16 September, 2024


Buddhist Way Or The Other Way; A Moment Of Reckoning For All Buddhists

By Vishwamithra1984

“You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger”. ~Buddha

“Building Buddhist temples, placing statues under Bo-trees have negated reconciliation efforts”. Making a very potentially-unpopular observation, Rajitha Senaratne, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, however, could not have uttered truer words. Hailing from a Buddhist background, educated in the two leading Buddhist schools in Sri Lanka, firstly at Nalanda Vidyalaya and then Ananda College, Rajitha’s utterances could be politically incorrect, but they are indeed bold and beautiful. Erecting Buddha statues at any junction, preserving Bo-trees at every corner of our widely spread-out hamlets has become an infectious habit of Sinhalese Buddhist people to show the world a misplaced sense of devotion to the religion. Behind some of these ‘religion-related’ constructions are invariably found the most destructive elements in our society- drug dealers and traffickers, illicit liquor manufacturers, local hooligans and petty merchants of flesh and lust.They all expect forgiveness and repentance by extending these superficial offerings to a mind-created Buddha so that they could go to sleep with a self-deceived peaceful mind. These superficial offerings are in fact bribes offered to an image for clemency. Decline of Buddhism from one of Prathipatthi Pooja (Practice) to Aameesa Pooja (Ritualistic) has been very much in evidence in the last few decades.buddha statue trinco

To quote an unknown writer who seems to have understood the fundamental core of Buddhism writes thus: “I know that we can make great Karma by offering Flowers,candles,incense,food,robes and other things for the Buddha statue thinking as if the Buddha is alive. But whenever I do offer these things my mind says ‘The Buddha is not there to receive this. And this is not the proper way to pay respect for the Buddha. The proper way is to try to be mindful and try to be free from the defilement in the mind.’ Am I cultivating bad thoughts by thinking this way? What is the proper way to think when we offer these things to the Buddha statue?” As embroiled in inscrutable spiritual teachings and relating each and every miniscule phenomenon to a section or subsection of the Sutras in the scriptures, some of our Buddhist monks have willy nilly deflected from what is real and present. This, they do either by willful deception (or self-deception) or due to ignorance or misreading of the Sutras.

Whatever other differences are between Buddhism and other major religions are, apart from being a religion that rejected the notion of Aathma, one unambiguous distinction is Buddha was never ever portrayed as a ‘God’ or a relative (son or some other) of ‘God’, whereas, in all other religions, the founder or his findings are sourced to a divine spirit which they began to call ‘God’. I recall the days when, maybe in early nineteen sixties, when I used to listen regularly to a weekly program aired by the English National Service of Radio Ceylon, as it was known then. This program whose title I do not recall now, was moderated by Professor K N Jayatilleke and among the regular participants were Alec Robertson and Dr. E W Adikaram. When they discussed the concept of ‘God’, it was Dr. Adikaram who most convincingly contended that, in order to understand the meaning of a concept, one has to go to the root of the word. In describing the word ‘God’, Adikaram argued that the very beginning of the word, God as derived from the Sanskrit word ‘gudha’(pronounced goodha) meaning latent, incomprehensible or inscrutable. Some Sinhala scholars use this word ‘gudha’ in their daily regular Sinhala writings. When one tries to give a personality to what is indescribable, one usually ends up with the notion of a personal ‘God’.

The idea behind this column, even though seemingly apolitical, not to draw attention to the contentious arguments about the existence or non-existence of a god, but to highlight a basic distinction between a rationalist such a Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, his teachings, sets of precepts and plain guidance and counsel on mundane phenomena and relating those teachings to life on an endless, regular way and those who short-sell religion in its own name for an inscrutable deity. Millions of devotees who have placed immense faith in the sublime teachings of the Buddha are not wrong; nor are they irrational; their faith and devotion is purely based on what they had been taught in their childhood days by their parent generation. Devoid of any malice or anger, they had trodden a middle-road towards personal emancipation; their adherence to Aameesa Pooja was based more on convenience rather than on philosophical option.

