By Ratna Bala –
Honourable President, Prime Minister and Leaders of all political parties,
Political wisdom, courage and commitment by the people and the leaders made it possible to emerge victorious proved again toughest nut of all can be cracked by peaceful means when all Sri Lankans come together united by cooperation and consensus. It’s a powerful message to the world and us that progress can be made by peoples collective resolve without violence. It’s time for celebration.
I would like to appeal to all our leaders to help our President to use all his powers to make this coming Sinhala/Tamil New Year a memorable day for everyone to feel proud for what that they have done by contributing to bring a full moon spot light over Sri Lanka to place it in the positive history of the world. I am sure our ex- president will acknowledge course of events and come to terms to accept peoples wish as it happened by spiritual blessing of triple gems to protect the country from his failures to promote genuine peace after winning the war. Let this New Year begin with big bang of love and peace.
I am sure all peace loving Sri Lankans craving to see democratic values get deep roots in our motherland, for posterity to prosper, would feel very proud if our president could declare following measures for the New Year as reconciliation and rejuvenation for celebration.
- Increase the percentage of GDP allocations to all provincial councils to give additional financial resources to devolved powers and promote better participatory role for people in governance.
- Promise to promote social audit systems to minimize corruption
- Remove existing Prevention of terrorism Act which violate many basic human rights and replace it later with consensually agreed internationally practiced PTA to prevent terrorism.
- Release all prisoners without direct link to terrorist act arrested under PTA and Emergency law. Believe in our children, generosity and magnanimity can only promote same virtues in them. They don’t need to be in jail any more. Please let them join their parents and children.
- I am very pleased to hear recently our PM have said he will do everything possible to stop our daughters being sent to Middle East as housemaid for better balance of payments. There are many reports of violence, torture, rape, death many regrettable sad stories. Please declare we will do everything possible to save them from torture and losing their dignity and find alternative avenues of jobs for them.
- Reaffirm the commitment to upheld media freedom and your conviction to stop discrimination based on ethnicity, religion and caste to establish equal rights and equal opportunity to all Srilankan citizens.
- Sri Lankan Diaspora can contribute significantly to promote prosperity in their motherland. They need reassurance and recognition as part of the family. They should be given special preferences for their contribution to transfer investment, knowledge, skills and experience to benefit their own people. Introduce long term easy work permit for Srilankan born foreign citizens to come back to work in the country and extend the duration of stay as visitors to six months.
- Productivity of the country depends on health of the people. Enormous amount of their productive time is lost people get exhausted to get medical care when one person ill in the family due inadequate local health centres. Promise to initiate UK NHS model GP service which can provide better health service closer to people’s home in every village and town. Diaspora doctors are willing to help their colleagues in this endeavour. This will create thousands of professional jobs to our people and maintain quality of health service at village level at international standards. We can make millions of poor hard working people happy and healthy in return maximize productive power and increase working man hours to benefit the nation. This will have added benefits of reducing the crimes related to alcohol, drugs, domestic violence and improving the education of children.
- Women and children in our country need further measures to protect their rights and well being. If I am not wrong many children in our orphanage centres have parents. Due to poverty and poverty related violence and crime these children were taken to orphanage centres. Amount of psychological trauma these children and parents facing are not well known. Housing and employment are main contributory factors. Promise to give priority to unite these children with their parents by providing necessary provisions.
- Promise to provide long term assistance to all disable people and help to promote their alternative strengths and skills.
- Promise Women headed families given necessary help to maintain their dignity and livelihood.
- Promise to empower more women as Members of Parliament, Ministers and Provincial council members.
Although others may know much better than myself, of other urgent needs of people, with deep felt passion wish to see these measures happening soon in our country to bring smile and hope to many hearts. It’s my humble believe this appeal will contribute to bring more attention to these issues in this New Year. It’s more than possible with these measures our leaders would trust each other more in the New Year and act with courage without fear and suspicion to solve major problems.
Above all I am confident that with the help of all other political leaders and members of parliament our honourable president with his promising words and genuine deeds will reassure everyone to look forward for better future and celebrate the New Year with hope and happiness.
Thank You.
Wish all Sri Lankans a Very Happy New Year!
dcn / April 12, 2015
The President M. Sirisena can bring the required change to unite the country which we earnestly hope will do step by step. We should support him wholeheartedly irrespective of differences as Sinhalese or Tamils.
Douglasd / April 12, 2015
Good to hear people with initiatives speak like this. To begin with everyone must stop using this word “self rule” that which had caused so many lives to perish for no cause or reason. Instead, let us resolve in this New Year to talk and propagate “National Rule”, a joint commitment by all communities to build a country belonging to everyone. All this while this slogan “self rule”, “self determination” has brought about a situation to mistrust and divide the communities and the country. If all of us can “JOIN” together to vote at a “Presidential Election” what prevents us from joining to build the country “jointly” and “Nationally”. That call applies to all politicians of all shades. Let us begin to march with determination to achieve that GOAL.
