Everyone at the grounds and especially those around the stage at the Royal/Thomian Mustangs Trophy awards ceremony at the R.Premadasa Stadium last night was wondering why Daham Sirisena was not on stage this time around.
“Where the fuck is Daham today?” asked a disgruntled group of old boys who were waiting to jump on stage if Daham was to breach protocol and security like he did at last week’s big match awards ceremony.
Many distinguished old boys had requested that an inquiry be held as to why the Royal / Thomian big match joint organizing committee failed to prevent Daham from getting on to the stage and also permitting him to remain there during the entire awards distribution Colombo Telegraph reliably learns.
At the conclusion of last week’s big match,the awards ceremony and the Royal College victory celebrations was marred when President Mathripala Sirisena’s son Daham breached security and all norms of protocol when he jumped on stage initially to shake the hand of the chief guest Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.
He then forcibly stood next to the premier on his left hand side until Zulki Hamid a Royal College joint committee member took him to the far right hand side of the stage and asked him to get off.
Since the brat Daham refused to get off saying he was the son of President, Hamid permitted him to stay at the far right corner of the stage away from the Prime Minister and trophy distribution. This is clearly visible in the video when another joint committee member blocks Daham’s view shunning him away from the limelight.
“We did not know who he was. There was this fellow who jumped on stage and approached our chief guest the Prime Minister. We were also wondering who he was as he was scruffily dressed in a Royal College coloured t-shirt. His shoes was also dirty and he looked as if he needed a hair cut badly. I was more concerned about the Prime Minister’s safety more than anything else” a joint committee member said when contacted by Colombo Telegraph.
Point of View / March 20, 2016
He learnt his lesson ! At least he has decent and respectable parents to guide him !!
So, let’s stoping bashing him anymore.
Ben Hurling / March 20, 2016
I feeling sorry for Daham now. Possible the guy was having too much of a good time at the Royal-Thomian. Possible the brat was not used to wine.
I do hope he learnt a damn good lesson. Welcome back next year Daham. Perhaps not on stage though.
Native Vedda / March 20, 2016
Ben Hurling
You are suppose to be on guard duty. While you were napping Champika was on a backhoe driving it with couple of his mates in the cabin.
Here is the story:
Now, he drives backhoe
Megapolis and Western Province Development Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka drove a backhoe in Maharagama on Thursday. Opposition Leader of the Western Province Manju Sri Arangala, Western Province Agriculture Minister Gamini Thilaksiri and Western Province Transport Minister Lalith Wanigaratne were with him. Minister Ranawaka is alleged to have driven an SUV involved in a recent hit-and-run accident at Rajagiriya, where two youth riding a motorcycle were injured. He has denied the allegation as a sinister attempt to tarnish his image.
(Pic by Anuradha Hiripitiyage)
19 March 2016.
I am disappointed with the way you take your job serious.
Native Vedda / March 20, 2016
Ben Hurling
Please read this excerpt:
Hands off SL war heroes: Champika
“The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) will not allow war heroes to be questioned by the international community under any circumstances as long as the party is a part of the government, Minister of Megapolis and Western Development Patali Champika Ranawaka said.
Do you really think this man mean what he says?
He should be elsewhere giving a statement to the Police about what had happened on the day of the accident. Whereas he is trying to hide in the tried and failed nationalism, which is the best place to hide crooks, criminals, nepotism, …..
By the way, who was in charge when the coal-fired power station was being built
Ben Hurling / March 21, 2016
What’s your obsession with Champuka?
Native Vedda / March 21, 2016
Ben Hurling
“What’s your obsession with Champuka?”
Where do I start?
A public racist who started as a Marxist but had switched his allegiance to theocracy.
Once he shaved his head to fit in with his thero comrades.
He claimed to have won the war.
He was with MR for a long time holding ministerial positions condoning the clan’s every illegal activity. At the last moment he switched sides, jumping ships, …… and again given a ministerial position.
