Sinhala Ravaya organisation has demanded the Police to ban the wearing of the burka and the niqab with immediate effect, if they decide proceed with implementing the ban on wearing the full-face helmet.
Speaking at a media briefing yesterday, Convener of Sinhala Ravaya Magalkande Sudaththa said, “If the Police claims full-face helmets are banned to reduce crime rates, it is nothing more than a decoy to cover the inefficiency of the Police. A man dressed in a burka attempted to rob a bank in Katugasthota and a drug lord was evading the Police for year under this attire. . . What is the technique that is deployed by the Police to identify a criminal hiding under this attire?”
He went on to state that if the Police is able to state whether it’s a man, a woman or a criminal that is hiding under the niqab or burka, the Police should deploy similar method to crack down on criminals attempting to engage in illegal activities under the cover of the full face helmet.
“If the full face helmet is to be banned – we urge the Police to ban the burka too as it is a grave threat to national security,” he added.
The ban on the full face helmet was to be implemented with effect from today but the Court of Appeal issued an interim order last afternoon suspending the operation of the policy advisory.
Meanwhile, earlier this week a spontaneous protest was organized by the motorcycle riders who protested against the ban at the Galle face Green then arrived at the Prime Minister’s office and from there proceeded to the Kandana residence of Public Order Minister John Amaratunga to express their objection to the decision.
Amarasiri / April 3, 2015
Sinhala Ravaya Should be Named Para-sinhala Ravya, as All are paras.
RE: Ban The Niqab/Burka If Full-Face Helmets Are To Be Banned: Sinhala Ravaya
“Sinhala Ravaya organisation has demanded the Police to ban the wearing of the burka and the niqab with immediate effect, if they decide proceed with implementing the ban on wearing the full-face helmet.”
Para-Sinhala Ravya, you do have a good point here.
Face helmet is banned because of Security reasons.
Burka, is NOT a Religious requirement in Islam. It is a requirement by the Wahhabis Tribals and their Clones who follow Iblis, The devil, Satan. Allah did not require that as stated in the Holy Quran, the Holy Book of those who follow Islam.
After all, the Native Veddah Aethho, to whom this Land belongs, would like to see the faces too. They too would like to know, if it is a ghost or a person.
Another reason is Vitamin D deficiency. This happens when the person does not get enough sunlight on the body.
Sugath / April 3, 2015
The solution is to make it an offense to wear a full-face helmet only when a person is not riding a motor bike.
The rider should take off the helmet immediately he gets off the motor bike.
NAK / April 3, 2015
Very good point.
leel / April 3, 2015
No need to ban any of them.
Ban pedestrians from wearing motorcycle helmet.
Ones motorcyclist (including pillion rider) immediately upon dismounted from motor bike he becomes pedestrian. Does pedestrian need a motorcycle helmet to walk. My firm belief is no.
Then ban him (pedestrian) using it while walking.
But there are some other people who required wear helmets. Actually they can not consider as pedestrians. They are road side workes who work for construction and utility service industries. But they use different type of helmets for their occupational safety. They should not allow to use the motor cycle helmet for occupational related works.
Amarasiri / April 13, 2015
Para-Sinhala Ravya in the land of Native Veddah Aethho.
RE: Ban The Niqab/Burka If Full-Face Helmets Are To Be Banned: Sinhala Ravaya
Para-Sinhala Ravya, you do have a point, just keep the face open. The Problem with the Burka and Niquab is the face, not being exposed.
Should we ban sunglasses as well, because it covers 25% of the face?
Given below is a Tutorial for those women who do not know how to wear a Hijab that does not cover the face, and still falls within Islam, and NOT tribal Wahhabi Traditions.
Hijab Tutorial : INAYAH Collection inspired!
Snowden Edward Asange / April 3, 2015
How about THUGS who cover themselves in robes…starting from U to Gandassara and your ilk? When u adorn the robe ur supposed to be humane and peaceful, but ya’ll are a bane to Buddhism… what ethics do ya’ll have? NONE just free fed sex starved monsters…NOT all the robed monks but ur kind MUST be de-robed. Most of you adorn the robe just so you get FREE education and free food…Pinguththarayos….
gigurawa / April 3, 2015
Iam saddened by the obscene, vitriolic comments of Amarasiri and Snowden if they their proper names. Iam dismayed that the editor sanctioned these replies. Rev Suddhatta makes a point with specific reference to crimes committed in disguise.
