21 January, 2025


British Foresight And The Evolution Of Sinhala Dimension Of Genocide

By Arumugam Thevarajan

Arumugam Thevarajan

1. Ancient History:

Sri Lanka land mass was never under a single  Kingdom. There were three independent Kingdoms – Jaffna (Tamil) Kingdom, Kandyan Kingdom and Kotte Kingdoms (both Sinhalese Kingdoms but ruled by Tamil Kings as well ) .The Tamil Kingdom always remained separate and independent, except for a short while when the Tamil King of Kotte Parakrama Bahu VI conquered and subdued it for a while. But the Tamil kingdom shook off the yoke of  Kotte and reasserted its independence within a short period. For most of the time, there were two or three Sinhala Kingdoms viz. Malayaratta (KANDY) Rajaratta (Anuradhapura)  Ruhunuratta and Dhakshinadesa (Kotte). The Kingdoms of Dhakshinadesa (Kotte) and Ruhunuratta were generally united but at times remained separately also.

The country was ruled by a three tiered vibrant democratic system of devolved powers to regions. There were the gamsabas  and the best of the administrators there were elected to the Rattasabas (the regional power centres) and the brilliant administrators there were elected to Ministerial offices in the Madhyama Anduwa (Central Government.)   Those great men in the distant past realized that there can be no effective democratic governance with benefit for the people unless the power was devolved to the people at regional and village levels. That was the home grown vision and intelligence.

2.Tamils and Tamil Language:

The use of Tamil Language and the presence of  Tamils in what is presently

known as Sri Lanka(i.e. throughout the entirety of the three Kingdoms) is attested to by the earliest lithic records where the language is Prakrit or regionalized  Prakrit and Tamil and Parkritised Tamil.  The script is the Damili of the Pandyan region. The script transforms into Asokan (or North Indian)  Brahmi only after the introduction of  Buddhism and that too only from first century A.D.   The influence of Tamil on the development of the Sinhala language and literature is deep and indelible. Even the Sinhala grammatical work SIDAT SANGARAWA is an adaptation  of the Tamil grammatical work VIRASOLIYAM.

The pre-Christian Sri Lankan polity is reminiscent of the Sangam period polity of Tamil Nadu.  Social groups that played decisive roles in  Tamil Nadu also played key roles in Sri Lanka too. The Ays, Vels, Baratas, etc. played key roles in Sri Lankan polity too. There are Tamil names as well. In fact, the name of the queen of the first known king of the historical period Devanam-piya-Tissa is Ramadatta – datta in Tamil and Malayalam means parrot. The Tamil language was considered the language of the learned. Even in the 16th century CE according to no less a person than Maitreya the scholar monk who lived in Velapura (modern Kalutara, where you still find the village Welgama) and rendered into Sinhalese many ethical works in Tamil.

3. Colonial Powers:

When  the Portuguese arrived, they were able access the Kotte kingdom in 1505 by mere negotiation with the then tumbling royal family. The Tamil kingdom was conquered after a long bloody battle in 1619.  They were separately administered according to the respective laws, customs and practices that obtained previously. Later, the Dutch took over and administered the two territories likewise.  The Dutch divided the maritime Provinces under their domain into five Districts namely Jaffna, Trincomalie, Batticaloa Colombo and Galle. Of these, the first three were Tamil Districts and the last two Sinhalese. The Dutch also codified the local laws and customs of the Tamils and Sinhalese.  They also introduced the Roman Dutch Law.

A  very interesting aspect of the Dutch rule was the introduction of currency separately each for the five Districts and each of them had a distinctive letter viz. Jaffna – J , Colombo – C, Galle – G, and Trincomalie – T. There is no record of coins having been issued in Batticaloa. Perhaps the Trincomalie coins were in use there as well. However, there is the record of a currency note being issued in Batticaloa in 1798.

Only the British brought the Kandyan kingdom also under their administration under the treaty negotiated with the Chiefs in 1815. It was only in 1833 that the territories of the three kingdoms were brought under a unified administration.  From then onwards, the Tamils co-operated with the British also to sustain the unified administration imposed by the British, as equals with other communities (representatives of the Kotte and Kandy Kingdoms) .

4. Agitation for Independence:

The British introduced several administrative changes in stages thereby involving local people in the administration. First the Legislative Council system was introduced. Sir Muttukumarasamy, P. Kumarasamy, Britto and P. Ramanathan were members of the legislative council during different periods of time. Representation in the Council was on communal basis and that helped to maintain the balance and equality of the different communities. When an election was held for the educated Ceylonese seat in the Legislative, Marcus Fernando, a Sinhalese and Ponnambalam Ramanathan, a Tamil,  contested and Ramanathan, a Tamil won comfortably.   Sam Wijesinghe PC, a leading lawyer and former Clerk to Parliament explains that  Ramanathan won because he knew practically every family cordially, be it Sinhalese or Tamil and that personal touch and popularity made  him win.

In the thirties, Donoughmore was sent to Ceylon to study the progress and make recommendations.  Donoughmore recommended the abolition of the communal representation and the introduction of the territorial representation. However, he recommended the creation of Regional Councils  to look after the needs and welfare of people at the regional levels – a compensatory measure to keep the balance of power at Regional levels. The territorial representation coupled with universal franchise made the Sinhalese members of the State Council large reducing the Tamils to a minority.  That tilted the hitherto maintained balance of power and overwhelmingly  favoured  the Sinhalese. That is why Ramanathan with foresight said, on seeing the Donoughmore Commission report, “Donoughmore means Tamils no more.” –  When it came to elections under the Donoughmore Constitution, the Jaffna Youth Movement, a vibrant movement for pourna swaraj (full independence) led by great leaders like  Handy Perinpanayagam and others held sway in Jaffna and boycotted the first election totally. The Tamils were               inspired by Mahathma Gandhi and other Indian leaders. Gandhiji, Swami  Vivekananda,  Thiru Vi Ka, Somasundara Bharathy and others addressed the Jaffna Youth League. Even Pirabakaran was an admirer of Mahathma Gandhi and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. .There is a provision in the Donoughmore Cmmissionn report for the creation of  Regional Councils – a form of devolution of powers for the Regions. This was to enable the Tamils and Muslims to have a say in the administration of the Tamil regions. The Sinhalese leaders were never prepared to implement it although leaders like R.S.S. Goonewardene, the first permanent representative of  Ceylon at the UN  pleaded for it even after Independence..

The Ceylon National Congress founded and led by P. Arunachalam, brother of Ramanathan agitated for independence for Ceylon(Sri Lanka). The Sinhalese leaders scared by the Martial Law of 1915 occasioned by the Sinhala-Muslim riots did not come in the open. They took shelter  in the Buddhist temples under cover of temperance movement. In fact, the Sinhala leaders like D.S. Senanayake and Samarawickreme and others held under arrest were facing execution by firing. Ramanathan , as a true national leader undertook a risk voyage through the mined seas (as the first world war was on) and went to London and pleaded with the authorities and succeeded in lifting the Marshall Law and the consequent release  of the Sinhala leaders. On his return, Ramanathan was driven in a carriage from the Jetty to his home pulled by the released Sinhala leaders as a mark of gratitude. The Tamils always thought and acted in terms equality in a unified  adminiatration..  Ramanathan’s statue was installed in the precincts of the Legislative building but in later years, there was a conspiracy to throw that statue into the sea.

5. Sinhala mindset:


Although there was a substantial Tamil population in the Western Province there was no representation for them in the legislature.  The Sinhala leaders were not prepared to accommodate a seat for the Tamils who came from the Tamil Kingdom in the area that was under the Kotte Kingdom. Arunachalam agitated for it amidst Sinhala opposition. However, in 1918, James Peiris and Samarawickrema entered into a signed agreement with Arunachalam on 7 December 1918 agreeing to a Tamil representation in the Western Province.. When the implementation of this Pact was raised at the Annual Conference of the Ceylon National Congress held in  Kandy, the Chair ruled that it was not on the agenda and hence cannot be taken up. Arunachalam had left the Ceylon National Congress founded by him owing to the racist obstinacy of the Sinhala leaders and had formed the Ceylon Tamil League to safeguard the interests of the Tamils..  The implementation of this  pact was raised at the next annual Conference of the Ceylon National Congress held in Galle. The Chair ruled that the Congress was not there to sit in judgement over Pacts reached between individuals. Another pact with James Peiris in 1920 was also broken the following year.  The 1936 Mahendra Pact following the disastrous pan Sinhala Ministry episode promising to address the grievances of the Tamils was also broken the following year. And finally, all Pacts, agreements and reports between 1918 and 2008 have been unilaterally abrogated by the Sinhala leaders in monotonous regularity – a clear edification of the unrelenting Sinhala racist obstinacy.

Militarised oppression and structured  genocide through stratified  phases led to the Mulliavaikkal holocaust of 2009.

This was made possible by the British Colonial masters. It is indispensable to hark back to 1883 when those in the higher echelons of the Colonial power in London bluntly disallowed a proposal from the grass root administrators in Colombo to make Ceylon a three  unit Federation. . In 1883 a universal recession compelled Britain to curtail expenses in their Colonies. At that time Ceylon was being administered by a Legislative Council and the country was divided into five Provinces, each under a Governor. The Legislative Council appointed a sub Committee to explore means of reducing expenditure. One of the proposals was to divide the country into three Commissionerships along the former status quo – the Tamil Unit, the Kandyan Unit and the Low Country Sinhalese Unit. Mr. E.J. Young, the Member representing the Plantation area proposed this division as it would bring considerable reduction of overhead expenses –abolition  of two  Governors positions and their Offices. Mr. E.J. Young moved :-

“That with a view to retrenchment combined with greater efficiency the Government be requested to consider how the public service can best be improved on the basis of dividing Ceylon for Administrative purposes into three Provinces, corresponding with the division of races-viz. Tamils, Kandyans and Low Country Sinhalese and employing European supervision over larger areas than at present with a sufficient number of qualified natives of the country as subordinate officers in the service.”

The motion was carried unanimously although the notable absentee at the sitting was Mr. (later Sir) Ponnambalam Ramanathan. It is unclear how this unanimous recommendation was excluded from the final report.

However, this line of practical approach was not ignored by Mr. J. F. Dickson who was Government Agent, North Western Province in 1873-1882 and Government Agent, Central Province. Though he was also a member of the Select Committee he sent a special memorandum bypassing the Select Committee direct to the then Governor Sir Jams Robert Longden on 6 February 1883. In it he stressed the need to divide the country for administrative purposes into three provinces on the basis of concentration of ethnic populations in areas that could be easily demarcated_ i.e. Tamils, Kandyans and Low Country Sinhalese. He wanted the three units placed under three European Commissioners. He argued that this would not only suit the aspirations of the local people with distinct ethnic backgrounds but also reduce the expenditure …. According to his plan, there will be three commissioners instead of seven Government Agents as at then- a reduction by four. He annexed a map of Ceylon showing the demarcated three units and supported it with population statistics of the three units.

Though Mr Dickson was also a member of the Select Committee he bypassed the Committee and put his suggestions to the Governor direct. In his opinion the Committee was accentuated by imperialistic interests. He observed in his dissenting report of 13 February 1883 thus:

“There are some proposals of the Committee which appear to me unnecessarily to disregard native interests and native feelings: from these proposals I feel bound to dissent: and I would like to offer some remarks.

