18 September, 2024


Shavendra case – Ministry of Defence is silence

By Colombo Telegraph –

Shavendra in trouble

“I am willing to face whatever allegations are made against me or those who served under my command in any court anywhere in the world. Anyone can bring allegations and I am willing to contest all those allegations” Shavendra Silava told the media. But the Ministry of defence web site doesn’t say anything about Shavendra’s case. Seehttp://www.defence.lk/english.asp

American University Washington College of Law’s UNROW Human Rights Impact Litigation Clinic filed the lawsuit in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) against Sri Lankan General Shavendra Silva, who currently resides in New York City on 23rd of the September 2011.

Related news links; http://colombotelegraph.com/2011/09/24/sl-general-war-crimes-case-filed-shavendra-in-trouble/#comment-214

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    oh, dear dear, what’s going on???? are they going to F++k him??

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      Gota is a traitor amd a betrayer. Most Srilankans know this but dont talk about it. Mahinda is a super idiot and basil is a mandh budhdhika fellow. Their off springs are the saem too. One can tell from their faces. Its true that the war had been won under MR leadership but it happened under the shrewed and well planed leadership of Gen Fonseka. Truth is coming out now and the real stories will be revealed to public soon on eafter the other. MR lead rogue regime cannot play the same baila for long. They got to face the facts. MR suddently look horrible (anyway he is ugly). Pressure is mounting from every corner. Its time to send this regime home for good.

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        A new dramma starts in USA. Only our President can help our Major General in USA. The best option available to our government is to recall back Major General to avoid embarassment to our country, our President and the mass Sinhala people. Revenge is the best answer. Hand over the revenge job to nobdy other than our great man- Gothabaya Rajapakse.

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      They are going to betray Sahvindra.

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      Well done, finally the wheels of justice are moving slowly forward. Three cheers.

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        if a terrorist is been killed , if someone he/she claims compensation for a terrorist then he/she is a terrorist , why not usa court consider pleas of families killed in afghan , pak , iraq by western forces and why not try them in int’l court , these are for the lakhs of innocent people killed by official forces but , in sri lanka RAMESH is a terrorist and his family supported terrorism , then all are terrorist , why double standards

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      The evidences of AI, HRW, Global Human Rights organizations, Journalists without Boarders, Doctors without boarders including from Grodon Weiss will be considered as hard facts and Sri Lankan Rajapakse version of events and propaganda will not have any value at the Courts when delivering justice to the victims.
      Tamil Diaspora is glad that Shavendra Silva is not running away and facing charges and this will help to file the criminal lawsuits against Sri Lankan officials later.
      Why did Jegath Dias run away?

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      USA is not a dumping ground for Sri Lankan war crimminals.

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    What is this? is this the way of treating Of ”WOR HEROES”??? those who sacrificed to save our country from bloody war,now everything becoming revealing what exactly happening to the our WAR HEROES same like Gen Sarath Fonseka

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      Obama – we could go for an out-of-court settlement…

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      It was a bad decision to send our war heroes to western countries as diplomats soon after the war. Colective knowledge of our decision makers is very shalow and their wishful thinking is questionnable.

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    Sectary of defence Gotabaya Rajapakasa use Officers who worked for him as well as Officer’s battle with LTTE classic example’s are Major General Pannipitiya Gotabaya use his wife Achini against General Fonseka and his wife Gotabaya has promised to Maj Gene Panipitiya that he will appoint him as an Army Commander . After he got all work from Maj Gen Pannipitiya Gotabay had dumped him to dustbin . Retired Senior DIG from State Intelligence Service’s(SIS) Keertihi Gajanayake Gotabaya Had promised him to appoint him as Inspector General of Police (IGP) during past President election there for Mr, Gajanayake spy Former Army Commander and given report at the end of the day he too put in to dustbin. Former Attorney General Mohan Peries Gotabaya asked him to fix case against General Sarath Fonseka there for Sectary Of Defence had promised AG Mohan Peris to appoint as a Chief Justice but at the end of the day he too Gotabaya put him to dustbin . In this case Sectary Of Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa will not rescue Major General Shavindra Silva because Sectary know very well Major General Shavindra Silva is Dangerous person than General Sarath Fonseka . On Sunday evening he had told one of his friend “I send Shavindra to USA because I know very well this will happened to him and he try to be to smart my Theory before any one try to be to smart I will destroy them , I did it same to General Fonseka and Shavindra to face difficult time but I cant help that is my style I am looking only for my survival “ and he laugh loudly this secret conversation had recorded and when time arise it will broadcast . Sectary Of Defence can compare to Hitler and one day he will screw is Brother President Mahinda Rajapakasa as well because all three commander in Tri forces are with him

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    Shavindra, we are with you! you are a hero but please at least now, do justice for our General Fonseka. Only you can do this , do it as a brave Soldier! no matter what comes after you will be a Hero forever.

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      nothing can be done to him. people of hambantota with MR n bros ,india + china + russia behind him

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    Mandale Kachal

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    Switzerland and Germany warned Jagath Dias about this case you refering about. There are a few nut cases who buy regime books but not all. Regime is going thru a serious headache these days. They have screwed everything up themselves. You cannot fool the people anymore. From the begining the regime underestimated the strength of the people/opposition and international community. They have boasting about the war victory and did everything they want without considering the facts or consequences. They have over estimated the ‘rajapakse family’ Painted a massive giant pictures of them but to see they are carttons nothing nothing else. This is country is heading towards wrong direction under this regime supported by JHU/Weerawanse etc. They are busy making soem ‘prabakarans’ in the south.

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      Well done Vathsala Devi and Seethan Sivam. We cannot expect justice in this country but in the US we can.

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    MG Shavendra Siva has to fight this claim. As UN envoy he may have some immunity from this claim, I am not sure. He needs to prevent himself from talking to media. He has said “Ramash has killed civilians”. These statatement may be used against him and argued that this could imply that he killed the victim. This claim can not be proved on facual basis. But, judges in US are also can be bias against SL government. That is a huge risk. Another danger is there may be a flow of these things for media sensation. It is better to bring MG Silva home.

  • 0

    Will he stay and face Court like a man or scoot off (or be recalled?) like his colleague from Berlin and turn tail?

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