19 February, 2025


‘Aluthgama’ Needs To Be Arrested Forthwith

By Malinda Seneviratne –

Malinda Seneviratne

Malinda Seneviratne

The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) holds a rally following an ‘incident’.  A second, more violent incident follows.  That’s an easy line to draw, i.e. from BBS to violence.  It holds.  The language, the whipping up of emotions, creation and/or exacerbation of apprehensions regarding another community do not add up to prthagjanas reverting to the foundational tenets, especially wisdom and compassion, or the inhabiting of the sathara brahma viharana (compassion, kindness, equanimity and rejoicing in another’s joys) but produce a quick slide to besieged mentality, persecution mania and the adaptation of ‘attack is the best form of defence’ thinking. 

What are the ‘facts’ that we have here?  There’s the ‘incident’ where it is claimed that a Muslim person had hit a bikkhu. Claiming is easy and this side of arahathood anyone, bikkhus included, can transgress precepts, including the fourth, the commitment not to utter falsehood).  Not only are things lost in narration, lots get added on too in the process. A disagreement becomes dispute, dispute becomes argument, argument raises voices, raised voices lead to in-your-face closeness, proximity tends to contact, contact is read as aggressive touch, touch is blow, and blow is assault.  What happens between two human beings is then an altercation between two persons from two communities, religious communities, that is.

The fact is that neither party can offer anything to conclusively prove their case.  So they go to the Police.  What can the police do?  If the police are impartial, the police will weigh evidence and let the law take its course, either towards dismissal or indictment. The police, since it is also tasked to maintain peace, will take precautions to ensure that tempers are kept in check.

The Police may have done the best they could but ‘the best’ clearly has been inadequate.  Muslims have been attacked in Alutgama. Houses and shops have been torched.  The BBS rally could have been stopped (others have been on numerous occasions, after all).  Outfits like the BBS thrives on ‘flash-points’ and are not averse to creating ‘flash-points’ which can be exploited.  The ‘democratic’ argument; right to assemble, right to express opinion etc; is thin given histories that the Police and higher authorities are clearly not ignorant about.

It’s so easy to slide on the matter of ‘faith’.   Someone says ‘I was hit’ and those who hear that will see robe and bikkhu, will see ‘Muslim’ and not another human being, will not stop and ask ‘is that true?’ and will not let the law deal with it.  And when the law does deal with it, even in clumsy ways, if the ‘decision’ is perceived as ‘unfair’, there is frustration. The police and the government have not helped at all.  There have been countless instances in these types of situations as well as in regular policing matters where the law has been a politician’s plaything and police officers turned into hapless implementers of orders ‘from above’.

In this context Buddhists will say (as they have – check FB posts) that the Government is turning a blind eye on ‘Islamic Extremism’ and Muslims will say (as they have) that this is a  ‘Sinhala Buddhist state’ with tacit approval of ‘Extremist Buddhist outfits’ and their attacks on Muslims and Muslim establishments.  Both parties can cite innumerable instances of ‘government support’ to the ‘other’.  Buddhists will say ‘Kuragala’ and Muslims could point to state-run media outfits that have blown the Aluthgama incident way out of proportion, claiming that political mileage was being sought by stating as established fact what is, as of now, nothing more than an allegation, that of a bikkhu being attacked by a Muslim (whether or not religion was part of it is of course not even footnoted!).

Part of the reason is this whole ‘besieged’ discourse that is gaining ground across all communities based on identity, regardless whether they constitute the majority or are a minority.  Identity assertion is not illegal.  Sometimes it is not a matter of pride; it is a communal assertion that seeks safety from perceived threat.  Sometimes it is defiance.  Somewhere in this assertion business there is also a thread of threat.

Be that as it may, the ground that is made uneven and therefore made for tripping in multiple ways, is clearly a product of a break down in the entire institutional arrangement pertaining to law and order.  It has made it possible for anyone to stake high moral ground claiming persecution and complicity of the police in the pernicious designs of the ‘other’.

For this, no one is to blame, but all relevant individuals and bodies in the government.

If the Government does nothing, then we are in a serious situation.  However, even if the Government does nothing, it does not follow that the people should twiddle their thumbs.  If ‘faith’ is at the center of these disturbing developments, then it would not be out or order to seek in ‘faith’ the appropriate response.

