15 September, 2024


‘Bond Scams’ Reflect A Broken Bond Market 

By Arjuna Mahendran 

Arjuna Mahendran

The Mawbima and Ceylon Today has printed sensationalist headlines that I have changed my name, quoting the Sri Lanka Police and Interpol. This story is a blatant falsehood. In fact it is a metaphor for how low sections of the media in Sri Lanka have fallen because of unprincipled politics and the constant striving of some media barons to trample on the reputations of others to please their political masters. I therefore think it is time for me to break my silence and shed some light on the so-called ‘Bond Scam’ of Sri Lanka, which has prompted unscrupulous political operatives to continue slinging mud at me hoping it will discredit their political enemies.

It is well known that what passed for the Sri Lankan government between 2015 and 2019 was in fact a rag tag bunch of politicians from various parties who pretended that they had a coalition government. The jostling behind the scenes for power by the various factions of the government resulted in a zero-sum game. A politically motivated campaign by the former Sri Lankan President and his political group, the SLFP, to discredit the ex-Prime Minister and his political party, the UNP, resulted in, amongst other things, myself being treated as a convenient bogey for the ex-President to attack the ex-PM and discredit him. 

When the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka dismissed a case in 2015 alleging irregularity in the issue of Government Bonds by myself and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the ex-President deliberately sought to bypass the highest judicial authority by re-referring the case to Parliament and a Commission of Inquiry (COI) appointed by him. The Supreme Court chose to dismiss the case because the petitioners, when instructed by court to show any illegality or irregularity on the bids by a primary dealer or the auction, were unable to point to any violation of the rules or statutes governing the issue of bonds. It was submitted by my counsel, with facts and figures obtained from the Central Bank, that, out of the six prior 30-year bond auctions, this particular bond auction came at the lowest cost to the Government, calculated on the weighted average yield.

Nevertheless, the ex-President alleged that I passed price-sensitive information to my son-in-law whose company was a primary dealer in treasury bonds issued by the Govt of Sri Lanka. I have strenuously denied this in submissions to the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka, the Committee of Public Enterprises of the Parliament of Sri Lanka and a Commission of Inquiry (COI) appointed by the ex-President of Sri Lanka. All these fora have seen evidence that the alleged price-sensitive information was already shared with the primary dealer community from sources other than myself. The ex-President made a public statement in front of a gathering of Buddhist clergy that he wanted me charged with a criminal offence, even before the COI had commenced it sittings!

Accordingly, the COI duly arrived at the conclusion that I had committed a criminal breach of trust, in keeping with its (unwritten) Presidential mandate. Not even the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka came to such a conclusion. The COI did so on a speculative premise that since I was occupying the guest room of my daughter’s house in February 2015, pending renovation of my official residence, I would have passed price-sensitive information to my daughter’s husband who was a primary dealer. Not a shred of actual objective evidence was produced to prove such an assertion. I have strenuously denied sharing price-sensitive information with anyone.  It would have made absolutely no sense for me to do this and thus jeopardize a hitherto unblemished career working for the public sector as well as several international banks in high managerial positions for over 35 years.

What is even more puzzling is the blatant disregard shown by the COI to verbal testimony under oath by the CEO of the Primary Dealer Company that, prior to the auction of Government Bonds in question, he had received a telephone call from a staff member of the Central bank of Sri Lanka in which price sensitive information may have been passed (COI report p.282 para14). The COI never saw it fit to summon the concerned Central Bank officer to establish whether the information could have come from this source. 

The COI also raised the issue of my appointment as Central bank Governor while being a Singapore national as being a flawed judgement on the part of the Prime Minister. This was despite the Prime Minister in his evidence to the COI citing several cases of other countries employing foreign nationals as Governors of Central Banks. The irony that the ex-President himself signed my appointment letter seems to have been lost on the COI. Plus the fact that the very first Governor of the central bank was an American national, John Exter, and Sri Lanka law has absolutely no prohibition on foreigners being appointed as governor of the bank.

The two law enforcement officers who prosecuted me in the COI were duly rewarded by the ex-President. One was elevated into the Supreme Court and the other elevated to the post of Attorney General. A forensic audit into bond auctions conducted by the central bank dating back to 2006 pointed out a raft of deficiencies in the manner in which the bond market in Sri Lanka functions. It also found absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing on my part. The forensic audit was suppressed by the central bank and remains unexamined despite being produced at great expense. A USD 75 million World bank loan negotiated during my Governorship to further modernize the bond market and broader capital markets in Sri Lanka remains barely utilized. 

On 10 Jan 2018 the ex-Prime Minister made a statement to parliament where he noted that there had been no loss to the government of Sri Lanka as a result of the alleged criminal breach of trust attributed to me. He went on to state that the COI report had stated that Perpetual Treasures Ltd, the firm owned by my relative, had earned unconscionable profits amounting Rs 9.2 billion from the issuing of these bonds. He said that these could be recovered from the funds amounting to Rs 12 billion belonging to Perpetual Treasures Ltd retained by the Central Bank.

I can confidently state here, as I have several times in the past, that not a cent of the ‘unconscionable’ profits were paid out to anybody by this firm least of all to myself. The fact that the reserves of the firm were entirely made available to the central bank long after I had ceased to be Governor reflects a total absence of any ulterior motive on the part of anyone to siphon out the said profits, whatever may be said to the contrary. My only regret is that, as a direct consequence of the politicization of the inquiry into the so-called ‘Bond Scam’, Sri Lanka has passed up an opportunity to modernize the laws, regulations and digital trading infrastructure of its capital markets which in due course would have attracted interest from a broader cross-section of international investors.

To be continued……….

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  • 24

    SL legal system has not evolved to persecute financial crimes or what Americans call white collar crime. This is the reason guys like mahendren are not in jail. To put it mildly anyone can manipulate the banking system and get away with it. Which is what a few Sri lankans have been doing without anyone catching on. Mahendren was dumb enough to get caught. How this loser talk about the bond market when only 2.2 million Sri lankans pay taxes. Basically SL is bankrupt due poor fiscal policy. Forget about bonds first get the tax system fixed.

    • 55

      The problem with some CT readers is that they rush to make their opinions known and in doing so display both their ignorance and political affiliations. This former CB governor is explaining the background to all the hoo-ha that went on. I am sure many are very interested and eagerly await part 11. But even before that can be provided, we have ‘experts’ giving us their silly opinions on a subject barely understood even by those in the financial and banking sector. Please spare us such nonsense. Write sense if you must.

      • 16

        If you believe anything he says you must be a gullible fool. Look in to the dealings he had as head of the BOI during the failed UNP gov of 2001-2004. Perhaps the transactions involving his personal dealings there will shed some light on how people should have known better than to appoint an out and out crook as the head of the CBSL.

        • 27

          what matters is if he is under the search of INTERPOL as srilanken media is constantly repeating…
          how can this guy become a CT writer ? Cant you understand that ? CT writers should prove their identities before bringing their articles to light.
          But Udayanga WEERATHUNG was caught by INTERPOLE…. the difference is all what is connected with this individual is related to opposition of MAHINDA Rajakashe mafia boss. I think yet today, people in SL are not aware of the real face of high criminal mahinda. But time has come to realize it soon. Wait and see.
          If there are fools of gullible nature, you and the ilk can be the best example for that.

          • 26

            Singapore, a law abiding country, which upholds justice to the highest level, will never extradite him for the following reasons:.
            1. Sri Lanka Supreme court has exonerated him.
            2. COI initiated by former president was flawed.
            3. Despicable conduct of former president.
            I hope that Mahendran in his next article will come out with names of people who received money from his son-in-law. He cannot say that the life of his son-in-law is at risk if he comes out with it. People believe that top politicians of both sides including Rajapakse brothers were on his pay roll. That is the reason why only back benchers of both sides are making noises about it. All this talk of getting him extradited to face trial is for the gallery.

            • 8

              Dear Dr S,
              as I already said somewhere else, I have been to S pore dozens of times and lived in Switzerland and Germany for such a long time. I always believe that all these allegations made on AM were no right.
              JVP and Sirasa were leading men to have chased on this on and on, but the very same parties never uttered much about the BOND SCAM to have occured from 2008-2015 – which SIRISENA himself made it clear should be over 900 billions or more losses to CB. Yet today, those PC investigatioins and their recommendations are kept away from the general public.
              Current men in leadership promised to the nation, that PC Investigations and their recommendations will be revealed to the nation at the begining of CURRENT govt. .. however, they have let it burried under the carpet because CURRENT COVID crisis.
              And at the time, AM was appointed as the CBG, his profile was free from any kind of CORRUPT handlings. And if his CV had been that abusive, I dont think RW would have appointed him. And the fact is AM had worked for banks in Singapore and Middle east for such a long period. Srilanken investigators could contact those parties through the diplomatic lines and collect lot more information since not just AM and his family but a set of ministers and even RAJATHUMAN et al are accused by people.

          • 3

            Leela’s Malli

            Are you ever able to argue by addressing the actual point rather than talking on tangents? By what logic does someone writing on CT equate to anyone’s guilt OR innocence? Obviously the man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law – unfortunately he fled the country when he realised that he was going to lose badly in a court of law and hence could never be brought before it yet. Read for yourself the report:

            YES, I have read the report cover to cover and it available for your own perusal here – it was never a ‘hidden’ document:
            Look at the dealings between AM and Kumara, the detailed transcripts of text messages from Alloy’s phone, etc.
            The Presidential Commission of Inquiry came to the conclusion that Former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran acted in mala fide manner and fraudulently, in gross breach of his duties as Governor of the CBSL at the bond auction in question and in several other transactions during his tenure. However he disappeared before he could be summonsed to court – hardly the indicator of innocence.
            This was not your typical political CoI, instead comprising men of fine integrity such as the late Justice Prasanna Jayawardena and others who are not of a political bent.

            • 1

              -#From the day one, I did not agree with BOND SCAM and knew that was a blant lie to distroy UNP..

