9 February, 2025


Basil Lies To Polls Commission To Justify Running Task Force On Covid Relief: Says Not A Member Of Any Political Party

Basil Rajapaksa has officially informed the Elections Commission that he was not a member and did not hold any positions in any political party, the Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya told political party leaders at a meeting on Tuesday (21).

Basil Rajapaksa

The political leaders grilled the Commission about why it was permitting the national organiser of the ruling party to run a government task force that is distributing relief for people affected by the crisis during an election season.

Basil Rajapaksa as President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s special envoy was appointed as chairman of the Presidential Task Force to direct, coordinate and monitor the delivery of continuous services for the sustenance of overall community life in Sri Lanka in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When the SLFP-SLPP alliance was registered in February 2020 Basil Rajapaksa was announced as the General Secretary of the Alliance. He has also been consistently referred to as the national organizer of the SLPP in countless media reports – and it is a title he has never publicly refuted.

“Which person in this country is willing to believe this statement? Basil Rajapaksa is the national organizer of the SLPP and the General Secretary for the SLFP-SLPP alliance as well” said Anura Kumara Dissanayake who participated in the meeting.

Dissanayake was being interviewed by the Sirasa network show Ilakkaya when he made the revelation.

The Government had completely politicized the virus. “They are using this grave crisis to further their narrow political agendas,” the JVP leader slammed the Government.

Political observers expressed outrage of the Commission’s acceptance of Basil Rajapaksa’s claim and failure to hold the Government accountable for abusing state resources for political gain ahead of a major election. The same Commission had been almost draconian in how it acted to stop the UNP from abusing state resources during elections held when the Yahapalanaya regime was in power.

“It is as if the Election Commission is a bunch of babies. Are they living in outer-space? Do they not know that Basil is a key mover in the SLPP activities? Do they not know that Basil ran the SLPP campaign at the last election? Are they willing to accept this fabrication at face value just because he says so and not take action against the Government abusing state resources to favour their constituencies during an election?” a political observer noted.

The criticism of the Task Force comes as opposition parties raised the alarm that the Government was using Covid-19 relief and the Rs 5000 relief for daily wage earners as election handouts. UNP MP Ajith P. Perera participating in another talk show on Tuesday night said the Government was discriminating against minority communities in its distribution of COVID-19 aid.

Perera said that impoverished Muslim families in the Kalutara District were being deliberately left out of the relief distribution by grama sevakas and other officials aligned to the Government. “It is well known that these Muslim suburbs of Kalutara voted overwhelmingly against President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the November election. They are being punished for it now” he said.

On Illakkaya, JVP Leader Dissanayake also raised serious questions about how the Elections Commission went ahead and declared 20th June election day.

“We asked them, which experts did you consult – they responded that they spoke to the DG health services, the security forces top brass and the postal department officials. We asked them, what were their recommendations? Did they believe this could be managed sufficiently? The EC chairman responded that none of them had been able to give a certain answer about this. So who are we to believe?” he queried.

The Government’s move to force an end to the curfew and restrictions on daily life was solely aimed at creating a superficial normalcy that would enable them to force the Commission’s hand to hold elections early.

Last week the Silumina newspaper said “Corona bids adieu”. Lankadeepa said “Corona is over”. The Health Minister claimed that by the 19th of April the crisis will end. And Thilanga Sumathipala claimed that even though 107 people had died from dengue in 2019 we still held elections. With dengue, mosquitoes are the carriers. With corona virus, human beings are the carriers. Mosquitoes don’t campaign in elections and go to polling booths” Dissanayake charged.

This whole enactment was about holding the elections on the Government’s schedule he said pointing to the current regime’s insatiable power lust.

“The public needs to ask the question – on whose recommendation did the Government decide to lift the curfew? Which specialist told them it was safe to do this?” The President cannot make arbitrary decisions when people’s lives are in danger,” the JVP Leader said.

