12 September, 2024


An Internal War Crimes Inquiry Will Be A Farce

By Rajasingham Jayadevan

Rajasingham Jayadevan

Rajasingham Jayadevan

Sri Lanka is on the international agenda on war crimes and serious post war human rights violations. Until the election of the new President Maithiripala Sirisena, the Government of Sri Lanka was on a head on coalition with the United Nation and the west to cover-up its conduct and was hell-bent to undermine the UN efforts on war crimes investigations.

Sri Lanka is a party to the international law and treaties and as a legally constituted state, is answerable to the atrocities it committed during the internal war. The outgoing government was uncooperative and wilfully absconded by its intemperate behaviour leaving the UNHRC to proceed with an investigation on its own without the co-operation of the Sri Lanka government.

Sri Lanka failed to implement its own post war Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Committee report on crucial issues and fragrantly extended a democratic dictatorship that emboldened the anti-minority hatred in a calculated and systematic manner. The entire security mechanism and the propping up of right wing Sinhala Buddhist hatred kept the outgoing government live and kicking until its demise. With the hyphened paranoia of war victory, Mahinda Rajapakse thought he is indispensable and could extend his regime indefinitely and his decision to call the Presidential election back fired on him.

With the defeat in the election, Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brother Gotabaya Rajapaksa have even lost their diplomatic immunity and have become ordinary citizens without absolute legal safeguards. Both are now in the hell holes, unless the new government bestow them with the protection against international efforts. The present government’s stance on the internal inquiry is a big respite for the former President and those who discharged war crimes under his military hierarchy.

 The new government’s decision on the internal inquiry on war crimes with the help of the UN is not without any constraints. A matter that needs international process, though encouraged to be carried out locally (thus abiding by local laws) will not deliver fair justice when local laws are impediment to any justice being delivered against the perpetrators of war crimes and serious human rights violations.

Unfortunately, the very statute i.e., the constitution of Sri Lanka, gives absolute immunity for the president over his conduct in office. Mahinda will play a hero’s game by taking all the responsibility for the conduct of the war, thus absolving his brother Gota and operational military mechanism for honouring his orders to end the war in a manner he thought appropriate. The unhindered immunity enjoyed by the President gives him absolute legal protection and even those who exercised war crimes can claim immunity by justifying they only exercised their delegated responsibilities from the President.

The Supreme Court or any commission appointed to investigate the war crimes will stall, thus citing the immunity clauses in the constitution in favour of the President. The whole internal excise will be a farce and will be a time wasting exercise. The internal investigations will only make Mahinda a hero and help him bring about regime change in his favour once the internal process starts.

Will the local investigation be the panacea for due international justice for crimes committed by a state in an internal war behind the iron curtain?

With the new friendly government in Colombo, the UNHRC may postpose its investigative report to be released in March 2015. Encouraged by the new governments offer of unrestricted engagement, the UN investigative panel may work in parallel with any internal investigations initiated by Sri Lanka and must visit the island to gather direct war crimes evidence to revise and strengthen its own report.

Alternatively, UNHRC must help strengthen the internal investigations and when the internal judgement will be the forgone one as stated above, the finding must be to proceed through the international process for justice. UNHRC must agree a deadline with Sri Lanka over its investigation process.

The Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Mangala Samaraweera has already stated: ‘Since Sri Lanka is not a signatory to the Rome Statute regarding international jurisdiction with regard to war crimes, ensuring justice with regard to such matters will be the business of national independent judicial mechanisms.’ Alas, the Foreign Minister must go further and confirm how an internal investigation could deliver justice to an issue that gives absolute constitutional safeguards to the President as the Commander of Chief of the armed forces. The constitution (35-1) states that: ‘no proceedings shall he instituted or continued against him in any court or tribunal in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him either in his official or private capacity’. Greater transparency by spelling out the entire investigative process and way in which the perpetrators of war crimes and human rights violation will be brought justice will help strengthen the credibility of the government.

Though Sri Lanka is not a signatory to the Rome Statute there are provisions in the UN process, though cumbersome, to deal with countries that are non-signatories. Sri Lanka’s obligations under international law makes it culpable to meet justice and UN process is the only way such justice will be forthcoming.

