8 September, 2024


An Open Letter To The Queen

By Rev. S.J. Emmanuel

Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel

Your Majesty the Queen,

I write to express my grave concerns regarding the current situation in Sri Lanka and to state the reasons why I believe the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo this November will be an embarrassment to Your Majesty’s beloved Commonwealth and to the values it holds most dear. 

Given Your Majesty’s dedication to and passion for the Commonwealth, I can imagine that the decision not to attend CHOGM in Sri Lanka was a difficult one to make. The fact that this will be the first time since 1973 that Your Majesty has been unable to participate highlights the importance of the event in the Commonwealth calendar. Indeed, it is at CHOGM where many of the landmark decisions and statements by this association have been made. In Lusaka, Zambia, in 1979, the Commonwealth united in the aim “to rid the world of the evils of racism”, and condemned apartheid as an “affront to humanity”. The 1991 CHOGM saw the realisation of the Harare Declaration, with human rights and democracy expressed as core principles of the Commonwealth. In the wake of the adoption of the new Charter earlier this year, the 2013 CHOGM should have been a time to celebrate the association’s renewal and to safeguard the Commonwealth’s future effectiveness.

However, this will not happen. Instead, we will be faced by the appalling prospect of a Government in clear violation of so many of the association’s values becoming the Chair of the Commonwealth for the next two years. Rather than focussing on its theme of “Growth with Equity; Inclusive Development”, the event will be eclipsed by the on-going human rights concerns on the island. An acrimonious and divided CHOGM is likely to unfold with the Canadian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, and I hope others, staying away, due to the human rights abuses and the lack of post armed conflict accountability and reconciliation.

In Your Majesty’s speech at the Commonwealth reception in March, you noted that “throughout the ages, Charters have been seen as special documents, designed with care to stand the test of time.” Hope was expressed that “the Charter will reinvigorate efforts, already begun, to make the Commonwealth fit and agile for the years ahead, so that it can apply its global wisdom to the hopes and needs of this and future generations.”

Whilst I wholeheartedly support the values expressed in the Charter and respect the care with which it was designed, this document will be demonstrably weakened if the Commonwealth does not act on Sri Lanka. The country is heading in an “increasingly authoritarian direction”, according to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Navi Pillay. She expressed alarm at “the recent surge in incitement of hatred and violence against religious minorities”, as well as the “curtailment or denial of personal freedoms and human rights […] persistent impunity and the failure of the rule of law.” The impeachment and dismissal of Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice, at the beginning of this year, was a breach of the Commonwealth’s Latimer House Principles. The Commonwealth Election Observer 

Mission to Sri Lanka, which was in the country for the recent Northern Provincial Council elections, noted that voters “exercised their franchise in the context of a compromised electoral environment […] with the military in the electoral campaign consistently described to the mission as a significant obstacle to a credible electoral process.” In addition, there has been neither accountability for the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by both Government and Tamil Tiger (LTTE) forces during the conflict nor any meaningful attempts to address the root cause of the ethnic conflict and war – the discrimination and marginalisation of the Tamil people right from the time of independence in 1948, which the British Government gave to all the people of the island.

It should not be the case that a Government which is content to ride roughshod over Commonwealth values should play host to CHOGM and subsequently Chair the association. Your Majesty’s work to sustain and develop the Commonwealth for this and future generations must not be allowed to be challenged by those, particularly President Rajapaksa and his Ministers, who seem to hold the new Charter in contempt.

As a victim and witness to the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, I have shared in the anguish and grief felt by many people inside and outside of the country. That pain continues to this day. Since 2009, the prospects of peace, justice and reconciliation have been consistently undermined by the Rajapaksa Government. It is because of this lack of faith in his administration that I and numerous others look to the international community and organisations, such as the Commonwealth, for assistance. The association has shown real courage and leadership on important matters before and, in order to ensure its future credibility and success, it must be prepared to do so again. There is no better place to start than Sri Lanka.

Yours very respectfully,

Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel


Global Tamil Forum

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  • 0

    See christian Almighty’s messenger spreading HATRED, REVENGE and TRIBALISM.

    According to Jagath Asoka this should be the Trinity.

    Is SATAN’s Real name Dr. S. J. Emmanuel ?. This guy’s doctorate should be in theology.

