By Colombo Telegraph –
Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe on Saturday making a statement in Parliament urges Speaker to issue guidelines.
“I have no specific grudge against the Chief Justice about the 18th Amendment but I have been a vocal critic of the Supreme Court for what I say have been the fact that they have taken away the Fundamental Rights of the people. On that others may disagree, but on that I stand. Similarly, I have also praised the Supreme Court on certain judgments like the Appropriation Bill and the Z score. But as far as I am concerned, I’d like to say that it is best if the media stops bothering us as to why we are voting for or against or anything. We still have not decided on the procedure, we are meeting you only on Monday. So I think you will have to give some statement.” Wickremesinghe said.
Following are excerpts from Wickremesinghe’s statement:
As you are aware, a Resolution under Article 107 of the Constitution has been given in respect of the Chief Justice and the House today is in exercise from the time it was given of its judicial functions.
Unfortunately, some of the media have been making various insinuations. I’ve got one which is in the Financial Times which states that I either have some grudge against the Chief Justice on the 18th Amendment or that I am talking with the President and so many other things.
As far as I am concerned and my party – this is a judicial matter on which we are not going to comment. We should not be asked to comment – this is not normal like the Budget. And I have said, media can always write whether it is good or bad, even the Financial Times.
I have no specific grudge against the Chief Justice about the 18th Amendment but I have been a vocal critic of the Supreme Court for what I say have been the fact that they have taken away the Fundamental Rights of the people. On that others may disagree, but on that I stand.
Similarly, I have also praised the Supreme Court on certain judgments like the Appropriation Bill and the Z score. But as far as I am concerned, I’d like to say that it is best if the media stops bothering us as to why we are voting for or against or anything. We still have not decided on the procedure, we are meeting you only on Monday. So I think you will have to give some statement.
I will criticise the Supreme Court like I criticised the Financial Times for not talking about KRRISH building, covering it up and not putting the facts outside there. So if they don’t do their duty, it’s useless asking us. Media can comment as to what they have to do, without talking about the position of the person concerned, the Chief justice or any of the other names that are mentioned.
I found that the Daily News – I will send that copy to you – has been saying that the CJ is guilty. Now they are trying to do our job before we have done that. So I think you will have to warn the media, tell these people to correct it and lay down some guidelines till we finish this, otherwise the media has become a nuisance to us. I mean, let them say what they have to say, no need to be asking us.
Safa / November 12, 2012
Problem with RW is he does things according to the book whereas MR resorts to various underhand acts and subterfuge. Thats why he loses all the time. Politics is not a gentlemans game any more.
However this has not prevented him from having his own sideshow at Sri Kotha and the UNP. Perhaps he perceives this too as according to the rules laid down by himself.
gamini / November 12, 2012
Safa, you have the capacity to understand that RW does things according to the rules whereas MR resorts to underhand tactics. You also admit that this as the reason for RW’s faliure. Do you seriously suppose that RW should act worse than MR merely to win? In other words you encourage wrong against right?
Safa / November 13, 2012
I do not suggest that RW bend to the same level but he is naive to just keep quoteing from the book and not making any effort to counter the underhand actions of MR. He prefers to simply keep quiet and do nothing. Simply quoting from the scriptures is not going to get us anywhere. If he cannot talk allow the others in his party to speak. Instead he acts like an pocket dictator.
Senaka / November 13, 2012
RW is a looser and a dictator of the highest order – power hungry and insecure – he uses minorities like a foot ball.
Let us not forget that he and his party burnt the agreement for power-sharing with minorities that was crafted in Chandrika’s first term as President in PARLIAMENT by GL Peris and Neelan Thiruchlvam after a five year select committee process!
Now he pretends to play by the book – but he is really only interested in remaining dictator of the UNP. The impeachment of the CJ has given him a great opportunity to push through his dictatorship at the UNP December 1 convention, because it distracts from his abominable behaviour.
RW is truly the scum of the earth!
Dodo / November 13, 2012
Ranil is so useless! Does he not know that if he wants to win elections and hearts and minds he needs to stop attacking the media and cultivate a good relationship with them?!
The guy is a massive looser!
gamini / November 13, 2012
Safa is it that this society is unaware of the deceit and foul play committed by MR? Has RW got to get to the streets and continue shouting same? If the society is not taking head of MR’s antics but some join the band wagon to berate RW asking for him to be replaced, do you seriosly believe that things will come right? If as you suggest RW allow all to do and say as they want, what mayhem there would be and where we will end up as a society is not difficult to judge. The answer to change is not in the hands of RW but us citizens in electing him, if we are sincere in restoring Democracy and Development.
Safa / November 13, 2012
Since Ranil is the leade of the opposition he is responsible for doing something as well as galvanising public opinion against the Govt. By playing the deaf and dumb role he is abdicating his reposibilty.
People are not impressed by his talk of gold chains and denims for youth. Even his own party members are rebelling aginst him. UNP under him is a mere skeleton of what it was under JR with stalwarts like Lalith, Gamini, Premadasa et. He has no succession plan. Even the seniors who run behind him are deprived of their true potential. So people are not going to vote for UNP with such a weak character at the helm. I wonder if the UNP is so bankrupt that it cannot manage without Ranil?
Leela / November 13, 2012
I wish RanilW continues follow his ‘honest’ ways, so he will never ever become even a minor Minister of this country.