As claimed by Sri Lanka, if it can enter the Malaysian territory to kidnap the LTTE arms procurer KP, the very same right can be reciprocated to produce the head of the war crimes machinery for international justice.

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Latest comments

  • 15

    Well said.

    • 10

      I agree with you Prem.
      What happened to the people in the picture? How many people in the picture are alive and how many are dead? How did they die? If they are alive where are they?

      • 3

        Don`t expect much from UK after the elections as it would be a grand coalition because of the Scottish vote, greens may add, libden is going back etc.
        When the Republicans win next year it would be the same old shills.
        Only Hindia is stable eeelam is out you can only be realistic when the new secretary for foreign multi linguist and a proved negotiator with US and China.First impression is the last with Delhi Wallas beware don’t shoot foot like Vaiko, Sushima invitation by South African to London- Vaiko looses lungi! Indian rope trick at best- the best solution is the solution that sells. Don’t play the race they can see it better- survival attached detached but learn to give others outsiders it goes a long way.

        • 3

          what are you jabbering,are you smoking the funny stuf

          • 5

            Scholarly Caution Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It.

            I’m So Fresh You Can Suck My Nuts,

    • 9

      Rajasingham Jayadevan.

      Yes. Internal Investigation is a farce.

      Was there an Investigation for the US Invasion of Iraq and the Killing of over a Million people?

      US invasion of Iraq helped create ISIS – former UN chief


      The answer is blowing in the Wind..

      • 5

        Typical Sri Lankan – If some body is murdered in Sri Lanka – It is justified because somebody murdered somebody somewhere some time ago.
        We hear that over and over again – always from a Sri Lankan may be we must invent a word for this “Lanking”

        Stop this nonsense and start thinking. Time to grow up – Good luck

      • 5


        Don’t have the balls to ask the parties concerned for those investigations. The Tamils are concerned what happened in SL as they are the victims. You be the counsel for the victims of those you have cited, and we don’t give a damn about it.

        • 0

          Adu madu villagers go jump in the sea toddy tappers.
          themandate made it clear no to village jackals of north or south- you have not lost – go back where you came from kalla thoni!porriki nadu.

          terrorism is profitable
          gratefulness is expensive.

      • 6


        Dr Kelly slit his wrist and is dead. The west learns from it’s experience that human rights was to defend the European Jews not every villager across the globe- gammeyata magic. Therefore UKIP is on the rise and will score a dozen seats- no to HR.
        All this die_arse_ pora agitation is to score brownie points with western governments. So die_arse keep it going when local have the folk to negotiate and US the guilty cowboy of little over 200 years of vulture eaten culture takes control as judge and jury. It’s always been a politicians farce to make hay while the sun shines- the rich do not pay taxes anyway anywhere because they are into charity giving and others in the taking (90% goes as Adm. charges as always)

      • 0

        Hi Amarasiri; You cannot accept your people’s fault always,you need to bring other events to cover up the crimes caused by your people. let us be frank. Investigation into Iraq or Afghanistan is not going to solve the festering wound in Srilanka. Ever increasing subjugation of minorities in Srilanka needs to be corrected. All citizens are equals. The War crimes and crimes inflicted since 1956 should not be forgotten. The barbaric acts of 1958,1977,1981,1983 and 2009 will continue to haunt the Srilankans. The Welikada prison 1983 barbaric acts by Sinhala prisoners on Tamil political prisoners, and those Prison guards and their bosses who planned and executed the crime should be hunted down and punished. Though some say that natural justice has prevailed on them, still the only way is to have the international impartial investigation and punish even if they are in their 90’s. Holocausts perpetrator’s were punished.

    • 2

      It is opening many issues. Although the govt. is claiming that they are not signatory to the International criminal Court, in the past, many war crimes trials were held without this Convention. Nuremberg tribunal is one of them.

  • 21


    Wonderful sentiment indeed – but the credibility of your owning that sentiment has to viewed on the background of your past ramblings on this site.

