By Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association for Human Rights –
The Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association condemns the outrageous barbarism unleashed against the Muslims of Sri Lanka by the Sinhala Buddhist extremist forces like Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) aimed at resurrecting another pogrom of 1915 or 1983.
The recent trend of hatred and intolerance coupled with incidents associated with violence towards Muslims underlines the ethno-religious politics of the successive government in the post-independence of Sri Lanka. In the aftermath of the war in the country, the Buddhist extremist forces like Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya whipping up anti-Muslim campaign or hysteria with the tacit approval of the government aims at wrecking the cordial and congenial relationship between Sinhelese and Muslims.
Recent months have witnessed hard times for minorities, particularly the Muslims and Christians in the country to exercise their basic religious freedom enjoined in the constitution of the country. This shows that the complicity of the government in the centre in restraining the minorities from exercising their religious freedoms and suggests the repression of the minorities by the government. Sinhala Buddhist nationalism camouflaged under the religious vigor has caused an irreparable damage on the peace and harmony that prevails among various communities in the country and contributed to a sense of fear and anxiety among the minorities.
Yesterday, we saw a deleterious pogrom unleashed against Muslims in Aluthgama and Beruwala by the thugs of Bodu Bala Sena, which until now claimed the lives of 4 and 80 innocent civilians being injured with causing immense damage on the properties of Muslims, underlines a deliberate degeneration of Sinhala Muslim animosity, a project undertaken by the Sinhala Buddhist extremists and its patrons with a pure ulterior motive of crippling the economy of Muslims and subjugating them to the level of Tamils who are now descended to the level of aliens in the country with the elimination of the LTTE.
It is disheartening that the law enforcement authorities, which in usual circumstances appeal for a court order against a protest which has the likelihood of turning violent, allowed the access to the BBS for a meeting to be taken place followed by a protest campaign through Muslim areas inciting a violence, despite the caution and appeal made from civil society organizations of the Muslim community to stop the protest due to the tension that arose on Poson Poya day in Alutgama. This raises an issue of the deterioration of law and order in the country.
It should be condemned by all the human beings, regardless of racial and religious differences, that the human rights violations of this nature takes place five years after the end of the war. It is important that human rights organizations functioning in and out of the country take note of human rights violations occurring against Muslims in the country and bring it to an end.
We, the Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association, appeal to the Muslim political parties, civil society organizations, Mass media, intellectuals, and lawyers to work together to defuse the tension prevailing in the area now and bring this matter to the attention of the relevant parties and international organizations in order to bring the perpetrators of this pogrom, particularly the members of BBS, to the book and to ensure peace and reconciliation prevailed among various communities.
*Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association for Human Rights (EMUTAHR), Sri Lanka
Peace Lover / June 16, 2014
look there are no items inside the burnt building. This proves that Muslims them selves did the fire setting.
And CT going “kade” for Muslims. Shame on you CT and the people who write on CT.
Teresa / June 16, 2014
You sound exactly like what the brutal occupiers of the Palestinian territories say. When 2 Palestinian kids were shot brutally by Israeli terrorists wearing their national uniforms, they accused the Palestinians of killing their own kids. You are no peace lover, you are a rabble rouser and racist commenter.
Get a life.
LMAO / June 17, 2014
see… this is the problem with you guys. You speak about Palestine but have no idea of what Sinhalese did to innocent Tamil babies and women. Do you know how many Tamil schools were bombed, how many Tamils were shot and their relatives were forced to tell them as LTTE in order to get permission for funerals, how many Tamil women were raped and murdered by sinhala occupied forces in north and east? Just saying this. We are too deeply worried and saddened by the ongoing events but these were well expected. First, they came for Tamils. You kept a blind eye. Now they are at your doorstep.
Thiru / June 16, 2014
While from Aluthgama, Beruwala to Badulla Muslim shops and houses are being burnt, people attacked and killed with the blessings of the rulers and the aiding and abetting of the racist Sinhala state,
where is Dayan Jayatilake, the Sinhala Buddhist prophet of glory?
Is he playing the fiddle or, writing his next cockeyed piece as to why all ‘patriots’ must reject war crimes investigations?
Javi / June 17, 2014
The cost the skunk island is paying for having sent their terrorist mahanama sihala buddhist on sophisticated anti terror tactics from US, UK, India Pakistan.
