9 February, 2025


APNewsBreak: UN Finds Cluster Bombs In Sri Lanka

By RAVI NESSMAN | Associated Press –

Cluster Bombs and use in WWII - File photo

NEW DELHI (AP) — A report from a U.N. mine removal expert says unexploded cluster munitions have been found in northern Sri Lanka, appearing to confirm, for the first time, that they were used in that country’s long civil war.

The revelation is likely to increase calls for an international investigation into possible war crimes stemming from the bloody final months of fighting in the quarter-century civil war that ended in May 2009. The government has repeatedly denied using cluster munitions during the final months of fighting.

Cluster munitions are packed with small “bomblets” that scatter indiscriminately and often harm civilians. Those that fail to detonate often kill civilians long after fighting ends.

They are banned under an international law adopted by more than 60 nations that took effect in August 2010, after the Sri Lankan war. Those nations that haven’t adopted the law still possess the bulk of cluster munitions, including the U.S., which says the bombs are a valid weapon of war when used properly. Sri Lanka, China, Russia, India and Pakistan also have not signed the law.

The Associated Press obtained a copy Thursday of an email written by a U.N. land mine expert that said unexploded cluster bomblets were discovered in the Puthukudiyiruppu area of northern Sri Lanka, where a boy was killed last month and his sister injured as they tried to pry apart an explosive device they had found to sell for scrap metal.

The email was written by Allan Poston, the technical adviser for the U.N. Development Program’s mine action group in Sri Lanka.

It said photographs showed cluster bomblets in the area where the children had been collecting scrap and in their house.

Tens of thousands of civilians and Tamil Tiger rebel fighters had been trapped in a tiny area of Puthukudiyiruppu as government forces attacked the area during the final weeks of the war.

Lakshman Hulugalla, a Sri Lankan government spokesman on security matters, had no immediate comment. The U.N. also did not immediately respond to an AP request for comment.

Poston’s email, dated Tuesday, said mine clearers in Sri Lanka had not been prepared to deal with the bomblets, and are now relying on the experience of deminers in Lebanon, where Israel used cluster munitions in its 2006 war.

A deminer who had worked in Lebanon was asked to clear the area and train other teams in how to handle the bomblets, according to the email. The local mine clearing office is adopting the Lebanon standards, and UNICEF was informed of the need to educate the local population about the dangers of the unexploded munitions, it said.

The army’s demining unit also was informed of the discovery, the email said.

A report last year by a U.N. panel of experts found credible allegations of war crimes by both Sri Lankan government forces and the rebels. The experts said there were unconfirmed reports the army had used cluster bombs against civilians in a No Fire Zone the government had set up.

Witnesses reported hearing large explosions followed by multiple small explosions that would be consistent with such munitions. The expert panel said some injuries were also consistent with cluster munitions, and called for further investigation of the issue.

A New York-based human rights group said it would have been disastrous to use such weapons among the hundreds of thousands of civilians crowded into the Sri Lankan war zone.

“If there is evidence that cluster weapons were used, it would show yet again, the government’s constant attempts at deception and underscore our demand that there should be an independent international investigation into all allegations of laws-of-war violations,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director for Human Rights Watch.


Follow Ravi Nessman on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/ravinessman

(This version CORRECTS in paragraph 5 that child killed by munition was a boy, not a girl)

Update –  Click here

Sri Lanka Army Denies Using Cluster Bombs

Latest comments

  • 1

    Could These Be are of Smuggled wepons By LTTE for Terror Attacks Like Their Other Wepons Manufactured In The West & Smuggled In?

    • 0

      Remo Fernano:

    • 0

      My dear fellow human,Cluster bombs are DROPPED from air.How could have LTTE used this bombs with the aircrafts that it had.LTTE’s aircrafts were just fit for learning flying and ramming those planes.

      • 0

        @Kotravan.. Ltte arms and humanatarian .. So why did they fly to colombo and drop bombs on civilians??? Ahh yes they were training you are right. ramming planes.. so these planes were trained to ram JET FIGHTERS.. do you even know the speeds?? You mean Learning to RAM BUILDINGS.. which they did.

        • 0

          Did they drop bombs on civilians? If they did, they wouldn’t have lost the war! A Tiger should be a tiger – not a cow. They tried to become a cow, and lost teh plot!

