13 January, 2025


CBK Forces Ranil To Appoint Exam Cheat To Cabinet

Newly appointed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is reported to be in a moral dilemma over the current front-runner for the post of Minister of Constitutional Affairs and National Integration.

Dr. Jayampathy Wickremeratne PC

Dr. Jayampathy Wickremeratne PC

The name that has floated to the top on the insistence of Chandrika Kumaratunga is a prominent lawyer with an unsavoury history. A long time Kumaratunga loyalist and therefore an obvious pawn of the ex President, this individual was caught cheating at exams while a student at the Science Faculty, University of Peradeniya. Having been sacked for this, he re-invented a career for himself as a lawyer. He has now entered Parliament through the UNFGG National List.

Wickremesinghe’s dilemma is that he cannot reject outright the request of Kumaratunga who openly backed the UNFGG (United National Front for Good Governance) led by the UNP (United National Party) and at the same time would have to consider the fallout of appointing a known cheat to this key portfolio.

Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that this individual is none other than Jayampathy Wickramaratne. Repeated attempts to obtain comments from both Wickramaratne and Wickremesinghe proved futile.

Correction: Earlier versions of this article incorrectly said Dr Jayampathy entered Parliament through UPFA national list. 

Latest comments

  • 45

    The same University gave him a PhD for his thesis which is the standard text book on fundamental rights. Why rake up mud after so long? Does not a person have the right to correct himself and be of use to society. CT- don’t be cheap, please.

    • 8

      “Does not a person have the right to correct himself and be of use to society”

      Would you advise this treatment to our Synthetic Lawyer too. A cheat is a cheat anyway so how can you assure he can be of use to society?

      • 4


    • 1


      “The same University gave him a PhD for his thesis which is the standard text book on fundamental rights. Why rake up mud after so long? Does not a person have the right to correct himself and be of use to society. CT- don’t be cheap, please. “

      Did he Cheat when getting his Ph.D. like Namal Rajapaksa dod in his Law Exam?

  • 2

    One time Thief force RW to appoint another Thief………
    Medamudalana Percy Mahendra must be experiencing stomach cramps by rolling with Laughter……………………

    “One time criminal cant be a life long criminal. Now we will read rains of CBK attackers joining to attack her. Uncivlized creatures are filled in srilanka, never would it be a nice island turning the situation to the positivity.” – Hinniappu

    “Let us give people second chances.’ – bEN hURLING
    “if we can recall MARA’s regime”…. WORRY
    “What are these standards? Is their no room for second chances? Jayampathy and a group of students were indeed expelled from the university for cheating (forty years ago!). ” – Sujatha
    [40 years or yesterday, cheat is a cheat)

  • 11

    Oh Oh Oh This woman is now messing around again. What right has she to insist on including her favourite? My3 take note, she may start giving you more trouble than mahaJaraa himself though he is in the opposition and could be excused for doing so.

  • 11

    Why not? It’s a pre qualification to do politics. If you not a murderer, robber, crook, thug, drug dealer, bar owner, you should be at least a cheater at examinations and a bugger sacked from the University to enter politics.

  • 6

    Aha, now Chandika is also backing cheats.Once before also there was some cheating with aero planes and French palaces no?

    • 6


      So you have never cheated in your entire life.

      You should contest the presidential election and set standard for the future generation.

      Will you do it for us?

  • 8

    The system of crime and punishment is not aimed at perpetually condemn a man for his misdeeds. The underlying idea in any punishment is reformation. Spent crime is never resurrected.

    From Colombo Telegraph’s story about Jayampathy Wickremaratne it appears he reformed himself and re-invented a career for himself as a lawyer.

    We should applaud him for this reformation. Those misdeeds in his undergraduate days for which he had been adequately punished should not be highlighted now to prevent him from being appointed as a Member of Parliament or being functioning as a Minister.

    Colombo Telegraph’s caption for this story “CBK Forces Ranil To Appoint Exam Cheat To Cabinet” is mischievous.

    Are all those people who are going to be appointed as Ministers and Deputy Ministers are paragons of virtue? In my opinion, most of these MPs are guilty of misuse of public funds or outright corruption. Many of them became rich after coming into politics and becoming Ministers.

    • 3

      Just asking
      Would you be as magnanimous toward the Rajapakses ?