    Didn’t your brother and possibly you argue against the call for International inquiry until at least mid-2014? That was when even many rational Sinhalese, and most Tamils, almost all Diaspora screamed, pleaded and begged for International inquiry. What changed? No more in Rajapakse “Executive class tourist” list?

    In fact, late in 2014 I asked specifically if you guys can explicitly state your stand on the need for International inquiry – and you refused to answer. Would you like me to track it down, in case your memory is failing? What happened? What changed? – Perhaps just the backbone!

    You relentlessly claimed monopoly on “ground realities” – what gives now?

    At least you would agree that the issue of whether International inquiry was needed or not has been in the forefront almost since the cessation of war in 2009 – in many, many forums. And claiming monopoly on “ground realities” you two have written innumerable articles in this forum – can you re-publish or cite even one article indicating either of you supported the need for independent investigation – if you can’t do that, do you have any credibility whatsoever (except perhaps in line with MR’s characterization of Dayan as prostituting for NGO) for your new convert.

    You guys are just as fake and flaky as Dayan!

    • 16

      “You guys are just as fake and flaky as Dayan!”

      He is definitely a former Pulli_Mutte ramaswamy but as always a Chameleon!!
      Chameleons don’t need help from parents to come out of shell and just blend to the external ambiance awaiting its prey- the stupid altruist like Groundviews CA.

    • 4

      You are a known anti-Rajasinghams in these columns.

      Having made insinuating comments on my findings i.e., opinion of the Colombo Tuk Tuk drivers, general astrological prediction for Mahinda, and calculation of the vote pattern, you seems to have swallowed the humble pie when you said ‘Wonderful sentiment indeed’ for this write up.

      Your inner most hate does not allow you to be rational. Instead, you have gone on your menacing crusade as though you are infected with evil spirits.

      Good luck to you and hope you will enjoy some solace somewhere else.

      • 17


        When one concedes that the only defense one has is name calling, then one has already lost!

        If only you would ask Dayan, he will confirm I am anti-Dayan. So will the defenseless Rajiva W and the whole lot of past-bootlickers, especially those who shamelessly got appointments or free-trips from Sajin’s gang of fraudsters and in repayment crusaded for unlimited funding to MR’s regime.

        You possibly did not know about any of my other criticisms – evidently since you limit your reading just to your own contributions. Not surprising, however, given the ego that you so profusely exhibit!

        Here I repeat a direct and simple question:

        “Claiming monopoly on ground realities you two have written innumerable articles in this forum – can you re-publish or cite even one article indicating that either of you supported the need for independent investigation?”

        Your inability to respond even to the above, despite mouthing grand sentiments, establishes not just your duplicity and fakery, but also the cowardice – doesn’t it?

        It is not your ability express sentiments that I criticize- rather it is how disingenuous you both are in doing so that is so deplorable.

        Jayadevan, my crusade is to expose the charlatans, not the Rajasinghams! The fact that the two merged is no fault of mine!!

      • 11

        “opinion of the Colombo Tuk Tuk drivers, “

        you went the obsolete way 2 in the rear when 2 in front gives it that gear- you never looked out of londons window to see the italian beauty.

        One karume, one kp one daya master one pottu amman all freed war criminals like the passas- birds of a feather flock together…. pallyan yakoooo….

        Monday odepen sunday finished.

      • 13


        Incidentally, did you seriously think I was congratulating you on expressing a “great sentiment”? Really?

        Oh boy – I would have thought there will be some limit for one’s propensity for presumptions! Well – I should have expected that from someone who rationalized “I am right because my father and his (Dayan’s) father got along well – over the media!”

        • 2

          I am not here to respond to the scatter brain crusaders. When an issue is written, limit your arguments to the issues raised without straying into unchartered territories. Your dictums in these columns are like someone projecting himself collectively like a criminal, jury and the judge and this speaks volume of your innermost nakedness in your thinking, thus exposing your inbuilt hatred and prejudices.

          I have written on war crimes investigations previously elsewhere and if you had not read them, I can only say ‘tough luck’ to you. It is good that at least you read my latest expose on the issue.

          The level of hatred you show in your habitual perversions confirms that you seems enjoying disdainful satisfaction in isolation. Colombo Telegraph cannot provide cure for you un-curable disease.

