At the 4th Bar Council meeting of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka held on 28th June 2014, the Bar Council unanimously resolved that its President issues a statement condemning the inaction of the authorities and the Police in apprehending those who were responsible for making inflammatory statements causing communal and religious disharmony among communities resulting in the carnage that took place in Beruwela commencing on the 15th of June 2014. Further to the unanimous decision of the Bar Council, the President BASL, Upul Jayasuriya has issued the following statement.
The Bar Association notes with regret that despite it’s appeal to the Hon. The Attorney General dated 20th of May 2014 and a further appeal dated 4th of June 2014 no meaningful steps were taken as provided for under Section 393(1)(b) and Section 6 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in the exercise of powers and duties vested in the country’s AG. In the said letters the BASL has specifically urged that steps be taken to prosecute those who are responsible for the commission of offences under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) and the Penal code.
Further to this the Executive Committee of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka resolved and issued a further statement on the 12th of June 2014 condemning actions of the said Organization, namely Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), in respect of three instances of blatant violations of the law calling upon the relevant authorities to conduct full and unbiased investigations into the alleged incidents expeditiously and to take relevant steps according to law including commencing prosecutions as maybe required by law. It is further regretted that the authorities took no meaningful steps even after the timely pleas that were made by the BASL.
In the given circumstances a further meeting was called for by the said organization on the 15th of June 2014 making outrageous statements causing religious disharmony between communities in violation of the PTA. If timely action were taken in deference to the pleas of the legal profession represented by the BASL, the carnage that followed with deaths and damage to property and religious institutions would have been averted.
The BASL reiterates and urges the authorities take meaningful steps even at this late stage in bringing the perpetrators who stimulated the carnage that took place in Beruwela, Dharga Town and Aluthgama to Justice, immediately demonstrating that the rule of law is preserved in this country preventing a further backlash nationally and internationally.
Vibhushana / June 29, 2014
The TNA routinely makes inflammatory speeches in Tamil. They are infact here now after promising their electorate to “teach them a lesson”.
All political parties formed on narrow political ethnic basis whether its the TNA, SLMC or BBS does it. The inflammatory words is not a surprise because the “us” vs “them” is inherent in their political stand.
This trend was started by Tamils. That is why they are the gutter. Other should learn from their mistakes.
If Rajapske can do one thing that does not exude “statesman”, ban political parties based on narrow racial grounds.
Punchi Burampi / June 29, 2014
Now the bucket is fully filled with unsolved unaddressed crimes alone in the recent months. But president seems to have no genuine thoughts want or not to address them. Dogs are barking caravan is being moved – may be all these because commissions earners should allow to do their job on the the costs of srilanken population. This much of appalling levels we have not seen in any of the regimes we had sofar since Independence.
All kind of high costs instead of being controlled, are furtehr being made.. for example travelling to seashellves, where as a head of state could easily send his foreign minister to represent him. High costs of tourages can only bring more costs to the state costs. People of the country are on survival struggle with all unbearable costs.
Sumith / June 29, 2014
” If Rajapske can do one thing that does not exude “statesman”, ban political parties based on narrow racial grounds. “
Rajapakse start banning his party first.
Beacuse it is one of the based on narrow grounds.
Vibhushana is a one eat dog bones thrown by Rajapakse so he is showing his loyalty to Pakses.
Lapatiya / June 29, 2014
I just return from Kandy after worshiping Night Car Races Organized by Sons of our Hon. President and I was very upset when i read the Bar Association request. Mr.Upul Jayasuriya and Bar Association has already forgotten that our Hon.President already said that Incident was – (minus) nature and not worthy to Investigate as killed only 4 and destroyed only couple of hundreds of houses. Just please wait until our Hon. President gives us the Peace as he given to Bolivia.
anonymous / June 29, 2014
You guys must challenge the US govt. and even President Obama to explain the acts by one of their citizens in Sri Lanka. Start with Ms. Sisson in Colombo.
Thiru / June 29, 2014
“Bring The Aluthgama Perpetrators To Justice” Bar Association Unanimously Tells Government”
Isn’t it a joke to ask this question? Do you have a just legal system and independent judiciary to try those responsible?
If you want justice take the matter to the UNHRC or to the international court to the the cheap justice’s court.
Thiru / June 29, 2014
Correct the last paragraph thus:
If you want justice take the matter to the UNHRC or to the international court instead of taking it to the cheap justice’s court.
Sumith / June 29, 2014
“Bring The Aluthgama Perpetrators To Justice”
Still Bar Association have balls to talk against Rajapakase where most of people in Sri lanka lost.
Park / June 29, 2014
BASL what is the point of barking at the Moon! Do you guys have the guts to take the next step if nothing happens? Will you all go out on strike without attending courts all over Sri Lanka if the Government does not take any action? If you are not ready to do that then its time for you to fold as well.
Peace Lover / June 30, 2014
well done BASL for talking for whats right and for justice!
also well done to Vibushana for talking on behalf of those who feed him left over food ;-)