12 December, 2024


Anatomy Of An Islamist Infamy – II

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

It takes two hands to clap and make a noise, and what a deadly noise did Sri Lankans hear during that fatal Easter Sunday? In the first part of this analysis the Muslim leadership hand was identified and discussed. Second part looks at the hand of governments that governed this country since independence and how they laid the remainder of the bricks that paved the bloody road. 

Politicisation of Buddhism  

Long before Ashraf and his SLMC allowed Islamism creep into Muslim politics, Bandaranaike (SWRD) politicised Buddhism to win his electoral battle against the UNP.  His landslide victory at the 1956 General Elections to which he harnessed the support of Buddhist monks, Ayurvedic physicians and village school teachers demonstrated the political potential of Buddhism in changing governments in Sri Lanka, which even made American CIA to politicise Buddhism in South East Asia to fight against the rise of communism (Eugene Ford, Cold War Monks, 2017). While SWRD won the elections and lost his life at the hands of a Buddhist monk the Americans harnessed Buddhism and lost the fight against communism in Vietnam and Cambodia.     

In Sri Lanka, although Buddhism continued to play its role in mobilising support to different political parties, because of the looming Sinhalese-Tamil ethno-nationalist confrontation from mid 1950s, it was ethnicity rather than religion that dominated the political stage, although in the nineteen sixties Buddhism once again joined the political campaign against Roman Catholicism when the SLFP Government decided to nationalise all denominational educational institutions. Even today there is one Buddhist monk in the parliament. What is there to stop some more entering? The question is, is that the legitimate place for Buddhist monks? Only the Sangha can answer this question.

Sri Lanka Muslim Civil Society was organized a “Rise up for Solidarity – Humanity Beyond Religion one Nation one Country at Colombo 7 Independence Squire-04th May | Picture by Ashraff. A. Samad

Politics of Pragmatism

However, to all governments after independence, and for that matter, to the Sinhalese people as a whole Muslims and Islam were never a problem. By aligning with the governments in power and in supporting the Sinhalese against Tamils, Muslim leaders, until late 1980s, showed an incredible talent in pragmatic politics, to which their community was rewarded handsomely.  

There was another reason why governments were particularly keen to keep Muslims on their side. This was the Muslim connection to the outside world. Theoretically, Sri Lankan Muslims are part of universal Muslim umma or community. Therefore any anti-Muslim policy or open discrimination against that community would provoke adverse reaction from the Muslim world, whose economic assistance and support in the international fora were badly needed to an emerging Sri Lanka. When the civil war broke out in the 1980s these considerations became paramount.  

Politics of pragmatism enabled the Muslim community to live peacefully and thrive economically, socially, culturally and educationally from the day they set foot in the country. The 1915 Sinhalese-Muslim riots was an aberration caused by an alien element that was soon forgotten by both communities. From the 1980s to 2009 all communities, including the Tamils, suffered from an unnecessary but expensive civil war. When LTTE was defeated in 2009 and when a victorious President Rajapaksa declared that there would be no more Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims in the future but only Sri Lankans everyone who heard him felt a sigh of relief. Everyone thought that democracy with its principles of equality, freedom and justice had returned with vengeance.  Alas! The nation was greatly disappointed when the same president allowed a vociferous minority of far-right Buddhists to overrule him and declare that Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country and that minorities are allowed to live here only at the behest of Buddhists. No Buddhist politician or leader challenged this assertion. 

Rise of the Far-right 

Encouraged by the military victory against Tamils, the larger minority, far-right Buddhist elements now focused their attention on the smaller minority, Muslims. Thus, instead of popular democracy the country entered into an era of ethno-religious majoritarian democracy.

Far-right politics is a twenty-first century phenomenon that arose out the failure of a much touted neoliberal economic globalization and is now destabilising several Western democracies including the USA. The open economy of Sri Lanka, which embraced the neoliberal philosophy since 1978, also began to feel the effects of that failure. Economic cleavages were widening, national debt was increasing, cost of living was rising and corruption reigned supreme in government management. Without understanding or refusing to understand the unfolding of this major drama, the far-right, like in the West, began to scape-goat the Muslim minority for all the evils. 

The growing Islamism, an emerging commercial rivalry and a deliberately provoked fear among the Sinhalese of a looming Muslim population explosion fuelled an anti-Muslim fire lit by the far-right elements. The issue of Islamism has already been dealt with in part one. In an open economy that encourages free enterprise and competition not everyone can succeed. Competition can be cruel as well as rewarding depending on one’s innovative, hardworking and marketing ability and talent. Historically, Sri Lankan Muslims were best known for their commercial and business acumen. They did well under the capitalist economy after independence but suffered under the socialist regime of Srimavo’s leftist coalition, between 1970 and 1977. When Jayawardene enunciated the end of dirigisme and reintroduced capitalism Muslims once again took advantage of it and a few did extremely well. A couple of leading retail fashion establishments in the country for example, are Muslim owned, and so are a few leading restaurants in Colombo and other big cities. These in particular became an eyesore to the far-right nationalists. Several Muslim businesses were burnt, looted and ransacked under false pretences. Security for these businesses were pathetically lacking. There was and still is a vicious campaign unleashed by anti-Muslim groups to boycott Muslim shops and businesses. There is evidence that certain Sinhalese businesses were funding this anti-Muslim campaign. A government’s inaction or delayed action against these hoodlums naturally angered the business community. Justice delayed is justice denied. 