An old widow, Seelawathi Menike who lost her husband when her children were young and tender had to mend for herself and her family with a meager job she did in the neighboring coconut plantation. She did not have to go to the village thoroughfare Buddha Statue to do her daily rituals and prayers for there was no Buddha statute there, not yet. Her rituals were all conducted in her humble abode, hardly roomy enough to swing a cat.

However superficial her beliefs might have been, however misguided her spiritual emancipation was, she has done no harm to a living creature; she was not meddling with illicit liquor or drug-trafficking; her worldly income was hardly sufficient to feed one mouth three times a day. Intellectual curiosity is not her forte nor could she be bothered with nuanced interpretations of the Dharma. All her children gone away after marriage, Seelawathi Menike’s sole preoccupation had been religious rituals with a grand design for her next birth. To worship her Master, she did not have to travel the short distance to the Buddha statue that was erected a few years ago at the town center by courtesy of the leading loan-shark in the area. Her Buddhism, whichever way unfounded or sullied the teachings were, in her own mind had no equal or superior to it. Her devotion was shown in the most humble and unpretentious way at her own home, in a corner which she called the shrine room which comprised of an inextinguishable oil lamp and a little Buddha statue.

The supreme Dharma the Buddha taught two and half thousand years ago has become corrupted and diluted; some self-acclaimed Buddhist monks have desecrated the sublime teachings and abused the veneration and dignity accorded to the ‘Great Followers’, the clergy of the religion; millions of devotees had clung on to the most rational and scientific explanation of the universe, how indescribable it is, that envelopes all human beings and the eternal cycle of ‘cause and effect’ that governs the circle of life on earth so profoundly and wholly. Seelawathi Menike and millions of Buddhists all over the world, who accept Buddhism more as a way of life than a religion confined within a dogged, dogmatic order, do neither harm to the religion nor any philosophical advancement of the transcendent teachings of the Dharma. Yet when unholy charlatans take over the propagation of the religion, either by coercion or by organized intimidation, it is not only the teachings that are affected adversely, the very fabric of society is threatened to be torn apart. The resulting psychological chaos that sets in the collective mind of a nation invariably tends to decline in morals, ethics and all decent parameters that normally guide and govern human development.

It is against this background Minister Rajitha Senaratne made his utterances about Buddha statues being erected in areas where hardly any patronage is present. Taken in the context of the Northern Province and the overwhelming majority of the populace in that region being non-Buddhists, erecting Buddha Statues could be construed as being one-upmanship, an undiluted expression of triumphalism. Talking about this great religion, Bertrand Russell said this: “Among the founders of all religions in this world, I respect only one man — the Buddha. The main reason was that the Buddha did not make statements regarding the origin of the world. The Buddha was the only teacher who realized the true nature of the world.” And Albert Einstein is quoted as follows: “Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity”.

It is incumbent upon every Buddhist who is considered worthy of the supreme teachings to dissociate oneself from those words and deeds of destroyers of the religion who disguise themselves as saviors. Hundreds and thousands of Seelawathi Menikes and their generation, however superficial their adherence to Buddhism is, would scorn upon them for not only debasing the great teachings of the Tathāgata Buddha, but for causing incurable wounds to a society that nourishes and nurses the very teachings.

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com

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  • 8


    You are just as dishonest as Rajitha Senarathne is. Rajitha Senarathne is a Sri Lankan politician. I think, it is fair to say that you are a Sri lankan Journalist. Both of those groups in Sri lanka do not have any established reputation. He has used his position at the expense of the country to make he his family rich so do the journalists.

    You are trying to make Buddhist practices and politics one and the same. You are behaving like any other non-buddhist in Sri lanka or a western power who is trying to teach Sri lankans what human rights are.

    Unfortunately, Sri lankan media is dishonest and do not tell exactly what is happening Sri lanka. For example, everyone is screaming about new buddhist statues coming up in the North. No one is talking about how many Christian churches or mosques have come up in Sri lanka. No one is comparing the statistics related to no of new churches or mosquues that have come up in relation to geography or ethnic composition as well as to the initial buddhist population in Sri lanka, initial no of buddhist temples in Sri lanka in relation geography and what has hppened to those temples, How fast no of christian churces and mosques have increased in Sri lanka.

