By Ruwan Laknath Jayakody, Kavindya Chris Thomas and Kavindya Perera –
CoI into the 2012 Welikada Prison Incident/Nambuwasam Committee on Welikada riots/massacre
Recommends charging Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Chandra Wakishta, Indika Sampath, Kodippili, Shantha Dissanayake
The prosecution of six high ranking officials previously attached to the Ministry of Defence, the State Intelligence Service, the Prisons Department and the Sixth Gajaba Regiment of the Army in relation to the Welikada Prisons incident of November 2012, has been recommended by a Committee of Inquiry which probed into the matter.
The Committee of Inquiry into the Prison Incident Welikada – 2012 (C.I.P.I) has recommended charging former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, former Head/Director of the State Intelligence Services and the Terrorism Investigation Division (TID) Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police (SDIG) Chandra Nimal Wakishta, former Jailor and Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of the Prisons Intelligence Unit Indika Sampath, former Commissioner General of Prisons P.W. Kodippili, then Brigadier of the Army Shantha Dissanayake and former Superintendent of the Magazine Prison and an incumbent Commissioner of Prisons (Rehabilitation) (covering up duties) Emil Ranjan Lamahewage under Section 162 of the Penal Code, which deals with public officers who disobey the directions of the law with the intent of causing injury to persons or the Government.
The C.I.P.I thus recommended charging the relevant aforementioned Public Servants (Rajapaksa, Wakishta, Sampath, Kodippili, Dissanayake and Lamahewage) under Section 162 of the Penal Code, whereby public servants by way of their conduct disobeys the directions of the law in a manner which intends or knowingly causes injury to a person or the Government. Conviction for the charge carries a term of simple imprisonment for a maximum of one year and/or a fine. Also, the C.I.P.I noted that the aforementioned Officers owed a duty of care to the victims and that they were ideally positioned to foresee the catastrophic consequences of their acts of commission and omission.
Lamahewage, the latter who along with Inspector of Police (IP) Neomal Rangajeewa (attached to the Police Narcotics Bureau) is presently in remand custody, is also on compulsory leave from the Department of Prisons and his post of the Commissioner of Prisons (Rehabilitation) (covering up duties). Sampath is presently considered as having vacated his post and is believed to be overseas. According to the Ministry of Prison Reforms an investigation into his whereabouts is currently underway as he has vacated his position without prior notice to his superiors.
The Welikada Prisons Incident
The Welikada Prisons incident on 9 and 10 November, 2012, a melee alternately described as a riot by the State and the Government, and a massacre by eyewitnesses, claimed the lives of 27 prisoners.
The C.I.P.I
The C.I.P.I was appointed on 22 January, 2015, by former Minister of Justice, President’s Counsel Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe and comprised of retired High Court Judge Wimal Nambuwasam, former SDIG Asoka Wijetilleka and retired Additional Secretary S.K. Liyanage. The prosecution was by Senior State Counsel Janaka Bandara.
This is the second official inquiry that was called on the matter. The first inquiry was carried out in 2012 by a three Member Committee appointed by the then Minister of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms Chandrasiri Gajadeera, and Chaired by retired High Court Judge Bandula Atapattu.
While the C.I.P.I summoned former and present Officials of the Department of Prisons; the Police (including from the Colombo Crimes Division {CCD}, the Financial Crimes Division, the Administration, the Criminal Investigation Department {CID}, the TID and the former Inspector General of Police {IGP} N.K. Illangakoon); the Special Task Force (STF) of the Police, which during this period however, was not under the purview of the IGP but directly controlled in terms of administrative and supervision by the Ministry of Defence; the Army; former Chief of National Intelligence Wakishta; Rajapaksa; the ex-Officials of the Ministry of Defence; the then Secretary of the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms Ariyasiri Dissanayake; the Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Employment G.S. Vithanage; the next of kin of the deceased; the injured inmates; and the inmates detained on the day of the incident. Gajadeera had according to the C.I.P.I deliberately avoided appearing before it.
