14 September, 2024


Dayan Jayatilleka Wins Battles But Loses Wars

By Armando Perera –

We all know who is Dayan. He is not a capable or competent diplomat. Despite his carefully constructed narratives, ceaseless self-aggrandizing and selective deployment of facts, the truth is that Dayan is not a colossus striding across the world omnisciently analyzing and shaping the ebb and flow of national and world events.

Dayan- Rajeewa - colombo telgraphThe truth is more prosaic. He is not the far seeing, all knowing strategist he projects himself to be. He’s a crafty, embellishing propagandist and a shortsighted tactician whose short term ‘victories’ pave the way for long-run defeat.

Dayan claims that his diplomatic magnum opus was a resolution passed in the UN Human Rights Council in 2009 which ‘praised’ the Sri Lankan government for their conduct during the war. But if this is his finest hour, then his record is rather underwhelming. For this very resolution was an amateur diplomatic miscalculation that was an important cause in his Rajapaksa masters’ downfall.

Dayan portrays his tenure as Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to Geneva as almost a golden era where he, the General in the Geneva battle, led Sri Lanka to victory. His narrative is laid out below:

  1. The record of the Sri Lankan government during the last days of the war came under severe criticism and a Special Session of the Human Rights Council was convened in 2009. Instigated largely by the Global North, this Special Session was to pass a resolution condemning the Government of Sri Lanka.
  1. Dayan was able to ‘ambush’ this attempt by forging a grand coalition of states from the Global South. This coalition passed a counter-resolution that praised the government. 29 states, all from the Global South (including India), voted in favour of the resolution. 12 states, ten of who were from the Global North, voted against. Five of the six abstentions were from the Global South – the sixth was Japan.
  1. Dayan claims that his resolution thwarted international pressure on the Sri Lankan state governed by the Rajapaksa regime and prevented international intervention.
  1. He also argues that, had he not been removed from Geneva, the resolutions critical of the Sri Lankan state governed by the Rajapaksa regime from 2010 to 2014 would not have come to pass.

What Dayan knows, but doesn’t want you to know, is that his resolution won a battle but ultimately lost the war. His resolution (i) further antagonized the Global North without creating a sustainable grand coalition in the Global South (ii) it opened the door to sustained and systematic international pressure on the Sri Lankan state.

Dayan succeeded in passing the 2009 resolution by creating an ‘us’ vs ‘them’ vote between the Global North and the Global South. It is this divisive tactical move, devoid of strategic foresight that, in the long run, led in to the exacerbation of the previous government’s annual Genevagate debacles. The states of the humiliated Global North, which include diplomatic heavyweights such as the UK and France, not to the mention the US, became even more determined and committed to a resolution critical of the Rajapaksa’s Sri Lanka. This divisive tactic had two major flaws. First, Sri Lanka could not count on the consistent and stable support from the entire Global South; as was seen in later resolutions where many countries, partly as a result of intense, planned and systematic lobbying from the Global North, turned against Rajapaksa’s Sri Lanka. Second, this tactic alienated key economic partners and slowed Sri Lanka’s development. For example, the US and EU alone account for 55 percent of Sri Lanka’s exports and both have been major donors and development partners. Not to mention that the EU is Sri Lanka’s largest single source of tourists, accounting for a third of all tourist arrivals.

Dayan’s approach was an aberration from Sri Lanka’s long running, time-tested strategy in the UN Human Rights Council and its predecessor institutions. The essence of this approach is to avoid confrontation and engage, discuss and persuade all stakeholders to reach a consensus. This strategy worked remarkably well over many years.

  1. There were no resolutions on Sri Lanka between 1987 and 2009.
  1. The two resolutions prior on Sri Lanka prior to 2009, in 1984 and 1987, were both consensus resolutions. As a result of quiet engagement these two resolutions were largely declaratory in nature.
  1. In 2009, it also worked in New York, where Mr. Palihakkara’s deft diplomacy prevented the Security Council taking action on the Sri Lankan government. Instead of ideology-driven, rhetorical flourish ridden, shoe-banging grand-standing, Dayan should have diplomatically engaged with all the relevant stakeholders and ensured that Sri Lanka did not antagonize what is probably the most powerful block in the world.