    Even the Aluthgama incidence had happened once they beat a buddhist monk in that town and once they cut cattle infront of the termple. that is not live and let live. That is arrogance. But, media never reported it. Discrimination of Sinhala people and sinhala buddhists are at a very high phase now. They don;’t complain and they assert themselves as christians used to are.

    Anyway, you like you read buddhism to screw up buddhists. If Sri lankan buddhists were christians or muslims, they would not be this patient and people don’t have to make fun saying “mahavamsa mindset” is forgetful. You don’t look like a genuine buddhist. Your buddhist practices can be just like that of Rajitha Senarathne’s.

    • 6

      There is no buddhist way- when it goes with lanken behaviours depicted by MR et al. The current DUO are not after Buddhism as have been the case with MR. Current duo respect almost every religion equally. Religious leaders of country all reglions are with them. That is the way to go. Why to mix the politics with Religions even if the majority folksare born buddhists.

      Thailand would not do anything and everything in the country by getting pieces of advice from buddhist clergy. There are more buddhist in Thailand than in Sirlanka.

    • 1

      Who slaughtered cattle in front of the Aluthgama Buddhist Temple or any temple for that matter? There is no harm in churches or mosques for that matter even temples of any kind coming up to serve the growing needs of a populace. What is a problem is statues of any religion being planted in corners and under trees, on roundabouts and entrances of state offices … This phenomenon, as if the statue is begging is an arrogant and foolish attempt that goes away from the real needs while creating a social mess!

      On the cattle slaughter and the monk being assaulted, please get your facts right mister! You seemed to have got pegged in the rear by a rascal!

  • 7

    This article is perhaps the best preamble to any reconciliation efforts the administration may have. They have demolished any hope I had after both the elections aided and abated by the slimy goons of TNA. It is the Sinhalese Majority that should play a major role. Their should never be if only this or but also that. On the other hand it is not reconciliation at any price but at right price. Both communities have paid a very high price for the Mistakes made by Baboon Bandaraike Down up-to present. I say present because My3’s reference to raping and pillaging uniformed despots as heroes. All it takes a court martial and execution of the bad apples from the barrel.

    Please don’t muddy the glorious teachings of Buddha.

  • 12

    Buddha statues in every nook and corner of Sri Lanka has become a pollution.
    Polluting the Buddhist Religion
    Polluting the environment
    Polluting the reconciliation process
    Polluting the racial harmony

    why oh why the Sri Lankan Buddhist need to be reminded of Buddha every time they turn their head in every direction?

    In other Buddhist countries you don’t see this sort of cheap treatment of Lord Buddha. on the contrary he is revered and worshiped only in holy places.

    • 6

      Buddha Statues in ever Corner seems to have been inspired by the Election Cutouts of the Rajapakses.

      The Buddha does not need His Dhamma to be Broadcast as an Election Manifesto!

      • 5


        “The Buddha does not need His Dhamma to be Broadcast as an Election Manifesto!”

        Buddha statues are a good place for crooks and racists to hide.

  • 5

    Minister Rajitha Senarathna said as late as yesterday, that the Muslims in Beruwala Elected him to Yahapalana parliament.

    He said this at a meeting which he organized to thank the good Muslim people in his own words, in Beruwala.

    He also appointed one Mr Majid as his organizer in Beruwala.

    Most of all, he gave a promise ( iron clad of course ,as it is his trade mark) that non of the JO MPs will be in next Parliament.

    Has Mr Rajitha converted?…..

    • 7

      There is no apostasy, blasphemy or any such laws in Buddhism. Its about freedom of will. If Minister Rajitha Senarathna wants convert to another religion or simply be an unaffiliated, then that is his choice. Did lord Buddha ever punish or kill anyone for renouncing Buddhism or insulting Buddhism? When did lord Buddha ever prohibit questioning ideas, the right to challenge ideas, debate, argumentation, especially civilians/laypersons?

  • 7

    The picture says it all. How sad.