Ihave another concern. Idid not see any women wearing Hibabs or burkes when i grew up in a town of mixed race. It appears that this a way of muslims making their identity and separateness from others in society. in fact with growth of islamic fundermentalism all over the world many in the free world are justified in thinking that musilms by virtue of their religion a should be granted special rights and priviladges. In the democratic west no one s given special rights by virtue of his or her religion. even though they are christian countries, built over centuries on christian values. France banned the burka on grounds that wearing it in public indirectly impinged on the freedom of people because the impugned separateness in public.
I myself feel uncomfortable to speak to some one who wears a burka in public.
How would one fathom a situation where every woman( man) covers her(his) face in public places, offices, schools hospitals., in bus in taxi.
Also I feel the dress in this instance discourages mingling of the peoples and cementing their bonds of union.
Amarasiri / April 3, 2015
“I am saddened by the obscene, vitriolic comments of Amarasiri and Snowden if they their proper names. Iam dismayed that the editor sanctioned these replies. Rev Suddhatta makes a point with specific reference to crimes committed in disguise. “
Yes, facts hurt those who believe in myths, they are saddened, based on race, religion or other myths, because it shatters their age-old myths. Do you believe the Sun goes around the Earth? After all, the Sun rises from the East! Do you believe in evolution? Why not? What does the data say? Noe, this is the Age of Reason, not the Age of Myths and Illusions.
1. What is obscene about Calling Sinhala Ravya, Para-Sinnhala Ravya?
This is fact. The Paras came from India. The Proof is in their bodies, and DNA. The Land belongs to Native Veddah Aethho, who walked to claim the land over 25,000 years ago, when the sea levels wee low.
2. Burka, is NOT a Religious requirement in Islam. It is a requirement by the Wahhabis Tribals and their Clones who follow Iblis, The devil, Satan. Allah did not require that as stated in the Holy Quran, the Holy Book of those who follow Islam.
“The Quran admonishes Muslim women to dress modestly and cover their breasts and genitals.[7] Most Islamic legal systems define this type of modest dressing as covering everything except the face and hands in public.”
3. “It is a requirement by the Wahhabis Tribals and their Clones who follow Iblis, The devil, Satan”
“A number of authors have claimed that the hadith refers to Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the patronym of the Wahhabi movement. It is accounted that the origin of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab is from the modern day Najd region of Saudi Arabia,[14] which happens to be the only surviving region that carried on the title of ‘Najd’ after the geographical codification regardless that there were several distinct locations known previously as ‘Najd’. This theory is generally supported by adherents to other various sects in Sunni Islam that have disdain for Wahhabism.[15] This is often speculated to be due to the revival of prophetic traditions, strictly clinging to hadith and negating what was seen at the time to be bid‘ah or ‘heretical innovations’, instigated by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and later carried on by his followers.[16] as well as Twelver Shi’ism.[17] Contrary to the accusations there are numerical hadith that discredit this argument due to praise of the ethnic tribe of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, being the Bani Tameem tribe, and praise for the region of what is now known as Najd and its peoples. Through anthropological records it is accounted that the Bani Tamim are the majority of people inhabiting the land of modern day ‘Najd’ in present day Saudi Arabia.”
4. In the Quran there are over 25 references to Satan, Iblis.
Why don’t you go with the facts and proper references, instead of distorting historical references that are credible, and many proven by modern science?
Have you heard about Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Foucault?
salmajunaideen / April 4, 2015
I also find difficult to talk to women with the face cover. How do we note the non verbal expression. In fact there is a book by Sheik Qardawi translated in Tamil which proves that Niqab is not necessary as a Muslim woman.
Basically it is my right to know and identify a person whom I meet on the road. This segregates people. It is also Thabliq movement that encourages women to wear Niqab.
Main Mufti of the ACJU had written as to the importance of mingling and moving with all Sri Lankans. How do we do that if women are in Niqab. They should issue an opinion( fatwa) on niqab. In fact the famous Theologian Badawi issued a fatwa for women not to wear niqab or even hijab in trouble times. Please Google ” Sheik Badawi – England Hijab” I have given below the reference.
Please Take Off Hijab to Avoid Harm: UK Muslim Scholar | The Revival
Jul 28, 2005 – Take Off Hijab to Avoid Harm: UK Muslim Scholar Badawi said they have … Sheikh Zaki Badawi, the principal of the Muslim College in London …
The Quran Does Not Mandate Hijab – Irfi…/quran_does_not_mandate_hijab.htm
A high-ranking Shaykh, Dr. Abou El Fadl also received formal training in Islamic …. Dr. Zaki Badawi (head of the Muslim Council in London, England and the …
Native Vedda / April 5, 2015
“I also find difficult to talk to women with the face cover.”