One has to reminiscence few feature articles of the Sunday Leader under Janzs and daily newscasts by Sirasa not so long ago if he/she want to dig evidence for RanilW’s ‘honesty’. Leave that aside, Lakbima news on Sunday; 20 Nov 2011 had listed 20 violations of the UNP constitution by RanilW. Long list included corruption, funding his private pleasures with party money, dictatorial appointments, vindictive dismissals, denial of the rightful place due to long-standing party loyalists, cronyism, sexual abuse, and suppression of talent to favor incompetent toy boys among other violations. And that charge sheet has decisively divided the UNP into two irreconcilable camps.
True, RanilW has the numbers needed in the UNP Working Committee and in the Advisory Committee to win the party leadership battle by manipulations in the end. In spite of all the tricks in the book, RanilW failed to regain confidence of the long time party supporters at electorate level. Why? Because RanilW has not evaluated reasons for his past failures and corrected them earnestly.
If RanilW cannot win the trustworthiness at party-vice could he win it in general-vice? Just ask any member or hierarchy in the UNP, all of them tell you privately that RanilW cannot win an election. How can the people at large trust him when his own party loyalists don’t trust him?
American Ambassador, E. Ashley Wills, confirmed RanilW’s pro-West mentality through Wikileaks. He wrote: “Since coming to power in late 2001, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has taken steps to steer Sri Lankan foreign policy closer to the U.S. Wickremesinghe’s pro-U.S. views have been long-standing and are in part a function of family connections. His uncle, J.R. Jayewardene, for example, was Sri Lanka’s president from the late 1970s through the late 1980s, and maintained very close links with the U.S.”
That alone is enough to prove that RanilW had leaned towards the West hoping the so-called IC would come to his rescue with money and assistance to rein LTTE in 2001 when he became Prime Minister. Though his CFA had soon become a one sided joke and billions of dollars that was promised to him by the IC never came RanilW never accepted that IC has other motives.
RanilW has bitten so many IC pills he got mixed up with Tamil grievances with Tamil terrorism and aspiration. But people learned the true face of the IC when Millbands tried to save Pirapakaran. People started to despise RanilW for he and his lackeys had mocked and ridiculed the government war efforts to crush terrorist LTTE.
The highest percentage RanilW polled was 45%. That was in 2001 and before he signed the CFA. Since signing of the CFA – two suicidal acts in 2002 his popularity has been steadily declining. How many elections he lost; I lost the count? Today, it stands less than 25% with more and more UNPers drifting away from him, or rebelling against him. Gamini; you can dream from Salford; but it’s a pipe dream to expect RanilW to rule Sri Lanka again.
Dinuk / November 13, 2012
Ranil is the most universally disliked and despised leader the UNP has ever had! He has and is collaborating with the Rajapakse dictatorship in Lanka even as he pursues his own dictatorship within the UNP!
Bob / November 13, 2012
Leela, if I were you, I would have kept quiet. Because as many of us feel here – you just add Grossmutter comments – not respecting any burning issues rightly the folks are facing.
I simply wonder why your ilk of peoplefail to realizze the dragonian nature of the incumbent and his acts.
I have no doubt in the months to come – ,majority of the volks will realize there is no other leader than RW that we the nation should repect in terms of saving the nation. Alone his nature of respecting paragraphs andn rule of law is more than valuble to lead this nation. Please focus your stupid mind on this than anyting else – you as 70 year old should have more experience in the life in and out of asian continent.
Bob / November 13, 2012
I dont mind you v b een leelawardhana (MR), Leela (MS) OR anyone whose gender is in between, but names of the nation please focus on the alarming issues that we the nation are facing today- just because of the ill fated ruling of the uneducated thugs. Leberating the folks and country from LTTErs is a collective work, but now it is done at least within the country – in the post war episodes, IC are in the opinion that we are still in volatile situation…. so if the king has managed to settle the war – why has he been unable to prove it in the aftermath of the post war… ?
Wait and see, how it would end up – meaning the CJ issue, that will pave the way towards another Somalia or Myanmar. If CJ is requested to declare her assets – no wrong if the nation would raise the question every law makers incl MR and PM of the country have to come with their openness about their assets.
PresiDunce Bean / November 13, 2012
…this was taken from http://www.lankanewsweb.com which is blocked in SL. If you live in SL, use a proxy site to access the site.
CJ beats the President – SIS report reveals
Tuesday, 13 November 2012 05:38 Lanka News Web
A confidential report given to President Mahinda Rajapaksa by the state intelligence service (SIS) has revealed that Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake has beaten the President in popularity, a senior government minister said.
The SIS has carried out the survey based on several districts. The previous study had revealed that the President enjoyed a 55% popularity level. However, the Chief Justice has now beaten him to the top slot.
The sample surveys have revealed that the President’s popularity level has declined to 45%. The Chief Justice now enjoys a 49% popularity level. There are a 6% of the people who do not like either of them.
Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe has increased his level of popularity by beating Sarath Fonseka where the popularity levels of opposition politicians are concerned.
Amongst governing party members, it is Minister Basil Rajapaksa who has come to the top of the popularity list.
We hope to publish the entire report as soon as we receive it.
Leela / November 13, 2012
Thank you for inviting me to read lankanewsweb. Though I live in Sri Lanka, I have access to our company server in the UK. So I gaze through lankaenews, tamilnet and other banned websites in Sri Lanka regularly.
Kasun / November 12, 2012
yh…SIRASA and etc is acting like ”NO end of them selves”….