  • 5

    Vishwamithra: In you above presentation, my attention was drawn to one of the facts mentioned, viz “Behind some of these religious related constructions are invariably found most destructive elements of our society – drug dealers and traffickers, illicit liquor manufacturers, local hooligans and petty merchants of flesh and lust”. My friend you missed one of the most PROMINENT among that lot – The Saffron clothed men called “Buddhist Clergy”, without whom and whose “Samma Veeriya” (Right Effort) those religious constructions cannot come up at all. Did you fear to say that or forgot to mention? Next time you write, please contemplate on two of the most important teachings of Gauthama Buddha – (1) Samma Dhitti (Right View) (2) Samma Sankappa (Right Perception). You will neither forget nor fear to tell the truth. In Metta.

  • 5


    RE: Buddhist Way Or The Other Way; A Moment Of Reckoning For All Buddhists

    With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion.

    “Religion is the Opium of the masses”- Karl Marx. Buddhism is not exempted from this.

    Steven Weinberg (born May 3, 1933) is an American theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics for his contributions with Abdus Salam and Sheldon Glashow to the unification of the weak force and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles.

    Weinberg is an atheist, Weinberg stated his views on religion in 1999:

    Frederick Douglass told in his Narrative how his condition as a slave became worse when his master underwent a religious conversion that allowed him to justify slavery as the punishment of the children of Ham. Mark Twain described his mother as a genuinely good person, whose soft heart pitied even Satan, but who had no doubt about the legitimacy of slavery, because in years of living in antebellum Missouri she had never heard any sermon opposing slavery, but only countless sermons preaching that slavery was God’s will. With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion.

    Buddhism is not exempted from this.

    Re Buddhism — ATHEIST POWER!


  • 5

    Buddha’s way or the Buddhist


    • 3

      DR RN
      you mean
      Buddha’s way or the Sri Lankan Buddhist way?

  • 4


    RE:Buddhist Way Or The Other Way; A Moment Of Reckoning For All Buddhists

    Yes, A Moment Of Reckoning For All Buddhists.

    Does Buddhist people worship in everything lack oh common sense? Did the enlightened Buddha want that? No. So who wants that? Those who want to maintain their Hegemony and use Buddha’s teachings towards that. Your write up confirms that.

    Here is an alternate view.

    The Case Against Buddhism — Part 2. The other Myths are not exempted.


  • 5

    There are number of Buddhist intellectuals in our society who practice exactly what Lord Buddha has preached. It is disgrace and shame for a Buddhist extremist public and clergy doing just the opposite of what Lord Buddha has preched.
    This article is an eye opener for all.

    • 5

      Kumarathasan Rasingam

      “It is disgrace and shame for a Buddhist extremist public and clergy doing just the opposite of what Lord Buddha has preched. This article is an eye opener for all.”

      Yes, BUT the enlightened Buddha was NO LORD Nor GOD.

      “Buddhists” made him to be LORD or GOD, a human fallibility.

  • 2

    Buddhism has too higher values (than) to be spread by Gun-Point from an occupied private properties. This new subjection is seen by the subjected as a consequence of winning the war,rather than a war that eradicated terrorism, -for the people of the area, it is terrorizing has been changed hands instead of compassion from big brethren.
    The same old misplaced passion for “religion” – here it is misconceived Buddhist Values nonchalantly repeating in various forms that has post independence inciting vigorous inception.

  • 2

    Vishmamitra1984 will eventually discover the accurate description for the Buddhism prevailing in Sri Lanka. It is Theravada Buddhism AKA Political Buddhism. One of the extremist factions is known as The Gnanasaarites.

  • 4

    It is obvious. Buddhism, especially in SL is practiced as a traditional, religion. Something symbolic. Something convenient. But, Buddhism as a philosophy or a way life is highly inconvenient to many people. Choosing a non-violent solution to a situation, suppressing your ego, making sacrifices and being compassionate, very importantly practicing mindful-awareness is very difficult. Even as a child I never had a god or gods to pray to. I was told my actions have consequences and no amount of praying/worshiping can “cleanse” that. This is why many Buddhists in SL worship god(s), and even look at the Buddha as some divine being that could help you.