          Having eaten humble pies many times with your cockade comments, it is time to keep your prejudicial political affiliations and scatter brain thinking to yourself or reveal it elsewhere without exposing your numskull crusade against us brothers wantonly.

          • 12

            I am not here to respond to the scatter brain crusaders. When an issue is written, limit your arguments to the issues raised without straying into unchartered territories””

            Your commencement alone proves that you are brain dead village jackal. A tiger does not change its stripes by relocation to London- You think the same- you are what you eat- control freak preak preak preeeeek!

            Nothing exist as wholes as parts in their natural context.

            “….. The level of hatred you show in your habitual perversions confirms that you seems enjoying disdainful satisfaction in isolation. Colombo Telegraph cannot provide cure for you un-curable disease. “”

            │-p….yuck! Fortune teller kovil ,black magic-??

            Satan oscillate my metallic Sonatas.!!

            • 2

              True reflection of what you should say in front of a mirror.

              • 9

                Satan,…then Go look in the towel henceforth.

          • 8


            Is there even a smidgen of objectivity in your response?

            If you indeed have written even one item supporting Independent investigation – I challenge you to cite it or republish it.

            Your current article is a sudden reversal in your and your sibling’s position -My question was, can you explain your previous opposition to this initiative? How is that “straying into unchartered territories” or “exposing inbuilt hatred and prejudices.” Are you that dense?

            If you truly are not guilty and ashamed, you would show evidence of your past support for independent investigation, or at least the courage to apologize for your past opposition to it! Your inability to show evidence has nothing to do with my bad luck – just the fact that such writings do not exist except in your current dreams!

            All scoundrels that relished Rajapakse crumbs and in return, out rightly opposed independent investigations up until now needs to be exposed. You are indeed one main players! Prove otherwise, if you can, without a meek attempt to slither away with verbal abuse that is not fooling anybody.

            • 5

              Rajasingham Bro’s

              You still want to go with the delusion you won again, just as much as you assumed to have prevailed in the tuk-tuk and equally nonsensical fiascos of the last two or three instances you mentioned above? Go show the past discussions to some well meaning friend, as you are quite comprehension-challenged as evidenced in your elation at my mention of the word “great sentiment”, unable to figure out what the rest of the sentence implied!

              What a hypocrite scum bag you turned out to be. As your guruwanse (you made that suggestion, if you recall) my advise is that the next time you have the itch to write disingenuously fishing for a pat in the back – think twice. Do that, at least until you gain some tiny fiber of sincerity in your soul!

              This is the castigation you invite when you attempt irrelevant, fictional abuse as an escape route when unable to answer a very legitimate question – among the splurge of contributions you and your sibling made to these columns from 2009 to mid-2014, can you cite even a single piece that advocated international investigation?

  • 6

    Mr. Jayadevan,

    Yours is a well defined article and you also would have heard the famous saying that ‘Birds of the same feather flock together’ So, one can be sure that nothing will come out of
    any investigations done by UN or Sri Lanka. It is history now and
    one will not find it in the history books in Sri Lanka. Let the
    poor souls who gave their lives for nothing ,rest in peace.

    Now that the new govt. is tilting towards America and India, the
    dead is forgotten and both govts. are trying to nullify the progress
    made by UN investigators on war crimes and instead asked for post-
    ponement of the UN session, which was about to deliver the verdict
    in March, which means that this hard worked investigations held by
    UN as against all odds, will have its own death sooner or later.
    Well done USA, let the dead go to hell!

    • 1

      Lanka Watch:

      Why the jump the gun? The UNHRC March session is just around the corner. We then can work on the verdict, whichever way it goes.

    • 5

      I have been assured by the US Government (Responsible representatives) that QUOTE
      ” The United States remains committed to following through on ensure accountability and reconciliation in Sri Lanka. We are not just going to let the resolution disappear because there is a new government.


      This assurance is part of what was informed to me.

      So all should stop speculating about postponement of the US sponsored resolution in Geneva this month. Ranil-Maithripala govt. is doing it’s best to delay the resolution, but they will fail.