¬Gooo`ta the Bin Larden of Lanka and his tainted knickers the tatte motte bullshit BBS terrorist.
Ponkoh Sivakumaran / June 16, 2014
It shows that Sinhalayas have the wisdom to first loot and then burn.
Sensible / June 17, 2014
Thank you for the comment. It is pure racism on the part of Sinhalese and I am Sinhalese myself. BBS sugar coats their name with ‘Bodu’ when they practice the exact opposite of Buddhism. Such people are undoubtedly the biggest threat to Buddhism.
Lapatiya / June 16, 2014
Oh, no…. nooooo…….w, you are wrong. Those are “Sellam Gewal” You have enough qualification to be the next Police spokesperson. You are better than him as he doesn’t have creative ideas like this. try to change the name as your name is an Insult to the real peace lovers.
miim / June 16, 2014
why you dont know that the shops are beng looted.or you are commenting like mama danne nehe.mama matama wedi tiyagatta like comment
Goraka / June 17, 2014
Where is your compassion for the dead, injured and the dispossesed of your own countrymen. Shame on Sinhala Buddhists who cannot take care of their minority countrymen.
AVB / June 17, 2014
Comment of S-Buddhist “Peace Lover” shows general S-Buddhist thinking. their leader and country president Moda Raja said yesterday “Incident was clash between two groups” …SL is becoming 4th world country.
Aaks / June 17, 2014
Buddy people saw your brothers looting before the arson. Did you get your share of loot?
Raizuh Langai / June 17, 2014
What you expect in a burnt premise? Just burn you house and see anything is there for you to see. When people like you live in our country, thugs , Kudu Mudalalies, Pick Pockets will rule over us and we will be a developed nation in another 400 years.
Thank you.
Citizen / June 17, 2014
[Edited out]
Buddhism Betrayed / June 17, 2014
“look there are no items inside the burnt building.” – Just like there is nothing inside your skull. The CT is not going “Kade” but if you go to a toilet, be cautious that with a “P*de” (air) that may follow will be your brains.
Speak truth / June 16, 2014
What harm did muslims do for this beautiful country and its people, to deserve this fate??
teresa / June 16, 2014
They have done no harm, nor have they provoked this situation. There is a evil fat thug from the BBS, backed by unknown elements, who is most probably paid handsomely with foreign trips and other perks, to instigate uneducated people, into attacking the minority. It seems, just like the Tamils in 83, innocent people are being targeted, their shops burned and looted, and places of worship gutted, because there is no control of these terrorists who lead mobs to ruin the lives of Muslims and Christians.
Bodu Bala vermin provoke and wait for the slightest excuse to attack all Muslims.
Amaithy_padai / June 16, 2014
Simple answer: Being opportunists and cowards.
Sensible / June 17, 2014
Muslims have done nothing wrong, unfortunately the nation, the Muslim population and BUDDHISM are suffering from the ‘CANCER’ named Bodu Bala Sena which is spreading unabated due to lack of leadership from an inept government.
Manel / June 16, 2014
It seems our Sri Lankan people are not very intelligent. After YEARS of a brutal civil war, suicide bombers, bomb blasts, check points, and suffering, they still yearn for it. They are asking for turmoil and strife again. Maybe this BBS goon and his thugs are provoking minorities, so that there will be yet another civil war.
This overfed thug must be thrown in jail for inciting hate and violence. What is our esteemed Defense Minister doing while minorities are being attacked and killed, and places of worship destroyed? Looking for more puppies from Europe? While they keep filling their coffers with ill gotten gains, the country is on a downward spiral, but they are missing in action, which only means they are complicit in these crimes.
MR’s pathetic tweets from Bolivia is ineffective. As if the uneducated and uncultured mobs, are going to pay heed to his weak words. What about the armed forces? Why are they silent?
BBS Rep / June 17, 2014
I agree with you.
We are not an intelligent people. Worst still we are a bloodthirsty people. Blood lust seems to be the psyche we have nurtured since time immemorial.
All so called Buddhist monks are overfed parasites who feed on the gullible. If they are real Buddhists they should be in the forests meditating. These freeloaders can be tolerated if they only cause the idiotic laymen to overfeed them. But they have proven time and again to be a threat to the security of a nation. These saffron robed thugs are the real terrorists. They are the ones who kept needling the Sinhala fools to run riot in 1983. Grown so cocky with success against the Tamils they are now out of the shadows and are purveying their messages of hatred and violence in full view of the powers that be. Their evil message has a special resonance with the general psyche of bloodlust of the Sinhala people.
