8 September, 2024


AG Ordered To Appear Before Court Over Basil’s Bail Case

The Attorney General has been ordered to appear before the Colombo High Court on August 1, when former Minister Basil Rajapaksa’s bail revision application will be taken up.

Jayantha Jayasuriya -Attorney General

Jayantha Jayasuriya -Attorney General

The Court has ordered officials of FCID as well as the Attorney General to appear before court as they have been cited as respondents in the bail application.

Rajapaksa, who is alleged to have misappropriated Rs. 33 million from the Divi Neguma project and was ordered to be remanded is seeking for a reversal of the court decision.

Rajapaksa was arrested by the FCID last week when he visited the office to give a statement in relation to the case. Meanwhile in mid-July, the Attorney General decided to charge Rajapaksa and three others for misappropriation of funds over the same case. The case is scheduled to be taken up on August 30.

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Latest comments

  • 33

    Actually in my opinion Court should summon Doctors also who recommended to send the Basil to merchant ward.

    • 11

      International judicial system is closely watching the outcome..this depends whether this come Sri Lanka or not..

  • 23

    Instead of wasting precious court time and that of AG and FCID. Just order the whole of Jarapassa family to show cause for their multi billion asset base amassed during the last 10 years. I am sure none of the rascals could do that. That should be sufficient enough to put these public plunderers behind bars lock, stock and barrel.

    • 13

      Very true. I think there is a covert attempt to safeguard these plunderers of national wealth by some powerful persons in the so called “Yahapalanaya”.

    • 5

      Quite so. Round every one of them. March them to the Galle Face and Machine gun them down at one go. Why waste time in the niceties?

    • 5

      The FCID has the Rajapakses within their ambit, however some untraceable influences are at work? An update as webbed reads as follows:
      FCID No.64/15 Basil R. Rs.396 Mil. In 3 Property purchases.
      FCID No.17/15 Yoshita R in 8 Transaction Rs. 707 Mil.,
      FCID No.138/15 Namal R in 16 transactions Rs. 347 Mil., &
      FCID No.82/15 Champika Karunarathna Rs. 5 Mil in Extortions.

      Our Courts are under test!

  • 15

    What is all this chaotic action and reaction. For whose benefit ? The public is aware of the billions that have been spirited away and most of them are aware of the modus operandi. this I believe is known to the Govt, the CID, the FCID AND ALL THE OTHER LAW ENFORCING AUTHORITIES.But nothing gets done.

    ARRESTS, REMANDINGS, BAIL, SUSPENSIONS, SUMMONING,… we read about every day. Magistrates being summoned before courts, Auditor General reports being queried, The Ex Governor of the Central Bank being rewarded after having been removed,Members of Parliament and Ex members being accused of frauds of millions and being out on bail,Govt Officials being questioned and resigning because they cannot work due to blundering politicians, and now the Attorney General being summoned by the FCID, AND THE AMOUNTS INVOLVED ARE IN MILLIONS/BILLIONS.

    What a bloody circus for us poor bloody fools !!

  • 5

    Courts in this country should devote their time and expertise to settle the problems of the ordinary people instead of the problems of politicians created by themselves. How many times did Basil go to higher courts during the last 1 1/2 years.

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