      Donald Gnanakone
      Tamils For Justice

      • 3

        This is the very same US government which has confined the FTO to the limbo.

        [Edited out]

  • 5

    It is quite truce Mr.Jeyadevan.

    But in the meantime there seems to be no unity among the Tamil leadership and they are not active except to leave some statements in the media. If the UNHRC report is delayed or postponed, that will be the dead end. Local investigation is no investigation at all. There is no proper leadership among the Tamils who could vibrantly lead the Tamils. There should be street protests in Sri Lanka as well as in other countries. Sirisena until now has not even acknowledged that the Tamils and Muslims were responsible for his win. Sampanthan and Sumanthiran have a hidden agenda with the Government. Nobody knows what it is. Sirisena is another face of Rajapaksa. It seems that the fate of the Tamils is at stake.

    • 7

      Even if there was a “proper Tamil leadership” their hands are bloodied with blood of innocent Sinhala civilians, including pregnant women and babies. They who financed and encouraged barbaric Tamils to carry out such crimes will not be acceptable as “proper Tamil leadership” by civilised nations. Are they not as barbaric or worse than IS?

      • 2

        remember the same civilized nations did accepted murderess head of state of SL. If The tamils compile a list of tamil civilians murdered by the security forces in the name of fighting terrorism the whole govt will have to be taken to the ICC

        • 0

          never nothing like that sihala lives of JVp killed are much more valuable but they have been maganimous.
          you are Crocuta cotte go back where you come from- mugabe land [Edited put]

  • 10

    Jayadevan………. You, yourself is a farce.
    You came to the Wanni to visit Velu baby with [Edited out] pounds for us tamils to sacrifice more Youth & Children and for you to ride on the Tigers and have a good time in the U.K.

    God punished you in a Castro hostel.

    • 2

      Was with ….TE who committed war WC
      then build a temple – who committed WC
      then held poojas for MR
      then with some Donky Tamils organizations
      Now talking about war crimes.
      He was associated with two sides which alleged to have committed WC
      Will he submit himself for any inquiry together with the books for the temple.
      Temple business is good business

  • 6

    Rights advocates should use all their strength to resist any postponement of UNHRC report in March. But if it somehow comes to pass because of US/UK interests, people should be tenacious to see that any delayed report is brought out.

    Local investigations will remain a farce because the culprits are part of the same politico-military establishment. Even if a few of the leaders of the new regime may be genuinely interested in justice, it will be thwarted by entrenched interests.

    The new regime has political compulsions to adopt the current line, especially with the upcoming parliamentary elections. But the UNHRC investigation should be allowed to take its course; there should be a justice and final closure for any serious reconciliation and peace in the country.

  • 10

    I will support any kind of war crime tribunal, if it covers the crimes committed by all involved, over the protracted period of thirty years.Crime is a crime and should not go unnoticed and justice should be fulfilled for the affected.
    However,It should not only cover the final phase of the war, targeting armed forces only, as these Tamil pundits suggest.They very conveniently ignore, the atrocities committed by ruthless and barbaric Tamil Tigers, against every community.Yes will start investigating all, and let us start from the beginning and cover the whole spectrum of the ice burg, and not only the tip.

    • 3

      Yes Priya lets start from the beginning,1956,57,77,73,83,90 and on wards

    • 4

      yes you are correct also there must be an investigation about anti-Tamil riots organized by all Sinhala politicians and thugs since 1956 to 1983 ready ???

      Then the world will know why LTTE was born ….this group never jumped from the sky in a day.

  • 12

    If it is an honest war crime inquiry, Rajasingham Jayadevan also should be arrested because he is one who supported Pabakaran financially until he fell out with LTTE when LTTE tried to take over his Hindu Temple in London.

  • 9

    Managala , Ranil, Kiriella and Galleon Ravi will hand over the ex President and his whole clan to the British. Canadian US, HR Commission at the UN.

    That is if they could eliminate 5.6 Million inhabitants.

    Plus current commanders of the 300,000 brave Armed Forces..

    That is why the UNP chose the Corruption strategy.

    Ranil promised to arrest all suspects on the 9 , the day after the Election..