Expect the fireworks to continue in one form or another. The Rajapaksa brothers are of the same ilk – hate and violence, as such don’t expect any respite in the ‘wonder of asia’ quite soon.
Aaks / June 17, 2014
“What about the armed forces? Why are they silent?”
They are not silent, but, they are busy in keeping Muslims inside mosques so that BBS can continue their rampages safely.
Thiru / June 16, 2014
Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association for Human Rights (EMUTAHR), Sri Lanka,
It’s good that you protest on behalf of your community suffering in anti-Muslim pogrom in Aluthgama and elsewhere.
First your community must reign in your leaders sticking to the racist government like leeches to fill their purses. You elected them to express your aspirations in parliament. Are they doing it? In my opinion no.
Tamil people have suffered in the hands of racist Sri Lankan regimes since independence. It’s only recently they are turning on Muslims.
Tamils and Muslims must join hands and bring the matter in the UN to get justice in the island. Three states in the island for the three communities may be the way to go.
Inform and educate the Muslim countries around the world about your plight and ask them not to support the racist Sri Lankan regime in the UN or elsewhere. You have to be proactive, nobody is going to give your rights on a platter.
You have to struggle for it. Except for leaders like Azath Salley Muslims don’t have genuine political leaders: May be the younger Muslims have to lead now.
Thiru / June 16, 2014
Sinhala barbarism has done ample destruction to Tamils, now it is knocking on the doors of Muslims.
Buddha will cry if he were to set foot in Sri Lanka. So much for practice of Buddhism: It may be termed Wiratu-Gnanasara Buddhism in the future!
Fathima Fukushima / June 16, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
ela kolla / June 16, 2014
CT going ‘kade’ for muslims
mike / June 17, 2014
A “Dong” for Thaney Kolla!
ela kolla / June 17, 2014
buru mike
Ha / June 17, 2014
who are you going “kade”for [Edited out]
ela kolla / June 17, 2014
Sengodan. M / June 16, 2014
Where is Rauf Hakeem? What is he doing? Why not take up this matter as a matter of urgency with Muslim countries? If you are pro-active, you can do a lot to save lives of so many innocent Muslims!
Sengodan. M
Raizuh Langai / June 17, 2014
Rauf & all other Ministers are not resigning because they joined this and remaining in this government for sake of the country. Please don’t expect anything foolish from them.
All Muslims of Sri Lanka are fools expecting them to take a drastic step. They are a patriotic lot.
Ram / June 16, 2014
A little local difficulty, where after a vehicular accident the driver was assaulted by the local community (Muslims ?), and then the passenger who happened to be a Buddhist monk too was allegedly assaulted, resulting in a retaliation by a Sinhala mob. The whole incident is reprehensible, BUT there does not seem to have been political involvement, either by Muslim or Sinhala politicians.
The police may have been slow to act and MUST be held to account. Attempts to politicise the event should be denounced.
Amarasiri / June 16, 2014
Dear Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association for Human Rights,
“The recent trend of hatred and intolerance coupled with incidents associated with violence towards Muslims underlines the ethno-religious politics of the successive government in the post-independence of Sri Lanka. In the aftermath of the war in the country, the Buddhist extremist forces like Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya whipping up anti-Muslim campaign or hysteria with the tacit approval of the government aims at wrecking the cordial and congenial relationship between Sinhelese and Muslims.:
First take action.
Minister Rishard Baduhudeen sue BBS for Rs.500 Million. So:
1. Sue BBS and their supporters by all who were affectred for damahes. Rs 5,000 Million or more
2. File Complaints in all the police stations.
3. Give Copies of complaint to ALL MP, and ask them what tjhey plan to do.
4. Send the information to All Embassies in Sri Lanka.
5. File a complaint with UN, and send to UN Sec.General
6. Send the Complaint to to all SL donor countries.
7.Request they They allocate the First First to the Victims
Keep reminding that this is the Land of Native Veddah not Paras.
Ansar / June 16, 2014
Go and wash the dirty under garments of MR and GR. Are you trying to protect the two blood thirst draculas. This is not a little local difficulty, it is planned, orchestrated and staged by the dracula brothers using the drunkard gnyanasara. Can’t even call that moron a Buddhist monk, it will be an insult to real monks.