      • 0

        Aren’t cluster bombs stored on the ground? Or are they plucked from the air?
        My dear fellow human being you seem to know a lot about the LTTE planes. Did they too also not drop bombs? Did they at least collect their ammo and explosives and bomblets from the ground if not Praba’s luxury 4 storied bunker? Bomblets did suit the LTTE planes didn’t they? Oh Dear Oh Dear.

      • 0

        Hey you forget that we had an airforce as well. This we were very proud of after the attack on Colombo. If we had a chance we would have bombed the Temple trees thambi.

      • 0

        To keep a bomb, does it require any Plane?

        • 0

          Cluster munitions can be dropped as bombs from planes, or fired from rockets on the ground.

  • 0

    It was reported so many times during the war, even some photos were sent to media and UN. Now we have evidence by an independent source.

  • 0

    Eventhough I am Tamil from Jafna peninsula bravely denying that Govt of SL or SL Govt Forces ever use this nature of illigal weapons to harm either LTTE or innocent tamil civilians. If this sort of weapons has found with rehret fully I admit this is by our vulture brothers (LTTE). Now the best part of story is to find from where they have imported or smuglled these, again no dougbt 99% it is from South India & during LTTE last stages South India was under Mr Kharunanidhi’s control. Also other south indian sympathisers like Viko, Balasubramanium, Jayalalitha, must have given these to LTTE to destro Sinhalese & SL GOvt forces. How ever UNO representative’s who were there in N & E of SL during the war kept a strong blind eye on LTTE activities as they were financialy bribed by LTTE.

    • 0

      Humour :) Next time, please make sure you pick a good Tamil name (not from recent news) and please spell that properly.

    • 0

      Unlike now,next time come with a pure Tamil name instead of a Sanskrit name.Even the spelling for the Sanskrit name that you use to hide yourself in INCORRECT.

    • 0

      is this true???? Gunaratnum ? or Gunaratnam???? what is ur tamil name?

      • 0

        Does this matter? Charles Anthony is not and will never be a Tamil name. Nor is Paul Newman. Kcchchi people from Kerala also joined the fight because they wanted to leave the filth of Indian cities where a lot of people live in huge slums.
        We are high caste Tamils so we keep our names intact. The low catse people all changed their names. Only the Panch (five) lingams (penises) did not.

        • 0

          Well – Prabaharan named his son with Christian name, and proudly used it. If one has an opinion, one should say that with the own name (even an assumed name), why a fake name and pretending like a Tamil???

    • 0

      Duping others with your wilful blindness can be easily read from your stupid comment. Don’t pretend what you’re not for god’s sake. Karma will follow you where ever you hide.

    • 0

      Brother… you have to tell this story to the doctors in Angoda Mental Hospital.. Not in the comment section of CT.

    • 0

      mr noel mudalige you made a great comment suz like it.

  • 0

    So what??

    It’s not illegal to use them, since SL has not signed any treaty to tht effect.

    • 0

      But it’s ILLEGAL to kill CIVILIANS using any weapon as per INTERNATIONAL LAWS and GENEVA CONVENTIONS.Sri Lanka that harps on policy of diplomatic immunity mentioned in VIENNA CONVENTIONS has also ACCEPTED GENEVA CONVENTIONS.

      • 0

        No in a war it is not illegal to kill civilians. We did murder many Sinhales civilians and we are proud of it.

    • 0

      Can we accept then we used them? When the Tamil people complained about, why did the government say no? Chickens???

  • 0

    Channel 4 here is another bakalash story for you to show those donkeys living in this world to see

  • 0

    I see we are Finding the tools of the LTTE humanitarian missions.. no doubt supported by those LTTE diaspora who frequented the wanni for humanatarian training in such tools..

  • 0

    How does the LTTE being designated as a terorist organisation,even SLIGHTLY justify Sri Lanka’s genocide of 40,000+ – 100,000 Tamil civilians by HERDING them into a narrow Self-declared SO CALLED ‘NO FIRE ZONE’ using CLUSTER BOMBS and CHEMICAL BOMBS.May be the Sinhala polity , Indian polity, the right wing Indian citizens & Sinhalese who elected Mahinda for the second time,would have their OWN justifaction for this

    • 0

      @Kotravan.. so the LTTE diaspora raised and spent annually 300 million USD on weapons.. so are we to believe only a handful of LTTE terrorist with hundreds of thousands weapons streatched from the north to the east only fought the war??? Or hey did wonder how many socalled LTTE terrorist fighters in civilian clothes you counted in that so called Genocide figure??????????????????????????????? maybe you missed those guns and granades and rpgs next to the dead genocide figures…

    • 0

      Hey Kotiravan

      Do not blame only the SL defence forces for the mistakes that blood sucking LTTE terrorists made. LTTE blood suckers asked for the war – not once many times. When previous SL governments offered them olive branches, stupid LTTE buggers wiped their dirty backs and trampled the offer.