To shift the Administrative Centre backwards and forward in an Oriental Country is very dangerous, and impresses them with a feeling of uncertainty as regards the character and determination of the rulers… and in this case nothing of any amount is gained by the change”.

Sir James Longden, the Governor in his special despatch No” 243 dated 16 May 1883 enclosing Dickson’s memorandum and map made the following observations among other things-

“If it now were a question of what form of government should be setup in Ceylon, the enclosed paper would have much greater value than it appears to me to possess” for it is impossible without injustice to individuals and public inconvenience to ignore the existing state of things and the interest created under it …

The leading proposal of Mr Dickson is the abolition of the existing division of the island into seven provinces and its reduction into three Commisionerships, one containing half the island and the other two the remaining half – see map attached to Mr Dickson’s report enclosed.

In this model Mr Dickson has avowedly copied Indian models, and I think that if, at the time of the conquest of the Island it had been determined to annex Ceylon to India, it would probably have been formed into one or most two Commissionerships (corresponding to the Sinhalese and Tamil nationalities respectively) and administered much on the system advocated by Mr. Dickson. But in that case, there would have been no local government, no governor or councils or governmental central staff. The commissioners would have been Lieutenant Governors wielding despotive powers and responsible for the exercise of them to the Central Government at Calcutta or Madras.

In order to carry out his scheme of Government Mr. Dickson proposes “to abolish the system of Government Agents and Assistant Government Agents and substitute for these District Agents who will in all matters of account be directly under the financial authorities in Colombo” while “in all matters of administration they will be as the Assistant Agents now are under the direct control and supervision of Commissioners who will take the place of the present Government Agents…”

This system of government has answered splendidly in India for many years and might well be adopted in Ceylon had it just been conquered and it were now a question of what form of government should be installed. But I submit we have already an established form of government and I apprehend that in all reforms we must start from where we are, and I give consideration to the interests we have allowed to be created and the sentiments we have encouraged.

It is from this point of view that I should depreciate the suppression of existing provinces. Under the present system there are seven provinces and seven centres of provincial administration. Four of these provincial centres, Colombo, Galle, Jaffna and Kandy are towns with populations in each varying from 22,000 to 110,000. The others are small towns. But all have derived more or less importance from either the seat of an Agency, the centre of administration, the existence of the Government Agent and the role of the Kachcheri.

If it could be shown that any great and certain advantages to the native population would result from the changes advocated by Mr. Dickson, it might be thought worthwhile to affront the sentiments of a very large section of the people for the benefits of the whole. But of such great and certain advantages there is absolutely no evidence and I think that in some respects there are no advantages that which must not be overlooked.

The abolition of the Government Agents and Provinces.

Province                                                     Population

Colombo                                                   389, 788

Kandy                                                        288, 332

Galle                                                           209, 686

Jaffna                                                         265, 583

Kurunegala                                              215, 173

Batticaloa                                                 105, 358

Anuradhapura                                           66, 141

Total                                                        1,540, 061

While thus laying fully before your Lordships the objections I see to this adoption of Mr. Dickson’s proposals, I fully recognize the merit of his scheme and think it would have been admirably suited to the government of the native population (not the European population) had it been adopted at the time of the conquest of the island under the conditions named in the 5th paragraph of this despatch”

The observations of Sir James Longden were replied to by the Rt. Hon: Earl of Derby, the Secretary of State for Colonies (Sessional Paper No XVII of 1883). He favoured Longden and disallowed Dickson’s proposals. In his despatch sent to A. H. Gordon, Governor of Ceylon who succeeded Longden,he observed:

“For this reason it appears to me that a sweeping change of the kind suggested needs to be justified by evidence that the system proposed to be altered is either radically bad in principle or ineffective in practice, and I fail to see that either of these changes can be sustained against the present organization of Ceylon, while if the financial results be taken into consideration it is not clear that any great economy would be affected by the change.

These are the general objections to be taken to a scheme of this kind, but Mr. Dickson has worked out his suggestion so dearly and fully that they deserve at any rate, careful consideration, and I do not feel satisfied that they have been sufficiently appreciated.

The Earl of Derby, The Secretary of State for Colonies said at the outset that these suggestions deserve due consideration even in the context of retrenchment and he chooses to dismiss them. However, he has subtly given reasons for his action. He feared that if Dickson’s proposals were implemented “the prospects of Civil Service would be injured” and added that “it would be difficult to carry it out for sometime to come without affecting the posting of the existing officers.”

The very terms of reference of the Retrenchment Committee had categorically cautioned that the recommendations should ensure “due regard being had to vested interests.” The proposal sought to reduce the top Civil Service posts to three from seven. Above all, implementation and re-structuring demanded a painstaking commitment to a heavy workload.

James Longden was a lazy sluggish man who was no match even for routine work. He was a mediocrite, a poor administrator and far from knowledgeable. John Ferguson, the powerful editor of the Observer characterised him as “too antiquated and sleepy in his ideas to promote anything beyond the bounds of red-tape official routine.” H. A. J. Hullugalle in his portrayal says “…… and safe men have their uses and James Robert Longden did not let the Colonial Office down.”

It is evident that Longden did not want to bear the burden or re-structuring and hence did not support the three unit Federal Structure proposed by E. J. Young the Legislative Councillor and J. F. Dickson the Government Agent. Longden and the Secretary of State for Colonies agreed on


  1. The proposal admirably suited the native context and aspirations.
  2. It did not bring to bear any advantages on the Europeans
  3. It did not promise any additional revenue to the Imperial Government.
  4. It sought to disadvantage the prospects of Britishers in the Civil Service.


In their Balance Sheet, items 2,3 and 4 weighed heavily against item 1. And therefore, Federal structure was disallowed, and disallowed only on those counts-the entrenched vested interests of the Colonial Masters.

Britain’s refusal to grant the three-unit federal structure in 1883 became the foundation for the alienation of Tamils from power-sharing in the political and economic activity of Sri Lanka – structured genocide. twentieth century, the British began to modify the structure of the Legislative Council giving the natives more roles to play. They were alert to disallowing any action, political or otherwise, that would be advantageous to one community and disadvantageous to another. This was entrenched in what they termed Royal Instructions. It was repeated in the 1910 and 1920 changes to the Legislative Council.

In 1923, Arunachalam started the Ceylon Tamil League when the Ceylon National Congress degenerated into Sinhala Goigama Congress. In his inaugural address he hinted that the salvation for Tamils lies in Tamil akam- a Tamil land. He added:

“But the Tamils are not going to abandon the proud duty and privilege of service to all our brothers of every race and creed But we do object strongly to being bullied or TERRORISED, we object to being underdogs of anybody.”

The parting of ways had set in as far back as 1920 when the first pact was breached. Eighty years on, the Tamil struggle continues, though forms have changed from time to time. All along it is the endless tale of breaching of pacts, It was never hunkyif not naked cheating, by Sinhala leadership. Due to the stinky-wonky handling of the ethnic crisis, it has today blown up into a brutal bloody war.

From this time (1920) onwards, the Sinhalese began edging towards territorial representation knowing well that they will be empowered and privileged in the Legislature with an elected majority.

Sir William Manning was the Governor of Sri Lanka during this time. He became aware of the emerging trend among the Sinhalese which was detrimental to the rights of the Tamils as an ethnic group. In his despatch to the Secretary of State for Colonies on 1 March 1922 he added:

“The composition of the Legislative Council was so arranged that while the Government cannot carry a measure, except under clause 52 of the Order-in-Council, in the face of the united opposition of the unofficial members, no single community can impose its will on the other communities.”

Not only the Tamils but also the Kandyans have lost their identity, let alone sovereignty. In 1926 S.W. R. D. Bandaranaike proposed Federalism as the best solution for multi-ethnic Ceylon . The Kandyans pleaded for Federalism before the Donoughmore and Soulbury Commissions and miserably failed.

D.S. Senanayake found A.F. Molamure to undercut the Kandyan Chiefs, giving up Kandyan identity and support him. Though H.A. P. Sandarasagara,  who was Member of the State Council for Jaffna, carried forward Sir P. Arunachalam’s idea of a Tamilakam  (restoration of the sovereignty of the Tamil Kingdom) without joining hands with the racist Sinhala leadership in a unified administration of Ceylon, Don Stephen Senanayake found A. Mahadeva, Arunachalam’s son and G.G. Ponnambalam convenient defectors from the trend of Tamil objective.

Even J R Jayawardena who thundered loud about Sinhala supremacy, while in his death bed pronounced Federalism as the best solution  for a meaningful unified Sri Lanka. The Rajapakse regime is successfully implementing genocide  for which the British laid the foundation in 1883.

Arumugam Thevarajan from New Zealand -Received a Queen’s Service Medal in 2010

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    what happened after 1505 (or 1506 as some Historians prefer). The Portuguese and the westerners in general were not only interested in economical and political control of the colonies.Tamil racism in Sri Lanka has its beginnings in the Dutch period when the colonial power imported people from the south coast in India for the tobacco cultivation in the Jaffna peninsula. The Dutch had to bring these people for the simple reason that there was not enough personnel in those areas for the cultivations they began. It has to be pointed out that after the Arya Chakravarthi kingdom that was established in the thirteenth century fell to the Portuguese in the sixteenth century there was no continuity either in the kingdom or in the population as such. The kingdom that fell to the Portuguese was not an independent kingdom as the Sinhala kings were recognised as the “emperor” even by the Portuguese historians, and the population was not entirely Tamil. In the Jafna peninsula there were Sinhalas as well, whose descendants have been absorbed into the Tamil community as members of the Koviar and other casts. Also there were descendants of the non Tamil Velakkaras who were brought by Magha and others who attempted to conquer Pollonnaruwa.
    The Dutch having brought the Tamils from South India went on to make the foundation for the present Tamil population in the Jaffna peninsula. They were instrumental in forming the Vellala caste, and most of the prominent members of that cast including the Ponnnamabalam brothers, Muthukumaraswamis were descendants of those who were brought by the Dutch.

    The Dutch during this time had problems with the Sinhala kings over the coastal areas in the present eastern province and were eager to claim the ports along the eastern coast. It was with the intention of acquiring these ports that the Dutch commissioned a Tamil to write a bogus history of the Tamils having a history going back to thousands of years. The so called history book that carries the name “Yalpanam Vaipava Malai” was the result, and the Dutch were happy to see that the “historian” had claimed the ports that they wanted for the Tamils, albeit without an iota of historical evidence. This poetry book that has no history supported by documents nor by at least internal consistency has become the source of inspiration for many later day racists.

    If Dutch created the Tamil race and Tamil racism in Sri Lanka it was the British who baptised Tamil racism in the country. The British who were conscious of the western modernity project of Christianizing the world by culture if not by religion, more than any other European power created minorities in the colonies whenever possible, and used the so called minority against the others. It was only a special case of the divide and rule policy, and in Sri Lanka governor after governor connived with the Tamil leaders whom they created to deny the Sinhalas and their culture the rightful place that they were entitled to.