Dayan cannot use the defence that aggression was the last resort – that he was driven into a corner. Engagement and diplomacy, as opposed to Dayan’s belligerence, had a very high chance of success: the request for a Special Session on Sri Lanka was supported by 17 members of the Council, only one more that the number required to call for a Special Session. Had he succeeded in persuading just one of those countries to opt out of the request, then there would have been no special session on Sri Lanka and no bear-baiting counter-resolution.

But that is not all. Not only, did Dayan bear-bait the entire Global North, he also opened the door to sustained and systematic international intervention into Sri Lanka’s affairs. That is, he gave more than he took, failing the acid test of diplomacy. In order to secure Indian support – and through her the support of many other countries in the Global South – Dayan inserted a formal commitment in the resolution to implement the 13th Amendment. This is the first time Sri Lanka made a commitment to the entire international community to implement the 13th Amendment.

Dayan’s resolution also formalized (in operative paragraph 10) the Joint Statement by the UN Secretary General and the Government of Sri Lanka at the conclusion of the UNSG’s visit to Sri Lanka on 23 May 2009. This statement makes a commitment to the international community at large to establish an accountability mechanism for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law.

“The Secretary-General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. The Government will take measures to address those grievances.”

This article merely lays out the broad contours of Dayan’s mistakes in Geneva that set the stage for much more serious resolutions in the years upto 2015. It is upto journalists and researchers to conduct interviews, sift through archives and develop a detailed picture of how Sri Lanka’s public was taken for a ride by this demagogue – and prevent it from happening again.

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Latest comments

  • 20

    Dayan will come up with a rebuttal that will include some phrases from some unknown characters!

    What is preposterous and reckless from his part is; his attempt to whip up the Sinhala Buddhist nationalist sentiments. He relentlessly churned away articles after articles with cherry-picked rubbish and quoting out of context to justify his racist platform. This act will not be forgotten and he should be classed as a mindless racist with the only aim to jettison the RW; he cared less about the consequences of whipping up racism. He in fact should be charged with sedition and put behind bars.

    • 14

      Good thing is that the current article keep DJ busy for some days. Like a cobra, he would act against the writer bringing as Buring issue says all kind of unique pharases to mark his eloquancy. ANYWAY, those who are aware, are becoming clear the MAN -DJ has become the ISLAND NATION’s most finnierst joker – since the new govt is in power. What matters for Dayan is just to support his parties forgetting the danger before the country. If 62 lacks of people in this country rejected /defeated MR and his politics, but DJ repeatedly speaks for MR. Actually the man who has been in lanken politics for the last 4 decades could instead support the goodies in power. No his genetics should be mixed – to behave this way.. no other explanations are possible.

      • 4

        DJ jayathilaka have lot to do with the genetics of a reptilian. More like Chamelian time to time. I bet all of you guys to check his archives from the day he is back from France and make an analaysis. Most of the analyses (so called ones ) are inconsistent. But he has refered world known few articles or books to give it something like professional. What matters is the substance – this man is sick for sure. It is advisable him to go on therapies rather than adding any word to destruct current efforts in terms of constitutional changes. At least this Uguduwa should be warned by his friends( if he has any) the danger before us the nation, if he would stand on its way. Just because of those click from Colombo elite did not consider him as their guy, he must not attack them. If you have highly abusive man on the lead, what any academic would do is to support against him. In that way only anyone can contribute his to it. But here this man who has been suffering from media attraction but nothing is on the malicious mode.

      • 4

        Guys , how many times have i repeated the the same thing about our greatest clown cum Spin doctor DJ , initially i thought he belongs to Kelaniya Mervin’s club but he had proven me wrong , actually he belongs to “Google Mudiyansilage Thunmulle Booruwansa ” camp . people just wasting their precious time on nothing , he is just trash , ignore him !

    • 3

      Burning Issue

      Dayan confesses to being a indicted terrorist.

      Please listen Dayan dropping names.

