21 January, 2025


BBS To Destroy Kuragala Islam Religious Site – Alavi Mowlana Asked MR To Intervene

“There has also been threats by the Bodu Bala Sena to bring thousands of Buddhists in vehicle parade to place a Buddha statute and destroy our religious site on May 18th 2013.” Alavi Mowlana, the Governor of the Western Province wrote to Mahinda Rajapaksa today.

We publish below the letter in full;

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    Chi, Chii! Shameless Mowlana. Shows how low they go down to have every thing for them.

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    the second photo reminds me a Tamil movie called “Basha” ;)

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    If he bent another 12 Inches down, he would have Kissed the Banana with Rambutan and got a free milk shake.

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      Purely disgusting, try to be bit more polite – this kinda vulgar cant help us getting rid of the ruling thugs.

      I love CT articles. This is the only platform I trust to leave my comments, but I really dont think it is fine to read this kind of comments.

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        If the world famous Sri Lanka’s Parliament members could go this low, what happens when we write them.

        Haven’t you seen since lately many ministers and the general public worshipping the so called Lord Buddha and King Dutugemunu’s blood line. The ever fake jokers.

        Didn’t you know that over half of the Parliament members are bone and arse licking Nattamis who do nothing but only sucking our blood.

        Didn’t you notice even the ministers are scotting, bending, kneeling ” I think they do their daily exercise” in front of President.

        We have all the communal, economic and cultural problems, misery and animosity in the country all because of these arse licking dogs in the parliament.

        Sri Lanka’s Parliament is the biggest Mafia Club which is most corrupt and wasteful white elephant in Sri Lanka, which we don’t need and should get rid of.These good for nothing Rats destroy our country to the bone.

        Look at the Minister whose monthly Electricity bill alone is over 125,000 rupees paid by the Tax payer, while Maha Eka increasing our rates and prices. How about all other perks and santhosams. What a joke.

        They deserve everything what we have commented.

        Please do your math, research and own home work before commenting.

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          I did not want to put you down, but I would not use the same langague just because the idiots including the president would use them back and forth.

          I add my comments to this or other forum not being in the country but being out of – not just for few years but for decades. Whenever I get hurt reading low level comments – by many to this and other thread. We are all against the uneducated rulers, if we respect the dignified life – why to add such low level kunuharupa.

          No doubt I have in my mind, we need a totally different system to be replaced the country system in SL. Hamuduruwos and their speeches are almost no different to fish mongers in Negombo or pettah markets today ( not to disgrace fish mongers but that is the just comparison only). All these are becaues of Weerawansa and Mervin. Had the rulers removed both from the lanken politics, our society would have been improved to good for sure. In my days, 2.5 decades ago in SL, I never heard politicians publicly speaking like today. But most of these politicians belong to ruling coalition.

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      HA HA HAA!!!!!!!!!!!!

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      Nice one Jayantha. My imagination was running riot trying to figure out how big the banana must be.

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    while I say I am happy that at least CT gives us a chance to see how our fellow citizen think, its sad that 99.9% of the contents leaves me sad.
    we are born in and live in a tiny dot of a land – what does it matter which bus we have taken to go to destination “heaven” – I am on the Buddhist bus. Lets all take our individual trails without just sitting back and criticizing / attacking other’s buses

    who will profit by all this? only the politicians of all races/ religions ha ha Sinhala, tamil , muslim , christian

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    Like the Kentuckey Chicken advertisement – FINGER LICKING GOOD!

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      100% non-halal.

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        And 10% commission – again all non-halal!

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      Purely a Photo-op. Look at where President is looking. That’s why he has his over 50 Camera crew entourage follow him where ever he goes.

      Over 100 Billion Rupees spent on Rajapakse Advertising and promotion with all the cut outs and posters stalled throught the country.

      Using press, media, Parliament Goons, Lawyers, Judges, Professionals, are part of this promotion.