    Nearly 30 out of the 100 days have passed, And no arrests,

    But the mothers of all corruption and drug dealers have become crusaders against the Rajapaksa to help Ranil and and his mates.

    Mangala has enlisted even the World Bank to bust Rajapaksa’s FX accounts..

    I remember seeing WB dudes in Asia ticking Rajapaksa economics as passable and even giving his regime loans for Infrastructure and Poverty alleviation in the the LTTE territory.

    Are those WB Officials on the take too, one may wonder if they have seen or heard about our Mangalan jetting off to Washington.

    LTTE did more crimes than what ever “War” crimes the inhabitants have done to save their Nation and live as one on equal footing.

    Diaspora will never accept that.

    But Diaspora backers in the West are amenable as long as the price is right.

    That is keep if they can keep the Elite Anglicans and the Vellalas in power.

    Have free access to ports and Harbours for their Armed Forces,

    Give Self Rule for the TNA,

    And of course any Business deals with lot of Dosh going to them, and the Commission cheques to their agents in Colombo.

    • 10

      K.A Sumanasekera

      “Managala , Ranil, Kiriella and Galleon Ravi will hand over the ex President and his whole clan to the British. Canadian US, HR Commission at the UN.”

      No need stupid Sumana only if the state conducts a credible independent investigation. Have you ever heard of Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa?

      Find out.

      • 6

        Dear Native,

        Your Thavalar was holding 300,000 Dalits to use as Sand bags… Right.

        How many Ndebele or even Nguni people , Mandala was keeping as hostages to protect himself?…

        Have you joined the Two Twoo’s Church?…

        • 2


          if the 300,000 were dalits arent you also a dalit cos you carry 80% of their genes

          ane bang

        • 3

          K.A Sumanasekera

          You don’t get it do you?

        • 2

          “Have you joined the Two Twoo’s Church?… “

          Sumane, South Africa is Desmond Do Do & Daisy Coo Coo. Lo lo! Mainland China love them both.

          Forget all inquiries of villagers don’t you live in the city; and think for the present. Villagers are never satisfied until they raid your kitchen.

          Vote UKIP and all these South African Irish headed orgs would shut down- you have enough at Surrey without contesting to handle that- CBK has only to tinkle .

          We need more Pol addi base ball shushu karatha karayos.!

    • 6

      K.A Sumanasekera,

      They don’t need WB or ADB for all that. Offshore unmarked is not WB. It is the new international law against money laundering, Drugs and terrorism. It’s only the Sihala who can bell the Mara familal KP Karu etc not the JT’tam`ills` they are sealed can of fish.
      It’s good to bell the rotten lot and be accepted as a nation with less corruption.

      The poor need a chance; it’s taken long.

    • 4


      The LTTE were terrorists it is an accepted fact,but a legitimate Govt massacring it”s own civilians what do you enlightened one call that

  • 5

    What happened during the war is wrong. Wrongs committed by the Government soldiers and wrongs committed by LTTE. One cannot say that one side was worst than the other, although the Government was not a terrorist organization, they should have known better.

    There is no point in trying to look back, although past actions should be a reminder for all of us where we should not ever return to. The war, LLRC and refusal to work with UN are all actions taken under Rajapakse regime. Today its Maithripala-Ranil regime. So we have to think of going forward from here not backward.

    There are few important points to consider:

    1. Those who want UN inquiry, from what point do they want this inquiry to start, from Duraiappah’s murder,from 1983, from Central Bank bombing, from Rajiv Gandhi Killing?

    2. Those who want UN inquiry, are they prepared to bring to the investigation all those Tiger leaders and soldiers who are now living abroad, if they do not want to do this then they cannot ask the SL government also to bring those who committed atrocities to the table. Both have committed human rights violations.

    3. Even after the UN inquiry, that is if one is held, then still there is no way North and East are going to be declared a separate state. In this environment still Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese have to live together in SL. If an international body conducts an inquiry the animosity between races will become worst.

