12 February, 2025


Arjun Aloysius Demands 5 Billion Each From MTV/ Sirasa And Wijaya Newspapers

The controversial businessman who has been in the centre of the bond scam has sent letters of demand to MTV channels pvt ltd (Sirasa) and Wijaya Newspapers for tarnishing his reputation using inaccurate and unclarified facts.



Arjun Aloysius, son-in-law of ex-Central Bank Governor, Arjuna Mahendran has demanded five billion each from MTV/Sirasa for making defamatory statements on a morning talk show called “Pathikada” aired on 11th Oct at 6 am and Daily FT for publishing an article on 10th Oct. Further He has demanded 5 billion each from two TV presenters who have deliberately used the Sirasa air time to slander him namely Bandula Jayasekara and Faraz Shauketaly .

Read Arjun Aloysius’s letters of demand to MTV here

Read Arjun Aloysius’s letters of demand to Wijaya Newspapers here

Latest comments

  • 32

    With his stupid accent Faraz shauketally should be sued and that show PATHIKADA IS A TOTAL SHAM.

    Where was sirasa and faraz and bandula during meeharak Rajafucksa mayhem.

    • 8


      “With his stupid accent Faraz shauketally should be sued and that show PATHIKADA IS A TOTAL SHAM. Where was sirasa and faraz and bandula during meeharak Rajafucksa mayhem.”

      I totally agree with you. I loathe these two disgusting animals being seen on tv.

  • 34

    So this guy is going to make 10 bn bonas in addition to his Father in law’s 5 bn dovery. What lukiest guy. Next step is 69th episode im sure.

    • 12

      No you got it wrong Kepal. The latest figures, thanks to a whistle blower-and by the way they are going after him-, reveal PT made over 10 Bn in the last 14 months. So Arjun, with only a BA from a second grade University in Australia and at such a young age, is richer by at least Rs 20 Bn. What a windfall !!

      His ( so called) brilliance blended with immense luck ( for having his father-i-law in the right place at the right time)is no match for you and I.A few more of these individuals/geniuses or ‘ Entrepreneurs’ in this small island in the midst of trying to recover from a 30 year war – oh God please save our country !

      This day-light robbery is the most talked event in the country today, yet he has the audacity to go and make these claims from MTV and DN stating that they are willfully and deliberately making false statements that affect his so-called reputation. Come-on Arjun give us a break will you .

    • 3


      “Next step is 69th episode im sure”

      With whom? You, your Mxx or Fxx?

      You stupid brat, why are you unable to consider these facts?

      Will the court allow the compensation without hearing the case?
      Why did CB maintain such a fund leaching procedure/mechanism and isn’t CB is the sole entity that is responsible for creating such a self-destructive mechanism?

      Was Auditor General asleep while such a leak has been happening for years?

      Who created created this arrangement, since when, why wasn’t there followup, review and oversight?

      What the fuck those expert idiots WA Wijewardena et al who bang bank on internet forums these days how Central Banking should happen have to say about this? Were they not aware about this built-in system in CB practice, incidentally they claim credit for every goodies in Central Banking?

      etc. etc.

      • 0

        [Edited out]

  • 20

    haha so you need few more bukes , thieves like you will suffer in dead bed as you are stealing from poor people in sri lanka

  • 19

    The lawyer who drafted this letter must follow a english course at British Council. These are the products of Post 1956 swabasha education. Please read both letters and correct grammatical mistakes.

    • 7

      English is on the way to extinction here. This is, after all, an ordinary Proctor and by today’s standards her English is not bad. Recently, we had a Chief Justice who could not converse properly in English. The Justice Minister is hardly better.

      Sri Lanka, that was well known for her brilliance in the English language only a few decades ago now has a reputation as a producer of domestic servants, unskilled labourers and drivers to uneducated Arabs. Thank the Sinhala Only Policy for that. The Sinhalese wanted to impose disabilities on the Tamils, who were good in English. Now both Sinhalese and Tamils are in the doldrums. In the old days many of our brilliant lawyers and English teachers, I must admit, were Sinhalese.

      Frank N. Stein

  • 11

    Arjun called most of his friends and told them to invest in the bills a few weeks before the bill issue. Anyone smart enough will get a copy of his bill details and find out these unnamed friends and see how much money his personal friends made from the issue.

  • 15

    Did you know that some lottery ticket and company competitions state that people in the company and also their relatives can not participate in the event. But when it comes to government bill issues, this is a joke.

    Laws are for poor people, so that they won’t riot and mess things up for the rich people and politicians.

    Whoever the government was, MR or even MS, both would have helped cover up this scam, because the reason is simple. They both get funding for their political events. Printing posters, providing food to the bus loads, hosting events, and so many other things.

