15 January, 2025


Media Blackout On Aluthgama Situation: Police To Cover Mosques Island-Wide

The Police have given instructions to Police stations island-wide to give protection to all Muslim mosques in their locality following the mob attack on Muslim houses and businesses in Aluthgama, the Colombo Telegraph learns.

While the situation in Aluthgama has currently been brought under control after the imposing of a Police curfew, the Police have also enforced a curfew in the adjoining Muslim dominated Beruwala area.

Aluthgama Muslims attackedReports from the ground said that many Muslim houses and businesses are currently in flames following the attack by goons of the Bodu Bala Sena.

The Colombo Telegraph learns that highly placed officials have informed editors of news and print media in Sri Lanka to desist from reporting the ground situation prevailing in Aluthgama,

Instead, the media have been told to only inform the public about the curfew imposed due to a “tense situation”.

The Aluthgama incident comes in the wake of a mob attack launched by thugs on Muslim businesses on Thursday.

The Bodu Bala Sena had held a meeting in the Dharga Town today regarding an alleged assault on a Buddhist monk. Galagoda atthe Gnanasara had addressed the rally and reportedly made inciteful remarks before the mob started stoning an adjoining mosque.

Aluthgama Mulsims attacked 2


*Pictures courtesy BBC Sandeshaya

Related posts;

Buddhist Monk Allegedly Assaulted By Muslims In Aluthgama

Muslim Owned Shop Torched By Buddhist Thugs

Altuhgama Under Siege: Muslim Owned Shops Are Torched

Latest comments

  • 9

    To wht low level people cum

    • 8

      The Rajapaksa plan is to DISTRACT the Sinhala Modayas by running the BBS to attack Muslims.

      Now as the UN investigation in the War Crimes of the regime goes forward BBS has stepped out to distract the Sinhala Modayas from the criminal regime and from the UN investigation and the economic debt crisis. BBS is owned and operated by Gota the white van goon whose project is to DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE as the MILITARY DICTATOR of Lanka!
      BBS is distracting the Sinhala Modayas from the real crisis in the country which is the Mahinda Jarapassa dictatorship that uses racism and violence against minorities to rule the Sinhala Modayas…

    • 5

      Burn, Baby, Burn! The policy of Gota the white van goon to distract and rule Sinhala Modayas… from the looming war crimes trial in the Hague..

  • 3

    BBS must stop this campaign against our own people in the country. This wrong… this can be lead to a total anarchy and very disastrous consequences. Gotabaya must stop his supporting attitude towards this dangerous trend and anti human /anti sri lankan canmpaign. We all have to live in peace, If they do something wrong , we have to correct them in a respectful way. STOP!

    • 4


      “BBS must stop this campaign against our own people in the country.”

      This is the unique raging culture of Sinhala/Buddhism. They rage and envy on 24/7/52 basis.

      The entire nation maintains a cool deafening silence, including sangha, state officials, government, politicians, police, …………

      • 1


        “The entire nations……..”

        Real thirst for blood and loot!More and more
        investments going to flow!Rajapaksa paradise!

  • 5

    RE: Media Blackout On Aluthgama Situation: Police To Cover Mosques Island-Wide

    The Govt. Should be shamed, but they have No Shame.

    The Sinhala Buddhists Should be shamed, but do they have Shame?

    The Mahanayakas Should be shamed, but do they have Shame?

    The Land of Maras. O-Buddha why did you let the Mara Buddhism to be introduced to Lanka, The Land of Native Veddah?

  • 4

    Curfew is to protect BBS thugs, under curfew many shops and houses Burned and looted, BBS thug monks will become milliners in an overnight. Easy way to earn money, Jealousy buffalos.

  • 1

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  • 2

    What is the credibility of this news? Meantime they claim that Police and Army are protecting the Muslims and arresting Sinhalese while Muslims in the area have encircled the Sinhalese and attempted to attack. Nothing about it on this report? Biased Colombo Telegraph?

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 5

    This insane act of hatred and violence must stop.The govt has the utmost control and responsibility to protect each and every citizen.A few gang of people taking law unto their hands must be punished.Every action has a reaction.

  • 0

    Rise up Srilanka’s Modi.

    • 0

      [Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT

  • 1

    Good timing for a Presidential election. Divide & rule. Sinhala & non Sinhala. which has the higher percentage? Hope the peace loving majority sinhalese will vote with their brains than hearts. If not this country will go down burning.
    Each peace loving sinhalese should make a decision from now itself & educate their neighbour. While the non sinhalese should refrain from any violence and hope & pray to be calm and wait for that day these divisional politics and the system which brews such to end.

