6 February, 2025


Arjuna Mahendran Hunts For Central Bank Whistleblower

Governor of the Central Bank, Arjuna Mahendran is on the hunt for the Central Bank whistleblower who disclosed his credit card details to National Freedom Front (NFF) Leader, Wimal Weerawansa.



Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that ever since yesterday’s revelation by Weerawansa about the high spending lifestyle of Mahendran, the Central Bank Governor has launched a hunt to find out who leaked the confidential information from the Bank’s Finance and Internal Audit Department about his expenses.

On Thursday, Weerawansa alleged that Mahendran had spent a staggering Rs. 14.5 million rupees in 2015 alone as personal expenses which have been paid by the Central Bank, an allegation rejected by Mahendran as ‘baseless’ and claimed that all his personal expenses were paid by him from a credit card issued to him by a private bank.

But, Weerawansa citing a credit card statement issued to Mahendran from the Central Bank said that his food bill alone has been Rs. 3.6 million, while his hotel bill was Rs. 4.7 million from February to December 2015. “If you break the food bill for this period, he has eaten for more than Rs. 10,000 a day,” Weerawansa told a news conference.

Apart from the hotel and food bill, Mahendran has also spent Rs. 1.7 million last year for entertainment purposes. “So to eat he has spent Rs. 10,000 a day, and for his entertainment another Rs. 5000 a day,” Weerawansa said.

The cost incurred for Mahendran’s inbound travelling alone during this period is said to be around Rs. 650,000. “Basically when you look at the travelling cost, it seems like he was never at the Central Bank, because he was always out travelling,” Weerawansa said.

He also claimed that the Central Bank had paid Rs. 2.1 million for Mahendran’s clothing bill which he had purchased overseas. “I don’t know if the clothes were made out of gold, but no Governor in the history of the Central Bank has ever wasted so much money as much as Mahendran has,” Weerawansa said.

Weerawansa added that everyone was talking about alleged robberies during the Mahinda Rajapaksa government, but everyone was now silent when daylight robberies such as these were taking place out in the open.

The government is coming under increasing pressure to not extend Mahendran’s term as Governor, which is scheduled to end later this month.

Latest comments

  • 30

    Unfortunately SL has a idiotic arrogant PM.

    • 5

      I have no doubt, all these are just unprovable gossips.

      Werrawanse is famous to attack anyone, We remember how he attacked ” Ayyo Sirisena ” in the MR election campaign. Now shameless bugger can even sit with elected President Sirisena being that easy facing him.

      Not to disrespct Tree climbers, but Weerwanses background is not far from a low level uneducated person, but the mans rhetrorics were given front place under Mr Abusive Rajaakshe administraton.

      I think if he is subjected to travel, the plane costs should be paid by govt, basta. But I really donthtink that he Mahendran as a senior banker would ever parasite CB for his private shopping tours.

      • 9

        Has he or anyone denied this?

      • 0

        Oh, really ? your need to touch your bottom to feel your brains. Bond issue happend! His son in laws company got benefited, it is illegal. Arjun Mahendran should be sentenced to jail. shooting the messenger ? Messenger character is not in question here. Investigate the truth.

      • 0

        Sama in denial mode. THIS is the reason why Wimal is jailed. All these are details from his credit card and that is why AM is gunning for the informant.

    • 5

      Like the case in germany and some other developed countries, we need laws to claim if anyone would spread lies about anyone to be charged by hard fines. Then only, we can see a responsible society building. In srilanka of the day, they just spread any hearsays as if they are truthful facts. This should be stopped in this country.

      Harte Strafe muss es sein – rigorous punishments against any liars should be brought to control idiots of the Wimalbruuwanse kind.

  • 11

    What is corrupt WW saying.People should not make unfair allegations against against Hon. AM. He is a product of a leading elite school in Sri Lanka, “Oxford” /”Cambridge” educated person and worked (god only knows at what capacity) at a leading international bank in Singapore (Sounds like a typical SL marriage proposal) whatever before forced to take up the appointment per RW request.