Silva / November 12, 2012
Safa, taking from where JR left who pioneered internet and communication revolution in Sri Lanka? None other than Ranil! So here you are with all the internet and other accessories and facilities of modern communication! And now see the difference between you and Ranil! Like the sky and the earth! No? And why is this difference? That’s the question nobody knows the answer to! Let me help you here. The difference lies in the wisdom, perception, self-respect, integrity, conscience and one’s moral strength and nobleness! Don’t worry if you can’t understand because these are distant realities and values in your lives! The wordings, tone and timbre of your soul is one that is defeated, subjugated and run over by the “various underhand acts and subterfuge” of the Rajapakshas. You profess and proclaim to have been completely submerged by the thousand and one perversions of Rajapaksha yet seem to admire and be proud of your deplorable subjugation! You seem to harbour a conflict between Ranil’s ways “according to the book” and MR’s ways according to the whims and fancies of the stupid ignorant majority masses! You seem to abhor Ranil’s “according to book” attitude and therefore principled, refined, democratizing and conservative approach and happily embrace the mararized, terrorizing, perverted, deplorable, crooked, illegal and orgean ways as the acceptable, winning and recommended modus operandi! And when Ranil conducts proceedings according to the prescribed principles of the constitution and convention, for people like you it is “rules laid down by himself (Ranil)”! You are wonderful people! No wonder you have a lunatic like MR as your self-proclaimed king and you are ardent supporters of him!
gamini / November 12, 2012
Silva sometimes I wonder why some act indifferently being educated where the Norms of Truth, Justice, Discipline and Decency is a common yardstick for all of us and to all societies the world over. Yet how some try to bend these entities to their personal ends in place of what they stand for, baffles me.
Safa / November 13, 2012
My dear we did not get access to the inernet or communications due to RW. You are simply trying to elevate this wimp to the level of Bill Gates. All these politicians want to take credit for what others do. Even banana republics have internet today and they didnt have any wizz kids like RW.
RW was never groomed for succesion even by his uncle JR who no doubt was aware of his indecision and weak character. He happens to be the present Leader of the party because people like Gamini D and Lalith A where bumped of. Meantime he is preventing leaders like Karu Ja nd Sajth P from coming up.
When it is clear that there are unlawful and illegal methods sre used then as the leader of the opposition he should get onto the streets and see that these injustices are corrected. Instead to sit tight and pontificate is clearly his weakness.
Bob / November 13, 2012
Balderdash !
Development of TV and Internet communication has nothing to do with RW or MR, even in poorest afro states, there is interent access not every corner depending on their literary rate, but that kind of IT revolution is unstoppable in any democractic country. Any leader could easily support such a rapid development in any country. Except few arab nations, almost every nations are accessed to internet today. Dependent of the literary and several other factors however influence in the rapid growth of IT technology with a country.
Road development and telecommunication to the village level was started in the CBK govt. I am not a party sympathizer, but we could clearly observe all these – as ones who left the country decades ago and when keep visiting home yearly.
In hindsight however our people cant distinguish any good thing of anyone.They are simply not grateful to anything. That is where the nation is standing today. This has been the nature of them.Nor have they respect to anyone. I agree with few things that are commented on RW in this forum, but even if protests cant bring much, he can lead debates in the parliament. For that purpose, he and the opposition should be there in the parliament not to stay silent while allowing the buggers to get passed any AMDs according to them. Not the grave issue with CJand judiciary but at the time, crime investigations began to be dependent to the ruling mentality, it is becoming clearer as the nation lacks a powerful opposition. Some accuse him of being close to MR, while the others say – no RW is simply not able of handling anything, while there are also significant masses who believe that RW is the genuine leader for the future of country, but nothing seems to be supportive the latter. I personally, I respect RW as an uncorrupted leader. But alone being uncorrupted but not reacting accordingly – cant bring none of us forward. He should study himself where he has gone wrong during the entire 3 decades in which he is in active politics.
As I see it – first thing that we the nation need right at the moment bring back lost law and order enforcement issue – THAT IS THE FOUNDATION FOR COUNRTY^S FUTURE. Joint opposition can surely work on this if they are genuine.
Safa / November 13, 2012
Just tell me one thing this man has done for the country other than your claim that he was responsible for internet and communications?
Of course he is infamous for Batalanda and that infamous peace deal with VP. If he had the will he could have finished the war at that time and not left it to MR.
gamini / November 13, 2012
Safa one can understand your ire against RW and your political inclination when you stll continue to harp on Batalanada. All JVPers still do. For your information the present Tertiary Education for all those who could not enter any University was commenced by RW when he functioned as Junior Min. of Education. He was able to turn around the Countries Economy that had gone in to Recession, during his brief stay as PM. RW has not robbed public funds as your type who tried to keep the rank and file of the JVP with public Funds allocating for a so called 10000 Tank Restoration Programme as Basil 10% is currently trying to do through Divi Naguma. Besides What have you done to this Country???
Safa / November 13, 2012
For your info I do not support the JVP but have voted for the UNP in the past. Not any more because they have achieved nothing. So I dont care what the JVP promised or how many tanks they built.
However I am critical of RW not because I am against the policies of the UNP but because he is gradually destroying the party. The UNP is bigger than Ranil but under his stewardship it has become ‘The Leaders’ party.
I dont want to say too much about Batalanda and his Secretary Gonawela Sunil except that he is not the Mr Clean he claims to be. Even members of the JVP were human beings and had human rights.
Regarding my role in this land; I am an ordinary citizen working in the private sector. Over the years I have contributed to the development of this country through my professional expertise and upholding the ethics of my profession. I have helped people in my private capacity irrespective of race or religon.