Ram / June 16, 2014
I suggest you read and UNDERSTAND what I have written. I am sure it was hot headed people like you, easily aroused into stupid acts, that were responsible for the initial attack on the driver, and then attacked the Buddhist monk, without thinking about the consequences, and then attempt to hold others responsible.
Banda / June 16, 2014
This writer wrote “The Eastern Muslim University Teachers’ Association condemns the outrageous barbarism unleashed against the Muslims of Sri Lanka. I am against all forms of riots and violence. Perpetrators should be arrested charged at a court of law. What I am amazed is, you lot hadn’t uttered one word the days that Wahhabi and Salafi Thawheed unleashed worse violence against your fellow Muslims called Sufis for years. Yet you could remember ‘a pogrom of 1915.’ I can prove to you with facts that that riot in 1915 was no pogrom. Indeed it was started by a set of recent Muslim immigrants called hambayas. Though I am not justifying by any means, everyone knows Velu started the 1983 riots.
Now let me go back to our subject and remind you about that Muslims attacking Muslims events that I was talking about and a bit of its details in case you have forgotten about it:
1) On October 31, 2004, at 12:30 p.m., 500 or so ACJU organized set of Wahhabis Muslim thugs had set the Meditation Centre of All Ceylon Thareekathul Mufliheen of a Sufi Muslim sect in Kattankudy ablaze, destroying its library, along with homes and businesses owned by them.
2) On December 2, 2006 Wahhabis of ACJU declared a Sufi saint who was buried the day before in that Meditation Centre an apostates and exhumed and burned it at night.
3) On December 15, 2006, the minaret of aforesaid Meditation Centre was knocked down and 150 houses of its followers were burned. Two were injured, and one lost an arm and many fled the district.
4) In February 2009 Wahhabi and Salafi Thawheed destroyed a 150-year old shrine in Ukuwela.
5) In July 2009 Wahhabi Thawheed attacked Qadiri Sufi order, in Beruwala. Two dead and more than 40 people injured, and 132 arrested. Three convicted were last year at Panadura high court and sentenced to gallows.
6) On August 16, 2009, The Sunday Times reported that Muslim Home Guards had deserted with their weapons and joined Thawheed for “Jihad” against traditional Muslims. The paper also said Saudi Embassy denied supporting Wahhabis but admitted that “certain wealthy persons… are helping various religious groups in Sri Lanka to put up mosques.”
That and many other events show there are many Wahhabi, Deobandi, and Mawdudist organisations active in Sri Lanka. Given the globalist (US) links to Wahhabism and remembering it is the same set backed by Saudi fought Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria and now in Iraq as ISIS who knows whether they have a hand in these riots specially considering Iran is Shia and Sri Lanka is a close friend of Iran.
sham / June 16, 2014
So this is OK, Idiot. We condemn all atrocities in the name of religion or what ever.
Parker / June 16, 2014
///Though I am not justifying by any means, everyone knows Velu started the 1983 riots.///
in 1983, 13 army personnel killed by LTTE in thirunelveli, jaffna. The riots started aftermath when the bodies arrived in colombo.
So your f***ing logic is if velu attacked army, you people has the rights to attack tamil civilians????
This is the utmost f***king logic I have ever seen on CT. You should hang yourself for this if you really have brain.
Army and LTTE engaged in fighting, so we have to leave normal civilians out of that. If velu attacked army, why did not your fucking army attacked LTTE back?? Why your fucking sinhala racist cum modayas attacked tamils???
Banda / June 16, 2014
Parker,If you cannot comprehend my simple English tough luck for you mate.
Native Vedda / June 16, 2014
Is your black golf tee shirt wearing cousin is on active service at the riot scene now?
When are you starting your duty?
Please send us your selfie while on duty.
Javi / June 17, 2014
singaylish bandu,
Mahanama Sihala Buddhist Fascist cannot live with anyone and finally would fight and kill themselves- It comes from the slave pedigree isn’t it??
Mugabe Loves you Go Now before you get bombed.
Parker / June 18, 2014
It is not such hard English you used and I can not comprehend; I fully understand what you said.
You said ‘it cannot be acceptable for whatever the reason…. I understood this part clearly… what made me to angry is you simply blamed Velu for the riot on tamils.