The C.I.P.I also heard and sought constructive opinions on evidence, from Consultant Judicial Medical Officers (JMO) who conducted the postmortems of the deceased; Scenes of Crime Officers (SOCO) of the Police (from Colombo South and Central) who examined the scene of the incident; the then Government Analyst (GA) and Deputies and Assistants of the GA’s Department who conducted forensic and ballistic examinations; and Fingerprint Experts of the Criminal Record Division of the Police.
The final report was presented in June, 2015.
The C.I.P.I’s Observations And Recommendations On The Findings
Necessity For The Conduct Of A Search
The C.I.P.I has noted that a high level of external influence, interference and pressure had been brought to bear on the need for a search by the STF on 9 November, 2012 and observed that the instructions to deploy the STF to conduct the search inside the Welikada Prisons on 9 November, 2012, was made on a directive by Rajapaksa through the Ministry of Defence.
According to the C.I.P.I’s report, Ariyasiri Dissanayake strongly confirmed the latter position. Ariyasiri Dissanayake has further claimed that though there was no immediate requirement to conduct a search of the magnitude by the STF, it was due to pressure from Rajapaksa that they had to accede to his request. Rajapaksa has not only vehemently denied that the authority to make the required arrangements in order for the STF to be used for the search had come from him, but has also decried Dissanayake’s claim as being false.
In section of the report, it is pointed out that, “It also transpired that the emergency of this necessity was not due to its essentiality by the Department of Prisons but due to the necessity generated at the Defence Ministry level, during an Intelligence Review Meeting held on 17 July, 2012, to which Ariyasiri Dissanayake, Kodippili and many others of the Prisons hierarchy including Superintendents of Prisons were participants.“ The report highlights that evidence had been placed before the C.I.P.I by certain high ranking Prisons Staff that the use of external agencies in the conduct of affairs within Prisons had undermined and weakened the authority and administrative control of the Prisons Officials.
There are two versions. Rajapaksa, former SDIG – Western Province Anura Senanayake and Wakishta held that a search operation was justified as according to them the illegal activities within the Welikada Prisons posed a threat to national security. The claim was unsupported with documentary evidence. Albeit to a lesser degree on the national security aspect, Kodippili and Sampath too held that the inmates’ activities had reached threatening proportions in terms of the maintenance of discipline. Then Superintendent of the Welikada Prisons J.A. Gamini Jayasinghe and Chief Jailor U.B. Walisundara spoke of the repeated finding of contraband despite regular, ad-hoc searches.
On these grounds, the C.I.P.I therefore considered that the necessity to conduct a search to prevent the flow of unlawful activities could not be excluded totally. However, the magnitude of the search conducted was opposed by the C.I.P.I which pointed out that the sheer number of STF personnel deployed (798 armed) was in total variation from the original request made by Kodippili on 2 August, 2012, to the then IGP Illangakoon, requesting 300 STF personnel for a combined (Prisons Department and the STF) search of the L Ward and Chapel Building of the Colombo Remand, Magazine and Welikada Prisons on 7 August, 2012.
The C.I.P.I has thus taken Kodippili and Wakishta to task for totally miscalculating and misjudging the scale of the operation based on the exact needs of the search, adding unwaveringly that such was contrary to the legal statutory provisions and flying in the face of acceptability. In doing so, the C.I.P.I rejected the excuse given by Kodippili that the need for secrecy in the operation was high due to the presence of corrupt Prisons officers conniving with the prisoners.
Legality Of The Entry Of The STF
Section 77 of the Prisons Ordinance and subsidiary legislations to the Ordinance (found in Sections 17 to 21) hold that carrying weapons when entering into a Prisons facility is a violation of the relevant applicable laws and therefore illegal. Moreover, on the use of weapons and force, Section 77(4) of the Ordinance permitted the use of weapons only as far as possible to disable a prisoner and “not to kill”. legislations to the Ordinance states that the entitlement to use weapons and force is in defence of oneself or others when lives and limbs are threatened, noting further that one must be cautious to “never use more force than is absolutely necessary”. The advisory regulation in Section 21 to be followed when firing at an escaping prisoner, “for the first shot to be fired wide off the mark, and if it is necessary to fire again by aiming low to avoid the infliction of a fatal injury” should be strictly adhered to.