Bob / November 13, 2012
Why cant your ilk of people remember until MR came to power – there was a cease fire agreement that indeed saved the lives of thousands during those 3or 4 years. Is that not a good thing that RW managed to do as PM in the short lived Govt ?
Where have you found any corrupted issues sofar – against RW ?I mean corruptions in which millions or billions went missing ?
I know the folks in the country today- would RATHER support more to corruption than the opposite – nation IS turned MR like. A leader of a country is above corruption – no talks need to be about the general public, SADLY :(
It is the lanken PR machineries that have made worst the image of RW. Even if he is accused of not having backbone to face the challenges – there is no other leader will be able to wake up the nation from the MONSTTROUS situation that they are fallen in today – As one Silva had clearly commented – the masses today are not into respect, dignity and the other values of humanbeings. People have to be educated to make them clear the difference.
Silva / November 14, 2012
“..Over the years I have contributed to the development of this country through my professional expertise and upholding the ethics of my profession…”
Don’t write dog shit! If you were a real professional and had professional ethics you wouldn’t have failed to realize that Ranil too had political and moral ethics! I would quote a valuable comment from a crusader elsewhere in this forum although I do not agree to his “Ranil is unlikely to be elected in this country”:
“..Ranil is clearly one of the few intelligent politicians left in Sri Lanka. It is therefore no surprise that he cannot gain popularity amongst the masses.
Ranil’s intelligence raises him above the lowest common denominator, where the likes of Leela sit. Sadly, Sri Lanka’s voting population is made up of many more Leelas than say Gaminis or Bobs. As a result, Ranil is unlikely to ever be elected into power in Sri Lanka again. That does not mean he should sell his soul and lose his integrity to appeal to the likes of Leela.
Roshan / November 12, 2012
“I have no specific grudge against the Chief Justice about the 18th Amendment but I have been a vocal critic of the Supreme Court for what I say have been the fact that they have taken away the Fundamental Rights of the people. On that others may disagree, but on that I stand.”
Is it his position that he is not against the impeachment motion going ahead because the court has taken away people’s fundamental rights? What a joke!
Pardonnez moi, I do not recall coming across any of his criticisms of the Court. Perhaps some one could help me find them please! But why lay the failure of the Court under successive CJ’s at Shirani Bandaranayake’s door? Sounds like he comes from the clan of kekille rajjuruwo.
When JR was in power (and he was very much a part of that government ) I never heard him condemn the stoning of the judges’ residence.
Silva / November 13, 2012
“…Is it his position that he is not against the impeachment motion going ahead because the court has taken away people’s fundamental rights? What a joke!…”
Roshan, however hard you try to conceal your half-cooked knowledge and whatever civilized phrases you throw in to inflate and decorate your empty vanity, you cannot even superficially challenge the logical, legal and constitutional points raised by Ranil! This type of embarrassment befalls on empty and conceited people like you. This is also a case of a donkey trying to do the work of the dog! You see, this is the problem with half-educated people like you. Because of your vanity you seem to try to give instructions even to the CJ of the country on how to do its job! I will give you one advice. Put aside your vanity and conceit and read and understand what Ranil has said-I hope you understand English! What Ranil has essentially said is that he strongly criticizes Supreme Court because it has taken away the fundamental rights of the people by not allowing people to decide on the 18A. His stance of protecting the independence of judiciary is clearly visible in his not gossiping about the impeachment proceedings in the parliament, on the street, in front of media whore’s cameras and near the bathing well of the women, if you like that, because if he does that as your miscarriage wisdom advocates, legally he becomes disqualified to be present in the PSC to deliberate the impeachment. Not only he but he instructed others too of his party not to comment on the issue lest they render themselves unqualified for the hearing. And here come the empty utensils like you and make a big clamor that Ranil is deriving a sadistic pleasure on the fate that befell CJ! You know, when you have a physical illness you can be treated-go to the doctor, get examined, get laboratory test reports etc. and get treatments. But when people, there are many such people on this forum writing bullshit, contract the voluntary brain death no one can help you! RIP….
Mark / November 13, 2012
RW has done a remarkable job under very trying circumstances. These circumstances go from the assasination of almost the entire UNP leader ship by the LTTE before and after he became its leader, The body blows delivered by the most crooked CJ of Sri Lanka against the UNP to name a few. It is his principles that have enabled him to survive and keep the UNP going. He blocks no one from leader ship in the UNP that is a cannard. The two names mentioned one lost the leadership ballot the other is the deputy leader of the UNP! The one who lost the ballot was brought into the UNP by RW. He then chose to cross over and then cross back and was taken back with the same ranking as he had when he left. Is this what a power hungry politician would do?? You do not openly slander the supreme court and you do not express your opinions about impeachment when you are the jury before the case has even commenced. That is the gist of what he has said.
latif / November 13, 2012
JR, Premadasa, Chandrika, Mahinda.. All practised underhand shit… Ranil used it only once, when he was signing that shit paper with Pirabhakaran… Ranil is good for nothing… Well may be for homo’s like Viraj but not for general public…!
Lanka Muslim, UK / November 13, 2012
Is the subject of discussion is ‘shit’ and ‘homo’? Why not come out with some sensible views to provoke healthy discussion?
Pandukabaya de Silva / November 13, 2012
yes agree with you there Lanka Muslim!
gamini / November 13, 2012
Here we as decent human beings are discussing ways and means of how to bring back sanity and decorum to this society and we have to contend with the uncultured as above?
Silva / November 14, 2012
latif, you are wrong and you forgot the last occasion he used his “underhand shit” which is when he buttfucked your m….r to beget a shit bundle like you!