Dissanayake said he had also asked the Elections Commission whether the June 20th election date was final. The Commission had replied that was liable to change depending on how the situation evolved. The JVP Leader said he had then questioned the EC Chairman when the evaluation would be performed since the Commission had announced that it would begin to hand out preference numbers to candidates on May 4, 2020. Political parties had protested against this and insisted that the evaluation be completed about whether the election could be held on June 20 before candidate numbers are officially assigned.

The EC, Dissanayake said has to make its decision based on two key factors. The first is whether the election would be free and fair and conducted in a level playing field. The second factor was whether the officials conducting the election and voters would have to put their lives in danger during the vote.

Watch the full interview with the JVP Leader here:

Latest comments

  • 14

    The Rajapaksa’s lie, steal, and even murder. By now nothing should surprise us.

    Where is Gota’s letter from the US saying he is not a citizen anymore?
    Anyone seen it?
    Looks like it is Gota who is the American puppet.
    America could have easily made it difficult for him to run if they wanted to.

    The laugh is on his supporters, who called Ranil the American puppet. How things have turned, and they are okay with it.

  • 11

    Investigate and expose if this is being used as a method to take bribes!? List of all those donations should be made public… Tsunami fund repeated in process!??

  • 14

    Basil is the mastermind for gigantic robbery.

  • 0

    I was also wondering why the Election Commissioner allowed that because Basil is doing a fabulous job, keeping our poorest of the poor even being fed at least a bit of Dhal and Mackeral with their daily dose of Rice, while they are trying protect themselves and their beloved from the Corona Attacks ..

    No wonder the JVP Boss who is now the 3% Party leader Mr Dissanayaka is pissed off..

    May be Mr Dissanayaka wanted to be the Boss of this Relief for Dalits Project with a formidable Committee of his mates, like they had, to protect the Politikkas from the after effects of the Suicide Attacks last Easter.

    I have empathy for Mr Dissanayaka. He came to Kotte to look after the Dalits .

    With his new connections at the Elite Level , Mr Dissanayaka could have got the Expertise of many Eminent Politicians from the last Government , who have impeccable integrity and honesty records doing this sort of Supply Chain work.

    Dr Rajitha could have looked after the Corona with Mr Ravi Karunanayaka, Kabir Haseem and Malik Samare organizing the Low Doc Loans from the West to import better Tucker than Dhall and Mackeral..

    And Mangala Samare would have done a fantastic job with Ranjan Ramalanaka, Hirunicka Premchandra and Sujeeva Senasinghe to to do the Releif Supply for the Dalits across whole of Colombo and outside..

  • 8

    since time immemorial when has a member of the rajapuka clan ever spoken the truth.?
    they spit out tons of repulsive bullshit from their stinky mouths all 24 hours of the day.?
    they think that if they use their tactical forced charm to hold the polls on the 2nd June 2020 they will be the undisputed victors with the much sought after 2/3rd majority they badly need to further ruin the plagued nation.
    I appeal to the Sinhalese voters the 6.9 million of them who got carried away with the wiles of one of the world’s most sought after war criminals instead of sitting on their brains to analyse as to how the country has fared after the 16th November 2019 election every Tom Dick and Harry are very well aware that the island’s living conditions have taken a turn for the worse.
    the costs of living are now living on the moon, the coronavirus has made the poor to be poorer, they are running from pillar to post to feed their starving families.
    even one malnourished scrap of a meal once a day has become a luxury and it is beyond the reach of most of these hapless innocent folks.
    I therefore humbly please with the Sinhalese voters instead of sitting shitting to glory into or onto their brains to vote for a true democracy-loving progressive alliance which will then enable the country to be saved from these crooked petty the always lying rajapuka clan and their fellow racist robbers who together match the worlds best.
    all the best cheers R. J.

  • 5


    Discovery: further limits on comments – 200 words, not 300! 7 days only, not ten days!