No doctrine needs defense.  Political positions require defense, political organizations can claim that defense is necessary. Attack will be an easy option in the matter of defending these things.  Organizations have their membership made of the like-minded. They rarely listed to advise from outsiders (why should they?).  But not all Buddhists are members of the BBS and not all Buddhists support the BBS.

There is legitimate fear on the part of Muslims.  No amount of assurances from the government or the police or the neighbors would succeed in removing these fears completely.  It is necessary however for Buddhists to talk to their Muslim neighbors. It is not about saying sorry for crimes committed in their name by people they don’t even know or whose actions they did not and would not support.  All that needs to be done is to say ‘I will not do this and I will do my best to stop anyone from doing anything like this to you or your family, my friend’.

It is not easy to argue with a mob, but I have seen individuals standing up to mobs.  Reason, compassion, determination and everything else that one obtained or is strengthened by faith, will do it.

Aluthgama is a metaphor for a lot of things. A lot of things we really can do without.  For this reason Aluthgama needs to be arrested forthwith, if not by the Government then by the decent, civilized, law-abiding citizens of this country, whatever their faith.

*Malinda Seneviratne is the Chief Editor of ‘The Nation’ and his articles can be found at www.malindawords.blogspot.com

Latest comments

  • 17

    Its quite unfortunate the laws cannot disrobe and lockup BBS.

    What is needed is some kind of media, civil society activism to arrest the trend.

    If it has come to a point where lay people need to advise the Maha Sangha on the merits of non-violence I recon Sri Lanka has truly lost it.

    • 15

      This is July 1983 Redux..
      Only difference is that this time, it is Muslims and not Tamils who are the victims of the PARANOID Sinhala Buddhist racism and BBS Facism.

      There are 2 culprits in this:
      1) Gota Jarapassa’s Bodu Bala Sena that is part of the Rajapakse Military dictatorship’s strategy to DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE the Lanka.
      2) and the cowardly Muslim politicians starting with the corrupt clown Rauf Hakim so-called Minister of INJUSTICE and CORRUPTION in the Wonder of Asia who supports the racist regime for few perks rather than taking out a case against BBS and locking up its leaders..

      Today the Australian Monk Ajan Brahamovansa taught about true Buddhism,. It was clear that this radiant monk is unlike the cattle in Safron Robes. Today in Sri Lanka there is NO BUDDHISM only a mockery of Buddhism and PARANOID and UNEDUCATED SInhala Modayas who only know a warped murderous saffron monk order who want to destroy the minorities…
      What exists as Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka are CATTLE and corrupt thieves to are given immunity by the Rajapakse regime whose project is to DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE the Sinhala Modayas forever!

    • 3

      BBS is doing what exactly they should do.

      Otherwise, Muslims will establish a homeland here, buddhism will be side lined.

      Christians like vibhushana will laugh from their AS..

      Old islam and the modern islam are not the same. they are busy in spreading and expanding. christians are waiting from the side like foxes to benefit from that.

      • 8




        [Edited out] ?

        GNANASARA is a thug hiding under a monks robe ……


        • 2

          Another Nanthikadal is in the making!

          Cry Genocide.

          • 1

            You shall be contaminated to eternity from the pollutions of Nuclear.

        • 1

          Hussain is day dreaming there will be a Muslim VP. Surely what we see today at Aluthgama and Beruwala is the result of double-dealing – for a long time. There is unlikely to be a passionate, selfless liberation leader like VP or Wijeweera among the opportunistic Muslims. Look at the material you have as leaders – the mental Ganda Azwer, Paisa Mustafa, the lecherous Fakim and the rest of the Alavi M’s, Rishard B’s and a whole bunch of tricksters who will sell the community if they can to make a fast buck. In Tamilnadu the Muslims there rightly admit they are Tamil by race and Muslim by religion. Here the community wants to eat the cake and have the cake. And what you see and have now is what Mao called as the “consequences of contradictions”


          • 0

            In Tamilnadu the Muslims claim as such for Tamil is theirs by language not in the Blood. This shows how ignorant and stupids the Lankan Tamils are.

      • 2


        BBS and all those “Buddhist” Monks. They are clamoring for boys.