I agree.
However wearing hijab does not obscure face and shouldn’t cause any problem. In most cases hijab enhances women’s beauty. Whether women chose to wear hijab is a matter for each of them to decide, depending on weather, health, safety, hygiene and as part of religious observation.
Hindus, Christians and Jews also cover their head as religious observation.
Some women are forced to wear buqua by men which is inhuman. If anything men should be compelled to wear it as most men are ugly.
The sudden changes in dress code makes one to wonder weather it is to do with Arabisation creeping through back door.
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
Native Veddah,
“The sudden changes in dress code makes one to wonder weather it is to do with Arabisation creeping through back door.”
Yes. Arab and Medieval Tribalism.
Burka, Niquab are NOT a Religious requirement in Islam. It is a requirement by the Wahhabis Tribals and their Clones who follow Iblis, the Devil, Satan. Allah did not require that as stated in the Holy Quran, the Holy Book of those who follow Islam.
“The Quran admonishes Muslim women to dress modestly and cover their breasts and genitals.[7] Most Islamic legal systems define this type of modest dressing as covering everything except the face and hands in public.”
Sylvia Haik / April 12, 2015
I have total respect for the views of Amarasiri and Snowden. The basis is tolerance and humanity that is alien to the likes of gigurawa. He is wallowing in the myth of his own superiority. It’s laughable his objections to talking to women with their faces covered. It would be a miracle if any woman, Muslim with face covered or other would wish to talk to him, with his lopsided views.
Snowden Edward Asange / April 3, 2015
when we grew up we didnt see kids wearing lama sarees and teh national dress for boys and go to religious school not only on Sundays but other days too….so many young kids wearing the saffron robes and used and abused .. does it mean we should stop them? NO. People are more smarter now than before and educated, so they research their religions and beliefs.
IF one feels he/she need to change its HIS OR HER decision and its between that individual and his/her diety.. WE cannot stop others from practising their religion… Freedom of religion is a basic human right….
priyangika / April 4, 2015
“But my freedom ends where your nose begins”. Niqab deprives the other person the right to see who the neighbor is. It is my right
Snowden Edward Asange / April 4, 2015
IF I am a niqab wearer, my freedom stalls where ur lustful eyes begins which sends signals to other parts of ur body… whether u be male or female…It is the right of the wearer to avoid LUSTFUL looks even by the neighbor…
Believe in love thy neighbor not his wife/daughters?
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
Snowden Edward Asange
“IF I am a niqab wearer, my freedom stalls where ur lustful eyes begins which sends signals to other parts of ur body…”
It is your right to protect yourself, yes, but not at the expense of others, and the society.
When you cover yourself in a Niqab or Burka, others are at risk because you are not much different from the person wearing a ski mask and trying to rob a bank. The cameras will only show a Burka and ski mask clad robbers robbed.
Besides, it is NOT required by the religion.
It is perfectly understandable that Ugly people will do that, but still the society is at risk.
Snowden Edward Asange / April 6, 2015
Amare……….so long the wearer is comfortable so be it… IF u r in micro mini or even bikini in public ,do u expect me to be comfortable/uncomfortable? does it mean I should ask u not to wear? NO ! Its ur right, likewise the wearer of the Burqa and Niqab has her OWN right…SO LONG it is NOT forced upon her… its by her own conviction that she should wear, not on being forced by someone nor rid it coz someone asks her to…
MOST women wear it to avoid LUSTFUL looks… Most western women who revert to Islam adopt wearing Burqa so that other men do not look at em lustfully..nor be the subject to rape… Chances are scantily dressed women end up getting raped than those in Burqa…
Amarasiri / April 11, 2015
Snowden Edward Asange
“MOST women wear it to avoid LUSTFUL looks”
Hijab was worn by the upper class women in the Byzantine Empire. The Muslim women got this tradition from them. There were perhaps other Tribal Traditions that was not Islamic, some pre-date Islam, some post-date Islam.
“MOST women wear it to avoid LUSTFUL looks”
The Catholic Nuns wear that too, but their faces are NOT covered. When they go back to the Nunnery,as a protocol, they do not participate in sex.
The so-called “Muslim” women who cover their heads a AND FACES, when they get back to their Nunnery, called home, they have sex with their men.