Some smart but pseudo-experts in demography within the far-right deliberately twisted the census statistics and presented a phantasmagorical picture about a looming Muslim population explosion to make the Sinhalese a minority in Sri Lanka. Without any understanding of deliberately ignoring factors that determine population growth in the short and long runs these pseudo-experts showed that the 9 per cent Muslims in this country will soon become the majority and create an Islamic state because of Muslim women’s unusual fecundity. That the Government Department of Census and Statistics denied their conclusions did not discourage them. To strengthen their argument they even claimed, without any concrete proof that Muslim businessmen and restaurateurs were distributing contraceptives to Sinhalese female customers to reduce the birth rate among them. All this created an environment of Islamophobia that led to sporadic anti-Muslim riots. Alutgama, Ampara, Gintota and Digana were the prominent ones. That a few Buddhist monks participated in these riots while police was looking the other way is further evidence of politicisation of Buddhism. These riots took place both under the Rajapakse Presidency as well as Sirisena Presidency. Both presidencies and governments under them failed to take stern action to bring the perpetrators to books. The main reason for this failure was the need to protect the Buddhist vote bank. If the first bloody brick towards the Easter infamy was laid by Wahhabists in Kattankudy, more were laid by the far-right in Alutgama, Ampara, Gintota and Digana. 

Vote Bank

In the ethno-religious democracy of Sri Lanka the primary objective of every politician and every political party is not to work for the prosperity of the country and its people or its economy but to capture the ethnic or religiously divided vote bank to remain in or capture power. It is this political strategy of present and past regimes that has weakened rule of law in Sri Lanka. Recent governments have all been coalitions. One important component in these coalitions had been the SLMC and its splinter ACMC. In such a coalition, if the government shows tolerance towards lawlessness of the supporters of one segment of the coalition, how can it deny the same tolerance towards the lawlessness of the supporters of another segment? It was this dilemma and the powerlessness of Muslim coalition partners in the government to deliver justice to Muslim victims that made a militant section of Wahhabi activists to seek revenge. To put it bluntly, while the Sinhalese politicians were tolerating unruly far-right Buddhists and their anti-Muslim rampaging, Muslim politicians had no choice but to tolerate Wahhabi extremists who were becoming militant in front of their eyes. Let us illustrate this point with two instances.

One of the monks closely associated with anti-Muslim violence is Galagoda Atte Gnanasara. There is ample evidence to prove this monk’s un-Buddhist behaviour. He is no doubt in prison now, but not for his involvement in violence but for contempt of court in relation to an unrelated case. However, how does one explain the attempt by some prominent Buddhists including one Mahanayake to get him released from prison through Presidential pardon on the eve of this year’s independent day celebrations? Although the move failed because of wide spread protests this episode demonstrates clearly the prevailing attitude within certain influential groups, which seem to believe that justice, law and order must serve the interests of them more favourably than those of others.

The second instance is related to the Mawanella bigotry in December last year. This bigotry was a clear signal to the government that something far more sinister and serious was brewing within the Muslim community. Although the police took some action and made few arrests no one bothered to go to the bottom of that incident and dig out what motivated those bigots to do what they did. Was that a deliberate neglect? Had that been done there would not have been a Bloody Easter. However, after that, there was one shooting incident in which the victim was a minister’s secretary. Police made an arrest, but according to that minister the person arrested was released because of pressure from a powerful politician. Doesn’t this show that politicians and political groups are protecting even criminals among their supporters in order to safeguard their respective vote banks? This is the tragedy in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka does not need an Anti-terrorism Act to maintain law and order. All that it needs is to apply the existing law without fear or favour and allow the judiciary to act independently.   

Government in Paralysis         

The situation deteriorated and became almost comical after October last year, when the President, acting on dubious advice, unconstitutionally dismissed the elected Prime Minister and prorogued the parliament. It took three months until the judiciary put the prime minister back on his seat and restored his government. Since that restoration and in light of the forthcoming Presidential election, which is to be preceded or followed by a general election, the nation’s government is in a state of paralysis. A president who wants to sabotage the prime minister and the government, a government surviving on life support from minority parties, and an opposition which will not shy away from whipping up ethno-nationalism to capture government is a recipe for uncertainty and disharmony. The paralysis deteriorated so badly that neither the President, nor the Prime Minister and not even the opposition had any clue about the growing terror menace in their backyard. Not only was there an intelligence failure but also a determined indifference towards information received from local as well as foreign sources. Why was this indifference? Or was it also a deliberate neglect? The Easter Sunday infamy was the product of this paralysis and negligence. What should be done now and how to move forward? That will be answered in the concluding part of this analysis.    

*To be continued …

Related posts:

Anatomy Of An Islamist Infamy – I

Latest comments

  • 18

    ‘the Americans harnessed Buddhism and lost the fight against communism in Vietnam and Cambodia’

    This is nonsense. Do you think we don’t know that the USA supported the Roman Catholic dictatorship in S.Vietnam despite all its crimes against the Buddhist majority? The USA never supported Buddhism in Vietnam or Cambodia.

    Why do you write such rubbish? If you want to impress the readers at least get your facts right.

    • 11


      Americans primary focus was to stop the spread of communism. Read about the Monroe Doctrine.

