Marking another twist in the investigation into the death of former national rugby player Wasim Thajudeen, the CID said today that Thajudeen’s mobile phone had been found in Agarapathana, Nuwara Eliya.
The CID said that the phone had been taken away from the crash site by a person who is yet to be identified, and had sold it to another.
The phone according to CID had been purchased by several persons and eventually come into the possession of a person in Agarapathana. The CID said it had found the phone in the possession of the Agarapathana resident a week back. Thajudeen died on May 17, 2012. Earlier it was ruled as an accidental death but a recent investigations by the CID had uncovered that the player was tortured before his death with blunt and sharp weapons.
Following a court order recently the body of Thajudeen was exhumed from his burial site at the Jummah Mosque Cemetery in Dehiwala.
The CID in their fresh investigation into the Thajudeen’s mysterious death had found evidence that he was abducted and tortured prior to his “staged” accident.
Thajudeen’s death has garnered wide spread media and public attention as there have been unconfirmed allegations that some powerful political personalities of the previous regime could be involved in the murder.
The CID had earlier informed that they were looking to question three Presidential Security Division officers who served during the former President’s Rajapaksa’s time about the murder.
There has been speculation in the media that former President Rajapaksa’s son Yoshitha may be involved as he is said to have had an altercation with Thajudeen over a girl friend. Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa on August 09, 2015 denied his son was involved in the alleged murder.
Samuel Jayaweera / September 8, 2015
How many of MR denials will further be investigated for clear explanation in the near future ? This far stupid nation will have no options than waiting and waiting.
Namal Baby dares to say that CSN was not run by them. Nor night races were carried out by them. Nor lamboginies were showed off by them .. ? So who were those guys that handled all these ?
Were the general public not known of all these ?
S.Modaya / September 8, 2015
Sirisena has already made the political deal to protect Mahinda Rajapaksa and his off spring, so no worries..
Yoshitha will sleep like a baby, while the rotten political circus continues in the Miracle of Modayas!
rew / September 8, 2015
What is the difference between MR and MS. Ranil had better watch out.
Amarasiri / September 8, 2015
RE: Another Twist In Thajudeen’s Case,
“Marking another twist in the investigation into the death of former national rugby player Wasim Thajudeen, the CID said today that Thajudeen’s mobile phone had been found in Agarapathana, Nuwara Eliya.’
“The CID in their fresh investigation into the Thajudeen’s mysterious death had found evidence that he was abducted and tortured prior to his “staged” accident.”
So, the Mobile phone did not burn in the car “accident”.
How many lies does it take to cover up one lie?
The People of the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka, The Land of Native Veddah Aethho, demand a full full unbiased investigation free of corruption and bring the culprits to justice.
Any failure by the responsible authorities who were being bribed, to protect the culprits will face the Peoples justice, and will be targeted by the Peoples Justice Squad and Punished accordingly.
maali karunaratne / September 8, 2015
Hope this case doesn’t end up like the Avant Garde Floating Armoury Case: (CID Fails To Find Evidence Of Any Misconduct) Is it a waste of time and only a sensational news for the media.
samare / September 8, 2015
You perfectly know there is no differece
between Welesudda and Duminda SIlva
between Namalbaby and Duminda SIlva
between Namal baby and Malaka (Mervin silva sson)
All these were all IRC men produced by MR regime.
bookie pala / September 8, 2015
It sure will. Just wait and see. Now that they have joined hands with the looters, everything will be swept under the carpet.
Native Vedda / September 8, 2015
maali karunaratne
Soon it will be discovered that Wasim Thajudeen sold his phone to someone in Kandy just before he committed suicide.
BBS Rep / September 9, 2015
Wrong Native.
First Thajudeen commits suicide. Then he travels to Kandy and sells the phone. Then on his way back to the accident site he beats himself with blunt and sharp weapons. Then he stages his own accident. And then like the Avant Garde Floating Armoury Case: (CID Fails To Find Evidence Of Any Misconduct).
Native Vedda / September 9, 2015
Thanks for illuminating me and others on this tragic case. Anything and everything is possible in this island.
Is there any other possible scenario that might help the investigators to drop this case.
Could Ganasara (BJP, BBS)help them to establish a link between Wasim Thajudeen and Wahhabi jihadists and justify the murder.
I am really confused.
Abu Mukarram / September 10, 2015
Yes yes. They will say Waseem ignited himself. .
Lanka watch / September 8, 2015
Maali – Instructions, probably are given to the Police (FCID,CID) to investigate all cases,to please or fool the people and discharge due lack of evidence. One wonders as to why start an investigation without proper evidence ? Even blue murders done during the past regime, have no shred of evidence and the perpetrators stand innocent until proven guilty but if you listen to political speeches from PM and President,
one gets an impression that corrupt people are lined up for execution.
This is the order of the day, so Maali nothing will come out of these inquiries and its an eye wash as people say birds of the same feather flock together and they protect each other, until next time they meet the people, which will be only in five years time. So there is enough time left to play around with law.
Ansar / September 8, 2015
AG still says no proof of any fowl play, case dismissed.
MY3,Ranil and MARA FAMILY lived very happily thereafter with the slogans of JAYAWEWA & YAHAPALANAYA, End of story.
But the people of SERENDIPITY who voted for the change, LIVED DISAPPOINTED AND DEJECTED looking for the elusive Rule of Law to deliver justice.
Story,Screenplay,Direction – MY3/Ranil/MARA.
Performance – 100 Days – House full shows.
CITIZEN / September 8, 2015
Surprise….. after 3 years of time suddenly a phone has been found which is belongs to the late Thajudeen,CID said today.