Is the problem with the “Muslim” Men or “Muslim” Women?
I am of opinion , the problem lies with Muslim Men, and those who follow the Wahhabis and their clones tribal traditions.
There is nothing about Niquab ot burqa in the 5 pillars of Islam.
Ahmed Reza / April 4, 2015
You mean [Edited out]
Rabok / April 4, 2015
Hey Gigurawa
You are worried Amarasiri calling Sinhala Ravaya – Para SR
How do you want call dogs – Sihala Ravaya idiots are also Paraya dogs among us Sinhalese –
Amarasiri / April 4, 2015
“You are worried Amarasiri calling Sinhala Ravaya – Para “”
The Paras, especially the so-called “Sinhala Ravyas”, who are truly Para-“Sinhala Ravyas”.
Amarasiri is calling a Spade, a Spade.
Amarasiri is calling a Para, a Para.
Amarasiri is calling Para-Sinhala Ravya, Para-Sinhala Ravya.
That is fact. Test the DNA in their bodies. Science gets to the truth with the Para-Sinhala Ravya.
Para-Sinhala Ravya, came from Southern India, to Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
Population Differentiation of Southern Indian Male Lineages Correlates with Agricultural Expansions Predating the Caste System
GaneshPrasad ArunKumar et al.
Previous studies that pooled Indian populations from a wide variety of geographical locations, have obtained contradictory conclusions about the processes of the establishment of the Varna caste system and its genetic impact on the origins and demographic histories of Indian populations. To further investigate these questions we took advantage that both Y chromosome and caste designation are paternally inherited, and genotyped 1,680 Y chromosomes representing 12 tribal and 19 non-tribal (caste) endogamous populations from the predominantly Dravidian-speaking Tamil Nadu state in the southernmost part of India. Tribes and castes were both characterized by an overwhelming proportion of putatively Indian autochthonous Y-chromosomal haplogroups (H-M69, F-M89, R1a1-M17, L1-M27, R2-M124, and C5-M356; 81% combined) with a shared genetic heritage dating back to the late Pleistocene (10–30 Kya), suggesting that more recent Holocene migrations from western Eurasia contributed <20% of the male lineages. We found strong evidence for genetic structure, associated primarily with the current mode of subsistence. Coalescence analysis suggested that the social stratification was established 4–6 Kya and there was little admixture during the last 3 Kya, implying a minimal genetic impact of the Varna (caste) system from the historically-documented Brahmin migrations into the area. In contrast, the overall Y-chromosomal patterns, the time depth of population diversifications and the period of differentiation were best explained by the emergence of agricultural technology in South Asia. These results highlight the utility of detailed local genetic studies within India, without prior assumptions about the importance of Varna rank status for population grouping, to obtain new insights into the relative influences of past demographic events for the population structure of the whole of modern India.
Solon / April 4, 2015
I too grew up in a town of mixed race/religion. Over fifty years ago I attended a school where classes were mixed too. There were school picnics. Sinhala students in the bus felt compelled to sing “Kirithey sadai thambikade; thambige handey (and body parts of his) adaarey”. Later on at the work place too I saw much evidence of their hate for those where not Sinhalese. This hate is more intense now.
The Sinhalese never missed an opportunity to put down non-Sinhalese.
The intention of Suddhatta, the so-called reverend, the Muslim hater, is not to defend the use of full face helmet, but to attack Muslim women’s wish to wear the Muslim dress.
That picture in the article, with those imbeciles on either side of the monster, speaks volumes about their intentions. Giburuwa obviously is one of them.
salmajunaideen / April 4, 2015
Songs like ” thambige thoppiya” etc were really fun. There were songs referring to kavun and Sinhalese etc. For me it did not appear as racist. I really enjoyed those moments and songs and I joined them too.
It is who sings and the context and if a person sings with venom it is different.
Solon / April 4, 2015
To tolerate hate is one thing; but when you are the target of that hate and to pretend to enjoy it is unfogivable.
Amarasiri / April 4, 2015
“Kirithey sadai thambikade; thambige handey (and body parts of his) adaarey”
Interesting Observation.
This is more entertainment than racism. but there is a racist element in there.
Anyway, let us call a Spade, a Spade, and a Para, a Para.
There is some Sexism in
“Suranganie, Suranganieta Malu Genawa” Got Fish For Suranganie
“Chitra Pererage Jangiya Irila Eka Ballanai Api Ave”
Chitra Pereras kicker was torn, that is why we came to see .