  • 0

    Not sure if any of you’ll spotted Fathima Fukashimaya admits the crowd – cheering away. When a news caster asked her why she was cheering – she replied “because the Tamils are being attached”

  • 0

    Muslims in Aluthgama should have been very cautious when dealing with Buddhist monks.They were very well aware that there were incidents which made these two communities to clash with each other very recently.When monk was attacked they should know that this will give a good opportunity to extremist use this incident to incite Buddhist community against Muslims.No Buddhist in this country would like to see Monks being attacked by Muslims.

    • 1

      Lion, please stop the propaganda. There was no attack on a Buddhist monk asclaimed by the BBS. This is not true. There was an incident with a driver of a vehicle that was transporting a Buddhist priest is what the initial information reveal. However, the monk or the driver had not made an entry to the local police at the time because the driver himself had hurled racial abuse at the pedestrians in raw filth. The Buddhist monk being transported in that vehicle had not even got involved at all in this incident and no harm was caused to him is what is being said. Let’s not jump to conclusions and spread rumours. We don’t need another black July.

  • 2

    a muslim joker wearing sun glasses is lieing as they normally do

  • 2

    Muslims never attacked buddist monks

    please study the situation properly and comment

  • 1

    How the hell you know all the things planned by BBS ?

    • 1


      “How the hell you know all the things planned by BBS ?”

      It is their pattern of behaviour that confirms it. Whether it is the handy work of BBS or SWRD Banda doesn’t matter. General observation and history suggest all riots are initiated on the basis of Sinhala/Buddhist core values.

      It is part of their Aryan Sinhala/Buddhist culture.

      • 0

        Revival of Voodooism over Buddhism like the Kalism over Saivism of the Tamils.

  • 0

    Please, Please, will some peace loving sri lankan teach all these instigators/distractors the real meaning of Unity and peace in the country. Please avoid brainwashing innocent people with foolish comments, instead remain silent. One cannot blame the whole community for the foolish acts of a handful of fools

  • 0

    I hold the MR clan responsible for the riots. BBS is the brainchild of Gotabhaya, originally financed by him and subsequently financed by shodowy anti muslim organisations in Norway and the US. All deaths and destruction should be on the head of Gotabhaya and through complicity all murderous Rajapaksa brothers must be held accoutable.

  • 0


  • 0

    BBS has nothing to do with this. Sinhalees didnt just attack because they hate them they attack because those muslims have attack sinhalees in many times in past.

  • 0

    We were happy that the war ended and there was peace. But it has been shot lived due to the short sightedness of our politicians and the people who rule this beautiful Sri Lanka our Motherland. This is serious, as the so called ‘men in yellow robes” are leading this type of violence when they are supposed to preach the Buddha’s teaching of mercy, respect of other religions, peace etc. Shouldn’t they set an example to the younger generation …. We all have the equal rights to live in this our motherland. I am sure that many Sinhala men and women living in that area and others who took part in the attack have wives and husbands working in the middle east, in Muslim countries and sending back the petro dollars they earn to keep their home fires burning. Have they forgotten all these ? Have the Buddhists forgotten that what they do … comes back to them… If they do good, good will happen to them, but if they do evil to men,evil will come back to them.

  • 0

    This is violence can stop by government why they raising crisis due government need only
    Rise only Buddhism or disminised other minority or only Muslim eliminate. Anyway today because of
    Muslim country helping ,jobvise,financial and other optical through helping to sri lanka population
    This is system not a way must ban of illegal BBS then good for country and requesting please
    Do not involve this terrorism on powerty peopale and we together loving best for country.

  • 0

    Buddha never say torture to other religions why they bbs (bodubala sena) starting torture to
    Other religion which crisis create by body bala sena as much as possible stop bodu bala sena
    If not stop in future huge problem create in our country very soon and why government very calm silent we don’t know since 2013 to now. 22 Muslim mosque and church breaking why government
    Silent if might occurs in Buddhist temple already starting many investigate, this maintained very bad
    For our country please every body acknowledgement thoroughly need.

  • 0

    How come SL has no Islamic terrorism when it is there in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Burma, Afghanistan, Iran, Thailand, etc., etc.?

    The entire neighborhood of SL has Islamic terrorism.

    How come SL still don’t have Islamic terrorism?

    It cannot be. SL has it. Govt. not telling the truth.

    Attack on Jaffna mosque is not getting enough coverage!!

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