        Child Abuse by a Monk in Habaraduwa

        This should have satisfied their need for violence,

      • 2

        JimSofty says “BBS is doing what exactly they should do.”. I can’t disagree with him, because JimSofty type guys and BBS/Rawaya represent the Majority of Sinhalese Majority. BBS/Rawaya is the voice of them. Bigger harm to SL is Buddhist Mahanayakes, they are the culprits of these gradually developing intolerance and inferior complex of the MAJORITY of S-Buddhist majority in the last 100 or so years, BBS/Rawaya are only voices generated by these majority thinking.
        If you only focus on BBS/Rawaya and try to fix them, you will never succeed. Because real issues are general public thinking and unwise Buddhist Mahanayakes…

      • 0

        They will allow the practice of Buddhism in Lankastan and the reasonable use of Sinhalese language

    • 2

      Malinda Seneviratne –


      Is this Sinhala Buddhism or Not?

      Buddha must be turning on his Nirvana.

      What a shame, What happened to the Land of Native Veddah, courtsey of Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”?

  • 20


    Please quit uttering tired, old, useless rhetoric.

    Nothing will happen.

    Your master Gota is the God Father of BBS monkeys.

    Destruction of Sri Lanka, if needed, to entrench Hambantota Clan’s lunatic dynasty building project is a foregone conclusion.

    Only true Sri Lankan patriots can save our country from Rajapassa clan gone mad.


    • 6

      Ben Hurling

      “Only true Sri Lankan patriots can save our country from Rajapassa clan gone mad”

      Sri Lankan patriots is often repeated meaningless phrase. Its being used by all sides to suit their own agenda.

      • 6


        “Sri Lankan patriots is often repeated meaningless phrase. Its being used by all sides to suit their own agenda”

        May be so.

        Yet, true patriots do not wrap themselves in the national flag.

        They do not steal & plunder the wealth of an impoverished nation.

        They do not misuse the so called race card to gain political power.

        They are not power hungry.

        They give to their country. Even their lives should the need arise. They expect nothing in return.

        Sri Lanka has many such people.

        Sri Lanka will be saved only by the leadership of those. Not by SLFP, UNP or Die-ass-pora monkeys.

        One beautiful day.


        • 3

          Ben Hurling

          Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Samuel Johnson

          • 2


            Samuel Johnson was refering to patriots such as the ones we see in the gigantic Rajapassa clan.

            Not people who wish well for their country and all people in it.


          • 0

            “You uppity SOB!” – (Movie: Django) – Samuel Jackson

        • 1

          Not by SLFP, UNP or Die-ass-pora monkeys.

          Why not add SLFP monkeys, UNP monkeys ans so on but Die-ass-pora monkeys. Indeed, this instance reveals that you are a patriotic imbecile barbaric Sinhala-Buddhist donkey.

  • 12

    Malinda Seneviratne – the voice of sanity. I have always maintained that despite the inumerable criticisms against him by those jealous and envious of his talents. Am awaiting a barrage of arrows now from those communalist elements spewing hatred at Malinda simply for this article alone. Bravo Malinda, the country needs more guys like you.

    • 1

      Ok then the Muslims should give him a laptop

  • 2

    Dear Malinda Seneviratne –

    “The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) holds a rally following an ‘incident’. A second, more violent incident follows. That’s an easy line to draw, i.e. from BBS to violence. It holds. The language, the whipping up of emotions, creation and/or exacerbation of apprehensions regarding another community do not add up “

    “For this, no one is to blame, but all relevant individuals and bodies in the government.”

    Mahinda, you and multitudes of “Educated” Sinhala Buddhists claim to be Buddhists and follow the Buddha Dhamma. We have Mahanayakas who are Pusnayakas. We have many Sinhalese Buddhists who believe in the lies and Imaginations of Monk Mahanama. Their brainwashing is such that they cannot distinguish distortions, history, facts, lies and imaginations from each other, especially, if written in Pali and preached by Monks.

    The politicians have a hey day exploiting the Sinhala Buddhists, claiming that they protect Buddha Sasana, and getting their votes and maintaining their hegemony. They let the Mahanayakas and Pusnayakas happy by letting them maintain their hegemony.

    You claim to be a Sinhala Buddhist Intellectual media writer. You have won some prizes. You should, expose these facts, and keep exposing .. the lies …..

  • 10

    Tonight the roads of Colombo are deathly silent, there is a de facto curfew on, police on the streets. Anticipation of Violence is in the Air.

    We are back to the future of July 1983 in the Wonder of Asia, morphing into the debacle of Asia, run by a Jarapassa family of WAR CRIMINALS who need to be frog marched to the Hague.

    Sri Lanka is in the Grip of Kuveni’s curse – Kuvenige Sapaya which is there till the murderous Rajapaksa family is driven out.