      Thinking and being: Dayan Jayatilleka at TEDxColombo


    • 1

      Your abusive language will only serve to awaken and embolden the Sinhalese. It is foolish of you to think that Dayan is alone. He is the voice of the peaceful Sinhalese whether you , the separatists , and sinhala religious minorities like it or not.

    • 0

      You are being generous calling Dayan mindless. He is a lunatic megalomaniac meddling in subjects he knows very little about but revels in cutting and pasting from unconnected articles from God knows where.

  • 7

    Diplomats become capable if the govt behind them is powerful govt. Sri lanka is a small island and I don’t think any diplomat from Sri lanka can become capable.

    The word Diplomacy has no meaning with diplomats. It is only The word power that has a meaning.

  • 24

    Even brainless Mahinda understood Dayan is useless and not worth enough to be a depolmat. His lies made international community to turn against Srilanka. His current joint venture with Weerawanse and BBS to cteate a bloodshed is to destroy Srilanka.

  • 13

    Dayan is an over educated communal peasant using words and concepts that are beyond his capacity to understand, justifying the actions of mass murderes in power just like Anton Balasingham doing terrific harm to the bad name of the Sinhalese community which is now globally rubbished beyond repair.

    Its funny to see him take credit for it.

    • 1


      “Dayan is an over educated communal peasant using words and concepts that are beyond his capacity to understand, justifying the actions of mass murderes in power just like Anton Balasingham doing terrific harm to the bad name of the Sinhalese community which is now globally rubbished beyond repair.”

      Are you comparing Dr Daya and Anton Balasingham? I believe that both were born Catholics but any similarity ends there. Foreigners maybe listened to Anton because he was the only one to speak something resembling English. His Tamil was bad.

  • 17

    Dayan the dhobi who has got the contract from Medamulana Walauwa to do the laundry is at work day in and out.

    Do we have to take this man seriously?

    • 1


      Many of us continue to read what Dr Daya posts and even bother to comment. That alone shows that he is important. He still manages to shake the Martini instead of stirring it.

      I don’t support MR but follow Dr Daya with interest.

    • 1

      [Edited out]

    • 1

      I would called it Walawwa – but Medamulana Ilawwwa should it be to have produced highly abusive bunch that are literally merciless buggers.

  • 7

    Thank you Mr.Armando Perera for your guts in analytically exposing Dr.DJ, who has increasingly become an intolerable person while making an ass of himself and a laughing stock of today’s rotten Lankan politics.
    It’s high time he realizes his follies and just give up writing garbage in gibberish !

    • 1

      Please do not push your luck too far.

  • 3

    Thank you for your very valuable and informative article on this ‘ self aggrandized’ individual. i hope this is print in the sinhala newspapers too so that it will give a broader view to many urban voters who may now hink this nut as a messiah for the outed regime and the leader and the clan … Inspector Clouseau was literally a better character than this chappie ..!

  • 5

    Dayan is a spent force. Don’t waste your time.

    Imagine seated with Weerawanse on a platform!!!

  • 6

    A brilliant analysis by Armando Perera that exposes the charlatan posing as an intellectual that knows what’s best for Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    DJ attempts to show that he is a far-seeing ,well learned and intelligent person specially in international affairs,and also he gave ill advises directly and indirectly to Mahinda Rajapaksa knownly or unknownly which ultimately resulted unbearable damages to the nation, the country and Mahinda Rajapaksa. Actually henceforth the main media organization should not give any space in media for such persons,instead they should select well balance,well learned and independent intellectuals to take the space in the main medias.

  • 7

    Dayan is not only a Dhobi washing dirty linen he is also a fisherman fishing for compliments and praise from his uneducated masters. (MR and family !) A very christinanized man like Dayan is now following the Sinhala-Buddhist bandwagon. Please also tell us where his PhD is from and what for. It must a Phd like what Dr. Jehan Perera claims.

    A Phd does not mean you become a know all.It is only research done on a particular subject at some depth. Such a know all attitude is only shown by people with small minds and big egos.