      The ultimate price has now been paid by generations especially our own Tamils. Time to learn man. Do not plan to continue this futile war again. I am sure you will not send your own daughters and sosn for the frontline because your kids live happily in wealthy western countries for better future. Only sons and daughters from poor farmers (both Sinhalese and Tamil) sacrifice their lives for this futile war for your Eelam. What people like you do still, is pumping funds to continue this useless war.

      Please learn from the recent past.

      • 0

        Vanga.. Do you think that other ethnic groups can co-exist with Sinhalese in harmony.. You have seen it in the recent Dambulla incident..

        People who still believe in a united Srilanka should be either stupid of alcholics..

        • 0

          Last Dino

          Sad to see you missed my points. Your comment reflects that you are one more Tamil living outside Sri Lanka that wants to continue the horrible war.

          My simple question to you is “Are you willing to send your own effluent kids living in the western world for the fights for your dream Eeelam in Sri Lanka?” I bet you will not. However you want some other poor kids to sacrifice themselves. Smart plan? heh.

  • 0

    We were saying this WHILE it was happening… 3 years later the proof emerges… As time goes by all that we said will NE proven true… But too late to do any good

    • 0

      More photographs will surface… Government will keep playing the ‘fake picture’ card…

    • 0

      The chavunist does not have any new ideas even regarding denial.. Just two days ago the the savage dambulla bikku said that the footage regarding him is “Fake” while thousands of people told the reality

  • 0

    the truth seems to be coming out

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  • 0

    I have read of these cluster bombings during the war. So it’s not a new story I guess. Now Banki’s slumber party is over it appears. If it’s true who’s to be blamed?

  • 0

    Truth will prevail, but it’s too late for hundred of thousands of innocent Tamils. Despite the plea after plea from the Vanni to stop these atrocities committed by the GoSL no-one heeded them. Where is Mr Moon now? Everybody knew what went on in Vanni and no one did a damn thing about it. They all complicit in this genocide by standing and watching silently. The United Nations remained quiet when Sri Lanka ordered all Aid Agencies and Media out of the country so that GoSL can have no witness to this genocide. Tamil Diaspora holds Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, Mr. Nambiar and Mr.Holmes accountable for aiding and abetting war crimes in Sri Lanka. They have failed to report the true situation.

    • 0

      @ Gowrie this war was a hoax where some of the LTTE leadership like KP, Karuna Aman and Pillayan conniving with MR and the agents of the UN influenced by the Zionist Americans, Indians inclusive of the Tamil Nadu politicians, betrayed the Tamil cause knowingly electing MR by deceit had allowed MR regime to massacre so many Tamils after staging a war as the US is ready to enter India and China for business, so the War had to stop.

      • 0

        ha ha ha ha more moronic Latheef Farook style racist-bigatory conspiracy theories.. There is a saying every one on the parade ground is marching out of step apart form our Johnny Latheef Farook and his tamil cause.

        In other words blame everyone else and take no responsibility for once own actions. idiot.

        • 0

          People like you are the justification for the proposed division of the country…
          You people can not allow other communities to live peacefully..

          Srilanka was never been a united country.. The north & east was ruled by tamil kings..

          The British united the country and gave it in the hands of Sinhala Chavunists..

          The tamils are paying the price for the mistake done by British.

          The sinhala people does not the the legitimate right to call for a united Srilanka.

    • 0

      What do you know as the true situation unless you were there and saw all of it? Come on thambi. You are talking rubbish. We have only had seconday and third hand information as they did.

      • 0

        One need not be a direct witness to evaluate the truthfulness of a situation being distorted by the perpetrators. With the circumstantial evidence available one is able to asses the Truth, through Intuitive Knowledge. This power of Intuitive Knowledge is the ability to grasp the truth without reasoning. It is not very many who have this ability as the masses are generally gullible.