Not about a man. Not about Simon Pereras Sarong fell down and we saw a small fish.
So, a New Para-Sinhala Ravya and Para-Ballo Song:
“Para-Sinhala Ravya Para-Ballo Buranawa, Eka Ballanai Api Awe”
Para-Sinhala Rayya, Para-Dogs are barking, and we came to see that ..
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
“Iam dismayed that the editor sanctioned these replies.”
Why are you dismayed at CT Editor sanctioning replies that are closer to the truth?
The Tag line of Colombo Telegraph says, “IN JOURNALISM TRUTH IS A PROCESS”.
So they want is the truth out. The truth is that Sinhala Ravya is Para-Sinhala Ravya. Test the DNA in their bodies.
Despite almost 5 centuries after Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and Foucault, still, yes still, about 25% of americans and 34% of the Europeans believe the Sun goes around the Earth.
What percentage do you that that is in Sri Lanka? About 48%, all those Modayas, Mootals and Fools who voted for Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa.
MOHAMED MARZOOK / April 4, 2015
Can we also forget that Somarama Thero who shot the Late SWRDB also took the gun hidden under his robe.
Jim softy / April 3, 2015
Some one can cover the face with a burqa OR NIQUAB. and rob the bank or escape a crime scene.
Native Vedda / April 3, 2015
Jim softy
“Some one can cover the face with a burqa OR NIQUAB. and rob the bank or escape a crime scene.”
No need for a burqa or Niqab. Ruling party MPs, Ministers and Clan members can just walk into the treasury or ministry and just rob them.
Snowden Edward Asange / April 3, 2015
Mahinda, Gota, Sajin Vas, Johnston Fernando, Rohitha Abey ALL robbed WITHOUT wearing full faced helmet, Burqa and Niqab… how about first arresting them and then Gandaya and his ilk?
Gemunu Weeraya / April 3, 2015
Snowden Edward Asange / April 4, 2015
Wrong !.. the last I checked… MR, while being the President said SL is a Multi Cultural, Multi ethnic country…
Buddhism may be followed by majority but SL is NOT a Buddhist country, moreover Buddhism came from India….
Forget about the religious divide… join hands in building a UNITED Sri-Lanka, for generations to come, we lost almost 30 years and more than a hundred thousand lives already…
Amarasiri / April 4, 2015
Gemunu Weeraya
Lanka is the Country of Native Veddah aethho.
The Para-deshis, Par-Sinhala, Para-Tamil and other paras came later.
This includes the Para-Religions of Hinduism , Buddhism, Jainism and other “Religions” that came later.
Sinhala Buddhism is Not Buddhism. that is why there are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Lanka.
There is data to support the above assertion.
Gemunu Weeraya / April 4, 2015
Native Vedda / April 4, 2015
Gemunu Weeraya
Since when?
Some Buddhists eat dog meat. would you insist on all Buddhists to eat dog meat?
The decision to ban Burqa should be based on health and safety and women’s dignity not because stupid Gemunu Weeraya says so but because it is the right thing to do.
Amarasiri / April 4, 2015
Native Veddah,
“The decision to ban Burqa should be based on health and safety and women’s dignity not because stupid Gemunu Weeraya says so but because it is the right thing to do.”
The IQ of stupid Gemunu Weeraya must be well below 79.
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
Jim softy
“Some one can cover the face with a burqa OR NIQUAB. and rob the bank or escape a crime scene.”
The Robbers are better off Robbing from the other Robbers who have been doing the robbing during the past 10 teats, and most of it is in stashed away sat Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa Mansion, and other properties of Mahinda Rajapaksa.
All that stolen gold from the LTTE, it is in Mrs. Rajapaksa’s almirah.
Bedrock Barney / April 3, 2015
These dudes have serious Niqab envy!
Billa / April 3, 2015
These are all another form of pure racism, nothing but hateful racism. You, the ‘Mayanmar Wirathu’ kind of bigots should be properly ‘ruled’ or treated by ISIS one day !
Then only you will know the difference. You scums are just too much and don’t worry, your days may be numbered.
Amarasiri / April 3, 2015
“These are all another form of pure racism, nothing but hateful racism. You, the ‘Mayanmar Wirathu’ kind of bigots should be properly ‘ruled’ or treated by ISIS one day !”
1. In the Case of Sinhala Ravya, it is Racism by the Para-Sinhala, the Para-deshis from India, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
2. In the case of ISIS , it is mixture of Tribalism and following of the Iblis, Satan, Devil, and has nothing to do with Islam as written in the Holy Book of Muslims, the Holy Quran.