As an Electrical engineer and the power minister he couldn’t fix long disruptions of electricity supply, didn’t bother to challenge the Chinese company which refused to put the Norochcholai power plant. The Chinese demanded another $150 Million to fix it though the plant broke down the day it was commissioned.
What sort of do you think he is?
He was elected for being a public racist.
Now he is trying to arouse smart ass patriotism again. This timee what is he trying to hide, his incompetency, hypocrisy, …. stupidity, or the fact that he has not made a public statement regarding the incident/accident in which he was accused being the main suspect.
Oh I almost forgot, the claim that he makes about the history and achievements which I think disparage Sinhala speaking people. He believes Sinhala people discovered Zero and the language is much older than Hebrew.
Viktor / March 22, 2016
What about the Rs 250 million he has spent on Polipto, a company supposed to convert polythene to fuel, against all scientific advice. Champika sponsored an ex-Policeman who claimed he had discovered a secret catalyst for this purpose. Nobody knows what the catalyst is. Money spent on building a plant, consultancies and salary for the ex-policemen but no news of Polipto or its products now. Truly a case for the FCID !
NAK / March 23, 2016
“Hands off SL war heroes”: Champika
He made such big claims about the national anthem as well but all he could do was to stay at home the day it was sung in Tamil.
He made a lot of ha ho about the taxes fuel claimed “sahagahana badhu”
and promised reduce exhobitant taxeson fuel through a price formula.
Now he his deaf and dumb about it and minister ‘Weerakkodi'(another shameless character) says the formula is not to be found.
Pa.Cha is all fart no sh*t kind of guy that shouldn’t be taken seriously.
One thing for sure though he is not going to get away from the accident that easy.
mj / March 20, 2016
We can see different between, good parents and thug parents. .if this was Namal baby. .both the captains will end up in burning cars near the wall. .
Amarasiri / March 20, 2016
RE: Alice Was There But Where The Heck Was Daham?
Q1. “Everyone at the grounds and especially those around the stage at the Royal/Thomian Mustangs Trophy awards ceremony at the R.Premadasa Stadium last night was wondering why Daham Sirisena was not on stage this time around.”
“Where the fuck is Daham today?”
A1. Daham was looking for f****** holes.
Q2. “Many distinguished old boys had requested that an inquiry be held as to why the Royal / Thomian big “
A2. Pure Jealousy. Old boys please grow up.You are not kindergartners any more.
3. “He then forcibly stood next to the premier on his left hand side until Zulki Hamid a Royal College joint committee member took him to the far right hand side of the stage and asked him to get off.”
At least there was one guy with common sense and guts.
4. “Since the brat Daham refused to get off saying he was the son of President, Hamid permitted him to stay at the far right corner of the stage away from the Prime Minister and trophy distribution”
“We did not know who he was. There was this fellow who jumped on stage and approached our chief guest the Prime Minister. “
Hamid should have identification, documentation and proof that he was really the sin of the President.
John / March 21, 2016
…yes he is the “sin” of ……!!!!
Paddy / March 21, 2016
Maybe … just maybe .. the President used that whip on him (the one he keeps for bra throwers)
shankar / March 20, 2016
” Where The Heck Was Daham?”
he has to wait patiently.he can’t be trying to hug the limelight always.he has a sister.siri does not want the fight between chandrika and anura to be transplanted in his family. Chandrika,sorry,chaturika’s turn to hug the limelight.She will now come as a chief guest to a school.Then only daham can jump onto some stage or other again or go visit some wounded soldiers.he has to wait his turn patiently till his sis has got her chance to endear herself.
Parakramabahu was a wise king,a son of the soil from rajarata.
Baduwe Ummaloka / March 20, 2016
comeon guys.. give this brat a life.. who cares these minor things.. when we have million time bigger sins done by the Rajapaksa mornonic kids with murder/billions of USD as kickbacks/Forgery(fake lawyer) etc.,
Im getting really disappointing with the CT in the last couple months.
take_that / March 20, 2016
I Am Not Scared Of Chest Beaters: —-Maithripala Sirisena
Thompson and Thompson??
