21 January, 2025


Another Poem On Universal Human Rights

By Laksiri Fernando

Dr. Laksiri Fernando

It is good to contemplate

On human rights

It is like meditation

Or prayer


Survival and dignity

are the roots

We all have them

But not in the same manner


That is why

We need

Human rights


For survival

We need so many

Economic and

Social rights


For our dignity

We need so many

Civil, Political and

Cultural rights


All these are

Interrelated and


These are like

Branches of

The same tree


How can we

Assert or fight for

Human rights?

Preamble of the UDHR

Gives a warning

To the rulers


If people are

Not compelled to

Resort to rebellion

Human rights should be

Protected by

Rule of law

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  • 4

    Prof Fernando
    “Buddhist sees the concept of human rights as a legal extension of human nature; it is crystallization or formalization of mutual respect and concern of all persons, stemming from human nature. Human rights are grounded in human nature and human nature is the ultimate source of human rights.”

    Ceylon PMs and Srilankan presidents claim(ed) they are “Buddhists”

    • 2

      “……All these are

      Interrelated and


      These are like

      Branches of

      The same tree….”

      Social Justice

      Roots of the tree

    • 3

      Peace Poem for Sri Lanka https://srilankacampaign.org/peace-poem-for-sri-lanka/
May 19, 2010
It’s time for Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils to share a just peace.
It’s time to respect human lives in the land called Sri Lanka.
It’s time for healing to begin in wounded souls.
It’s time to end 50+ years of conflict, oppression and fear.
      It’s time for a just solution
      It’s time for equal rights.
It’s time to stop discrimination, segregation and restrictions on movement.
It’s time for those who put up barbed wire fences to build them on their own property.
      It’s time to stop bulldozing one community’s homes and building homes for the other community.
It’s time to do away with double standards.
      It’s time for Sri Lankan citizens to have freedom of speech
It’s time for the international community to implement 60 years of United Nations resolutions.
      It’s time for Sri Lankan government to deliver on equality to the people
It’s time for those who represent the Tamil, Muslim and Sinhala people to all be involved in making peace.
It’s time for people who have been displaced for years to regain their rights and a permanent home.
It’s time to assist all who have suffered by the war
      It’s time for truth telling

      • 1

        Social Justice.
        (RIP) Free Education 1943, National Education 1961. Welfare Health System

        (Long live) Private Education, Medium of Instruction Primary and secondary Education, Private Practice for Public servants to use the Public Institutions for front office for Lucrative Private work. ++++

        • 4

          You are welcome Prof Fernando.
          Prof Prekakumara de Silva says
          “Animosity against ethnic others have long defined ethnic relations in Sri Lanka.
          However, their deterioration to the level of perpetrating violence in the name of
          ethnic difference happens almost always through the sophisticated coordination
          of and coming together of various political and economic interests. Also, as stated
          earlier, the politicization of ethnic difference is also something that has been endemic to the Sinhalization of the Sri Lankan nation-state.” https://www.academia.edu/75042500/Ethnicity_and_Violence_in_Sri_Lanka_An_Ethnohistorical_Narrative

      • 0

        Hello Anpu,
        “It’s time to respect human lives in the land called Sri Lanka.”
        Very true, not just in Sri Lanka but also elsewhere in the world, beyond it’s borders too. Like Dr. Fernando has said we shouldn’t confine ourselves to Sri Lanka alone.
        Did you see my comments to Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam’s complaints with regards to a Light Railway Project he has propsed to Jaffna. Please get in touch with Dr. Sankaralingam if you still haven’t, with regards to the same.
        Thank you.

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