Burka and Niquab are all Tribalist “Tradition”, not Islamic Traditions.
gigurawa / April 4, 2015
Amarasiri, Why have you assumed a sinhala pseudonym.
I can see that you are a muslim. Muslims all over the world have failed to assimilate with the rest of the society they live in and gain sustenance from. Your foul mouthed diatribe does not attempt even to debate the most burning current issue confronting not only Sri Lanka, India or Russia, or the Christian west or Nigeria and East Coast of Africa but the very Arab Middle East where muslims are involved in mass killing of people of their own faith, murdering thousands people of other religions including recent killing of three thousand people in northern Iraq who belonged a minority religion older than Islam itself. All this in the name of religion.
We initially thought muslims in this country are more secular, but like westerners , we have now realised for you living day in and day out by your religion, subjugating your own women and distancing yourself from other communities on the grounds of religion is paramount.
not a single muslim in this country apologised when Taliban destroyed the2000 yr , historic Buddha statues in Afganistan in 2003
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
“Amarasiri, Why have you assumed a sinhala pseudonym. I can see that you are a muslim. Muslims all over the world have failed to assimilate with the rest of the society they live in and gain sustenance from”
Amarasiri is an Agnostic, and wants to know what the truth is. Simple.
Just because Amarasiri has a fair knowledge of Islam, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism Judaism, and other Religions, and Subjects, in addition to many others, it does not make Amarasiri one of them.
Amara-and Siri have multiple meanings in different languages. Just because Sri Lankans copied it from somebody else it does not make it any more Sri Lankan or Sinhala.
Remember, Lanka is the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Just because Para-Sinhala or Para-Tamils or other Paras, Para-deshis, occupied Lanka later, does not make it a Para-Land, a Para-Sinhala, Para-Sinhala Buddhist or Para-Tamil Land.
Why is that All these Myth Holders have a hard time, calling a Spade, a Spade. They are so immersed in their Myths, they cannot see the Truth.
1 in 4 Americans think the Sun Goes Around the Earth. Google it.
For the Paras in Sri Lanka and Many Muslims, it must be 1 in 2.
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
“Amarasiri, Why have you assumed a sinhala pseudonym. I can see that you are a muslim”
Amarasiri is not unique to Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, the Land Stolen by the Paras from Southern India.
Amarasiri is Agnostic. So, when Myths and lies get mixed up, expect Amarasiri to comment on them. Does nor matter what hue of religion it belongs to, but will try to stick to the original writings. Keep free of Myths and lies, you will be just fine. Unfortunately, it is hard for Myth holders to defend their unsupported Myths.
Now, Amarasiri understands why the Average IQ of Sri Lankans is 79 and why 5.8 million Sri Lankans voted for Mahinda Rajapaksa. Too many Modayas, Mootalls and Fools.
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
——– Country
———————– %
1 Singapore 108
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
23 Saudi Arabia 84
28 Sri Lanka 79
Does more religion make people more stupid?
Can religion make people more intelligent?
What does the data say?
jega / April 3, 2015
if the robbers do not stop robery,it’ll be difficult to eradicate it. the poor robbers can be easily cracked down by the police instead can they arrest the scrolling real robbers in politics.They r living in front at our sight……… who can ……?
FAMOUS449 / April 3, 2015
The prelate who is the chair of this organization is the main culprit who will then attempt to call the Legislators in particular and the general public in general to tolerate the raping by men justifying that women walking in full nude in the streets and in the coastal beaches around Sri Lanka will surely make a tendency to prevent and/or reduce raping to a greater extent.
What a fantastic idea…???
Ebahtog / April 3, 2015
Sinhala Ravaya seems like a racial organization and should be banned. These are the same people who indulge in terrorist activities, if given some room.
gigurawa / April 3, 2015
Today the racism is openly practiced in so called muslim states, Persecution of people of other religions is the norrm in every country where there is a muslim majority. And Buddhists were persecuted in our country By Christian colonialists during 550 years of their rule. This country has a 2500 year old history and civilisation .Buddhism is this country’s heritage, as much as Chistianity in the western countries.
Still you are permitted in this country to call buddhist monks racists. In Malaysia, (unlike neighbouring Singapore) and Indonesia which are supposed to be democratic countries the religious minorities do not enjoy the freedom you as a muslim enjoy here.