    • 6

      Kuvenige Sapaya

      “Tonight the roads of Colombo are deathly silent, there is a de facto curfew on, police on the streets.”

      At the right time Police will be recalled to their respective stations. They will change into their riot gear, raised sarong, baton, petrol can, … would be deployed in the front-line,………….. Saffron clad thugs armed with electoral list,

      • 1

        Kuvenige “Sapaya” was what brought about all the mess in this island. A one night stand with that scoundrel Vijaya brought about shame on the wariges of the Veddahs with the following incestuous descendents named Singholys.

  • 8

    Gota & BBS got paid for this job, they wanted, curse of Rajapaksa, his END is nearing.

    • 3


      “Gota & BBS got paid for this job, they wanted, curse of Rajapaksa, his END is nearing. “

      Did the peace loving Norwegians give money as well?

      • 1

        Norwegians are the transworld underarm of the Elites.

  • 7

    Malinda’s parallel world of PARANOID Sinhala Buddhist modayas – is now on full display for all to see – attack the minorities!

    SInhala modayas are a majority with a Minority Complex. They are Paranoid and insular to the core. Sinhala Modayas are an insult to Buddhism in the world.

    Listen to monk Ajahn Brahm who held a meditation course at the BMICH and understand that there is NO Buddhism in Lanka today, only a paranoid, and politicized wreak of religion..

    There is NOT a single Sinhala saffron monk who can touch Ajahn Brahm’s toe nail in Dhamma in the land of Sinhala Modaya. He is Sovana.

    The moda Sinhala Mahanayakas are an UNEDUCATED and paranoid and racist lot who have failed to modernize Buddhism in Lanka which is as backward as Islam and failed to lead the Sinhala Modayas on the MIDDLE PATH! Sri Lanka has today a tribe of Saffron Cattle.. (Harak) ONLY!

    Buddhism in Lanka is militarized, violent and DISTORTED and politicized and an INSULT TO WHAT THE BUDDHA TAUGHT. It is NOT Buddhism at all!

  • 2

    Dear Malinda,

    Writing this article, I acknowledge and appreciate very much your effort in reclaiming the lost credibility or what is left of it. You are a highly talented journalist and an individual, but it is sad to note you wasting your talents by being a spokesman for wrong reasons and for the wrong set of people.

    It is not too late and may be I cannot sustain your lifestyle, but I sincerely hope that you would put your human conscience first before your paycheck when you start writing again.

    As for your article, it would have been refreshing had you written about something which most of us here would not have known before. God bless.

  • 3

    I congradulate Malinda on a welcome transformation.For once he has written a Sensible article.

    Hope more sense will prevail.

    Srilankan state need to rid it’s Theocratic affliction and become a secular state.

    Then and only then, one can deal with these incidents evenhandedly.

    Governments have no business in protecting or propagating a religion, they have to be secular.

    There are plenty of religious organizations which are capable of propagating any given religion.First they have to lead by example.Then the followers will imitate the same good behavior.

    By state sponsorship of one Religion a pecking order is created.

    The non state sponsored Religions which will perceive stepmotherly treatment no matter how small or insignificant the follower of that religion or sect might be.

  • 2

    Nothing less than justice will do. There is no point in splitting hairs or in sanctimonious humbugging. Bring the culprits to book.

    BTW, this was not a ‘clash’ as some news agencies are reporting. Clashes are when both sides hit each other. In this case the Muslims are the only victims. No Sinhala Buddhist homes or shops have been torched and no one from that quarter has been injured. So is the word ‘clash’ appropriate? Assault is more apt to this disgraceful episode in a never ending spiral of violence instigated by the BBS.


  • 3

    Dark days, months, years ahead for the radical Buddhists and innocent lives that will be shed in days to come. Financial loss to the economy will have severe consequences to the working class.

  • 3

    Will the BBS disclose their Cell reprsentatives in the Mid-East Countries
    so that Gota can send out a Circular disclosing how the local matter is
    being handled in keeping with Regime Policies!! All is well in this Dynasty.

  • 1

    Where is the all mighty Defence Secretary who today rules over the Police? This once again shows his inability to hold is office and maintain law and order in the country. If he is a respectable person he should immediately resign from his post. Can any one expect this from the present Defence Secretary, knowing very well who he is?

