By Dayan Jayatilleka –
The crisis is proliferating by the week. Which will come first, the crack-up or the state of siege? Which is the egg and which the chicken?
There are two ways in which a country, a nation state, is destroyed. One is by supra-state/supra-national forces, i.e. external forces of hegemonic interventionism. The other is by sub–state/sub-national forces i.e. internal forces of fragmentation. Sri Lanka is being destroyed by both, and the two are feeding off each other.
Insofar as the Rajapaksa administration is unable to resist and defeat the first category, the external forces by the correct foreign policy and diplomatic strategy), it is unable to defend the country from hegemonic external interventionism as exemplified by the OHCHR International Inquiry (which may be referred to in future as the Ahtissari panel).
Insofar as the Rajapaksa administration is unable or unwilling to crackdown on the fanatical Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalists who ignited the violence in Aluthgama, it is only furnishing weapons and ammunition for the external interventionists.
Insofar as the Rajapaksa administration is acting in a manner that generates speculation about a cover up (bullet wounds turning into cuts) or is not acting in a manner that clears up such doubts, it is reinforcing the argument that an external inquiry is needed because the state machinery does not function impartially.
As for the danger of internal fissure leading to fragmentation, the manifest lack of willingness of President Rajapaksa to articulate, clearly and forcefully, a vision of and for the nation that is explicitly and diametrically opposed to the discourse of the Bodu Bala Seana and its smaller, more vicious copycats such as the Sinhala Ravaya, means that the state has abdicated or is held back from playing its legitimate role as the umbrella and shield of all Sri Lankans, irrespective of ethnicity, religion and language. This abdication by the state as umpire –and protector of all equally– removes any obstacles from the path of internal fragmentation and accelerates the process.
An internally fragmented state cannot withstand external pressure beyond a point. This gives rise to speculation as to whether the fanatical Sinhala Buddhist forces are in fact a proxy for the external elements. Valid as such speculation is, it overlooks the more basic question. If these forces and/or events such as Aluthgama are part of a de-stabilization plan for ‘regime change’—as it well might turn out to be—why are the regime and the state apparatuses going easy on them, and why are the various arms of the state, be it the Lake House press or Sri Lanka’s Permanent Mission in Geneva, seeking to pin the rap on the victims, the minorities (after all, the dead are Muslims)?
Marx wrote that for true comprehension of underlying economic processes one must move from ‘the noisy sphere of the marketplace’ to the ‘hidden abode of production’. The true understanding of what’s happening in Sri Lanka today would take us beyond incessant critique of the Rapajakasas to the real character of the Sinhala social formation. The Sri Lankan state formation cannot be understood without understanding the Sinhala social formation and neither can be understood without understanding the role, function, ideology of the Sinhala Buddhist Sangha– the priesthood. This must not be lazily and dangerously confused with the ‘Sinhala Buddhist majority’, ‘Sinhala Buddhism’, the regime, the state, the Rajapaksa clan etc., though the interfaces must be studied. The matter at hand is the priesthood; the Sinhala Buddhist clergy as a social stratum or sub-formation.
The Bodu Bala Sena and similar (often more militant and covert) organizations operate on a grid that is neither the Rajapaksa regime nor the State machine. That grid is/are the network(s) of which the temples are the nodal points; the hubs. A review of the reports of all the violence against Christians and Muslims as well as dissenting Buddhists reveals not only the vanguard role of elements of the clergy but as the violence in Grandpass shows, the mobilizing role of the temples. It is not the Rajapksas, the Police, the army, the STF or military intelligence that mobilized and mobilizes the mobs; it is precisely the temples.
Of course it is not all the temples, or even most of them; just as it is not all the Buddhist clergy or even most of them. But the main thing is that the BBS and other similar formations representing fanatical ‘political Buddhism’ have captured significant space within the Sinhala Buddhist clergy and thereby neutralized the Buddhist hierarchy through institutional pressure and an element of coercion. In short, a power shift has taken place within the social apace of the Sinhala Buddhist clergy. This is not a new phenomenon, and those who have studied the surge that led to (not began with) the MEP victory and Sinhala Only in 1956, would be acquainted with DC Wijewardena’s large volume ‘Revolt in the Temple’ (1953).
Over the last decade or more, there has been a far more covert contemporary takeover in the temples. It is the result of the wresting of the ideological initiative by fundamentalist fanatical Sinhala Buddhism. The new wave began with Ven Soma thero. The ideological initiative could be wrested by the militants because of three processes.
Firstly, the liberal, pluralist monks had discredited themselves among the Sinhala Buddhist citizenry by their advocacy of the Chandrika’s Sudu Nelum anti-war movement and the Norwegian peace initiative. These monks, who should have been mobilized purely for the defense of pluralism and devolution against racism, were instead mobilized as part of CBK’s and Ranil’s project. In any society, even the most sophisticated (e.g. France) it is difficult to live down a history of appeasement of fascism.
