19 February, 2025


Arundhati Roy Speaks Out Against Indian Rape Culture

The writer Arundhati Roy tells Channel 4 News she believes rape is used as a weapon in India and that women in the country are “paying the price”.

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    Arundathi Roy recently noted “Today’s India lives simultaneously in
    several centuries” How ironic but true. While nearly 10 Indian industrialists make it to the first 50 in the Forbes Richest Men in the World List the capital of India unenviably dubbed “The Rape Capital” of the country is a combination of incrdibly crowded, ill-smelling slums; wide modern roads and elegant vilas; the extremely poor and wretched; the fabulously wealthy and super-indulgent – and yet unable to protect its women travelling in buses in the morning. Who will take responsbility for this in the land of the Mahathma –
    whom Albert Schweitzer observed “generations to come will scarcely
    believe such a kind human being walked in this Earth”


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