    I lost all respect for this guy when I learnt that as a diplomat and even as a adviser to MR whenever Dayan came home to Sri Lanka he stayed at the Cinnemon Grand or Cinnemon Lake ,unlike other foreign based Sri Lankans who stayed in their own homes ! Maybe a custom in Cuba to live off public funds !

    These so called diplomatic coups that chaps like Dayan and Rajiv are good for their admiring aunts and pets !The international community is not plotting against insignifant little Sri Lanka although our egos may want us to believe that.

    We are part of the international community and there are standards expected of all countries. They are not going to take any notice of small time big head whose god is fidel castro !They will vote on internatioanl and national considerations. A tiresome theoretrican whose is a avatar from the leftist nonsense of the early 20 century is not going to move them.Dayan is a big time whipper-snapper !

  • 4

    This Pundit Dayan Silva Jayathilaka Did not fight a WAR.
    He was just a Spectator who was got ready to hide.
    Then HOW HE COULD WIN A War With out fighting ??????.

  • 8

    DJ acts always as if he was the only knowledgeable person in the international scene. But he works to the dictates of Mahinda, Mtv/Sirasa to discredit UNP,bring division between MS,RW,Chandrika etc so that his Master’s Voice(MR), could be heard.

    He is a lost case and awaiting to join the home for the aged.

  • 4

    DJ is what people say an ” educated fool”

  • 3

    Yes, I totally agree about all what is said about Dayan. He is like a train with engines at both ends and one will never know which side it will pull. Sometimes he talks sense and sometimes utter nonsense! He is, in short, a ‘love hate’ guy.

  • 5

    Thank you for the article. Such a contrast to the pompous rubbish churned out by Dayan and Rajiva. I hope your article in addition to giving your readers a useful perspective will pursuade these ridiculous self appointed intellectuals to reconsider their comical self esteem.

  • 5

    There is hardly any point locking horns with DJ. For some unknown reason, the media gives him all the space he wants, despite the calculated mischief and twisted truth he propagates.

    If nearly 6.0 million voted for MR (as he says) and only a little more than 6.0 million against him, then the reader must remember that the near 6.0 million who voted for him were bribed to their gills with gifts out of state coffers, with relentless advertising resorted to, again with state coffers footing the bill. In the meanwhile those who went against him voted because they were convinced MR bode a lot of bad news for the future of the country. Sirisena the contender could not and would match Rajapakse toe to toe in electioneering tactics. The more MR overspent and Sirisena underspent, the more the latter scored in the public domain.

    Therefore despite the heavy bribing and lowliest manipulation of every kind and thuggery, MR lost, and DJ hopefully will not ignore at least in the future, how the near 6.0 million voted were garnered, and how much each of them cost the country.

    The hallmark of any wise man is not, not to make mistakes, but each time he does, to correct himself through self analysis. In this aspect DJ belongs to less than the primary class.

  • 1

    Some years back I was admiring his contributions to Sri Lanka in International arena. Nowadays I see him doing Laundry business

  • 3

    Mr Perera

    You are still living in colonial era – Those days when white Master Sir says – Hey donkey look here you are wrong – I am going to hang you with your balls – obedient Sinhala or tamil kookas bend 90 degrees and would say “Yes my master do whatever you like with my life – it would be my pleasure”

    After living under white rule for decades we sinhalese still shiver when a white says something and do everything to accept it as the gospel truth – because we do not have any self esteem or self confidence or we are not proud of our abilities – this is the very reason why this country is not progressing

    Tamils on this count are much advance than us Sinhalese – they hoodwink west and became citizens of west countries and now manipulating them nicely to F… us

    Mr Perea – Why cannot you give the credit to Dayan for his strong stand against 2009 resolution – Do you think west would have withdrawn or come to some concessionary resolution if Dayan did not convince south block and defeated their monkey resolution- I do not think so because the agenda behind West was to get rid of MR Gov. because they saw Mahinda / Gota as an incorrigible guy who do not want to follow their line of thinking and as a pain in their asses

    According to you since EU/USA represent a most powerful block in the world – the correct diplomatic approach of a diplomat is to agree to all what West have to say and put the tail behind the legs in front of them and salute them and come back to Sri Lanka and say that “I have avoided a major diplomatic catastrophe” – bull shit – a diplomat with balls and a backbone have to argue his point in defending his country’s position against an unjust resolution funded and promoted by racist tamils