              That was a system error… nothing more nothing less.
              One party is attacked while the other albeit the size, is not attacked is FAIR ?

              with all respect to you guys that may respect all the logics but being somewhat biased I would so…

              if all is right as said and done regarding ” so called bank robbery” why on earth FORMER President kept all the recommendations of P commissions away from the public ? Now former president is on the side of BP Rajakshes, then things should be even much easier right ? If you are not biased, you would get it easily or not ?

              Why on earth the current men, that promised that high to stay mum as if they are no different to – crocodiles swallowed clay – today when raising the issues regarding why not GOTABAYA led groups seem doing nothing in terms of getting AM arrested ??????????????????ß

              And the other that was said to be under interpole search was UDAYANGAA WEERATHUNGA .. but arrested and bailed out.. but the bugger never uttered a single word in public yet. . is that because the bugger is blood related to SAIBABA Mahinda ?

        • 4

          ” If you believe anything he says you must be a gullible fool. Look in to the dealings he had as head of the BOI during the failed UNP gov of 2001-2004. “ We like to believe you, not Mahendran. But where do we look for translation he did? How different they are from Old King’s time? Did you read his explanation that his time cost to Bank is much better then Chitanta Cabal’s time or he is not a criminal. (Or that he is telling he is not as much as a criminal like the Cabal?

          ” Perhaps the transactions involving his personal dealings there will shed some light on how people should have known better than to appoint an out and out crook as the head of the CBSL. Which personal dealing should have been verified before appointing him as a governor? Where did you see them? Indonesia/ Middle East?
          He doesn’t sound as much as a crook you are, friend. You are a bloody liar man!

          • 3


            Sadly, like most CT commentors, you too seem unable to effect the intellectual effort required to actually understand the facts that are all outlined here and instead choose to slander me.

            YES, I have read the report cover to cover and it available for your own perusal here – it was never a ‘hidden’ document:
            Look at the dealings between AM and Kumara, the detailed transcripts of text messages from Alloy’s phone, etc.
            The Presidential Commission of Inquiry came to the conclusion that Former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran acted in mala fide manner and fraudulently, in gross breach of his duties as Governor of the CBSL at the bond auction in question and in several other transactions during his tenure. However he disappeared before he could be summonsed to court – hardly the indicator of innocence.

            This was not your typical political CoI, instead comprising men of fine integrity such as the late Justice Prasanna Jayawardena and others who are not of a political bent.

      • 12

        “…they rush to make their opinions known and in doing so display both their ignorance and political affiliations.”
        Et tu.

      • 12


        Assume that according to your new found admirer the Shakespere who writes perfect ( CRAP) English I am ignorant can you explain the following
        1) The problem with some CT readers is that they rush to make their opinions known and in doing so display both their ignorance and political affiliations.

        *** In other words ( Some) only a minority whereas the Majority are Decent , Civilised well informed , not biased and not RACISTS.
        2) This former CB governor is explaining the background to all the hoo-ha that went on. I am sure many are very interested and eagerly await part 11.

        *** Who are these people who are eagerly waiting for Part 11. Can you honestly tell me who these people are and in a RACIST Country they will act as JUDGE and JURY and based on the Truth will find him NOT GUILTY.
        3) But even before that can be provided, we have ‘experts’ giving us their silly opinions on a subject barely understood even by those in the financial and banking sector. Please spare us such nonsense.
        *** Many are waiting for Justice in Sinkala Lanka and even the Convicted Killers are PARDONED. You are joking. Sri Lanka is a Lawless Country. Do me a favour.

        • 5


          I am eargely waiting that this gentleman Mr.Mahendran will provide the information which will exonerate him to the delight of millions like you and Shakespere Sankara that in Sinkala Lanka not everyone is GUILTY AS CHARGED. You can rely on RULE OF LAW.

        • 5

          Also, on an earlier occasion:
          “Where is this coward Bagehot?, and in another comment I have said,“Will the lily-livered, anonymous “Bagehot” comment here, please?
          No response have I seen. I have even attached my email address.
          And now he appears here: saying others must be “gullible fools” while he doesn’t substantiate what he says.
          Toadies like this hang around wealthy people and it is they who prevent crooks from being exposed and brought to justice.
          Let us see if he replies with any substantiation.

          Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 48 3111 444) aka “Sinhala_Man”

          • 5

            Dear Mr Sinhala man,
            I think it is time you to just leave this ABUSIVE BAGEHOT… the kind of men would never see it right for some reasons (either pathological or known ).
            It is no worth wasting time for the kind of bastards. Btw, now Ms Pasqual is somewhat under control. I have no clue what worked on him getting some normal.

            Please let us discuss SO CALLED BOND SCAM issue with facts on this forum. That is very timeworthy issue. JVP would hate UNPrs eternally goinng by 89 insurgency. However, to me, both UNPrs and JVPrs should be made accountable for those human losses in late 80ties. Even if JVP of current day behave like flawless men, but over 50 k of youth were among the human losses in that brutal period. I have a set of friends that were caught by that insurgency. I really dont know if they survived it or got caught by JVP terror there.

          • 1

            Dear SInhala Man,
            see how people in Wellawaya area suffer… they talk high and stay abusing the the funds of the tax payers.
            Why should the people beg this much – the polticians should be beheaded if the situation remained this nature for the last few decades.

      • 3

        I have not seen many of your comments, but I have voiced misgivings about the way in which Ranil Wickremasinghe set about getting these “Bond Scams” investigated, appointing “friendly Commissions of Inquiry, etc. I have never pretended to be an authority on this subject, but I must say that time and again “old codger” drew our attention to “exaggerations”. They will all be here on Colombo Telegraph, and I hope that “oc” will dig them up for us.
        Yes, when Arjuna Mahendran continues with his “defences” I will try to understand them. The person I’d like to draw attention to is this anonymous slanderer calling himself Walter Bagehot.
        Please see three of his cowardly attacks on me: Walter Bagehot / May 14, 2020
        I have responded thus: Sinhala_Man / May 15, 2020
        Why do you hide behind a pseudonym to insult me? . . . I shall sign off with my real name.”
        And in another place, higher up the page I have greeted his comment with:
        “Sly and Slimy Pseudonymous Coward, . . . I have replied to both your points – where’s your response?”

        • 7

          I have always figured that this “bond scam” is 90% smoke and 10% fire, mostly promoted by the Maharajah outfit . They are probably regretting how it backfired on them.
          The affair had more to do with ethics than ( non-existent) huge financial losses. A.M. and Ravi K are utterly immoral, but you can be immoral without being criminal.

          • 5

            Dear Old,
            I am in full agreement with you.. .. I kept silent not having said much about this, becasue I could not imagine this happening there. ANYWAYs, experts in that field – guys like Dr Wijewardhana should be well aware of the truths. But he has not exposed anything… harming former goons. Yet today, his recent articles di dnot bring much about the facts on so called bond scam.

        • 2

          Senile Sinhala Man

          By your masterly defense of yourself in the other thread you admitted you broke the law by your distribution of a ‘manifesto’. There was no further need to engage with lawbreakers similar to the subject of this article. Read the findings of the COI – all the information you need is there.

          • 9

            Walter Bagehot

            “Read the findings of the COI – all the information you need is there.”

            Could you let us have link to COI (whatever it is) including page numbers and tell us why do you believe COI is so important?

            Have you read COI (whatever it is) all pages from first to the last?

            • 3

              Hope you are not as gullible as Senile Sinhala Man who believes this Bond Mahendran who says the courts cleared him – the actual clearing was of irrelevant charges and he could never be tried in court on the charges raised at the Commission of Inquiry/ CoI simply because he disappeared before he could be arraigned!
              YES, I have read the report cover to cover and it available for your own perusal here – it was never a ‘hidden’ document:
              Look at the dealings between AM and Kumara, the detailed transcripts of text messages from Alloy’s phone,
              The Presidential Commission of Inquiry came to the conclusion that Former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran acted in mala fide manner and fraudulently, in gross breach of his duties as Governor of the CBSL at the bond auction in question and in several other transactions during his tenure.
              This was not your typical political CoI, instead comprising men of fine integrity such as the late Justice Prasanna Jayawardena and others who are not of a political bent.
              All of the details are there, should you wish to effect the intellectual effort to do so, since I feel you are more capable than most of the bloviators on this forum.

              • 0

                Even on this very page, you make unjustified comments! Please quote the words used by me to “sort of” exonerate (good heavens, what a pedantic word to use when I don’t know much about the people concerned) Arjuna Mahedran..
                I’m not personally involved here – and I wasn’t as careful as when I wrote about S. Thomas’. Could you please answer me on that. I feel it a bit unfair for me to have written carelessly – if I have done so.

          • 6


            You have appropriated a name associated with the founding of The Economist magazine, committed to the advancement of capitalism. And it looked like somewhere on CT, you accused Kumar David of writing for TamilNet. I recall that TN sometimes quoted from (might even have republished) KD’s articles elsewhere. I know some of the expatriate professionals who volunteered with TN and I know they played loose on copyrights issues, but I don’t recall KD ever writing for TN. I don’t think there is any evidence he did.

            And SM is a level headed and sincere man who has been objective in his comments over the years on CT. You are barking up the wrong tree here.

            • 5

              Mr. W.B once sued a foreign website for plagiarism . They published as their own work a very learned piece which he put on CT a month later. You get my drift, I think.

              • 3

                Agnos will, but I doubt if many others will get it.

                • 0

                  Plagiarism in doctoral theses was one of the topics known to us. This was like 10 years ago in the US.
                  SJ – more or less so long you cite them properly nothing can go wrong. I am dealing with ones that publish lot more in SCIENCE research.

                • 0

                  Sometimes I am too complicated for my own good. But you get it. Let’s educate the rest.

                  • 0

                    OC, SJ,

                    I haven’t always followed CT closely, so my memory is hazy. Was it Chandre Dharmawardena? I think he is already in action under the alias Kautilya, so soewhat doubtful. Or perhaps his associate Bodhi Dhanapala? or H.L.D. Mahindapala? Again, doubt it. W.B. seems to more resemble the guy who used to write as Vibhushana/ Off-The-Cuff/Perera.