    I’ve seen something like 45 minutes of the 70-minute interview with Anura Kumara Dissanayake, and then been told that I can’t proceed further because of something to do with my outmoded equipment, browsers, etc. This desk-top computer is running a pirated copy of Windows 7, something very common in Sri Lanka. However, I get the general drift of things.
    There are many ways of countering Coronavirus Disease 2019 (I’ve just discovered that to be what COVID -19 is – something that got revealed to me owing to one of Donald Trump’s top Medical adviser women saying that there had been 18 Coronovirus outbreaks before this.
    Let me, for now, just make this point, after viewing this, and especially the video towards the end of this article.
    It’s the Swedish way, and the Herd Immunisation doesn’t sound cruel the way it has with Donald Trump.

    • 1

      PART TWO

      This was posted minutes after PART ONE . Re-submitting almost 24 hours later as requested by the editor. . When I was about to do so many hours ago, there was a power failure, and lightning, so I shut down this copper wire ADSL connection.
      In between, I tried to log in as Panini Edirisinhe.

      India and Sri Lanka have adopted strict Military-style curfew more suitable for human-human Warfare than for countering this troublesome virus. Most Sri Lankans see here a great victory for Gota. All this misery inflicted on the poor, but how do we get back to interacting with one another and with the world? This is the problem for me. The Rajapaksas have no strategy to get us back into the World.
      This article dealt with the virus of a hundred years ago as it affected Sri Lanka.
      That was how it was here. This is how it was worldwide:

      This may all be rather disjointed I’ll try to get back to examining the implications.

  • 4

    We don’t have to go into “politicians’ statements” which are essentially a pack of lies. We all know Basil is there where money hovers around. Already the stories of markups in curfew deliveries can be best explained by the need to pay “administrative fees” in getting authorization for curfew deliveries. True! there are a plethora of daily paids. during these sad times they can be mobilised for various services effectively employing them but in a different field. The amount 5000 bucks is neither here nor there but a drain on the state coffers and a “santhosam” in the eve of elections. This is a difficult situation.for the NEC and in practical terms it has brushed enough with the high and mighty. Remember this is a country the executive was involved in throwing stones at judges. So the NEC, though not straightforward will have to stop at a certain limit.

  • 2

    We don’t have to go into “politicians’ statements” which are essentially a pack of lies. We all know Basil is there where money hovers around. Already the stories of markups in curfew deliveries can be best explained by the need to pay “administrative fees” in getting authorization for curfew deliveries. True! there are a plethora of daily paids. during these sad times they can be mobilised for various services effectively employing them but in a different field. The amount 5000 bucks is neither here nor there but a drain on the state coffers and a “santhosam” in the eve of elections. This is a difficult situation.for the NEC and in practical terms it has brushed enough with the high and mighty. Remember this is a country the executive was involved in throwing stones at judges. So the NEC, though not straightforward will have to stop at a certain limit. The worst is yet to come. My reading is that it is safe for everyone to hold elections even if the environment is not that conducive and let there be no real show down where the country turns to be an Uganda under Idi Amin.

  • 11

    Sri Lanka is cursed with one Rajapaksa after another!

  • 12

    Mahinda Deshapriya is basils lap dog…….. the whole country knows Basil is heading Pohottuwa except Mahinda Deshapriya..what a clown this Desha+apriya is.

  • 9

    Appointing Basil Rajapaksa, a convicted fraudster to head the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19 is disgraceful and will badly affect President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s image.

  • 1

    I just do not care if its politically connected or whateveras long as people van get their food , large number of people are starving , lot of babies have no milk powder, people with need of regular medication have no access.
    People posted to taskforce are responsible for any repurcussion from negligence of duties

    And independent Honest Social services activist are denied the freedom to reach those who are desperately calling and begging for help .
    This is sending people a very wrong message.
    Its upto HE The President and Hon
    PM to advice all Police divisions to facilitate volunteers to carry out their services to help the people.

  • 11

    One of many lies, deception, and fraud. Fools a galore to defend these crooks and vote for them.