    By the way does anyone has a copy his resume?

    Therefore the Sri Lankan people should foot his bills without any questions as he is a national asset. He has to buy designer clothing to meet his counterparts for important investment discussions impacting the country and negotiations. Please close your eyes and let his SonIL carryout the bond transactions and screw the people. If he is planning to leave Sri lanka he should build his wardrobe

    My foot if he did these in s’pore or anywhereelse he would have got landed in the jail.

    • 3

      Even if Westerners would marchin neibouring country, Wimal bruuwanse would see it unique to him calling it as a conspiracy being made on to lankens. His Nugathkama was not screened during the days of Maharaja administration. His took the ground as a viral fever could not easily be controlled after being affected as of now.

      There are the kind of men that abused the vulnerable nation easily. Even today, they continue to do so

  • 10

    Not to depend Arjuna Mahendran, but we should also know what are the perks and salaries entitled to a Central Bank Governor under his/her Employment Contract.

    141 Employees of Bank of England was paid more than the salary of Prime Minister David Cameron who is paid £142,500 a year.

    Bank of England Governor who is a Canadian is paid £874,000 a year plus £250,000 housing allowance a year.

    Lets look at what % salaries and perks Arjuna received compared to this and also what he was getting in Singapore before he was appointed as Governor and what he can in an competitive labour market!!

    • 9

      Kutta, how can you be so dumb to compare the budget of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan Central Bank to countries such as England and Canada? From what end are you smoking whatever you are smoking?

      You must be one of those refugees living in England or Canada to compare Sri Lanka’s budget to those countries!

      What an irrational, unintelligent and idiotic comment Kutta has made.

      • 4

        How can you be so dumb to say that I made a comparison with Canada while I’m not. I just said he was a Canadian. Even some unintelligent ones will have some ideas of labour market except you I guess. A senior manager in the Finance field gets an annual salary in the range of £60,000 to £70,000 in the UK their counterparts in Sri Lanka gets around LKR150,000 per month ie LKR1,800,000.

        So comparisons are possible and also to other allowances!

        FYI – MY asylum was accepted and Yours rejected! And you ended up warming up a seat in a Government office in Sri Lanka!

    • 6

      Over the years Sri Lanka lost many capable people to countries that pay high and provide healthy and comfortable life. These capable people have contributed significantly to build other countries rich, after they got their free education in Sri Lanka. If Sri Lanka ever want them back to build Sri Lanka itself, the only way Sri Lanka can get this is providing them the same comfortable life and higher salaries. Central Bank Governor is perhaps the first case study we all are watching for. If he is geting this much trouble why would other bother to go back and build Sri Lanka? Today Microsoft and Google got Indians as CEOs. There are many Sri Lankans lead major multi-million dollar enterprises in the developed world. They are capable – does Sri Lanka want them back to build Sri Lanka? If so, do not give in to political pressure of gangsters and pseudo Marxists. Let them be history and move forward!

    • 4

      First someone need to verify that LIAR Wimal’s statement whether it is true or not. CB Governor job involves participation in various conferences and negotiations and Foreign travels involved. The expenses incurred if it is true should be ascertained whether necessary as part of the job.

      Arjuna Mahendran before appointed as the Governor of CBSL, worked as Chief Investment Officer-Wealth Management division at Emirates NBD. No one gives up a lucrative job for nothing. A salary guidance for these kind of jobs shows that a CFO for SME USD220,000 to USD490,000 Large Company USD240,000-USD600,000.

      Why Mr Cabraal’s expenses were not coming out. We know he even used state Helicopters to travel within Sri Lanka – Is it because the two Governors are different Ethnic group?

  • 2


    Your line….

    You can pretend to be an elite,but I am sure it is tiring….And frankly, there are no elites in Colombo….