Rajapaksa, Ariyasiri Dissanayake, Vithanage, Anura Senanayake, Wakishta, Kodippili, Jayasinghe, Lamahewage and Sampath, the latter who played an active role in securing the entry of armed STF personnel into the Welikada Prisons complex on 9 November, 2012, had all admitted that carrying arms into a Prisons facility was illegal and prohibited. Illangakoon though stating that no Police or Army Officer could enter a Prisons facility with a weapon, however had explained that the responsibility should ultimately be borne by those who authorized the entry. However, it is a mandatory requirement for the STF to carry weapons when moving out for any duty or operation. The matter therefore remains unresolved except in that the principle of proportionality has not been followed.
Another issue noted in section of the report is that a legal search warrant, a prerequisite under the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, No. 15 of 1979, had not been obtained for the entry of armed STF personnel. However, it is learned by the C.I.P.I that when Sampath had queried from Kodippili regarding the availability of a search warrant, the latter had replied yes, thereby deliberately misleading the former. Kodippili has however denied knowledge of the STF participation in the op to the C.I.P.I.
The C.I.P.I’s conclusion was that the entry of STF personnel with weapons into the Welikada Prisons was a total violation of the law and thereby illegal.
The Authorization Of The Deployment Of The STF
According to the Deputy Inspector General of Police of the STF, R.W.M. Chandrasiri Ranawana, Senanayake, Ariyasiri Dissanayake and Kodippili, the entire exercise in relation to the preparatory arrangement for the conduct of the search had been coordinated (along with the STF, Officials of the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms, Kodippili and Sampath) by Wakishta who had attended the preparatory meetings held at the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms premises in Borella which had mostly been chaired by then subject Minister Gajadeera. In section of the report, it is mentioned that Wakishta had also handled the advance preparation and planning aspects of the conduct of the search operation, sans a search warrant from a competent Court of Law
Wakishta claims that he sought and received verbal approval from Illangakoon. When Illangakoon had received another letter requesting Police participation at a meeting held at the aforementioned Ministry, he had authorized Wakishta to attend and take necessary action, and since Wakishta had not reported back to him, he had then assumed that no further action was required on the part of the Police in this regard.
Illangakoon had been in Italy on official duty on 9 November, 2012, and had upon returning on 10 November, 2012, had ordered the CID to conduct an investigation pertaining to the incident.
He had presumed that the instructions and directions for the conduct of the search had come from the Ministry of Defence. Since Illangakoon’s version of events has been corroborated by Ranawana, the C.I.P.I has held that Wakishta had engaged in the deliberate misrepresentation of the facts, thereby finding his position far from the truth.
Firing Of Tear Gas By The STF
Section and d. of the report notes that it was Kodippili who authorized the conduct of the search and granted approval for the armed STF personnel to enter into the Welikada Prisons on 9 November, 2012 and that it was Sampath who in contravention of the provisions of the Prisons Ordinance had in spite of objections raised by Prison Staff facilitated their entry. When STF personnel were refused entry owing to the lack of prior notification or authorization from a superior officer of the Prisons facility, Sampath had intervened and persuaded the Prison Guards at the main entrance to the Welikada Prisons to secure their entry by stating that a search was to be performed with Kodippili’s approval.
Inmates of the L Ward had fully cooperated with the search. It was when the A3 Ward in the Chapel Building was being searched that events took a different turn.
Apart from the fact that the STF personnel firing tear gas shells into the Prisons complex unheeding the warnings (including to refrain from entering the Chapel Building) given by the Prisons Officials was uncalled for, on the allegations of acts of torture, the C.I.P.I has specifically in section of the report recommended that those involved in the indiscriminate firing of tear gas into the closed (padlocked) Prisons Wards of A3 and B3 in the Chapel Building, a wanton provocation which left the prisoners with no option but to defend themselves, be identified and that criminal proceedings be instituted under Sections 2 and 3 of the Convention Against Torture, and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Act, No. 22 of 1994.
