24 January, 2025


Australian Company Bribe Scandal: “No Knowledge Of The Incident” Says Sirisena

Amidst serious allegations that incumbent President Maithripala Sirisena was involved in a bribery scandal when he was a cabinet minister, Sirisena in a statement to The Sydney Morning Herald has said, “no knowledge of the incident” and requested further details to “ascertain the involvement of any of his office staff.”

MaithripalaSirisena has also said he would co-operate “in any investigation” in Australia and “will also instruct the relevant local authorities to investigate”.

“Mr Sirisena did not respond to detailed questions.” the Newspaper said.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Australian Federal Police is currently carrying out investigations involving the iconic Snowy Mountains Engineering Company (SMEC) where it is reported that the company’s overseas staff allegedly bribed officials to secure a US $ 2.3 million aid funded sewerage project in Sri Lanka in 2011.

Company emails also reveal Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena and his adviser allegedly demanded political ‘donation’ to be paid by SMEC when Mr. Sirisena was a cabinet minister.” the Newspaper said.

Based on the investigations, the emails show a plot to skim the money off a World Bank-funded dam project in 2009. According to the Newspaper, if the company had made the ‘donation’ Sirisena was to approve the awarding of the dam contract to SMEC, which was worth US $ 1.8 million.

Related posts:

Sirisena In Soup Over Bribe Scandal Involving Australian Company

Latest comments

  • 27

    This story has some substance. Look at the huge personal wealth of President’s family members including the siblings. They own so many luxury hotels and businesses in an around Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa. How can they become so rich if they were children and grand children of a farmer from Polonnaruwa.

  • 1

    @Shamil . your Vocabulary is from the gutters, if you think The president is begotten of illegitimate birth ,but you unable to prove it , then the same could be said of you too.

    You can not go around name calling a leader of a Country , that is not use of freedom of speech , but abuse of it .

    Curtail your words ,or get sued , had you dared used the same term on Mahinda Rajapakshe ,you would have ended up like Thajudeen .

  • 8

    Political FACT of LIFE in SL is that at least 75% of our politicians are involved in helping themselves to a little ‘baksheesh’ ‘santhosam’ ‘puggah’ call it what you will. It is well known, it is accepted. A foreign businessman who has much success in Little Lanka explained (to a very young me) that ‘a little oiling of the wheels, ensures a smooth, trouble-free, ride’. A Boorah merchant acquaintance once explained to me the success of their very small business community – ‘we give but never, never-ever, talk’.

    There is no proper monitoring of these activities in SL. Politicians will keep each others secrets in these matters, but will, of course, be quite willing to use them when the opportunity requires.

    AND, our local media are quite afraid to openly expose those politicians who get rich quick without even writing their memoirs (like Thatcher) or getting a global consultancy (like Blair).

    No siree, our local politicians are very happy playing on home ground where they make the rules and control the referee. My ‘good friend’ let us call him Mr Ten-PerCent rose from NOTHING to sending his 2 children for an overseas education, and his wife on regular overseas jaunts/pilgrimages, and keeping a bint in Bangkok. All on the simple talent for ensuring that 10% of anything that should come to SL is diverted to a simple current account in a foreign bank.

    Spare a thought for MS wanting his memory refreshed. The politicians who ‘dabble’ do NOT keep records of who was played out, for how much and when. AND there are so many! How can a poor? politician remember them all?

    In fact, a SL politician NOT on the take is considered a wimp.

    WE are truly the Miracle of Asia.

    • 0

      Excuse me the Mr 10% you refer to has been in USA Having an on going buisness for a long time. Are you aware of this fact?

  • 11

    A friend of mine, a Yahapalana supporter of the last presidential and parliamentary elections told me this story about Prez Sirisena’s sudden visit to Thirupathy in South India. He said it reminds him of the 16th century King Rajasinghe who killed his father to grab the throne and desperately looked for some consolation and pardon from Buddhism. (It’s up to you to decide ‘who killed who’ to capture the 21st century Sri Lankan throne).
    Unfortunately Buddhism has only one verdict on patricide (or matricide which is equal to killing Mother Lanka); according to Buddhism, it is an Ananthariya Akusala Kamma. Its result is ‘people’s ongoing curse in current life and definite hell in next birth’. King Rajasinghe went from one temple to the other consulting erudite Buddhist monks but they were not ready to bend the Buddha’s verdict. Prez Sirisena too got an ‘earful’ from the Gatambe no-nonsense monk a few weeks ago and gave up on Buddhism and apparently turned to Thirupathy just like King Rajasinghe who turned to South India.
    Resultantly, the opportunist Hindu cleric Arittha Keevendu pretended he could definitely rescue the king from his patricidal mess. This Hindu cleric who arrived from South India said to the king, unlike in Buddhism, there was a Hindu ‘pooja’ to perform with king’s personal participation, and the king, as a result would be totally relieved from his grave ‘sin’ of killing his innocent father. As the first step, he convinced the king to kill all Buddhist monks who ‘ill-advised’ him by drowning in the river, and then convert him secretly to Hinduism. Then he performed a week-long ‘pooja’ on Kelani river to ‘wash away’ king’s sins.
    Even today, Sri Lankans refer to the words allegedly uttered by Arittha Keevendu at this pooja “Raja ho Ma ho Ganga ho” (Either king, or me or the river). That’s how he took the advantage of killing two birds with one stone! Interestingly, the expression: Kattadiya, a combination of the two words: Katta (cunning) aadiya (cleric) entered the Sinhala vocabulary after this royal tragedy. This is also a major reason as to why people look at ETCA and the proposed Indo-Lanka Bridge suspiciously.
    At the end the unfortunate king who otherwise could have become one of the bravest kings that gave an extremely hard time to the Portuguese invader in the 16th century died an untimely death –apparently being poisoned through a bamboo thorn- at Pethangoda on the bank of the Kelani river.