    From the day the Sinhala British convention, known as the Kandyan convention was signed the British has breached it, the way the LTTE has done after signing the treacherous MoU. The British who had promised to rule the country according to Sinhala laws never did so and the result was the first independence struggle by the Sinhala people against the British in 1817-18. The British who had the armed power as well as the organisational power massacred the people brutally in the true tradition of European Christian “humanitarian” culture. The traditional leadership of the Sinhalas was wiped out, and Sinhalas were given new leaders by the British. These new leaders, who were Christians at least by culture, having had their education in “elite” schools founded by the British, were to betray the Sinhalas for nearly two centuries. The Sinhalas have still not overcome this leadership problem as can be seen from the recent history. There have been one or two exceptions as in the case of Anagarika Dharmapala but by and large the leaders of the Sinhalas, as much as their so called intellectuals were produced by the British to work against the interests of the Sinhala people. The “intellectuals” who know only to serve their masters and mistresses come very hard on Anagarika the only lay leader to serve the interests of the Sinhalas during the last one hundred and fifty seven years after Puran Appu and Gongalegoda Banda.

    After 1817, the Sinhalas who were deprived of their traditional leaders had to depend on makeshift leaders in the form of Puran Appu and Gongalegoda Banda. However, by that time the Sinhalas had been weakened, and their position was still worsened after the defeat they suffered at the hands of the forces of Torrington the murderer. He would have been a viscount in the eyes of the British, but as far as Sinhalas were concerned he was a barbarian murderer who had no respect for any religion other than Christianity. .

    However, the Sinhalas never gave up the fight against the British, and the anti colonial spirit lived among the masses though they did not have leaders to win the freedom from the British in particular, and the domination of the western Christian modernity in general. Even Anagarika Dharmapala was not up to the mark having had no understanding of the British imperialism. The theosophists who came to Sri Lanka and adopted the term Buddhist Theosophists, what a contradiction in concepts, made a revival not of Sinhala Buddhism but a kind of rational Buddhism that could be compared with western rationalism. This is not the place to explain why these Theosophists who had “mystic” beliefs should have been interested in a rationalism. The Theosophists introduced a new Buddhism to Sri Lanka which I have called Olcott Buddhism which is a Buddhism “preached” in a Christian cultural background, thus helping the western Christian modernity project in the final analysis.

    The British in the meantime, beginning in the fourth decade of the nineteenth century, had attempted to make Tamils the leaders of the country. The order of preference by the British was Burgher, Tamil Christian, Tamil Catholic, Tamil Hindu, Sinhala Christian, Sinhala Catholic, Muslim and then Sinhala Buddhist. It has to be pointed out that it was only the Sinhala Buddhists who fought against the British raj up to about nineteen thirties when the Marxists appeared on the stage. Even without leaders the Sinhala Buddhists fought and resisted British imperialism with the avenues available to them. The British more than anybody else knew then and know today that it is the Sinhala Buddhists, and not Olcott Buddhists, nor any other category that is an obstacle on the path of western domination in the country. Even the Sinhala Muslim clash in 1915 was used by the British to suppress not only the ordinary Sinhala Buddhists, but the elites among the Sinhala Buddhists who had had their education in the schools established by the colonial power.

    The first attempt by the British in the legislative to deny the rightful place to the Sinhalas could be seen in the legislative assembly when they appointed one member each to represent the Sinhalas, Tamils and the Burghers. The Sinhalas who constituted more than seventy percent of the population, and who had built a unique culture in this country for more than two thousand years were equated with the Tamils who did not have a continuous history in the country for more than two hundred years, and who did not constitute even ten percent of the population. Since that date the Sinhalas have been fighting to win what have been denied to them in the legislature as well as in other fields. However, with the help of the intellectual, monetary, political and other machinery available the western powers led by the British have been propagating the myth that it is the Sinhalas who are not prepared to give anything to the Tamils and the other so called minorities.

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      Being clanish in this country has become second nature. The Sinhalese and also the Tamils are trying to live in the past looking for an identity. Most seem lost and keep on harping on half truths, when what matters is for all to live as Human beings. As a result we have had enough conflict and have shed enough blood. Yet it appears it is not enough for some.

      Dulan your narative too consist of many an untruth. I feel too lazy to unravel but I will leave for someone else to do the Honours. I will just take one character you have mentioned, Gongalegoda Banda. This Gongalegoda Banda was known as Peliyagoda David, living at Peliyagoda who was nothing but a ruffian well built, with a warrent out for his arrest for some murders he had committed. Thereafter he had escaped to Matale and lived as a fugitive. It is while living at Matale that he came under some of the Kandyan Chieftans who were plotting to rebel against the British. He became a handyman to attack some of the English and kill them. As recognition he was named as Gongalegoda Banda and became a warrior for the Sinhalese, as he was committing his usual fete of killing people, in this instance the British. Puran Appu is a similar character a man from Panadura side a relative of Tyrone Fernando crowd who was caught at Matale and executed by the British. When are we as a Nation without raking the past but look at the Future positively and try to live as Civilised Human Beings?

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        Would you happen to know by any chance if David Blacker was related to Peliyagoda David?

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        i agree what you say about Gongalegoda Banda,Puran Appu But seems you just pic two names from paragraph but i already mention why Sinhalese had to select such person’s >>”the Sinhalese who were deprived of their traditional leaders had to depend on makeshift”” >>
        lf the world does come to an end here or wherever,or if it limps into the future,decimated by the effects of a religion-inspired nuclear terrorism,let’s remember what the real problem was:That we learned how to precipitate mass death
        before we got past the neurological disorder of wishing for it.
        That’s it. Grow up or die. We are in a conflict between good and evil.

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        When your recruit writes the Sri Lankan histroy, ask him to write some names of Tamils such as Gongalegoda Banda and Puran appu who supported Sri Lankan villagers by becoming vagabonds.

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      What a fool, No body in the civilized world going to accept your modaya argument. We tamils from our beloved land called thamil ealam, never going back off from legitamate right to rule our selves. For argument sake no body going to support stupid stone age philosophy. if you look recently independent countries support my valid civilized intelligent points. PLEASE STOP YOUR IDIOTIC POINTS OF NONCENCE…

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        ‘We tamils from our beloved land called thamil ealam, never going back off from legitamate right to rule our selves’

        Erm… That is why millions of Tamils live happily in the west, under British Colonial masters etc, when they can easily move to Tamil Nadu, just a stone throw away from ‘Tamil Ealam’, and be at least ruled by Tamils?

        k.kovian, no body in the civilized world IS going to accept your modaya argument either…. Two modaya arguments doesn’t make one modaya argument any less moda! The civilized world is not something modayo can comprehend. So please, stick to the moda world you live in, and let the civilised world be…

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          Eelam is an Indian name for all of Lanka. The Sri Lankan Tamil name for the island is Ilankai (or Ilungai)…which is more similar to the Singhalese name than Elam or Eelam (the Tamil Nadu name for Sri Lanka).

        • 0

          what an idiot, live in 21st century. You will never going to change. War over nearly 3 yrs, any progress..in terms ethinic solution. nop, Sinhala veerayas slowly leaving this wonderful paradice. I will tell you sinhalayos..you people never going to live in peace, let alone never leave as alone, but time is up, thank god moron praba gone..we will achieve what we want.? IC will deliver us….

        • 0

          The language which was spoken in Srilanka was Elu, also called Hela by Sinhalese. The speakers of Elu were called Eelavar and the land they inhabited was called Eelam, also called Heladiva by Sinhalese. The entire island was called Eelam, and thus the part traditionally occupied by Tamils is called Tamil Eelam.

  • 0

    “Sri Lanka – The untold story” is a narrative of the political history since before independence,by K.T.Rajasingham serialised by Asia Times.
    It is complementary to this narrative – available on the web.

  • 0

    I think history dating pre-independence is not that relevant to the situation today. The colonial masters left behind a legacy which recognised the sovereignity of the Queen and the values and principles of the British Empire.

    They placed this system under the care of the British educated elite of that time. However they did not reckon with the dormant nationalistic feelings of the majority community. The oxford educated SWRD symbolically discarded his western attire for the national dress of the sinhala majority and introduced the discriminatory Sinhala Only act. He thus heralded the stage for decades of communal violence and fragmentation of society.

    Today we have a situation where the war is over but the ethnic differences are not resolved. There is deep divide in society. The root causes are still in place and we have political parties and other groups formenting religous and ethnic hatred. The government is doing little to resolve this situation.

    Govt does not command any credibility amongst the minorities due to its association with racist parties such as the JHU and NFF. SLMC, CWC and DD are strange bedfellows with this govt for temporary advantage. They are being used to give credibility to the regime while they benefit only in the narrow economic sense.

    What we need at the moment is enlightened leadership transcending ethnic and religous barriers. Democracy and Human rights have to be implemented in all provinces including the North. This does not seem forthcoming from the government or any of their allies. They are content to make hay while the sun shines.

    • 0

      I agree.
      The unwritten british constitution is best in the present day world,and a version of it should have been adopted.
      Sinhala as official language,and buddhism as state religion did NO justice to others.
      A secular constitution with trilingualism would be best.
      But political power has corrupted,and this is difficult to dislodge.

  • 0

    So, Arumugam Thevarajan lives in New Zealand, accepts a medal from the British Queen, is a “member of parliament” for the Transsexual Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), and complains about the White Masters having initiated a slow-burn “geeeenocite” of Eelamish peoples.

    How very, very sad.

    Is there anything more pathetic than the sight of an ex-colonial subject running off to complain to his ex white master? Err.. yes. Here’s Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam of the TNPF at the recently concluded World Tamil Conference, whining about how he wishes the British were back in Sri Lanka..


    • 0

      i agree
      my quiz is there still try to create history that didn’t exist
      Making extract from pretext colonial masters they belive that those context are like god writen holly scripts. We have to realize though it were America and Scandinavian countries and of course India who have been vociferous in defending Tamil racism and Tamil terrorism, it was England who created the problem and nurtured and sponsored Tamil racism at the beginning in the nineteenth century. England is still in the forefront of sponsoring and protecting Tamil racism and it has been exposed by the recent incidents. The dispersed Tamils (so called Tamil diaspora) is the creation of England to fight the final battle against so called Sinhala Buddhist Supremacy which effectively attempts to weaken, if not destroy Sinhala Buddhist culture. England has proscribed the LTTE on paper but allows it to operate making use of the loopholes in English Law. The dispersed Tamils had no difficulty in waving the LTTE flag, albeit without the name of the proscribed organization on it thus making a mockery of English Law. It is time we recognize England for what it had done to this country and not be deceived by the English rhetoric.

      • 0

        Short sighted. Don’t kill yourself the language you are using is an imitation of plain English the language of the native English. The World Wide Web that you are using was invented by Englishman Sir Timothy John, cricket, rugby, and football, almost everything that’s because they have a sense of humour and can dream realistically. Dont be like the Irish – tough workmasters you will cry. Smile and the world smiles with you. ;)

        • 0

          Wonder How Wuliangguobinjiu include sports & www founder with this article.!””British Foresight And The Evolution Of Sinhala Dimension Of Genocide”” Im just giving Counter Argument what Pretex Say.short Sighted or Long sighted its up to Readers of this article.

        • 0

          Dulan You dont seem to know what you have written about the English. Monkey Court You!

  • 0

    The original Tamils living in Colombo never had a problem only the newly formed Tamil ghettos were plotting. Then in 83 Colombo was attacked by the Southerner due to the northerner attacking the army.

