18 September, 2024


BBC News | Gota:Take My Word, I’m The Secretary Defence

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa

Take My Word, I’m The Secretary Defence , says Gotaghaya Rajapaksa.


BBC HardTalk Sri Lanka 6-9: Democracy Sri Lankan Style – 11 June 2010






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    How can anyone take his word for face value, just because he is the Defence Secretary, by virtue of his brother holding office as the President, when he is a diabolical liar and a killer?

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    The BBC should comment on the inappropriate answers this bird brained Gotabaya gives if not the world will think that all Sinhalese are dumb heads like this gonna.Gamini was correct in pointing out that this fool got the defence secretary’s post as a nepotistic appointment. Usually a senior professionally civil servant is given this post as it is a responsible post where human rights are concerned. Here this man from nowhere is given all powers to ride rough shod over an ethnic group, the Tamils and carry out ethnic cleansing without hesitation and without being subjected to the consequences that faced Charles Taylor and other war criminals.

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      Dr. Gu-raj

      The so-called d gonna managed to clean up the your beloved world deadlist Terra leader VP podian and his monkey army with his bird-brain.

      What do you think about that? A bit hurt hey? Keep collecting money for the nest round as SL forces needs traget practice. Thus time you send your own effluent sons and daughters in western wrold for your dreamland Peelum.

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    In the whole history of world political history is there anyone who turned out to be the Defense Secretary who once used to be a war-timid-fugitive-gasoline-pump-operator?

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      Mind you this gasolie pump operator managed to clean up the world . I believe he is better than your beloved grade-5 level educated terrorist leader VP podian.

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    Mark Webber, Even though this timid bird-brainer clown is a hero for a imbecile loser like you majority of Sri Lankans, Sinhalese, Tamils, other nationalities and the International Community view this buffalo as a war criminal. Buffaloes like you always play the VP Tiger record. Don’t you feel bored always repeating the same thing various assumed names-max silva, peter cassie cheey, kalu albert, annonymous, suz-all these morons are the same buffalo in different names! VP was merely a terrorist killer, but buffaloes like you are a real nuisance to the society writing utter lies! How can a gasoline pump operator clean up the world? Have you gone nuts or caught mad-cow disease? GORA, MARA, BARA, NARA and others have cleaned up the packet, economy, wealth and the poor in this country! That is for sure! And for that crime they deserve a more despicable punishment than Tiger leader!

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    Mark Webber, Even though this timid bird-brainer clown is a hero for a imbecile loser like you majority of Sri Lankans, Sinhalese, Tamils, other nationalities and the International Community view this buffalo as a war criminal. Buffaloes like you always play the VP Tiger record. Don’t you feel bored always repeating the same thing in various assumed names-max silva, peter cassie cheey, kalu albert, annonymous, suz-all these morons are the same buffalo in different names! VP was merely a terrorist killer, but buffaloes like you are a real nuisance to the society writing utter lies! How can a gasoline pump operator clean up the world? Have you gone nuts or caught mad-cow disease? GORA, MARA, BARA, NARA and others have cleaned up the pocket, economy, wealth and the poor in this country! That is for sure! And for that crime they deserve a more despicable punishment than Tiger leader!

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    Pls visit Sri Lanka & see the peace & the development in the north for your self. One thing-There is no room for Peelum ! Forget it, you will never get it in Sri Lanka.

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    What an idiot..the guy needs to learn to talk.

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