Gintota is currently facing a heavily tense situation with impending riots, by Sinhalese mobs against Muslims.
Reports from the ground said that there is a riot building up currently after a Sinhalese group of youth had assaulted bunch of Muslims who were playing.
A skirmish between two groups over a bike accident has escalated to violence. According to reports, a Muslim child had been knocked down by a Sinhalese youth on 13 November 2017. That incident was settled after the victims were paid by the bike rider.
On 16 November 2017 a Sinhalese group of youth had assaulted two Muslim motorbike riders while reminding them the 13th November incident. After one Muslim victim was hospitalised, a group led by a former Muslim urban council member attacked two houses belonging to Sinhalese. One Sinhala man was hospitalised as a consequence of the attack. The same day police have arrested the council member as well as Sinhalese who attacked the Muslim motorbike riders.
Today a small mosque and several houses belonging to Muslims in Gintota have been attacked by Sinhala mobs leading to major tensions. Police and the special task force were mobilized yesterday and withdrawn this afternoon when tensions eased. It erupted again this evening when a large mob from outside had arrived and started pelting stones at the mosque.
The Muslim youth too are gathering and tensions are rising. The STF and police have been mobilized again, and tear gas has been used at the mob that had gathered. Muslim youth are worried that Gintota may become another Aluthgama.
Updated – 11.50 pm
Police curfew has been imposed in the Gintota police area (Welipitimodara, Maha Hapugala, Rukwatta, Gintota/West and East, Pidiyagama and Kurunduwatta) till 9 am tomorrow following the clash. The police have arrested 16 Sinhalese and 3 Muslims.
sach / November 18, 2017
I think the Muslims should leave evil Sinhalese and go and settle among very welcoming tamils
Burt / November 19, 2017
And give the Sinhala Buddhist bigots the satisfaction. No way. This is the mistake Colombo Tamils did in 1983 and allowed the bigots to get rich over night and expand Buddhist temples.
sach / November 19, 2017
No..because sinhalese are evil and dirty minded. Tamils are more welcoming of Muslims
Tamil from the north / November 19, 2017
Idiot sach, the Sinhalese are not evil, you are!!!! Sinhalese are just normal people, but among them there are complete garbage like you, Jimba Shitty, Max, Therese Fernando, Champa the chimp, KA Sumanaya, army servant boy and joker Retarded Shemale Perehera, etc. So don’t bring all the Sinhalese into one. Good Sinhalese people are just as disgusted at you as I am.
sach / November 19, 2017
No no we sinhalese are evil racists, even an innocent community like Muslims cannot live among Sinhalese….the gov should take steps to resettle Muslims in North which is filled with very welcoming non racist people
SJ / November 21, 2017
Your logic will imply a separate Tamil-Muslim state.
Like the idea?
Not me.
Native Vedda / November 21, 2017
It is presently known as the Islamic Republic of Kathankudy.
M. I. Bukhary / November 19, 2017
Good comments
M. I. Bukhary / November 19, 2017
very good comments
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / November 19, 2017
They are welcome they are our fellow Tamils, despite some of them incorrectly clinging on to the view they are Moors( Berbers not Arabs from North Africa) or Arabs. Around 4-5 million Tamil Muslims live happily and in harmony amongst 72 million Hindu Tamils in Tamil Nadu . all as fellow Tamils and Nagoor in Tamil Nadu is a huge Islamic centre and a well known centre for Islamic studies.
sach / November 19, 2017
yes….and imagine 1.5 million Tamils and 2 million muslims in North and East..I think that is the ideal situation for harmony
Native Vedda / November 19, 2017
sach the stupid
“I think the Muslims should leave Sinhalese and go and settle among welcoming tamils”
So should the Sinhalese.
The South Indians are very welcoming towards their long lost cousins, the Sinhala/Buddhist converts.
sach / November 19, 2017
tamil behind Vadda, Sinhalese did not come from india. Sinhala developed in SL. The Sinhalese who went to the junge became Vaddas as well
Jamis Banda / November 19, 2017
Ha, ha, ha
A brand new story created by Sach.
Contradicting his own history book.
Native Vedda / November 19, 2017
Jamis Banda
sach is not that clever in fact very stupid to create new stories. These are very stupid members of a flock that invariably follows the latest uttering of their Sinhala/Buddhist bigoted gurus.
Tamil from the north / November 19, 2017
Jamis Banda, sach is recreating Mahawamsa with his own spin called Sachawamsa for dummies.
Prashan / November 27, 2017
LOL.Let’s ignore science.Sinhala DNA matches those of Nothern India by more than 50%.
Zarook Casim / November 20, 2017
Sinhalese are not evil by any yard stick. I have large number of Sinhalese friends in Colombo and outside Colombo. A swallow does not make a summer. There are rabble
rousers and racists in all communities and faiths. It is unfair to judge the entire commuinity by an act of one villain.