Lanka Watch / April 12, 2015
Douglas – You misunderstood the words “Self rule”. During the past couple of decades, there was ‘ruler and the ruled’ status prevailed
in the country and with the new opening in the country towards meaning -ful democratic practices, the people of North/East now want a federal system in a unitary state to rule them, which means a merged N/E, where
their language,religion and the culture could be protected, while Sri
Lanka remains one sovereign country and administration in these areas where Tamils & Tamil speaking Muslims live, predominantly, done in the
language they can read and write and understand.
This is the difference between ‘ruler and the ruled’ and ‘self rule’
style of governing. The success story is in India, among many other countries like USA & Canada,where 28 linguistic states functioning under the central govt. where people mind their own business in their own states and in general, work in unison for one goal,the uplift of the country on the whole, jointly and nationally.
Native Vedda / April 12, 2015
“If all of us can “JOIN” together to vote at a “Presidential Election” what prevents us from joining to build the country “jointly” and “Nationally””
The 48% “smart ass patriot” didn’t vote for the present president. You should ask those who still believe in MR rule. They still believe in building an exclusive Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto in the Indian ocean. They still believe in Sinhala/Buddhist majoritarian rule.
They are the ones who ignited the self rule bonfire. They should put it out. Federalism was first mooted by the racist SWRD B. He succumbed to both racism and saffron bullet.
You should be campaigning among Sinhala/Buddhists the rest of the people will fall in line, including Sinhalese, Buddhists, Tamils, Muslims, Christians, ………
Could you define what you meant by jointly and nationally.
Could you also define what you know about self rule and explain why it is bad for the island.
Could you be precise.
Ajith / April 12, 2015
Every political party, institutions and organisation understands what is neant the words by Self-rule, self-determination, federalism and devolution by Tamil political leadership. SWRD understood very well, Dudley Senanayake understood very well,Chandrika understood very well, Ranil understood very well and even Mahinda understood very well. That is why they agreed with Tamil leadership to find political solution based on devoloution of power to North East region where Tamil speaking people live in majority. The mistrust between Tamils and Sinhalese were created purposely by Fundamentalist bankrupt political opponents within Sinhala leadership. Unless the political leadership prepared to tell the truth about thetrue benefits of sharing power through devolution, Srilanka will never return to a place with peace and harmony. We have seen the effects of that reality within last five years of creating a national rule where we end of with a dictatorship and one Family rule by creating Sinhalese only policy by Mahinda. Honesty and recognistion of diversity and openness are the most valuable principles.
soma / April 13, 2015
Mr Ajith
What do propose to do with the 50+% Tamil speaking people living in areas outside North and East? In case North and East is merged for a federal unit we Sinhalese will demand that 50+% Tamil speaking people living in Sinhala majority areas be physically moved to North and East. What do you think of that mr Ajith?
Native Vedda / April 14, 2015
“In case North and East is merged for a federal unit we Sinhalese will demand that 50+% Tamil speaking people living in Sinhala majority areas be physically moved to North and East. What do you think of that mr Ajith?”
It is unreasonable to move the Tamils to North East however they should be send back to their ancestral homeland in Tamil Nadu along with their Sinhala brethren whose ancestors also came from South India.
When are you leaving?
Real Peace / April 13, 2015
Can a Tamil/Muslim ever become President or Prime Minister? Will you support a proposal that all three community members become President/Prime Minister in rotation?
Right now you can see a Tamil cannot become even an Opposition Leader!!! This is the triggering factor for Self Rule
soma / April 13, 2015
Let us include Burger and Malay, Catholic, protestant reps for the rotation.
Real Peace / April 14, 2015
You did not probably understand my question. Let me make it simple; how come only a Sinhalese has been head of state since independence? Why? Non Sinhalese are not humans??
Soma, it’s high time you please grow up and become a human!!
Sellam / April 13, 2015
What do you say to the Army occupation in the North and grabbing of private lands and refusing to resettle those owners. The army is cultivation peoples’ lands and the people who own those lands are still in camps and grieving. The lands are their souls. And still you prefer a National Rule and vote together at the presidential election. As long as the Majority Sinhalese subjugate the minorities, there would not be any reconciliation. A change in the Sri Lankan constitution is becoming stronger and stronger. The chief Minister has said that until the Army is removed from the North, the NPC will not corporate with the government.
soma / April 14, 2015
“What do you say to the Army occupation in the North and grabbing of private lands and refusing to resettle those owners.”