                    Frequent references to Jane Russell, trying to reduce everything about the Tamil struggle in SL to caste conflicts, and accusing KD of secretly admiring LTTE, are characteristics of those fed with the venom of LankaWeb.

            • 1


              thank you. This means to SM a lot.

          • 1

            Walter Bagehot@

            Where has SM defended himself ?
            Could you add the link please ? We would like to check it and see further.

            To the eyes of CT readers ( 99%), SM is themost trustful commenter. He would not add anything if it is out of his info. I have been adding my thoughts to CT for such a long time. So if you attack anyone for no reasons, please let us know the basis clearly.
            Thank you. LM.

        • 3

          Senile Sinhala Man

          Of course I know you cannot expend the intellectual effort to read cover to cover the following document that will answer all your questions


          Sadly, like most CT commentors, you too seem unable to effect the intellectual effort required to actually understand the facts that are all outlined here and instead choose to slander me.

          YES, I have read the report cover to cover and it available for your own perusal here – it was never a ‘hidden’ document:
          Look at the dealings between AM and Kumara, the detailed transcripts of text messages from Alloy’s phone, etc.
          The Presidential Commission of Inquiry came to the conclusion that Former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran acted in mala fide manner and fraudulently, in gross breach of his duties as Governor of the CBSL at the bond auction in question and in several other transactions during his tenure. However he disappeared before he could be summonsed to court – hardly the indicator of innocence.

          This was not your typical political CoI, instead comprising men of fine integrity such as the late Justice Prasanna Jayawardena and others who are not of a political bent.

    • 37

      No matter what we may think of Mr. Mahendran’s morals, this is a masterly legal defence. The FACT is there is no admissible evidence of wrongdoing, as he points out. That’s why Singapore refuses to extradite Mahendran. But there is the question of why his son-in-law paid for Ravi K’s apartment.
      In the final analysis, any loss from this scam is far less than the loss from SriLankan.
      Our laws have to be updated. Recently a US senator was accused of insider trading because she sold her stocks just before the Covid-19 crisis.
      However, his apt description of the last government shows that his intellect is head and shoulders above the likes of Cabraal . Let’s be fair.

      “It is well known that what passed for the Sri Lankan government between 2015 and 2019 was in fact a rag tag bunch of politicians from various parties who pretended that they had a coalition government. “

      • 21

        Not only RK but also Rajaakshe family was paid by his son in law not once several dozens of times. So why not lanken press is busy with that ? I have no doubt all is planned to destroy the image of Mr RW. That is it. But truths will win sooner or later. This article reflects my then comments there I told the CT readers that I dont think AM to have been a criminal as appeared to be. Today, all is made to shine the name of Rajaakshes even if their misadministration to be blamed for unestimable losses of state funds. Why do they srilanken press stay STAND STILL when it comes to talk about RAJAKSHE losses ?

        • 8

          The trouble is that many Sri Lankans think they are literate, but know little about maths, and even less about bonds. Even a ten year old kid can tell you that you can’t have a loss of 50 billion in 3 years by borrowing 10 billion at 13%.
          AM may not be an angel, but he knows how to bend laws.

      • 7

        As you say, the man is no fool.
        Pinning him down legally will not be easy.
        The former regime lacked motivation the present probably competence.

        • 1

          Let me remind you, there had been no former regime, but a govt If I may so. Previous govt had given press freedom and by restoring democracy until Sirisena became a mad man by allowing Rajaapkshe rascals to work with him.
          1994- 2005 – Govt
          2005 – 2015 – a regime
          2015 – Nov 2019 – a govt
          Nov 2019 – a regime /millitary govt ( I may already say so).

          OC, I agree with you more, I did not join anyone that went on putting the blame on the previous govt on BOND SCAM… yet today, I think it was an inevitable system error. I am not an accountant but Dr Wijewardhana… unfornately, he has revealed much… instead he beats around the bush..

          • 1

            I agree that the ‘Yahapalanaya’ lacked toughness to be called a regime.
            My comment concern letting Mahendran escape. The sham inquiry that the government conducted on the subject cleared Mahendran. That only deepened suspicion.
            Let us not blame it all on Sirisena. It was plain opportunism that brought him into the fold. To expect him to play the grateful puppet was a little too much. He had a strong SLFP past, old loyalties and friends.
            Making him presidential candidate was playing with fire. Whom does one blame for burning one’s finger?
            2015-2019: Not regime, but was it really government?

            • 1


              Not regime, but was it really government?
              As Mahendran puts it:
              “It is well known that what passed for the Sri Lankan government between 2015 and 2019 was in fact a rag tag bunch of politicians from various parties who pretended that they had a coalition government. “

            • 2

              why not to put all on SIRISENA ? :
              I could not see any reason why him to have dismissed that Iron lady Ms Wickramasinghe, who started doing a great work also putting YOSHIHA in remand.. remember ..
              But all of sudden, SIRISENA started standing on the way of many investigations.
              Alone that SAMAN KUMARA -informant saga is no second to that of Kelaniya Temple NAGA-BROUGHT-RELIC fairy tale or not ?

              Late rev Sobith Thero to whom I have a greater respect yet today predicted all these, since the creation of the govt was seen not in compliance with the agreements met prior to that. So, there too, if not Siirsena, can we attack Mr Wickramasinghe to have gone wrong ?
              Yes looking back it was neither a govt nor a regime. But to be honest, compaed to the current JUNTA NUMBER 02 OF Brother duo, good governance achieved a lot alone during their 100-days… or not ?
              Even after 210 -days the current govt has not achieved the least.. to compare with that of previous one’s 3 months (100days).
              I think they former men did lot good worked but MEDIA mafia run by Basil Rajapkshe et al, never allowed even what Rajitha Senaratne achieved for Helath ministry be passed to commoner.

      • 1

        PTL wrote, according to different medias, from 128 to 172 checks for UNP & SLFP politicos and stalwarts. Dayasiri like the ones confessed having revived money. The list of recipients is said to be with New King, with the POI report. New King expected Royal fish him off in 20 years so freezed the POI for 20 years. It is not a big deal if Mahendran give us the PTL bank book, we can make a fresh list, not freezed one.

    • 21

      And what is the reason why Mahinda Rajakashe and his goons not yet in jail even if the plethora of evidence is available the kind of men to have even done worst in the line of having made unestimable losses to the state over the years ?

      I always believe that what is being displayed is not the truth, but it was to paint the picutre in favour Rajapakshe rascalty. This singapore citizen has every right to defend himself and expose what he knows about so called ” bond losses”: For everyone serious – AM has no whatsoever black marks in his CV before becoming the CBG of CB.

      There are enough information to trace the families of his predecessor how he made over 1000 billions of losses in terms of bonds since 2008- 2015. This should be investigated again and again.. but former president after being raped by Mahinda Rajakashes kept all what was found away from the public. Yet today they can publish those recommendations of the PRESIDENTIAL commissions. All these costed a state that millions and they are not Rajakashe family pvt property but tax payers funds.

      • 5

        Are you the one who conducted investigations to say so confidently that plethora of evidences are available. Mangala and Rajitha also made similar utterances before 2015 election but failed to produce any evidences after they came to power.

        Simply because you have a grudge against Rajapakshes, do not throw bull shit all over the CT forum. This place smells with your comments loaded with bull shit.

        “And what is the reason why Mahinda Rajakashe and his goons not yet in jail even if the plethora of evidence is available”

        • 3

          omg, should I be the one to have conducted it to utter but the truths about the recommonedations. There are whole lot of info if you would please search them on the web.
          Why did FORMER SIRISENA fail to publish them all even if JVPrs kept requesting him to do so ? Besides, not yours or Rajakshes own funds but the tax payers millions were wasted for such investigations.
          If your brain is at least the size of a needle head you should feel it to close to people. We dont need to take any side but but if a bugger would abuse people funds this way, we as citizens have the right to stand against.

          Why should I have a grudge against RAJAPAKSHES but very likely a strong antipathy against high criminals by Rajapakshe families. I dont live in SL but I get to see the manner they get on with poor folks and their votes yet today. That should not be the case let alone today. He ruled two terms, but today he should leave it to someone else. This family is a headache to srilankens if I may say so.

        • 2

          ” Are you the one who conducted investigations to say so confidently that plethora of evidences are available. Mangala and Rajitha also made similar utterances before 2015 election but failed to produce any evidences after they came to power. “
          You are right on some parts, though you are on the opposite side. You know Colombo Media leaks everything but to save them, always somersault. That what Ponny did on Lasantha Murder and Frederica had to run.
          During the whole episode, Old King, the de-facto Joint Opposition Leader, talked about this only one or two times. It was Rambo, Lemon Puff Weeraya, Udaya Gammanpila…… talked for opposition. All knows Mahendran and Aloysius relationship with Old King and Son Prince. Ravi was rated as the best FM by straightening the Bankrupted Bank which was though cannot raise Rs 1B but without effort raised Rs 10B. Mangala passed Foreign Exchange Fraud Amnesty Act 2017 to save the $18 B of Old King robbed out of Bank (and Chinese Commission). New King had frozen the POI and PRECIFAC reports to save Old Royals. Mangala did his best to save Old Royals, when at least four Major countries had spotted the money and called him about it. Even Son Prince’s account in Kuwait has $3B. Mahendran came out in Royal’s time because he feels safer than under Ranil.

    • 8

      Hey guys,

      if AH is a real criminal as RAJAPKSHE men let it be the public percetioon about bond scams – then GR administration owes a lot not to have exposed the ground reality of this case/allegations on AM/Mr Wickramsinghe/RK… they had enough time to do so, i dont think 7 x months = 210 days are not sufficent. They made pledges on brining AH to jail… also about bringing the murderers of EASTER bomb victims to light…
      Now the president behaves as if he said nothing like that – how brutal the current president should be ? Thanakola eaters and Punnaku drinkers would self congradulate as if “ants urine pool would be seen by them as a river”. This is typical srilaneken affairs, only LIES BLANT LIES would help even high criminal to turn out to be POPULISTIC politicians. Well done thanakola eaters in my home country. lets stay adulation our 2500 years of so called heritage – then even our second and third generations would also have the chance to stay killing time, but not reaching the goals(becoming a singapore – progress state that would not need to beg internationla community to pay their bills) basta.