In section of the report, the C.I.P.I notes that the STF had displayed scant regard to the displeasure intimated (via jeering at the STF) by the prisoners to being searched by anyone other than the Prisons Staff.
The STF while denying firing into the closed A3 and B3 Wards (confirmed however by Prisons Staff), admitted however to firing tear gas at the entrance to the Chapel Building which houses the A3, B3, C3 and D3 Wards, only for the purpose of securing their withdrawal. Wakishta citing notes by Assistant Superintendent of Police attached to the TID Prasanna Alwis, too made the latter claim, but no such corroboration was found in Alwis’s notes or in the latter’s evidence given before the C.I.P.I.
Before the STF withdrew at the behest of Jayasinghe, inmates threw stones and other objects owing to tear gas being fired in various directions.
The C.I.P.I held that the STF had overreacted, adding that the tense situation that was created and which prevailed was all their making. Owing to the spread of smoke, Magazine Prisons Officials were forced to bring out detainees into an open area within their complex to mitigate the effects of the lacrimosa smoke.
The C.I.P.I defined the Welikada incident as a collective response by the prisoners to the “tumultuous disturbance of the peace” caused by the immediate prime cause of the “irresponsible” use of tear gas by the 798 strong STF, which acted as the triggering incident. There was a marked absence of an instigative element in the riot, the C.I.P.I further noted, adding that therefore the outbreak was “reactive” as opposed to “incitive”.
Inmates Breaking Open The Armoury
Subsequently, the inmates had forcibly broken into the unsuitably located mini armoury. It was also insufficiently secured. The GA’s Department confirmed that the main door was malfunctioning.
Inmates Attempt To Escape By Three-Wheeler
Although it is prohibited to take private vehicles, in this case a three-wheeler owned by a Prisons Officer, into a Prisons facility, 11 inmates had tried to escape in the parked vehicle by taking two Type 56 rifles and firing at the STF.
Army Intervention And ‘Rangajeewa’
Lieutenant Colonel of the Sixth Gajaba Regiment G.A. Thanuja Godewatte claims that he was informed by his Commanding Officer Shantha Dissanayake on 9 November, 2012, at 2 p.m. that his troops should take up position near the Campbell Park, Borella, adding also that they had entered the Welikada Prisons facility at midnight on the day.
The C.I.P.I in section of the report observed that the pre-planned arrangement made in advance of 2 p.m. on 9 November, 2012, well ahead of the STF search, for the deployment of Army troops at a location close to the Prisons, and the planned decision of the Army to enter the Prisons towards 12 midnight on the same day, had been made by Shantha Dissanayake sans an official request by Kodippili or Senanayake.
Major General Jagath Alwis stated that he arrived at the outer area of the main entrance to the Prisons at 7 p.m. after he was informed by the Director – Operations at the Army headquarters. The Police and the STF claimed ignorance of who had called the Army. The Army, the C.I.P.I noted had fired in all directions haphazardly.
Acting IGP and SDIG (Administration) Gamini Navaratne who had monitored the initial situation which arose towards the evening of 9 November, 2012, and had given instructions to Senanayake to prevent the escape of prisoners, has claimed that he had only come to know of the Army’s intervention on early 10 November, 2012, through Senanayake. The C.I.P.I notes that Navaratne’s position is “elusive”.
Inmates have meanwhile alleged that Rangajeewa had accompanied certain Army Officers during the wee hours of 10 November, 2012, and was attired in civvies, and also using a mobile phone. Rangajeewa had informed the C.I.P.I that on the day, he was engaged in surveillance related duties in Kohuwala and Bambalapitiya although the out entry indicates that he was proceeding to Chilaw.
Presence Of Four T56 Weapons Near The Deceased Inmates
In section of the report, there are allegations directly aimed at Lamahewage and Rangajeewa by several inmates and a few Prisons Officers, and allegations also against Kodippili to the effect that they were instrumental in removing four T56 weapons from the custody of Jailor P.L.W. Nanayakkara, a fact corroborated by few other Prisons Staff and supported by a document tendered by Nanayakkara and Army Sergeant of the Sixth Gajaba Regiment P.S. Tennakoon, and evidence given by Prisons Guard K.R. Wijerathne. It was Tennakoon who had initially handed over the four weapons to Nanayakkara’s custody.