    The “Buddha Statue” is nothing more than that. A symbol, a scent marker, for many Sinhala-Buddhists. A symbol of ego saying “I belong to a group that is superior to yours”. Just look at the BBS and how much of a contradiction it is to Buddhism.

    Lord Buddha never told anyone to keep statues of him or even worship him. The Buddha never promoted the idea of a “State Religion” or “Religious Laws” for civilians/laypersons. If a civilian wanted to call Lord Buddha or pedophile or depict him like that in a cartoon, that is purely that individuals choice. If a Buddhist converts to another religion or become an Atheist/Agnostic, that is purely that individuals choice. And remember non-Buddhists can easily be highly disciplined and advanced people with strong values. It is your behavior that defines you not your “belief”. The Buddha did not have an ego or was not insecure to demand or impose laws on civilians/laypersons prohibiting such things. But sadly, many “Sinhala-Buddhists” cannot get this through their thick skulls. Slogans and symbolism does not make you strong, you behavior, you discipline does!

  • 8

    Well said. It is time that we realize that religion is used in this country to propagate politics and not brotherhood. Recently a Buddhist temple is being built in the premises owned by a Hindu temple in Kilinaotchchi (according to the news), this is unacceptable ( probably this land must be within high security zone and the army must be building the temple). There was a destruction of a Buddha statue according to the news. These will be inevitable results of MR’s attitude towards the ethnic issue. Since he is out now, the present government should take a firm stand to prevent cultural and religious encroachment.

    • 1


      That is why your people destroyed two such statues.

      Did you make the same fuss about christian churches ?

  • 3

    I have observed sil at times. I have meditated to some extent. Recently I helped this society. No body knows to what extent I did it. I lost almost all valuable assets due to my good work. Most of the people do not care about me. I am only a lunatic to them. I know my service is great. God knows it. This universe knows it. I am sure some day I would get the return in thousand fold.Even today I feel I am protected by the divine powers in the absence of any human to protect me. I know the merit I have is far more than offering a bunch of flowers to Lord Buddha.

    • 4

      ‘I know the merit I have is far more than offering a bunch of flowers to Lord Buddha’.

      Sriyani, you are right about merit. The offering of flowers however, is not for merit but is a reflection on Death. You recall the verse used when flowers are offered? It ends ….puppamilaya thi yatha i dhamme, kayo thathayati vinasabhavan….just as these flowers fade so does this body march towards death.

    • 2

      It is interesting there was a thumb down response to this comment. The comment itself is an eloquent portrayal what humanity should be. What kind of person is he or she to give a thumb down? Sriyani, for whatever it is worth let me just say I admire your good nature and I agree with your actions.

  • 5

    Of course you are all correct. There is a huge difference between ‘Sinhala-Buddhism’ (a sort of racial-religious nationalism) and what the Buddha taught. Do you really expect all the Sinhalese to practice exactly what Buddha taught?

    Nobody really expects Tamils to follow Hindu ahimsa. Nobody expects the US/UK to follow what Jesus taught.

    • 3


      “There is a huge difference between ‘Sinhala-Buddhism’ (a sort of racial-religious nationalism) and what the Buddha taught.”

      Aryan Sinhala/Buddhim never existed before the advent of the Racist Aryan Anagarika Dharmapala (The Homeless One). It is nasty racism bordering on fascism (littel Pol Pottism), energised by the Banda’s Pancha Maha Balavegya, sustained by successive governments, politicians and perpetuated by state functionaries and protected by Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces, …..

      It is not a problem in itself as long as Sinhalese and Buddhists take a public stand against these nutters. My fear is that their silence could eventually destroy the very existence of Sinhalese and Buddhists.

  • 2

    Sriyani Mangalika: You said: “I am sure some day I would get the return in thousand fold”. NO. That is all wrong and certainly not in keeping with the Buddhas Teaching. If you do all merit to reap in “thousand times” later, that very idea itself creates DESIRE and LUST. If you helped the society, that should have been done without expecting anything in return; but for the sake of “Good” and “Comfort” to others.”I lost almost all valuable assets due to good work” – see how you lament and suffer; but of course “expecting a return in thousand fold”. Also, your loss of “valuable assets” indicates nothing but “mismanagement” of your assets and future life survival. This aspect too has been very well explained by Gauthama Buddha. So wake up and start afresh.