  • 2

    This clearly confirms that the Police powers with the Center is useless. Police powers should be given to Provincial Councils. For a long time civilians have been saying (irrespective of race and religions) that Balu Bala Sena was trying to create a communal riot, it has been proven in this instance. Why should a Buddhist Monk have a special status than an ordinary citizen? Every one is equal in the eyes of the law.

  • 3


    Don’t you know first that this BBS Gnanasara is a drunkard and a foul mouth, always behaving and talking like a thug who always takes cover behind Buddhism and the yellow robe. His only protection is his yellow robe and his other mis directed folland mis guided followers. Remember even Adolph Hitler had followers who he misdirected and now there are container loads of ethenol and cocain coming into Sri Lanka regularly and anybody has access and are vulnerable to become addicted to these illicit poisons.

    What is the message BBS Gnanasara gives to his followers and to the society. He is a hate monger. He spread vice and hatered among communities. He is a racist, a troube maker and an instigater of communal violence.

    Please do your research and find as to who exactly behind and funding this BBS Gnanasara.Find what their real motives are. Find who fund them with super expensive and super Luxury land cruisers, SUVs, mini vans and Monteros etc,etc. Where does he gets all this money from. Please check.


    It is only Buddhist Sinhala journalists like you who could find out the cause and the truth behind BBS organization and to report them to public.At least you could write on the plight of the Muslim and minority communities as a result of BBS racism.

    All we know is that Sri Lanka is fast heading towards destruction due to this racist BBS organization.

    Unless you guys help Sri Lanka to recover from this mess, soon all of us will have to eat geass and “Polkud” coconut dust very soon.

    If by any chance if ME countries decide to boycott and stop sending Gas and oil to Sri Lanka due to harassing and intimidation of Muslims and holy quran, soon our economy will come to a stand still and will collapse.

    Do you want to see another North Korea in Sri Lanka. I don’t think so.

    Therefore Please do proper investigations and write the truth and heal the wounds of Muslim community in Sri Lanka. Sri Lnaka is not a single family owned or single sect’s or single religions property. It belongs to every body both Majority and minority communities.

    Therefore it is only guys like you Malinda who could rescue and save our country from going towards an abeyss, still 30 years after a long communal war. Looks like someone cannot live in peace and always looking for trouble.

    It’s time to be serious and write serious letters to public and to educate them before another genocide to happen that could be much worse and nasty than 1983 progrom.

  • 3

    I agree . put these BBS buggers in jail .

  • 0

    This is the logical outcome of the Sinhala Buddhist State project. It will lead to a third world war. Sri Lanka will follow Japan to a nuclear baptism. The new child will then be brought up differently.

  • 4

    Norwegian investments finally paying dividends.

    • 1

      But we heard that even you have invested on a lot on the diaspora to get some lucrative deals mate!

      is it true ?

    • 0

      If they are norwegian investments, why does your gove do nothing?

  • 3

    The President is overseas, who is acting on his behalf of the Defense establishment.Why was this not stopped earlier or why was permission given to hold this meeting by the police knowing that a tense situation remained in Aluthgama. Who will take the responsibility of the ridiculous situation. The language used is an insult to the Robe we once respected.

  • 4


    Bravo. Thanks for you stance and lead. Let more voices be heard for what is right and against what is absolutely wrong.


  • 3

    Rise up Srilanka’s Modi.

  • 1

    Wonder of Asia; The mother of all racism.

    To prevent the international inquiry, yesterday, Hakeem gave a speech that he will find a solution for minorities with Lanka. Hakeem went to Geneva and gave a speech that “it is in this government the minorities, specially Muslims are living happily”. Country is in this type bad shape, what king game Hakeem is playing? At least now the Muslim leaders (Hakeem group) should visit to Aluthgama, find what happened and then report it to entire world. That how the Kings government can be discouraged not to repeat this.

  • 5

    SHAME, SHAME, SHAME; especially on the BBS thugs in saffron. Shame on the politicians who do not prevent riots, and forces that stand by and watch as lunatic fringes destroy lives and property. These extremists in SL seem hell bent on self destruction, totally unaware of long-term consequences of sectarian violence.

    If you are a true Buddhist, it is your duty to provide shelter for your muslim brethtren. I hope saner heads will prevail ASAP.

    The Buddha would be thoroughly disgusted at these events.