      Vietnam and Cambodia were part of French Indo China, and after the Japanese were defeated, the French came back , to claim the Land. Read about Dien Bien Phu. The French introduced Catholicism and Christianity, al the Western Imperialists and Colonists did that, and the Catholic Din Diem, who reported to the Pope, became a liability to the majority Buddhist Vietnam for the Americans.So, Din Fien had to go, the CIA inspired coup of 1960 or 1961 took care of that.

      Remember, even in Sri Lanka, there was s coup by the Catholics in 1962. Did the Pope order it?

      • 6

        Amare, Ngo Dinh Diem was alive and well in both 1961 and 1962. He was murdered in 1963 by Army officers who did not agree with his treatment of the Buddhist majority and his attitude to North Vietnam.

        You are confusing the Monroe Doctrine (which was the US policy of opposing European colonialism on the American continent) with the Domino Theory that if one country fell to Communism, neighbouring countries would fall too.

        • 4

          paul .

          Thanks. You are correct, I was quoting from memory. Yes, it was Ngo Dinh Diem, and it was 1963, Yes, it was the Domino Theory, Certainly, I was confusing, and this was what happens when one is sleepy. Should have checked, my sheepish memory.

          The was a long time ago. Now Vietnam has embraced good old capitalism..

          Western Europe got to enlightenment and the age of reason, 500 years ago.

          When will the Muslim world get to the o enlightenment and the age of reason. In 100 years? In 500 years? Give Reason prominence over Revelation?

          Key: Flip the wings of the Ulama, and let the philosophers and free thinkers prevail. They missed it 1,000 years ago.

    • 7

      The US uses Tibetan Buddhism to weaken China.
      It uses Islam against Russia and China and to undermine ‘hostile’ regimes.
      It plays ball with Hindutva.
      Religion is a plaything for US imperialism.

    • 2

      Dr. Ameer Ali,

      The cause: Wahhabism.


      Need ant-Wahhabi doctrine to counter the Satanic Ideology.

      The Hadith of Najd.

    • 2


      Calm down.
      Are you trying to support/defend Buddhism, Vietnam, Vietnamese version of Communism/Marxism, Buddhist majority, ……………… ?

      “Why do you write such rubbish? If you want to impress the readers at least get your facts right.”

      Be fair, would you also ask other writers/typists in this forum to get their facts right?
      It’s alright if you chose to support whomever you think in the majority.

  • 5

    We have reached a point of time where there is Terror based on religion.
    Take for instance Burma. The Buddhist monk Asin Virathu, Leader of Myanmars 969 was described by Time Magazine as a Buddhist Bin Laden. There were riots in March 2013 against Muslims spear headed by thousands of Buddhist Monks.of 969 led by Virathu. Govt: of Burma supported 969 in the Muslim-clean up.
    Bodu Bala Sena operates on the same lines as 969. They must be watching the the evolving scenario, even though its leader is in Jail.

    Across South Asia Muslims display 786. 969 proponents see this as a plot to conquer Burma in the 21st century. [ 7+ 8+ 6 = 21 ]
    The ISIS seem to have hit upon a perfect location in Srilanka–Eastern Province for JIHAD.
    Coming colors no good!

    • 3


      “We have reached a point of time where there is Terror based on religion.”

      It was there for a long time. It was us against them.

      Read Old Testament. Read for example, Joshua.

      Read about the Inquisition, the Jewish Pograms by the Church, the decimation of the natives in the new world, calling them savages , the slave trade etc.


      Christopher Hitchens argues against the proposition that ‘The Catholic Church is a Force for Good’ at the Intelligence Squared debate in October, 2009

      The Islamist and Wahhabi religion based terror , is a new recent development, and so is Sinhala Buddhism and Mayanar Buddhism based terror.

      “Religion is the opium of the masses” said Philosopher Karl Marx.


      Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted

    • 4

      There is no such thing as Buddhist “terrorism.” In Buddhism, the world is not even real. People think it is real because they are attached to lifeless objects or objects without any permanence. In their quest for attachment, people experience various bouts of “dukkha” as their satisfaction is never complete. These ideas differ from the Semite religions. In the Semite religions, people suffer because of something called “original sin.” The path to “liberation” is not achieved by detachment or moderation but through allegiance to a “Prophet” and ideology. None of these religions are practical from a modern standpoint. but in Buddhism there is no compulsion to convert others, which makes a big difference. When ISIS captured Yazidi villages, they killed the men and forced the women to convert to Islam. The proselytizing effect is very strong in Islam and Christianity.

  • 9

    PAUL US politicians do not have eternal friends or eternal enemies in the name of religion but all what they have is eternal interest. They do not care if you are Buddhists or Muslim or for that matter any one. All they need is your wealth and money. Nothing else.. This world is not world of morals or ethics. but of money and wealth. all they want from you is to protect their interest.

    • 4

      I agree. Our politicians could give them lessons in these matters.

  • 4

    Dr. Ameer Ali
    Is Malaysia an Islamic country ?

    • 2

      The problem in Malaysia is Malay chauvinism.

      • 2

        SJ They have to feel patriotic and nationalistic. Why UK rally around the queen. why american Rally around the Flag.

        • 0

          Islam does not fare as prominently in Malaysian politics as it does in South Asia. There is much racial discrimination there.
          Patriotism and nationalism are just covers for utter selfishness.