    4. Even if a referendum is held, it should be voted by Tamils and Muslims not only from the NOrth and East but by Tamils and Muslims who are living all over Sri Lanka. In such an environment the chances are that unitary state of SL will be preserved

    The best way forward is to have a local, credible investigation with international observers. Both parties should decide on a period that should be covered by the investigation, which cannot be the last days of the war. It should be at least from 1983. This would provide an equal platform to both the Sinhalese and the Tamils and Muslims. It should be also noted that Muslims were also affected by the Tigers.

    The most important thing is not what the diaspora wants, it must be what the Sri Lankans of all races want.

  • 3

    It must also be considered how the MS-RW Govt. will treat their Partner
    SF when hauled up by an Internal Inquiry?. He has not attended the last
    Independence Celebrations on an issue of Title, although he is a civilian, after heading a civil “war”. (Source – lankaenews)

  • 3

    Justice should be done for the people who are involved with the war crimes.

  • 6

    Well said Jayadevan! Spot on!

    • 5

      “Spot on”
      Spot is at Brussels not refugee- Tin Tin!

      Ding dong pussy in the well!

  • 10


    First you must face the War Crimes Tribunal yourself for working for the Terrorist Tigers in London, raising funds for the murder of innocent civilians in Sri Lanka until you got kicked out by the Fascist Monster Prabha himself. And your fan Usha is a [Edited out]

    • 9

      Off the wall

      Good thought, but I feel you stopped too short! Let me see if I can extend that thought.

      First you must face the War Crimes Tribunal yourself for working for the Terrorist Tigers in London, raising funds for the murder of innocent civilians in Sri Lanka until you got kicked out by the Fascist Monster Prabha himself. And then you began collecting funds for Sajin’s gang after they gave the siblings a right-royal tour, with executive privileges. As you failed to live up to the promised “pay-back” the Gota gang began chasing after and so you abandoned that camp, possibly unwillingly. Now “homeless” you want to play victim to get back into the good books of Sirisena/Ranil, or is this an attempt to re-unite with the Diaspora that you not so long ago abhorred! Only time will tell.

      • 6

        Thanks Kumar, for enlightening me. I didn’t know this puny little man had so many dimensions. I didn’t know much about his activities after being ejected by the Tigers in midair. I thought that was it, pretty much. I never knew his talent for parachuting into all sorts of – even mutually hostile – turfs. Sounds diabolical. I have heard about several others accomplishing such Machiavellian feats in the Sri Lankan civil war but not this little self-important man. I think it’s time to commission a volume on the Kim Philbys of the Eelam saga.

        • 2

          He won’t get out of the trench but surely he and brother would get through it.
          Sunday finished enjoy…what a wonderful world when the sun shines in.

  • 7

    “As claimed by Sri Lanka, if it can enter the Malaysian territory to kidnap the LTTE arms procurer KP, the very same right can be reciprocated to produce the head of the war crimes machinery for international justice”, this would be neat if it were done.

    The LTTE was a bunch of fascist idiots. This is the very reason that they could have easily been rooted out by any government that understood global geo politics, without having to resort to ugly and disgraceful murder of the sort depicted above which picture will haunt SINHALA BUDDHISM for eternity and determine the global perception of the SINHALA BUDDHIST CHARACTER.

    • 2

      he he he KP arrested in Malaysia by smart SL officials ? it is pure a joke….KP really surrended by pre arrange pattern.

      Buddhism teach kindness eh? Why then Tamils were butcherd by Sinhala buddhist from 1956 to 1983 while Sinhala police and army looked other side?

      Remember the the headlines flashed in all Indian press on July 13,1983 ..SUNDAY SIL MONDAY KILL……

      Of course there was no LTTE during this period…

      Vietnam..Cambodia ..Laos ..Thailand..Sri Lanka always blood bath ….something wrong somewhere eh?

      • 2

        village jackals from the north and south were sent to their rightful places and it would continue to do so- so keep the off the capital history repeats and this time no ta\tcher but UKIP which jacakals from villages of other nations created- pulli was jaguar tiger tamils true to your stupid flag which took root in ancient chinese myth with red and gello.