Lanka Watch / March 21, 2016
Baduwe – Jumping on a stage where the PM of the country was present
is not a ‘minor thing’ as you think. It is breach of security. Son
of the President ,of all people, should have known that as he knew none on the stage other than, probably the PM thro’ his father.
Saman / March 20, 2016
Bit like Namal barging the Bradby
Gemba / March 20, 2016
To the Editor of CT,
Go ahead and bash Mr. Daham Sirisena or anyone else without using, discrediting and abusing the Royal Thomian, their Alumni, well wishers and sponsors of this event. How come the CT decided to drop abusive words like “Fuck”, “Fucking”, “Fuckers” and others which in the CT’s journalistic repertoire might be the holiest of words that the CT knows best to use and abuse? “In journalism truth is a process” where the process I suppose is in the new found journalistic CT morality where the old immorality is too mundane and not new worthy t pander to a more thuggish soceity. condoned. Certainly, its nice to see some civility set into the CT with this article and refraining from vile language and indecent journalistic behavior. First I suggest the contributing journalist to the CT to learn moral decency and then, seek, expose and speak the truth in a gentlemanly and lady like manner. At least that is what I was taught by my Alma Mater to do good and uphold at morals in society in building a civilized nation.
Khema / March 20, 2016
I’ve been reading this using “fuck” saga. Please go to one of the world’s best newspapers and search “Fuck the fucking fuckers”. Go there http://www.guardian.co.uk And there is a search bar in the top paste “Fuck the fucking fuckers” or “fuck” and search! You will finds hounders of articles.
shankar / March 20, 2016
don’t forget one important fact before you denigrate this word further.If not for the fuck that your dad or someone gave your mum,you woudn’t be here to write about it,would you.
colin / March 20, 2016
Well said Gemba what beautiful words of wisdom and I hope it gets into the CT editor’s head.One thing now appears its crystal clear this type of articles written by whoever it is seem to be targeting the President in an indirect manner and also Royal College Colombo in a manner of hitting two birds with one stone.At least we should be thankful the Headline has dropped the “F” word and used the word HECK.Bringing back some sort of decor to CT who had a good reputation until then.
“Many distinguished old boys had requested that an inquiry be held as to why the Royal / Thomian big match joint organizing committee failed to prevent Daham from getting on to the stage and also permitting him to remain there during the entire awards distribution Colombo Telegraph reliably learns”. The gist of the above article screams out but to any discerning mind whether this is true is questionable and CT takes cover with the words “Colombo Telegraph reliably understands”. This is the expression some journalists use to make the reading public to swallow their story hook line and sinker. We must be grateful that Social Media exists and now journalists cannot tell the readers and viewers “Black is White” and expect the erstwhile gullible public to swallow it.Social Media will retort “Black is Black and White is White”and the public is becoming wary. Times have changed.
CT’s motto is “Truth is a process” and social media has helped to accelerate the “process” of revealing the Truth by listening to both sides of the story and at last giving an opportunity to use their cranial power to find out the truth the real truth.The days are gone when the naive public just blindly followed what was dished out to them.Its time for any member of the public who has fallen on the wayside in this respect to get on board onto the social media so that that they can also use their God given discerning powers and arise at the Real Truth, They must now “Learn or Depart” as Daham’s schools motto says or if they do not learn now they will have to depart covered in frustration and dejection.
p.s Will Zulki Hameed confirm his action on the stage as the report says to add some credence to the CT report
Marwan / March 20, 2016
Oh come on you guys give the guy a break. Dhaham is not asking for much but in his own way enjoys a little revelry being a Royalist himself although from Polonnaruwa Branch. Added to that, being the son of First Citizen, he wants to be seen with the cream of the Royal fraternity. He is entitled to it and we must not belittle him for being so bold. There are much worst things that children of Ministers do to stamp their authority and flaunt their pedigree on the rest of society. We all know that even his amiable father MS being President will never take offense at his son’s baptism of fire on the altar of public domain. So we must not push the envelope too much, instead let him hold his own few minutes of glory and lets move on, without dwelling on it. Its just not the Royal spirit guys.