      • 4

        “This is typical srilaneken affairs, only LIES BLANT LIES would help even high criminal to turn out to be POPULISTIC politicians.”

        That is exactly what happened at the Presidential and General Elections in 2015. When ‘Yahapalana’ dong kees robbed the Central Bank soon after the election, Sinhala voters realized that they were taken for a ride by ‘Regime Change’ mafia and corrected the mistake they did in 2015 after four and half years. You are one of the guys who have got badly hurt from the punch given to the face of ‘Koti Diaspora’ and ‘Regime Change’ mafia by Sinhala voters in 2019.

        • 3

          I have no idea why you protect the rascals on and on ?
          Can you come with constructive arguments you to kneel down before them while knowing these men are no better to Zimbabwian Mugabe and their kith and kin ?
          False election pledges but not a single is fulfilled yet today – 7 months gone… poor people are now in fire.
          Previous govt achieved lot more but MEDIA mafia painted the picture in favour of Rajano not respecting the public .. any more.

    • 9

      It is high time, to reveal who is telling the truth ?
      If what CURRENT GOVT is that transparent as their punnku drinking supporters repeat, it is high time to fullfil one single pledge made before the gullible people prior to last PE
      Can anyone trust the current BPs further ? NO NO Never
      If GOTABAYA is the man to uplift the levels of poverty in this country, would his authorities ever allow RICE-MAFIA to charge the public with various prices for a kg of rice today ?
      If GOTABAYA is the man to bring wonders to this land, would he have to let FORMER goons to mislead the nation the way they have been upto ?
      If GOTABAYA is the only leaders who with lack of the least knowledge about anything, should have done lot more good work alone regarding containment of COVID 19… there he ended up being an another MAHINDA Rajakshe who never gave the priorit to the issues as it is but to please his own wishes.

    • 8

      Dear Sinhala Man, .
      where are you ?
      Please discuss this article and I have just got to know and another good video for you. Please pass it to those who are really interested in

      • 6

        Dear leelagemalli,
        Thank you very much for the link. Please go to the video, and you will find that I have commented there. That comment is not very well-organised, but I have given you quite a bit about the Thondamans there.
        I’ll have to think out a disciplined counter to Arjuna Mahendran’s “explanation”. I think that we must focus on subjects and prove them beyond reasonable doubt.
        As for the “Up-country Tamil problem, I did try to stimulate a discussion here:
        I have much more material on that subject, but I don’t think that I will put it on here. Hopefully, there will now be some articles on that subject. I will deal with the plight of the “Estate Tamils” then.

    • 4

      My issue is, if what is being published by SRILANKEN tabloids are proved to blatant lies… why cant they take action against srilanken media ?-


    • 7

      Good thing that AM to have broken his silence – in the same time, RAJATHUMA#S public embrace with son of Thondaman who died lately sends the message across how cunning Mahinda RAJAPAKSHE has been….. his real face would not be clear to anyone, not even to his wife and children. COVID 19 would have been destroyed at higher temperature but Mahinda Rajaakshe would not. The kind of high criminal minds would never be able to keep away from srilanken abusive politics. To me, srilanka s future is seen darker than no times in the past.

    • 1

      A country blessed every way by Nature is in this sorry state. Why?
      Basically, it is because we allow ourselves to be led astray without sitting down to work out the fundamentals.
      Number One appears to be just not knowing facts. Number Two is dishonestly misleading others. I have little doubt that “Walter Bagehot” has read the 1154 pages of the Commission of Inquiry report into the Central Bank of Sri Lanka report on the issuance of Bonds. He has given us a link to that not once, but twice. Before anybody can pontificate on what happened they must read that lengthy report and also consider other views.
      For this, there has to be respect for truth. That is what “Sonali” said; hers was a statement unsullied by dogmatism. What followed? This guy, calling himself “Walter Bagehot” has taken over. He wants all to assent to his pronouncements, but he will not reveal who he is, and I, in my unpretentious way, have demonstrated how little he cares for TRUTH when he abuses the insights that he has acquired into leading astray all those “simpletons” who have some Principles and Honesty.
      Certain Consequences follow.

    • 0

      Consequence A
      I was right. This response was placed directly below the first comment by “westham” / May 28, 2020
      What I had expected happened: my comment fell 42 places (now 43 places) to be just above the cautious comment by Nathan also posted on the 28th. Proper sequence has been restored only by Ajith on the 30th. Five comments at least will be found below it, two by me, on Monday, the 1st of June 2020.
      Does the question now arise whether what I have just said is of some significance?
      Arjuna Mahendran’s clever and readable assessment of the Yahapalana Government of 2015, in the second paragraph, is true enough. The point I should like to make is that we who strove hard to bring about change, worked with great idealism and altruism. Maithripala Sirisena, by himself, was an honest man, but he then ran into a UNP that was dominated by an elite Colombo group that he never understood, and possibly still doesn’t. Maithripala had credibility with the majority of Sri Lankan citizens outside that elite group and that was the factor that was crucial in defeating Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    • 0

      Consequence B
      What I am now stating is that although the core supporters of Ranil Wickremasinghe’s UNP, and certain persons, like “Walter Bagehot”, may have their own differences, they unite if there is an effort to run even a school in the interest of its key stakeholders. Why? Let him answer that. I’m quite sure that no reader bothered to find out, by following the links that I have provided, what this running dispute between me and Bagehot is all about.
      When Bagehot carelessly and flippantly started throwing insults at me, I don’t think that he knew all the facts. I admit that what I have been talking about can never be demonstrated as directly ruining the economy of the country, but I think that I will be justified in taking you over all that again, because it will demonstrate clearly the contempt with which these corrupt liars treat anybody who goes against “the Establishment.” It is the sort of cheating that he defended that has ultimately destroyed our society.
      Yes, you have read correctly. My pessimistic assessment is that the destruction is complete.

    • 0

      Consequence C
      Before I actually confront Bagehot with his lies, permit me to refresh your minds of the way in which this class of people turned the naïve Sirisena into a lunatic.
      “If you have connections, you can sell to anyone,” the investor said. “You don’t need half a brain to do that.”
      This relates to the business practices of Arjun Aloysius, the son-in-law of Arjuna Mahendran. Taken from:
      This”dbsjeyaraj” article gives certain minute details while remaining mute on others.
      Not pretending to wizardry in Financial Affairs, I will not go into details. I’m trying to alert readers to the fact that Sirisena and his sincere supporters were turned against “the government” because they saw that faction to be undemocratically controlled by “Ranil, his Royalists, and his Loyalists” who had a background in certain schools in Colombo.
      My complaint here is that there is no Justice any more in some of our schools which will get worse if left unchallenged. Perhaps, I should now allow Bagehot a few hours in which to tell us what he was talking about.

      • 0

        I will insert some answers tomorrow – at the bottom of the page. I have asked you to reveal your own identity if you want to level monstrous accusations against me. I hope that you will do that, and if you have made some mistakes, that you will be man enough to admit them!
        As for the Bond Scam, I will definitely not attempt to read thousands of pages of COI Report. It is possible that I won’t easily understand it all, but my main reservations are owing to the knowledge not being worth the effort.

    • 1

      The reason Mahendran has not been arrested is because he was framed on false charges. The government of Singapore is aware of this and they will never arrest or deport one of their citizens to submit that person to a kangaroo court. Therefor as long as Mahendran avoids Sri Lanka he will remain a free man to live his life to the fullest.

      • 0

        I really dont think that Singapore laws would let him escape if the charges damage the image of the state. I know this becasue I have been dealing with NUS over the years and am known to several Singaporeans down there.

        I have a plethora of questions to those who worked for CBSL as executive officers, that have not had the guts to reveal much about the scam. Dr Wijewardhana is one of them.

        Even the term ” BONDs” became aware to readers after the so called bond scam was made known to them. This is similar to the term ” Tsunami” which became familiar after srilanka and Indonesia were hugely hit by the waves.

        So I believe the YAKA is not that darker as appeared to be and SIRISENA togehter with MR made every effort to corner UNP in that national govt – and that later became just a TELEDRAMA style episodes. I also dont stand by Mr RW the way not having reacted as due regarding catching the sharks in his Admin. similarly, the damage carried out by SIRISENA is beyond estimable levels. THe manner he reacted should not have been, if he is a respectful politician. To me, except first year, all the other years the manner SIirsena behaved as the president was no different ot a stupid leader of a tribal state in Africa.

        • 0

          Apologies. for my missing words.
          I agree with Mr SM that SIRISENA as the president did NOTknow what was being spoken within previous govt, due to lack of his knowledge. He was not at all an educated person. I think it was like – SIRISENA was seen like a pion in an office while all others incl. ministers did their jobs as usual. Here it is no right to put the entire blame on Mr RW, because he could not do anything other than trying to explain… however everyone is clear in hindsight. Today, we can accuse of anyone… but silly sirisena or the like SHOULD NOT have been people’s leaders. He is simply shameless charactor. The manner he attacked all calling them ” butterflies” was beyond all ethics and morals. He became a joker in that podium. Like blue flies being found on heaps of cow dung, Rajakshe bathbalayos become weerayas from that day afterwards.