    Instantly, the northerners who never allowed any other race to live there made a mad rush for the west which had opened its doors to the effected in Colombo. The northerners collected money in the west and shipped its war machine- the suicide bombers to the island. Can anyone now trust them???

    The Irish path was Judiciary and terrorism while a rich nation like Scotland prefers the ballot.

    Let’s take it from there can they be trusted?? Original Colombo Tamils found it hard to associate the orthodox lot from the north, now it’s even worse.

    • 0

      Attention Wuliangguobinjiu, Mental Health Patient No. 3358198765

      Due to your disruptive and racist behaviour, you’re being transferred from Angoda Mental Hospital to Welikada Prison where the staff have more expertise in treating with patients with your illness.

      Signed, SHO, Angoda Secure Hospital – high security psychiatric hospital

      • 0

        Mango: Quote:Attention Wuliangguobinjiu, Mental Health Patient No. 3358198765:Unquote
        Whats your problem “para demala” is it not enough that you demalas have used sucide bombs not only on innocent folk of lanka but on Indians too.
        Down with you para demalas of haunted homes go back into the jungles thats your place Rajapakistan is perfectly right.

        Landa fand mada landa ban chuth

        Bolo Hindustan Ki Jai ; Bolo Hindustan Ki Jai;

        Bolo Hindustan Ki Jai; IPKF

        • 0

          Attention Wuliangguobinjiu, Mental Health Patient No. 3358198765

          Your use of racist abuse indicates that your mental is deteriorating, fast. Be prepared for emergency evacuation to Welikada, where you’ll be sharing a cell with JHU members.

          Can you be more specific in your racist abuse? Explain precisely the difference between a “Demala” and a “Para Demala”

  • 0

    To: Dulan Wijewardena

    It is amazing despite South India’s proximity to Sri Lanka and despite the accounts of a generation of professional historian’s of repute including Indrapala. Our friend Mudalali Dulan thinks that Sinhala’s were the only people who resided in Sri Lanka from the time of Mahinda.
    We unfortunately have to blame the so called scholarship of Buddhist monks who thrive on such history for this.

    But our friend Dulan is happy to keep vomitting this garbage as history. No amount of inscriptions in Tamil will convince these Perera’s and Desilva’s who themselves are more a product of Porguese and Dutch race…

    What is scary is that Doctor MR and Gota will make these official histories pretty soon and get all sri lankan children to be braiwashed by these.

    • 0

      Extracting from Mention Historian work
      “”Professor Karthigesu Indrapala of the Jaffna University, who, in his article titled ˜Early Tamil Settlements in Ceylon,’ makes a significant observation.”Looking back on the body of evidence that is available to us, we have to conclude that there were no widespread Tamil settlements before the Tenth Century.”His conclusions are redolent with powerful implications against Tamil Eelam, when he says, “However, the majority of the settlers appear to have migrated to that region (i.e. to the Jaffna Peninsula), in the latter half of the 13th Century.” EXTRACT END

      All so Prof. Indrapala, whose Ph.D. thesis strangely “disappeared” from the London University’s Reference Library bookshelves a few years ago.Wonder who did that?
      The records left by the Dutch missionary, Phillipus Baldeus, who had been in Jaffnapattnam in 1658, reveal that the King of Jaffna had jurisdiction over a limited area of the north, including Jaffnapattnam, the adjacent isles and the island of Mannar. However, the major part of the Vanni, which encompasses present day Mannar, Kilinochchi, Vavyniya and Mullaithivu districts, and the entire Eastern Province, came under the authority of the Kandyan Kingdom. This is the reason for Dutch Governor, Ryckloff Van Goens, to report, in 1663, as Kandyan kings held sway over the east, “The country between Waluwe and Trinquenemale (Trincomalee), mostly stretches East and South East, as far as Jale (Yala in the south east). I have not been able to visit this District as it is entirely inhabited by the King’s people. that it took over a century for the Dutch, to the time of Governor Flack in 1766, to wrest control of the coastal areas in the east from the Kandyan King. Governor Flack coerced King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe of Kandy, to cede a small strip of land four miles wide, along the eastern seaboard of the island. If, as the Eelamists claim, the east was under the King of Jaffna,why did Governor Flack sign a treaty with the Kandyan King, and why did Governor Goens report that the Kandyan King’s subjects live along the eastern sea coast? Then again, why did Tamil scholars such as Mudliyar C. Rasanayagam and Prof. Karthigesu Indrapala claim that Jaffnapattnam, was first inhabited by the Sinhalese and subsequently, by the Tamils, toward the “latter part of the 13th century”?

      • 0

        Ha ha ;) • All these high flying stories and doctorate thesis are nothing but hypothesis therefore it’s called quite rightly “His” story good for bedtime.
        • The rational mind in the west sees things just one way- When you see something its 50% true, then when you touch its 75% true and finally when you taste its 100% and you know then if its tea or pee. If you look up and spit it falls on you mate because the plane you see is the invention of the rational minded English Wright Bros.
        Has Sri Lanka produced I.Q’s above 160 to have geniuses NO- Shakespeare*, Goethe*, Newton*Descartes*, Einstein*, Spinoza* all in the west. The Japanese are” rumoured” to have IQ’s that are higher than those found in the West.

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        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

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        @Rama, we cannot edit your comments every time you comment.- CT

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy

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        what are you going on about man. haven’t you got anything better to do. you must be one of those unemployed vagabonds or great grand dads ( as i mentioned elsewhere) contributing to [Edited out] as toilet web. who are you trying to convince here man. as a person in mid thirties , i am not at all interested in the past. for me history began only in 1948. whatever happened prior to 1948 doesn’t mean anything to me. 13 century , 15 century , or 18 century events have no relevance at all in relation to the current conflict. all you want me to believe are the dutch and the two so called historians in order to understand the presence of tamils in the northeast. man, i am not prepared to believe any one of them. i don’t want to go into detail but all i can say to you is i have never seen a sinhala family living in the midst of tamil people either in the north or east. in other words northeast is owned and occupied by tamils from the history i know that is the last 64 years or so. on that basis we have the right for a homeland , separate country, self determination , federal state etc. etc. what right have you sinhala people got to interfere in our internal affairs. the best way forward is to withdraw the baboons from our soil. live and let live is my slogan on behalf of tamil speaking people.

        • 0


          I have met enough Sinhalese in Jaffna before 83. Who ran the bakeries and furniture shops there? Memory lapse perhaps?

      • 1

        Dulan Wijewardana says:

        “All so Prof. Indrapala, whose Ph.D. thesis strangely “disappeared” from the London University’s Reference Library bookshelves a few years ago.Wonder who did that?”

        PhD theses are not kept in the Reference Library bookshelves but are retained and preserved in the archive section of the library.

        Don’t pretend that you personally looked for Prof. Indrapala’s Phd thesis.

        Whoever told you this story has given a rope long enough for you to hang yourself.

        You ought to be ashamed of yourself for making false claims. The thesis runs into more than 500 pages.

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    Dude, you forgot the fact that we are living in the 21st century…. You are old

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      Yes,that is why Muslims write their own histroy in Sri Lanka with the use of sinhala women who were married to muslims. So, they want to say that they were in Sri Lanka even before the Christians.

      • 0

        They came before.Watch the European currency “peper corn” taken by the Muslims to Europe. When the Spanish/Portugese drove the Muslims away after 800 years of rule it was the emancipation of Europe- the europeans learnt to nagivate and count 1-9 from the arabs. Vas goda gama was sent after they portugese had been to south america. See it on BBC- Spice Trail 3 series one to ceylon for Cinnamon and pepper to kerala.

  • 0

    Everyone is an expert in history it seems…. Just not at learning from history!

    Here is a piece of History no one can argue with: Sri Lanka has suffered from a meaningless war for decades, with hundreds and thousands of innocent people killed, and millions displaced and subjected to unnecessary suffering and poverty!

    No number of history lessons are going to stop the next 30 years of our country’s history being rewritten as the last – unless we learn from that history to be ashamed of what we have become! We have so little to show for ourselves, as a result of our failures since obtaining independence, we desperately cling on to a false and flattering image of ourselves that is nowhere near the truth, while blaming the ‘colonial masters’ for all other failures that blissful ignorance alone cannot see past.

    How the Tamils and Sinhalese can continue to throw mud at each other, and run to the west with tattle tales, like little brats, while also blaming those very same western powers for their problems as well, sum up just how pathetic and clueless we really have become! When will we see that as far as cultures and traditions go, the Sinhalese and Tamils are brothers! We are far closer toe achother in culture, tradition and religion, than we would ever be to an American or Chinese! Yet so many Sinhalese and Tamils live happily in the west, without ‘self-rule’, or in some cases even a right to vote, while still demand that division be maintained in Sri Lanka in the name of ‘self-rule’ and nationalism! What nonsense!!

    The argument that Sri Lanka is ruled by the Sinhalese is a farce! Since independence, it has been ruled by opportunistic and corrupt crooks, in whose hands all races of the country, including the Sinhalese, have suffered! The LTTE and the GoSL has always scratched each others backs, and even today, we see the likes of KP and Karuna in bed with the Rajapaksas!

    When will the idiotic Tamil and Sinhalese populations realise that their battle isn’t against each other – but rather against their own so called leaders for whom division and suffering of the masses is a lifeline?!

    • 0

      Amen to that. Every time I read another tedious article about mythical Sinhalese & Tamil kingdoms, MEGO (“My Eyes Glaze Over”).. and who had a more glorious past, I throw up a little.

    • 0

      Reading through all these comments I cannot see how some people can be
      so abusive to others and try to educate themselves and try to realise that we all have to look forward to bring peace and unity to our nation which has been divided. I wont say much since you have already
      said the right things what a intelligent human person you are and I hope there are many like you. “I SALUTE YOU FOR YOUR COMMENT”

    • 0

      Navin Weeraratne:

      “When will we see that as far as cultures and traditions go, the Sinhalese and Tamils are brothers!”

      I have the evidence to prove it.

      Both are genetically related to each other,
      both are self destructive,
      both are irredeemably stupid,
      both don’t respect life,
      both self serving, greedy,
      both are land grabbers,
      both have tendency to support despots,
      both are bigoted racists,
      both put their religion and caste before humanity,
      both pretend they are peace loving people,
      both think they are cleverer than the Jews,
      both fight for the same land which does not belong to hem,
      both ……..

      …………. etc

      The affinity seems endless.

  • 0

    “Sri Lanka land mass was never under a single Kingdom. There were three independent Kingdoms – Jaffna (Tamil) Kingdom, Kandyan Kingdom and Kotte Kingdoms (both Sinhalese Kingdoms but ruled by Tamil Kings as well ) .The Tamil Kingdom always remained separate and independent,”….

    The very first sentence of the narrative note wronged. The writer need to learn the history properly. There was no TAMIL KINGDOM in JAFFNA or in INDIA.

    Present day,Tamils in Sri lanka are successors of coolies whom imported from India in Dutch period (jaffna coolies) and in British period.(hill country coolies.)

    If there was an independent tamil kingdom in jafnna, why they had furnished the MALWANA TREATY in SINHALA LANGUAGE IN YEAR 1598.

    This sort of narratives will harm to younger who don’t read history but only have computer literacy.