  • 0

    Oh well said Douglas!

  • 0

    Problem is with the Sinhala politican who wants to ACT like a Sri Lankan.

    Sinhala politican with representing the ethnicity he was born into tries to ACT Sri Lankan.

    NO NO NO you are not to ACT like a Sri Lanka Senaratne.

    The Sinhala Buddhist LAND is SINHALE …..

    Fine let us not erect Buddha Statues where there are NO Buddhist. BUT assure us that Sinhala country that is Sinhale (Sri Lanka – (North+East)province) DOES NOT HAVE Tamil and Muslim Ghettos….

    THis is worsee than erecting Buddha Statues. IF people CAN NOT tolerate a Buddha Statue (Which is lifeless piece of cement ) How can YOUU guarantee Sinhala Buddhist lives among these Muslims and Tamils.

  • 3

    Hello Visamithra of 1984;

    The latest and the youngest addition of ABA (Anti Buddhist Alliance) with a poisonous pen has made disparaging comments about the presence of saviors and heroes of nation in the north and the only protection they possess; The Blessings of THE TRIPLE GEM.

    It is not a secret, that this writer has in recent months compiled a few articles demeaning the Sinhala people and their religion under the pseudo name Viswamithra1984. Well his identification says it all. He is neither a Sinhala person or a Buddhist; most likely a fellow born with a silver spoon in his mouth to a Non-Sinhala-Buddhist family.

    First of all, a non-believer (in Lord Buddha’s Doctrine) will never understand the power of the Triple Gem and associated holy symbols of Buddhist traditions. If the crosses of Christianity were placed at every junction and in front of the military camps , this non-buddhist fellow would have said; “Finally power of Christianity Brought Peace To Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka”.

    Visamithra, you cannot getaway praising the dubious politician Rajitha Senaratne, he does not have any credibility and he is not a Buddhist leader or a believer of the blessings and the power of the TRIPLE GEM. He may have gone to a Buddhist school, but it does not make him a Buddhist. If your argument is valid, Hon. D.S. Senanayake must be a Christian not a Buddhist because he attended St. Thomas College and me too. According to the actions of Rajitha Senaratne, it is obvious he is an AETHIEST wondering about looking for the next biggest meal ticket. He does not have any credibility at all outside the Muslim dominated Beruwala. (KALA DUTU KAKA WALA IHAGAN type of fellow).

    He (Rajitha)may have enjoyed the TV footages of Taliban destroying Bamiyan Buddha Statues in Afghanistan, who knows you may have celebrated with a glass of wine.

    Visamithra, don’t talk about things that you do not understand or believe in, but wherever you are, you better understand that the noble linkage that preserve our (not yours) identity and our nation is;
    No entity in this link will survive without the other. This is an unbreakable link, though your ancestors tried to destroy it with many nefarious alliances formed time to time with Portuguese, Dutch and British.

    SINHALA-BUDDHISM-SRILANKA link protected our nation for many centuries and it will protect our nation until eternity. Your campaign is based on a sinister plan to destroy the above link and it will not work. In a Buddhist country, we have the freedom to place Buddha statues wherever we would like to have them placed. IT IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT; SL military forces are blessed to carryout to that sacred task.

    VSAMITHRA of ABA, I hope you understand the point. If not let me know.

    • 3

      “If your argument is valid, Hon. D.S. Senanayake must be a Christian not a Buddhist because he attended St. Thomas College…”

      Sinhala Banda:-
      I went to a Christian School, although I am a Sinhalese and follow the Buddha’s Dhamma.

      However I have become a better Buddhist because I had an Example to compare the True Dhamma with;

      Unlike some Sinhala Buddhist Bhikkhus today, who encourage the Practice of Hindu and Christian Rituals and Worship, and call it Buddhism!

  • 3

    Buddhists are not self-centerd or slefish – people. It is Tamils and christians who coined this word sinhala Buddhists.

    See how these vultures like vishvamithra and other Tamil Christians, they want sinhala buddhists to give up politics and become true buddhists. Why Sinhala buddhists don’t have rights to engage in politics ?