Sections, 5 and 6 of the report which deals with material evidence in the form of photographs taken on 10 November, 2012, by Official Prisons Photographer Jailor II Niraj Dushantha Gunawardene at 7.47 a.m. and Prison Guard S.A. Dinesh Madushanka on the same day between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. is further proof regarding the aspect of T56 assault rifles being introduced near dead inmates, indicative of the alleged complicity of Kodippili and Lamahewage. According to of the report, based on strong evidence disclosed by witnesses in relation to the actions of certain officials, it is noted that the unauthorized removal of four T56 automatics from the custody of Nanayakkara in the small hours of 10 November, 2012, which later surfaced near the bodies of certain dead inmates, was done by Kodippili and Lamahewage.
According to evidence courtesy of Gunawardene from 10 November, 2012:-
At 7.33 a.m. on 10 November, 2012, there was a long blade knife next to the body of inmate Malith Sameera Perera alias Konda Amila.
At 7.35 a.m. on 10 November, 2012, there was a T56 (number 21533278) approximately 54 centimetres (cm) away from the body of Nirmala Atapattu with no empty casings found in the proximity of the weapon and a T56 (number 21558631) close to the body of Thushara Chandana alias Kalu Thushara with no empty casings found in the proximity of the weapon.
At around 7.47 a.m. there was no T56 weapon close to the bodies of P. Harsha Manjusri Manukeerthi Perera alias Nilame, Asarappulige/Asarapodige Jothipala alias Ponna Kapila, and Kankanage Malindra Nilendra Palpola alias Malan (photo numbers 8881-2) {A photograph courtesy of Madushanka taken prior to Gunawardene shows the absence of a weapon near their bodies at around 4 a.m. and 5 a.m.}.
At 9.33 a.m. on 10 November, 2012, there was a T56 (number 21532857) 78cm away from the body of Mohamed Wijeya Rohana alias Gundu Mama where empty casings were found.
A Magistrate is shown at 1.30 p.m. examining the scene where the body of Susantha was.
And the photographs (numbers 9118-9) depict the scene visit of the Magistrate for the conduct of the inquest at around 1.44 p.m., where now a T56 is seen close to the bodies of Manjusri aka Nilame, Jothipala aka Ponna Kapila, and Palpola aka Malan.
The C.I.P.I noted that this goes beyond reasonable doubt that the four T56s were a “subsequent introduction”. According to the C.I.P.I, the introduction of the weapons was to project the view that the inmates had used them, thereby justifying their execution.
Selective Killings
As per section of the report, since the evidence placed before the C.I.P.I discloses the alleged involvements of Rangajeewa and Lamahewage in the alleged selective killings, it is also recommended that this aspect of their complicity be gone into fully. Lamahewage’s alleged involvement, as per the eyewitness accounts of inmates, in the picking up of inmate Malith Sameera Perera aka Konda Amila, amongst many others, and making him kneel down (done by the Army) in front of the Welikada Prisons Superintendent’s Office in the wee hours of 10 November, 2012, morning, must be investigated. This is in the context of the deceased having previously lodged a complaint (confirmation of an alleged threat to life) with the Borella Police and the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka against Lamahewage. The C.I.P.I pointed towards a likely motive of revenge.
Eyewitness accounts of inmates have mentioned the removal and picking up of or more precisely the selecting of Jothipala aka Ponna Kapila, Manjusri aka Nilame, Palpola aka Malan, Thushara Chandana aka Kalu Thushara, Mohamed Wijeya Rohana aka Gundu Mama, Atapattu, and Susantha for selective killing.
Forensic Analysis
Post-mortem examinations conducted by the Colombo Chief JMO’s Office revealed that the causes of the deaths were due to injuries from rifle firearm related gunshots from a distance (of beyond three feet).
A Consultant JMO Dr. Prasanna B. Dassanayake stated that a blackening wound on the body of Mohamed Wijeya Rohana aka Gundu Mama was suggestive of close range fire of six to 12 inches.