          • 0

            Dear leelagemalli,
            I don’t agree that Sirisena was “uneducated.” I think that he was made to feel uncomfortable owing to his halting English. He speaks Sinhalese beautifully and he was sound on subjects like the environment. He had sat his A. Levels, and he had done a 3-year Diploma in Agriculture at the Farm School in Kundasale. Mostly practical work, but I know two (older) ladies who had done it. That was much more than D.S. Senanayake had done.
            There was a good deal of sneering by Ranil; you could see it in his body language.
            As for “butterflies”, well how many Sri Lankans would be able to tolerate this level of honesty?
            These are controversial subjects – and it is true that Sirisena couldn’t handle what he saw – but then, he didn’t descend to vulgarity. And a humbug like “Bagehot” will possibly exploit my awareness and tolerance, and call me names. I know that most readers would listen and appreciate Prof. Yuval’s honesty. He’s very good on most subjects!
            Don’t be afraid to discuss these issues with me! The ability to do so is what is called “maturity”!

    • 2

      Nation’s kalakanniya, former President SIRISENA stressed again, that he has signed 21000 times within 3 days in order to get AM from S pore. This bp may feel that everyone down there is so stupid.

      Meaning BP to have worked on placing the signature following manner.

      3 x days = 24 h x 3 = 72 hours
      per day if he worked round the hour whole day – he should have signed 291 times /per hour
      so roughly about 5 times/minute.

      This man is absolutely an IDIOT – BORN to damage srilanen people
      I placed signature 21,000 times to extradite Mahendran from Singapore: MS

  • 21

    Arjuna Mahendran may not tell the whole truth; but, reading between the lines, what he is telling is no lie!

    • 7

      “…reading between the lines, what he is telling is no lie!”
      Food for thought indeed!

  • 9

    O…h, now we get it!
    So you stole 20 billion rupees to ‘fix’ the broken bond market?
    Why don’t you come to Sri Lanka and explain it to the courts, you dirty thief?
    When we bring you back to Sri Lanka on a spit, you can scream all the way.

    • 9

      Halitosis is back with some low end odor. CT should consider bringing in breathalyzers for such trolls before unleashing them here. Also sneaks in as a “Chow” – possibly a Pangolin from the Wuhan wet market?

    • 12

      O…h, now we get it!

      So you stole 20 billion rupees to ‘fix’ the broken bond market?

      Why don’t you come to Sri Lanka and explain it to the courts, you dirty thief?
      When we bring you pig back to Sri Lanka on a spit, you can scream all the way

      *** Helios you STUPID. Sri Lanka is full of Thives. MR Worth 18 Billion . How dis he make this monsy. He stole it from the Natins Coffers. Sir Basil the Biggest Ali Baba.
      Weeratunga is taking rest ( after running ) under a Tree ( Temple Trees).

      But Mahendran has been cleard by his Own Countries Legal System . Why woud he come to a Lawless Country. No hwont Scream all the way. He is laughing all the way in Singapoor Streets.

      You allege he stole 20 Billion. Compare that

      MR came in a ” Kada Kada Loda Loda Vandil”
      and alone stole 18 x 1000 x 176 Billion Rupees

      • 7

        Kali, read the comment by Sonali above. It applies to Idiots like you.

        • 8

          SHAKESPERE Sankara

          I take it that you are in love with Sonali so everything she writes turns into Gospel and she /he is the Financial Expert. New Kid on the Block. Come off it you you IDIOT the Cardiothoraci Surgeon who takes 8 hours for every Surgery.

          The man who wrote Prabakaran wouldnt allow any Politician to come up and solve the Tamil Problem even after 26 years of Brutality.

          Sonali you have got a Grandad admiring your writing Talent.

          • 1

            Kali the stupid fellow. I never claimed to be cardio-thoracic surgeon. Working for three years in cardio-thoracic surgery does not mean that I am a surgeon. I said that open heart surgery can take from six hours (double valve replacement) to eight hours (total correction of Fallots) and not for every surgery as claimed by you. Because of your inability to comprehend simple English you are making false allegations. Because of your unbalanced mind you are coming to quick conclusions without reading properly. Please be decent to attack others in your own name, and not be a coward writing rubbish under pseudonym.

            • 3

              No More Dr. just Sankaralingam
              Kali magic has finally worked.
              “ Adika Adika Ammiyum Nakarum”.
              1) With the following amongst many other things you have confirmed you are a LIAR. So even the other things you claimed such as I am a poet, have a distinction in English Language. Writing for many years and so on are all a LIE
              2) Kali the stupid fellow. I never claimed to be cardio-thoracic surgeon. Working for three years in cardio-thoracic surgery does not mean that I am a surgeon.
              I will come on to what triggered all these in a moment .
              Mask Off Or Mask On 22nd May 22nd May 31, 2020
              In response you wrote
              3) If masks are not proved to prevent infection, in future surgeons and nurses working in operating theaters should stop wearing them. I have worked in cardio-thoracic unit, where surgery on one patient goes on for six to eight hours non stop and I never had any breathing problem.
              By admission you are not a Cardio-thoracic Surgeon and if you only have a Doctorate ( PhD ) in what capacity would you have worked in that Unit and had no breathing problem.
              4) Because of your unbalanced mind you are coming to quick conclusions without reading properly.

              *** Sankara it is your mind which is unbalanced. You are SENILE. All departments have sadly failed. Seek help

              • 1

                Kali, there is no point in me wasting my time with you, because you do not have the level of intelligence to grasp arguments and your knowledge of English is poor to comprehend it. If you wish to see the articles I have written, which have been published in various souvenirs in UK, give me your e-mail address, I will send them to you. Unfortunately what I wrote prior to computer era while in Sri Lanka, have not been saved to be retrieved. Since they are on general topics and not on politics or economics, Colombo telegraph is not the appropriate forum. However I will send one on leadership and organisational skills to them and hope they will publish it. Again you are displaying your stupidity to say that only surgeons work in operating theaters. What about other doctors like registrars and senior house officers. I could not have been elected president of Sri Lanka Medical Association UK, if I had only a PhD. I have also been president of three other prestigious organizations in UK, which no other Sri Lankans have achieved so far. My application for a research post on pancreatic cancer leading to PhD was unfortunately not successful as they preferred younger persons. It is useless to flog a dead donkey like you.

                • 1

                  Poem written by me published in Festival of cricket 2016 souvenir:
                  “Ode to Old Royalists’ Association UK”

                  The spirit of thine life was first awoke
                  In nineteen hundred and eighty three
                  Thence set with heart as sound as oak
                  Beneath the sway of Corea and Bradby

                  True to the watchword you did strive
                  Marshaling old boys within thy shade
                  Your loyal sons them made you thrive
                  Thro’ thee their debt owed they repaid

                  You learnt the way before the mission
                  Trod the path that led into this estate
                  Did bear the torch, forth with passion
                  And kept up the school fame inviolate

                  Those lusty throats now raise a cheer
                  To your commitment to play the game
                  Taught of books and men that endear
                  They to thou honour will do the same

                  • 1

                    Poem written by me published in SCOT anniversary souvenir 2018:
                    “In Praise of Standing Committee of Tamils”

                    Standing as a pillar supporting the Tamil community
                    Committed in maintaining their dignity and integrity
                    Originating in principles that had shaped their vision
                    Triggered off by instances to embark on this mission

                    Sticking to the formulated policy guideline rigorously
                    Concerned about pursuance of objectives vigorously
                    Observing transparency and accountability as a rule
                    Targeted dedicated individuals to join resource pool

                    Served hapless kinsfolk with diligence and generosity
                    Choosing worthy causes for ensuring their prosperity
                    Obtained feedback from recipients to check progress
                    Tracking proper utilization of funds for future access

                    Setting examples to others giving them an inspiration
                    Coveted position attained receiving their admiration
                    Operating in a cordial manner that made it to thrive
                    Towards its cherished goal may it continue to strive

                • 1

                  Siva Siva Sankara

                  Let us start with the premise that it was GAME, SET and MATCH to Kali and you are a born and Habitual LIAR. You are trying desperately to get out of the Mess you put yourself in with one lie after another. I cant imagigine what a Pancreatic research worker do in a Cardio-thoracic unit.
                  Now another lie and spell it out to you
                  “I could not have been elected president of Sri Lanka Medical Association UK, if I had only a PhD. I have also been president of three other prestigious organizations in UK”. Apaart from PhD what else did you have as by your own admission you were not a Cardio-thotacic Surgeon so not a Medical Doctor.
                  The other presidency was in Cricket back in 2011 when you had tea and biscuits in a Cafe at Cricklewood. Big deal.
                  Why would you need a PhD to become a President of anything just look at Gotha he is a ASS hole and a President.

                  Thank god none of your work is saved otherwise it would have been a NIGHTMARE trying to unravell it doing another PhD.
                  Goodbye Grand Dad

                  • 1

                    Kali you are displaying your unbalanced mental status by disjointed output, and your inability to comprehend English. I worked in Cardio-Thoracic unit for three years in Sri Lanka and nowhere else. During our time doctors from abroad faced discrimination and no one ended up surgeons. Those who had the qualifications had to change to A+E or Radiology. It is only after 1986 that they opened up surgery for foreigners. I applied for the research post in Pancreatic cancer only after retiring from clinical practice four years ago. I was elected president of FOC in 2013, the silver jubilee year defeating person from Ananda College, where in the past all Tamils lost in contests against Sinhalese. Due to my negotiating skill, I was able to get the best venue for FOC that year. Because of my success at FOC, ETCL (English Tamil cricket league) elected me as patron, which I relinquished after they changed their name. I was also for a long time, member of Black and Minority Ethnic forum of General Medical Council UK. After retirement I stopped attending their meetings, but continue receiving information about their activity. GMC will not accept anyone who is not qualified. It is unfortunate that the mud that you fling at me is landing back on your face.

                    • 1

                      Siva Siva Sankara

                      You claim to be a past President of Ceylon Medical Association ( it used to be called that from 1951 untill it became known as SLMA) . I have checked the entire list and your name doesnt appear anywhere. The current President is a young chap called Professor Indika Karunathilake. INless you can prove in which year you were appointed and it appears to be a Prime Ministerial appointment I can only say it is another Big Lie. I wll eal the relevant body for confirmation

                    • 1

                      Kali the stupid fellow, you are jumping to conclusions without reading properly. This is reply to your post below as there is no reply facility. Check facts before commenting which displays your unbalanced mind. You are mistaking Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) in Sri Lanka with Sri Lanka Medical and Dental Association in UK (SLMDA UK) in which I was president in 2011. If you send me your e-mail address, I will post PDF copy of the souvenir of 2011 which gives my presidential message. How can I be president of SLMA when I was never a member of it. Problem with you is that, being unable to match me, you are attempting to run me down. Read the two poems I have posted above to know my ability.