  • 0

    No they are not cluster bombs It is all western conspiracy.How come only westerners discover cluster bombs when there were so many others, the Indians, Sri Lank ans were also doing Deming?

  • 0

    God will punish every single person whoever involved in this war against inocent civilians.
    Prabakarn and his all family already pay the price!!

    NOW:The time for all other person who ordered to killed inocent elderly,children and women will pay the price.

    Very soon Lord Budtha will tel you what is right and what is wrong.

    Asokan Weerasingam.

  • 0

    This is a war crime. But most importantly, it proves that most of the civilian deaths were caused by Government forces.

    • 0

      Dear Heshan/Observer/Nihal/etc, using cluster munitions is not a war crime; nor does it prove that most of the civilian deaths were caused by the GoSL. I look forward to your attempts to justify your ignorant comment :D

      • 0

        If it is not a war crime why don’t the SLA and GOSL/MOD accept/admit it and allow a full international investigations without a cover up. This is the reason, the GOSL did not allow foreign NGO’s to demine in the Vanni for over 2 years.

        Also the GOLD jewelry buried by the civilians near their homes. The GOSL keeps denying the use of cluster bombs and phosphorus bombs. The selling countries of such weapons also need to be exposed. If it is not War Crimes there should be no problem?

        Some stupidly suggest that the cluster bombs was found in the LTTE area? So were the LTTE women, Tamil civilians, thousands of dead bodies, (some raped/tortured), and chemical weapons. So why is GOSL hiding those facts, without exposing them via an independent, international investigations, and blame the LTTE for such “War Crimes”. Who are these liars kidding/fooling?

        General Fonseka also knows a lot of the truth about the weapons, usage, carnage, deaths, and war crimes… It is time he spoke the truth…That is also why they (GOSL) and the Rajapakses want to keep him in prison. He had plenty of opportunities during the Presidential elections, and he chose to hide it as well. Too bad. Now all have to pay the price, and he is still in jail, 3 years after the war, for some petty military crimes, while there is massive robberies taking place in the country..

        • 0

          “If it is not a war crime why don’t the SLA and GOSL/MOD accept/admit it and allow a full international investigations without a cover up.”

          Is a war crime the only reason to deny something? If I claim that your mother is a prostitute and demand that you allow a full investigation to prove/disprove your mother’s profession, are you obliged to accede? Being the son of a prostitute is not a criminal offense, but don’t you have the right to simply deny the claim without wasting time disproving the claim?

          “This is the reason, the GOSL did not allow foreign NGO’s to demine in the Vanni for over 2 years.”

          How can you be so sure that this is the reason?

          “Also the GOLD jewelry buried by the civilians near their homes. “

          Was the gold also dropped from cluster munitions?

          “The GOSL keeps denying the use of cluster bombs and phosphorus bombs. The selling countries of such weapons also need to be exposed. If it is not War Crimes there should be no problem?”

          So why is there not a single phot or frame of video showing a cluster bomb in the possession of the SL military, or being used in combat? Why is there not a single document or witness to show any other government or commercial company having supplied the GoSL with these weapons?

          “So were the LTTE women, Tamil civilians, thousands of dead bodies, (some raped/tortured), and chemical weapons”

          Can you point to a single photo or video that shows civilians being (or having been) tortured or raped? Can you show us a single picture or video of a chemical weapon or the body of someone killed or injured with a chemical weapon? Tear gas is also a chemical weapon, btw.

          “So why is GOSL hiding those facts”

          How do you know they are facts when you have no evidence?

      • 0

        Mr Military Guy…. Why did Sri Lanka say NO to the complaints about cluster bombs earlier? This Australian [Edited out] Palitha Kohona said he was talking after confirmation that cluster bombs were not used. Bloody coward chickens. If you did, like a MAN say openly that I did. IT IS NOT a war crime? Maybe not, but used them, right??

        • 0

          So even if the SL military did not use cluster munitions, they must admit that they did, to prove their manhood to you?

        • 0

          No David, just to prove your womanhood of deceit as most females resort to.

        • 0

          Lol, so now you’re claiming that women are deceitful? Great mindset.

  • 0

    One day this country will be divided…

    That is the destiny..

    • 0

      Or the sea level will rise so high, that the whole island becomes permanently submerged.

      • 0

        Or the Mayan apocalypse will happen, or Jesus will return, or… or… aliens will invade. Yes, keep hoping.

