25 April, 2024


Beijing’s Control Freaks Deceive Hong Kong: So Far Narendra Modi-1, Xi Jinping-0

By Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

Prof. Kumar David

President Xi is just completing his first benighted year in office; in countries on the other side of its littoral waters China is seen as an obstreperous bully; Beijing’s control freaks have brazenly deceived the people of Hong Kong; emotions of great power nationalism have grown among the people though the economic waters of the Middle Kingdom are uncertain. Modi’s first 100 days as Prime Minister has been like an express train, sometimes sans brakes. He has scored PR goals but admittedly it is too early for substantive achievements. On the down-side, is he building a team or turning his Cabinet colleagues into pliant followers?

[Now is a good time to review the goal scoring rates of our giant neighbours since next Sunday has to be reserved for armchair philosophising about Scotland and the week after for Uva after the verdict; that is if elections are held. Why is the ruling party indulging hell for leather in vote-losing election violence? Is there a pact between the palace and the commissioner whereby the king can instruct his underling to call it all off if defeat stares the regime in the face? In recent times there has been so much perfidy in high places that the surreal is the possible].

Lying to Hong Kong

A solemn promise was recorded in 1997 at the reunification of HK with the Mainland that there would be steady progress towards universal suffrage in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to give it its full name. A high degree of autonomy was also enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984. All came to nought two weeks ago when the National People’s Congress (China’s parliament) decided that for all intents Beijing will nominate 2 or 3 persons and Hong Kong people could choose one among them – some universal suffrage! The procedure would be that Beijing appoints a “nominating committee” of 1200 Hong Kongers who will pick the candidates. In the years since 1997 a similar committee of Hong Kong tycoons, businessmen and China supporters elected previous Chief Executives. (The Chief Executive is the Chinese version of the British Governor).

There is a grotesque paradox that outsiders need to understand: The firmest supporters in Hong Kong of the Communist regime in China are tycoons and big business leaders! Beijing has held Hong Kong’s, admittedly spectacularly successful capitalist system, rock steady for the mega-buck classes. The mass of the population too has benefited. The strongest opponent of China’s control of the city state is the 18-25 age-group, including especially university students. Older liberals and many old enough to remember British times are nostalgic. I was blacklisted as a leftist by the Singapore Government in 1983 when the National University offered me a position. I then accepted an offer from Hong Kong and on arrival friends would joke: “In Singapore they have ‘democracy’ but no freedom; here we have no ‘democracy’ but we have freedom”. That was true then and remains so to a large degree now, but it may change. Confrontation is building; if the PLA is used or if there is bloodshed, it would be the end of the Hong Kong that its people know and love so much.

Hong Kong opinion is divided into three, the largest is the third; first, radicals, students and activists who managed to call a huge 800,000 strong rally recently; second, mobilisation based on the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong and pro-Beijing trade unions backed by business interest and Beijing managed a similar size rally though there were allegations of bussing and buying. Third are those resigned to the inevitable; a good two-thirds belong to this category but they will take sides as events mature in the next two years. Democrats and students very justifiably feel outraged. It is unlikely that they will back down but they must eschew violence or methods that will alienate the law and order worshiping majority. Those who want greater democracy need to plan a prolonged campaign, consonant with the tortoise-pace of 5000 year old Chinese civilisation. Mishandled, the Occupy Central movement that is to get off the ground in the coming days can degenerate into large scale clashes. One factor on the side of the radicals would be if they could mobilise support in the Mainland; first in the student movement.

By foisting fake-suffrage on Hong Kong, Beijing as killed all prospect of reunification with Taiwan. Taiwan practices genuine electoral bourgeois democracy. Now China has nothing to offer; the one country two systems recipe has been degraded to farce. Next it is up to the people of Taiwan to choose a menu between what will be imposed on Hong Kong, or fearfully seek independence. Either way, the rest of the world, United Nations included, must respect and accept their choice.