    • 0

      What ajoke ? Emmanuel says, “As a victim and witness to the armed conflict in Sri Lanka..” Not saying he is / was / has been, an activist, accomplice, promoter, supporter, corroborator of LTTE terrorism that devastated Sri Lanka for over 30 years , resulting death, destruction & untold suffocation to millions of people, mostly those he’s trying to represent, this joker should at least now stop all those anti-Christ venom & see how to heal wounds of war which he was responsible.

      Or if not this guy should better commit suicide, in the name of God & millions of people .

    • 0

      Satan’s “other name” is yours, except that you are a lower form of life than even he, judging by what you spout.

  • 0

    Emmanuel, you are not a victim, but murderous thug who advocated and aided murder of Sinhala women, children, men. Your beloved terrorist outfit has been dealt a blow that it deserved. The Queen has a pretty good idea of you and your terrorist, racist scum have been upto. See if you will be invited to Buckinham Palace for a cuppa and chat. Let you and your type rot in hell.

  • 0

    As a victim and witness to the armed conflict in Sri Lanka

    Look at fellows , number one terrorist in the world , advising the her majesty

    What a joke

  • 0

    Thank god she made the decision not to come.
    Mervyn would have aband offered to ducted in a white van offered to marry her.
    When questioned by BBC Mahinda would have said this not a white van incident but the queen eloped with Mahinda.

  • 0

    Correction and repost
    Thank God she decided not to come.
    Mervyn would have abducted her and offered to marry her.
    When questioned by BBC Mahinda would have said that there is no white van abduction but the queen eloped with Mahinda and we have set up an inquiry

  • 0

    A Catholic priest gone rogue. Love thy neighbour is not just forgotten, but replaced with hate thy neighbour in the NEW IMPROVED liturgy of this ex-Tamil priest who still belongs in the Tamil terrorist LTTE.

    • 0

      he is craving for attention… so the commonwealth meeting, seems to be his forum…. ‘let thee of whom has not sinned cast the first stone’ Amen!

  • 0

    This impostor in Christian robes is enjoying the good life in Europe, and gorging himself out of the Diaspora trough.

    The SL government now has the opportunity to redeem itself by honestly and genuinely engaging with the TNA in the north.

    Once real development and prosperity comes to the Tamils in the north these mercenary critics will become redundant.

    Meantime allow the (toothless) dogs to bark, but let the caravan roll on!

  • 0

    Oh. this man is totally colonized mental man. in this modern world , even England people do not obey or use this word to address to the queen. Please Emanuel be realistic , if you want to pay this stupid tribute, go and be a entrance man

  • 0

    Terrorist pig . you should go to hell .

  • 0

    S.J. Emmanuel – just shut your trap. You do not speak for us. Just get lost, will you! You were an LTTE stooge.

  • 0

    This is the African version of BBS.

  • 0

    Dear Rev.,
    Where art thou ? In your land of birth with those of the suffering or in a cosy little haven of a foreign soil ?
    Where were thou..? when you thy ‘sun god ‘ killed, robbed, raped, duped your own citizenry, hoarded gold and cash in containers,unloaded tons of lead which killed and maimed the ordinary/peaceful sinhalese,tamils, muslims, burghers and foreigners et all.
    Where were thou..? when places and people were killed at places of worship or at worship, at work or on the way to work, killed in public places and transport ?
    Thy, talketh of a commonwealth community which as of today has embraced violence, incest, greed, war and aids… which is beset with hatred ,sponsors war, be it overt or covert… can thy count by your fingertips as to how much of resolutions that have come to pass and that are on paper in the cupboards of the commonwealth union and the good that it has done to its citizenry.
    People like thee are the ones who have benefitted most at the cost of you fellow citizens who have been at the butt end of the terrorists and the army of the land who fought back and now have to hold stead the peace made available.
    please spend thy time remaining with good books, good people and good thoughts….The Queen! you think she has the time for your little article which is mainly to gain publicity ?no Rev,be a true citizen pls.

  • 0

    Dr Emmanuel, like others, is trying to interpret the decision of the Queen to not attend the CHOGM in Sri Lanka, in a manner that suits his own purposes. For heaven’s sake, let’s get real. The Queen is only a few years shy of 90, and at her age it is only sensible that she does not undertake arduous overseas tours. So there is really no sinister reason for her decision to not travel to Colombo. And she is not sending some glorified civil servant to deputise for her – she is sending none less than the heir to the Throne, the future king of England and the next head of the Commonwealth.