    Why none of your so called deft diplomats could not gather enough support to defeat any of the subsequent resolutions after 2009 – because MR/GR appointed ball less , backbone less ponnayas as diplomats ,ministers , coordinating ministers etc. to the Foreign Ministry and our embassies – Of course there were few good guys – but not enough

    I do not agree with Dayan’s radicalism but I certainly value his strong guts and fearless attitude to say what he should say for the grater benefit of the country – If we need to develop this country we have to develop its inhabitants – make them feel proud of their nationality , their abilities – We must have people who think – “yes we can do”

    Unfortunately none of the Governments came to power since independence never thought on these lines – they never invest enough on education –

    Building roads , Air ports , Ports are good but if these infrastructure cannot be use constructively – they become burden to the country -Therefore without wasting time on criticising and putting forward hair splitting arguments about the usefulness of these developments – it would be more productive to see how can we put these developments to better use

  • 5

    Thank You Armando for this succinct yet telling take on one of the nearly men of recent Sri Lankan politics; flashy, but no cigar! CT has done us all proud with the picture of DJ and Rajiva in their natural hot-air habitat. The truth is that both these men MIGHT have done something for the country; Rajiva if not for his predilection to embellish the truth, and DJ for his morbid fascination with outdated, tried and failed, political theories. MR had the foresight to use them and ditch them. Nowadays, they provide harmless entertainment as they vainly quest for one last tilt at the windmills of our time.

  • 3

    I sent a response to this nonsense by this pseudonymous ideological mercenary, a few hours ago, and I await its uploading. This is just to let the readers know.

    • 10

      Oh I say Dayan,

      Don’t worry men, we wont read it anyway!

      We much rather prefer reading the Pseudonymous ideologue because it is clear he makes sense and you don’t.

      You never did! Don’t we know from a long time ago !!!

    • 5

      Dayan – Good luck, if you’re expecting accolades! Indubitably it will be more of that pompous pap that you indulge in to serve your selfish interests. Fortunately 99% of the commenters are hip to your trip and respond accordingly. Or haven’t you noticed?

    • 2

      Hey Dayan,

      “Ideological mercenary” – did you say? Takes one to know one – I. guess. Or perhaps, not a mercenary – but, as MR declared to Aljazeera, it is “prostitution” in your case (CT: I want to reiterate that the term is used in its broader definition so to include those who knowingly misuse their intellect with pernicious intent”)

  • 2

    It seems that Dayan is a thorn in the side of Religious minorities represented by people like Armando Perera who hate the Sinhala Buddhists, and will rest peacefully only if Buddhism is eleminited from this country.Their ilk comes in various disguises, as politicians like John Amaratunga who betryed the army during the war, or apologists for separatism like Chandrika Bandaranayake, Or some clergy of the catholic church.
    But Mr Perera, you will never be able to suppress the conscience of a people who are still proud of their history .

    • 3

      Gigurawa – sounds like you have a problem!

  • 3

    “Pseudonymous intellectual mercenary” – more long winded crap. Dayan Jayatilaka just cannot help himself.

  • 0

    Thank you for the article, dayan [Edited out]

  • 2

    This country had become a paradise for fools. very few people can understand logic

  • 0

    Neither Mahinda’s regime nor the present government can either protect Sri Lanka’s Buddhist heritage or sustain a 3000 year historical tradition. Defending the defenders of ccorruptionand murder will only exacerbate the problems of the Sinhala people.

  • 1

    Jerome Gunewardene

    “Neither Mahinda’s regime nor the present government can either protect Sri Lanka’s Buddhist heritage or sustain a 3000 year historical tradition.”

    Accoding to Mahanama there was no history before Kallathoni Vijaya’s arrival in this island. What was the historical tradition 1000 – 500 BC?

    Could you define and clarify what do you consider as the Lanka’s Buddhist heritage?

  • 0

    Armando Perera,

    Hats off to you!

    We all know who the ‘ideological mercenary’ is!

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