Navin Weeraratne / November 14, 2012
Ranil is clearly one of the few intelligent politicians left in Sri Lanka. It is therefore no surprise that he cannot gain popularity amongst the masses.
Ranil’s intelligence raises him above the lowest common denominator, where the likes of Leela sit. Sadly, Sri Lanka’s voting population is made up of many more Leelas than say Gaminis or Bobs. As a result, Ranil is unlikely to ever be elected into power in Sri Lanka again. That does not mean he should sell his soul and lose his integrity to appeal to the likes of Leela.
gamini / November 14, 2012
Navin all of you will be in for a big surprise when the day dawns.
Silva / November 14, 2012
Safa et al,
“..we did not get access to the inernet or communications due to RW.. “;”..Even banana republics have internet today and they didnt have any wizz kids like RW..”; “..Just tell me one thing this man has done for the country other than your claim that he was responsible for internet and communications? ..”
Am I watching 7.00pm news (lies) telecast of Sirasa bankrupt media whore channel!? Put aside your preconceived notions about RW and speak with an impartial UNPer well versed with the chronological and historical facts about the party to rectify your misguided line of thinking.
Some of the achievements of Ranil: the rapport established with foreign countries as Dy. Minister of Foreign Affairs and assistance obtained from them, improvements and facilities provided to national and international sports and as a result emergence of talented sportsmen and sportswomen in national and international level, introduction of computers and televisions to schools in keeping with the modern trends in the world for improvement of education, setting up of Maharagama Youths Council, Bellwood Village, Maharagama National Institute of Education, Siyane National College of Education in Veyangoda, Sariputta National College of Education in Nittambuwa and Pasdunrata National College of Education in Kalutara, Educational Administrative Service, Automobile Engineering Training Institutes in various parts of the country for school leavers, Free Trade Zones in Koggala, Mirigama, Wathupitiwala, Horana, Polgahawela and Avissawella and the huge economic boost brought into the country, conducting feasibility studies for the setting up of Hambanthota harbor, signing agreements with Japan for the construction of Highway network in the country, construction of houses for estate workers and improving their living conditions etc.
He was a faithful supporter of his leader and generously protected R Premadasa in the impeachment in stark contrast to Sajith Premadasa whose father was protected by Ranil. The rice production was improved to such an extent that rice was exported generating additional income to the farmers, ending of electricity crisis in the country during his government etc. Many of these he achieved not as the head of the state but holding other portfolios of the government. The internet and communication technologies were not solely introduced by him; during Chandrika’s time steps had been taken in this regard. But in the overall picture Ranil played a major role in the introduction of new technologies to the country.
You are suffering from dementia and ungrateful disease. Go back to the pre 1977 era and remember how everyone suffered-no food, no cloth, no jobs, rice barriers, chilli barriers, kerosene barriers, battery barriers, tyre barriers, all sorts of imaginable barriers, and the endless queues for bread, co-operatives and for everything, think about how you obtained medicines from hospitals! And did you have internet or cellphones those days? Were you able to travel abroad? The people of this country had been virtually shut down and cut down from the rest of the world! People were looking at the skies and the moon for rice and grains! Having enjoyed and continuing to enjoy all the benefits of the economic, social, governance, educational, technological, moral and every-aspect-of-life revolution ushered by the UNP government under JR of which Ranil played a major part in continuing that tradition and heritage in subsequent stages, you come and say “any banana republic has internet” etc. and other banana talks and wizz kids tales! Before you criticize Ranil, buy a box of matches and a bottle of kerosene that too out of the money you earned due to the economic revival brought in by the UNP government of which Ranil was an integral part, write a confession that you have lived a life of an ungrateful parasite by enjoying the benefits of an economy that was heavily contributed to by the very person whom you criticize as a good for nothing loser and therefore you are now going to disown your debt to him and first set fire to your house which was the result of that economy and then set fire to yourself who is also the product of that economy!
“..Of course he is infamous for Batalanda and that infamous peace deal with VP. If he had the will he could have finished the war at that time and not left it to MR.”
This is where you proclaim your hollowness and play the worn out rag record every fool on this land has hitherto played to announce his moronism! Mahinda Rajapaksha, what did he do to get rid of LTTE? He just killed it!!!? Still don’t get it? LTTE was against the constitution, against the country, against the government, against the people and it was a terrorist movement. So it was necessary to end the LTTE and MR did what any government would do to end it! How he did it and what laws he broke in doing that was a different question. The same applies to JVP insurrection and Batalanda. But Ranil was not responsible for Batalanda killings. Premadasa was the head of state and Ranjan Wijeratne was in charge of defense. A court case too has exonerated Ranil from the allegations. So this Batalanda talk is just empty diatribe.