    • 0

      Samaarasekara, by ‘This sort of narratives will harm to younger who don’t read history but only have computer literacy’ what you truly mean is that computer literacy will expose the youth to a far more well rounded range of historical records that will direct them to the truth, than the carefully drafted biased versions you would like to brainwash them with, right?

      The greatest harm to our youth is the pathetic, irresponsible way in which our past generations have behaved, and the failed nature of the country that you are all handing over to them, while claiming it is a piece of paradise! What have you created for your youth in Sri Lanka? A war torn, economically under achieving, corrupt, unequal society ruled by tyrants!

      Our youth indeed have a lot of hard work ahead of them, if they are to make something of their inheritance. I can only wish that they will throw away the blissful ignorance of our past generations, and make something of our country that they can truly be proud of. Of course if they were to achieve such a feat, then know that your generation will be forever remembered as the generation that almost ruined this little but resourceful land! Sri Lankans will no longer speak proudly of a past that never was, but rather of a present that truly is!

  • 0


    What kind of Sinhala ghetto did you crawl out of? You need to live under a cave in moneragala where you belong as if you come out you will be blinded by the light of truth.

    • 0

      Monaragala is under UVA province.I am proud of be an UVA man. The province of Uva people started straggle against British in year 1817. At that time if JAFFNA people helped cooperated with it was no doubt our history changed and KANDIAN people could chased British to India. Many British literature revealed this point. Read history properly otherwise you may in dark while opening your eyes.It is more or less same as living in the cage.

      In this circumstance Uva people better than jafna coolies.

      In short SINHALA RACE was origin from the king PANDUKAABAYA who defeated prince WIJAYA’S successors amalgamated them into prevailing races called YAKSHA,NAAGA,DEVA,ASURA. The new race called SINHALA.


      • 1


        I have read a report from that era of the British government that a caraven of bullock carts laden with food items were taken to the Kandyan Kingdom by one Netsingha Edirveerasingha Mudaliyar from Jaffna, during the seige laid by the British. I am unable to find the photocopy I made for my records. Further, the Jaffna Tamil elite had a special relationship with the Kandyan elite well into the early years of indpendence.

        It appears the Jaffna people had indeed co-operated with the Kandyans!

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 0


    If the Tamils in Jaffna are Tamil ‘Coolies’imported during the Dutch and British perods from where did the Sinahlese get the genes they share to a large extent with Tamils? Please read the following link:


    Further, from where did the Karawe, Durawe and Salagama castes among the Sinhalese come from? Were they not recent imports from South India, also during the colonial period.

    You can call Tamils by any derogatory term you choose, but remember that your only insulting yourself and your origins!

    Further, many here cite Indrapala’s Ph.D thesis to re-inforce their dubious claims about Tamil origins and the existence of Tamil Kingdoms. They however rather conveniently fail to mention that Indrapala has since refuted his thesis conclusions. His and his students subsequent studies have shown than Tamils have been in the north of Sri Lanka for a very very very long time. Present day genetic studies confirm this and show the Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims share much of their genes. We are communities of almost the same people speaking different languages and practicing different religions.

    Let us stop going again and again round the mulberrybush and explore ways and means of living together as Sri Lankans.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran, the likes of w.m.k.Samaarasekara, and even the author of this articele, Arumugam Thevarajan, have little interest in peace, the future, or reality for that matter. They live in blissful ignorance, fueled by a history that never was. By appealing to the lowest common denominator of society (which in Sri Lanka means ‘very low’ indeed, thanks to the pathetic levels of inequality and education standards) they will always be able to maintain conflict and division, war and turmoil, and still claim to live in a paradise to be proud of!

      Sad reality is, there will continue to be more Samaarasekaras and Thevarajans to ensure our country’s future will remain a paradise only in the eyes of such fools, and therefore a goldmine for the corrupt and opportunistic, such at the MRs and VPs, but nothing more than a failed state full of suffering and shame for any of its citizens who truly open their eyes and smell the air.

      • 0

        Navin Weeraratne

        Tamil/Sinhala historians deliberately mislead the stupid Tamils and Stupid Sinhalese driven by their respective petty parochial nationalistic pride. On a practical level its all about land grabbing, greed, false consciousness about saving their own people from imagined enemies, based on repeatedly recited myths, etc

        These historians never explained as to how my people have been subjected to one of the long running genocide. To their immense annoyance we are here and making noises here and there.

        These two stupid people will never learn the history, never learn anything from the past, never understood the difference between truth and myth, are always motivated by self destruction.

        The Sinhalese and Tamils have identity crisis which is not easy to deal with.

        Lala landers
        Ibn Batutta’s Children
        Sakya clan
        People of lion
        LTTE rump
        Ravana’s people
        Sinhala Christian
        Tamil saivaite
        Tamil speaking Muslims.
        Born out of beast and the beauty
        Born out of incest
        Children of Portuguese,British,Dutch

        Sinhala/Tamil people can only think who they are.

        But my people know who we are.

        • 0

          Quote:”But my people know who we are” on first take sounds like a sataji :)

          Is this what you mean:Four legged good two legged bad because they feed me the best of their being and lick my cheek when I need it most.

          In that case happy hunting for I always admired the Apaches for hunting only what they needed for the day. The Veddhas of Bintanne have not been different either.

    • 0


      As an educated person it is sure that SINHALA is it self a mixed community.Therefore mixing of genetic was inevitable. The word of coolie is not stands for insulting manner but mentioned the reality. As a scholar you know the war of KU- PANDAYA. some of defeated defeated KURU(kowrawa) came this island and mixed with SINHALA. If you kind enough to read in the book “KARAWA IN SRI LANKA” (I couldn’t remember the author,but he was a tamil gentleman.)you may come across more details. Significant point is not only the casts that you mentioned but most BRAHAMEES too came here and mixed with Sinhala community.

      My point is now days over seas tamils are trying to establish independent tamil kingdom that never took place in the world. Even ancient SOUTHERN INDIA had only four independent kingdoms as PANDIYA,SHERA,SATHIYAPUTHRA and CHOLA. There was no any tamil kingdom.


      • 0

        W.M.K. Samarasekera,

        Thanks for your response and the explanation for your reaction there-in. At this stage in our political evolution, we have to be careful in how we react. Provocations are deliberate and designed to bring out the worst in us.

        ‘The Karawa of Ceylon, Society and Culture’ was written by M.D. Raghavan, formerly of the National Museums of Colombo.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 0

    We cannot deny the fact there were two distinct nations in this island from ancient times ruled by different war lords,leaders, kings and so on. But linguistically and culturally they were two nations down the millenia. The British effort to unify the island “for the purposes of administrative convenience” is a marriage that has failed. Short of a
    total break, there is the option of the formulae of the “2 Nations in 1 undivided Island” that must find greater recognition in our
    current and future political discourse.

    Sinhala chauvinism, notably in the post-1956 period, has made living together impossible. Breaking of Pacts has become such a habit in the among Sinhala leaders the suggestion of the arbitrary abrogation of the 13th Amendment, an instrument of good faith and trust between two governments to bring unity and peace to a warring country, is being spearheaded by one widely believed to be more powerful than the President himself. That too now publicly seconded by that other source of sinister parallel power – the Mahanayakas. The time for serious review is here.


  • 0

    Dear Senguttuwan,

    The ‘ Two nation’ theory is nonsense in the context of the 21st century , and the interwoven nature of our genetic, linguistic, religious and cultural relationships in Sri Lanka. The two nation theory is based on tribalism as much as the Sinhala supremacy and uniqueness theory is. We have to find a better polical system to manage our affairs efficiently and with the highest concepts that have come to the fore in the 21st century- dignity and the rights of humans, and environmental concerns.

    Let us stop nit picking with words like nation and think in terms of a country now called Sri Lanka that has humans who speak Sinhala, Tamil and English and believe in Buddhism, Hinduism Chritianity and Islam and a thriving,beautiful plant and animal life. Let us not forget that we are also the custodians of the mountains,lakes, rivers, valleys , seas and beaches that are this wonderful land.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      “The ‘ Two nation’ theory is nonsense in the context of the 21st century”

      How about multiple nations or united nations including Vedda Land for Veddas.

      • 0

        Native Vedda,

        The so-called Veddas of today are kept in defined areas- resevations of sort. They play act for visitors and are a tourist attraction. They are in an open zoo. I was sad to see their plight about a year or so back. Many who call themselves Veddas are Sinhalese who have taken to the trade of acting Veddas. The real Veddas are a dissapearing tribe, since coming to the attention of our politicians. There are no men like Dr.R.L. Spittel today to study them and admire them for their culture and existence as a part of nature. Sri Lanka would have been a better place, if they had been the dominent community and had remained uncorrupted! They may have provided us better governance, through their ‘Live and let live’ culture!

        The so-called Veddas as existing today, are a lesson in not seeking ”nations of any kind’ within Sri Lanka. It will asphyxiate and kill off even the Tamils left over after larger numbers seek asylum abroad. The TNA would even then continue to play act as Tamils to draw the attention of the world and tourists to their sad plight. Of course they will be well looked after by the government as are Tissahami’s descendents today!

        Further, we Sinhalese and Tamils have plenty of the real Vedda in us, although the other ‘Blood/genes’we have inherited makes us act like Rakshasas most times.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

  • 0

    Dr. Narendran,

    We might disagree on the 2 Nation theory but I regret your poor choice of words. I can understand why you snapped. I realise it is difficult to maintain the delicate balance you have chosen – together with some others – identified as unacceptable and harmful to the wider Lankan Tamil cause. The Tamil Nation is aware who is for them and who is not – if one were to judge by the comments from Tamil commentators in this and other popular blogs.

    Unfortunately, Sinhalese and Tamils have been emotionally “separated” for a long time, something that pains me very much and against which I have worked for decades. For two races, otherwise similar in a multitude of ways, to be identified separately is in itself a form of tribalism. And when one side imposes planned violence, brutality and hardship on the other (1958, 1977, 1983) purely because they are numerically higher and for a group to in the side harmed to go on bended knees, as you seem to suggest, pleading for accomodation is not merely a sellout but cowardice as well. Despite the covert support given by people in your trajectory against the Tamil Nation, the latter will eventually secure their justice from the very perpetrators soon.

    You eiteheer deny or seem oblivious to what is immediately around you where our people are denied their very homes, agricultural land, fishing rights and so forth to this very day; where they are forced to live in the open spaces and jungles. And here you fool yourself and preach “we are also the custodians of the mountains,lakes, rivers, valleys , seas and beaches that are this wonderful land” You must wake up as history is in the process of overtaking you.


  • 0

    Dear Senguttuwan,

    Thanks. I , as you have chosen to call it, snapped at the words ‘ two nations’because this very concept and its pursuit in realty has led us to where we are today and undermined the Tamil high ground. It is unfortunate that many choose to comment on many issues in the north and east, without personally experiencing or witnessing the situation there. I have portrayed the pathetic situation of the war-affected poor repeatedly. The poor are the real victims of the war. I cannot with conciscience deny that the government has done much more than what I expected in the post-war period. Many of the issues you list are lies, exaggerations an political hyperbole,pedalled by those with vested interest in chaos. It is the Tamils who have let down their poor war-affected kin. It is common knowledge in the Vanni that it is Tamils who are preying on the poor and vulnerable. It is common knowledge that many who brutalised and exploited the people under the LTTE flag are now aligned with the peripheral elements in the government and armed forces to blight the war-affected.