    Our politicians are downright scum, and there are people who actually think some people are different. Fools.

  • 24

    he is acting on instructions from RW !That is why this seedy character is so arrogant !Let him go to court. The entire media must unite against this fraudster and his pretentious father in law.

    How can father in law be the chairman of central bank when son in law is dealing in bonds issued by the bank ?

    How did this particular bond issue become so large and lucrative for the son in law ?

    We must unite against this rascal

    • 2

      Harry Hatton, let justice take its course. But, one thing I agree with an earlier writer is that both Bandula Jayasekera and Faraz Shauketally are two arrogant, ignorant fellows who pretend they are preaching the Gospel. Jayasekera was a stooge of MARA and Faraz S was put in his place by MARA.
      Sirasa and MTV have their own agendas. They are worse than State TV.They are very famous for trumpeting their own so called achievements.

  • 5

    I have studied both letters carefully. They have both been photocopied on the same photocopier.This was before they were mailed. So the lawyers have leaked it. That is serious violation of client confidentiality.BASL ask for explanation.I advise Sirasa and Wijeya to sue the lawyers for 5 billion to pay Alloysus.

    If the letters remained confidential, then Wijeya and Sirasa could have through their lawyers come to an amicable settlement and promise not to lie to the gullible readership of Sri Lanka. Lawyers then can only charge 1million for sending the letter.

    Now it is an open fight.So lawyers will charge Perpetual Rs 100million to start with as they know they have made Rs 10 Bill.

    So my advice to all three parties is to call the lawyers bluff and settle without getting any of the scum of Sri Lanka also known as commercial lawyers involved. They thought they hit their pay day for life on this allegation.

    Read my blog for confirmation that all these allegations by Perpetual are in fact true. It is time the Wijeya and Sirasa editors find another life and stop taking the brain dead Columbians for a ride.

  • 6

    sirasa during rajafucksa as you say were being bombed, stoned, claymore bombed, and generally being harassed. Faraz was being shot for exposing corruption. I wont stop . Now why dont you commit an unnatural sexual act on yourself.

  • 3

    LOL, the man knows how to get rich quickly, now double or treble his insider dealings profits; go on Aloy, sue some more prominent ones, how about the staff at the CB. Heard the story of The Tar Baby?

  • 1

    Guys.. Remember the three Legal Eagles in Hulsdorf who were appointed by the Y PM Batailanda Rali, and gave the kid and the FIL both a clean Bill of Health in Bond Trading?..

    Wonder whether they are appearing him for this time too.

    No win No Pay is the norm in these sorts of Mega Bucks cases.

    With 10 Billion in total, those three buddies of Ranil also can make a mint even if they split it 30 70 ..

    Yahapalanay is not even two years and we already have Five LKR Billionaires . How Cool..

    Wonder how much pretty boy Malik is worth?…

    • 2

      KA Sumanasekeraya,

      What happened to your lomba in your dustbin mouth?

      Did it get shed due to cum poisoning? And whose cum is it?

  • 1

    Showcat Bandula J, you are making this matter even curioser and curioser by bringing sex into it!!!! Hurrah for that.Who said sex and Bond(s) don’t mix?By the way what’s an “unnatural sexual act”? Every such act I thought was natural until an onlooker(peeping Tom ) declared it “unnatural”!!

  • 3

    The Kid Arjun has taken on the Media not realising that he has given a golden opportunity
    for the case to be opened up and facts thrown out. So much for that peanut brain.

    It is a good platform for all the media groups to join together along with those fighting for the
    truth to come out, to join hands and show what Father in law / son in law combination has done the
    the country where people are struggling to have a proper meal let alone 3 meals.

    So now the Mahendran’s of Bondi Scheme, Aloysius of Perpetual Income, Maharajah’s of MTV and the CJ – all tamils will start a legal episode which the nation will witness.

    The JO, the Civil Society Groups, Anti corruption Bodies etc etc were constantly demanding for credible investigation and even to the point of requesting Presidential Commission to find out the truth. Now is the
    opportunity !!! Thanks Arjun and Arjuna ( FIL & SIL ) for this.

    • 1

      Tax payer 2 certainly has a peanut brain… You obviously don’t understand how the law here works. How can sirasa or DM prove any of it is true? They will lose big bucks in this.

  • 2

    The law of defamation considers a statement to be defamatory if such statement has hurts someone’s reputation by that statement. However I believe that it will apply only if the statement is in fact false. A true statement, no matter how harmful, will not be considered defamatory.

  • 1

    Danny – Whether Sirasa and DM can prove their their statements to be true or not
    is one thing Arjuna will have to defend his position, and in the process lot os facts will
    emerge. Sirasa has already collected enough information to face the legal battle.

    Let’s wait and see.

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