system recognized by the world, affordable health care for all, affordable food for all , peace and security , right to freedom in religious worship , freedom in dressing ,eating and living any where without fear ,,no,no this they despise, what they want is even if they do not practice their own religion or even if the starve it alright as long as everything Sinhala only , from Schools, private transport, private business organizations to private accommodations , hotels , tourism ( Future may be Tourists will have only two choice to visit Sri Lanka , one is to learn spoken Sinhala or to employ the minorities who are Trilingual ,,, a very strange Country my mother land has become , day by day I can see the once beautiful multicultural country turning to a blood thirsty racist land ,very sad , i doubt in future minorities will be ever be allowed to live in peace and live a life they want even in private estates and private condominiums, it seems racism is slowly creeping in and trying to control peoples life and even deny the right of religious worship and other religious rights , The majority has gone completely cooku with the better known mental illness as banda’s syndrome , THE SINHALA ONLY SYNDROME!.
It is no use blaming the Government .any government that comes to power will end the same way, the problem is not the politicians or not even the Monks ,it is the people , the Politicians and Monks are like puppets on strings they dance according to the way the strings are pulled by the Majority of the people of this Land.
Sinhala Only Act (1956) Justified by S.W.A.R.D.–rxGfY
mechanic / January 31, 2014
No Thai taxi drivers or whores speak better English than todays Sri Lankan taxi drivers or and odd tart. But Thailand had 24 million tourists last year, how come? I bet you’re sad that you cannot enforce Halal and Shariya.
Fathima Fukushima / January 26, 2014
Abolish 13 amendment before abolishing 18 amendment.
The Professional / January 26, 2014
Or my dear Prof. TW,
Why not press for implementation of MR’s vision for Senior Citizens, described in Mahinda Chinthanaya? I am pretty sure that all Senior Citizens would join LSSP and you are sure to get nearly 30% of national vote.
Levi / January 27, 2014
The Professional
MR is already Qualified to Join. He cannot serve another term as he will be over 70. When the present term ends.
He Can Join the OLD LSSP. He can be a Senior President Like his Senior Ministers.
Ajith / January 26, 2014
I thought LSSP and Communist Party are no longer exist. He is part of the regime that was responsible for the current status of this nation. He was part of the corrupted regime. He was part of genocide of Tamils. He was part of mass graves in the South and North. You are disgrace for LSSP values.
Priya / January 26, 2014
The logic is right.We cannot move forward as one country embracing all the differences when the rules are narrow minded and petty like the present regime .We are increasingly isolated internationally. When China drop us like a hot brick we may have nowhere to turn.
What is needed is a people friendly constitution with necessary checks and balances preventing power from centralising within one ruler or ruling family.This has to be done with agreement of all including the minoru representing their aspirations and not only the majority.Rule of law should be given the precedence and if we prosper towards a mature nation like that no one can point fingers at us and no one could interfere with our internal affairs.
Douglas / January 26, 2014
LSSP together with its “JOB SEEKERS” have come to the end of the road.
It is said: Before someone closes his eyes, he gets a vision and in Buddhism it is called “CHUTI CHITTA”. Is that what we see and hear?.
Jones / January 27, 2014
Executive presidency must not be abolished!!! Especially at this time, when Diasporas, separatist groups, false NGOs, third class washed-up communists (e.g. Tissa, Vasudeva,etc), some foreign governments, etc try to sabotage Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, unity and peace.
However, the president must not use executive powers on day-to-day minor affairs!!!
One day those sabotagers, who are on the way like dog droppings will disappear for good, only then, with a referendum, can re-consider whether the executive powers should be abolished as a whole or partially.
Medalankara de Choppe / January 28, 2014
Jones you should disappear first. Rest In Peace dear.
justice / January 27, 2014
MR survives because of the powers foisted on him by the Executive Presidency – which he swore to abolish when he stood for election as president the very first time – he even gave it in writing to the JVP who backed him.
It is his passport for continued survival as the uncrowned king of sri lanka.
He will never give it up,and all sycophants who thrive on the crumbs falling off the table will back him.
He now has the judiciary in one pocket,the army & police in another,and the 2/3 majority in a third.
rohan / January 27, 2014
The resolution to abolish the executive presidency was not moved by Tissa Vitarana or his supporters in the Central Committee. My information is that it was moved by Lal Wijenayake and others in the Left Tendency of the LSSP. Tissa could not opppose it. He knows that MR will not abolish it. So, he has begun to say that if a common candidate committed to ablishing the executive presidency contests. MR is likely to lose and the country will go to the right. He is slowly introducing his theory that the LSSP should support MR even if he does not abolish the presidency. That is why the Left Tendency moved this resolution. Tissa Vitarana did not oppose it as he knew the resolution will be adopted.He will do the same thing as in the 18th Amendment and go along with MR.
Medalankara de Choppe / January 28, 2014
Old man Tissa like to[Edited out]
punchinilame / January 28, 2014
Congratulations TV for having the guts to come forward with this move,
willingly or unwillingly. This change of heart was overdue for the sake
of the Country.
Whatever said and done MR will not be able to give up as his cabal has
dug in and his excuse will be that. They have tasted money and power
with ease. Until Tamils have a political solution, the Sinhala-Kingdom
have to maintain status-quo to exist.
commando695 / January 29, 2014
What on earth is Vitarana talking about?
When the 18th Amendment was mooted the LSSP Central Committee unanimously resolved to oppose the amendment. At voting time Vitharana shamelessly and meekly raised his hand in support.
He now wants to resurrect the 17th amendment – which he was responsible for having buried in the first place.
Kumar David calls these jokers the DEAD LEFT.
True…they are as dead as MUTTON !
Prem Vaidyaratne / January 29, 2014
Vasu is the biggest scoundrel and Tissa Vitharana is a deceitful geriatric. There is that other blackguard called Athauda Seneviratne who has used MARA to put his idiotic son into the diplomatic service. These frauds should be hanged on electric posts.
commando695 / January 30, 2014
Prem Vaidyaratne
“Vasu is the biggest scoundrel”
Agree with you totally.
His explanation of why he voted FOR the 18th Amandment:” We were against it in principle – but are prepared to support it in practice”