    • 12

      Dear Siribiris,

      May we say God save the King, because no one will save the Yahapalana President, the traitor.

      Thank you Siribiris…

    • 7

      Thank you Siribiris, a fascinating account. I remember reading about Arittha Keevendu Muniamma in school.

  • 8

    The sad story is that Mathripala Sirisen do not know how that he become President of Sri lanka ?

    MS is baby elephant! of UNP-@@@@@@@@@@@@

    Tragedy of Sri Lanka-democracy is that wise men are out politics lack of US $!
    Do you asked question from that MS will say or tell to press that he does know any thing.

    That is why public call him “baby elephant” under the supervision the UNP leaderships.
    But you have answerable to charges against you His Excellence President?

    We need your past record must be clear by relevant authority of any country.

    • 1

      This way you or any other low men attack him varous manner..

      he then being in the boat of Mr Abusive Rajapakshe had to go through all the commands given by those abusive high men in Rajakashe Adminsitration.

      But he is the only person who has fearlessly broken away to send SRILANKEN GADAFI home….

      Remember, this not just or other event, those who had been under MR Abusive as Cabinet ministers did all various kind of high crimes.

      You guys behave as if you know nothing…. how many were killed in post war alone… i mean not in nothern soils but in otherareas ?

      Even the murder of Thadjudeen became known as a murder after the My3 and Ranil investigated it.

      MR and their men will have no chance in the lanka tomororw. They will be sent marginalized the way Gadafi family men and their ilk dissapeared … that is the best example to Rajakashe in the months come.

      • 1

        simon de silva

        It is laughable to read comments from Batalanada followers. The topic was if bodhi sira (alleged) to have involved in was proper or not. Not about MR’s misdemeanours. Why bring MARA into this issue? We all know he was corrupt. He was voted out by 62 lakhs. Now the topic is bodhisira and no one else. So stop bull sh*****g.

        Let me also add at this point. All of you who are attempting to side step the issue and bringing MR into foray will not back bidhisira if and when he decide to contest the next presidential election. Would you be so kind to him then? The answer is a BIG NO. Then you lot will compare him to MARA at no ends. Am I correct?

        The person who is benefitting from all this is batalanda. He must be wringing his hands with glee now that another obstacle to his ambition is removed. So are the over zealous politicains such as Dilan Perera, SB et al.

        Bodhisira is effectively finished and knocked out with this issue. Even if he gets away with another corrupted inquiry, at the time of next elections all those UNP friends and supporters who backed him will fly away in droves leaving him alone. He is goner now!! Yahapalana victim number one.

        Just as people threw MR out, bodhisira too will be thrown out with a reputation for being the man who destroyed the once proud SLFP.

        • 3


          I saw in the Colombo media that Batalanda Ranil is planning to contest the Presidency under SLFP logo next time?..

          Cousin must be ecstatic…

  • 3

    Its no surprise that the president can’t remember this incident. All Sri Lankan have very short memories.

    • 1

      All Sri Lankans do have very short memories. Is the memory short because it happened some time back and is just an isolated incident or there were so many transactions and cennot remember which one is being referred to.

  • 2

    This ‘president’ must be having Alzheimers… LMAO!