        • 3

          As if its is not for ones like him!

          • 1

            Birds of a feather flock together. Naturally two idiots Kali and SJ are in unison.

            • 3

              SHAKESPERE Sankara

              *** You have finally cracked. You don’t know how to argue , attack intellectually so use language and words only IDIOTS, MORONS and STUPIDS like you use. You claim you are a Surgeon, speak and write better English than anyone, has been writing for years , a poet and so on amongst other talents but nothing to show for. Let me list your famous theories one by one
              1) birds of a feather flock together. Kali & SJ A true Tamil and a Racist Sinkalam

              *** like you and Gotha
              Same Organisational and Leadership Qualities.
              2) Prabakaran was able to Brainwash carders into Suicide Bombers like ISIS thus showing Leadership Qualities
              3) All the Tamil Leaders since independence lacking Organisational and Leadership Qualities thereby rendering them unable to take advantage of the system and sort out the Tamil Problem and Grievance like CBK achieved in the Western Province.
              4) Prabakaran prevented Tamil Leaders to mature since independence for 26 years even though all the leaders up to 1976 failed by to resolve Tamil Grievance by peaceful means including Satyakarakam.
              Grandad you are a GENIUS. GOD bless you

              • 1

                Kali the coward, you and people like SJ show one face to Tamils and one face to Sinhalese. I have espoused Tamil cause long before you.
                Here are examples of my Leadership and Organisational skills:
                1. President of Sri Lanka Medical Association UK – Formed in 1982 – leading professional organisation among Sri Lanka community in UK. I organised seminars, lunches, dinner dances and cricket match against Lawyers.
                2. President of Royal College Old Boys Association – Formed in 1983 – leading Sri Lankan old boys association in UK – I organized dinner dances, lunches and Royal-Thomian UK cricket match.
                3. President of Sri Lankan school OBAs cricket association in its silver jubilee year 2013, which organizes annual festival of cricket attended by over 5000 people with budget of over £100,000 making profit of over 30,000.
                4. Standing Committee of Tamil Speaking People UK – Formed in 1977. It is the oldest and prestigious association among Tamils in UK, contributing annually over £30,000 for welfare of needy Tamils in SL. I organised lunches, cultural programs and dinner dances and represented Tamils in forums.

                • 1


                  Please stop beating the drum about your achievements. There is none other than pretending to be slitting the Toracic which has now turned out to be false.

                • 0

                  “…and people like SJ show one face to Tamils and one face to Sinhalese.”
                  On these pages what one says is read by people of different communities. Thus the above suggestion is sensible if there is linguistic compartmentalization.
                  The thinking has got twisted somewhere. I do not know where and do not really care

            • 1

              Kali and I have clashed more often than concurred.
              You insult everyone who disagrees with you and it is time that you were told where you belong.
              Your passage full of self pity makes you look pathetic.
              That may explain your nasty comments too.
              You are incapable of civilized debate. That is my complaint.
              Ask K what his is rather than lumping us together.

  • 2

    I don’t know CT will let this to go through. It they let, please read every word very carefully. They may right; they be wrong but they all are very important for your future.
    I am not a representative of Tamils; but still I have to write a word on behalf of Tamils from my experience of what they thought of you. They were feeling shame to call you Tamil. You went to serve world most crook UNP leaders and received the reward for that. In your time Illangarkoon was dismissed by Ranil and Pujitha was brought in. He is prison for Ranil and New King (Ex president) working for 4/21. Puppet Sripavan approved naively the 19A safely retired in time. You got caught for your heartless deed against Tamils serving for Sinhala government to tell State Secretary that Yahapalanaya was treating Tamils equally and have started to give them jobs. Sadly CoA Justice Sriskandarajah was murdered by Old Royal just an year ago you accepted the job. Still thanks for, by your lesson Sumanthiran was not willing to accept the paperboy ministry they offed to TNA to take in. So Sumanthiran and Sampanthar were sitting in opposition seats. You ran to Singapore and saved yourself.

  • 3

    You ran to Singapore and saved yourself. But poor Aloysius is in prison. His story is going to be the government will get him to write a book against you and finish him off like Tamilini, if you try to break out any secrets in the central deals. You may know because Pillaiyan wanted to say Old King paid him to finish off New King. Now his case is over, though all other murderers are getting new jobs in the new Royals government, including Karuna, Ranil and New King staged and watched 4/21. King was in America that time. I don’t know the connection in that though there were comments saying that this bombing was done to make him president. But whatever it is King, immediately came from America and declared candidacy and won the election by Sinhalese voting united against minorities, mainly this time against Muslims. Now only New King, your arch enemy, the ex-president is investigated for 4/21 and if to escape that he has to hand over the SLFP to Royals or face even death penalty for 4/21 murders.
    Whether your words up there are true or false, Tamils, Sinhalese & Muslims doesn’t like it and/or doesn’t care about it. Don’t waste any more time in Sinhala Only Jury Verdict.

  • 5

    If he is so Honest and Honorable,why did he do a runner and still evading courts.If a day comes, Ravi K,and Ranil W,brought before a court of Law,the whole truth will unravel,and many law makers would have become law breakers.But will that day ever comes is a TRILLION DOLLAR question.

  • 19


    Bond Scams’ Reflect A Broken Bond Market

    *** I am glad you have come forward to answer the Critics. There are many in Sri Lanka Gotha downwards who have got away with Murder , Theft and so on. You are not in Cricket otherwise GOSL would have got the willing Partner Murali to ball a Doosra.
    The GOSL is full of Crookes and Thieves. MR is Worth 18 Billion ( all stolen) who was a pauper when he was a Street Fighter in Hambanthota.
    Cabaraal caused the Country billions from mismanagement , Basil the Biggest Thief stole Billions . Weeratunga Gothas Cousin who was on the run ( he didn’t have to run as Sajith or EW would have saved him with their lives.) is now free.
    But you my Friend is a Tamil appointed a dirty word in Sri Lanka appointed by a by a Pretender and that was all your Crime.
    I have not seen the Charge Sheet but for me the bottom line is your own Government has rejected all the Charges in response to a request for you to be extradited. That is Good enough for me and you are a Free Man . In Criminal Law it is for the Prosecution to Prove the Case BEYOND REASONABLE DUOUBT. Sinkala Lanka has failed and is ruled by a CRIMINAL.
    Sleep well.

    • 7

      He was persecuted because he was a tamil? Right! Then how come his successor (probably the best CBSL governor in recent history) also a tamil did so well?

      • 6

        Accusation of racial bias is made, because Nivard Cabral a Sinhalese who committed bigger fraud as CBSL governor, has been let off. You cannot compare them with Indrajit Coomaraswamy, a person of high integrity. If he was the best CBSL governor in recent history why did Mahinda remove him. Was it because he was Tamil.

        • 7

          Indrajit resigned.
          There is no evidence of pressure.

          • 4

            I thought he is now in his retirement. Dr GS. where did you read that Dr Coomaraswamy was removed by MR ?
            Please add the links if you may have them .. thanks.

            • 2

              This character is talking through an opening that is not located in his head.
              Dr IC was not quite RW’s choice.
              He did not crave the post, and was unhappy with the way things went as Year 2019 progressed.
              He waited for the chance to step down, which the presidential election gave him.

              • 0

                This character is talking through an opening that is not located in his head.
                I thought you would only be decent
                … and i am the indecent person here…. even if he adds such comments, I think we should have him here for our future discussions on this forum.

                • 1

                  Please do not misunderstand me.
                  I do not object to any point of view appearing here. I resent crude and offensive comments attacking persons and groups.
                  This person calls all and sundry fool, idiot etc. He says inaccurate things and when corrected resorts to abuse.
                  It has been pretty bad of late.
                  I have no objection to anyone’s views here.
                  But others too have points of view and the right to protest.

        • 4

          Dr GS,
          anyone close to MR et al would not be considered as criminals. And in contrast to that, UNPrs and JVPrs are always seen as criminals.JVPrs would not have chances even if they are literally the cleanest politicians sofar. So, looking back all these are interconnected wit Mahindarajapaksshe Hypocracies with the direct support of former President Sirisena. Sirisena had worked with SIRASSA TV to the very same manner, he later worked with that CID informant SAMAN Kumara whose whereabouts are hidden today.

          • 3

            Yes Indrajit tendered his resignation. Just because one tenders his resignation, President need not accept it. If he thinks that the person is an asset, he can persuade him to remain. Fact that despite knowing the qualities of Indrajit, allowing him to go shows that President did not want him, because he is not going to dance to the tune of president to commit irregularities. Resignation of Indrajit may have come in several ways, which he only knows. He may have voluntarily tendered it, not willing to work in the new set up, or he may have been impressed upon that he is not wanted. It was Chandrika who recommended Indrajit to the post.

          • 0

            Dear Dr S,
            let me add you some examples to my previous post
            1) Jonsten Fernadon, Mahindaananda, Udaya Gonthadipila, Wimal Buruwanse AND several others that are still flanked to him today – most of them were just low income earners-
            Alone Mahindananda- one of the chilli throwers to former speaker (KJ) to own a house in Central London is unthinkable; I dont think even an academic could maange to buy such properties today wihtin shorter period of time.
            But even if the case was filed against, nothing occured.. how can this ever be possible if that would have been in Germany, Singapore or UK ?
            2)CSN TV channel – those days, the owner of the channel was not known, but there are speculations today it to be a property of MR family ?
            3) That palalace which was build by Basil Rajakashe and his wife – the owner was not clear during the investigation ( can we call them at all as court investigations ?)… these kind of cases would not take even 2 months in Germany or anywhere where the law and order is held above… but in sl, nothing happened in that regard – knowing all is caught by RAJAKASHE GOONS, but people let them get back.. how animallike the people should be. This is why I dont have any sympathy towards our people today. They cut the neck by their own.