      • 7


        “Would you be as magnanimous toward the Rajapakses ?”

        Why not if he owns up all acts of crimes including murder, looting, war crimes, crime against humanity, despotic rule, and pay back the loot, say sorry and beg for mercy, ………..

        You cannot compare the one off cheating with despot’s 10 years of misrule.

        You should put crimes in perspective.

  • 3

    No doubt CBK is main sources of current day corruption.
    Her politics of ‘good governances’ had been an introduce SLFP since 1994.
    She who thought and training many number politicians, party leading cadres, second rank leaders and young men during SLFP 11 years of her Iron Feudal Rule.

    CBK lead SLFP TURN into DOUBLE SPEED corrupted caravel of 11 years since 1994. Under the leadership of CBK-SLFP, that party become the incorrigible corrupted outfit for ever. These elements are products later SLFP leaders, who are playing anti-democratic role of politics that against our people.

    That is way of her politics of House of Banadarakeya family nepotism act on since Primer of SRB in 1960 tees. Members of House of Banadarayake and three children of Sunathria, Chandirike and Anura think Island 25000 square Miles are their Nindagam.
    Hence the an Island of Sri Lanka and SLFP is their private own property.

    Indeed Chandirike-CBK is playing vital role is SLFP leadership that become the an immediate cause of ongoing setback party management and indiscipline of democracy.

    CBK ongoing policies of an introduce emerging authoritarian rule inside the SLFP leadership back by MS, by large and that misusing Executive Presidential power to suppressed different views and opinions inside the party.

    Currently CBK is key root cause of misrule of SLFP and misrule of Democracy of an Island. Every right thinking persons knows ,that CBK and MS is running towards the against path of Justice of Democracy…… .

    As well as She is the teachers of MS. Her pattern of anti-democracy and anti-justice that etiquette will destroy ours principle and morals of democratic society.
    The justice has little room for that engagement under the CBK & MS misrule in SRI LANKA.

  • 2

    `Wickremesinghe’s dilemma is that he cannot reject outright the request of Kumaratunga who openly backed the UNFGG’

    CT – Some of your reporting on this article appear incorrect.

    Initially CT published Jayampathi W was nominated through the UPFA list. After pointing out by a reader now it has been changed.

    Jayampathi W, to the best of my recollection, was the principal adviser to Ranil W on the 19th Amendment to the constitution and Champika Ranawaka openly stated this fact. As such I find it difficult to believe why RW now wants to reject JWs nomination for this Ministry (unless RW wants to divert the blame of this appointment to CBK)

  • 6

    Anyone bothering to check on Aunty Chandrika’s rackets? Is Mr.Peiris from London back in Colombo looking for deals?

  • 5

    “CBK Forces Ranil To Appoint Exam Cheat”

    So, whats the purpose of having exams at all? This woman is setting a bad example to her own chidren in the first place.

  • 0


  • 3

    I am told that the so called gentleman journalist Sinha [Edited out] is one of the character assassins on Colombo Telegraph and was behind the attacks on Jayantha Dhanapala Radhika Coomaraswamy and now Jayampathy Wickremeratne…must also be part of the military intelligence cabal.

  • 4

    Dr.Jayampathy Wickremaratne P.C.known as [Edited out] among his friends has written authoritatively,over the years,on constitutional affairs.If I remember right he was with the LSSP right along.Assuming,that this so-called cheating took place many decades ago,does that disqualify him to be a cabinet Minister? We have had murderers,Robbers and what not who ruled this country only the other day.We are now adopting a holier than holy approach as to who should be in the cabinet!

    A storm in a tea cup.

  • 1

    UNP-Ranil is not free of corruptions. He is king of that.
    Believe it or not that present day corruption practices has been came into being under the UNP-Regime of JRJ, Premadasa and Ranil W…of their moribund politics; that injustice had been an introduce and enlarge & enrich since 1977 by New politics culture of Undemocratic forces and its norms led by UNPs.

    There is nothing extraordinary that UNP choice of democracy that are basically irrational, all decisions by Ranil W…MS & CBK narrow MINDED boundaries and self-interest of Neo-liberal -political-economy of Western and Indian origin agenda and its goals.