As for “infamous peace deal” in the first place your derailed attitude indicates your own infamous mentality in grasping the meaning of certain methodologies of governance and international approaches and diplomacy. In gauging the impact of Peace Accord (PA) the shit-valued idea from you does not offer any reliable measure but the LTTE themselves admitted that the PA was a death blow to them because it splintered the movement, Army and Navy were reinforced during that period, LTTE cadres got married and the world was opened to them and hence the LTTE leadership could not keep the militaristic mentality of the cadres going due to their exposure to the free world outside all of which finally contributed to the weakening of the movement. Locally in the South, people had freedom, a sense of security and the booming of the economy which Chandrika had rendered negative. In the meantime Ranil prepared the country for any exigency. Sarath Fonseka was appointed as the commander of Jaffna, established military co-operation with US and British, procured military hardware, obtained new military technology, military training was improved etc. Internationally, the antagonistic mentality of the world against Sri Lanka was diluted because the PA provided them with a yardstick to measure the allegations from both sides-how many times the LTTE broke the SFA as against Sri Lanka. The international community who had been misled and miss-fed by the LTTE with wrong information, facts and data began to see the true picture with the eyes of the independent observers of the CFA. The CFA was the only and last option Ranil had to resort to because Chandrika led SLFP government had destroyed the economy to minus growth Sri Lankan economy was not in a position to undertake a war! During the short period Ranil put the economy back on track, reversed the minus economy, weakened the LTTE and was ready to usher the country into the golden era of its history through the implementation of the Regaining Sri Lanka programme. After the JR’s Open Economy revolution successive governments had failed to continue the momentum that JR had gathered and therefore another catalyst had to be set in motion to fulfill the country’s dream of true development like the other developed countries. Regaining Sri Lanka was the master plan Ranil had conceived to fulfill that aspiration of the country. Unfortunately in a land full of unfortunate ungrateful fools who only opt for suffering to happiness, repression to freedom, ignorance to intelligence, subjugation to unchaining, poverty to affluence the JVPers and the Chandrika bitch caused the unseating of UNP government! And from that day on each and every bugger of this land has paid a heavy price for their ignorance and misfortune. You are still groping in the darkness. The country has been shattered and destroyed, sold and mortgaged to every exploiter in the world and no end seems to be in the horizon to all this abject hopelessness. The irony of fate is that people like you have still not understood the self-destruction they are causing to yourself!
“..RW was never groomed for succesion even by his uncle JR who no doubt was aware of his indecision and weak character. .”
By the brilliance Ranil now displays, the masterful approaches he makes in all areas of decent politics, his resilience and endurance against all the odds and deplorable unjustified falsified mudslinging at him, his survival despite the virtual assassination of his party from within and without, the international acclaim he commands among all the renowned and great personalities all around the world, the constitutionality, logicality, conformity and “ecology“ with which he conducts the activities of his office, I am sure even JR must have been wrong and could not make out the great politician in Ranil! But don’t worry! Here we are, with the full package and capacity. Just cast your vote for him and he will deliver! He does not seek anything from you even your vote! He only reminds you that we collectively have to get out of this despot madness and fashion our own destination! It is up to you to choose your own destination!
“..He happens to be the present Leader of the party because people like Gamini D and Lalith A where bumped of..” “..Meantime he is preventing leaders like Karu Ja nd Sajth P from coming up. .”
Hah.. That is why JR did not “groom” Ranil! JR groomed three idiots but they discarded their mission statement and the objective JR had in his mind when he launched that “groom” move and quarreled among them for power and ultimately perished disappointing JR and wasting his efforts! Leaders cannot be “groomed”, broomed or pampered as in the case of Sajith! In fact GD was not a UNPer originally, they have SLFP genes from birth because look where his son is today! And your savior Karu Ja has still not been able to salvage his son-in-law from MARA spell into UNP!!!! And we can very clearly come to the verdict as to what kind of a mentally incapacitated and misled person you are when you recommend Karu Ja and Sajith for UNP leadership!!! This is the farce of the century!!! In the immediate history of this country we have all witnessed the mockery comedies these two jokers have been staging with the connivance of Sirasa whore! KJ used to crawl to Welikada with his sarong raised to see Fonny to sacrifice Fonny against Ranil and achieve their own peronal political goals, Sajith too like a retired jackal crept in to the cell for the same reasons! They tried every trick and brick in the book and Sirikotha building but could not move a hair of Ranil. Sajith being a foregone loser at the very outset fielded KJ to grab leadership from Ranil but look what happened ultimately! They now blame like then the WC on their failure. But these donkeys do not understand the WC also appointed Sajith as the Dy. Leader! And look at what your Dy. Leader is doing, has been doing, and will be doing-criticizing, mudslinging, leg pulling and defaming and degrading his very own party! He is running after stupid monks and ruined temple relics to salvage and rebuild the party! But can he do that through such futile acts? In fact what he does is destroying Buddhism by bribing stupid monks and deforming their mentality! These Buddhist monks are naturally utter fools who do not know anything about politics, governance, diplomacy etc. What they only know is stupid Buddhism and racism! When they hear the word “Tamils” they raise their yellow rag and take to the streets with stupid follower Buddhist to decapitate the Tamils! This KJ was chased away by his very electorate at Gampaha and a whore bitch newcomer was prioritized! I myself failed to canvas the votes of even my relatives for this loser!
“..When it is clear that there are unlawful and illegal methods sre used then as the leader of the opposition he should get onto the streets and see that these injustices are corrected. Instead to sit tight and pontificate is clearly his weakness..”
This is another bullshit armchair critiques and politicians rant about these days from their debilitated political stretchers! The CJ is being wrongfully framed. Where are the other judges, lawyers and the other employees of their institution? The brat of Mervyn smashed the head of Army Major and the Major later said he slipped in the bath and had his head injured! What makes you think it is Ranil’s responsibility to take to street and agitate against the corrupt system, politicians and above all the corrupt Army and Police? The Health Worker was tied to a tree by Mervyn and then the HW himself said he willfully had him tied by Mervyn to set an example to others on how to perform their duties! Not Ranil but it is people like you who are responsible for this situation. You disseminate utter lies, contradictions, dualities and negative publicity against the leader of the opposition; displace the balance and logic of the sanity of people; invade their minds and insert and implant self-destructive inner conflicts leaving them perplexed, puzzled and vegetate being unable to discern what truth is and what fallacy is. In a democracy street is the last resort and recourse people turn to. At the rate this despot is transgressing every piece of law in the books people will not be able to go home but make road their home if they were to do what you suggest! So long as there are people like you who never participate in any real opposition towards the regime there won’t be a regime change. That is why Ranil is waiting until you yourself realize your faults and jettison your myths about what a democratic opposition means to launch the real decisive offensive against the regime. And I sincerely hope on that day you will make your contribution, play your part in the common fight against the common enemy towards your own salvation!!!