colin / March 20, 2016
Marwan you seemed to have your wires a bit mixed up. Daham is a Royalist all the way from Royal College Colombo and not Pollanaruwa royal college, He would have surely learnt of books and men as that hallowed institution thought thousands of our citizens as inscribed in the college song
A Royal Litigation / March 20, 2016
To the Editor of CT,
Go ahead and bash Mr. Daham Sirisena or anyone else without using, discrediting and abusing this grand event – the Royal Thomian, their Alumni, well wishers and sponsors of this event. How come the CT decided to clean up their journalistic excellence replacing abusive words like “Fuck”, “Fucking”, “Fuckers” with “Heck”? Has the CT’s journalistic repertoire seen better days with more wholesome words lately after a stern warning for journalistic accountability? “In journalism truth is a process” where this CT “process” I suppose has found new journalistic morality in choosing words where the old immorality is repulsed with repugnant gutter words and filth. Well done CT, keep up the good work in going about bashing whoever who deserves to be crucified and shredded to bits with decorum and civility in lady like and gentlemanly way. Certainly, its nice to see some civility set into the CT with this article and refraining from vile language and indecent journalistic behavior. Three cheers to the CT from “our lusty throats that raise a cheer” for journalism, truth, fair play and discipline.
Khema / March 20, 2016
A Royal Litigation, I’ve been reading this using “fuck” saga. Please go to one of the world’s best newspapers and search “Fuck the fucking fuckers”. Go there http://www.guardian.co.uk And there is a search bar in the top paste “Fuck the fucking fuckers” or “fuck” and search! You will finds hounders of articles.
Jehan Hameed / March 20, 2016
What s wrong in he getting on to stage .. He is a VVIP too !!! And a proud Royalist !!!
justice / March 20, 2016
Daham Sirisena is a thug and proved it in the Passekuda hotel assault episode, when he was protected by his father – now, the President – from prosecution.
CT allowing pejoratives describing natural human function, used by others world over, is allowable in this instance.
Now it appears that Daham has learned his lesson.
Muslim / March 20, 2016
Daham getting on stage is not a big issue, the real issue is that the Ranil –Sirisena government is dancing ,while
Srilanka is getting ready to burn by the Rajapaksa group.
Drastic action must be taken by the rulers and stop Rajapaksa s coming back to power by crooked means.
If Rajapaksa takes over the reigns , Sirisena led govt will get the Thajudeen treatment.
Plato. / March 20, 2016
The winner takes it all the loser standing small…
A superb piece of the group ABBA.
Plato. / March 20, 2016
The winner takes it all the loser standing small…
A superb piece of the group ABBA.
Not applicable to the Thomians though!
Rizwan / March 20, 2016
The fact that a fuss about all this is being made at all gives me great hope.
This would not have been possible during the reign of the previous government.
thrishu / March 21, 2016
“We did not know who he was. There was this fellow who jumped on stage and approached our chief guest the Prime Minister. We were also wondering who he was as he was scruffily dressed in a Royal College coloured t-shirt. His shoes was also dirty and he looked as if he needed a hair cut badly. I was more concerned about the Prime Minister’s safety more than anything else” a joint committee member said…….
If anything is worse than Daham gatecrashing on to the stage, then it must be this Statement. If they were concerned about PM’s security and if they did not know who the guy was, then they behaved like idiots in the face of a threat. He could have been a terrorist and should have been arrested immediately and taken away by security people. the fact that they let him stay,I guess was they clearly recognized who the hooligan was but was careful not to antoganize the President (MR) because any father would find a reason to defend his boy’s behavior. Concerned for their need to curry favors with the hierarchy, it seems that they remained mum and kept the boy on stage but quite literary at an arms length, giving him an obscure place, “Not Wanted Here” without the Placard. The Statement from the eminent person of the Committee seems to be nothing but a diplomatic statement full of holes, spoken with a split tongue, similar to double talk from a certain monk regarding a poor abandoned elephant.
