19 January, 2025


Bond Scam: Ranil Says Media And COPE Chairman Guilty And Punishable

All media reporting COPE bond report are guilty and punishable under the Section 22 of the Parliamentary (Powers and Privilege) act, the Prime Minster Ranil Wickremesighe has yesterday written to the Secretary-General of Parliament. He also said that the former Chairman of the COPE DEW Gunasekara also guilty under the same section of the law.

We publish below the Prime Minister’s letter in full;

Ranil Wickremesinghe on COPE

Ranil Wickremesinghe on COPE report

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  • 9

    Can anyone answer this question for
    me. I am asking this without any
    political bias or prejudice.

    Nivard Cabral, former Central Bank
    Governor was summoned to Financial
    Crimes Investigation Division FCID
    for irregularities during his time
    of office.

    The Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe
    who chairs the anti corruption subcommittee
    is the one who gave instructions to the
    FCID to probe Cabral.

    Why did the same Prime Minister Wickremesinghe
    not refer Mahendran’s case to FCID. Why some
    team of UNP lawyers who are under obligation
    to the Prime Minister selected?

    Doesn’t this show that Wickremsinghe is manipulatig
    things to suit his own wishes. He shivers when
    any one mentions the CB bond scam.His love for
    Mahendran seems more than his commitment to truth
    and justice. That is uNP’s yahapalanaya.

    • 0

      S28 (powers and privileges Act)The punished which may be imposed by Parliament for any offence under this Part shall be admonition at the Bar of
      Parliament or removal from the precincts of Parliament.

  • 4

    Baduth Hamuduruwange
    Naduth Hamuduruwange

    It is only in the opposition
    that Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe
    speaks of media freedom.

    When in power, he is their
    enemy. Speaking at a meeting
    in Kurunegala he called Anura
    Solomons (Divaina) a sakkiliya.
    He said Kesara Abeywardene (Daily
    Mirror) was unfit to be journalist.

    He blocked the Freedom of Information
    Act from being passed. He is a dr jekyll
    and mr hide.

    • 1

      Right. We all remember how MR was also a champion of Human Rights up until the time he actually came into Power !!

      So it is with all politicians. Self-Serving. And we the masses, always stupid enough to believe them

  • 2

    What follows a dissolution. MPs cease
    to remain in office. All business of
    Parliament comes to an end.

    The Prime Minister and his cabinet are
    only caretakers. They are not serving
    member of Parliament because it is

    With such a dissolution, with no more
    privileges, how can a caretaker prime
    minister (not to mention the fact that
    he came through the backdoor)complain
    about privileges being violated.

    He is a lawyer but a great pandithaya.
    Doesn’t he know this? Or does he simply
    want to silence a newspaper. The Sunday Times
    has been supportive of him. What is he
    fearing? Obviously about getting exposed.

    • 0

      1. When parliament is dissolved it means the MPs loose their seats.It does not mean other functions of Parliament or Parliament as an institution ceased to exist. For example, the Secretary of the Parliament will continue to be there and be an employee.
      2. So both Ranil and DEW are more members of parliament. The argument Ranil puts is DEW now has no right to access the documents of the parliament and accessing them is illegal. (He also puts the argument saying, since the report is not published, a person who is no more an MP has no right to produce a document stating that as the correct a document)
      3. He also states that Times shouldn’t publish the report.

      Logically Point 2 sounds correct. But if DEW says this is the draft we had just before dissolution of parliament, he has right to do so. (It is part of investigative journalism. People have the right to know what is happening) It is equal to many reports published by Sunday Leader (at one time) and Wiki Leaks.

      • 0

        @a voter

        I don’t agree that the people have an implicit Right to Know.

        All we need to know that this is the Yahapalanaya Era and we must accept that from now on, there is no corruption, no jil-mart in the parliament, no abuse of power.. in short, on January 8th, we became the best country in the world with the best politicians and best people

        And if you disagree or publish anything to the contrary, I will ask Ranil to say that you are guilty under some obscure, probably irrelevant law and say you will be punished !!!

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