  • 2

    I have a question. When Buddhist priests are assaulted or killed even by another Buddhist priest or civilian, no one wants to kill or assault the attacker or killer. They seek Police and legal remedies. When a Muslim is assaulted by a Muslim there is no burning or attacks. They go to Police and courts. But when another person from a different ethnicity or faith does it everyone wants to assault, kill, burn etc. There are no inciters for the former situation. The BBS and othe Muslim terror groups are there for the latter status. What should be the reaction from authorities. Cannot the Police take Gnasara to find hidden arms and grenades? Beruwala is such a place one cannot go on the road near the railway station during the time when the Muslims do gem business. The road is blocked. There are no gazette notifications to do it, though law requires such. No law for Muslims. The state administration has failed in every thing inclusive of human security. A government that fought the LTTE and wiped it out cannot wipe BBS and Muslim terrorism! It should go to hell!

  • 2

    This conscienceless coward. He was too busy talking about Pillai and Internatioanl conspiracies when these things began. Now things and burning and people are dying only he’s writing about them.

  • 3

    Dear Malinda You know more than any one what you are trying to say and justify through certain Ambiguouty. So please see yourself to ensure whether the Police took any meaningful action under the Rule of Law against the BBS based on section 290 or 291 of the penal Code so far. Isn’t it a status of impunity.

    So now they have embarked upon their second mission in Aluthgama thanks to impunity offered by the State which so far resulted in arson looting and killings in a well planned and organized manner

  • 1

    Be they student riots or Rathupaswala riots or whatever, I am totally opposed to all forms of riots for it begets mayhem and that beget the destruction of peace and development we are experiencing now. So, all riots should be clamped down. Aluthgama riots cannot be an exception. Rioters should be arrested and charged.

    We have read about the religious riots of 1915. Fortunately we have not seen religious riots since. But we have seen sectarian riots among Muslims recently: Wahhabi and Salafi Tawheed extremists have demolished rival mosques, they have exhumed dead bodies of competing saints, they have burned over 150 houses of rival believers, They have even killed fellow Muslims of a differ sect in many cities of Sri Lanka. Most of the perpetrators were not even arrested on political pressure. What we should understand is; riots are not uncommon to Muslims.

    So, if you want to talk about “The language (of hate), the whipping up of emotions, creation and/or exacerbation of apprehensions regarding another community” and more of terrorism, then refer to Muslim Bibles, the Koran and Hadith first. Nothing like “compassion, kindness, equanimity and rejoicing in another’s joys” what you have mentioned are there. Let me tell you what is in those Bibles in brief.

    Muslims believe Koran is the word of the creator God, Allah. In no uncertain terms Koran affirms that kaffirs are filthy, unclean, non-believers and therefore deserves death. On the other hand it says, Muslims are the only legitimate and righteous people. Hadith shows Muslims how to draw inspiration from life examples of Muhammad to abide by the commandments in the Koran. Both these books show clearly that Muslim must oppose unbelievers of Allah, not take them as friends, and how to lie and fool them, and tax them under their rule, and treat them as enemies and kill them whenever the opportunity arises. If any Muslim challenges what I wrote is untrue, I shall quote Koran, Hadith and history of Islam to prove it.

    I have heard many a speech by Ven Gnanasara. Never once have I heard him telling Buddhists to do things what Koran tells Muslims to do. Unlike Muhammad and many of his present day Mullah, have I never heard him telling Buddhists to be terrorists or rob non-Buddhists or grab money (tax) from the non-Buddhists or rape non-Buddhist women or kill or maim non-Buddhists. All that Ven Gnasara highlighted is the organised undermining of Buddhist values and their heritage by ACJU and many a Muslim organisation and demand it be stopped. Now look at the broader picture and tell us what’s wrong with his approach?

    Do Muslims in any of the Muslim majority country allow its minority to undermine or look down upon their Muslim values? No.

    Allah is the Arabic word for God just like Yahawah is the Jewish name for it. Christian Arabs call their creator Allah. So, Allah should be common to all theists just like Yahawah. However Muslims in Malaysia, demonstrated demanding Christians stop calling their God, ‘Allah’. And, 65% Muslim majority went to courts and got a ruling; “Only Muslims have the right to refer to their god as Allah.” And that’s how Muslims protect their values in a country where 65% have become Muslim in less than 600 years.

    So, we must first understand the root of the problem. It’s nothing but the extremism of Islam.

    • 0

      Your comment is more than the article. Just like Sri Lanka.

  • 1

    Malinda Seneviratne can now devote the rest of his life to collecting his “works” as the ultimate in racist hypocrisy.

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