  • 9

    CUNNING Amir,
    What the pig hell do you mean by ” Sri Lankan masses, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims or Burghers, are not to be blamed for this tragic history and they should be kept out of the equation” in your previous article???????
    Only Sri Lankan masses, Sinhalese, Tamils and Burghers, are not to be blamed for this tragic history and they should be kept out of the equation. Only 7th century death cult following BARBARIC MUSLIMs are responsible for Easter day massacre. This what Muslims have been doing since 7th century.
    Don’t make false accusations on His Holy Highness Gnanasara thero. His is the one who bravely exposed CUNNING Muslim shenanigans to the world. So every single Muslim in Sri Lanka MUST apologise and pay hefty compensation to him.
    The pigs: Asad, Badudeen, Hakeem, Hisbulla, etc are yet t be arrested.
    Now it’s proven that Aluthgama, Digana , Ginthota, Ampara, etc riots were started by 1S1S Muslims in Sri Lanka. Muslims killed two innocent Sinhalese in Digana.

  • 5

    “Long before Ashraf and his SLMC allowed Islamism creep into Muslim politics, Bandaranaike (SWRD) politicised Buddhism to win his electoral battle against the UNP.”
    I am afraid that the author is depending too much on hearsay.
    If you talk about politicization of Buddhism, credit goes to Anagarika Dharmapala.
    Buddhist clergy were part of the left movement from early days. A founder member of the CP was a Buddhist priest. (The LSSP had a Buddhist priest as MP well before the JHU had an all priest contingent of MPs.)
    SWRDB cynically used the clergy, but it was much later that Buddhism was pushed into prominence. It was the language cry and the after effect of the 1953 Hartal that won the election for SWRDB.
    Dudley Senanayake introduced the Poya week system in 1965 which people under 60 years of age may not know much about. Mrs B reversed it in 1971.
    Dudley S. reserved seats for clergy in buses and trains, knowing well who the beneficiaries were. Interestingly, no seats were reserved for pregnant women, the aged and the disabled.
    Then Mrs B granted Buddhism special constitutional status in 1972. The UNP reinforced it in 1978.
    Although there were organizations of Buddhist clergy that exerted pressure on governments since 1956, political Buddhism as we understand started in the 1990s and gathered momentum this century in the face of politicians losing the confidence of the public.

  • 10

    Amir Ali: As usual Muslims try to give a version that does make everybody is wrong and Muslims or Islam is correct. It is Wahabism Originated among Saudi arabia because of British influence. but, in this Case USA used it for their advantage. I think Sterling pounds and dinar Political donations for every president ad Pm worked for Muslim and the they began it thinking eventually they would get Nasithishthan. during CBK time, CBK allowed Somawathi Dagoba to be bull dozed and build Muslim colonies their and a even Meat Stalls. Those days Ashraff was the one. during the Mahinda Rajapakse times, Rishad Bathiuddin changed the existing Gazzette notifications and printed new gazette all to Help muslim colonization and expansion. so, they destroyed wilpatthu. during the Yahapalana times, It continued rishad Bathiuddin was handling both Wilpatthu and Batticaloa. They had given hefty political donations because of that politicians kept silent. Besides, they went to UNITED NATIONS saying discrimination. they were making troubles digana, ALuthgama, Kataragama, Dambulla, Mahiyangana. Media did not publish the other side of the story probably the govt was scared about island wide back lash. Muslims Affairs minister Helaam, helped and they have 440 Unregisters mosques. Even the suicide bombers house is used as a a Mosque. there are registered 400 mosques. All these are neq mosques and the total no of mosques is 2400 or figure closer to that. So, recently, wahabis cme really aggressive because Muslims politicians were behind them. they were getting funds from arab.

  • 8

    Why did muslims import 800 foreign clerics if they do not have at least that many mosques. Do they explain the quran the same way. Muslims who had Hinduism is peaceful. Muslims who has Arabic desert pagen religions are more violent. What they say is kill and survive and expand by that way. Buddhist bhikkus know what is happening in Sri lanka. the International community may want to imprison bhikkus saying it is the buddhism. but it is they want part of Sri lanka. LTTE failed and now they have Wahabis. Myanmar is grand. Their army killed six Wahabis, point blank, because they made the troubles. In comparison to Ballless CIA AGENTs Ranil and Mangala Previous govt was very good..

  • 6

    Buddhism is not politicized. that is anti-Sinhala buddhist Crap. Bhikkus are asserting our rights. Asserting is a Christian way. but, we have to do that because politicians are not doing that. One Stupid Ajith Mannaperuma, a sinhala politicians says, Every violence act that was happened in the world about in 40 countries was by Wahabis. There are many like that. another is Rajitha Senarthne. He was waiting to get money from muslims and contest.

    • 6

      “Buddhism is not politicized”
      What planet are you from ?????
      Did you know that ‘effing Buddhist Yellow Robe Thugs have created a Political Party in Sri Lanka ?
      Do you know what shameful things they are doing “in the name of Buddhism” in other Buddhist countries ? Murder and Rape is all OK for them.
      ‘effing Bhikkus should be finding their own way to Nirvana, not freeloading off the general public and creating discord in the country.
      95 % of recent violent acts in the past 5 years is done by ‘effing “Bhikkus”
      They should be in their temples, doing Bhavana. Not assaulting people on the streets and giving others an excuse to fight back

      • 1

        Maalumiris: Bhikkus must have political rights. SHOULD THEY ? Bbut, that is not buddhism. As citizens of the country they have a right to protect the culture. In every country the religion is intertwined with the country’s culture. It is unfortunate western countries lost their culture for the currency.