      This is been carried out while buying, killing,vandelising and destroying private and opposing media,murdering reporters and journalists and destroying their rights, liberty freedom and democrazy.

      Therefore this Alavi Moulana photo is anotther Rajapakse Maharajano Lord Buddha ancestral Advertising promotion.

      Remember both crooks and Parrots love music and to imitate…….Lord Buddha.

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    Sir Mowlana- May Allah swt forgive this action of yours this is 100% Biddah and haram, we know you soul is suffering and you are in a helpless position to support your community and als you are aware that the next Sufi shrine to be pulled down will be the Dewatagaha in Colombo a lot of rumors have already started they succeeded with the anuradapura one disturbed the dead without any shame ,now it is the Jailani once they succeed in the Jailani they will no doubt under the disguise of Colombo plan an development destroy the Dewatagaha Mosque and remove it permanently ,let the Muslims of Sri Lanka indulge in the world until the flood reaches their house Holds ,when Allah swt will turn his face away from them, they will pay bitterly for their carelessness,I guarantee in The Name of God Almighty they wont have a friend to run to.

    Shame on you Sri Lank Muslims.

    You will be questioned and you will pay a bitter price for your silence!!!!!

    A Big Thank you for CT for enlightening us always in time,keep up the good work

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    Not many of the CT readers may be
    aware that the following Sri Lankan
    Muslim leaders are to be honoured
    by Saudi Arabia. They are to be
    awarded the prizes mentioned against
    their names:

    A.H.M. Ass were – two hundred weights of dates

    Pyser Moustafa – hundred barrels of low sulpher crude oil

    Abdul Ka udder – 100 cans of refined brake oil

    Rauf Hark him – 150 CDs containing adult movies

    Risard Bard uda deen – A case of Gilette Shaving Razors

    Al wee Mow lanus – A case of extra soft facial soap with nose preservative

    A.H.M. Pou see – A three foot sword and a royal dagger for use in
    self experiments

    These awards are for being so loyal to the government and forgetting
    the Muslim community, says a citation to be issued.

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      But somebody told me AHM Ass-were was to receive 200 gallons of Advanced LISTERINE mouthwash to remove bad breath and cleanse his foul-mouth, with a lifetime warranty for an unlimited supply of the same mouth cleanser, no matter which govt comes to power thereafter.

      Also, Pyser Moustafa has no use for low grade sulphur crude oil because he cannot get his price for it on the open market, especially after the CPC fiasco involving Pou-See and Kos-Ata Kabraal. Instead he has openly expressed his desire to be once again made Tourism Minister because he thinks his family can make more money by selling coloured Kasa-Kasa to foreign tourists rushing to see the the naked Sigiriya damsels.

      As for Risard Bard Uda Deen, he wont refuse the GiletteRazors but he certainly hopes there will be more foolish Rizanas to get convicted in Saudi Arabia so that he can make a few overseas trips on the house to fulfill his personal Omrahs on the pretext of pleading for their release. Also, he could do with a few voice modulated amplifiers to threaten judges who fall foul of his dictates.

      The only person who would not grudge what was given to him is Rauf Hark him. Especially with the Kanthi files threatened to be open if he does another silly Azath Silly, he will be more than content with his booty of 150 CDs containing Adult movies.

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    The Council to Reward Patriotic Muslims in Sri Lanka in the Royal
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made the decisions reported in the CT
    after paying attention to important criteria. The Council, according
    to a Palace source, has picked award recipients on the basis they
    came into the UPFA on the “Muslim” ticket.

    Ass were was awarded two hundred weights of dates in view of the
    upcoming Ramazan season in July. In the past too, dates were channeled
    through him to mosques throughout Sri Lanka. Most mosques complained
    they never received them. They only saw dates in glossy middle east magazines. The price at which the same dates were sold is Rs 1,500 a
    kilogramme. Just imagine two hundred weights.