  • 4

    The faces in the picture tells volumes. All of them are asking the same question “What a fool our leader VP is.”. A good warning to the half baked Tamils who embark on poorly designed experiments. If you engage in a war you should know what type of enemy you are fighting with and be prepared to take the consequences. Now Diaspora supported this – Please give an answer. Why did you go for the failed war. why did you support this war when you were not up to the enemy? How many more experiments you want to do and slaughter many more. Only people who are capable should lead not every tom Dick and Harry. A very good example of people of less intelligent less knowledge less experience and less capacity destroying a community , – they only had passion a foolish passion. Now another lot is engaged in another experiment.
    This is a past time for the Diaspora now, talking and living the lost war and make something out of this , especial social visibility and prominence.

    Just stand aside and let the people on the ground decide for them. Your have no right to advice comment or instruct them because you have proofed you are all colllosal failures

  • 3

    International inquiry will reveal the obvious: May 2009 was the culmination of Tamil racism, terrorism and stupidity. The world does not need LTTE and IS. End of story. (frame and hang the well worn photographs in your living room)

  • 1

    Now that there is a friendly government in Sri Lanka that will look after the national interests of the west and India, the betrayal of the Tamil people as expected has already started. Why do you think many in the Tamil Diaspora were arguing against Tamils voting for Sirisena? Everyone saw the betrayal coming.

  • 1

    An elected govern must respect international laws in the case of a conflict ….but not by others described as terrorists…..

    Even HITLER has instructed his forces not to bomb Places of worship,Schools,Museums,Hospitals but MR & Rabid GR have bombed everywhere and even used chemical weapons…and butchered surrounded public

    Saaddam Hussain has committed lots of crime but he was hanged just for one proved crime ….. …..

    No Ruler or Army in the history DESTROYED places of rest (cemeteries) and played foot ball on this …Cowards paraded the naked bodies of rebels on tractors after Anuradapura Airport attack…shame and these also war crimes.

    Celebration of this borrowed military victory (with the help of 36 nations ) will come to an end soon …

    Next stop INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT at The Hague for MR & Rabid GR plus Generals …..

    • 2

      “An elected govern must respect international laws in the case of a conflict ….but not by others described as terrorists…..”

      To Be or Not to Be!

      The Japanese of Pearl Harbor that woke the Yankees wrath are Yet to say sorry for the seemingly crazy behavior because they are awe stuck Zen when the hen laid the egg!

      `Hora_Oru Werewolf Mahawamse` is on par with them from WW2` nothing moves against those rocks- push push them out and out.

  • 1

    I doubt the authenticity of that photograph. I think its a staged manipulation. Publishing this kinda fake photos will end up re-uniting the Sinhalese people around Rajapaksa again.

    And you are creating an unnecessary problem among the races.

    • 5

      yes there were no Tamils lived during 2009 May in Mullaitivu ..all 300,000 inhabitants dig a tunnel under sea and walked to neighboring countries ….so this photo is fake …

      • 6


        “all 300,000 inhabitants dig a tunnel under sea and walked to neighboring countries ….”

        You mean VP, his family, Pottu Amman, … too walked out of Mulliative through the tunnel?

        Where are they no living, Cambodia, Vietnam, Eritrea, ….. or Hindia?

        • 0

          he he he then why you all still afraid saying LTTE is coming..will come ……you will go to the grave with this fear sure.

          Ask your favorite Pol Pot ( also a Buddhist) MR & Rabid GR why they are unable to provide a death certificates ? Even they couldn’t to the Government of India ……it seems these jokers have doubts .

          NEXT STOP ICC AT THE HAGUE ……………

          • 8


            “NEXT STOP ICC AT THE HAGUE ……………”

            When, could you give us approximate date and time.

            Will we see KP, Karuna, Pillyan, those members of Pottu Amman department, ……… and the section of Tamil Diaspora which supported LTTE while it was committing war crimes?

            I am thrilled, can I come with you?

  • 1

    It is well said and explained.

  • 1

    Somehow the TNA’s stance in the election made a big contribution in changing the leadership as a result so called war crime inquiries may be put on hold. We had experienced the internal inquiries in the past but never had anyone tried for their part in the criminal activities.
    People living outside to make representation to their government to ensure the inquiries still on as per the revolution last year.

    Thank you for the article.

  • 0

    Thanks. Read and enjoyed it.

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