    • 4

      JD: “Buddhism is not politicized.”
      Perhaps they renamed it Sinhala Buddhism before politicizing it.

  • 7

    Dr AA: You have given away a lot by trying to be pragmatic just at this juncture by writing what you wrote- ” By aligning with the governments in power and in supporting the Sinhalese against Tamils, Muslim leaders, until late 1980s, showed an incredible talent in pragmatic politics, to which their community was rewarded handsomely”.
    1, Although I am not a fan of LTTE, by your own admission you have sort of somewhat justified what LLTE did evicting the Muslims from North admits the tensed situation.
    2, Rather than doing what you said Muslims did between 1980 and 2009, they must have played a meaningful constructive role, at least would have attempted to minimize the aberration of social harmony bridging the language gap which was one of causes to inflame the situations. In contrary, you guys treated it as blessing in disguise and what you did was nothing about incredible talent in pragmatic politics as you spin, it pure cunny way of exploiting a situation to grab taste the spoils. Karma will change you guys to grave. Even now, it is no secrete, what your local ISIS doing is targeting the minority of the minority. Would you elaborate on your second part, whether this approach is something which was supported by your politicians who had been aiding and abetting these mongrels, saying these people can be used as ponies, if you could.
    3 Couldn’t work out the motives of your guys, what is the demand of the so called martyrs for killing the innocents, still no body knows. In your own words you say you thrived all these years bar 1970-77 period. If these cowardly acts are a retaliation to riots in Aluthgama, Digana , Ginthota, Ampara, etc, do they think they send a stern message to people like Gnanasara?.

  • 5

    Dr. Ameer Ali,

    Your article is not convincing!

    Your article is not focused on Sri Lanka and emerging Islamic terrorism.

    Why suicide bombings?What motivated suicide bombers/Was it grievance led?
    In Sri Lanka Muslims do not seems o have any political grievances.
    They are happy with the status quo?why some of them became radicals to the extent of sucrifising their own life/
    Do Not simply ignore the suicide bobbers?Why the Muslim community produced the suicide bombers?
    Be specific?annd be focused?

  • 8

    I have said this many times and I will repeat once more.

    Don’t believe the Muslim scoundrel. His call for unity is a ruse until the small Sinhalese mind forgets about the latest episode.

    The Muslim scoundrel is planning for the long term, to increase it’s population, to depopulate the Sinhalese and Tamils, to convert through monetary benefits, to minimize the violence they have already caused etc etc etc.

    In this long term plan, national unity, human rights are a temp. sojourn.

    Did everyone see that Monkey who blasted himself in the East swearing to destroy all of us? Yes, that includes you and me. It includes everyone who is a non-beleiver in Allah.

    That is the reality. Don’t let these scum bags fool you anymore than they already have.

  • 8

    Mr. Ameer Ali!
    “Because of the looming Sinhalese Tamil ethno–nationalist confrontation from 1950”
    the Muslims crept in between both and gave Islam the foremost place instead of the Language-Tamil. The confrontation was essentially based on language and not on religion despite the fact Muslims mother tong too was Tamil.. The Muslims tried to find an easy way to come to the limelight at the expense of Tamil language. Despite the fact the Muslim MP’s were elected with Tamil votes they started to Flirt with the Snhalese to feather their nest. The were successful too to a certain extent. However they wanted to bring the Arabic language to the forefront and Arabianise, the east starting from KATHANKUDI with the subtle support of the Buddihst. , who were keen on their votes rather than their development. They failed to see their design. In that process the Muslims became greedy to establish themselves and in order assert themselves they appear to have collected various ‘equipment’ from what we learn from the press. Hisbulla on his own admission stated that he took over the lands from the Tamils and demolished Hindu temples to make way for a market. The Sinhalese too were happy that the Muslims have turned against the Tamils until Aluthgama and Kandy incidents erupted.
    Lots of Tamils and Sinhales who were against the chasing away of the Muslims from Jaffna, now say that LTTE learnt about their double tonged treachery long before the others could assess it. Well the the bomb blast killed more than 75% Tamils for which some Sinhala political figures are also responsible, it is said.
    Unless the Tamils and the Muslims unite honestly and stretch their hands of friendship to the Sinhalese to live as equals, there is no future for Srilanka.

    • 6

      Anaga , these so called Sri Lankan Muslims , who love to call themselves ” Moor” are the biggest opportunists and traitors to their own language , ethnicity, heritage and culture. I have met other Muslim people and despite being devoutly Muslim these people are equally proud of their own language, ethnicity , heritage and culture. Other than a few nut cases , do not ape or claim an imagined Arab or some other origin , in the name of Islam. What has Islam and being a Muslim got to do with your ancestry, race/ethnicity, language, culture or origin? What has Islam got to do with Arabism. All Muslims are not Arabs and not all Arabs are Muslim. In fact most Muslims are from the Indian subcontinent and from Indonesia/Malaysia and not from the Arab world. You can change your religion but not your heritage language or ancestry. Only these shameless opportunistic selfish, self serving immigrant, largely low caste, Tamil Dravidian Muslims from South India , especially their elite and politicians for political and economic power started to create some imagined pan Muslim identity , that was never there and distanced themselves from their actual Tamil identity and claimed a fake Arab origin that only a few hundred largely elite families partially have. These people do not make up even 3% of the island’s Muslim population and even they are predominantly of Tamil ancestry. Instead of siding with their fellow non Muslim Tamils, using this imagined pan Islamic identity and fake Arab origin they opportunistically helped the Sinhalese to further marginalise and discriminate the island’s Tamils , the Tamil language and culture , which is their language and culture too.