    While moved their personal goals of Ranil..W..,CBK & MS has certain indecency of political behavior allowing others person like Jayampath pursue their goals as well.
    By insistence anti-moral choice they simply promotion of power hungry of that self-interest sells humankind reasoning are extremely short of Under UNP-Ranil.. MS & CBK that by misrule of so-called “good governances”.

    We have to have our own choice of consensus between democratic rationality and the economic sustainability by national forum of discussions. Ours actions, objectives, values and priorities of politics, economic, culture and ancient civilization of
    Sri- lanka ,that must have our own nation survive that seriously undertaken critical scrutiny.

    This has to be address as soon as possible by intelligent way to pursue an idea of the social good, even great sacrifice by people & leaders- rational outlook of politics of democracy.

    However while is task of rationality of democratic revolution that has nothing to do with or any relationship with so-called “rainbow revolution” led by US-CIA and Indian-RAW in 2015 January 9th and August 17 of elections was manipulated by MS, UNP-Ranil and CBK.

    In politics we should not allow self interest motivations which rationality does not accommodated their own demands. We can have sustainable reasons for democratic actions that reflect our inclination of people the country and our own individual lines of self-scrutiny.

    Such democracy characteristic of Leaders of all national political parties is choice of rationality has been choice rules of games of democracy justification, which rules out neither the dedicated altruist nor the reasoned seeker of personal gain of politicians and their class.

    That is the key task of Democratic Revolution want by People of
    Sri lanka.

    • 5

      I can not fathom why guys like Saman Adikari post comments to distort facts. He claims that all Corruption commenced with the UNP under JRJ, Premadasa and RW. In fact Corruption was unheard of, up to about 1956. Then an MP in the SLFP from Kurunegala was convicted for Bribery and sent to jail. Then T.B. Illangaratne who entered Parliament through a hat collection for his deposit commenced Corruption in the CWE and was nicknamed ‘Karola Kumamaraya’. The flood gates for corruption was opened by SWRD allowing the riff raff in society to be elected as MPs who had no house of their own, a vehicle of their own, simply from mere No Bodies to become Some Bodies. There after both UNP and the SLFP started fielding not only Corrupt but also Murderous Criminals as candidates.

      I wish to state that I do not know Jayampathi Wickremaratne personally so I have no personal animosity in particular. If as suggested by many, that he should be pardoned, I wonder where one could draw the line? I only stand by Principles that applies even to my family and friends. I can not understand how JW could be excused. Just imagine a nation boasting of a 2500 year history can not find 250 Honest and Decent people to govern the society? It is a sad indictment on the Majority who are so called Sinhala Buddhists, that includes myself.

      • 2

        “Just imagine a nation boasting of a 2500 year history can not find 250 Honest and Decent people to govern the society”

        Gamini, It is possible to find 225 honest and decent people to govern the country from the ordinary people and let them start working ASAP. However, to achieve that a Sunami should hit the parliament when all 225 MPs are inside in the absence of the other parliamentary staff, and destroy it.

      • 1

        Gamini, you speak as if you have never sinned all your life. We are human beings and we make mistakes. It is up to us to correct them and move on in life. A man should not be shunned all his life for a mistake or misdeed he made several decades ago.

        • 0


          For you information, I live by the five precepts of Buddhism although I never parrot repeat them ever. I consider it foolish for all to do so and violate the precepts daily. I am no hypocrite and fearlessly and Honestly claim that I have never cheated or robbed in my life. Why? Have you?

    • 4

      Saman Adikari

      “Believe it or not that present day corruption practices has been came into being under the UNP-Regime of JRJ, Premadasa and Ranil W…of their moribund politics;”

      Oh dear me, weren’t you around when SLFP was in complete control of the state and government during early 1970s to 1977? My Elders were.

      One can only compare the scale of corruption and brutality not the absence of both.

  • 2

    “Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that this individual is none other than Jayampathy Wickramaratne.”

    And who is the source for this reliable information? Who is writing these anonymous articles for CT?

    “Repeated attempts to obtain comments from both Wickramaratne and Wickremesinghe proved futile.”

    Thank you for trying to contact them before publishing.

    What happens if I try to publish an article without giving my name and refer to reliable anonymous sources?

  • 4

    If Jesus Christ were among us today, He would have told all these ‘puritans’:”Let the one among you who has never cheated at any time in life, throw the first stone!”