For goodness sake Mr Spokesman, please utter something that atleast would stand logical and robust!
vp / March 21, 2016
Son of a goday baiyya !!
Common Sense / March 21, 2016
Daham gate crashing is yet another escapade of a son of a politico. Since about 1990 onwards we increasingly saw various incidents involving son’s of politicians. If one recalls history, while Ranil was the PM under Chandrika’s Presidency, the son of a late politician was involved in an incident, but finally got acquitted on a High Court appeal. Today he is an MP himself perhaps trying his best to follow his late father’s footsteps. There are many son’s of politicos who had their escapades, such as “tresspassing” in Girl’s schools, during big match times in the last decade, now politician’s themselves. This reminds me of something. Today, like in the yester-year, politics has become a caste in many notable cases. Father politician! So must the son be, but with a history of some escapade! I am told that in some cases the father politician insists that would be politician son must perform some acts thuggery, womanising and getting drunk as a part of their political training.
In this instance of Daham gate-crashing the PM had no alternative but to shake hands with the intruder Presidential son, instead of whispering “Please get out! Don’t make a mockery of your self!”. Why? any such act would have definitely hurt the father’s feelings which is so important to get the Government going. It is common knowledge in some quarters that Polonnaruwian brats have guts to walk into hotels with his gang of “friends” and the first command is to switch off the CCTV.
I think it is high time that in one of those one to one meetings between Prez and the PM the conduct of Daham, Chathurika posing as Chief Guest etc must be taken up. If Prez Maithri wants his son to be a politician and succeed the father in Polonnaruwa and Daham is to move in that direction, I wish him well. In that case, FOR GOD’s SAKE don’t be another KIM JONG IL. It is so important to groom one self and not to look like a piglet. Do some elementary studies that would be so helpful in a political career and finally do a lot of social work and MOVE WITH THE PEOPLE IN THEIR JOY AND SORROW.
Backlash / March 21, 2016
The word F.U.C.K. – arguably, has its origins in pre-Victorian England where I am told, for one reason or the other, it was necessary,, to obtain a Certificate for married couples even to mate in their own home. It was called Fornication under Certification from the King.
Perhaps, there are other versions to this.
Gune / March 21, 2016
None of these kids from Polonaruwa and Habantota know handle the power that the people give politicians. In this instance MS. Dham thinks this power is his personal right. Sorry to say that these siblings lack class.
D.E.M. Ocracy / March 21, 2016
When the Rajapakse Princes acted in a similar manner why was there silence in all quarters …… not one person opened his mouth or made a statement….. the answer is very short a sweet….. THE WHITE VAN would have visited them that night….. .Is it because of the FREEDOM under the YAHAPALANA government that People go to town about a such a trivial issue. IT IS WITH THE INTENTION OF BRINGING DISCREDIT TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT…. THESE PEOPLE WILL NEVER SUCCEED ….. IT IS ALL IN THE GAME……. How many times before have the Old Boys of both St. Thomas’ and Royal jumped on the Stage and there was never a hue and cry.
But thank GOD that we have a President who know how to deal with his Chidlren.
I would reqeust all those making such a hue and cry TO SHUT UP!!!
thondamanny / March 21, 2016
Common Guys…. Give this Polonnaruwa lad a break.
Zulfi Hamid & the Organising committe should have presented him with a mamoty to take to the Polonnaruwa fields and another fifty cents to take a hair Cut.
Oh ! also a tin of boot polish…….
BTW, we need lot of guys like this lad to work on our Onion fields in the North
Good Night / March 22, 2016
So, I am correct. The motto of Royal College is FUCK. The best way to recognize a Royalist is to observe how many Fucks are in his speech.
Crazyoldmansl / March 24, 2016
Big deal! Where were these brave Thomian old boys when a dumb warden allowed a family of murderers to be accepted as students of STC??? Let us have an inquiry into how that was allowed? If STC felt comfortable with this kind of people amongst its students then things have changed…in fact they began to change when Ananda Ellawala was shot. By them rowdism and thuggery had come to stay in the school by the sea…and they got stronger and stronger and others were killed.