How velu can be responsible for that? Velu just killed your army; your army went to fight, velu also came to fight. In that case, army got killed, so how can you say that velu is responsible for the riot?
You have to say that our sinhala modaya racist thugs are responsible. velu is not.
Native Vedda / June 16, 2014
Forget Banda, he supports OTC. Then you should simply ignore him.
Anpu / June 17, 2014
Parker, Native Vedda,
What happened before this “13 army personnel killed by LTTE in thirunelveli” ??
“A Tamil girl was gang raped by a Sri Lankan military unit in Jaffna on 20 July 1983.” https://newmatilda.com/2013/07/23/30-years-sri-lanka-race-attacks
Native Vedda / June 17, 2014
My Elders tell me that it was in May 1983 that the initial riots started in Trincomalee where Tamil shops and houses were set on fire.
Please factcheck the above.
Udayar / June 16, 2014
It shame to say that even Lord Buddha is alive he too has to be silent ,He will not allowed to preach the trial Dhamma then what is preached by Gnanasara.if he stands agains the real Buddhism he might be named as “Mohamed Buddha” by this hardliners. we know that there are the mejority of the monks and the Buddhists are against this racial BBS culprits, it not less than 95% .As a Muslim I salute the Buddhists who are against the racism.
Park / June 16, 2014
It is time for the Muslims to rise up against the Muslim Politicians as they are part of the ruling party.
Ponkoh Sivakumaran / June 16, 2014
There are many existing charges of genocide against Rajapox, Gotabaya Rajapox and their minions. One more is not going to make a major difference to them except that in this case, it may be possible to find an Islamic state to sponsor a prosecution of Rajapox and his minions. The case for liability is that Gnanasara, the Black, Buddhist Sod, was seen by the world inciting the killing and extermination of Muslims in Sri Lanka. The result was the killing of four persons in Aluthgama and the injury caused to many others. There were mosques attacked and property of Muslims set on fire. A climate of fear resulted in the Muslims.
Genocide is the targetted, intentional killing of persons by race or religion. The definition is satisfied by the incitement of Gnanasara to kill Muslims. He is an agent of Gota Rajapox and his brother M Rajapox. As such the liability of the agent and that of the principals can be established. There was no move on the part of the Rajapoxes to stop the riots. Their army and police were complicit. There is responsibility in those in control of the government. Numbers do not matter. A single killing with state complicity is sufficient to prove genocide.
Instead of crying over the fact that they have been reduced to the levels of the Tamils despite the fact that the Muslims collaborated with the government during the travails of the Tamils, the Eastern University Islamic Academics should call for the prosecution for genocide by an international tribunal of all those responsible for the Aluthgama riots. Local courts and local police will not prosecute as they are in the pay of the Rajapoxes.
In this way, a deterrence could be built against similar activity by the Rajapoxes and the BBS in the future. The threat of such prosecution and finding a Islamic state to sponsor the prosecution will benefit not only the Muslims of Sri Lanka but other well meaning Sri Lankans who are detested at the events unleashed by the Rajapoxes. Unless there is a cathartic event like the international prosecution of the Rajapoxes for the genocide of the Tamils and now the genocide of the Muslims, there is no hope for restoring democracy and the rule of law to Sri Lanka.
BBS Rep / June 17, 2014
Do not expect any Muslim country to come to the aid of the Muslims in Sri Lanka.
Remember at the UNHRC vote for an inquiry into war crimes. Many countries that voted against the resolution were Muslim countries including Pakistan.
Has the Pakistani leadership or any leaders of any Islamic country requested the Government of Sri Lanka to reign in the saffron robed thugs. None.
Native Vedda / June 17, 2014
“Do not expect any Muslim country to come to the aid of the Muslims in Sri Lanka.”
Could for the benefit of our fellow forum sharers define Muslim Country.
Sunil / June 16, 2014
It is funny the Muslim leaders do not want an International investigation on war crimes against other minorities. But when it comes to their own they want the whole world to condemn the “human right violations”
Upul / June 17, 2014
Dogs and donkeys are all in this together. It is the failure of the superior beings (humans) that we should ALL be ashamed about.
Those days balu senas would not dream of coming into Muslim areas because there were IRC’s who would have broken their bones. Gota has pretty much killed all of them under mysterious circumstances over the last 5 years and now the ‘Sinhayas’ are very brave to frighten women and children whilst the men are away.