Secondly, the patriotic Buddhist clergy had lost their progressive orientation, their Buddhist scholasticism and their cosmopolitan composure and civility—the iconic figure of which was Prof. Ven Walpola Rahula. It was symptomatic that neither the State nor the patriotic Bhikku militants mention him.
Thirdly, the growing militancy of the blue collar element of the Sinhala Buddhist diaspora empowered a new offshore network, including in the USA, of wealthy and powerful temples/monks, which adopted the ideology and politics of the most rightwing racist elements of Western societies. In turn these temples were linked up with pro-JHU and NFF ‘Ranaviru’ societies, the Sri Lankan embassies and elements of the state security apparatus—bypassing and subverting the preexisting SLFP branches.
Violent Islamophobia in Sri Lanka antedates the Rajapaksa administration. Those of us who recall the vicious campaign against Minister Ashraff, the Digamadulla issue, the Ashraff-Soma Thero debate would attest to this. Though Gnanasara’s Aluthgama speech is mad, bad and dangerous, even Gotabaya Rajapkasa did not relay it, real-time on national TV, while hours of anti-Christian and anti-Muslim ranting were spread throughout the nation’s drawing rooms when the funeral orations – including by the JHU’s Champika Ranawaka— at the last rites of Rev Soma were relayed on all TV channels including the State’s Rupavahini, precisely under the presidency of Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.
As the BBS’s Gnanasara said a few weeks ago on TV, it is Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe who “should be commended” for agreeing to the presentation of the Anti-Conversion Bill by the JHU, while it was President Mahinda Rajapaksa who killed it.
It was Ranawaka and the JHU who kept Islamophobia going, especially in Digamadulla, and maintained continuity of ideology and program right into the postwar period. It was Ranawaka and his party which first enunciated the line within the Rajapaksa administration that the main enemies after the defeat of the LTTE were the ‘jihadi’ Muslims.
The current BBS phenomenon is only the tip of the iceberg. It is not difficult to comprehend the shift within the Sinhala Buddhist clergy if one is able to cease the fixation upon the Rajapaksas and study the growth of a televangelical Right in the USA and its continuities with the survivalists, the gun lobby, the Tea Party movement and the ‘birthers’; the coalition of the Christian Right and the Zionist Right in the USA; the growth of Sunni and Shia fundamentalist militancy and militias in Islam; the rise of the religious-settler Right in Israel and the Buddhist fascist faction headed by Wirathu in Burma/Myanmar.
The Rajapaksas being far more aware than their political rivals of the ground game within the temple networks and the public opinion making Sangha, have only been trying to play catch up, re-enacting and updating the strategy of SWRD in ’56. They are also mimicking the alliance of Netanyahu’s Likud with the smaller parties of the religious-settler Right. The danger is that the fastest growing shareholder of the temple network is a firebrand Sinhala racism which may ignite a firestorm by attacking minorities who are far more sophisticated and globalized than the BBS, the regime and the State (especially the MoD-MEA). By so doing, these fanatical Sinhala Buddhist ayatollahs will generate a backlash in the form of a bloc of ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities and their global support networks. Signs of this are already appearing in the East, in Tamil Nadu and in the UN Plaza in New York. A collision of majoritarian and minoritarian nationalisms, which draws in war veterans, deserters, Civil Defense Force members or ex-members, the STF and even the armed forces (while alienating the minority members of the state services), as in former Yugoslavia and contemporary Ukraine, will turn into a violent clash of civilizations, cultures, communities.
In the face of perceived triple threats of (a) external intervention (as the UN international inquiry gathers global momentum) (b) a surge in Northern political secessionism and (c) accelerating domestic fragmentation, the military may intervene (or be called upon to intervene) more directly and robustly in politics; in political and crisis management. This would not be initiated by the top brass. In many countries, it has been a groundswell in the barracks and the junior officers’ messes that pushes the middle-ranking officers into action, drawing in the top brass which would not wish to be left out and would go along with the mood of the institution as a whole.
Such a scenario would take place in a situation of or result in external economic sanctions and legal actions. These would constitute a tightening vice which cracks open a divided citadel for foreign intervention and (Tamil Diaspora/Tamil Nadu propelled) Northeastern secession. Unless someone does an Angelo Mathews, that is.
Thiru / June 29, 2014
“This abdication by the state as umpire –and protector of all equally– removes any obstacles from the path of internal fragmentation and accelerates the process.”:
says the wizard of Oz, Dayan.
This abdication by the state took place long long ago as far as the Tamils are concerned: In fact it started soon after the word go from independence in 1948 with pogrom after pogrom against Tamils.