What I say is full market value compensation must be paid immediately to the owners similar to the situations of land which were acquired for Mahaweli development and highway construction.
And an additional component of compensation for the delay in doing so.
Native Vedda / April 14, 2015
soma Sundaram
“What I say is full market value compensation must be paid immediately to the owners similar to the situations of land which were acquired for Mahaweli development and highway construction. And an additional component of compensation for the delay in doing so.”
You think, type and act like a typical Thamilan.
Life does not just revolve around money and compensation. Habitat, lively hood, dignity, safety, security are more important than your stupid compensation.
Stupid is as stupid does
soma / April 14, 2015
Sorry N.V, I am a Sinhalese and when it comes to non political grievences of Tamils I am in their camp.
Lanka Rajakone / April 12, 2015
Dr Ratna
You backed Mahinda wholeheartedly during his regime. There is nothing wrong in summersaulting when you can judge that that the present regime is better than the one you supported before.
Why don’t you make a godly statement about the failures of Mahinda whom you heavily promoted then. Unless you do this, your credibility will be doubted and you will be seen as an opportunist.
Hamlet / April 12, 2015
Lanka Rajakone:-
It is the Negative attitude of people like you, that keeps us from achieving true Peace in our Country.
Try to be more Positive, like Dr Ratna Bala who is open-minded enough to accept what seems a better option!
Lanka Rajakone / April 13, 2015
Hamlet/Dr Ratna
What is negative in my comments? I only asked you to earn the reputation by acting wisely. It is clear your subconscious is expressing your guilt. Please remedy it with wishful thinking.
[Edited out]
Hamlet / April 13, 2015
“Why don’t you make a godly statement about the failures of Mahinda whom you heavily promoted then. Unless you do this, your credibility will be doubted and you will be seen as an opportunist.”
Lanka Rajakone:-
Above quote is what I call being Negative! Why bring up failures of Mahinda?
He lost the election because of them, that is in the Past now!
J.Muthu / April 12, 2015
Dear doc, what doc u r we Tamils wasted so many yrs…our damn leaders mislead us just like Sinhala peasants mislead by Sinhala elites….
Jagath Fernando / April 12, 2015
You are awake !!!
Adrian / April 12, 2015
“I would like to appeal to all our leaders to help our President to use all his powers to make this coming Sinhala/Tamil New Year a memorable day for everyone to feel proud for what that they have done by contributing to bring a full moon spot light over Sri Lanka to place it in the positive history of the world.”
This would be possible when honest academics contest the forthcoming elections and form a sensible government. We need more state institutions which are self cleaning and administrating day to day operations of the country.
e.g 1. Judicial Regulatory Authority to independently handle all matters concerning judicial
2. Communication Regulatory Authority to moderate and supervise all matters related to media and
communications (including TRCSL operations) .
3. Transport Regulatory Authority to control all operations of transport including air, maritime and
4. Monetary Regulatory Authority to control all money related regulations.
5. Social Development Authority to monitor and control all educational, human resource and social
management .
Let such Authorities operate under academics sans political interference, with the goal of economic productivity, certainly within few years the expected results will be seen.
Instead, if we believe that the present and past parliamentarians are qualified to bring about improvement, then all are sadly mistaken. They will repeat all what they had been doing, until people come to their senses.
Ebahtog / April 12, 2015
Do we really need a PhD guy to to tell the people to unite and resolve the problems facing the country peacefully?. An appeal to come together during this time of Sinhala/Tamil New Year for peace and prosperity is a noble one. Hope things will change for the better and even the crooks will realize that they have done wrong and will come forward and confess.
Aia / April 12, 2015
It is no doubt a unique opportunity to resolve the ethnic problem as never is in the history of SL that a president and a prime minister representing the alternating ruling parties are working in unison. The extremists might pretend that there is no particular issues for Tamils, the issues in SL have are common to all. There are common issues and there specific issues. If a better clarity needed to differentiate these two types, one should not need to look too far, but to look what we had experienced pre Jan 2015, there was a common issue; an issue affecting all Sri Lankan regardless of ethnicity. That is, a family holding the entire country ransom by bribing a few. A family being responsible for almost 75% of the country’s budget. Result is what we see today. What has been revealed by the board of inquiry which started its investigation into the running of the country’s national carrier Sri Lankan Airline is just only an opening. Although the war in NE.brought to an end, the fear among the populace has not gone away. No one dare to comment about the abuse of power, if someone questioned the nepotism the reply had been very sarcastic “people like us so we in power”. Even the opposition parliamentarians couldn’t visit down south, if they dare they could only go on a group, even in group, they we’re threatened by toy guns carrying men. On the other front a Buddhist organisation sprout like a mushroom after the demise of LTTE, inciting racial tensions between Muslims and Sinhalese for no reasons. Allowed to go on, the country would have ended up in the basket and an autocratic rule must have been the outcome after the next term of presidency. The minority felt that it was a common issue and responded overwhelmingly, they didn’t even respond to some one who wanted them to boycott the prez election nor did demand signing even in a memorandum of understanding in exchange of their votes with the new president. It has been done and dusted. What is still remaking though is the very issue feasting the island, can we try once more, and try to sort it ourselves. If we fail, it will be unavoidable someone else’s interference. Because we have proven that we haven’t got what it takes to resolve this problem. Does Mahinda see the need to resolve this issue or does he want to come to power by any means to cover up all what he had done not right. For him, latter seems to be the high priority.
