By Colombo Telegraph –
Responding to last week Colombo Telegraph revelation, a Spokesperson from the Archbishop’s office, Rev. Father Benedict Joseph told The Sunday Leader the remarks as ‘baseless’ and ‘false’. Colombo Telegraph revealed the story how Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith lobbied the US government against international pressure on accountability for war crimes titled “Mahinda Rajapaksa is a “christian” – says Archbishop” based on a leaked US embassy cable. We expect a clarification from ambassador Patricia A. Butenis.
How every it is unclear which remarks are ‘baseless’ and ‘false’. We reproduced Sunday Leader story below.
the Archbishop office in Colombo has strongly rejected a leaked Wikileaks cable which allegedly reveals how Archbishop Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith lobbied the US government against international pressure on accountability for war crimes.
The cable written on October 2, 2009 recounts details of a meeting between the Archbishop and the US Ambassador in Colombo Patricia A. Butenis, where the Archbishop is alleged to have said he believed President Rajapaksa personally was a good man and pushing the government of Sri Lanka too hard on the war crimes accountability issue now could destabilize Sri Lankan democracy and could suffer revolution from the right or a coup by the military.
Rejecting the remarks as ‘baseless’ and ‘false’ a Spokesperson from the Archbishop’s ofice, Rev. Father Benedict Joseph told The Sunday Leader that this was not the first instance where the Archbishop’s name had been misused and denied the contents of the leaked cable entirely.
“This is not the first instance when and where the Archbishop’s name has been misused. This is the clear work of some mischievous characters who are trying to jeopardize the good name of the Cardinal,” Father Benedict said.
The cable classified as “CONFIDENTIAL” by Ambassador Patricia A. Butenis also quotes the Archbishop as allegedly having argued that if something happened to the President there would be “chaos” in Sri Lanka and weakening Rajapaksa could backfire.
“He noted that while he himself was a Singhalese, he was very sympathetic to the plight of Tamils, who had suffered greatly from pogroms and discrimination by the majority and from the disastrous results of LTTE separatist ideology. He explained that the Church had played a key role in brokering talks between the GSL and the LTTE over the years, including the 2002 cease-fire agreement. After the war, the church was advocating publicly for the release of IDPs and other controversial positions. This had led to criticism from the Buddhist right and even death threats against the archbishop himself. This was the opposite of the leading role in reconciliation the archbishop believed Buddhists should have been playing years ago,” the leaked cable alleged.
Rathnapala - France / September 25, 2011
which remarks are ‘baseless’ and ‘false? we need US to clarify it too.
Peter / September 26, 2011
Without prejudice, will the Cardinal explain if crimes were committed or not during the last stages of the war and if so how he knows this? What has the Cardinal got to say to those families who say that they were the victims of crime and is seeking justice?
Is it right to ignore crimes against humanity wherever it may be committed and the culprits to enjoy impunity?
Like any other crime it is only right to leave this job to those professionally qualified to investigate (impartial) and give a verdict. After all the Cardinal will not wish his job to be performed by the Judiciary, now will he?
Victor Raja / September 26, 2011
Nobody cares when thousands of tamils are butchered by their own government forces – the clergy of all religions are either openly encouraging or condoning the massacre like some buddhist monks or keeping silent like the muslim and christian religious leaders. It looks like Rev Malcolm Ranjith was aware of the massacre of tamils but his only concern was to protect Rajapakse. Shame on him.
C. Wijeyawickrema / May 3, 2012
The Arch Bishop and the US Ambassador are like cats spat on rocks!!!!!
Wikileaks changed the world we knew.
Rathnapala - France / September 25, 2011
it looks the Bishop Malcolm Ranjith was exposed by Colombo Telegraph. thank you for it.
Malcolm - Negombo / September 26, 2011
We catholics advise the cardinal and other religious dignitaries to keep out of politics. Politics and religion will not mix together.
Dayan Perea / September 26, 2011
I guess the two faced approach by the Church is coming to light and the handlers are trying their best at damage control.
Challenge the gov. in the public and get the Buddhists to paint you a villein; then go behind the West to beg them to spare Rajapaksa ass. Nice plan, would have worked wonderfully if not for this damn Wikileaks.
When will people be smart enough to understanding that this is all theatrics to fool them silly?
Ariya Silva / September 25, 2011
He must know that he commands immense respect for shouldering the responsibility as a regional head of the Catholics in Sri Lanka and beyond. If something drastically goes wrong such as a priest under his jurisdiction murdering somebody he cannot say let us not push for accountability because there could be chaos amongst the flock. Indeed we have experienced this kind of lapsed responsibility before in the case of paedophile priests in the church.
Lal Kumara / September 26, 2011
Highly unwanted by church side. They must know their priorities and not to get involved in such things. Has Catholic is also being politicalised? Wikileakas can’t be wrong only this instances. Facts are facts.