Too late, my friend, for you to realize this: You don’t need a PhD or be a rocket scientist to figure it out; just ask any Tamil and they will tell you the story of Sorry Lanka!
justice / June 29, 2014
You are entirely correct. This lamentation about islamaphobia worldwide neglects tamilphobia especially in sri lanka.
Dayan J contributed by inventing an “external threat” to sri lanka “via the north” only,and thus justified the military occupation of the north and east, causing permanent misery and subjugation of tamils.
What happened to muslims this time is only a fraction of WHAT IS HAPPENING to tamils in north and east – with many still in camps and secret detention centres – this time the army has followed up on Dayan’s thinking and even attempted a ‘resurrection’ of the dead LTTE.
This is taken for granted by Sinhalese of all religions and political groups.
Jelly Fish / June 29, 2014
What is this joker DJ is talking about….he says….
“It is not the Rajapksas, the Police, the army, the STF or military intelligence that mobilized and mobilizes the mobs; it is precisely the temples.
RAJAPAKSE is the one who is mobilizing all those evil forces…
Pls DJ Eat rice for meal not the one which is excreted by the dogs thru their posterior outlets…
Sven Perera / June 30, 2014
Dont take them serious when they re coming from DJ. He is just beating around the bush as always been. He has no guts to call a spade a spade, what an analyst he should. Today, I read finally Victor Iwan has expressed his heart out… there are many that would join him in the days to come, but DJ would never chance his love relationship towards the Meeharaka Rajapakshe. THat is for sure. Anyone with a little brain would see it – the way that hate speech holders are being promoted today is the greatest harm they make … not to react adequately, but only for his travels and other issues, MR has the wisdom that people never thought he has… I really dont undrestand this nation to stay stand still even if the state openlydo all harm to its citizen. This man as the president of today s srilanka is like square peg in a round hole.
Lasantha / July 1, 2014
Jelly Fish,
I have to agree with you. Dr.Dayan needs more brainstroming when he wrote this para.
Dr.Dayan looked more blind, novice and less informed here.All the evidense are there right in front of our eyes to show who the real big shark behind all these murder, loot and massacre in Aluthgama.
Who choreographed the attacks on UNP MPs when they visited Mattala. Who choreographed attacks on Sirikotha during CHOGM. Who Choreographed attacks at Hultsdorph Courts, near Parliament and near her house when CJ Shirani Bandaranayake was impeached.
Ranil and UNPers say some of the thugs who attacked Sirikotha and Mattala attacks were present at Aluthgama. Who brought them in bus loads to Aluthgama and allowed them to attack during curfew hours when police and military kept silent. Did Dr.Dayan hear what UNP MP Palitha Thevanmperuma said.
The difference is there were no burning, looting and murder in previous incidents unlike what happened in Aluthgama and Beruwala.
It will be a very good combination to be incharge of All Armed Forces, All the Police Department, all judiciary, all media and finally Politicising Buddhist Clergy and it’s over 17 million followers and the ready to loot Thug force.
Today the first attack has taken place in UVA Province against UNP when they were getting ready for the first PC election meeting.
The best research Dr.Dayan could do is to find out who the big foreign God Fathers who draw up plans, advise, guide and direct their local counterparts as to what exactly they should do in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is at cross road now.
Today USA revoked BBS Gnanasara’s US visa. What will be next.
It’s worth the effort if Dr.Dayan could research who the real God Fathers are.
Jelly Fish / July 1, 2014
Good points and observation Lasantha….
This DJ of a bugger thinks he’s smart in fooling everyone like the ruling thugs and their cronies….
Once the regime falls DJ will be made to answer all what he writes in support of this murderous RACIST regime.
Davidson Panabokke / June 30, 2014
Why is Dayan convoluting a simple thing that has been going on non-stop for 66yrs:
Situation report from Jaffna Catholic Diocese- June 2014:
”…… in some public festivals and tournaments held in Jaffna and Vanni, organised by the army, the prizes were beer-can-cases and arrack-bottles. In the stalls of these public festivals alcoholic drinks were freely available for sale for all, including the teenagers. …..”
Chandra Jayaratne tells LLRC, September 2010:
”……..Free availability of liquor, cigarette and drugs…..”
Young religious visit their own suffering brothers and sisters in Northern Sri Lanka
by Rev.Fr.Lasantha de Abrew s.j., 25 October 2010:
”… The high military presence in these areas makes the resettled persons more tensed, uncomfortable and uneasy. The regular visits of the soldiers to their half built houses and temporary sheds, frequent arrests of the young males on various justified and unjustified charges, and inviting the children to the camps to watch films make them uneasy. ….Easy availability of DVD shops, liquor, smoking even promoted by the soldiers could be the causes for such lack of interest. …”
aratai / June 29, 2014
Isn’t this DJ taught MaRa the ‘zero civilian casualty’ theory.