    What a misconception! Have I PRETENDED to be an elite,whatever that means?
    You are tired by a misconception on your part; Dont blame me.
    Pretension? Fiddlesticks!

  • 4

    His spending is peanuts compared to the [Edited out] Shiranthi and Pushpa?

  • 2

    Could you pls gives in detail is that spending in SL or abroad sometimes they give treat to officials may be to get this IMf loans or find inverters etc.

    In Maharajas time GL was giving big hoists in London before UNCHR.

    By the way how much do the charge at galadari in Colombo.

    Entertainment may be gin and tonic or wines etc

  • 2

    It is far better if we can hire DSK (Dominique Straas Khan)former IMF Chief definitely he will do better job than present Governer way the economy goes we soon be like Somalia.It is high time I spill the beans how DSK came to run Sri LanKan economy.When MR government struggling to get a loan from IMF it was denied.Suddenly a close friend & cousin of MR called me said he want his land sold in Sri Lanka.So I told him that time country financial situation was bad it will improve if we get IMF loan if he can intervene in personal capacity.That time soon after war victory many western countries shun our country due to alleged human rights violations.Incidentally a controversial minister ( who tied public servant to a tree) cousin well known to DSK family.From their influence IMF loan was granted.Former CB Governor Cabral periodically consulted DSK paying a high fee but former Governor pretended he is running the show but actually DSK did the work.

  • 2

    CEO of commonwealth bank of Australia is getting a pay of 13 million Australian dollars per annum while prime minister of Australia is being paid 500, 000 dollars only. All financial institutions has to pay a lot for their chairman, director or CEO. Not only in overseas but in srilanka too.

  • 6

    Mr. Arjun Mahendran is not the roving ambassador of Sri Lanka but the
    Governor of Central Bank of Sri Lanka and there was no necessity for
    him to have done so many trips. This accusation of spending lavishly
    is in the air after yesterday’s revelation by MP Weerawanse and unable to understand as towhy the Governor cannot make a statement of accounts
    to the press.He need not answer Weerawanse directly as Jnt. op. is all out for his throat but could have released a general statement for public knowledge, though it is not customary. Mr.Barack Obama, US Prez
    once had to produce a copy of his birth certificate to prove it to Mr.
    Trump that he was born in the US.He must realise that his actions affects his mentor. PM Ranil and his party unless he clears the accusation of extravagant spending of state funds by issuing a short
    statement of expenditure.
    We should also understand that hotel expenses,meals,and entertaining
    are very expensive in the west and he may have entertained high ranking
    IMF officials at expensive hotels to get the loans passed and when the dollar is multiplied by Rs,140/- (per dollar), it amounts to a large amount but not to the extend, MP. Weerawansa quoted and an expenses statement from the governor, would have satisfied all & sundry.

    • 4

      Lanka Watch

      “Mr. Arjun Mahendran is not the roving ambassador of Sri Lanka but the Governor of Central Bank of Sri Lanka and there was no necessity for him to have done so many trips”

      Someone has to travel, travel with the begging bowl, if necessary many trips begging for loans, favours, trade concessions, international protection for the war criminals, attend conferences including money laundering, ………… shopping, family holidays, taking the mistress on fun trips, visiting ones children studying abroad, ….

      Why should one pay for the official trips as well private trips if one is a politician or a bureaucrat?

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 2

    To Sama: Please do`nt talk about Weerawansa. An invetarate liar. Possibly the most deplorable, shameless, crooked, scoundrel ever to have appeared on earth from the beginning of the human race.

  • 0

    As for me; more than the veracity of the claim; both belong to the same sin bin as both have sullied their respect & credibility too badly; one to the credit of MR and not to be outdone; other for the credit of RW.

  • 1

    Look up AM’s credentials on the net.
    You are obviously not net savvy, as most SL folk probably even can’t afford to get a smart phone forget an iPad or computer.

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