When shown photographs taken by Prison Guard Madushanka and the Official SOCO Photographer of the scene where the bodies of Manjusri aka Nilame, Jothipala aka Ponna Kapila, and Palpola aka Malan were, which in the background showed marks portraying the flow of the blood stains and splatter, and the bullet marks on the wall, and asked for an opinion, Colombo Chief JMO Dr. Ajith Tennakoon opined that going by the distance of the blood stains on the wall from the ground, the height of the deceased seen on the right side of the photograph, and the gunshot injury to the upper torso, he was either seated or leaning against the foot of the wall. Adding further that, going by the position of the three bodies on the ground and the gap between the three blood stains on the wall, it could be confirmed that the three persons were close to each other at the time of the shooting. Further, the three blood stains show a downward trend of the flow of the blood stain.
Elsewhere, swabs taken from the palms of 10 deceased inmates and forwarded by the Colombo Chief JMO’s Office to the GA, with the view of finding the presence of gun powder/spent smokeless powder residue, tested negative on all accounts, suggesting that the said dead inmates had not fired a firearm on the day. Previously, the SOCO teams that recovered and examined the T56 weapons had found no presence of gun powder odour. Officer-In-Charge (OIC) of the SOCO Colombo Central Sub-Inspector H.M. Sumanalatha had stated that a T56 (number 21534010) found from near the bodies of Manjusri aka Nilame, Jothipala aka Ponna Kapila, and Palpola aka Malan was not loaded (no magazine inserted into the weapon).
Additional Fingerprints Registrar of the Crimes Records Division of the Police Chief Inspector Senaka Kaluarachchi who examined the said four T56 weapons and other weapons recovered from the Prisons compound, found no palm prints or fingerprints.
The SOCO when further queried by the C.I.P.I, stated that it was reasonable to conclude that there had been an excessive use of firearms than necessary to control the situation and that based on the large number of empty casings recovered from outside the immediate environs of the Prisons complex, there had been extensive firing from outside towards the inside of the complex.
On the subject of ballistics, it was the view of Deputy GA P.G. Madawela that the attack was one of high intensity, more commonly identified with an attempt to “counter a terrorist attack or capture an enemy camp”. This, as the C.I.P.I notes in section of the report, constitutes the unjustifiable and excessive use of firepower (according to Godewatte, 1,060 numbers of high calibre AK (7.62 x 34) ammunitions had been expended by his troops, a figure which is in addition to the firepower used by Army Colonel Liyanawadu on the night of 9 November, 2012) in this situation.
Lapses In The Police Investigation
The C.I.P.I in section of the report noted that delays in the CCD and the CID taking charge of the weapons used by the STF including the tear gas related equipment, had resulted in the presence of firearm residues diminishing. It is also noted by the C.I.P.I that the said weapons had been subsequently cleaned and oiled by the relevant parties subsequent to firing.
Police Medico-Legal reports of the injured could not be traced.
Furthermore, the C.I.P.I states that the investigations were not comprehensive in that they did not cover aspects pertaining to the necessity of the conduct of the search, the STF’s actions, the use of firepower and the motive if any for the killing of selected inmates.
“The lack of a proactive investigative approach and the absence of fundamental investigative steps makes one suspect whether there were external pressures brought forth to dilute and thereby obliterate the investigation with the passage of time,” the C.I.P.I asserted.
According to section 5.4 of the report, other salient factors to be considered include the intervention of the Army which had also resulted in causing damages to a certain extent; the subsequent transfer of a large segment of inmates to Prisons facilities elsewhere; the continued presence of the Prisons officials against whom accusations are made; and the threats brought forth by certain officials to inmates to prevent them from divulging the truth.
Issues Relevant To Witness Protection (Inmates And Officials)
As per evidence based in witness testimony, there is an allegation that Lamahewage had used his influence to interfere with witnesses including both inmates and Prisons Staff with the view of preventing them from testifying before the C.I.P.I., a matter which Ceylon Today has previously reported based on a telephone call recording between two witnesses.