Umberto Gui / June 29, 2014
Can you move away from your boring one track opinion making in this forum. Once again the readers of CT are not fools. When will you make mature comments without raising parochial reasons repeatedly.
Seriously, you have become a damn irritating commentator who views persons and personalities in a sickening manner from a safe bunker somewhere.
Though DJ is a controversial person what he has said in his article is thought provoking.
You appear to suffer from serious metal block needing Endocrinological consideration with the infusion of growth hormones or even testosteronal treatment to correct your imbalances.
Robert.R / June 29, 2014
NO one is asking you to read Thiru’s or anyone else’s comments. If you don’t like it , move on !
He has every right to say what he likes as you and I do !
Anpu / June 29, 2014
Keep on writing. You are doing a great job.
Thiru / June 30, 2014
Truth huts, especially when it is rubbed in, isn’t it?
We all go through this phenomenon from time to time in our own lives, don’t we?
Truth can hurt, that’s why people lie!
Umberto Gui / June 30, 2014
Robert R
Please practice what you preach.
His needs equal response when he bastardise others thinking that he is the author of everything in the world. He should move away from his petty repeats and insults.
Robert.R / June 30, 2014
I cannot stand the likes of Dayan, I will mock and make fun of him and his writings but I will NEVER call for him to be silenced ! He can write as long as CT wants to publish and I will comment as much as I like on his writings.
Native Vedda / June 30, 2014
Umberto Gui
“even testosteronal treatment to correct your imbalances.”
Testosterone treatment will help boost his libido. His willy will work faster than his brain. He would be much happier than sad fellows like you.
Do you really want that to happen. Can you really bear seeing another man happy and sexually active? No you don’t.
Stop giving free advice to your opponents, it might make them much happier.
Umberto Gui / June 30, 2014
Let Thiru go and enjoy the pleasures outside this forum.
The treatment is to divest him from raping the CT.
Native Vedda / June 30, 2014
Umberto Gui
“The treatment is to divest him from raping the CT.”
So that you would be free from his eagle eyes and continue to rape rest of the forum sharers including men, women and it.
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
I’ll defend to the death his right to say whatever he wants to say.
We know it would be much difficult task for you to grasp Voltaire nevertheless you should be aware of his quotes.
Sun / July 1, 2014
DJ ‘s good at devising language games that you can play with students in class, but his biased views on MR administration will have no effect defending it further. But chamelians personlities like DJ have no shame, he would not Stop doing so since his motive is to block every ways for UNP ( personal grudge against RW).
Leelawathi Jayasinghe / July 1, 2014
DJ the man once found pants down in late 80ties has everything idiosyncratic for him.
No matter MR called him publicly be a powerful NGO worker, no matter he being recalled from Geneva replacing him with others, no matter him being put on the same list of the goons like Mervin and the other thugs are on, no matter his family and circles would challenge him that he s been marching wrong direction,
particular DAYAN JAYATHILAKA (Silva) behave as he is born silva. .. ha ha .. we have many silvas today that all seem have much in common. THat is nothing else but live on the perks provided to them.. rather than working atleast half honestly.
Rita / June 29, 2014
”It is not the Rajapksas, the Police, the army, the STF or military intelligence that mobilized and mobilizes the mobs; it is precisely the temples”???????
It is the Rajapakses who gave impunity to the Police , the army, the STF and the temples to ”mobilize the mobs”= Temples say ”do it” + the Police, the army and the STF say let’s ”act accordingly”.
Simson Appu / June 30, 2014
you know what happened when mad soldier is given a weapon.
That is what we are facing it today. Nothing else.
Sharmen Seneviratne / July 1, 2014
Hey people .. listen to RW ‘S SPEECH..
this is the very truth in terms of Aluthagama incident..
Real Peace / June 29, 2014
I have been saying for donkeys years that Rajapakse is the most unintelligent, indecent, unethical, brutal and short sighted president on this planet. I am relieved, at last, you seem to agree with me!!
Kirri Yakka / June 30, 2014
that is only because MR refused to re hire the gymnyist
Real Peace / July 1, 2014
What is “gymnyist?”
Matilda Ellepola / June 29, 2014
….”Though Gnanasara’s Aluthgama speech is mad, bad and dangerous, even Gotabaya Rajapkasa did not relay it, real-time on national TV, while hours of anti-Christian and anti-Muslim ranting were spread throughout the nation’s drawing rooms when the funeral orations – including by the JHU’s Champika Ranawaka– at the last rites of Rev Soma were relayed on all TV channels including the State’s Rupavahini, precisely under the presidency of Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.”
