21 January, 2025


I Am Not Scared Of Chest Beaters: Maithripala Sirisena

President Maithripala Sirisena has declared that he is not scared of chest beaters, and no matter who tries to conspire to topple the government, no one can change the government till the next parliamentary elections in 5 years.

MaithripalaAddressing the 19th National Convention of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress in Ampara on Saturday, Sirisena said, “Recently someone told a rally in Colombo to let him take over the government so he can rule the country again. He was beating his chest while saying this. We saw how this person ruled the country; even I was part of his government at one point. But, I am not scared of anyone who beats their chest, that was why I left and formed my own government.”

Sirisena, who was the chief guest at the event, also said that those who were defeated by the masses will remain defeated.

“Today there is freedom in the country to hold protest marches, rallies and meetings, and none of the leaders who organize these events have to worry about being abducted by white vans, or their homes been stoned. Today everyone and anyone has the freedom to voice their opinions including disapproval, and don’t have to live in fear,” Sirisena said.

Speaking further on the recent nationwide blackouts and the subsequent power cuts for almost a week, the President said that according to the Ceylon Electricity Board engineers, the current situation has happened because none of the power machinery has been upgraded over the past ten years. “This is why the country has had to undergo such a situation,” he added.

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  • 1

    To Gobbaya, Sama, and Simon Gunasekera Aiya!
    You can no longer pretend you didn’t see/read the following Exclusive:
    “UK Strongly Snubs Sri Lanka Over Visa Requests For Daham Sirisena Whilst President Orders News Blackout”.
    That’s from Today’s Colombo Telegraph.
    Any comments from U3 (Die-hard supporters of My3).
    Don’t hide! We need an answer!
    Thank you!

    • 0

      This is not an issue for us though supporters to current govt.

      If there are reasons them to reject the visa – should be clear with them.
      That should no means be mixed with the politics governing in the country.

      Instead of helping the current regime to find out where the billions have been gone/kept by Rajaakshes – making every efforts to hang on the kind of issues are not what we have right at the moment. The current regime should radically go through on going investigations and bring all the alleged high profile criminals verdicts. We have waited long, we can also wait even longer if we know investigations are moving on the right track.

      All kind of sabotogers should NOT closely be investigated, Rajapakshes and their thuggish underground men are merciless – known fact basta

  • 0

    To Mallaiyuran!
    If sb has killed 150,000 to save 22 million, what would you say about it.
    (The above is for your following comment to Sumane! ….if Champika has to be sued for that accident, here a theoretical question for your answer is, what kind of a treatment you suggest to some people who have killed 150,000 with intentionally using even chemical weapons?).

    • 0

      You did not touch my question. Your are trying to say Champika need not to be sued; it was not an accident; Champika tried to kill a bunch of murders and saved many thousand people,with his vehicle. That is not acceptable to Sumane. So not answering for Sumane. That was not what I agreed with Sumane. It is not in Sumane’s talk; it is only in your assumption.

      Try again with Sumane’s assumption: Champika criminally knocked somebody down; so he have to be sued, but being detected from it because the Batalanda Criminal Ranil is protecting him.

  • 0

    He needs to walk the talk! If he does not take action against those SLFP members who were supporting the ‘chest beating’, and flouting his orders, he is nothing more than a gutless lame duck! This view will be further supported if he even CONSIDERS a suggestion to accept Gota Rajapakse, as proposed by ‘senior’ SLFP members! This man is being investigated for fraud etc.by a PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION! It shows the mentality of those supporting him, who will stoop to grab power at any cost with no principles! Will the President be a statesman or another common or garden Lankan politician!

  • 0

    I would like to re-post my question.
    To Gobbaya, Sama, and Simon Gunasekera:the Swiss subject! You can no longer pretend you didn’t see/read the following Exclusive: “UK Strongly Snubs Sri Lanka Over Visa Requests For Daham Sirisena Whilst President Orders News Blackout”. That’s from Today’s Colombo Telegraph. Any comments from U3 (Die-hard supporters of My3). Don’t hide! We need an answer specially about this fart: “…… Whilst President (Sirisena; the father of the child) Orders News Blackout”! Thank you!

  • 0

    Why worry about chest-beaters (after all MR did not beat his chest at the Hyde Park). Just get on with your work. People are struggling. Some don’t have clean drinking water. Is this Yahapalanaya?

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