        • 0

          You are looking at issue through a telescope.

        • 2


          So you are accepting that Mahendran was a person of lower integrity?

          • 2

            Certainly Indrajit is of higher integrity than Mahendran, but Mahendran is of higher integrity than Cabraal. Before Mahendran was appointed CBSL governor there was no complains about his integrity. but Cabraal was appointed CBSL governor knowing well that several people were defrauded by his ponzi scheme and the government had to stop it. Mahendran may have been absolved of any offence as there is no proof, but certainly he should have never allowed his son-in-law to bid for treasury bond while he was in this post. He may be legally not guilty but by doing this, he is morally guilty. In western countries, due to this conflict of interest he would have never been appointed to the post.

            • 1

              Dr Ganda Sankaralingam

              Just because the media did not know about Mahendrans integrity DOES NOT mean the financial services community and especially those who interacted with the BOI under his tenure did not know. Ask questions. Dig deep. You will be surprised.

              Cheers buddy!

          • 2

            Walter Mitty Bagehot

            “So you are accepting that Mahendran was a person of lower integrity?”

            So you are accepting that Mahendran was a person of lower integrity like his fellow brethren of this island, the Sinhala/Buddhists, MR, GR, BR, NR, ……. WW, …?

            Maybe, Maybe not.

      • 6


        *** Nice try.

        Indrajit Coomaraswamy has resigned as governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), more than two years before the end of his term. A source close to the governor confirmed to Central Banking that Coomaraswamy planned to step down from the role on December 20, due to “personal reasons”. His last monetary policy meeting as governor will take place on November 29. The central bank has not released any official statement on the governor’s departure..

        He was a Cambridge educated man but a Tamil. Frankly he JUMPED before he was PUSHED.

        • 4

          His intention to resign was clear earlier than the election.
          Does the CBSL issue statements on the departure of each Governor? I doubt, except under controversial circumstances.
          You are unwittingly subscribing to the theory of our Master of Stupidity.

      • 0

        what has Dr Coomaraswamy achieved during his tenure ?
        I thought there had been nothing much to achieve there – Sirisena was only busy with paving way Rajapakshe looters to get back and continue their loot from where they stoped in 2015.

        • 2

          The Governor CBSL is not the economic policy maker for the country.
          His advice on fiscal matters have been sound in the context of government policy and served to protect the currency from depreciation.
          Indrajit maintained a clean administration. That is far better than what we saw under his two predecessors.

  • 14

    Interesting to read that contrary to what the entire population in Sri Lanka tends to believe, the writer is innocent of all allegations (not having earned a cent from passing privileged information). Unless the writer has no faith in the judicial system that he claims had exonerated him (ie the Supreme court) he should saunter in to Paradise (or fly in and go thru quarantine) and perhaps work to prove his innocence rather than hide overseas. Of course if he has no faith that justice will be done due to political pressures or tribal hordes calling for his blood and risk being scalped or drawn and quartered, he could have mounted a defence when his case was being heard (rather than in absentia) in Sri Lanka and clean his slate that way. There is no point in referring to a voluminous forensic audit report of the CB “bond scam” which he seems to ridicule, instead of revealing its contents to the legal system via his lawyers. Why has he opted not to, and only wrote to the Colombo Telegraph after so long, a mere journal, instead? What’s cooking now, mate?

    • 9

      Dear Mr Pethiyagoda,
      if he is under the search of INTERPOLE, how can AM become a writer to CT ? I think Ravi Karunanayaka is right having said, truths about bond scam will come to light next days. What Rajakshe mafia men together with SIRSAA and other TV senders have painted the picture in favour of them – SIRISENA was behind SIRASA TV channel to have spread it that far. Those regular invitees to SIRASA daily coverages of the BOND scam development were – Dr Wijewardhana, Susiripala someone and that low grade activist who later became a governor under SIRISENA. Dont you think that all these are similar to the sweet stories telecasted by that SIRISENA biased so called informant of CID/by name Kumara someone. … ? I think lanken media should be punished to have misled the nation.

    • 6

      Lasantha P,
      Arjuna M is not “hiding in Singapore”, as we are told. He is at home, being a Singaporean. Our incompetent AG’s office has not been able to convince the Singaporean government that an offence has been committed.

      • 1

        so think I . I think it was a big lie even an election pledge of SLPP. That proves again, how the bastards mislead srilanken masses.
        I have been to S pore dozens of times and i dont think as a singaporean citizen it would be that easy to escape if he is a high criminal.
        Let s wait what AM will bring in his article Part II

        • 0

          Leelage malli,

          CT has put a picture he leisurely hanging around in Little India. Commentators joked on that picture as he was bird watching. When Old King went Singapore, Colombo Media said he met Mahendran at a Hotel. It was said Singapore police interviewed him too. Further there was essay & Interview of Mahendran, had with (Middle Eastern?) a media was reproduced in Colombo media. That all can say he was not hiding. Further Colombo media reported that time of all Interpol Notices (Including to Udayanga & Jaliya) were only Yellow, search and report back the address, not Red, arrest and deport. Colombo Media reported they sent 10,000 pages of documents to arrest Mahendran in Singapore. I don’t think any government will acknowledge that kind of silly games. So I am with you, I do not thinks he was ever on a serious pursuit. He may be, as some comments here suggested, exonerated in Singapore. So he had come forward to witness. But I don’t know if this is an indication of what is soon going to be Aloysius status or not.

  • 12

    “The COI did so on a speculative premise that since I was occupying the guest room of my daughter’s house in February 2015, pending renovation of my official residence, I would have passed price-sensitive information to my daughter’s husband who was a primary dealer.”
    Do you realize what a patently moronic and absurd statement that is? It’s not the living arrangement, but you transacting government business with your family members that is totally unacceptable and is at the bottom of the whole scandal. Do you think people are so stupid as to take it as a serious statement from a professional regarding a major financial scandal impacting the whole economy? It’s so offensive and insulting to the people much agitated by the entire sordid saga. Don’t try to be so disingenuous. In the first place, what kind of professional thinks it’s okay to accept a position where you know very well you’re going to transact business with your own son-in-law. And it was no ordinary position. The Governor of the Central Bank is supposed to ensure the stability and integrity of the entire banking system of the country. But you ended up damaging its credibility and reputation.

  • 12

    [Contd from above]

    Your insistence that no loss was incurred – whether true or not – is only a secondary matter. Primarily it’s about professional ethics and integrity in government. Similar things happening under Cabraal doesn’t absolve you either. After absconding for so long, to come out with such a smug, self-satisfied explanation only exposes more fully your sense of entitlement. Many would agree that Ranil’s most fatal mistake in his entire political career was appointing you as the Governor of the Central Bank. Most would also concur that the Yahapalanaya government was dealt a crushing blow right off the bat by you and Ravi Karunanayake from which it never recovered.

    • 9

      “Primarily it’s about professional ethics and integrity in government. “
      Yes, that is the point here. People in high positions must be seen to be honest. Really, Ravi K is the one who should be in jail.

      • 1

        A minor slip I suspect.
        “Really, Ravi K is the one who should be in jail.”
        You could have done without the “the” as there are others who are as culpable.

    • 3

      That’s a very plausible argument.

    • 0

      Ajay, you chased the thief but too hurriedly crossed the fence guessing thief is going to jump over fence, while thief is still in compound. That is why you missed Mahendran’s question of ” Are you in the opinion of a professional, who is family person, he/she always in the discussions & of revealing all official matters to family members?” The answer is “No” because by answer “Yes” no family member can be employed in professional jobs. The fundamental requirement here is, not that Mahendran as a family man might have revealed the price sensitive information to the family members unavoidably, but he was fraudulently engaged in some kind of profit seeking with the information he had. Because that was not proven in the POI, the accusers put forward the argument that as he was with his daughter, so anyhow he was obligated to the passed the info to Son in Law. That is only Sinhala Jury Only argument.

    • 4


      In cases like this, if he had recused himself from certain decisions since his son-in-law did business with the bank, then he would have a strong defense.

      I don’t understand how someone in his position has been so blind to the obvious conflict-of-interest implications .

      But we are talking about Colombo where incestuous business relationships appear to be the norm, with far worse conflicts of interests among the Rajapaksas and other bigwigs from major national parties. Mr. Swaminathan’s senses must have been dulled by the environment he was in.

      • 1

        Correction: Mr. Mahendran, not Swaminathan.

  • 10

    Hahaha What a fraud.. Come down here idiot. Face the charges. No one is buying the BS you’re trying to sell.

    • 4

      Andare the name fits most to you. Why to shoot the messenger while we ve all been waiting for truths to come up.

      • 3

        Andare the original was clever and did comic things, but had his way.

    • 6

      Andare 2.0

      “Face the charges.”

      Of course crooks must face charges, MR, GR, BR, NR, …. WW, K Maha, L Weera, A Pelpi, Sunil Rathnayake, A S Nayake, …………………………………………………………………..

      “No one is buying the BS you’re trying to sell.”

      You not only keep buying BS but you are voting for them too.
      Why is it?

      • 4

        Dear Native,
        but never in OUR HOME COUNTRY .. srilanka. Their previous investigations were public secret. Even 10 year olds though they were not political. But today none of them are continued. So how can one rely on any kind of invesgitations in current context ?
        It will take another few decades until people are free from Rajaakshes or the like.

  • 3

    Can some one tell me How Singapore citizen become Governor of Central bank of Sri Lanka?
    Is there no conflict of interest when main bidder for Central bank bonds is a company headed by Son in law of Arjun Mahendran.
    Is Arjun Mahendran accused in public and protected behind the scene by powerful Sri Lankan politician of both sides?
    Will editor of the CT will confirm where about of Mahendran if asked by Interpol as he published his letter?
    Does ordinary Sri Lanka origin Tamil people identify Mahendran as one of their product?
    Does Arjun Mahendran like himself to be identified with ordinary Sri Lanka Tamils?
    What is the credibility of letter written by person accused as bank robber?