  • 6

    Siribiris wrote this comment for another CT article which is a logical reply to Simon de Silva.
    There is a myth about what’s going on within the SLFP today! Some say: if the SLFP is split the UNP will win future elections. This is not only a wrong assumption but an illogical view of the facts as far as Sri Lanka is concerned! Why?
    The majority voters are neither UNPers nor SLFPers. They are the poor masses who are engaged in a constant struggle to make their ends meet. For them, Ranil+My3 Yahapalana government is nothing but a set of broken promises! They feel it on a daily basis especially when they reach their empty wallet. They don’t see anything ‘worthwhile’ that occurred during the last 20 months. To say the least, they think now that Ranil+My3 had no plan for the country but hatred-filled, empty, dream-like set of promises only!
    Since Ranil+My3 coalition has failed to deliver what they promised it is likely that the voters will reject it outright and vote against the duo at their first possible chance. The voter wouldn’t see whether the Yahapalanaya is a single party or a combination of two or more parties. Enemy is an enemy whether he/she comes in the form of a single individual or a couple or a group of individuals. The best example for this type of ‘voter behavior’ is the last general election: those who went against Mahinda were defeated by the people even if they contested under Mahinda Rajapaksa’s betel leaf. People are not seagulls; they can think especially when everything has gone against their wishes after the Yahapalanaya came to power. That’s why My3 uttered threats at the duo’s first ‘wedding’ anniversary and Ranil is running throughout the country to promote UNP membership! What the voters question themselves today is whether My3+Ranil fooled them to believe that Mahinda was a crook but Ranil+My3 are Lilly white! Nevertheless, what they had observed today is quite the opposite! (My3 is a silent witness for the Central Bank bond scam and Ranil is a silent witness for My3’s nepotism and cover-up of his own crooks or ministers. Now there is another fascinating revelation coming from Sydney, Australia, and it is apparently coming right from the horse’s mouth).
    Therefore, what the voter sees at future elections is not a ‘split’ SLFP or a ‘united’ UNP but the governing coalition headed by President and Prime Minister as one party that contests against the Joint Opposition headed officially or unofficially by Mahinda Rajapaksa. This is the ground reality. Thank you!
    August 23, 2016 at 12:27 pm

  • 1

    A leading SL daily carried this editorial:
    “How would the government have reacted if the allegations in The Age/SMH reports had been against one of its political rivals? The state-controlled media would have torn that person to shreds and some of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption officials would have been flown to Australia post-haste to conduct a special investigation.
    Those in power at present effectively used the web-based media to disseminate various allegations against its rivals and engineer the downfall of the previous administration last year. The boot is now on the other foot.”

  • 1

    Sirisena does not know anything or in any way able to govern a country!this is a fact .The powers that be in the UNP put him infront not because they did not have a single UNP er who could have contested the presidency Sirisena option was Ranil’s way of not allowing anyone to supersede him

  • 2

    To me something smells fishy about this story because this news came just after when president said “I will reveal the secret of others”, money can do so much wonders of the world. If the President wants to clear his name he will do a genuine investigation on this matter. At least he can’t do magic on this Australian police also investigating this.

    • 1

      Sira is a master crook who defeated the monster rpbber and came to power. He thinks that he can keep his former companinons mouth shut by blackmailing them. Pooe soul

  • 0

    Most pertinent question I see here is why was the SL manager of this company sacked Couldn’t it be that he keep the money for himself and inform the principals that he had to give this money as a bribe to secure the contact?
    How could they now say no money has been paid. Did they, on their own found out that this was a made-up story by their SL Manager. A full independent inquiry will reveal all the facts.

  • 2

    Dear Justicia! It is only through sacking this kind of people that you could pave the way for an honest inquiry. If Mahinda were not defeated do you think the nature of crooks who were near and dear to him would ever be revealed. Today that set is on the laps of My3 and Ranil and taking the advantage they sling mud at Mahinda. Why prof Wijesuriya said that if he had power he would sack 6 Cabinet ministers and 11 secretaries. Did he say that for fun or with facts in his possession?
    You ask: “How could they say no money has been paid. Did they, on their own found out that this was a made-up story by their SL Manager”. Do you think Australian authorities (Media and the Police) behave like their counterparts in Sri Lanka?
    In the West where I live, the authorities do not make allegations for fun like in Sri Lanka without solid evidence and proof.If you drive beyond the speed limit, the Western police officer do not sound the siren right away and ask you to stop. He/she follows you while his colleague check your driving dossier with the help of your car plate number on the in-built system. If you go too fast the police cruiser will ask for backup! In the mean time their close up camera system will video everything including your driving behaviour, speed included. Finally you can not deny what you have done!
    You write as if you know nothing about this hypocritical world of politics and the bastardy nature of its players! Of course they don’t take ‘bribes’ but they use a third or fourth or even a fifth party to do the dirty job for them and if they get a chance they liquidate those parties when the job is complete and done and the money is in their pocket. Just look at how they stole money through Central Bank bonds! Why is it called a daytime robbery?
    Don’t behave like a kindergarten kid when it comes to politics.

  • 0

    Whatever happened to this story ?
    Was it swept under the Yahapalana rug ?

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