    • 5

      Contd: The Sinhalese also to divide and weaken the island’s Tamils encouraged their radicalisation and their Arabisation , in order to distance them from their actual Tamil Sufi Islamic culture and create a new highly radicalised Arabised Wahhabi culture that was very aggressive and intolerant and use this as a tool to further marginalise the island’s Tamils . Especially in the east and parts of the north. This is why a well known anti Tamil ,Hindu temple land stealing Islamic extremist, with known ties to Gulf Arab Wahhabis was appointed as the governor of the east and another extremist was given carte blanche power to destroy the Wilpattu wilderness and settle out of area Wahhabis here and in other parts of the Tamil Vanni on the pretext of settling displaced northern Muslims and create new Muslim enclaves in the north , where there was no history of Muslims , ever living there. Many powerful southern Muslims in Colombo, Kandy and Galle were also supporting this and were even going to various western embassies and falsely canvassing , that these people are all displaced northern Muslims , who need to be settled in their original lands. Displaced and original my foot. 60000 left the north and they wanted to settle 300000-400000 , an impossible number , even after 30 years. natural increase and deaths . They were all in this game and till like a pack of cards all this has come down. Now pretending they are innocent and never supported all this radicalisation , illegal land grabbing and marginalisation of the Tamils. The Sinhalese encouraged all this extremism, radicalisation and Arabisation , thinking that it will benefit them and all this can be used as a tool to further marginalise the Tamils. Did not realise that these Muslims were also using the Sinhalese to steal the lands of the Tamils , to which they actually do not have any right and then use it as a base and springboard to Islamasize the rest of the island. ” We are nice people “!

      • 5

        contd: Yes may have been nice to the Sinhalese or pretended to be nice as they had no other option but were forced to, until they achieve their aim but definitely were not nice to the Tamils with whom they share a language , origin and heritage other than religion. At every opportunity they undercut them not only with the Sinhalese but everywhere else , even at international forums and UN and lied on behalf of Sinhalese racists and war criminals. They did this to marginalise the Tamils find favour with the Sinhalese , as they needed their help to steal Tamil lands for their Wahhabi Caliphate. Just look at the photo , all the placards are only in Sinhalese and English not even one written in their own mother tongue Tamil , as to them only Sinhalese and Sinhalese opinion matters not the opinion of their fellow Tamils or the dead Tamil Christians. A picture speaks a thousand words and thoughts.

        • 5

          You have said it well

  • 4

    US created Jihadists to fight the USSR in Afghanistan. Bin Laden belonged to the category called “Freedom Fighters” by the US President Reagan. Do not try to blame non Muslim Sri Lankas for Wahabism please. US supplied over $5BILLION in weapons to Jihadists including Stinger Missiles. Bin laden became disillusioned after he returned to corrupt, degenerate SAUD families powerful grip on Saudi Arabia. He did not like to see Infidels there and wanted to fight Saddam after his Kuwaiti Invasion. He became angry then. Wahabi Islamists think they are the only ones who have the right to spread islam where people need to convert or be killed. Why try to argue falsehoods? Malaysia is only 61% Muslim but has Islam as an official religion. Why? Sri Lanka does NOT have an official state religion. It has 71% buddhists who foolishly decided to give it prime of place but that is NOT the same as an official religion. Malays are proving to be pretty bad these days. If Sri Lanka becomes a muslim majority nation, they will impose Sharia on everyone. It will NEVER be a democracy. Look at Pathetic Maldives. Only a Sunni can become their President according to their constitution. I have NEVER seen one of you Muslims saying that is wrong. Why is that? Does Saudi Arabia allow any sort of religious freedom to the millions of workers from so many nations? No it does not. But in UK, USA, Sweden Muslims have mosques and in Australia too with Halal meat stores as well. You need to adapt and respect Australian Christian based democracy and not force y our views on the majority.

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    buddhism explains all this mayhem. It is simply Peoples’ Greed and lack of empathy to others is the major problem. Quran says, saying are interpreted by Muslim clerics, Mullahs, maulavis, Scholars and say muslims are the superior most to every one and kill them. So, there is a problems in the teachings or the interpretation.