  • 0

    Once the visionary SF said “Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Bhuddist nation, where others are allowed to live if they comply”. In my view SL is made of three factions: Ultra Nationalist Sinhal Bhuddist State Terrorist, Tamil Nationalist Terrorists and Sinhala and Tamil moderates. Sinhala and Tamil terrorists waged war against each other killing the moderates indescriminately. Sinhala terrorists with the backing of the states killed and distroyed many innoscent Tamils over many riots and pogroms. Tamil terrorists returned the favour with their bombings. Sinhala State terrorist had a wind fall of opportunity of world support thanks to Osama’s 911 and China. The West just showed a blind eye over the actions of this Ultra nationalist State despite their brutal terroristic track record. Since Sinhala Buddhist Nation is their ultimate goal and having suffered and seen cold blooded brutality used with absolute impunity over Tamils, the usage of Cluster Bombs never surprised me. Now that the same State terrorism is getting used against their own Sinhala moderates in the mild form of white vans, one day the true colors of this war will emerge in full. Tamil terrorists are gone. Sinhala terrorists are still here.

    • 0

      good view…

  • 0

    Cluster bomb or no cluster bomb – who used and who didn’t … this is all academic now. The dead are dead and the wounded are wounded. The only good thing that came out of this war is that one of the worst terrorists to walk this earth is DEAD. Tamil brothers… please face reality.

    • 0

      One Terrorist has gone and the other terrorist is yet to go with his stooges for us to live peacefully.

      • 0

        gamini well said . they will go on ruining this once beautiful country until they too get anhiliated.

    • 0

      suz enjoyed this tamil picture past years and your simple comment more valu than that stupid war.suz enjoy peace and violence, why tamils want the war because thir birth made the alienation of sick tamils.

  • 0

    Cluster bomb use by SLAirforce reported with images of same early in the war:-

    • 0

      @DAS.. my god the Tamil net.. Then it must be true.. Well why didnt you point this out before… And send the link to the UN.. i mean the Tamilnet That great and truth telling Web news.. Thats the same news that never mentioned the LTTE massacring civilians Tamil, Sinhala, muslim, bughers.. or even the LTTE is a Armed Terrorist group.. Ohh no That great truth telling Tamil net.. My god.. i should have gone to that site to see the UNBIASED truth.. you have done a great service to Human Truth DAS.. Thanks..

      • 0

        you’re a disgrace . true mara eh?

    • 0

      Lol, that picture is of the tail section of a crashed SLAF MiG aircraft. This is the sort of stupidity that has destroyed all credibility of those making the charges. Lol.

  • 0

    Thank you. Not too late for you to know the truth.

  • 0

    The cat is out of the bag. Now it is confirmed that Sri Lankan Govt. forces used Banned cluster bombs on innocent Tamil civilians. No wonder according to UN panel report that over 40,000 Tamil civilians been killed. banki moon now wake up

    • 0

      Not only did SL government use cluster bombs, but Ban-Ki Moon, when he visited SL, flew directly over the site of mass graves in his helicopter . What a joke the UN is.

    • 0

      Cluster munitions are not banned.

      • 0

        @ David Blacker if confirmed the Forces have used cluster bombs, obviously your next stand would be, ‘So What?’ Very Intelligent indeed! Such impunity is a debilitating feature of Sri Lankan culture of late, sadly.

        • 0

          Well, if you have no strategy beyond trying to prove that the SL military used a perfectly legal weapon, you should be questioning your own intelligence, no mine. “So what” is indeed the question. What is your answer?