    • 1

      as far as my info concerned, this is not the first time, that a NON-SRILANKEN became srilanke CBG.
      If that was not the case, I have no doubt RW would appoint him.
      In fact, RW and his govt restored the EC and police commissions by implementing 19th Amd.
      If there had been no EC commissions in place today, Rajapakshes would have let HUMAN FLESH and BONEs being consumer meat in local super markets as of today.
      They dont much care about the people but their hedgemony and backlickers that would be servile to them. Longer people stay like SLAVES not knowing the basics, easier it will be RAJAKSHE high criminals to grab their votes and became LEADERs… ..
      People should rise up from their long slumber and do their best marginalizing the rascals and let any good men regardless of the parties become the LAWMAKERs to next parliament could do lot more.
      I think we are decades away from achieving the little. So OHOMA YANG.. lets stay SELF CONGRADULATING and adulating the MURDEROUS Rajakshes as if our staple food would be grass …

  • 4


    My opening remark was

    “I am glad you have come forward to answer the Critics.”

    I have been assured by Sonali that millions are eargely awaiting for Part 11 and have no fear that you will be exonerated. “Start spreading the news, I am leaving today I want to be a part of it. Colombo Colombo “

  • 4

    I don’t think any serious study and comment be made until we see what AM “Continues….” to write next. However, I would expect him to explain that “SC Judgment” a little bit more, with such details as to “Who” filed the case and what was the “Decision”. I remember AM at the Presidential Commission in giving evidence stating: ” I acted as instructed by the PM”. Also, I expect AM to divulge the details of the “Meeting” he had with Mr. Malik Samarawickrama who was not even a “Minister” of the Government on that date of the meeting. Who were the others who accompanied Mr. Malik Samarawickrama? Also, please don’t forget to tell us about that “Undated Letter”, “Unearthed during the Presidential Inquiry” submitted by the then Finance Minister Mr. Ravi Karunanayake, informing of “Rs. 70 Million” requirement. This letter was not channeled through the Treasury and the then Deputy Secretary, now Secretary Mr. Attygalle denied any knowledge of such a letter. Please, don’t forget to explain the “Loss” to EPF and who were the people responsible for it and how it “Occurred”. You cannot evade that responsibility, because you were the Governor of CB. I think you will have to submit many more “Explanations”, but the “BEST” I would propose is for you to surrender and “ASSIST’ the Courts to “REVEAL” the “TRUTH” of this much “USED” and “ABUSED” Bond Scam. Perhaps, your Singapore Government will “ASSIST” and “LOOK AFTER” your interests.

    • 4

      I wonder what SIRASA TV got to say with the article/and AM ‘s stand because former president Sirisena had authorized SIRASA to work on the SOCIAL PERCEPTION. Even a poisonous pills can be marketed if media would promote it as a sweet one. We know how SIRISENA’s tactics worked with that most KNOWN ” CID INFORMANT – Saman Kumara”… remember ?

      All these are typical only to a Banana republic of SRILANKA nature.

      • 4

        leelagemalli: “….SIRISENA’s tactics…” What “BS” is that? Does he know anything about “TACTICS”? Sorry to say, he is worse than a “MEEHARAKA”. At least all in the “Animal Kingdom” have a Gift of Nature called “INSTINCT”. He is MINUS that too.

        • 4

          Simon@Agree with you more – wal meeharaka would fit most .. but not just tactics but delaying tactics – what I met. .
          SOrry I dont think that I insult the real ” wild buffaloes” here. The kind of men will have to face Karma in this life. Sirisena is the most abusive man in politics in SL… the kind of men would never see it because they are like the flies born in asuchi pit. I dont know CBK and Sobitha Thero knew Sirisena s real face at the time, hand picked him for the PE candidacy in 2014.

  • 6

    So far, Nobody in Srilanka knew the truth about “Bond Scam” or any other corruption cases or any the murder cases because our political, social, economical and religious systems are politicised, radicalised, and religious. The judiciary, security, and parliament and Presidency are well corrupted. For example, how many politicians and civil servants punished in Srilanka over seven decades? If our security services are efficient and victorious in defeating LTTE, why could not they found the murderer of Lasantha or Rugby player or Human Rights activist and number of Journalists murdered? Why could not they investigate the international arms dealer for LTTE? Sinhala majority do not want to find the truth because they want to protect them and they knew well the truth. They think blaming, and fabricating evidences to victimise innocent Tamils, Muslims and poor Sinhalese is easy way but one day majority of Sinhala will have to face the true nature of the politicised system.

  • 3

    The crime is : Over-zealousness to do the bidding of the previous GoSL in the midst of the rag tag political zero-sum game. In other words, he took his chance.

  • 4


    *** I have finally read your Article and cant wait for final part. I don’t know where your son in law is and I couldn’t trace and there were conflicting stories one saying he has left and the other he is in jail. If he is in Jail I fear the worst.
    As for your Crime the charge was when your own residence was being refurbished you stayed at your daughters place and at the STROKE OF MIDNIGHT the day before the dealing started you might have passed on the information that there was a fortune to be made which might amount to insider dealing which in US is a Criminal Offence under the Federal Law.
    Then I read the trail of just over 620 million Rupees worth of bonds passing hands between 4 different dealers climbing to about 750 million with the first one making 87 million , the other one making 8 million and so on. . The alleged insider deal only cost the Country 1.6 Billion Rupees which even THIEVES like Basil , Weeratunga and Wimal the Wansa will throw it at your face. So I don’t know what the big Fuss is . MR the THUG is worth $18 billion Dollars all stolen. This is Sri Lankan Justice. Only God can help your Daughter and Son In Law if they are still in a Lawless Country.
    “Santhipom Sinthipom”

  • 4

    A correction . When I said the insider deal i didnt imply or mean just your Son In Law but the whole trading surrounding the Bond dea which was massively over subscribed 26 times. I deal in shares mostly Banking Shares and I have made a lot of money uing a system.
    Your statement below is an important one
    It was submitted by my counsel, with facts and figures obtained from the Central Bank, that, out of the six prior 30-year bond auctions, this particular bond auction came at the lowest cost to the Government, calculated on the weighted average yield.

  • 0

    Thanks, Ajith, for getting back to sequence, and thus restoring the possibility of discussing all this rationally. We know enough of what you write to be able to trust you.
    Then comes “Grandma” RTF from the USA with a comment that is not controversial. And we know her from this article that she has written. She is honest and consistent. Her photograph is there.

    And finally, what we have are two comments by “kali” in which he addresses Arjuna Mahendran with two observations which really are one, since the second conscientiously clarifies what could have been misunderstood.
    This comment of mine will be submitted after “kali’s” honest summary.
    Now, please look at what meant before. Please note that you will have to next find my subsequent comments just above that by Nathan, who we all know is a decent man, and who once revealed to me that had taught at the last school that I attended.

  • 0

    Nathan / May 28, 2020, made what was only the second comment on the day that the article appeared. “westham / May 28, 2020” had made the first comment to which Sonali responded rationally with certain cautions. What happened after that?
    An anonymous guy “Walter Bagehot” began to hijack the conversation and browbeat us with his supposedly infallible knowledge of 1154 pages. Let us not swallow all of that uncritically.
    What has happened to Sri Lanka is that a handful of parasites with a smattering of a foreign language, have been exploiting the people who really do the work. No, I’m no Marxist. I’m merely exposing this “Bagehot” who takes no responsibility for what he says.
    What I did a few hours ago was to place a comment directly below the comment by “westham”. It appeared at 42nd place, and is now just above the comment by Nathan. In that comment, I have warned you about this “Bagehot” and his cohorts, who care nothing for truth. I have demonstrated, beyond any reasonable doubt, that he’s not to be trusted. Now I shall go back to challenging the crook, Bahgehot, with comments placed above those by Nathan.

  • 0

    I want to say much more to “Walter Bagehot” who hasn’t yet responded to my challenge that he reveal his identity. That challenge was issued because he was saying all sorts of things without substantiating them.
    However, this short reminder is partly to test whether comments are still being accepted. Sometimes they get rejected as being too late.

  • 0

    Footnote One
    Leelagemalli had asked where Baghehot began distorting. Comments on this particular article had stopped coming in four days ago, so I hope that the moderators will understand that I’m not breaking the trend of this article by my responding here.
    Bagehot was, totally off-topic, with this: “Walter Bagehot / May 14, 2020”, here:
    This was what he suddenly said:
    Now that the Thomian community is completely done with you trying to infiltrate the board at all costs (even to the extent of slandering your own brother on public fora such as this) have you switched careers to being a political analyst?
    To see how ridiculous that observation of Bagehot was you’d have to go to this comment:
    Dodgeral Bard / March 8, 2020
    To me it seems that this is either the same person as Bagehot, or somebody with aims identical with his. They wanted this Gihan Dias elected with nobody else allowed to contest.

  • 0

    Footnote Two
    Bagehot says, “As an old boy of STPS Colpetty I know that both elections (for OBU and Staff rep) were conducted with the utmost transparency. I was also told by many staff there that you tried to influence a few younger teachers into illegally distributing your ‘manifesto’ (perhaps your English degree didn’t teach you the origins of that word) – fortunately, they were sharper than you thought and didn’t fall for your wiles. Why these underhand tactics?”
    Anything “underhand” about letting voters at an election know what a candidate’s views are? He misrepresents the attitude of the Kollupitiya Headmaster, Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo. I have asked him to check with Dushantha. He has not done so.
    The problems were not with Dushantha; they were with the Headmasters of the Bandarawela and Gurutalawa schools, who wanted to keep their staffs in fearful thralldom.
    Obviously, this was totally immoral of them; whether this will stand we cannot know. The current Bishop has now officially retired, and operates only as Vicar-General until such time as a new Bishop is elected. That could even be Rev. Dushantha. In which case, he will have to work out how he is to play fair by the Uva Schools?

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