Gunboats in the China seas

Xi Jinping has sprouted into a prickly leader. The scariest part is that China has turned into a huge bully in all its littoral waters – the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea washing the shores of Korea. It is mind boggling to list the countries that it is embroiled in a tiff with about islands or territorial limits; Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. In the case of Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam the brush touched incipient force and could have ended in the exchange of fire if the other side had not backed off. In part China’s aggressive stance is motivated by expectations of oil and gas under the sea bed, but much is great power posturing. China is determined to assert its primacy in the region and correct assumed historical wrongs. In the case of the South China Sea the Chinese claim is outrageous and extends very close to Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. A vast expanse of ocean is claimed as Chinese waters. The aria of the Polit-Bureau impresarios in dark suites is a line from the verse William Cowper planted on Alexander Selkirk’s lips: “I am monarch of all I survey”. (Selkirk was Daniel Defoe’s inspiration for Robinson Crusoe).

Within the Spratly Archipelago, thousands of miles from China and close to the Philippines, China is creating new islands out of the sea. It intends to build its South China Sea airbase there to threaten not only the Philippines but also Malaysia and Indonesia. The Chinese master plan is not only access to millions of tons of oil that are thought to lie underneath but also military objectives. Beijing is playing with fire. It may precipitate Japanese rearming including a nuclear deterrent.  The public is against the constitutional change that must precede rearmament, but objections will be jettisoned if there is a naval clash in these waters or a Japanese vessel is sunk with the loss of life.

The Modi Express

Modi’s first overseas visit was to Japan. He won a promise of $35 billion in investment and support for smart cities that he plans to grow. There was talk of nuclear cooperation but no details emerged and of course regional security, code for containing China, was on the table. Something will come of this but it is too early to say how it will unfold. Modi is on steroids for sure.

The more interesting, and in my view hugely premature initiative is the invitation extended to all 54 African heads to visit India in December. How on earth can Indian bureaucrats and business interests, or conversely their African counterparts, put in place within three months, policy proposals and investment plans for meaningful consultation? This type of initiative needs ground work and much hard slog at the lower levels before heads of government stick their thumbs in and initial drafts. To my mind December 2015 would have been a more sensible date and that too would require Modi to drive his bureaucrats with a whip to get adequate programmes in place. There really is no sense in loads of African heads milling through the Taj or doodling around tiger spotting.

Modi’s objective seems clear; to outflank China on the African continent. But this will have to be a slow process because India does not have the deep foreign currency pockets that China can boast, and Indian capitalists are no match for Chinese state sponsored enterprises. I agree a start has to be made but a systematic approach is the right way. India has two natural advantages that China lacks; the English language and a demographic connection to tens of thousands who migrated (or taken as indentured labour) to nearly all the former British colonies. South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania including the island of Zanzibar, Uganda and Madagascar immediately come to mind. However, these inherent advantages have to be worked on and worked up.

Thankfully, Modi has ignored all the Western financial and economic rags and made populist essentials his first policy base in the budget and his Independence Day address; bank accounts for tens of millions, public and school toilets and pressure on families to tame misbehaving males. Obviously not much has happened yet, though some companies have started work on school toilets and it seems there is quite a rush to open bank accounts though the challenge is to keep them open. So far he has eschewed grabbing lands to bestow on rapacious multinationals and refrained from destroying the small retail sector for the benefit of global Wall Marts. He is right; consolidation of populist credentials is a sine qua non before embarking on hard economic choices. But first Modi must begin to deliver on his numerous, perhaps too numerous, initiatives.

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  • 3

    Seventy years before Vasco Da Gama arrived in India with 4 ships, the Chinese admiral Zheng He visited South India and later the east coast of Africa with a fleet of over 300 ships, including 65 huge treasure ships. The treasure – gold, silver, silk and porcelain were used to establish a network of maritime trade centres stretching from Nanjing to Persia and Mogadishu. Sri Lanka was a key point in this trade network of the early 1400s.

    After 1433, the Chinese Empire turned inwards and though they had invented the magnetic compass, trade in the Indian Ocean was dominated by others. During the colonial era China was subjected to drug warfare by the British in the form of the Opium Wars. This is an important fact to be considered when discussing Hong Kong, which was ceded to the British for 150 years following an act of blatant terrorism by the British Empire when they threatened to bombard Chinese cities from their ships if China did not allow Britain to resume the destructive (to China) opium trade.