  • 12

    Basil Rajapakse is the smartest, cunning person in Mahinda dynasty, Some call him 10% man,. I do not how he enhances his wealth So much money coming b to the country to save the country fro COVID10 is an opportunity fr Mahind dynasty to make money. I look as if EC is scared of their life because the President is good at disposing of people who he hates, EC should keep the election date open for at least six months until the country returns to normalcy Mahinda Deshapriya if he loves his country and maintains his honest he should not listen to GOTA

  • 11

    Dear People are you happy now ? .
    Not a single step being taken by incumbent president is in compliance with constitutional provisions.. Maco has confirmed that Basil BP Rajapakse has not even a member of any party nor even in SLPP. .Is GOTA better than his Brother MR???????

    • 10

      This is what we 60 lacks of voter eligible repeated? Now u guys have no other alternatives than go for replace the staple food with Punnakku or Ratathanakola.. Is not that so ?

  • 5

    This is what we 60 lacks of voter eligible repeated? Now u guys have no other alternatives than go for replace the staple food with Punnakku or Ratathanakola.. Is not that so ? ? tail would never be straightened even if we put it in a bamboo shealth_ granny’ s saying is true.

  • 8

    Can any one with sanity sit with this guy Basil, seeing being presided over a meeting, looking back his recent past, not long ago, but just 4 years ago. ? Immediately after the election defeat he was found as leaving to their GREENER pasture – Losangeles, not them being able to face the very same nation again. Then he was taken back by the mediation of Interntional police… my god, how stupid the nation has been. Sadu Sadu !!!!

    None of the plethora of allegations levelled at him on numerous high scale corruption handlings abusing state funds in COLLOSSAL amounts as they were their own properties then, and not naming even the owner of the palace going to be built in Gampaha yet, people to forget them all at once is astounding ? I think people are MEEHARAKAS.

    I think SRILANKENS are SO STUPID…. really …how quick they just ignore and pay with indifference ? There are MASSES in this country as revealing at this COVID crisis, that are really really poor… those STATISTICS calling as the nation as MID income earning should be not compliant with the data at hand but these brothers had them done for their own advantages fooling also IMF or the like donation bodies.

  • 5

    How quick people forget almost everything.. ? I think people should finally be clear that misleading of the very same has been their political games and power greedy tactics.
    Why our people forget (not just a smaller portion but in masses) any factful information easily should be investigated, even if the NATION is said to be highly literate and literarcy rate is over 95%.
    If Pakistanies are caught by being fools, moroccans being as such would be acceptable but it is not easy to realize why LITERATE people are too misled with the same frequency ?

    MEDIA men should be INTERVIEWED by International JOURNALISTS to reveal the GRAND truth about SRILANKEN politics to the world.


    This man though biased to GOTABAYA, at least revealing bit more about the ground reality.

    He repeats that this nation are tied with a self-deception.
    And in the same time, as an ISLAND nation, we should have been doing what they ve been doign today, we could be free from COVID 19… because there are lot more islands and even tribal countries that have controlled it better.

  • 9

    If this would have been in EUROPE, this basil should be jailed to have misled the nation.
    But that does not work in SL – and their justice system. Not a single party or someone stands with balls to file and question.
    GOTABAYA is already proved that his POLITICs is not far from his ABUSIVE brothers Basil and Mahinda.
    The nation is caught by the crocodiles not even passing 5 years. That is the GROUND reality of this nation: This nation would never be able to improve this situation and become a progressive nation:

  • 5

    US citizens are running this Miracle of Modayas.. Meanwhile Sajith wants the Fake Corona pandemic to continue with the brutal miitary lock downs so he can have a national govt. with the Rajapaksa brothers after postponing elections?!

    Sajith wants a certificate from god saying Corona has disappeared before he will emerge from his fear psychosis! JVP too! meanwhile, US puppet Bondscam Ranil , Ravi and the Central Bank thieves are off the hook because of big pharma funded WHO’s fake Corona pandemic.