Edward / November 19, 2017
Real and True Communal prevails and demonstrated by those who are alleged to be involved in the Bond Scamp. The nation should follow them. We should follow them. GOD Save Our Country.
jehan / November 19, 2017
the thugs if attacked should be dealt with, what ever the weapons. dont give into thugs, attack them and destroy the ganasaraya and amith in there homes. SL is going down if we tolerate thugs to lead us. tourism wont prevail, manufacturing will shut down, all economic activity will go down, if thugs and mad monks lead country next syria
Hela / November 19, 2017
There’s no evidence of involvement of ven. Gnanasara in this incident. Why blame him? Alternatively a Muslim politician appears to be involved in attacking some Sinhalese homes. Didn’t see any comment denouncing acts of this Muslim politician. CT should not promote Sinhala bashing. Parties involved need to be dealt with according to the law irrespective of their ethnic or religious background. There’s a suspicion that only Sinhalese youth will be punished to demonstrate “sanhindiyava”.
Native Vedda / November 19, 2017
“There is no evidence of involvement of ven.Gnanasara in this incident.”
There are no evidence against Tamil speaking people some of whom are being detained for more than 15 years. If that is okay with you then why is not okay for detaining the saffron clad thug?
Don’t you know the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists have a track record of actively attacking “others” since 1915 or before, Kottehena incident?
“There is a suspicion that only Sinhalese youth will be punished to demonstrate “sanhindiyava”.
Well tell me one person who is punished for riots in 1915, (the Demela Pon Ramanathan saved some Sinhala/Buddhists bums), 1956, 1958, 1961, 1977, 1983, 30 years, 1981 arson attack on the library, 1974 attck on a Tamil world conference, ……………………………..
Now its time for you to start your tried and tested rumour mill.
M. I. Bukhary / November 19, 2017
Superb comments
Lal Silva / November 19, 2017
To progress as a society we need to unlearn certain things some of these are religion, race, cast etc. We try to progress with these concepts we can’t. Each individual has a different religion, it may be little (or sometimes more) different than our parents taught us. Example some Sinhalese eat fish not beef, but Buddhism don’t discriminate between fish and mammals. So don’t fight on religion. When you clearly think it is absurd. No religion will last for ever, neither us.
Siyalu De Anithyayi Bro / November 19, 2017
2) Democratic republic where free citizen of any religious or ethnic background can live where ever they please within our borders. To hell with this relocation bullshit.
1) Our country loves to draw lines and seperate people & the biggest line is religion & ethnicity. The entire world is coming together and focusing on broader issues like environmental sustainability while our idiots are polluting the earth & hating people just because they were born to a different ‘sect’.
Patriotic Citizen / November 19, 2017
IT SHOULD READ AS ANTI-SINHALA………….All These CT Readers And Writers Attention Should Be There To Analyse What A Situation Is Been Created In Around The Country Under The Guise Of Reconcillation,Peace And Harmony The Government Fully Engaged In Activities With Tamil Pro-Terrorist Groups And Muslim Extremist Ministers Working To Disturb The Peace And Harmony That All People Were Enjoying …………There Had Been No Problems With Any Ethinic Group as far as Racialism Is Concerned Other Than The Common Day To Day Issues That All Communities Have In Common……….But We Feel After This YAMAPALALLA Palanaya Coming To Existance There Seems To be Tension Every Where………Islamic Wahabism Is Taught In Schools …….Muslims Behavior Is Not Upto Standard It Is Going Towards Extremism………..Tamil Pro Terrorist Groups Seems To Rise And Racialism Is At The Extreme…………All Sinhalese and Other Minority Civilians Feel Such And There Is Ressistance Which at times Seems To Be Violent…………..So It Is Upto The PATRIOTIC CITIZENS To Arise And Get Things Under Control ….CHASING Away The DEVIL Politikal Asses Away…..This Situation Is TOO HOT Now And We See All This Is Created By These Political Nuts For Them To Be In Power
Mallaiyuran / November 20, 2017
Ranil went to Gintota and have resolved everything. He agreed to pay compensation to damages. It is the Classic way of resolving thing with Appa diplomacy. “Promise & Agree”
Recently (11/15/17) Lankawe went through the Peer Review process at UNHRC. About four years ago, Lankawe smoothly cleaned full show using Sonia to give promise to implement 13A. They both Sonia and Old King are gone. So now all the things are new. (Yahapalanaya is not sure of the 2019 election though it wants the Northern Military kept maintained intact for Joint Comedy to take over in case they happened to lose.)
So Yahapalanaya treated Peer Review as a Mary Poppins Show. This time UNHRC countries recommended about 240 matters. The Grand New PhD in Cheating has taken over the job of the world’s Greatest Liar, Mangala’s seat; here comes the thamas! He did not just take all 240 as dump acceptance, without any techniques. That would create suspicion to somebody thinking that probably Lankawe not going to implement anything, knowing well its track record in the past. So first, for the show, he said he cannot accept all of it, though the not accepted to implement will also be noted to improvements. This makes Lankawe look frank and honest and to boost the confidence of IC in Aappa Diplomacy. But the real game, the Jewel on the Crown of cheating was, he proposed his own 12, in addition to the 240 recommended by the UNHRC envoys.
His simple answer to UNHRC was “Gentlemen, is that all what you want that to propose only 240 suggestions? Then as I am one in the team, let me add another twelve. “
It is Ex American State Secretary Jon Kerry destroyed the UNHRC hold on Lankawe and bought it for this foolish, desperate situation.