The Assistance to and Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses Act, No. 4 of 2015 should be utilized to provide safeguards to those who have testified and will, from fear and apprehension, conveyed and displayed, of acts of reprisal, threats and harassment, and the likelihood of serious allegations being framed against witnesses who make disclosures against and adverse to superior officers.
In sections, 6, 7 and 8 of the report, the C.I.P.I has noted in particular the case of former OIC of Minor Offences attached to the Borella Police (and at present the Thalangama Police) IP H.M. Yassendra Nalaka involving Senanayake and Lamahewage, where the former had notified the Court of the position with regard to the death of Malith Sameera Perera aka Konda Amila and his failure to move the Court to close the case, and the subsequent interdiction of the former and the resultant issue of a charge sheet (after a lapse of 19 months), which the C.I.P.I points out is far from reasonable and just. The C.I.P.I concludes that Senanayake had acted in a partisan manner.
On the question of compensation, the C.I.P.I notes that no compensation should be made to: the next of kin of the 11 inmates who were killed (succumbing to gunshot injuries) when they attempted to escape from lawful custody (Section 221 of the Penal Code) using a three-wheeler and by firing at STF personnel on the outer perimeter and outside environs of the Prisons; and to the STF personnel who sustained injuries during the course of their search op, which blatantly violated the legal requirements to be observed before and after their entry into the Prisons complex on 9 November, 2012.
Probe By The Previous Committee And Findings
The first Committee of Inquiry appointed on 10 November, 2012, by Gajadeera, and comprised of Atapattu (Chair), former Deputy Inspector General of Police Gunasena Thenabadu and former Chief Legal Consultant of and Advisor to the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms Lalith Andrahannadi, commenced its sittings on 12 November, 2012 and concluded on 11 September, 2013.
According to the C.I.P.I, Andrahannadi’s appointment as a Committee Member, as per the evidence, constituted a conflict of interest, and that his continued functioning in the said capacity within the previous Committee, was “highly unethical and unprincipled”. This is by virtue of his having been actively involved in the preparatory meetings for the making of the arrangements for the execution of the conduct of the search at the Welikada Prisons on 9 November, 2012. In section of the report, the C.I.P.I further noted that Andrahannadi, an attorney-at-law, had been negligent of his duties to enlighten all concerned about the illegality of entering into Prisons facilities with firearms and conducting a search without a warrant.
Furthermore, certain official witnesses had taken up the position that they had been influenced by certain Members of the previous Committee to “refrain from speaking the truth” and coached to highlight certain provisions of the law they were unfamiliar with. Also, certain witnesses after giving their statements to the previous Committee had not been permitted to read the said statements made prior to placing their signatures on the recorded statements.
In their probe, the previous Committee had failed to look into the salient aspects with regard to the reasons and the necessity for the conduct of the search and the deployment of the STF.
It is thus the recommendation of the C.I.P.I that the findings of the final report (presented in the latter part of 2013) of the Atapattu Committee thereby be annulled in their totality as the findings were “foolish and silly”. Not to mention false.
Finally, it is the C.I.P.I’s recommendation that since the incident that took place on 9 November, 2012, at the Welikada Prisons complex, constituted a gross violation of the international law principle of proportionality and of the basic human rights of prisoners, the above allegations be investigated, and that wrongdoers be prosecuted and punished irrespective of their positions and/or political links, for the sake of the administration of justice.
Related posts:
Part -1 : 2012 Welikada Prison Massacre
Part -3 : Former Welikada Prison Official Testifies About The 2012 Massacre
Part -4 : Welikada Prison Massacre/Riot; Cover-Up under Climate Of Fear
Saman / April 19, 2018
True evidence are there.
Gotabaya is the man who committed this massacre.
They are innocent people.
Gotabaya must be incarcerated for life.
Ajith / April 19, 2018
Dear President Sirisena,
The incident was real. 21 innocent srilankans were murdered. It happened not in the North East. Evidence is clear. Recommendation of the investigation is very clear. You were part of that regime during the incident. You are now President of this country? What action you are going to take and when?
priyantha / April 19, 2018
I think this Ponna Prez is scared of Rajapassas still. Thats why Gota is freely living.