    No one expected China to resume its former glory, especially during the early years of Communism and the Cultural Revolution (as it was portrayed in the West). The racist Western cultural anthropologists argued that the Chinese were hard-working but not inventive (which was regarded as an attribute of The Western Man). The voyages of Magellan and Vasco Da Gama were repeated in schools, while the voyages of Zheng He were forgotten. Even in China this great navigator was largely forgotten, though his memory was kept alive by Chinese communities in Indonesia and Malaysia, who continued to venerate him.

    When Zheng He visited Sri Lanka he left the famous trilingual stone carving (carved in 1409) which was discovered, covering a culvert in Galle in 1918. This stone paid respects to Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam in the Chinese, Tamil and Persian scripts respectively. The offerings to each religion were considerable – 1000 gold coins, 5000 silver coins and embroidered silks, antique brass implements etc.

    What has been described by the Americans and Indians as the “String of Pearls” strategy of China is a renewal of the old maritime Silk Road. This was integrated with the Cinnamon route in which Sri Lanka was a key port. The new harbour in Hambantota reflects a long history of Chinese maritime trade with Sri Lanka, which preceded the arrival of the Portuguese.

    Chinese investment in Africa is a good thing for Africa, and India need not try to compete with China, since what India is best at providing is different to what China is best at providing. It can be a win-win situation, in which the nations of Africa and those of Asia (including Sri Lanka), with friendly relationships with both great nations, are beneficiaries.

    • 0

      Mahinda & the Monkey gang will gift you NUKES to the cities of the Land Like No Other….The Fascist Paradise made on Buddhism.

      End of America A movie you must see to believe …: http://youtu.be/oqRyUQzokYs

      Islam & Russia Vs West & Zionism (World Organized Crime)


      The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin

      The Difference Between Putin & Obama

      BRICS…Breaking The Jewish Money Power

      Sheikh Imran Hosein 2014 Islam, Russia, Ukraine and Alliance with Rum Rome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUzHQy54DdM

      A Devil in Disguise – Zionism and Its Threat to Christianity, Judaism & the World – pt1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1APfv_GmtyE&list=PLA8EB7859969434BD

      A Devil in Disguise – The Satanic Talmud, Fake News & Zionist Controlled Media – pt2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVYN21_THpg&list=PLA8EB7859969434BD

      A Devil in Disguise – The Creation of Anti-Arab racism by Jewish Hollywood – pt3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDIFn8O2P9o&list=PLA8EB7859969434BD

      • 1


        In my estimation World War Three began long ago. The Cold War was an early phase of World War Three, which began at the conclusion of World War II and has been going on all my life.

        The Cold War was complex and included the proliferation of nuclear weapons as well as so-called unconventional weapons – biological, psychological and chemical weapons. It was argued that such weapons killed and disabled people while leaving infrastructure intact. Meanwhile proxy wars between the Right/Capitalists and Left/Communists were fought with conventional weapons around the Third World – in Africa, Asia and South America. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council produced 90% of the weapons. It has long been known that profits and power can come from perpetual warfare.

        I have heard that military experts in the USA believe we are now into the Fifth World War. They likewise believe that the Cold War was the Third World War, and they reckon the Fourth World War to have begun with the war against the Ayatollah Khomeini in the 1970s. I don’t think it is a sensible thing to think we are into World War 5, but that is the madness of military thinking. According to this thinking World War 5 is the war against China, which the Americans are presently preparing waging.

        World War Three, assuming we are still in it, has importantly involved global economic warfare, in which the IMF and Third World Debt played a dubious role. It was thought, in the 1970s, that the Third World Debt would be a perpetual drain of wealth from the Third World to the First World. It is only with the rise of China that many Third World nations have escaped the debt crisis.

        Dividing the world into First, Second and Third worlds was a creation of academics in the First World who assumed that they would always remain in a superior position. They had not counted on remarkable economic success by the most populous nation of the Second World – China.

        The industriousness and hard work of Chinese people has resulted in computers and other electronic equipment becoming much cheaper for everyone. Likewise many other products. This has an emancipating effect around the world. The Chinese are also good at saving and the USA owes billions of dollars to China. This, it seems to me is a good insurance against the USA going to war with China – they can’t afford it.