    Country is doomed – rupee crashing, economy in shambles,, GMOA and Anil Jayasinghe is the pay of WHO and big pharma to spread the Covid 19 panic, though the test kits are malfunctioning and they are cooking the infection rates and death rates and Data to fit the WHO and CIA funded Johns Hopkins University and Gates Foundation fake Covid 19 epidemic narrative..

  • 10

    Isn’t this the same guy who ran the tsunami relief? Nothing else need to be said.

  • 8

    May well be Rajitha Senaratne was always no correct,
    but here he is very right REGARDING containment of covid in Srilanka. No doubt, if he had been the Minister, they would have achieved alot.


    They should have been doing what they have been doing today, we as an island nation could be free from COVID 19 by today.
    Srilanka is not the ONLY country to have contained it to this level, with NEPAL and VIETNAM done to their best with Zero Death toll…. how come ?:
    Srilanka is IDENTIFIED with Uganda and the like TRIBAL countries.

  • 9

    basils qualifications are that he is an amercan citizen presently on bail

  • 10

    These Rajapaksehs dont care even if they have been alleged to high crimes.. with provable facts. Both JUSTICE system and Rajapakshe are not doing their job serving justice.

  • 5

    Perera said that impoverished Muslim families in the Kalutara District were being deliberately left out of the relief distribution by grama sevakas and other officials aligned to the Government.

    You can pay to every body by stocking oil price as the price oil is very very low.

    Today news Indians woke up on Tuesday morning, crude oil prices had fallen below zero for the first time in history

  • 0

    COVID-19 has to go through a certain pathway, Prez. Gota has tasked BR with some responsibility and he is trying his best to deliver it, elections were to be held this month but then, to everyone’s surprise, the Corona pandemic came out of the blue. We can’t hold elections when the whole world is in a disarray. The general public understands the gravity of the situation & the majority of them appreciate the Govt. especially the Prez & PM. Unfortunately, some cheap opposition politicians whose political future on tenterhooks are trying to create issues but they will fail miserably.

  • 10

    Yes Basil is not a member of any political party and EC has accepted it like they never questioned about Gota’s American citizenship when he come forwarded as Presidential candidate. This is Sri Lanka anything can happen. Basil claims that Malwana 10 Acre Land not belongs to him Court will accept it. Yoshitha Rajapaksha said he got money to buy a Land and built a house with Daisy Aachchi’s money. Daisy Aachchi said to court that she got a bag of Gems and later bag of money in exchange of Gem bag. court will accept it. Uduwe Dammaloka There said someone abandoned an Elephant Calf in his Temple and Court will accept it. Basil also denied that Valuable Land in Galle is also not belongs to him. There are lot and long list. Poor Basil someone is trying to put Basil in trouble buying those properties . After this Civid 19 Pandemic is over Basil will buy half of Sri Lanka but still he will deny saying they are not belongs to him. Rajapaksha Family has abused Tsunami Funds and this time Donations to fight Covid 19 Pandemic. Every disaster for the Country is Festival for Rajapaksha Family.

  • 2

    AKD is just talking and become just a dummy.

  • 7

    President has been fooled by his brothers

    President may have good will to take good steps, but he does not seem to have good advisers.
    This his knew from the begining on, but him to have failed not having the done the least by his own, meeting with the pledges made to the nation – which is THE POLITICAL CULTURE WILL BE DIFFERENT TO THE TRADITIONAl – was a liar.
    Either he is not the person appeared to be, being pompous by biased media, or he has no talents other than to be a PUBLIC servant/Asyulum seeker or the like

    Looking back SIRISENA at the beginning was much better than Gotabaya. He respected some transparencies but Nandasena ?

  • 1

    Only seven people died up to now. Other than that people are getting sick, they acquire body immunity and go home. The problem is sri Lanka has to plan how to take care of weak old people and people with chronic illnesses if infected by Asymptomatic carriers or children who get the infection.
    Other countries are also have declared EMERGENCY acts and called both non medical and medical military personnel to support the sick people.

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