Douglas / April 12, 2015
Lanka Watch & Native Vedda: Thank you. No doubt, I see some “misconceptions” as regards this “self rule” and “self determination”; mainly because both the Sinhalese, Tamil, Moor community leaders have given “interpretations” for their own survival and winning the game of achieving political gains. My thinking is different. When I say “National” that includes all citizens of the country, irrespective of a division on an ethnic basis. Say for instance,if we have a “Human Rights” policy, it should not exclude but include each and every citizen of the country. That applies to all other aspects such as Health, Education,Citizen Rights, Economic Opportunities, Equal Treatment in the Judiciary and Law Enforcement etc. etc…That EQUALITY I consider NATIONAL and my expectation is for ALL THE CITIZENS of the country to participate jointly to build our country. Of course, I know, those who are “Sectarian” by way of “ethnicity, religion, etc. would not agree. That is the irony we are faced with.
Lanka Watch / April 13, 2015
Douglas – Again you are wrong in your analysis. Countries who adopted
federal system flourish in the world and take India as an example. 25
years ago,they were under poverty line and today they are a regional
super power because there was competition among the 28 states to beat the other in progress and worked hard for their state and today they
have achieved the above status for their country.They are all nationals
of India. If Banda/Chelva pact on district councils succeeded in the 50s , this country would have been another Singapore, but what did the successive govts.do?
They engaged in dirty politics to win votes and communalism spread all over the country resulted in armed struggles by JVP & Ltte and rest is
history. All citizens are not treated equally and that’s the problem
and majority downtrods on the minority rights.Fully understand what you
envisage, but equality is not there for people of various communities
to work together and this is now visible in middle eastern countries,
like Iraq,Syria, Yeaman, where sectarian violence erupted and scores of innocent people died so far and had they been living under a federal system, religious wise,(Sunnies & Shiates) these lives would have been saved. Educated people like you must get together, shedding their pride, and work for the betterment of the country and move forward for prosperity.
soma / April 14, 2015
Lanka Watch
How do you propose to accommodate the 50+% Tamil speaking people outside North/East in a federal structure? The arguments concocted to justify leaving this segment among the discriminatory, genocidal Sinhalese are the very same arguments to justify that no devolution/federalism necessary or possible for this small country.
Lanka Watch / April 16, 2015
Soma – Sorry for the late response. 50+% Tamil speaking people do not live outside North East now, after several pogroms executed
periodically, ably assisted by the govts. in power, introduction of “Sinhala only policy” and “standardization policy in education”
resulting in loss of lives and their livelihood and Tamil students
unable to enter universities as they had to score higher marks than their Sinhala counter parts, thus losing govt. jobs, as an
average student could not enter universities . They are either living in the refugee camps in N/E or the affluent fled the country to safer places. These people have to return to their homeland some day, once permanent peace is established in the country and their lands should be protected for them and this is possible only under a federal system as the lands could be protected by the federated state. As it is, you are aware of the land grabs as plans were afoot to have golf courses, swimming pools constructed on peoples land in the N/E and fertile lands are already under cultivation by the army, brought under the guise of security zones, while the owners of those lands are dangling in refugee camps.
I would like to remind you that one of the major demand made by the Palestinian authority is,that Israel should reserve lands for the returnees who fled their country, in similar circumstances, 50 years ago or more who have already integrated into other societies in other parts of the world, but its their legal right to demand their lands and it has to be given back by law of the land. You see a few Tamils living in the commercial city and suburbs for commercial purposes and it does not mean that they are all over the Island. Can you find a Tamil in Anurathapura,
Galle,Matara or Hambanthota, except a handful of govt. servants, like doctors & Nurses.Even the famous ‘Jaffna cigar’ corner shops are longer there. So Soma, do not go by what the politicians say but go through the true situation in the country by getting first hand information before writing such comments.
Lanka Rajakone / April 13, 2015
Douglas/Hamlet/Douglasd = Dr Ratna Bala
Well done on your determined effort.
Pygmalion / April 12, 2015
Dr.Ratna Bala.
This is SriLanka. Your wish is possible in Utopia!