How much more must be fall for all Sri Lankans to realize that we are all going to get burnt in this fire! Not just Tamils, Muslims and Christians.
JimSofty / June 17, 2014
Who ever the group set on fire these houses and building evacuated all those buildings well in advance. Is that true ?
Tamodaya / June 17, 2014
Eastern university has become a breeding ground of Muslim extremists.
Close it down peacefully.
No need to send in the army.
Tamodaya / June 17, 2014
To know real barbarians and cannibals look at Iraq and Syria.
s.sundaram / June 17, 2014
muslim academic community has done a great service by analyzing the incident very rationally and in the most logical manner. they are duty bound to inform the local public and the international community about the travails of the community and they should try to involve the academics from other communities in their exercise.this process will be lengthy and protracted that they should establish a mechanism for documentation and analysis.participation of academics in this process will help to build confidence among the innocent muslim public and force the authorities to think twice in their approach to the problem.
Vasana / June 17, 2014
The Muslim religon weast in the world,
all the countries in the muslim world has problems, this is becourse woman as slave, I am also muslim lady, But dont like any more this religon.
Man doing what ever they want, but not for woman, very weast religon.
I treated for long time, with sxeual violents of my husband and his father too.
I beggle ask to Budu balasena to protect, Buddhism by this weast muslim.
Buddhist is pure and no rules of human, How has educated mind and human been can follow this buddhism.
But muslim is only for man how need enjoy his manhood in this life.
please protect he buddhism by this weast muslim
Ansar / June 17, 2014
What kind of natural justice are you taking of Mahawamsa of teachings of Buddha. Just because one hot headed individual does something and you go behind and cause carnage to a community with state patronage.This is what people like you had been doing from 1983.Grow up mate and come out of your barbarism.
jungiboy / June 17, 2014
I condemn racist muslims everywhere.
Rohanana / June 17, 2014
Most of you including the writers of this article focus on what happened after and put the blame on the people who reacted. Why is that none of you talk about WHY WHY WHY this happened? Mainly because then you will find the culprits are a handful of Muslims. I have Muslim friends who blame the Muslims because they see the cause of the problem. Have you ever thought this all could be part of the extreme Muslim organisations to get what they want and spread their radical extreme Islam? See how majority of you idiots have sucked up to that. Look around the world please and see why Muslims are involved in all wars and inter religion clashes. That is the nature of Islam as Muhamad was a warrior who killed many hundreds including women and children for whatever reason. Check what is happening in UK and many other European countries. What is happening in Nigeria and other countries? Why Muslims are killing Muslims? Let me give you an example. Go to Gampola Babile road and see what the Muslims have done in the name of Allah. They have built a Mosque over this hundreds of year old PUBLIC ROAD making all the Sinhala people including monks to walk under their feet. What do you call this? Illegally built the Mosque and houses on Paddy fields. So how come Muslims are allowed to break the country law and not others? Four Mosques built within 2 kilometers screams at 0430 in the morning disturbing babies, old and the sick. We have very kindly wrote and asked them to stop it or at least keep to one speaker but not them. The law is clear where it says you can’t have speakers before 0600hrs. How come Muslims are exempt from Sri Lanka law? I am not saying violence is good but it could make people open their eyes and brains to realise what really is happening in the country or this could be well organised by the Muslims to mislead idiots. What I advice is lets stop the instigators and there will be no problems.
Sarath / June 17, 2014
Very Nice,This is the truth.But most Media affraid to talkwhile Iam rejecting violance protecting majorities rights nothing wrong.Thaks.
Native Vedda / June 17, 2014
“Check what is happening in UK and many other European countries. What is happening in Nigeria and other countries?”
Check what is happening in Bihar and UP. Your cousins are raping and killing women and children. You too rape your own daughters.
Check what your Bikkus are up to.
Crazyoldmansl / June 17, 2014
As university teachers you understand very well what is happening. It is not something that started happening yesterday. It is something that has been happening for nearly a century.Yet to date there is no clearly articulated critique of this phenomenon. No one tells us why it is wrong or why it is unacceptable. No one has told us what the alternative should be and why the alternative is better. The failure on the part of you academics – I do not care whether you are muslims or hindus or buddhists or christians or whether you worship UFOs – to make such a critique and advance alternatives is inexcusable and questions your intelligence, ability and INTEGRITY.