    Tamils don’t have a culture except the indian culture. Only uniting factor for different caste-conscious dravidean tribes speaking Tamil is their language.But sinhala -buddhists have their own civilization and culture. We need to protect tat least to a certain extent. As Tamils can do that in South India or As christians can do that in Middle east, Sinhala people can not go anywhere in the world to protect the Sinhala-buddhist culture.

    • 1

      Thank you Jim Softy;

      “But sinhala -buddhists have their own civilization and culture. We need to protect tat least to a certain extent. As Tamils can do that in South India or As christians can do that in Middle east, Sinhala people can not go anywhere in the world to protect the Sinhala-buddhist culture”

      I agree one hundred percent, We have to protect our identity, the roots, our own culture and heritage enhanced and blessed by the Noble truth explained to us by the doctrine of Lord Buddha.

      Non-Buddhist forces must understand, SINHALA race and founding of the SINHALA nation, both are older than the Christianity and Islam. The dubious politicians occupying the seat of power in Colombo are fully responsible for sponsoring poisonous pen holders, such as VISAMITHRAS’ against SINHALA-BUDDHISTS.

  • 1

    Where should buddhists should go to practice the way they want.

    Tamilnadu or Jerusalem ?

    A Buddhist shrine room erected within the premises of Special Task Force camp in Kanagarayankulam, Mankulam in the North had been vandalised on Monday 29, the Police said.

    The camp, established after the war victory in 2009, does not exist in that location at present. The shrine room has been constructed at the time for religious observances of the STF personnel. The Buddha statue has also been broken to pieces, the Police said.

    • 1

      “A Buddhist shrine room erected within the premises of Special Task Force camp in Kanagarayankulam, Mankulam in the North had been vandalised on Monday 29, the Police said.”

      President and the PM are blind to these actions carried out by Non-Buddhists. At least, I hope Sinhala-Buddhists must realize our enemies are not Tamils or Muslims. Our enemies are our politicians, pretentious Buddhists, they will sacrifice our Birthrights and our sacred places to win the support of Tamil and Muslim voters at any time. Neither President or the PM has condemned the attacks on our Buddhist sacred places since they were elected. That is the truth. But they have the audacity to jail Buddhist monks and blame some equally corrupt joint opposition members.

      I wonder what is the deal that so called Sinhala politicians have struck with Visamithra 1984 on this matter.

  • 1

    The article is, one of the best I have so far read in CT regarding religious practices, not only an eye opener to the so- called Buddhists, but also so-called Saivars, Muslims and Christians. Until their symbols, Vale, Crescent moon and Cross are destroyed by them they are not as they think they are. They are simply feeble believers and not pious believers.

  • 1

    “One should begin by defining all things accurately. If a thing is not correctly defined, what is said will not correspond with the facts. When words do not correspond with facts, affairs will not culminate in success. When affairs do not succeed, order and harmony cannot flourish, law and justice will not fit the crime. When law and justice do not fit the crime, mankind is in confusion”.
    Vishwamitra! Do not disgrace Buddha by mentioning his name.

  • 4

    If somebody wants to worship statues Let them do it in their own. Do it with their own labour and money. erecting the statues with govt fund is not democracy The govt money has to do lot of other things for eg; can have a shelter for a bus halt.
    Who will worship or respect the Buddha statue in the Tamil speaking area. Normally there should be worshipers and admirers for a statue
    Erecting so many statues is not economically viable. There should be an accepted ratio for the worship sites per followers population. without followers a statue will not have genuine meaning. The viability has to be approved first.
    Does the pictures and status depicting Buddha represent the real image of Buddha Or are they just imagination like Hindu deities. If not someone else is worshiped in the place of Buddha. It is like you are honoring someone with fake identity card, not the real one.
    There are Buddha Statues every where all over the world in some instances like an ornament mainly in homes and gardens too. It is sold in the garden shops.
    Of course the Buddha statues look decent the foot path stones with pottu and malai and a till box.
    I do not know whether Buddha preached about makeup and jewelry but I see lot of jewelries and ornaments with meticulous hair styles included in the Buddha statues.