    The government may be wrong in many matters we discuss in many fora, but it has proven its credentials to the war-affected Tamils, to an unbelievable extent, despite the efforts of the TNA and sections of the Tamil Diaspora to howl blue murder over hypothetical possibilities and minor failings. These elements have yet not given up their two nation theory that paved the way for a two country war. Our Biafra has not taught many the right lessons. The words and needs of these idiots on the Tamil extreme have given a second lease on life to the idiots on the Sinhala extreme, three years after the senseless,cruel and brutal war. This is a point in history when the Tamils are beginning to benefit from the long awaited peace and wish and pray for it to continue. Even those pushed to the bottom of the pile by the war, are benefiting from the absence of fear the current peace has delivered.

    Yes, there were historical mistakes made by the Sinhala leadership. However, these mistakes culminated in a war that most Sinhalese regret. The Tamil leaders too made their mistakes in arousing a docile population with their inflammatory rhetoric. The LTTE and other militant groups were their creation. Please tell me what these politicians have achieved for theTamils with their approach since the days of GGP? Their words and actions brought the war to the north and east and destroyed what was created over centuries, if not millennia. Such foolishness continues to this day.

    I cannot be silent witness to the perfidy many Tamils are willing to commit in the name of pride.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Dulan Wijewardena is correct when he stated that the entire Eastern Province came under the overall lordship of Kandyan Kingdom.

    The present Eastern Province including litoral region from Kottiyaram in the Trincomalee district to Panamai in the Amparai district and the interior was ruled by Tamil chieftains ( or minor Kings) who accepted the lordship of the Kandyan King. It is true that there was a Tamil Kingdom in the Jaffna but the Tamils in the Eastern Province were never the subjects of the Jaffna King.

    If as alleged by the LTTE and TNA that Eastern Province is part of the Tamil homeland (so called Tamil Eelam) why is that the customs and practices of Eastern Tamils are completely different from the Jaffna Tamils. Look at the differences in the Tamil dialect of the Eastern Province Tamils, their marriage customs and their succession laws. Jaffna Tamils are a patriarchal society but Batticaloa Tamils are a matriarchal society. I recently read a news item that a disused jungle path from Kandy to Batticaloa had been discovered. There are historical records to indicate that the Kandyan King paid periodic visit to the Eastern Province. The present Padiruppu in the Batticaloa district was formerly known as “Pathai Irruppu” where the Kandyan King rested during his periodic visit to the Eastern hinterland of his Kandyan Kingdom. Batticaloa Tamils never showed any animosity to the Sinhalese because of this historic connection with the other people of the Kandyan Kingdom.

    Batticaloa’s littoral areas were populated by Kurukula people. They are not fisher community but were farmers and cultivators. The Tamil Kurukula landlords owned lands in the entire Karavakupattu region (the present Muslim areas of Amparai district from Kalmunai to Pottuvil). Muslims were only tenant cultivators. When I was young I used to see these Muslim tenant cultivators coming to my village carrying on their shoulders ( we called it “Ka”) rice and “Valai Kulai” (bananas) when they come to visit their absentee landlords to pay their rentals. The Muslim tenant cultivators later became the owners of these lands after the Bandaranaike Government introduced the Paddy Lands Act.
    The presence of Muslims in the Eastern Province is yet another story. The Muslims arrived in the Eastern Province in large numbers only after the 15th century when the Portuguese chased away the Muslims from places like Puttalam and Western coastal areas as they saw them as their merchant competitors. These Muslims arrived in the Kandyan Kingdom and sought refuge there and the Kandyan King asked them to go and live in the Batticaloa district which came under his rule. That is how large number of Muslims had gone to Batticaloa and Ampara district. There were also Muslims who came from Nagapattnam area (Keelai Karai) in Tamil Nadu and settled in Batticaloa district. The Kattankudy Muslims really came from Nagapattanam area. They were transported there by the Kurukula sea-faring men who were involved in trade between the Eastern Province and Nagapattinam. My father was and grand- father were “Thandaels” who operated big boats carrying merchandise and occasionally Muslim traders from Nagapattinam. My father had related this story to my elder brother who said he once travelled to India on one such trip.

    The Western hinterland “Paduvankarai” was populated by Mukkuwa people who had their own chieftains (“Sittarasars”or minor Kings). Mukkuwa people had their own Mukkuwa Law which became disused after the arrival of the Dutch. Both the Mukkuwas and the Kurukula people lived as of “Kudis” which was the basic sub-division of their communities. Each Kudi was owed services by various lower castes such as “Vannars”. The Kudi system even prevailed among the Eastern Muslims. Each Kudi people lived in different villages and even in each village there was what is called “Vettai” where lower caste people who provided services to the Kudi people lived separately. There is no “Kudi” system of division among the Jaffna Tamils.

    The Tamil Nation (Eelam) theory which lump together the Jaffna Tamils and Eastern Tamils is a fallacy. Eastern Tamils are a separate people who have a history of their own. They lived harmoniously with the Sinhalese. Only the Jaffna Tamil politicians poisoned the minds of the Eastern Tamils against the Sinhala people. People like Karuna and Pillaiyan have now realized how treacherous the Jaffna Tamil politicians are. Even earlier politicians like Nallaiah Master realized this and kept their separate Eastern Tamil identity.

    What is required now is the revival of the separate identity of the Eastern Tamils. That does not mean the Eastern Tamils should oppose and work against the Jaffna Tamils. They can join hands for common causes.


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      Thanks for the lesson on history. I wish to bring the following to your attention and possible comments:

      1. Many of the so-called lower castes are called ‘Kudi Makkal’in Jaffna. This term obviously connotes that these people are affiliated to the homes or families of the Vellahlas. They had rights to certain duties at functions in Vellahlah homes.

      2. The Jaffna system of Thesavalamai is also considered matrilineal.

      3.The King of Jaffna ruled as the Sovereign of the whole island for a short period. The other Kings and chieftains in the rest of the island paid him tribute/kappam/kappang. The sacred tooth relic was in the custody of this Jaffna King during the aforesaid period.

      4. The Kurukula people also occupied the western coastal areas. They have slowly and steadily become Sinhalese (Kurkulasuriyas, Warnakulasuriyas etc.,) over time. They yet retain many aspects of Tamil culture in their lives.

      The Eastern Tamils are a distinct people. They should not be confused or confounded with the Jaffna Tamils. In fact the Jaffna Tamils discouraged marriage with the Eastern Tamils for a long time and probably do so even now should be remembered. The Esatern Tamils are also a much friendlier and an easy going people like the Sinhalese. They are not a conservative people like the Jaffna Tamils. This led to many young Jaffna tamil government servants posted particularly to Batticaloa marrying girls there. Jaffna tamils attributed this to magic practiced by the Batticaloa Tamils. They claimed that their men had been pasted to mats (Payiley otturathu) by this magic! I have heard the worst filth I have ever, but in musical and pure Tamil ( Senthamil) in Batticaloa!

      The Eastern Muslims are also the custodians of the Tamil language, culture and literature. The Eastern Tamils and Muslims should come together to foster this shared heritage. The Eastern Tamils should never again become the cannon fodder for the poltical ambtions of sections of Jaffna Tamils. This advice should be also taken seriously by the Vanni Tamils. While there should be shared or collective goals in terms of active participation in the political affairs of Sri Lankan and getting their due share of the economic pie, the Jaffna Tamils, Vanni Tamils, The Eastern Tamils, the upcountry Tamils and Tamils in the other provinces, should pursue their separate interests, as they deem fit. As has to be true for Sri lanka as a whole, the Tamils have to find unity amidst their diversity. There are many nations of Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims within Sri lanka, based on their location, economic status and diverse needs!

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Dr. Narendran

    From the manner in which you spring to action with contradictions in matters concerning the Tamil Nation, one cannot but resist commenting you appear more bent on pleasing patron sources other than serving the wider good of Tamils. That audience no doubt watched with satisfaction your comments in our debate here.

    It is the near unanimous view of Tamils in the NEP the government has done very little today and yet the endless rhetoric has been far too intense in the opposite. I have conceded the regime certainly has done some service – increased provision of electricity, water, roads and so forth. But much more could have been done which the regime is holding back in fear of the Sinhala hawks. Their standard plea “we need time to undo the damage of 30 years” is now becoming stale. Some of us have asked the Govt to make public a detailed account of development work done since mid-2009. This has been absent in forthcoming. It is not difficult to guess why. I wish you will comment on these shortcomings specifically without accusing others of “lies and exaggerations … of those vested interests out for chaos” – a charge that appears to ideally suit your own hollow attitude. For someone of your learning, culture and intellectual depth this is language unbecoming. Your incredible certificate “It (Govt) has proven its credentials to an UNBELIEVABLE extent” is something that belongs to the realm of comedy. Tamils strongly deny this.

    If we had used the Two Nation discourse from the mid-1950s, I have strong reason to believe, the NEP will be running its affairs well and as a prosperous and working democracy (to assure Sinhala friends, let me add – within an undivided Island) to the satisfaction of the Tami Nation that would have been spared the blood-baths of 1958, 1977, 1983 and 2009. I have agreed with you before many mistakes were made by our side too. VP took us to a reckless war where we did not have a hope in hell. The unwilling and protesting Tamil Nation was dragged into this by a man who had by then turned demonic and descended into incurable fascism.

    As a Tamil said to be passionate of the Tamil good – and, clearly enjoying the ear of those matter in the South, the best you could do is to insist on the long denied right of Tamils to decide their own fate through the free ballot. The “perfidy” you mention is, inter alia, to challenge the many insults to the Tamil nation including the laughable claim we came here only 400 years ago brought by the Dutch for tobacco cultivation, which you too have challenged – for the record. To put this into context, I am happy many learned Sinhalese have trashed this insane claim of Nalin de Silva, Gunadasa Amarasekera and company.

    The regime will be forced to do much in the coming months by way of investment/development of the NEP only because, globally, their deceit and falcity are becoming far too transparent. From the looks of it detailed scrutiny of the civilians excesses of 5/09 is now becoming inevitable.


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    Naga – I trust you will concede the differences between the Northern and Eastern Tamils can be gradually removed once the Tamil Nation gains its recognitionn within a United Island.

    While, in the main, many parts of the present EP came under Kandyan rulers – some Tamil – there were many instances where Tamil rulers
    enjoyed rights over Kandyan areas too. I am glad you state Tamils in both provinces must cooperate against the common opposition.


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    Dear Senguttuwan,

    1.”From the manner in which you spring to action with contradictions in matters concerning the Tamil Nation, one cannot but resist commenting you appear more bent on pleasing patron sources other than serving the wider good of Tamils. That audience no doubt watched with satisfaction your comments in our debate here.”

    Please list what these contradictions are? What do you imply by the term ‘Patron’? What are the wider interests of the Tamils as you or the ‘Tamil audience’ perceive as needed in the short, medium and long terms?

    2. “Some of us have asked the Govt to make public a detailed account of development work done since mid-2009. This has been absent in forthcoming. “

    If you had bothered to visit the north and east or even read the many objective reports in the web, you would have known. The path to a destination can be explained to the blind, but not to those pretending to be blind (My grand mother’s words of wisdom)!