    • 1


      I bet there will be many who can throw stones, who have not cheated at Exams before, although you believe that there will be none. Even when Jesus asked to cast a stone, who has not sinned, when a woman was brought before him for committing adultery, I am sure there would have been, although Jesus could not, due to Mary Magdalene. It is just that those who could have, would not have wanted to embarrass Jesus.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Dr. Jekyl and Hyde have to come have to come out of the hiding place and reply to CT’s news piece. That is it. That all about it. Why so much of Blah Blah comments?

    Dr.Jeyampathy used his Sinhala Intellectual brian to cheat the test. Well that is not strange. But arguing Son Prince was sitting in the air conditioned room during the examination time is just because there was no table and chair in the hall i not a real talk. Come on please! Even every Sinhala Modaya knows to decode that talk. If Dr.Jeyamthay is not denouncing his past he is not different from Son Prince. Period!

    Isn’t Father King throned to Lankave because with his good heart he went UN against 120,000 Sinhala boys and girls death? Who needs a Dr.Jekyl when those all sold attached Hyde with them?

    Without find a fault blaming CT not to give way for a Hyde to become Jekyll is only Sinhala Intellectual logic. It is not CT’s job cleaning the Hyde. Don’t show an antipathy to free media.

    All of us have our comments cuts. But most of they have come out too. Then what is the hold for Dr.Jekyl to reply for this?

    Just be plain and simple. If it was a mistake, say so. Better, even go further and decline to accept the minister post, just like a human being would do rather than like an opportunistic Sinhala Intellectual would do. You know well from your past, if the Chemist job slips, there will be always a lawyer job out there. Don’t try to hold to the minister like a child holding to its broken toy. There are thousand ways, if serving the community is the object, standing out there and eagerly waiting for you to come and accept.

    If story is not true deny it.

    Don’t show antipathy to free media and start an attack on CT, just the way the usual Lankan Royal Governments do.

    Will the Dr.Jekyll denounce his Hyde personality? Will he come to CT.

  • 2


    Rather strange that you have completely edited my last response addressed to Asoka.Perhaps,you need to protect a journalistic colleague Sinha [Edited out].
    I thought In Journalism Truth is a process.

  • 2

    Critical thinkers of Sri Lanka

    Do you guys need general election in Sri Lanka to elect parliamentarians? I do not understand this concept of election anymore because this country handles general election in pretty peculiar ways. Do you see lost election campaigners re-elected to parliament by party leaders in any other countries? It may be true in 3rd world countries or in failed states where democracy is serious in jeopardy. If that is what Sri Lanka (failed state) is about, then my argument is lost.

    Example S.B. Dissanayake, Thilanga Sumathipala, Mahinda Samarasinghe, Lakshman Yapa Abeywardane, Vijith Vijayamuni Zoysa , Sarath Amunugama, Malith Jayathilake, Dilan Perera, Angajan Ramanathan, Faizer Musthapa, A.H.M. Fowzie, Hizbullah, Vijithamuni Soyza are losers in the democratic election process. Democratic election is for the people and by the people to elect their leaders. right? Am I wrong? Confuse? or what the heck about democratic election is? Can someone from Sri Lanka University political science departments explain to me please? How come these losers’ could be re-considered for nationalist list to come back to parliament again and provide them ministerial posts? (may be) Really! This is pretty fucking peculiar situation. If people said that we do not want them, means.. they do not want them in parliament. Is this hard to understand? Any 100% moyadas/lunatics people can understand this. Is this a failed state? because the top leaders in the parties (PM, President, CMB) do not listen to good governance of democracy?


  • 0

    If Jesus Christ were among us today – Saman Wijesiri…

    OMG…….. If he was there, all those cassoack wearing varieties led by S.J.Emmanuels would be up there & ready to crucify him.
    Jesus is not wanted today………Priests own the Heavens.
    We the people have to go through them to enter heaven…………..

    They have taken over our lives & not Jesus.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Exam cheats are a none group of people. Namal was an exam cheat. Peiris was a plagiarist. He became vice chancellor and minister. The list goes on. So, why single this man out. He did not cheat at his law exams or at least there is no evidence of it.

  • 0

    If Goata can get a Ph.D why not Jayampathy. This is Sri Lanka we have to close our eyes sometimes. and remember to open after ok.

  • 1

    [Edited out]

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