My understanding is that there is an overwhelming majority – almost total agreement – on the need to ensure that “minorities know their place and keep to it” and that state power must be dedicated to ensuring that minorities do not “exceed their limits as minorities”.
State power is used to treat minorities as the aggressors while treating the majority as the aggrieved party, which is given free hand to “defend itself” by “redressing perceived imbalances”.
If you are a member of a minority community and you are attacked by a Sinhala Buddhist or a Sinhala Buddhist mob and you choose to fight off your attackers then the police will arrest you and charge you with having attacked your attackers.
This has been a trend since 1983 and possibly earlier.
This amounts to official policy and has to be EXPOSED and brought into the consciousness of both the majority as well as the minorities and placed before them with the question “is this the way you want to go and if so is it just, moral and ethical and something that you expect the rest of the world to welcome and accept”.
kali / June 17, 2014
You should force SLMC to resign their posts and vote against MR. But they wont do it as they will loose their perks.
Jayantha / June 17, 2014
First of all I rejected what happen In Aluthgama ,No matter what. But I am not trying talk about Sinhala Muslim problem In Sri Lanka. I am trying to say Hoe bias is the media about reporting Muslim violent happening all over the world. Evan Colombo telegraph whiting two days blaming this killing For BBS as Barbarism. So What you called what is happening in Nigeria by Boco Haram Muslim extremist. What is happening in Iraqi right now. If they kill their own people on behalf of their inhumane religion by some sector of Muslims Can you imagine one day what happen in Sri Lanka If we allow them to come to Sri Lanka. Looks what is going on in Europe. Does any one have freedom of religion in Arab countries .Who talks about it? Any human rights organizations? Soon they are going to kill a innocent Christian woman in Sudan for not to reject Christianity. Is it barbarism or what? While Muslim religion extremist doing all this killing where is the protest of good Muslims. But the way BBS handling this situation I cannot accept. Why don’t you ask all Sinhala a rich people to buy lands for poor Sinhala People? While rich temple and rich monks having all the comfort they are not buying a copy pothak or pencil for poor Sinhala student. It is true that Muslim extremism is trying to conquer the world, and I think every Muslim whether extreme or not like to see that happen one day. But it is not time to this kind of violence in Sri Lanka, If they wants to protect Singhalese there so many ways to do it which very hard to do it. Muslims trying to achieve this in two ways,1. In Muslim countries they will kill you If you not convert to Muslime.2. IN other countries they are gaining power IN economy, Population and Political with expectation in near further to grab the power.
nawaf / June 17, 2014
Culprits justifying their own massacre.
Yusuf Ehsan / June 17, 2014
The ‘modern secular state’ was now recognized as ‘sovereign’, and that was Shirk! (Shirk is the worship of any other than the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam). Any corruption of that worship of that one God is also Shirk. Kufr is the rejection of Truth.) The authority and law of the ‘modern secular state’ were now recognized as ‘supreme’, and that, also, was Shirk. The state had the authority to declare Halal (i.e. legal and permissible) that which the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) had declared to be Haram (illegal and prohibited) – and it proceeded to do so – and that, also, was Shirk.
• Power was used to oppress all those who resisted the new masters of the world;
• Religion bereft of its internal spiritual substance suffered constant decline until society became essentially godless. The external form of religion survived in a state of such pathetic weakness that eventually men were legally permitted to marry men; No people in human history had ever previously succeeded in imposing their total control over the whole world;
• The godless way of life caused a collapse of morals to such an extent that society descended into a state of decadence;
• Greed and lust provoked society to self-destruction;
• Deception was used to steal mankind’s wealth and reduce the masses of humanity to poverty. It was also used to lure mankind into copying the new godless way of life;
The new modern secular state devised a system of electoral politics for constituting Parliament, Government and (sometimes) for electing Judges. Citizens of the secular state, regardless of their religious beliefs, voted in democratic elections. Even if the elected government were to be constituted of those who worshiped Satan himself as their Lord and Master, the principle of democratic elections required that Christians, Jews, Muslims,Buddhist or Hindus etc., who voted in such elections, were obliged to accept such a government as lawful, legitimate and authorized to rule over them. They were also obliged to submit to its authority and be obedient to it.