Amarasiri / April 3, 2015
“Today the racism is openly practiced in so called muslim states, Persecution of people of other religions is the norrm in every country where there is a muslim majority….”
These are two different issues.
1. Racism. Sinhala Buddhists probably killed many Tamils Buddhists in their various pogroms against the Tamils in Sri Lanka, notwithstanding the Dhamma of Buddha. Sinhala Christians did not kill Tamil Buddhists, Tamil Hindus or Tamil Christians. If they did, it was rare.
Do you know why there are hardly any Tamil Buddhists in Sri Lanka? Were they killed off by the Sinhala Buddhists?
2. Religion and its Teachings.
I am not aware of Christianity or Islam asking for discrimination based on race. If any racism was there, it was carried out the followers for their own advantage, tribal or racial, power or political.
“This country has a 2500 year old history and civilisation .Buddhism is this country’s heritage, as much as Chistianity in the western countries.”
If you read the Dipawansa abd Mahawansa, you can see how the Sinhala Buddhists treated the Natives, who were different.
The Vedda Tribe
You need to tell that to the Native Veddah Aethho, to whom the Land belongs.
Snowden Edward Asange / April 3, 2015
case in point here, is about Sri-Lanka… don’t deviate from the crux of the matter to spew ur hatred….Hannukah is practised by Jews in USA and Canada not just Israel, so is Ramadhan for Muslims, they even have a “Break a Fast” day at the White House” every year for the last 9 years and counting… so ur point is null and void when u say west tho Christian countries dont let others practise their religion…
There may be a reason why Islam is the fastest growing religion of the WEST… to research and to know about Islam and to QUESTION one may access …..
Peace out !!
Snowden Edward Asange / April 4, 2015
Hot news…. worth reading…
Amarasiri / April 4, 2015
Snowden Edward Asange
“There may be a reason why Islam is the fastest growing religion of the WEST… to research and to know about Islam and …”
Q1. Are Iblis and Satan Following Wahhabis and their clones (ISIS, Al-Queda, Taliban, Boko-Haram) hurting or helping the spread of Islam?
Q2. Are the General population of Muslims simply ignoring the Wahhabis and Satan, Iblis followers completely rejecting them, despite the fact that the Wahhabis are controlling the Holy city of Mecca?
Anybody have answers to these questions?
Snowden Edward Asange / April 4, 2015
Islam is a religion of peace. check the links and ask the scholars, am NO scholar ( if Issac Newton said, he was just a lil boy picking pebbles in the ocean, am not even in the picture)….(^-^) but I try to be moderate and take the middle path as instructed by Prophet Mohammed SAL..peace be upon him…
The groups u mention mayn’t be the best to follow just like what BBS and Sinhala Ravaya are…
Wahabbism is not followed by the Majority… some may but that aint Islam..
Islam is Quran Hadit Ijma and Qiyas.. nothing more and nothing less… try to get a translation of the Quran, the sites I mentioned send ones who are intersted free copies… read with an open mind and if need be u may challenge posing ur q’s to the scholars…
Peace to u Amare
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
Snowden Edward Asange
“Wahabbism is not followed by the Majority… some may but that aint Islam..”
Some say, Wahhabis and their clones constitute 5% of the Muslims. That is a lot of people, if there are 1 Billion Muslims. Of course not all are fanatic Wahhabis like the ISIS and other clones like Boko Haram.
Now, look at the percentage of Americans and Europeans, 25%, who think that the Sun goes around the Earth. It was in 1543 that Copernicus Published his Book on the Helio centric model, and followed by Galileo, Kepler, Newton and finally by Foucault, proving the rotation of the Earth. Still, 25% are ignorant. This is with conforming data and after man walked on the Moon!
Does the Earth go around the sun, or does the sun go around the Earth?
When asked that question, 1 in 4 Americans surveyed answered incorrectly. Yes, 1 in 4. In other words, a quarter of Americans do not understand one of the most fundamental principles of basic science. So that’s where we are as a society right now.
The survey, conducted by the National Science Foundation, included more than 2,200 participants in the U.S., AFP reports. It featured a nine-question quiz about physical and biological science and the average score was a 6.5.
Navin / April 4, 2015
Are you referring to the country where animals had sex with humans 2500 years ago?
Amarasiri / April 5, 2015
“Are you referring to the country where animals had sex with humans 2500 years ago? “
That is all myth.
No Lon DNA were found.
Only Para-DNA from India was found.