        The other information you have posted seems to be assuming a Zionist conspiracy that will lead to a nuclear showdown. I think, given the recent Russian nuclear tests that the danger lies in a re-ignition of the Cold War front between Russia and the USA.

        • 0

          Thank you Dr.Romesh for going through the videos. They are very vital to know exactly where we will fit in when the real nukes begins fall on cities world wide.

          At least I can feel good that another knowledgeable truth seeker has seen them and would inform the poor souls who go by everyday in living their normal livelyhood not knowing what these Mahinda criminal gangs have done and been doing to our future generations.

          We for so many years fed with mainstream Zionist backed media onslaught on fall flags highlighting Islamic Terrorism became too tired of their garbage dumped on us over too many illegal wars. UN is a major Zionist design to trap countries and people to make them sheeple to have us voluntarily surrender our blood and soul to these Rothschild funded bastardy.

          Even our local media is a hugely find d by them. Lankadeepa…Mawbima…etc. All comes under the Greater Zionist plan in falsely signalling the Muslims and other minority groups as the enemy and covertly upholding Zionist projects and deals with SL govt., as somewhat progressive. Mahinda using proxies to propagate the pro-Zionist agenda over our lives.

          How could he employ dumb but like Champika/JHU…and street thug Gnanasara to amplify his secret plans?

          When you finish watching all the videos one might find it unbelievable at the damages done to this world by these demonic Zionists.

          I invite you yo watch few more chilling videos that have been put out by some good souls as a warning for the masses.

          Dollar Collapse and WW3 HAS BEGUN !!! WATCH THIS !: http://youtu.be/byHOT7v-CXo

          ALERT WARNING, WORLD WAR 3 ON THE HORIZON: http://youtu.be/7hnPPByu-QQ

          AMERICA’S World War 3 is Coming Shocking Predicti…: http://youtu.be/ReFlfSOt_g8

          World War 3   The Beast deploys Nuclear B 2 Bombe…: http://youtu.be/QHZn4YOtm94

          Malaysia Flight 17 Exposed! All The Evidence of A…: http://youtu.be/D7Yzw3IlD0w

          America’s Most Famous Journalist Exposes the Zion…: http://youtu.be/qsi7DvB3pLY

          • 2


            I gathered you were worried about a Zionist conspiracy and nuclear war by looking at the titles, not by watching the videos.

            • 0

              @Romesh, I gathered you were worried about a Zionist conspiracy and nuclear war…

              Its a facts with evidences isn’t it. The world is heading for a sure disaster and that’s for sure.

              Mahinda is made to destroy the century oldSinhala Buddhist fascism introduced by satanists and occultists Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott. They formed Theosophical Society to promoted evils thru Anagarika. That’s what is being used kill so many people by the power hungry elites.

            • 0

              Dear Dr.Romesh…This is not a fearmonger stuff on some flashy video title. The real hard facts are debated and explaiened with logical reasons and with clear scientific methods.

              I went through all of the videos to its entirety to get the real meaning of it. That’s why I want the rational minded people watch them and to have a knowledge of the subject.

              These stuffs are not for the bastard JHU Ranawaka/ muck head Wimal W./ Mervyn the pervert/ dung filled skin heads like BBS Gnaney type stupid racists n thugs…sorry guys for the hard words…you guys deserve them 100% by the way.

              Retired Expert Pilot John Lear – No Planes Hit th…: http://youtu.be/YQBlv7sZGVE

  • 0

    The question regarding China’s investments in Sri Lanka is:

    1. Has an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Assessment been done of the proposed Colombo port city? Where will the earth and soil necessary for such and unnecessary and dubious “development” be sourced? Will this result in erosion in other coastal areas given wave patterns and tides? Also, what of the global warming and sea level rising? Why has the environmental groups not demanded accountability from the corrupt and criminal Rajapaksa regime?

    2. I China become too visible in Sri Lanka, India will have NO qualms about doing what Russia did in Ukraine in Sri Lanka’s noeth east which will be annexed to India… This danger is clear and present and Sri Lanka will be divided between India and China, thanks to Rajapaksa’s greed and stupidity.

    • 1

      Don Stanley

      “Has an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Assessment been done of the proposed Colombo port city?”