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      What a load of rubbish

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    Ameer Ali Adviser to ex PM of Australia on Islamism Trying hard to Justify recent attacks on catholic churches by ISIS affiliated Islamic group here in Lanka. He also trying hard to teach us political events took place here in Lanka for last 7 decades as per his versions. Indo china situation with regards to political and cultural ( specially religious ) situation around 7 decades ago was or is not applicable to our political & cultural situations. SWRD took advantage of oppressed Buddhists majority by Catholics & Christians Minorities under the protection of British. As Buddhists are 100% Sinhalese It was labeled as rising of Sinhalese nationalism. Mainly Tamil Christians & Tamil Muslims were against the restoration of Sinhalese lost rights with Agenda of multi national & multi religion issues.In our Lanken History any kingdom of ours did not recognized Islamism as religion.Even Muslims traders were not allowed here from Middle east. Local Muslims got that religion practicing rights under British era They were refugees from south India & Dutch slaves from East Indies. As such majority of Muslims community live here just like south Indians Tamils live mainly in tea states in hill country. British granted them citizenship rights as They helped British to equal Sinhalese uprising against British. Now these descendants of refugees & Dutch slaves trying to show majority Sinhalese their loaned power from middle east. Sinhalese should wipe out them Sinhalese Kings never allowed them to build any mosques & practice Islamism here. As such Sinhalese have every rights to destroy them. Islamism defame us as vile animals. As such They should be chased out from our Thun-sinhalay at any cost. otherwise we may have yet another war like Elam war soon. We can not blame our Kings of Kotte Kingdom. As Buddhists they granted shelter at the request of Gujarati Marine traders. Traders promised to take them to east Indies soon after Tsunami situation eased. .

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    Rishad Bathiuddin is a powerful minister.”He is a national list MP. Yet his QATAR money came to prominent politicians. and He tries to influence arrests of his men.

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    Anyone knows what happened with the inquiry commission report handed to MS few days back. Any knowledge of findings, conclusion and recommendations. At least the deceased and the victims should know the outcome. They have the right to know the truth and our government at least owe that much to the victims. As it been already archived by MS ?????

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    Ameer Ali –

    It takes two hands to clap and make a noise, and what a deadly noise did Sri Lankans hear during that fatal Easter Sunday? In the first part of this analysis the Muslim leadership hand was identified and discussed. Second part looks at the hand of governments that governed this country since independence and how they laid the remainder of the bricks that paved the bloody road.

    *** I agree with you 100%. The villification of the Muslim Communication to shift the blame from the Racist Majority is over the top and knee Jerk reaction. 70 Years of brutality is the cause of all evils. In my view Radicalism is not confined to Islam it runs deep among the Bhuddists also. Gotha being the Choir Leader. The tragedy that struck on Easter Sunday is the fault of Successive Sinkala Governments and they must take the blam. You are wrong in your analysis of drawing attention to clapping hands as you only do that to applaude and there was nothing to applaude. Every action has a reaction BBS attacks on Mosques was the root cause ISIS taking a foot hold in Sri Lanka and Muslim Foot Soldiers avenged the destruction. I certainly would blame the Muslim Community. They are already arresting the Sudents in Jaffna and the Dean has been fired. Bring back MR is the New National Anthem. We havent seen nothing yet.

  • 3

    A few corrections.

    It should read Muslim Communities not Communication .
    I also meant to say that I wouldnt blame ( not blame) the Muslim Commuity. Apologies for the mistake.

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    Dear Siva Shankar S,
    It seems that you have come to age, good sign for progress, despite the fact you haven’t explain as to your High Cast claim.

    Your question what Islam has do with our identity, language and culture etc. I ask you the same question.

    I don’t know your possible answer. But I know exactly what I say.

    Islam has got nothing to do with our ethnic Identity. That’s why we call ourselves “Sonakar”. Islam has got noting to do with our language, that’s why we say most of the Muslims in Sri Lanka take our mother tongue Tamil as our language. Islam has nothing to do with our cultural preferences. That’s why we follow whichever culture, bit of here and there, suit or make us feel OK.

    SSS, tell me what’s wrong with our above stand?

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      Screech , abuse and insult me as much as you want but this will not deter me from stating the truth. You can call your selves , Chonakar, Moor , or what ever you want in order to hide your real origin but the truth is Sri Lankan Muslims are descended from largely low caste Indian Tamil Hindus who converted to Islam , either forcibly during the Delhi sultanate rule or to escape the very oppressive Hindu caste system. These is a bit of Arab and other western Asian or North Indian/Afghan blood in some of them . However this little bit does not make these people or the rest of the Sri Lankan Muslims , of Arab, Moor, other western Asian, North India, Afghan, Sinhalese or what ever. They are all still Tamils by ethnicity. Lots of non Muslim Tamils also have lots of Indo Aryan blood, especially amongst the Brahmins and many Vellalars and Chettiars. Many of the lower castes and Dalits have Australoid in them They also have little bit of Arab, other western Asian, Greek, Roman , East Asian and other European blood in them. This does not make them Indo Aryan , Australoid or anything else they are still Tamils by ethnicity. Yes most converts to Islam amongst the Tamils are from the lower castes , it is the same in the case of Christianity in Tamil Nadu but not much in Sri Lanka as the Catholics are largely from the Karaiyar caste and the Protestants from the farming Vellalar caste . This is a fact and not meant to be an insult. However many of the Tamil Hindus also belong to various castes from Brahmin to untouchable This is also a fact but conversion to other religions from Hinduism largely was from the lower castes. This is a fact and not meant as an insult.