    Then Dr E quotes with approval what Navi Pillay has had to say. NP’s statement following her visit to SL, clearly shows her acting outside her remit. She has demonstrated quite clearly that she is no honest broker. How much value is the Queen asked to place on NP’s statements?

    Dr E himself has shown the world his true colours. Here is an ordained Catholic priest, ostensibly dedicated to the message of peace and brotherhood that Jesus Christ taught, identifying instead with those engaged in a crusade of hate and violence. Dr E, when you chose to be a priest of God, what is it you dedicated your life for? Was it to preach the gospel of Christ or the gospel according to Prabhakaran?

  • 0

    “I believe the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo this November will be an embarrassment to Your Majesty’s beloved Commonwealth and to the values it holds most dear.” – Yes, Rev. a good person to say that to! She kept quiet while her nation’s sanctions helped kill 500,000 children in Iraq.

    I just do not understand these people..who gives a fig for the Queen of England?? The Tamils should swallow their pride and work the system to their advantage and put their separate homeland idea on the backburner for a while. They should keep it there because India will never allow it. The nationalists in TN were waiting for a successful Eelam here in order to galvanise their people into action over there to get started on the road to a greater ‘Dravidistan’ which would include Kerala.

  • 0

    I don’t Think this Barbarian ever used religion for peaceful purposes.

    He is a LTTE barbarian who financed suicide bombers and cyanide capsule carrying young boys and girls.

    • 0

      What’s wrong with Tamil boys and girls eating cyanide?

      Its the choice of Tamils. We should not interfere. By sending children to war LTTE killed 2 Tamil generations. How good.

    • 0

      Like all his recent and past ancestors, Emmanuel loves to suck white bums.

  • 0

    I don’t think the Queen will listen to a terrorist supporter of this ilk. He will also find difficulty crossing the Pearly Gates when his time is up. All those dead that he helped to exterminate will be there to collect their due tax from him. Try getting there first!

  • 0

    Your Highness,

    Could you please ask Manmohan Singh to grant me a visa to visit my beloved Tamil Nadu?

    Two years ago I was deported from India like an illegal immigrant – I was just fundraising for my local church.

  • 0

    The Reverend, the head of the Global Tamil Forum, has in essence reflected the views of most Tamils in his open letter to the Queen. We hope the Commonwealth will heed his plea and reconsider its decision to hold CHOGM 2013 in Sri Lanka where a mass slaughter took place four years ago for which President Rajapaksa has to be held to account. Despite having blood on his hands he would not only play host but would assume the chairmanship of the Commonwealth for the next two years.
    Undoubtedly the Commonwealth will be going against the very grain of the new Charter and the principles enshrined in it, those which it painstakingly drafted to restate its core values and to bring the Commonwealth into the 21st century and beyond before it falls flat on its face as an anachronism of no consequence. It would be sadly regressing if it indeed fails its first real litmus test, rendering Her Majesty’s words at the launch of the Charter, which the Reverend has repeated in his letter, meaningless!
    Had the Reverend, the author of “Let My people Go”, a desperate cry to save his people, been listened to then, the world may have avoided a catastrophe, the mass killing of a people in cold blood which President Rajapaksa presided over; there is no denying it happened in his watch, with his full knowledge and was orchestrated and completed by him and his brothers. To this day he has rejected outright all calls for a credible, independent investigation.
    The Commonwealth should listen to the Reverend now, as he demands justice for his people!

    • 0

      Dear Ms Usha S Sri-SkandaRajah;

      You clearly know that, You all helped Indians and Thambi Pirapaharan with his boys and girls to do mass killing in sri lanka.
      And your Sun God THAMBY took bribes from RAJA-FOXES and betrayed you all, KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY TO YOU ALL.
      Betrayed the that Proud people of VANNI, and sold their lives to Betrayers like KP, KARUNA< PILLYAN< DOGIYA<ADRLE.

      And your GOD / GODS,of Jesus, Vishnu, Skandaha, KALI, MUTHUMARI amman, PILLEYAR, were not there to save your Tamizars and MERCERNERIY FORCES in the Mullaiwaikal and NandhiKadaal from SL FORCES.
      Now do you Think That UK governance and Majesties are willing to safe guard you all.

      Do not think So.