      Who cares, as long as the percentage remain in the region of 10 to 15, fine.

      “I China become too visible in Sri Lanka,”

      It is not our problem so don’t worry too much about China’s presence in this island. Let Hindians worry about it.

      “This danger is clear and present and Sri Lanka will be divided between India and China,”

      You got it all wrong.

      Hindians believe Sri Lanka is the Sinhala State of Hindia.

      Since Sinhala language is considered to be part of Indo Aryan language family it wouldn’t be much difficult for Sinhalese to learn and work in Hindi when Hindia introduces Hindi only language policy in their Sinhala state.

      Be prepared.

  • 0

    Sri Lankan Environmental and civil society groups should detail their concerns in a letter to the Chinese Premier and launch a protest against the lack of transparency and accountability in Chinese so-called development loans and projects in Sri Lanka during Li’s visit…

    Also, Lankas need to ask themselves if is China trying to turn Sri Lanka into its next Burma or North Korea – by supporting a de facto Rajapaksa military dictatorship?

  • 0

    I think DEATH will stalk Mahinda & his Buddhist Mafia which is planning to enact a Nazi/Jozef Stalin/Mussolini (all guys were Crypto Jews-The Khazarian Fake Jews) type of demographic and ethno religious Fascism.

    Sinhala Buddhist Fascism has reached its end. Mahinda & the JHU monkey gangs are expediting a fast track mutual annihilation through Mahinda’s multi pronged DOUBLE GAMES played between the world powers. He’s now caught by HIS BALLS.

    Just watch these videos and you will emerge as a well knowledgeable person in Zionism and its 1000 of years starnglehold on world politics and the subjugation of the eterneal truth (which is emerging now for the world to see before its final days).

    Watch them and be prepared for te oncoming WWIII. Mahinda & the Monkey gang will gift you NUKES in the cities of the Land Like No Other….The Fascist Paradise made on Buddhism.

    End of America A movie you must see to believe …:

    Islam & Russia Vs West & Zionism (World Organized Crime)


    The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin

    The Difference Between Putin & Obama

    BRICS…Breaking The Jewish Money Power

    Sheikh Imran Hosein 2014 Islam, Russia, Ukraine and Alliance with Rum Rome

    A Devil in Disguise – Zionism and Its Threat to Christianity, Judaism & the World – pt1

    A Devil in Disguise – The Satanic Talmud, Fake News & Zionist Controlled Media – pt2

    A Devil in Disguise – The Creation of Anti-Arab racism by Jewish Hollywood – pt3

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    We have watch the various changes occurring in ongoing Globalization in monopoly capitalism and Emerging economics and how for this reasons, we are able to foresee to certain extent China and Indian task at our present the changing New Era of Global order? .

    In deed new facts of developments end of 20th and beginning of 21st century in world that the concentration of huge masses of means of production in few hands of MSN monopolies and Rich States and Emerging Economies that tremendous important see the Stock markets & Exchanges has a preparation for new pre-conditions for Democratic changes in WORLD.

    Globally moving towards emerging nations preparing new Democratic reform or revolution by China and Indian by and large in coming years. Is now in ahead of time come that visible historical trend, that changing world by China and India.. We have took note of these two nations the emergence of Civilization, Philosophical outlook , social, political and economics factors are the pre-conditions for new order.

    The appearances of its subjective factors the rapid growth of political and social movement and some the successful story last 30 years growth and development Economic must take into account.

    Western Capitalism and Imperialism declined of Power of Economic and peaceful rise of China and India slowly moving towards replace old order, by their own path, model, and their own historical experiences last 500 years.

    There is new social experiment of human history and modern revolution had been never occur in the past, that will be apply by China and India still unknown by pools of elites without scientific outlook.

    We are beginning to feel the pinch of Our OLD ORDER OF IMPERLAISM SYSTEM, that we need to place a Scientific remedy before them we can all read and think by ourselves they come round and joint new democratic-social-political movement.

    The victory of the new emerging countries will benefit everybody, because it abolishes the antagonism between old imperialist world order and new emerging nation democratic order that like India and China that instills development peace of happiness among vast majority of civilized countries and people.

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