Well now CID has to call Thajudeen’s family members to identify wither this phone is belongs to Thajudeen or not,family will identify very easly.
I suspect this phone subject may U-TURN the whole story,
Now election is over, may be this case also might terminated like RAKNA LANKA case.
Sinhala_Man / September 8, 2015
Let us hope that it becomes clearer proof than just that the family identify the phone. There are other possibilities if it is a fairly sophisticated phone; and three years ago, a smart high profile guy like Wasim Thajudeen could have been carrying a recent phone.
Phones have things called IMEI numbers, that are unique to each phone. Also it could have been linked to his email address. I personally had the experience about six years back of an unscrupulous phone repairer selling off the phone after telling me it had to be thrown away. But the mobile tracker was there, and kept sending me the names of the current users. It changed hands three times; I had quite pleasant chats with those new owners. They didn’t know the history of the phone, but I have their phone numbers still. It’s probably packed up by now: not a particularly good model, and fairly cheap: a “stylish slider”. I’ve just now got at the box actually: Samsung J700 IMEI No. 355639027046818 Date of purchase 29/09/2008. Warranty from The Phone Company.
Let me add this: this afternoon I had a chat with a guy who strongly supports MaRa. He was saying that proof had to be beyond doubt. Subject of conversation being the Avant Garde affair. Agreed. But I then told him that he and I had personal knowledge of cheating by some quite well known, high profile guys. We know, but there’s almost no point talking about it because it would be effectively hushed up – and the issues weren’t dramatic enough.
But this is murder!
Raizuh Langai / September 8, 2015
Hope they wont find Thajudeen alive somewhere! and we all lived happily ever after.
Douglas / September 8, 2015
Ranil has called for an immediate reports on “some” of the cases including Thajudeen. Well “SOMEONE” would have contacted on the phone and made a request, “IN RETURN” for what that “SOMEONE” had given to him when in Opposition. All the “rice eating 98.5% literacy rated” whose “intelligence” has drained to the “bottom” will be enjoying. This is the beginning of a “TELEDRAMA” provided FREE to viewers. Enjoy and eat more “rice”. Your “intelligence” will rise to 100%. I know with that HIGH rate of “Literacy” you will not question: “Why the Political Leadership is getting involved in the on going investigations handled by supposed to be “Independent”; but in actual fact “controlled”; those days “hidden” and NOW “in public”. Well done Mr. Prime Minister. We know you are a very “GRATEFUL” man to have done your duty well in public.
Herman / September 8, 2015
Is this find of Wasim’s phone of any use now? Specially after he was silenced nearly three years before? I doubt if voice recordings or even phone records are backed up and maintained for such a long time, before the storage media gets re-cycled. We may be in luck’s way if his records were kept intact when it was realized it would turn out to be evidence in a high profile criminal case at some future time. Otherwise this is just another find along the way of the investigations, which has but least significance. Also since his phone has changed hands through many individuals, only phone records at the archives may accurately throw out a clue of his final contacts. (The most crucial part for the investigation).
Sama / September 8, 2015
there should be close ones with whom the victimzed spoke before the accident should have happened right ?We all know that none of the investigations went fair during MR terms – so the interests of carrying out of them were kept away for their benefits. I have no doubt, that these offsprings should be behind the murder indicident. And much more will be revealed in the near future for sure.
Douglas / September 8, 2015
My comment continued .. In my earlier comment I raised a question …Why Political Leadership involved …. It dawned on me that answer could be: The IGP has gone on retirement/sent on compulsory leave and the PM has taken over the functions of that position.
Bensen Berner / September 8, 2015
“….There has been speculation in the media that former President Rajapaksa’s son Yoshitha may be involved as he is said to have had an altercation with Thajudeen over a girl friend. Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa on August 09, 2015 denied his son was involved in the alleged murder”. Very mildly put. How many Rajapaksa crimes are to be camouflaged in such similar manner. Bensen
Leon / September 8, 2015
Is this a prelude to the AG saying that there is no evidence to charge anyone and that the investigation should be stopped?.Does the CID and the AG consist
of idiots and modayas that so far not a single case against members of the Rajapakse family, friends and cronies have been successfully completed and charged?.
punchinilame / September 8, 2015
What if the CID Officers have been bribed at Rs. 10 Million each – very affordable
price from for them to keep at collecting useless evidence, like the Avant Case and
make the public believe everything is going in the correct direction, when the AGs
Dept. (also BRIBED and BRIBABLE) find that the evidence is insufficient to frame charges on any of the Royals and its PSD!! Black coats need not guide criminals here.
Even MS is firightened of his life, so much so that he passed the warning down to the
UNPers at their 69th anniversary!
These are not the only crimes pending closure. [Edited out]
Sudu malli / September 9, 2015
All are on the same boat!
Harry Hatton / September 9, 2015
So these professional killers sold a mobile phone in a manner that it could be traced back to them ? ! What a fancy story !
Tony Waters / September 9, 2015
When the Enron Corporation collapsed in Texas, a prosecutor remarked that there was “low-hanging fruit” everywhere he looked. Any ethical, professional prosecutor in Sri Lanka would be bound to feel the same way, given the nature of the Rajapaksa regime. Remember how little it took for MR to imprison Fonseka? By contrast brother Gotabhaya walks around, a free man. Idi Amin also walked free, but he had to flee Uganda for Saudi Arabia to attain that freedom. Gota sees no need to flee. That says a lot.
shankar / September 10, 2015
Our former Cheap Justice has told the AG that that he has reliable information that Wasim is living in london.Then whose was the body found in the car?Was it some person taken off the road?
Ag is mulling this information in his mind and wondering whether to close the case as Mr.Mohan peiris is a respected PC.