      THEY are After money for their Coffers.
      They wants to sell Arms and Armies to all over the globe and collect Patented money to stack in their treasuries.
      You are JUst Licenced COOLIS for them.

      a desperate cry to save your people,
      YOUR LOVING Thamby been listened to then,
      the world may have avoided a catastrophe,
      the mass killing of a people in cold blood THAT was orchestrated and completed by Your Your Thamby SUN GOD PIRPAHARAN, Mahinda Raja FOX and his brothers.

      Now tell your REV and Tamizar DISAPORA to not to cry for Spilled milk.

    • 0

      SIXTY FIVE YEARS after we were freed to do our own thing, we still suck up to the Old Colonial Master. What a laugh, if we could only just stop crying. Still, old habits die hard. Clinging on to the coat tails of the White Master, telling tales out of school and blaming everyone else for us not been able to sort out our affairs. Meanwhile, we all aspire to learn english and to send our children to the ‘nice’ schools of the west. The brown sahib lives on.

    • 0

      I agree with the Hon Lady – The CHOGM 2013 should not be held in Siri Lanaka. I think it should be held in India – after 30 years – so that all interested parties could discuss the Siri Lankan Tamil question openly.

      Two questions to Usha S Sri-Skanda:

      If CHOGM 2013 is held in India, will the head of the Global Tamil Forum allowed to attend?

      If not, why not?

    • 0

      Dear Usha, still beating the drum about genocide during the last days of the War ? you have conveniently forgotten the massacre and mayhem created by the LTTE and the equal destruction by the army of the land in its endeavour. we can always keep talking about this and yet reach no conclusion as to the truth behind this.
      Your Rev.E’s appeal to the Queen is a joke.. a woman who has steadfastly worn the Crown for so many years has only being a public figure and a crowd puller. i cannot think of any meaning full decision that she may have taken in the case of the srilankan issues.Ironically, she too is blinded with power, otherwise why should she be holding on to the crown without abdicating it to her son or the grandson, even at this age.
      Remember, the coin is always two faceted.. that’s why its worth it weight.
      People here have suffered enough, you and your Company cannot solve things by just bloating you egos.

    • 0

      Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah

      the comments for your writing shows that the Whole Sale Manager for Tamil for Justice still active

  • 0

    Has the Reverend become reformed, or seen God, while holding High Mass for the beautiful, well heeled English Tamils on Sunday morning?.

    Shouldn’t he be writing to the CM asking how his ex parishioners doing and what their future is under the Vellalas who are hugh caste Hindus?.

    At.least Prabakaran didn’t give a crap about the Vellalas as long as they paid up and kept their mouths shut.

    Prabakaran however had a good rapport with the Rev, because most child soldiers and suicide cadres were from the non Vellala poor stock which these High Priests were supposed to take care of and help them in their their daily needs and their spiritual needs as they get older.

    This Reverend was more into the sipritual needs of the Prchaba and his suicide cadres, child soldiers and black Tigers at great cost to the poor parishioners.


  • 0

    Tamil version of BBS

  • 0

    The British, as do most governments, don’t do anything based on ‘values’. Of course people like this priest are the reason why the Moslems have come to dislike and distrust the Christians. They equate Christianity to the supposedly ‘Christian’ countries that perpetrate so much injustice and cruelty in the World.

    • 0

      And muslim countries, like Saudi Arabia (guardians of the holy places) should be type of country we should all aspire to. No muslim brother anywhere attacks another muslim……….and pigs do fly!

  • 0

    You are correct Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel.

    Already the monkey with 18th Amendment Hand Grenade in it’s hand is playing hell in the country like Hanuman.

    See what happened to CJ Shirani Bandaranayake, Gen.Sarath Fonseka, Police commission, election commission, human right commission, all controlled media and journalists, Lasantha, Prageeth,Fredrica, Muslim, tamil and Christian community and their churches, 10% commission on all fake contracts and deals, black money,drug, Kasippu, Casino and Brothel mafia family cartel, UN Al Jazeera liar etc,etc,

    Anybody could guess what the Hanuma will do with the new CW head crown hand grenade for next two years.

    Only another disaster waiting to happen.