        • 0

          @ David, I half expected you to commit, and as an answer I will explain a rational solution. First and foremost you have to comprehend the problem to find an answer, otherwise the solution found in itself whether defeating the LTTE as aclaimed will not bring the desired peace nor a solution to this age old problem that has been exploited by many for varios reasons. Such strategy will bring a respite, with the euphoria for some, but the issue will simmer till it explodes in a bigger magnitude in the future, where there will be more carnage which the future genations will someday have to face, due to our inability finding or understanding the root cause for the problem to settle sensibly. As the common proverb changing the pillow is not the answer for the headache. These two communities the Sinhalese and the tamils have flared at times, for a long time, each taking pride of their antecedent’s achievements over the other. These were at times the two communities lived apart, but under foreign rule like the British both have respected each other and have cohabited well. There have been intermarriage to some degree but not to levels for the two to blend perfectly. The problems commenced with power of governance being transfered for the two communities after Independence. The answer is not trying to defeat militarily our own, but through reconcilliation and interaction. I still believe it is possible and the answer lies there. Hence there should be genuine recognition and respect meted. Believe me this would not be an issue once the country prosper, for all to enjoy a decent living with Law and Order maintained, where all can live in dignity without having to feel insecure due to one’s ethnicity. I feel sad you have paid a heavy price as soldiers serving in the forces facing the brunt, due to the incompetence of the mediocrity who took reins to govern the country after Independence. Now see how even some soldiers in the Forces have been attracted to the very Tamil girls they have fought, to bind them by wed lock. David the answer lies there, not through denials, but accepting facts.

        • 0

          @ David, I forgot to mention in my above post to substantiate what I had proposed that intermarriage is the ultimate solution. Afterall a pure Sinhalese race is no exception to the Laws of impermanance that Lord Buddha Preached. Just like what happened to the Red Indians who lived and ruled the Americas two hundred years ago, today is no more. Similarly there will be no particular race as Sinhalese in another two hundred years from now, how much individuals may fight to preserve the identity.

          I will illestrate the above with two true incidents I can quote. There was this Tamil Professor and family in ’77 while on holiday here from the US got caught to the riots and I sheltered them in my house. Thereafter I came to know that after he returned to the US, he was the Leader of the LTTE movement of the New York branch handling fund collection and organising events for the LTTE. Later his only daughter coming off age, fell in love with a Sinhalese boy and that led to the fissiling of attitudes of the Prof. Then there was this ardent Nationalist, Socialist class mate of mine working for a Multinational Company who migrated to Australia with the family who was totally anti-Tamil. Living there one of his sons got involved with a tamil girl and settled down in Australia. Both families now have offspring and are not rabid anymore. I trust you see my point.

        • 0

          But what has all that to do with cluster munitions?

        • 0

          @ David, first you all denied using Cluster Bombs and Chemical Weapons when challenged which are banned for use under the Geneva Convention, which you say now are permitted Munitions displaying your ignorance. You have the audacity to question back, ‘So What?’ displaying impunity just like your arrogant Peers. What convoluted Logic?

          There is one half of the World body who are corrupt who thrive on war that helped and try to cover up and the other half with or without support of the Tamil Diaspora are keen to establish the rules. Now that remnants of banned weapons have been found by the UN itself who were shut off during war for the obvious, the others who are involved will try their best to cover up. Although you Forces gloat over a victory, you are no better than the Terrorist themselves who have no place in decent society. Thus, there is no reason to sweep this under the carpet but those responsible be tried before the world body for War Crimes.

          As for the above what I stated was a way out for the impasse. I trust you have that little gray matter to differentiate defending and committing according to rules laid out and not what is said that all is fair in love and war.

        • 0

          “first you all denied using Cluster Bombs and Chemical Weapons when challenged which are banned for use under the Geneva Convention, which you say now are permitted Munitions displaying your ignorance.”

          Lol, can you please quote the portion of the Geneva Conventions that bans cluster munitions. Please educate yourself on the subject without displaying your ignorance and idiocy in a public forum. Certain nations have signed up to a moratorium on cluster munitions, and certain countries (the USA, Russia, China, and many others) have not.

          “You have the audacity to question back, ‘So What?’ displaying impunity just like your arrogant Peers.”

          It is indeed “so what?” because SL hasn’t signed up to the moratorium on cluster munitions, the Rome Statues on the jurisdiction of the ICC, the landmine treaty, etc, it is not obliged to abide by them. Which language does this have to be explained to you in? Or would you prefer a picture?

          ” Now that remnants of banned weapons have been found by the UN itself who were shut off during war for the obvious, the others who are involved will try their best to cover up.”

          Firstly, as has been explained to you many times :D cluster munitions are not banned and, secondly, what is there to cover up when the UNDP itself will not confirm that such a claim has been made?

          “Thus, there is no reason to sweep this under the carpet but those responsible be tried before the world body for War Crimes.”

          Which “world body” will you try “us” under since cluster munitions are not banned under the Geneva Conventions, and SL cannot be tried by the ICC (as that body’s head has already stated) because we are not a signatory to the Rome Statutes that acknowledge the Hague’s jurisdiction.