Safa / November 15, 2012
Thanks for your long winded adulatory sermon on the exploits and achievements of Ranil. Please be good enough to thank the rest of the team that contributed to these achievements such as Gamudawa, Mahaweli, Garment Factories, Mahapola etc.
“That is why Ranil is waiting until you yourself realize your faults and jettison your myths about what a democratic opposition means to launch the real decisive offensive against the regime.”
Please let us know when this day dawns so that we may also contribute. Maybe you can consult your super hero and let us know.
Silva / November 16, 2012
“..Please be good enough to thank the rest of the team that contributed to these achievements such as Gamudawa, Mahaweli, Garment Factories, Mahapola etc..”
What did these buggers do ultimately? They entered a dog fight with and against each other and destroyed the UNP to its present situation! Had at least Ranil not been there UNP would have been history!
“..Please let us know when this day dawns so that we may also contribute. Maybe you can consult your super hero and let us know…”
It is you and you alone who must decide when that day dawns, whether to undermine the party, prop up the despot and dig your own grave or matrix your own destiny and future by collectively contributing to the common democratic process. And don’t hold the view that supporting a bunch of conspirators in the party is true democracy or upholding democracy! One bugger said me, “I saw the name of the Sirikotha had been changed to “Ponsvilla””! I said to him, “I saw the name of the SL Army Headquarters had been changed to “SL Cesspit Cleaning, Vegetable Sellers and Galquarry Brigade Headquarters”. I also reminded him that the Army General whose head was smashed by Kudu Merviya’s son had slipped in the bathroom and that was the incident that caused the head injury even contradicting his immediate statement and complaint to the police and that all these newspaper and media whores were propagating utter lies to tarnish the reputation of Dr. Mervyn and his innocent son!
Kumar Senadirajah / November 14, 2012
JR,RP.,MR,RW,Chadrika, all of them are opportunist.Most of the politicians in the world like this.They are prepare to remain in the power as kings.But they are puppets.See what has happen to Rule of Law during their regimes.Jr appointed Neville Samarakoon,but he never dance according to their tune.Then what has happened.Given instruction to Kalu Albert team to stoned to judges residence.follow impeachment.Then C.J’s Sarath Silva impeachment.But later, luckily escaped becouse of
Ranil’s ruling period is over. And their team is behind.CJ’s impeachment. -Shirani Bandaranayaka G.L.Peiris’s pupil no experience in the Judiciary with Balapatabandi’s commendation, appointed in order to gain political support for their decisions.She allowed husband to work with the last as well as MR regime.These are ethically wrong.According to the Bangalore Judaical convention.Not only CJ even any Lower court Judge’s can not gain any political gains.taking employment directly or indirectly any gains.CJ’ is the person in charge of Judicial Service Commission.Do you think SB- CJ is not done any wrong violating this ethics.MR is a politician very well crafty nasty, ruler but according wiki-leeks he playing his drum beat for any tune.But SB -Cj is now refused to dance for his tune. Ranil’s is awaiting to rule our country according to his tune.But his drum is not working properly so far.How dare this man could rule evn he can’t control is own party.As a Lawyer RW stated once to his friends ,he appeared only two cases for a two year period when he was practicing at Hultsdrop.
gamini / November 14, 2012
Kumar you are right. I concede some of whom you have mentioned are Opportunists, except you, Wimal Aweerawansa and crowd are the only Honest Patriots we have in this country. Good Luck!