  • 0

    I am surprised at this man calling himself a servant of God writing rubbish to the queen! Has he gone raving MAD? didn’t Christ say to love thy neighbor as thy self? and also say love thy enemy? The queen is not attending because she can’t travel due to old age! But she is sending the next of kin for the conference. PLEASE BEHAVE LIKE A CHRISTIAN IF YOU USE THE TITLE REVEREND!!

  • 0

    Human Rights Watch is a highly regarded, and independent, global org.

    Whereas, Gota’s paid writers who have written slanderous comments in this section, will soon have little credibility among the Sinhala masses – who will soon be victims of a steadily declining economy, rapidly growing & all pervasive corruption, increasing authoritarian rule, balooning national debt etc.

    Father Emanuel has made statements supporting the political goals of the LTTE. I challenge any of these paid writers of comments in this section, to produce evidence of Father Emanuels complicity with the LTTE’s military wing, human rights violations, killings, or finances.

    If any credible evidence against Father Emanuel existed, the Vatican would have disrobed him a couple of years ago. The Vatican is an institution which has qualities which are the opposite of the corrupt, murderous, genocidal, immoral Sri Lankan state and its Supreme Kangaroo court, which is headed by a Rajapaksa crony who is also a criminal and fraudster.




    Human Rights Watch calls for boycott of CHOGM in Sri Lanka

    Sat, 14 Sep 2013 12:20:52 GMT

    Colombo, Sep 13 (PTI) The Human Rights Watch (HRW) today asked the heads of Commonwealth governments not to attend the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Sri Lanka due to the country”s alleged unwillingness to address the ongoing human rights concerns.

    The New York-based rights watchdog has, in a letter, asked the heads of 54 Commonwealth countries not to attend the summit scheduled in November in Lanka and suggested that those governments which decide to attend should send a low-level delegation as a public message of dissatisfaction.

    “Instead of participating in a propaganda coup for the Sri Lankan government, Commonwealth heads of government should stay home and publicly press Sri Lanka on its repressive policies and lack of accountability,” Brad Adams, the HRW”s Asia Director has said in the letter.

    “The Sri Lankan government should be shunned — not rewarded — for failing to hold anyone accountable for war crimes during the country”s recent conflict,” he said, adding that holding the summit in Lanka casts “serious doubts on the Commonwealth”s stated commitment to supporting human rights and democratic reform”.

    The HRW noted that during a visit to Sri Lanka in August, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights Navi Pillay had expressed grave concerns about lack of accountability, unresolved enforced disappearances, and decreasing fundamental freedoms, among other issues.

    “Attending a summit in Sri Lanka so soon after the UN rights chief decried a worsening situation sends the wrong message to the government and to victims seeking justice,” Adams said.

    The watchdog claims that Sri Lankan government has become increasingly authoritarian, attacking the independence of the judiciary and severely limiting the space for public criticism by the media and human rights groups.

    Despite credible allegations by both the UN Secretary-General”s Panel of Experts and the government”s own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) of numerous wartime abuses by both sides, the government has undertaken no serious investigations or prosecutions, it said.

    Colombo will become the first Asian host of the event in 24 years by hosting the CHOGM between November 12-17.

  • 0

    27 September 2013

    Amnesty International: Commonwealth giving Sri Lanka carte blanche for human rights abuses


    27 September 2013

    Commonwealth giving Sri Lanka carte blanche for human rights abuses

    Commonwealth giving Sri Lanka carte blanche for human rights abuses

    Sri Lanka will host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in November.

    © Brendan McDermid-Pool/Getty Images

    Today’s meeting is an opportunity for the Commonwealth to show some real leadership on human rights. The organization has been shamefully silent so far about Sri Lanka’s human rights crisis– including the persistent lack of justice for past crimes and ongoing attacks on human rights defenders and other activists.


    Polly Truscott, Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia- Pacific Director.

    Sri Lanka’s disturbing human rights record means it should be barred from hosting a key Commonwealth summit in November or chairing the organization, Amnesty International said ahead of a key meeting of Commonwealth foreign ministers today.

    The Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group – made up of foreign ministers and Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma, who gather to address violations of the Commonwealth’s fundamental values, including human rights – is meeting in New York today.

    “Today’s meeting is an opportunity for the Commonwealth to show some real leadership on human rights. The organization has been shamefully silent so far about Sri Lanka’s human rights crisis– including the persistent lack of justice for past crimes and ongoing attacks on human rights defenders and other activists,” said Polly Truscott, Amnesty International’s Deputy Asia- Pacific Director.