GO-RA will not relay it as it was a pseudo attack which even blamed MARA as the ‘Lokothena’ and his clan as ‘udawiya’ by GAG and all these are pre-planned with the blessings of GORA, SIS and DIG Anura Senanayake etc.
Ven Soma and this guy GAG is not in the same caliber as any fool will tell though ven Soma had long term political aspirations to enter mainstream politics after playing the minority card and a wave of support from young Buddhist crowd.
Its very possible what the Rajapaksas and their state intelligence aparatus is trying to do with GAG on the run upto the elections, and GAG may be a broiler chicken about to be assasinated on a eve of a election and get the sympathy wave from both Singhalese pretending MARA will continue the struggle of GAG against the catholic Ranil and in the same time get the Muslim vote pretend that all their problems are over as GAG’s demise.
DJ, you never now what kind of psycopaths the Rajapaksas are and lets see how they will reap the frution of the ‘planted’ GAG in future elections.
srilal / June 30, 2014
Matilda Ellepola,
“Its very possible what the Rajapaksas and their state intelligence aparatus is trying to do with GAG on the run upto the elections, and GAG may be a broiler chicken about to be assasinated on a eve of a election and get the sympathy wave from both Singhalese pretending MARA will continue the struggle of GAG against the catholic Ranil and in the same time get the Muslim vote pretend that all their problems are over as GAG’s demise.”
a very thought provoking scenario Matilda , never occurred to me , thanks for the brilliant analysis .
Sharmen Seneviratne / July 1, 2014
No human losses is a problem for Rajapakshes, as Matilda s make it clear next step would be achieve all votes through sympathy votes.
GAG is sacrifical lamb for that – I doubt the buddhist in general would shed tears in a loss of GAG in today s context.
Sven Perera / June 29, 2014
But until this peace, our self proclaimed ANALYST took that many months to grasph it. Even this piece is not addressing the key issue – which the incapabilities of unethical uncultured but devious by all nature -MAHINDA Rajapakshe.
Had these guys like DJ and any other senior men that at least people of the country believe are the politically matured men inthe society, done their job properly, Rajapakshe would not have marched this much TAKING the lives of the innocient of the innocient. No lives can be given life again EVEN if the tax payers funds could help rebuilding the demolished houses and other constructions in Aluthgama.
Trust me, we see the light at the end of the tunnel even clearer day to day – Rajapakshes have marched to the end. No respect they deserve any more.
Park / June 29, 2014
Dayan concludes the article with the notion that there may be a military coup in Sri Lanka. This assumption of his is wrong. Already we have had a “silent military coup”. It has not come out in the open, but it will do so if Rajapakese rule is threatened. Why do I say a “silent military coup” has taken place?
Look at the ministries under the President and his brothers, look at he recent appointments to the foreign diplomatic positions, look at the spokesperson who are today coming out and delivering public statements on behalf of the Government, look at the civilian jobs and projects that are undertaken by the armed forces, look at the white van abductions, look at the recent killings and protests where the Government has been openly blamed – the armed forces men are being used in plain clothes, look at the protection given to Gnanasara Thero on the stage when he is addressing a gathering, look at the fear in the face of the ministers who are part of the government when they speak against the government, look at the police killing of the suspects under custody, look at the prison killing by the armed forces, look at the police carrying revolvers killing innocent civilians in open view, look at the rape and murder committed by the armed forces, look at the state of the judiciary and their judgements in important cases etc.. I won’t even be surprised if one of the armed forces lawyers is appointed as judges in the near future!
We are under a “military rule” and a “silent military coup” has already taken place. Gotha is working according to the advice of the Chinese and everything that happens in China happens here, including the policemen getting revolvers which was implemented in Sri Lanka only after China provided revolvers to its police force. We have also become a province or territory of China, no doubt about it.
Maramandai / June 29, 2014
I agree with you. No one needs a PhD on political science to explain what is going on Sri Lanka. Every modayas know what’s happening in Sri Lanka. It is the rulers command gives the temple to organise agitation not other way. Rulers want to stay in the power or the opposition want to get the power use the saffron robes as the tool. UNP and UPFA have used them wisely for their benefit. Unless the educated like DJ and others come clean against these tactics this will continue. Sadly the educated are for crumbs. For positions they will hide the truth or partially hide the truth.
Gaje / June 29, 2014
Where are we now Dostara Dayan? Are you with the govt or not? Either you are in or out? We are not quite sure
Dev / June 29, 2014
Doesn’t this guy get tired of defending the regime????
srilal / June 30, 2014
Dev ,
“Doesn’t this guy get tired of defending the regime???? “
you got it wrong , DJ doesn’t/won’t defend the regime , he will only defend his chosen master , that’s all.