So, it is correct to refer to them as Paras, short for Para-Deshis, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
Shamil / April 3, 2015
[Edited out]
Ananda / April 3, 2015
Immediately take action to put the thugs who attack and destroyed meat shops in Colombo and elsewhere ,into the hands of the law enforcement officers to take legal action against them.
Michael / April 3, 2015
Why give these idiots any more publicity than they deserve?
Muslim / April 3, 2015
What a comparison ,by the racists Ravaya?
These racists must be put behind bars for all damages done for ethnic harmony.
Country has suffered enough from anti Buddhist monks .
Buddha never preached hatred.
These anti Buddhist monks are a shame to the good buddihst monks,as they bring down the sanctity of monk hood.
These racists must let the government rule and stop interfering in the rule of law.The Ravaya is trying to incite hatred again.
NAK / April 4, 2015
But you have not answered to their claim. Only charging them with hate and racism does not answer the question at hand.
If full face hemut is to be banned so should be the niqab and the monkey cap that is used in extreme cold weather that has openings only for eyes and mouth.
The purpose of such ban is not racial or religious descrimination but security of the society at large even though I too am opposed to such a ban.
Sammy / April 3, 2015
Hold no brief for and even condemn Sinhala Ravaya and everything they stand for but this one makes practical sense. A thief on a motorbike can get away as much with a full-faced helmet as with a niqab/burqua and maybe more so. Still, the point can be made that no niqab/burqa clad person will be riding a mo-bike and can arouse suspision but the pillion rider can.
Summa / April 3, 2015
For once they seem right! Leave alone Niqab/burka, the ban on full face helmet SHOWS police inefficiency! Police is there to prevent crimes and detect crimes. The ban on Full face helmet because someone robbed a bank is a nonsense. Would the police do the same to the use of knives because daily there are crimes using knives.
Jim softy / April 4, 2015
Just big mouth talk and no sense.
NAK / April 3, 2015
Monkey caps should also be banned!
Ahmed / April 4, 2015
I call upon all Muslims to give up face cover and beef. Both were not Prophet’s tradition. Those who cannot do that should migrate to countries like Somalia, where similar fellow Muslims are living. Please allow Sri Lanka to develop as a moderate nation.
Jimmy / April 5, 2015
What about Mc Donalds? Burger
Pizza hut
Gemunu Weeraya / April 6, 2015
The Muslims should go to the Arab countries from where they came to Sri Lanka Illegally and follow their SHARIA LAW.
Sylvia Haik / April 4, 2015
We should treat all religions with scepticism and when religions begin to dictate what we should and should not wear as words from God (or Allah or whatever), we are entering realms of fantasy in the lines of George Orwell’s Fashion Police and Thought Police. If we are not careful we might end up like in some American schools teaching Creationism as a compulsory subject as opposed to Darwinism. I believe religions began by scholars with good intentions as educators during times there were no print or books. Old religions like Judaism and Islam banned the eating of pork as decreed by God. That was a time when swine flu was prevalent and this was the best way to stop spreading the disease. You will note all religions expect you to do good and not bad. Would that have been easier if a law was passed instead? On the subject of Burka and many other restrictions imposed on Muslims, it has become ridiculous as in Saudi Arabia but nothing of the sort exists in Indonesia, a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Sadly for the Sri Lankan Muslims, most of the funding comes from Saudi Arabia and it is simply wasted following their idiotic restrictions instead of helping the needy.
Sri Lankan / April 4, 2015
Well said guys you got it tight this time around !
If the Sri Lankan police is so inefficient that bikers are required to travel with 50% reduction of personal safety by not using the costly helmets they had purchased.
The government and the Police brought in many laws recently which are NOT followed today ;
– removing Dark screens on vehicles
– catching pedestrians not crossing at pedestrian crossings (Villagers will have to walk miles to find one ).
– prosecuting those who smoke in public areas ( what happened to that ?!)
– now it’s helmets !
If it’s for proper identification, then the Burka or Niqab should go too.
No double standards again
xlntgson / April 5, 2015
Buddhism given special status doesn’t make Sri Lanka a theocracy. Fanatics compare always Saudi not Turkey. Sects in Islam used to destroy basics of Islam. Kuragala is not a holy-site they say quoting Saudi type Islam to other Muslim woes they talk mystic. Strictly speaking literal and metaphor Quran modesty, face is not erogenous, if lowered the unwanted gaze!
Stewart / April 6, 2015
A full coverage helmet saved my life. If SL bans them for reasons of security they must also ban the burqa for the very same reason.