    3. ” I wish you will comment on these shortcomings specifically without accusing others of “lies and exaggerations … of those vested interests out for chaos” – a charge that appears to ideally suit your own hollow attitude.

    I have written enough and more on what you are asking for since March-April’2009. I am sure you have read these. If you have forgotten, I am sure you know where to find them. My hollow attitude can only fathomed by someone with a deeper yard stick!

    4.”For someone of your learning, culture and intellectual depth this is language unbecoming. Your incredible certificate “It (Govt) has proven its credentials to an UNBELIEVABLE extent” is something that belongs to the realm of comedy. Tamils strongly deny this.”

    When the word ‘idiotic’ pertaining to the two nation theory become unbecoming. Would ‘stupid’ have been a better word? Yes, the government has proven its credentials with relation to the care of the IDPs , infrastructure building, demining and resettlement to an ‘Únbelievable’extent. If you think this tangible achievement is a comedy, I wonder what your perceptions of a tragedy are? It is únbelievable, because I did not expect these to take place on the scale and speed, they did. The big diffrence between you and me is I saw the tragedy and its scale in-situ. Who are the Tamils who strongly deny this? Please explain. I am giving an account of my own perceptions on the basis of what I have seen, heard and inquired. It is not confined to hearsay or the propaganda being churned by those who were behind the failed Eelam agenda.

    I know you are quite impressed by the agenda of the TGTE, GTF, GTE and others and are yet hoping that India and the International community will deliver the miracles you expect. I donot believe so. I know solutions have to come from within Sri Lanka. For this the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim polities and their politicians have to play a new game. The time has arrived for this. The two nation theory you advocate has does not make any sense (Nonsense) from this perspective. Because it does not make any sense, it is ‘Idiotic’.

    5.”As a Tamil said to be passionate of the Tamil good – and, clearly enjoying the ear of those matter in the South, the best you could do is to insist on the long denied right of Tamils to decide their own fate through the free ballot.”

    Enjoying the ear of those who matter in the South? I wish I did and I wish they hear! I was against PC elections in the north and east for atleast 3-5 years after the war ended, from the date the first PC election for the east was announced. My opinion remains the same even today. I wanted nominated ‘Ínterim Councils’ with experienced administrators and technocrats be created immediately after the war,to run the north and east for 3-5 years. This would have given the time and space for the people of the north and east to come out of their nightmare and understand what they need in political terms. This would have also permitted a new political ledareship attuned to the needs of a post-war era emerge. This plea fell on deaf ears, and the old politics has come to the fore, with all it dangers. The prime objective of this ‘Óld politics’is prevent a new leadership with new ideas to emerge.

    Democracy, if it manifests through a free and fair ballot, is meaningful only if the people voting have the mindset free from survival related concerns. A people yet largely on their knees and living on handouts cannot make an informed decision on matters that are bound to have a critical impact on them. I also consider the inevitable election of an unreformed TNA a danger to the Tamils and Sri Lanka. Whatever their motives, the delay in holding the northern PC elections, is a right decision by the government. Only those who wish further stirring of the witch’s brew will wish the election of the TNA or the other players induct6ed by the government to the northern PC.

    Let the people recover first from the effects of the war and its aftermath. They are just beginning to do so. Those who are very much concerned about the war dead, according to what I see, care tuppence for the plight of the living, other than using them as a pawn in their games, when they are the most vulnerable to manipulations.

    In the mean time, the PC system has to be reformed or replaced with something that is better defined, better financed and capable delivering services effectively, rather than becoming a new stage to enact political drama.

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    I am in agreement with Dr Narendran that shortlty after the end of the war Mahinda Rajapakse and his government should have put in place an interim administration for the North East consisting of technocrats and administrators for the speedy return to normalcy, rehabilitation of the refugees and re-building of the infra-structure. In addition to the interim administration, an advisory body consisting of respected and neutral Tamils to assist and advice the interim administration should have been appointed. On the political front Rajapakse government should have introduced further devolution measures to strengthen and broad-base the present Provincial Council system that would have satisfied the reasonable demands of the Tamils for devolution of power. This did not happen perhaps because the President came under the influence of Sinhala extremist elements. Had Mahinda Rajapakse gone ahead with a plan similar to the Marshall Plan introduced by the Americans to prevent the spread of Soviet Communism he could have prevented the revival of the LTTE by the Tamil Diaspora as it is happening now. TNA would not have had the legs to stand and get back to Parliament or to capture the majority votes among the Eastern Tamils as it happened in the last Eastern provincial council election. North East Tamils were full of hatred towards the LTTE shortly after the end of war and were even thankful to Mahinda Rajapakse for ending the terrorist reign of the LTTE. Mahinda Rajapakse has missed the bus. However, in my opinion he can still make a course correction and provide further devolution to the Tamils by strengthening the provincial council system or putting in place some other measures that would help devolve power to the Tamils. The present moves by certain elements within his government to remove the 13th amendment to the constitution will be disastrous not just for his government but for the whole country.

    I do not agree with Senguttuvan that there have not been any development in the North East after May 2009. He should go to the Eastern Province and see for himself the development work that is changing the face of towns like Batticaloa. There are new bridges and roads, water supply schemes, irrigation works etc tbhat were never seen before. Though some of these were in the pipeline as tsumami rehabilitation projects they really got off the ground after the end of the war.

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    The following is an exerpt from an interview D.B.S.Jeyaraj conducted with K. Pathmanathan the day after Deepavali (Daily Mirror, 17/11/2012):

    “Q: How did that happen?

    A: I used to be a youth activist in the Tamil United Liberation Front(TULF)My hometown of Myliddy was in the KKS (Kankesanthurai) electorate. After SJV Chelvanayakam it was Amirthalingam who was the MP for KKS . I used to argue with him then saying Tamil Eelam can be achieved only through armed struggle. One day, Amirthalingam introduced Prabhakaran to me and said you all must talk because both of you think alike. Later on another day I had a very long talk with Prabhakaran at the residence of Mavai Senathirajah who is a TNA parliamentarian now. After that discussion I became a helper and later member of the LTTE.”

    This illustates the dangers yet inherent in the TNA, as a succssor to the TULF. Mavai Senathirajah is yet around and is one more person trying to succeed Sambanthan ( Suresh Premachandran is the other).

    The TNA has not purged itself of such men in the post-war years and the men themselves have not cast themselves in a new mould of thinking and acting.

    Should the war-affected Tamils be placed in a position where they have to vote for the TNA for lack of alternatives and the people so elected thereafter claim they have the mandate to do what they very obviously intend to do?

    Sambanthan has to do before he departs the scene. He has to caste the TNA both in name, objectives and moudus operandi in a new mould. Radical changes are required. The unfortunate question is whether he has the guts and foresight to do so?

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Dr. Narendran,

    Since further exchanges between us will not help the Tamil cause, I will restrict my response to the very minimum. I seek to respond to some of your observations.

    Both Govts of Sri Lanka and India – after lengthy study by legal and other experts from both sides in 1987 – came to the conclusion the merger of the ancient Tamil majority populated areas of the North and Eastern Provinces into a single unit can heal the wounds of the past 30 years and open the path to peace and unity. It is necessary to remember these two Provinces remained the part of the Tamil Kingdom until the colonialists changed the Status Quo. This move in 1987 was also aimed at preventing the Separate State demanded by the LTTE. This contemporary recognition, in other words, is tacit acceptance by both governments of the 2 nations in the Island of Sri Lanka. This is what you misdirect yourself in crudely describing as “nonsense” “idiotic” “stupid” and so on in your state of tasteless rage.

    The TNA has placed on record – both in Parliament and in the international fora – their concern of deliberate absence of infra-structure development by the Govt. This too after receipt of large funds from the donor community sent to the Rajapakse regime for the purpose of post-war rebuilding infra-structure and rapid development projects in the NEP. Please remind yourself TNA MPs have visited every inch of the Tamil areas and know what has been done and what not. Here is what the Int’l Crisis Croup Report No.220 (2012) observation in this regard – which is a total contradiction of what you write here to mislead the readership :-

    “There has been reconstruction of some physical infrastructure and some improvement in
    living standards from the desperate low point of May 2009. Nonetheless, in all four areas where the government claims progress, the situation remains WORRYING (my emphasis): economic development FAILS to reach those most in need and the benefits of which are not DISRIBUTED at all EQUITABLY; GRAVE PROBLEMS still face most of those who have returned home well as an estimated 120,000 still displaced; large question marks about the treatment and future prospects of those released from “rehabilitation” camps as well as those who remain unaccounted for since being taken into custody; and a NEAR-COMPLETE absence of political space for the democratic expression of political views or effective influence on reconstruction policy for those who live in the north or their elected representatives.”

    Falls pretty short of your “unbelievable” services to the Tamil Nation by your patrons, don’t they? Tamil readers in this blog and elsewhere no doubt have taken note of the “Good Certificate” given by Tamils like you to the regime for services rendered to them. This is not what the much suffering Tamils in the North look for from Tamils advocating their cause. This is also part of the “tragedy” I was talking about.

    I agree with you in a formulae, until a popular mandate emerges, where positions to nominated experienced administrators and technocrats be created immediately to replace the current system where an unelected Sinhala ex-Army Governor imposes crucial decisions on behalf of the Tamil Nation. But the regime does not have the appetite to share this view is clear from their attitudes which ICG Report makes reference to. I do not want to get into this obstinacy of yours where you reject the TNA on everything. It is only a twisted idiot who would continue to take this line. Whether one likes it or not TNA have gained recognition as the legitimate popular representatives of the Tamil-speaking people in election after election

    contested fiercely where the State used armed proxies and the juggernaut of the army itself to win the majority Tamil vote. It is common knowledge there are many who have become virtual congenital anti-TNA simply because the latter have rejected their overtures to get into the TNA bandwagon

    I am with you the PC system has many features that requires change to the better. But let us, at least for a start, get the regime to allow us the basic minimum by way of early PC Election instead of empty rhetoric.

    Your attempt to identify me with the TGTE, GTA, GTE is a poor attempt to place me in disfavour with the Southern audience. The leadership of these organizations probably do not know who I am. I have no connections with them. However, I appreciate their dedicated and strident sacrifices to secure justice for Lankan Tamils through legitimate dissent in those countries where they are well established. I believe they cannot be bought off by bribing them with official positions in the regime’s team – a temptation many engaging in the discourse have their eyes on.


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      Dear Senguttuvan,

      Thanks. An hitherto unknown individual- who has to remain unknown even now- sent me a message in 2006, the highlights of which are as below:

      1. “I commented on an earlier article of yours. I repeat, there is a change in the Sinhala mind and perception. MR is a personal friend and we have discussed the Tamil issue several times between us.”

      2.”MR has taken other steps of urgent interest to the Tamils as well. He likes to go down in history as a man who brought peace to S/L in general and the Sinhalese in particular. Though not a great intellectual, he has enough savvy to realise unless the Tamil problem is solved to the satisfaction of the N/E Tamils not-so-ancient history (prior to the arrival of the Portugese) will be repeated.”

      “We must help the N/E Tamils to regain the life they enjoyed prior to the late 70s. They cannot, in their tens of thousands, be moved like cattle in Pol Pot style again. The full expression of Disraeli’s celebrated remarks – “If in the pursuit of a cause, if the limb of even a child is destroyed that cause is not worth its name” should relate to our people. Tamils should be treated with humanism, compassion and dignity whatever lofty the cause fought in their name.”