Dimiuthu / September 26, 2011
So it looks like even Archbishop Ranjith does not want US or UN take any action to probe the alleged war crimes or violations of international laws, because Rajapakse brothers may lose power and the extreme right or ‘left’ steps in. The whole system including the religious establishments are all out to keep the brothers in power and their victims suffer under the mono-ethnic army and police. This is called institutionalised racism which gives no room for justice or let the oppressed get out of the clutches.
Rathnam - London / September 26, 2011
The double game continues for the “educated & Literate ” buffaloes of Colombo.
Joe Ladislaus / September 25, 2011
It is prohibited for Christians even to attempt converting someone under pressure however small as it goes against the doctrine of the Catholic Church. Even if Gandhi was, it was a resounding vindication of how Christians should act including towards their neighbours -pagan or not- all according to the precept of the magisterium and not according to individual whims.
As to the apparent mysterious metamorphosis of the original wiki-leaks as claimed by the Archbishop’s office, those concerns are either economical with the truth or a butt of water has been leaking wine, miraculously.
Finally, it is surely not militant for one to exercise the spiritual works of mercy, nor is it treacherous to call a spade a spade to uphold the Word of God. ‘Get behind me Satan’ said Jesus to the ‘Rock’ on which he built His Church. It is the pruned- tree that yields with abundance. If we do not clean up our act within our Church then someone else from outside will and it be excruciatingly painful like the paedophile saga.
Palitha / September 26, 2011
Well Well this Malcom being a stooge of the rulers is capable of any thing. He is a blood disgrace to the church. High time that the Vatican threw him out body and soul.
P Namarathna - / September 26, 2011
Well Well this Malcom being a stooge of the rulers is capable of any thing. He is a blood disgrace to the church. High time that the Vatican threw him out body and soul.
kamalani - UK / September 26, 2011
Why is he silent about the numerous catholic priest killed and the churches destroyed since M.R. came to power. Did he raised these issues openly anywhere. The Tamil bishops are protesting openly specially the bishop of Manner. The good cardinal know there is something called “Sins of Omission”
We remember the Later Dr, Edmond Peries, how he changed the Tamils into Singhalese population in the coastal belt from Negombo to Puttalam
G. Ganashan / May 3, 2012
Give us some evidence how many churches HE. MR destroyed or prists that were bumped by this goverment.
OOOOHHHH. You are also fan of Bisop Parippuwho licked the back of LTTE loosers. Do not waste you time talking about Parrippu.
gamini / May 4, 2012
This appeal is for all those apologists who are hurt with the revelation of TRUTH. There is only one truth and all individuals should strive to achieve it, devoid of differences on Religion, Race or Ethnicity. It is sad to see when someone comments prudently questioning matters, another apologist using venom to ridicule as seen by the above comment, despicable characters posing as Tamils who cannot even spell Tamil Names properly, commenting on these forums meant for the decent, intelligent to interact for common good. This man who obviously wants to identify himself as Ganeshan, a ficticious character, should be ashamed of himself if he has an ounce of self respect.
G. Ganashan / May 4, 2012
Hey [edited out] Gamini
Unlike you that are hiding behind Singalese name like Gamini. I am using my real tamil name. You should be shame of hiding behind false name.
As a real Hindu when I criticise Bisop Parrippu, you are very hurt. Beacuse the truth has been reveled about Parippu past actions.
Akuana R R - UK / September 26, 2011
Good Lord this Cardinal should just mind his damn business and do God’s work not politics.What does it matter to him if we get GSP plus or minus.Jesus came to save souls and wanted every Christian to spread the Gospel and here he is suposedly the head of the Catholic church in Sri Lanka getting involved in politics.And how he goes on to state that the first lady is a Catholic.So what??She is seen most f the time worshiping at Temples.Malcolm Ranjith you are a hypocrite ,I do not know what you will tell Jesus when you reach the otherside.Please go away.I have lost all love for the catholi church after you became cardinal.I am baptised a catholic and have genarations of catholics .You are just a disgrace to the Catholic church.Dont you have the guts to ask the President what the truth is ,what happened in the last days of the war.Or you know jolly well what happened and you are covering up a crime. I am sure you will be welcomed into the kingdom of God!!!!!
Cad Luke / September 26, 2011
I agree with all those who have stated that His Emminence, Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith, should distance himself from political involvement. I have personally written to His Emminence requesting that the Catholic Church in general, and His Emminence in particular should distance himself from this dictatorial regime.
I make an open appeal to His Emminence on this forum to please bow to the sentiments of the majority and refrain from political involvement. After all, the Catholic Church has enough problems to sort out.
May God bless you all
G. Ganashan / May 3, 2012
Cadmium Luke
Who the heck are you that Cardinal should be listening to. Are you Jesus to preach him? Enough things to sort out?? We all know what you mean by that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edirisingha / September 26, 2011
I have already lodged a coplaint with Vatican about his political attachment with MR and his elibility to be a priest is hatered by many sri lankan.
G. Ganashan / May 3, 2012
G. Ganashan / May 3, 2012
Many means LTTE loosers like you man. Only few left in Sr i Lanka.
Ranasinghe / May 3, 2012
LTTE not dead and gone, cowards who cant for their community; Sinhals’ Tamil servants like you remain.