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      Prof. Nuhman published a work on Muslims a decade ago, where he explained the origins of the term Sonakar.
      The Muslims were happy with that term although it was not their own choice. Later they opted for Muslim which covered other Muslims as well.
      Muslims in Yugoslavia (especially Bosnia) were recognized as a nationality as are Chinese Muslims spread across China. Islam has contributed to a distinct cultural identity and religious oppression in Yugoslavia led to the recognition of Muslims as nationality.
      There are other religion-based nationalities like the Sikhs (Khali).
      Assimilation to a linguistic identity is possible when a community is treated with respect.
      Contempt expressed by sick minds can only contribute to hatred.
      Sir P Ramanathan was the first to deny Muslims a distinct identity, which independent Ceylon conceded in the national flag (which recognizes Tamils and Muslims by the two colour stripes). Ramanathan further offended Muslim sentiment by siding with the perpetrators of anti-Muslim violence.
      The FP was sincere in its aim to bring Tamils, Hill Country Tamils and Muslims under one common linguistic identity. But with its vision limited to parliamentary seats, it had no clue about the issues of concern to Muslims. Its federal solution was in effect Jaffna-Tamil oriented.
      There are historical factors that determine the identity of a people.
      Tamil Catholics of the west coast accepted Sinhala a century ago. Some caste groups of South that arrived during the Dutch period preferred Sinhala to Tamil.
      We should respect their choices even where we prefer otherwise.
      Intolerance breeds intolerance; and it is in vain to plead to the intellectually dishonest.

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        The Muslim identity in Bosnia -Herzegovina is recognized correctly as Slavic Muslim identity and they are called Bosnian or Slavic Muslims of Bosnia . recognising their Slavic White European origin and heritage. They speak Bosnian which is a form of Serbo/Croat. They are not called Turkish Muslims or Arab Muslims or something else. Sri Lankan Muslims also can have their own identity if they want to and no one is denying this but it should be based on the truth and their true origin and not on myth and lies to deliberately create division by the rulers. Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan was not denying the Muslims anything or a different identity but stated the truth that they are ethnic Tamil converts to Islam and not were not Arabs or Moors an incorrect name given to them by the Portuguese. When the Portuguese called them Moors it only related to their religion and not to their origin or race. If there is any Arab or any other origin in them, including Sinhalese it is below average/minimal. However I agree with you regarding his stance during the Muslim /Sinhalese riot in 1915. The poor Tamil Catholic fisher folk living along the western coast did voluntarily accept Sinhalese but were forced to by the Sri Lankan government and the Sothern Sinhalese Catholic church. These people were very downtrodden and ignorant. The same goes to the South Indian indentured /slave labour that arrived during the Dutch period , they were oppressed and new better. Please do not distort for your own private agenda. Constantly apologising to the Sinhalese and Muslims racists and running down the Tamils.

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          correction did not voluntarily accept Sinhalese not did voluntarily . Further like the Bosnian Muslims correctly identified as Slavic Muslims of Bosnia , the Muslims of Sri Lanka should be correctly identified and called as Tamil Muslims or Muslim Tamil , as this is their origin not Arab Moor , Camel, Sheep or Cow Dung. This incorrect name ” Moor” still deliberately kept to hide their real Dravidian Tamil origin , makes them believe that they are indeed of Arab or Moorish origin and heritage and to hate their actual Tamil/Dravidian South Indian origin. This was deliberately done by the British then the by the Sinhalese and the Muslim elite and politicians in the island to weaken divide and rule the island’s Tamils and for selfish economic and political power. This myth is still being perpetuated and encouraged by Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists as a tool to marginalise the island’s Tamils, local badly Arab wannabe Islamic Wahhabi Salafists and some Tamil low life opportunists who have their own agenda.

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            SSS Australoid crow, you cannot change the word Moor even if you are reborn hundreds of time and come to attack. The only way you can change it is by challenging in a court law with all the proof you have that they are Tamil converts and to remove this word Moor from all legistative and legal document and in the birth registry to be named them as Tamil Muslim. Even if you are successful in this you cannot remove this from Moors Heart. For us you Tamils are as different as sky and ground. Just stop cawing. Slavs were East European origin taken as slaves by Muslim. Slavs are not only from Bosnia but many like Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland etc. and racially diverse.

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    The best outcome of last October constitutional coup would have been a general election to establish a stable govt with a new popular mandate. The current yahapalanista dispensation doesn’t possess popular trust any more. But the so called intellectuals wanted to continue with the chaotic cabal in power with judicial intervention. They are not affected but the innocents have paid with their lives.

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    Folks, stop bickering and listen to this gentleman’s message:
    If there is one message you want to take home from his piece, it is this:

    “…the hand of governments that governed this country since independence and how they laid the remainder of the bricks that paved the bloody road…”

    Forget the Mahawansa..the hundreds of history books on Sri Lanka.
    Just start from February 1948 and trace through April 2019.
    Some landmarks along the way are 1958, 1972, 1977, 1983…..all the way through 2009, then April 2019.
    In every single instance, the government in power had a hand in creating chaos and bloodshed.

    I can categorically say – this gentleman is absolutely on point. I know it – because I lived through it.

    The asses (I wanted to use a much more colorful word) in Parliament, The PM and the President, all have the audacity and gall to say, we will be not only be like Singapore – we will surpass Singapore!!

    Dream on, you worthless pieces of human excrement!

    Singapore, a multi-ethnic, multi-religious community of citizens made up of Chinese, Indians, Malays, Europeans – at the first sign of any ethnic tension or disharmony – the inciters are rounded up and jailed.

    That is how a responsible government maintains law and order.
    What we have in Sri Lanka: the politicians since independence ARE the Inciters of disharmony and violence between communities.

    Maybe – in another seventy years- we may evolve to become like Singapore!

    But – by then we would have become a Province of China – right?

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