    Pyser was given the crude oil taking Fashion Bug owner to the high
    and mighty. He has already appealed that his reward be reviewed since no ship is willing to bring 100 barrels of sweet Saudi crude. Pyser had already worked a deal to sell the stock to Maldives where it would be sufficient for three weeks.

    The refined brake oil for Ka udder is to apply them on his feet
    morning, noon and night. This is to avoid his constant habit of putting his foot in. He has been told he could sell part of the brake oil to his former UNP colleagues who have no brakes.

    The CDs for Hark him is triple XXX adult movies. Some are studded with
    suspense whilst others are full of suspenders. Yet others are as strong as the Arab horses.

    Pou see will not have his reward changed. He has been cautioned that the sword and dagger he receives are extremely sharp. He has been asked to experiment with them only if he is serious about results.

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      Hello Jolly Molla; just to update you about Pou Sees gift.It was an expensive sword encrusted diamonds because the Saudis had originally intended to present it to Camilla-Park-Yer-Balls but later changed their mind because they thought being a white woman married to a white prince, she was worthy of something even more expensive. So, they gave it to PouSee instead because they knew he will accept anything that shines. His nephew Azath Silly however, stole the expensive sword from the uncle but did not know the Saudi warning about its use. So, thinking that he can use it to ride to fame as defacto Muslim leader, he brandished the stolen sword and learnt his first lesson by ending up at Nawaloka. The lesson was so good that he is now full of praise for MR saying that it is only he who can bring peace to his people. Everything else is now history.

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        Unluckily, the bodkin never pierced the taboo channels of the unsullied Sally.

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    Oh my God, Jolly Molla. Where on earth did you get all this information from. Every sentence made me roll on the ground with laughter and my husband is even thinking of banning CT from the house because I was laughing so much.Im still laughing.Oh my God, the funny antics of our muslim politicians. The best part is about the dates that never reached the mosques. No wonder this man has such a foul mouth.Too much dates can destroy your gums. And the next best was Pysers crude oil sale to the Maldives. The Kandy folks say this man is so slick that he will even sell Maldive fish to the Maldivians. You just have to ask Thondaman whose thonda he cut after he gave him a chance to enter politics thro the CWC. Also, dont forget how he tried to work out a deal to support the disgraced ex-CJ by working behind MRs and Gotas backs. Unfortunately they came to know of his antics and he lost his shine with them. As for Hark Hims triple x movies,Im sure the Arabs already know that he has the stamina of their best stallions to enjoy the movies night after night. No need for any viagra for him to enjoy his Arabian Nights.

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      Fareena, alas you are careened away with erotic emotions, did you enjoy your fantasy with a double XL?

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    This is no laughing matter Madam Lafai. That
    is the state of Muslim politicians in Sri
    Lanka. They are quite different from the
    present day youth, mostly educated, well-informed
    and liberal. They are ambassadors of the
    community they come from. Alas, it is these politicians
    who have come into limelight using the votes of
    Muslims who are the worst.

    More is now coming from Saudi Arabia about the impending
    awards which will be held in a beachfront away from
    Riyadh. The site has been chosen so the recipients will
    receive their awards and will be put on a boat headed to
    Sri Lanka.

    Pou See, the Council said, had been given the sharp sword
    and dagger, for being an expert in hara kiri. His martial arts
    skills were displayed in petroleum deals when he was Minister
    in charge. Half the crude oil imported flowed into his pocket.
    Now, he will have a weapon on hand if anything comes to public

    All the recipients will receive a certificate calling them
    A Patriot of Sri Lanka and an “offender of the Muslim Community.”

    There is also a dagger for the Traitor of Muslims in Sri Lanka. Going
    by accounts reaching Colombo, an awkward looking Moo sin, a grey bearded employee of Fashion Bug is the strongest contender. He has
    persuaded the management not to proceed with cases against attackers.
    Moo sin’s mates say “any pou. Moota sin ney,” at the plight of the
    old septuagenarian. He is only a floor attendant and had been used as a front. Now even his back is under threat.

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