Bagalawathi Punchihewa / July 1, 2014
No Dev. If a person has reached to the levels – found pants down as if it was the case for Archmidis, he cant have any shame or respect. That is the absolute truth. How dare anyone with a least respect wanting to deliberately defend the BRUTAL crature of mother lanka – Mahinda Rajapakshe ?
If anybody has some respect to DJ, even that will die down in next fewdays if the moron would not grasp no efforts can help defending MR anymore.
Davidson Panabokke / June 29, 2014
s”ub–state/sub-national forces i.e. internal forces of fragmentation hasbeen there for more than six decades and creating potential supra-state/supra-national forces, i.e. external forces of hegemonic interventionism. Expert damage control by successive governments have been delaying the latter and after a critical point the damage control has been unable to be effective and so after six decades, the former has begun to act. How long it will function and what impact it will have depends on dynamics of geopolitics.
Ward / June 29, 2014
Sinhala Buddhist fundamentalists have been exponentially energised by the post-independence oppression of the Tamils and much more now by the post-war oppression. Hence the scenes in Dambulla, Aluthgama, …..
The fact that the President spoke of compensation for the violence without condemnation of the violence is the venom that protects the SB fundamentalists and threatens the ethnic minorities.
Luxmy Silva / June 29, 2014
You need a PhD to write an article like this for publication.
The truth is very simple:
1.Sinhala politicians began to mount the tiger of political Buddhism to come to, or stay in, power and are unable to get off that.
2.Dayan is not yet ready to blame the Rajapakses.
K.A Sumanasekera / June 30, 2014
Will the party of the Intelligentsia crack up first?.
CBK , back on board with the bosom buddy Mangala Samaraweera who is going full bore to crack open the peace and harmony of the Sinhala Buddhist majority and their fellow Muslim community.
And damaging even the residual sympathy the gallant Armed Forces have for the UNP after copping their pathetic insults and denigrations for full 3 years during the final battle against the horrible Terrorists..
All this demolition work is to get the geriatrics of the SLFP to join Chandrika and make her the President.
Will Ranil join this recycled SLFP?.
And leave the the Sinhala Buddhists to rally around their Keselwatta Kid?.
Interesting times for sure….
Don Quixote / June 30, 2014
What a load of ALARMIST crap ! BTW we already have an Arjuna Ranatunga who has done much better than Angelo Mathews !
At least get your metaphor right !
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / June 30, 2014
“— the manifest lack of willingness of President Rajapaksa to articulate, clearly and forcefully, a vision of and for the nation–“.
Is it a lack of willingness or an unwillingness to disclose the vision and the mission that will not be accepted by the decent people in this country?
His malefic mission has revealed itself quite well over the past few years and defines the vision that Dayan wants MR to willingly reveal- a ‘Mihin Lanka’ where wrong is right; Adharma is Dharma; murder is a fast track to rebirth; rape is proof of virility and political status; the island belongs to a family; governance is by the rules of the jungle; democracy is endless and questionable elections; the minorities do not exist as entities in the Sinhala-Buddhist nation; Heroin, Ganja and other hallucinogemns are the saple diet and those who peddle them are the national healers; Gnanasara is the epitome of Sinhala-Buddhism; Statues proliferate while Buddhism is subverted; the armed forces and police are for the Sinhalayos who support him, his family and his menagerie; the judicial system is to subvert justice; Buddhist monks have to be thugs; Sinhala-Buddhism is a political tool; the likes of Champika Ranawaka are our historians; the likes of Wimal Weerawanse are our political philosophers; piety is pretense; public funds are to be stolen and wasted; corruption is an accepted source of income; nepotism and family rule are enthroned; lies are truth; and the citizens are bloody fools and worse. THIS IS IN ESSENCE THE GRAND VISION.
Dayan, I am sure you know this and more.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Anpu / June 30, 2014
Keep up the GOOD work
Dev / June 30, 2014
It is not whether Dayan “knows” or not, he chooses to ignore what he knows and continues to praise MR in hopes of a diplomatic position. ! That is the sad truth !
punchisingho / June 30, 2014
I wonder why some of CT commentators use BBS Gnanasara’s language to attack writers of articles.
DJ and has every right to express his views.It is up to us to accept or reject his views.
Sun / July 1, 2014
You are right. But some commentators also have their right to express what they think about DJ’s views. Actually, many among the CT readership become irritated when reading DJ’s bla bla – cover mission on its repeated mode. Even dogs on the roads will not accept that his backing to MR and his regime.
Leelawathi Jayasinghe / June 30, 2014
I really dont think that DJ has lot to loose in his person. He has NEVER been consistent with his views for the recent past.