Silva / November 15, 2012
Kumar Senadirajah, Ignorance is bliss, they say! They also say partial knowledge is dangerous! I am sure when they said those things they really meant it for people like you! In one fell swoop you brand JR, RP, MR, RW, Chadrika opportunistic. Well at times, may be. But when you judge a politician you must have a standard baseline to begin with and a proper benchmarking system for comparison neither of which you lack. For example JR’s era must be analyzed against its preceding historical facts, contemporary background, impact and improvement areas and if at all the degraded areas. In the summary analysis JR’s may be termed a golden ear whereas Chandrika’s as the negative economy era of the country! As for MR’s he has not yet finished his “developments” and an agent of the civil society has been sent to the Inferno to obtain a definition pending judgment of the Yama King! Most remarkably, pathetically and horribly your broken English and grammar render your harangue farcical and an indecipherable nuisance especially when you refer to an erudite and great politician like JR or RW for that matter! Half-educated mal-informed buggers like you must not partake in open discussions like these because your ilk contributes no value addition to them except eccentricity! As for MR, Chandrika and to a certain extent RP your insinuation may apply. But they too have contributed something for the country except, however, MR! MR is the worst rogue this country ever witnessed! Your bird brain concludes Ranil can’t rule this country because as you think he can’t control his own party! This is the level of uneducation you enjoy under MR’s banana republic! I will give you one moronism eradication pill to get rid of your stupidity if you are willing to try! In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain Syria, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco and Sudan are there arm-chair revolutionists like you who are trying to change the despotic regime by pulling the leg of the opposition leader or the dissenting voices? Or are they not so bothered about an opposition leadership but each and every one has understood the responsibility they have and they relentlessly work hard to achieve their goal of destroying the despotic regime? Get this basic concept into your mind and your malady will be cured! If you still can’t help you then be a part of MR regime and people will one day come after you or your posterity! As for Neville Samarakoon’s grudge with JR I will quote from one of my earlier comments:
“..JR was a highly proud, wisdom oriented, dignified mentality, policy and principles oriented person. He sort of kept a certain clearance from the rest of the others. People can translate this behavior from various angles but given the corrupt, unprincipled, crooked, infidel, opportunistic etc. nature of the vast majority of people in this country as evident from the happenings taking place today and totally contrasting highly visionary, progressive, creative and respect prone nature of JR he can be reasonably justified in his attitude and conduct. So as the 1st Executive President of Sri Lanka produced by the constitution of his own creation and since it was a landmark occasion of the history of this country and since he has been an unquestionably great leader in the history of this country with achievements no one else has achieved in the imaginable history of this land he wanted to take oath in front of the most suitable highest respected person in the country. Then as was the case he appointed Neville Samarakoon as the CJ so that JR could finalize the oath ceremony in front of him. Neville Samarakoon was not a judge at the time of his being appointed CJ but was a renowned and respected lawyer. Time went on. There was another position of office which even the CJ can ascend to and that was the Ombudsman post of the parliament which demanded not only the judiciary brilliance but may other attributes and excellence like familiarity of the ways and functions of the legislature, executive, politics, governance etc. As I said earlier JR was far ahead of the rest and he used a strict benchmark yardstick when making appointments. The individuals appointed must be able to assist in the process of governance in the most efficient way reflecting the elevated modes of conduct JR upheld. JR appointed Sam Wijesinghe for the post of Ombudsman since he was more qualified for the post that NS. This was the point where NS developed a grudge against JR and began criticizing the Executive when he could. From the cosmic view of JR since then he was a CJ turned ungrateful entity! JR elevated NS to CJ post but he NS thought he was it! It is like as some say MR made SF but then SF forgot past and challenged MR in the Presidential Election MR’s all ills not considered here! So this story reveals that even the great personalities like NS have dark spots in their lives.”
Ranil Wickramasingha / November 15, 2012
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gamini / November 15, 2012
Who said Ranil can not control his own party the UNP. As far as I see RW is doing a fine job of building a UNP for the future with educated young honest men with potential at the moment. When ever a bad egg is discovered he/she is got rid off. A system of Discipline is installed in the present UNP with One Leadership, One Captain. All the buggers can not dictate, speak out or act independently. This is the difference between the UNP and the rest. For a person or a Country to become successful, there should be Discipline. Seeing this ability of RW which their leaders do not have, there are Kadappuliyas who are fuming and trying to heap abuse on RW.
merlin / November 16, 2012
Gihan / November 17, 2012
merlin, The bottom line is it is the stupid lunatic losers like you who are responsible for this woeful situation in the country. If you have got so much ability to overtake Ranil and kick this government out, then why the fucking hell are you so worried about Ranil? You have your heroes like Sajith, Karu, SF, Shiral, Dayasiri, Thalatha, Rosy, Maithree, Wanninayake et al. Why don’t you join with them and topple this government? Have you and these cardboard heroes ever in the history of this country for a mere single time, for a mere two hours shown your strength against the regime? No! You empty fucker together with the other empty wankers are just beating the empty barrel without producing any substance! I challenge you idiot fucker, show your massive support of the general public at least once to see for ourselves whether your claims are justified! Your self-proclaimed popular and savior harangue is just empty grating committed with the connivance and support of Sirasa and government Media whores. It is traitors like you who swallow filthy shit of the regime and the king family to undermine the opposition. Your above comment was part of that ploy for which you are paid by shit-money by the shit-family! You are like an inflated frog, empty within, loathing outside, deplorable in the tone, detestable in the motive!
Nihal De Silva / December 4, 2012
RANIL WICKREMESINGHE is a boon to the Govt. As he loses elections paving a clear way for the Govt to rule another 6 years, What a plight for us UNPERS allthat we can do and will dois stop voting UNP AFTER 46 YEARS WITH ONLY THE unp You will go ho,e by the ballot one which you robbed from the Majority UNP membership. WE WILL ENSURE YOU LOSE COLOMBO AND GO TO THE DUSTBIN OF POLITICS IN THIS COUNTRY
Nihal De Silva / December 4, 2012
RANIL WICKREMESINGHE is a boon to the Govt. As he loses elections paving a clear way for the Govt to rule another 6 years, What a plight for us UNPERS allthat we can do and will dois stop voting UNP AFTER 46 YEARS WITH ONLY THE unp You will go home by the ballot one which you robbed from the Majority UNP membership. WE WILL ENSURE YOU LOSE COLOMBO AND GO TO THE DUSTBIN OF POLITICS IN THIS COUNTRY
Nihal De Silva / February 11, 2013
This goon Wickremesingha is the most useless leader the UNP ever had he thinks he will be president buy what he will be is garbage in the political dustbin
Nihal De Silva / February 11, 2013
I await the day when you mr RW fall into the political dustbin when all ills of the UNP will cease and victory for the UNP is assured
Nihal De Silva / March 21, 2013
the coman man is far from your video bulshit please talk to the masses oe get out ckremesinghe before you lose again a debacle which the party supporters will rebble
Nihal De Silva / March 23, 2013