          “As for the above what I stated was a way out for the impasse. “

          Really, how will intermarriage provide a way out of the impasse on war crimes?

          “I trust you have that little gray matter to differentiate defending and committing according to rules laid out and not what is said that all is fair in love and war.”

          And I trust you have that little grey matter to understand that evidence is necessary to adjudge guilt.

        • 0

          @ David, while challenging me to quote the portion of the Geneva Convention where the use of Cluster Bombs and Chemical weapons are baned, you state only some countries have signed a UN convention to refrain using cluster bombs, Chemical weapens and the US, Russia, China and a few others have not. You state that we too are exempt from the Rome Agreement.For your information, the Rome agreement is not for the use of cluster bombs and chemical weapons, but reference anyone being tried for War Crimes.If as you state that we are not bound for the use of cluster bombs and chemical weapons, then why this denial? A probe will reveal whether we have or not, if conducted without these outside forces intervening.

          However there is a Genava Convention that Sri Lanka has signed for the safety of POW and any surrenderees safety. Further the surrendered and those who tried to surrender being massacred is a violation according to that Convention signed. Now it is interesting to see how Sri Lanka tries to wriggle out from this. Then we can see whether the idiocy is mine or yours.

        • 0

          “while challenging me to quote the portion of the Geneva Convention where the use of Cluster Bombs and Chemical weapons are baned, you state only some countries have signed a UN convention to refrain using cluster bombs, Chemical weapens and the US, Russia, China and a few others have not.”

          The convention on cluster munitions has nothing to do with chemical weapons. That is dealt with separately. Please try and stay focused. It isn’t “a few others” that have not signed. The UN has 193 member states, and only 102 have signed up to the cluster munitions convention. So that’s just over half. 91 nations, including those with the most powerful militaries have not signed.

          “You state that we too are exempt from the Rome Agreement.For your information, the Rome agreement is not for the use of cluster bombs and chemical weapons, but reference anyone being tried for War Crimes.”

          Where have I suggested that the Rome Statutes deal with cluster munitions? :D This is what I said: “SL hasn’t signed up to the moratorium on cluster munitions, the Rome Statues on the jurisdiction of the ICC, the landmine treaty, etc”. Each of the above is a separate convention. The ICC I refer to isn’t the International Cricket Council but the International Criminal Court at the Hague. As I asked you before, which language do you need this explained to you in?

          “If as you state that we are not bound for the use of cluster bombs and chemical weapons, then why this denial? A probe will reveal whether we have or not, if conducted without these outside forces intervening.”

          If we don’t have cluster munitions and/or chemical weapons, what should we do but deny it? If I asked you if you were homosexual and you denied it, should I ask you why you’re denying it, and insist on an investigation to prove your sexual preference? If you’re not gay you have every right to deny it or tell me to mind my own business.

          “However there is a Genava Convention that Sri Lanka has signed for the safety of POW and any surrenderees safety. Further the surrendered and those who tried to surrender being massacred is a violation according to that Convention signed.”

          Lol, good job to change the subject now that you realize you have no cluster munitions to stand on. Thousands of Tigers who surrendered were imprisoned. Some might have been killed. So far there is no evidence to prove it. Even if evidence of a few such killings is discovered, it is nothing particularly worse than is happening in Iraq or any other war. International Humanitarian Law isn’t really too bothered about a few killings here and there.

          “Now it is interesting to see how Sri Lanka tries to wriggle out from this. Then we can see whether the idiocy is mine or yours.”

          Well, there’s no point crossing that bridge til we get to it.

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    Banki is still @the slumber party with sjv and other morons who are in denial until the doomes day.

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    Caracas media material. So who gives a fuck?

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      Chinthana, there are Sinhala sayings, that a leech can not be kept on a mattress or a dog’s tail cannot be straightened. Accordingly these individuals when they get exposed of their duplicity, their true character comes out and resort to filth, thinking it will rattle the opponent. I believe in fairness to all readers, CT should be a little more circumspect on such comments. Thanks!

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    Another Bell Pottinger speaking from NI in support of war criminals asking Britain to think before acting. What authority has he as he says seen and lived in NI war. Is that a qualification to support war criminals or after the recent visit to the country on the invitation, Now kala beela hondatta innawa (5* hotel). Another FOX speaking in the name of SL tax payers. Very sad indeed.

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