So best thing for him would be- I mean as we the CT readership and peace loving folks expect – it is time to make use of all his international contacts to isolate the Rajapakshes paving the way for lankens a better future.
If DJ would go for that, people would ever respect him…. but I really dont think that this man would ever have guts to to such – pigs might fly.. ane.
pran / June 30, 2014
DJ, what I see hidden in this mambo jambo article of cajun soup where we have to fish for ingredients is that, you are in a love hate relationship with MR. You want to enjoy your priviladges that gov gives you in the form of Ambassidorships, permanent representative. I think you still think that he will make a last minute call to you for rescue efforts with the UNHCR inquiries. No one needs a PhD to understand what went on Aluthgama and Beruwala. It is very clear to all of us and you pandithaya’s are the ones who try to complicate it with too much knowledge. Sometimes too much of knowledge prevents you from seeing the truth because you could be prejudiced by your existing knowledge of something and not open enough to see it from a different way. All your history may be true. What lead to Aluthgama, who is behind BBS, how the law enforcement reacted are facts not fabricated. People have no political aspirations and their eyes, and agony is not made up. Don’t curry favor and molly coddle the government and rajapaksha’s and try to shift the balance on others. Current government bear full responsibility to what happened to one part of their citizens. They failed to provide security to them. Even if it was buddha who incited violence, he should be put infront of law. So BBS Gnanasara needs to be persecuted at least arrested. Government failed to do so. They did all the wrong things and now we the people have to support them(which in other wards says Majority sinhala buddishts are racists(right now international community doesn’t believe so. If they dug their own grave, let them burry them selves on their own, don’t ask us to jump in to their graves with them. They don’t even give a proper apology, condemn violence full heartedly. What happened to the GOSL now is the simple story- the boy who cries the wolf. Even if they are telling the truth they lost the credibility with the world, and with their own people. I am one of those millions of disgruntled former MR supporters. They are in the stage that you can’t fool all the people all the time and their arrogance and turing a blind eye to reason is what is going to bring them down and the country (along with them, )that forces valiantly fought to free. They are losing the hard fought war due to their diplomatic failures and swagger and bravado. For their stupidity we are going to end up like another Yugoslavia. Not too late, if you can get your masters to listen to dump GL Peris, and Thissa Vithana and Wimal Weeravansha along with idiot Champika Ranawaka. And put forward a good diplomatic front. Instead of arresting Gnanasa thief, today Gota has ordered heavy handed crack down of people who are expressing views on the failures of gov at aluthgama via FB and twitter. Not on the animals who spouts hate speech on national TV, Youtube, papers. Classic. Like chomsky says People are the governments biggest enemy. So culprits roam free,but crack down people.
K.A Sumanasekera / June 30, 2014
Why can’t our Political Scientists be proactive and propose avenues to prevent these unsavoury developments?.
Shouldn’t these Gurus have said something to warn the inhabitant population.when Solheim and his Norwegian money started buying equity in our Sinhala Buddhist temples?.
Did these political messiahs, think that arch Christian nations like Norway want to train our brain dead Bikkus to propagate Buddha Sassana?.
This is whilst Ms Pillai and the diaspora have been working 24/7 to issue Fatwas every year since May 2009.
Are these latest announcements of this almighty Pillai Police which is aided and abetted by the best brains in HR Forensics, HR legals and god knows what else to come and get the brave Army which sent Mr Prabakaran to heaven conducive to keep the inhabitants, who happen to be the great majority, happy and to live in peace and harmony?.
Does it makes sense to put up that supposed to be the ex ace FM to bad mouth the Army and its gallant Officers helpful for the party of the Intelligentsia to win the support of the security forces.
If bad mouth Samare, Pillai, TNA, and now the Sally Faction keep upsetting the apple cart with the help of our Norwegian Niyakaya,an Army takeover is a possibility.
And rightly so to safeguard the peace , which they helped to win at a great cost in young soldiers blood, limbs and even sight.
But one thing for sure is these Army Sodiers wouldn’t be shooting innocent inhabitants, which is the the great majority, to give the party of the Intelligentsia and its suppoerters a happy ending…
ema / June 30, 2014
you majority can be peace in your places, we tamils and muslims can be in peace in our places of birth.
I don’t understand why you have to steal our land and steal our live every day with your 99.9% sinhala army?
which religion you follow and can you show me you follow any decent religion?? no one needs Prabaharan. But you justified the terrorist Prabhaharan with your innocent killings…..
why you can’t live in peace yourself, why you have to kill Tamils in 1956, 71, 74, 77, 81, 83 etc….
when you will start speaking the truth?? simple and plain truth?