    • 1

      PAcs and visvamitrha:

      North has only 31% of Tamils.

      62% are outside the north.

      • 4

        jim softy Dimwit

        “North has only 31% of Tamils.”

        You mean the Sinhala/Buddhist armed forces counted 69% for the rest of the population.


        • 2

          Dear Native,

          According to the census done by Suren Surendran for the UN Prince Bedouin, there were 300,000 jaffna Tamils , protecting their Thvailar in Nanthikadal..Right..

          Even if the Total Jaffna Tamil population in Lnaka is 6 % , the . inhabitants living in the North wouldn’t reach 30 %.

          May be a few absentee Land Lords would have slowly moved in to reclaim their Real Estate which the Thavailar had confiscated.

          Even then it wouldn’t be more than what Jimmy worked out to be..

          What is affecting your maths?. Is it Batalanada Ranil , Bodhi Sira or is it vellala Sambandan , who never lived in the North anyway/…

  • 3

    “Building Buddhist temples, placing statues under Bo-trees have negated reconciliation efforts”. Making a very potentially-unpopular observation, Rajitha Senaratne, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, however, could not have uttered truer words

    I suggest a mini correction “Building any temples, placing statues under anywhere have negated reconciliation efforts”.

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      Tamils, muslims, christians are recent introductions. Before that, there were buddhist temples all over the and East. What happened to those temples. govt should find those palces start digging. that is Sri lankan history.

      Even the present MAdu chuirch is a former kovil.

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    I am not a Sinhala Buddhist by any means, however I see once again ill-thought out words again that will do nothing to promote reconcilliation.

    “Building Buddhist temples, placing statues under Bo-trees have negated reconciliation efforts”

    Professor Yahapalanaya should understand that, with proper government and municipal approval, these things a completely legal and permissible. We all grown up in a land of Buddhist statues and Bo trees. We accept that as part of the culture of this land, along with the churches and kovils and mosques of other religions. We use Buddha statues for (road directions) without batting an eyelid.

    How can building a Buddhist temple hurt reconciliation? What is reconcilliation about? I take no offence because I can live as a minority in a majority culture just as I can in a Western country without trying to object to majority practices.

    As for building Buddha statues under Bo trees – well maybe the Bo Trees should be removed as well? It is well understood that Bo trees have a special place in this Sri Lankan culture so be it. Why not respect culture even if it is that of the majority?

    The statemement, above all, betrays a profound misunderstanding, one would say ignorance, of Sri Lankan culture, and what is necessary to say or not to say. The need of the hour is not more or less statues, nor is it to unnecessarily upset one culture or another. The statement betrays a profound secularist (ie anti religous ) view that is so common in the wastelands of Western society which has lost its religion and much of its soul.

    No-one it seems can keep the balancing act- it seems to be favouring one culture against another, wildly so, in many cases.

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      Please review your typing and come back again.

  • 1

    Buddha Shrine in Mankulam has been totally vandalised.

    Lord Buddha sitting there now, has only the Torso left..

    And guess what… It is the Shrine where the brave STF used to tell their prayers.

    UNP Elite, Anglican and one time Vellala Faction leader Batalanada Ranil and John Amratunga from the Bible Belt have done a pretty good job.

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      We the Sinhala-Buddhists have taken so much abuses from the politicians in Colombo, especially from the pretentious Buddhists and the non Buddhists. Time has come to stop being apologetic and afraid to say we are the Sinhala-Buddhist majority and regain our birthrights.

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        Sinhala Banda;- So the “Sinhala-Buddhist majority” will “regain your birthrights”
        and the Dhamma, The true Teaching of the Gautama Buddha, will be lost to Sri lanka forever?

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    In the upcountry tea estates almost every tree that has its branches spread wide has a stone sat up and painted and garlanded. People who work in the estate pay their respects there. No one counts them and compare them with the number of Buddhist temples in the area.

    How fair is it to say that there are no Buddhists here therefore no need of any Buddhist statues in the area while not allowing the Buddhists of the area to come and settle down and also forcing the armed personnel out who were worshiping at these statues.

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