    “Instead of giving Sri Lanka carte blanche for human rights violations, Commonwealth leaders should be supporting calls for an independent and international investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, and condemning reprisals against civil society still taking place.”

    Today’s meeting comes less than two months ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Colombo, after which Sri Lanka is set to serve as the Commonwealth’s Chair for two years.

    “Allowing Sri Lanka to host CHOGM and then chair the Commonwealth would give the country a seal of approval that it does not deserve. The Commonwealth must think twice before allowing such a blow to its own credibility,” said Truscott.

    “As Chair, Sri Lanka would be charged with helping the Secretary-General address violations of human rights in other Commonwealth countries – it’s difficult to think of a bigger irony.”

    There are credible allegations that the Sri Lankan military and Tamil Tigers armed group committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict ending in 2009. But Sri Lanka has resisted calls for an international and impartial investigation into the conflict, while its own domestic efforts have been wholly ineffective.

    Since the war’s end, President Mahinda Rajapaksa has steered his country in what the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has described as “an increasingly authoritarian direction”. The government has concentrated powers in its own hands and led an assault on dissent, harassing and attacking critics including journalists, human rights defenders and opposition politicians.

    “Despite repeated demands from the UN and others, the Sri Lankan government has not stopped violating people’s rights. There’s a huge risk of increased reprisals against activists and others in November around CHOGM. Sri Lanka is not a safe pair of hands for the Commonwealth,” said Truscott.

  • 0

    This was previously posted by a person who works very hard to expose the gross violation of human rights by the Sri Lankan government; its corruption, lack of civility and moral values etc.

    Mahinda Rajapaksa & Family are world leading HR violators, war criminals and genocidaires.

    Do Google searches for “Sri Lanka” and each of:

    Amnesty International;

    Human Rights Watch;

    Comittee to Protect Journalists;

    Channel 4 Killing Fields;

    BBC Tamil killing;

    Reporters Without Borders;

    Transparency International;

    Navi Pillay UN;

    Tamils Against Genocide;

    War Without Witness;

    Genocide Watch;

    Army Haiti rape;

    May 2009 War;

    July 1983;

    lasantha wickrematunge;

    gotabaya rajapaksa war crimes;

  • 0

    the name EMANUEL is classified under DALIT in TAmils mother land South India.

    In Sri Lanka this Dr. Emanuel was some thing.

    that is how low caste Tamils are.

    • 0

      Jimmy Soft

      This blog is full of your B/S. You are totally incapable of an
      intelligent or decent comment – except fan hatred. But this one
      of yours must be the cake-taker. There is hardly anyone by the
      name you spell – good spelling being difficult to you. You don’t
      know the difference
      between Tamilnadu and Trincomalee – except in both people speak Tamil.


    • 0

      When low caste Tamils cross the Palk Strait, they become Vellahla.

      What the government can do is appoint Indian Tamils from Nuwara Eliya to top posts in Jaffna and watch the fun unfold.

  • 0

    Most of the comments here are so pathetic, immature and childish except Indran.s’S, Usha.S Sri skandarajah and a bit of RajahsH’S…
    Write something sensible and factual without racism taking over your thoughts. Have common sense in looking at things to be fair and honest.
    Grow up people before commenting…

  • 0

    Fr.Go ahead without getting upset by the statements of anti Tamil elements.Unfortunately we don’t have any courageous Sinhala Christian priests who could talk on behalf of Sinhala affected people.

  • 0

    Your Majesty,

    Please ignore Rev. Dr S.J. Emmanuel outbursts. He doesn’t even live in Sri Lanka and yet has the cheekiness to state the following –

    “It is because of this lack of faith in his administration that I and numerous others look to the international community and organisations, such as the Commonwealth, for assistance.”

    I on the other hand live in Sri Lanka. I’m a firm believer Your majesty that a person should live in a country their concerned about in order to make the changes they want to see. How can one do so by residing in a foreign land? The international community should concentrate on taking care of her own people rather than listening to the requests of asylum seekers, refugees, etc. The economic downfall of the West is mainly due to pumping its country’s wealth into foreign lands where these asylum seekers, exiled foreigners, refugees, etc came from.

    I thank you for allowing CHOGM 2013 to be held in Sri lanka and the citizens of this nation thank you too.

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