Tamilks and mulims in in the south live… but they buy land…they dont occupy sinhala houses, they buy land or house by paying money….
you dont want to buy it… you want to colonize the land of tamils and muslims and steal it… why dot you get the facts… shame on you…
your peace means kill tamils and muslims…loot thier things….
the incoem
you know one thing…. you can ethnic clease tamils and sinhalese…. who is after that?? Veddhas?? or within sinhalas, kill the karawas….
When are you going to stop this hate on others? when ?? burghers, tamils, muslims….
you guys are real animals….. i mean the lions… lol
ema / June 30, 2014
hahahaha … Dayan again!! funny man!!
First one is hegemonic International Intervention — Why the heck you worked with the UN bodies representing SL? Now the war crime inquiry is intervention? why the hell you believed in this UN system to begin with?
Why don’t agree you are worse then TAliban Skin heads. Saffron clad terrorists are better off than this fox… shame on the school who had you there….
As long as the UN and all countries support, SL skin heads are happy? otherwise all are interventions? you are someone who has no credibility to defend a country in any forums…
day by day you desperately showing the ruling clan that you would do anything to get back… too bad, no one can help them… they do it all without you… you think your skills are wasted writing these articles..
get a life man…. do some real work… you have no farm land???
ema / June 30, 2014
Dayan — wishes away the UN war crimes inquiry and BBS to be quiet for sometime. Once the UN inquiry fades away (wishful thinking) then start the muslim ethnic cleansing. It is his wish, it is what he is telling so loudly…
he is telling no one can speak for tamils. War crime is ok, no one can help tamils
tamils are not equal….
then he says UN is coming, pls be quiet…..
he says BBS stay low, play low profile now… he say BBS is real modayas…he says the timing is all wrong
he says wait for the UN to go back… he already named UN coucil as Atisari council/panel…. we all know the UN panel is driven by tamil diaspora money and they are all supporters of ltte.
so what is the good thing to do now?? UN inquiry will happen… they will gather the truth… truth will be proven beyond doubts… what you wanna say to the government then?
what happens if the BBS skinheads start ethnic cleansing against muslims and weakened tamils? you will have your quiet parties?
no shame, you can defend SL in any forum as you know how to lie with no shame… too bad they are not asking you to lie now… so hold on to your lies…
you asked for time and space in the UN. you represented SL right after the war was completed, no facts were emerging out…. it took a while, even buddha can’t help now. since even a god can’t lie for too long…
running out of time and space…. you were asking for time and space.
now you say intervention… why you didnt say in 2009, it was intervention… you thought you can buy time forever..
you are so sad tamil diaspora is sophisticated, in fact they are not…they are like tamils in jaffna… simple hard working tamils living in hard conditions of the west mostly doing menial jobs…lie is hard for them… they have familes killed in the war.. they are depressed with the state of their lives leaving the country behind…
most of the tamils still support lankan cricket team and proud of lankan… if you ask lankan tamils, the most will identify and support lanka than india…..
so get your thoughts right… it is your idea of lieing and not treating equal get you wrong…it is the fundamental issue… you forget it… when the british left, tamils never realised that the the skinhead Talibans will run the country and destry the tamils and other minorities…
as like in the west, they are not true christians ,,,, they never give the other cheek… they built the largest armies… revenge war fight kill loot….
sinhala brand of buddhism is the same… i lived in thailand/japan and saw buddhism… you all st be shame… you killed tamils in 1000’s and try to hide.. even buddha comes as a witness, you will all try to kill him as you know he will not support the taliban skin heads?? dont you realize the buddha will be killed if he speaks for tamils???
it is pathetic to see not even one sinhalese talk of justice and equality for all in the country… tamils dont need a seperate country//… but no one can live with you…as the sinhalese think of themselves they are lions and mahavamsa and all the bullcrap…it is why all want to leave you and take the piece of land with them…
theynever want to leave the good sinhalese… but the taliban skinheads brainwahsed the babies so no one can expect anything from the lions…shitheads…
tamils hated prabhaharan but he was hero for many becuase the taliban skinheads destroyed the way of tamils for 60 years…. try to get it… try to understand what is the tamil’s head and heart…
if you all animals (lions children — since lion is an animal)realize the countr is for all and all are equal… how come a buddhist can say he is above all? desire is the cause for sufferings… buddha said it.. sinhala extreme desire is killing all in SL.
Dayan — you are just trying to give ideas to SL govt that situation is getting bad and find a way to save the taliban Skunhead brand of lanka buddhism.
it is all man….
stop writing crap… egg chicken bullshit… you talk like educated man from jaffna in 40’s but no passion for humans.. only for lieing… it is shame you mention Marx …. hahaha never speak of Marx or buddha…
FYI, Buddha was a Hindu and I am a hindu and I think tamils are more buddhists than the Taliban brand of Skinheads in lanka….. I am sure you ewill agree… agressive bunch…