(Velu was Hindu while Air Force Chief, Mrs. Rajapakse ar Catholic)
Ranasinghe / May 3, 2012
LTTE now dead and gone, cowards who cant for their community; Tamil servants of the Sinhala hamus like you remain.
(Avatar of max silva)
G. Ganashan / May 4, 2012
[Edited out]Paranasinghe
You are right. LTTE is not dead. Not gone but ran like headless chooks unable to be faced to SLForces.
You know what, as a tamil I could go anywhere in this country because no LTTE loosers blasing bombs.
Justin / May 4, 2012
Either you are a sycophant Tamil (like Karuna. Doggy) to MaRa.
Or you are using a Tamil name to diceive the readers in this blog.
Kari / September 26, 2011
It is strange that Christian community irrespective of RC or Non-RC are involved in safe guarding the government and sometimes criminal politicians. It is often noticed that people in higher offices comment on national issues without knowing the ground realty. May be Bishop Malcolm could be one of them and end of the day he is a Sinhalese and like few he too could be a racist. There are similar cleary in other Christian churces and dioceases who are also racists either only supporting Sinhalese or Tamils and have no balanced approach. It is sorry to see that religious leaders get involved in political comments.
Sashi Kumar / September 28, 2011
That is most Heartening information, that Cardinal Ranjith has backed his Excellency and I am confident the president would have no reluctance in demonstrating as His Worship has declaredm being himself a Human rights activist of yore (circa 1988). Not too long ago.
Das / December 9, 2011
Hitherto, cardinals of the roman catholic church were respected by even non-christians.
But this cardinal has sullied the good name of his institution.
G. Ganashan / May 3, 2012
If he support bloody sucking LTTE like your Josh Rasappu. He will be highly commended. Hah?? Do not expect him to be like Parippu man.
We all know where you all are coimng from Pulingu.
gamini / May 4, 2012
When one joker exits displaying stupidity another appears and takes over. What a society we live in.
G. Ganashan / May 4, 2012
If you bend down and look through you see real joker of your own.
siriwardane / February 4, 2012
if this is not war crime, can one tell me what it is? accountability should be prevailed now and US must take action to deal with Gota who is an American.
Ranasinghe / May 3, 2012
Rajapakse can be charming, the most sucessful criminals, thieves, fascists & bigots are charming.
Flerting with Christianity or Buddism, Rajaphse ancestory was Don Davith Henrik Apuhamy
This/now Rajapakse’s religion is power, with a dash of womanising, racism & corruption.
This ‘Forces lurking beneath him’ is the excuse as those forces are the many discriminated minorities of some sort having only that avenue to outshine the (disgusting) norm. These forces are the escapegoat deparment, department of dirt-works, like the householder blaming the servants. You see this is the disgusting BS.
It is literally chaos for most people whith this Pakse & Co.
Kulasingham / May 3, 2012
Malcom should look after the needy, administer the flock.
When you sleep with dogs, you wake up with flees.
DAS / May 4, 2012
Mahinda Rajapakse and Malcolm Ranjith are both survivers.
Both have to survive to prolong/perpetuate their “reign” without
which, both will end up as zeros.
Mahinda Rajapakse survives thanks to the greed of the Political Scum who betrayed their voters,parties & promises for perks, position, power & wealth for theselves and their future generations and “crossed over”.
Malcolm Ranjith survives by pleasing his flock with ritual and ignoring the murder of catholic priests in the north.
Now it has come to light that both have formed an Unholy Alliance
The last dinasaur / May 4, 2012
Jesus Christ sacrificed his blood and body for his followers.. and his paid servant Rev.Malcom Ranjith needs more blood and bodies of innocent tamils to quench his thirst and hunger…
G. Ganashan / May 4, 2012
Hey Dino
It deos not look like Cardinal suck tamil bloods unlike you son goat VP who sucked bollds of few generation of my own tamils.
See the difference between the Cardinal and your killing Leader VP.
Dinuk / May 4, 2012
What an unholy liar this Malcome Ranjith is! Spreading paranoia and fear mongering to keep Rajapakse safe! It is MR who has given great prominence to and cultivated the JHU and other SInhala racist parties.
If something happens to Rajapakse the great majority of citizens who are is moderate would sigh a great sigh of relief and kick out the Rajpakse siblings who are uneducated, and looting the country.
Basil and GOta both don’t have a basic BA degree. The former who has given himself the exhalted title of Minister of Economic developemnt knows nothing about development or economics and was working as petrol pump attendant in the US. Gota has an IT certificate! These to goons would be unemployed right now if not for MR and they are militarizing the country in order to ensure that they can keep their ill gotten gains and power. would be working as petrol pu
Leon / May 5, 2012
Going by past statements,the Archbishop is capable of saying what he did to the Ambassador. He did not utter a word when the Bishop of Manner and others sent an appeal to the HRC in Geneva.
He is hoodwinking the Sri Lankan catholics like his buddy MR in trying to hoodwink the International Community.