      What this friend of President Mahinda Rajapakse,then said seemed right to me then and have not been invalidated yet. Further, the sentiments on cattle-like Pol Pot style movement of the Tamils, also resonated with mine.

      Much water has flowed under the bridge since then, but thoughts of this ‘Rajapakse friend’ yet are over the bridge, in my perception, on account of their validity. However, I want the Tamils and the other Sri Lankans taken into the 21st century instead of to a period before the 1970’s.

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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    Naga – I am glad to hear from you there has been some development work in the EP in recent times. The last time I came there, there was’nt a decent place with running water and average sanitary conveniences by way of a Hotel to stay. At any rate, with Karuna as Minister and then demoted as Deputy Minister and with Pillaiyan as CM for years if there was no development worth mentioning the Govt would have been placed in a difficult situation in the eyes of Donors, the country and the world.


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    Wuliangguobinjiu says:

    “In that case happy hunting for I always admired the Apaches for hunting only what they needed for the day.”

    Sometimes you too talk sense, a quality rare among the Sri Lankies.

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      Well if it’s a compliment thanks for that but I I just hope it’s definitely not lankets when you say lankies does it mean amude? OMG that’s not my national costume ask rajaporkistan and familial.

      BTW everyone’s adversary talks nonsense don’t you think so!
      Happy Hunting.
      If you kill all the bees …….the world comes too…in 4 minutes.
      Einstein never said it he had dyslexia but the voice of the beekeepers did. :)

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    Dr. Narendran,

    In the quintessential British culture a Gentleman is one who is consistent in his views, commitments and general behaviour. MR sadly has engaged a reputation far from these. The exposes in Wikileaks, the tone of the Indian media studying the Lankan scene, the UK and British administration– are all awash with multiple instances of MR’s many aberrations..

    The state the National Question remains substantially unchanged since 2006. Rhetoric and fond wishes between friends have not been turned into welcome reality. The Agenda since is more focussed to loot and plunder than to serve, unite and bring peace. The latter was the crux of the earlier animated discussions in front of several friends, who remain witness. These form part of subjects of surprise and discussion when I meet some of these friends.

    In the context of our mutual interest, one must choose cooperation and dialogue in preference to further conflict and separation. I have been consistent in my position those who work towards this goal and engaged in it must be encouraged – then as now. It is in this spirit I reach out to new sources. But there are amongst us those weak of body and soul who might surrender to the temptations of office. In the furtherance of their quest to please their patrons, they can harm the wider cause of the Tamil Nation, which we will resist.

    The Tamil Nation of today know who their friends are. They know who speaks to whom and what. They cannot be easily fooled. The regime too expect – and probably insist – their collaborators to come to their defense – irrespective of whether they (regime) are right or wrong. As the old Sinhala saying goes “you can dress in the dark. But you must come out to the open to dance”


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    I deny some of your arguments. The truth is there was a only one nation which called ilankai belonged its people tamil. one of the mahanayaka therar who has written the mahavamsa has sent to ilankai by king Asoha after the kalingam war to spread the buddhism in ilankai. after sankamiththai came along with the stem of peepal tree.Then they plant the peepal tree everywhere in south and the trees they built maha Bodhi and Viharas still continuing to buiding. you can see buddah everywhere in the poses of laying down and relaxing,in the pose of sitting or standing with the gracious smile but always with closed eyes. do you know what he likes to say with his closed eyes ‘he says I renounced from my palace, family and the luxurious life for making the peace and love between the man. I failed and I don’t want see more the atrocities committed by the people those worship me as their god.
    I am very sad to say this,we and all the people around are in 21st century except the sinhala people in srilanka. even the sinhala young generation still in the stone age. they don’t understand basic human rights, respect of human beings. please try learn to share the human rights first. the geopolitical changes and the international community’s right moves will bring the solution for tamils. Justice never sleeps long term. very important tamils never see sinhala people as enemies….

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    I have followed most of the arguments advanced by Dr. Rajasingham Narendran. He was a cheer leader for MR during the war and he continues to be so even now. In that respect he is consistent in his idiosyncrasies. He dismisses with the sleight of hand the concept that Thamils constitute a Nation (So too the Sinhalese). Even the Britishers recognized the fact that from historical times two nations inhabited and occupied Ceylon. For sake of brevity I just give the well-known minute by Sir Hugh Cleghorn wrote in June 1799 to the UK Government:

    “Two different nations from a very ancient period have divided between them the possession of the Island. First the Sinhalese, inhabiting the interior of the country in its Southern and Western parts, and secondly the Malabars who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion, language and manners.” (Malabar meaning Tamil).
    If you read the history of Ceylon, both the Sinhalese and the Thamils lived in peace in their respective regions North, South and Central. There were even contract of marriages between Jaffna and Kandyan Royalties. In a multi-lingual, muti-racial and multi-religious country a federal polity is the best answer next to complete separation. You can see this in a country like Canada. The English and French the founding nations after the first nation living in peace. Even when there is a dispute, they talk it over. As for the development Dr.Narendran is harping, the roads and bridges are meant to serve the armed forces and not the civilians. The government has grabbed lands belonging to the Thamil people to build army and naval bases, cantonments, residential homes, hotels, holiday resorts, war memorials, viharas etc. There are over 142 military camps in Vanni in the midst of civilian population. Due to this over 93,000 IDPs are still waiting settlement in their own land and homes. In Valigamam North 30,000 people are living in welfare centres because the army has forcibly taken over their land. Out of 11,000 acres, the army is still occupying approximately 6,000 acres. Army Commander Mahinda Hathurusinghe says the army needs the land for expansion of military facilities. There are over 4,000 families in Sampur living under wretched conditions for the last year because the army has declared 10,000 acres of land as HSZs. Moves are afoot to construct a coal fired 500 MW (2X250 MW) Thermal plant by the CEB in a 50:50 joint venture with the largest power generation utility of India, National Thermal Power Corporation Limited. It will cost USD 500 million. Finally, I have no time waste with Narendran about development. Can you name a single factory put up in the North-east during the last 4 years? If development is what the Thamils want, how do you explain the rout of the government party and its allies in presidential, parliamentary and Pradesh Sabha elections held since May 19, 2009? Please give an honest answer and not your usual rigmarole! Not dismissing with a waive of hand as ” lies, exaggerations an political hyperbole,pedalled by those with vested interest in chaos.”

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      Thanks for your belated comment. It would be more accurate to say that I was a crusader against the LTTE and a voice for the Tamils rendered voiceless by the LTTE cheer leaders. I also appreciate your ate station to my consistency, which implies a persistency in upholding what I perceive is the truth. As DBSJ has written today, the attempt by those who had backed the LTTE and its actions to the hilt to become Human Rights Advocates now, is what is degrading the justified Tamil cause.

      Since you have taken pains to research by articles and comments on the rest of the case you make, I will not comment further.
      Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

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    Yes, I have read DBSJ vomit. He has recycled his earlier vomit with hardly any additions. In that respect, DBSJ and you are in good company barking at the LTTE – something like life time sport. Both of you take refuge under the subterfuge that the silent majority (Thamils) are against the LTTE. The sad thing is both of you are denationalised Thamils and loners. DBSJ lives in Toronto has no friends or following. He uses his vitriolic pen like you to demonize and denigrate the LTTE from the comfort of his chair in Toronto. He has not stepped foot in Ceylon since 1989. He is out of touch with reality. He surmises that Thamils in Diaspora were forced/coerced to give contributions to the LTTE. Only a lunatic will harbour such illusions. The fact remains that the LTTE enjoyed popular support both within and outside Eelam. There is not a shadow of doubt about it. LTTE ran an efficient de facto government free of corruption, crime, cronyism and nepotism. Their courts dispensed sppedy justice. They ran schools, farms and built model housing schemes with drinking water, toilets etc. for the poor people. One of them is the model housing scheme comprising 500 units at Sooriyapuram 10 km from Puthukudieruppu. I saw this model housing scheme when I was in Vanni for almost 2 months in 2004. Today, the army has appropriated their land and left them to fend for themselves! This is only one example. On 24 September, Security Forces Commander Maj-Gen Boniface Perera said the last group of 1,186 IDPs from the war would be resettled in their villages in Mullaitivu. The Commander then officially closed the Menik on September 25, 2012 amid protests by 346 IDPs from the village of Kepapilavu who claimed they were being relocated against their will. However, according to the 346 displaced from Kepapilavu, that did not happen. There they cannot return to their homes because their land has been taken over by the military. “When officials arrived on Tuesday [25 September], people started weeping and asking why they were being brought to Seeniyamottai when their homes were in Kepapilavu. So this is Mahinda Rajapaksa’s style re-settlement dumping Thamil IDPs in the jungles of Puthukudieruppu. Of course the army Commander ‘happily’ announced that there are no more IDP camps. All IDPs have been resettled in their homes! (http://www.irinnews.org/report/96416/SRI-LANKA-Final-batch-of-Menik-Farm-IDPs-relocated) Even Nazi Information Minister will envy Maj-Gen Boniface Perera’s barefaced lies! Can any one beat this perfidy and trickery? And you both are talking about development by the Sinhala – Buddhist fascist government! Don’t both of you listen to BBC Thamil Osai? Please do and listen to the woes and harrowing tales of my people languishing in tarpaulin huts without basic necessities of life for the last 44 months. Kokkuththoduvai, Naayaru and Kokkulai are traditional Thamil villages in Mullaitheevu district. On December 23, 1983 the people of these villages were chased out by the army. The area was declared a HSZ. After the war when the villagers wanted to return to their original homes, they found Sinhalese are in occupation. The Thamils have their deeds, but they are of no use. Before the war in Kokkulai there were only 28 Sinhalese fishing families. Today, 225 Sinhalese families have now occupied this village. At Mulliyavalai attempts are made by supporters of a powerful Minister to evacuate the Thamil families. Minister’s goons have gone their in bulldozers and threatened the families. Yesterday, the government announced that 10,000 Sinhalese will be resettled in Vanni soon. The government propose to build houses. During the war Mahinda Rajapaksa gleefully talked of freeing the Thamil people from the clutches of LTTE’s tyranny. Now we know that was glib talk to dupe the international community. Sri Lanka is a rogue state where there is no rule of law, democracy, freedom of speech, human rights and time honoured democratic principles. It breaks my heart and makes me lose sleep. It is time you both grow up and don’t take with you the curse of my people to your graves! Thamils, irrespective of their religion firmly believe the adage that one has to pay for his acts both past and present either in this world or the world beyond.

    அரசியல் பிழைத்தோருக்கு அறங்கூற்றாவதும்,
    உரைசால் பத்தினியை உயர்ந்தோர் ஏத்தலும்,
    ஊழ்வினை உறுத்து வந்தூட்டும் என்பதூம்,
    நாட்டுதும் யாம் ஓர் பாட்டுடைச் செய்யுள்!
    That virtue itself is the executioner of those who err in politics
    That the great will ever praise a chaste woman of great virtue
    That fate will inevitably follow and give the fruits of ones past actions
    (Because the anklet was the basis for these truths) There is time left to make amends. Use your writing skills to expose the fascist dictatorship of Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government, the pathetic plight of Thamil IDPs, the militarization and Budhistization of North-east.

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