Lapatiya / April 19, 2018
You are asking President to take action against the war hero, who eradicated terrorism along with his brothers? He is future Possible Prime Minister under Sirisena’s Govt. Gota should already be in the jail counting iron bars by now for the crimes that he committed during Rajapaksha regime. You don’t have be a rocket scientists to guess who is protecting Gota. Dilrukshi Dias Wickramasingha dragged Gota to the Courts and she had to go home next day. Chapter close.
Burt / April 19, 2018
Tap on the wrist for over a score of cold blooded murders. Still will the government have the balls to charge them?
punchinilame / April 20, 2018
The simple reason G O T A is hanging on to a Patholaya is
that he (Gota) knows that he should be in jail since 2012
but has outlived it because of politics here permits it – with
the CoI Report kept hidden by RW?
nimal fernando / April 20, 2018
Oh! C’mon ……….. lay off poor Gota ………. where’s your appreciation for a Lankan “professional” of great competence? ……… Can any of you guys deny he accomplished the task with great panache?
Give him credit ……. that the man is modest enough not to take the credit and kind enough to pass it on to others ………..
That’s my kinda guy ……….. I say, Gota for president!
Ravin Daniel / April 20, 2018
Stop writing your bullshit again.
nimal fernando / April 20, 2018
It’s a free forum …….. you write what you want …….I’ll write what I want ………
Who the hell are you to tell people what to write?
If you can’t hack it ………. go fly a kite! :))
Ravin Daniel / April 20, 2018
Again you are writing bullshit.
nimal fernando / April 21, 2018
Is that all you can say buddy? :))
What matters is not what you, an insignificant pipsqueak in the wilderness, want people to write in an open forum ……… but what passes the muster of the forum moderator ………..if he/she did not censor ……. like he/she has censored many other comments …….. then that’s fine …………
The way I write is ……….. to achieve a certain outcome ……….. to see it did what it was meant to do ………. makes my day ! :))
Soooooory if it hurt your fragile girlie-man sensibilities ……….. :))))
Have a nice day ……….. hope it’s as good as mine ……..
Oh! Happy Day!
Ravin Daniel / April 21, 2018
Stray dog got badly bitten he.Hi hi hi.Never mind you learned your lesson.Bow.Bow.Bow
nimal fernando / April 21, 2018
Is that your best shot, buddy? Very best shot?
Hurt a bit, eh? A wee little bit? :))
You can’t just stomach it; can you? ……….. you got put in your place trying to shut others up and as you say, that’s a lesson you’ll never forget ………. :))))
I feel your pain bro ………… I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I’m a nice guy …… even if I have to say so myself!
Sin, no? :))
Oh boy this is fun! Ha ha ha
Don Stanley / April 20, 2018
Ruwan, Kavinda and Kavindaya good work! But US citizen Gota is protected by his Country’s Embassy in Sri Lanka, so the odds on him being charged in this as in the Avant Guard national security scam are poor.
Indeed Gota is the CIA’s Manchurian Candidate for President of Lanka if Bondsctam Ranil who is in the pocket of the US ( and whose policies are tailored in Washington by Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and IMF to secure the strategic interests of the Superpower against China and the economic interests of the Global 1 percent), fails at the next election.
The US game in Sri Lanka is promoting bi-partisan UN_-SLFP corruption and in the name of Fake RECONCILIATION and National Unity Govt . as the US game in Geneva at the UN Human Rights Commission shows!
The game of the Superpower in Lanka is : Heads I win, Tails you lose, either way people of Lanka are screwed.
Silva / April 20, 2018
Some people were suggesting to bring back the so called ‘war hero’ Goat Rajapakshe back to politics and make him president. Who in his/her right mind wants to bring back the White Van Executioner to power? He was the one who massacred the prisoners at Welikada, the one who murdered the journalists, the one who butchered the people at Rathupaswala for asking drinking water. He is a ruthless coldblooded killing machine. He will continue to kill all those who protest even for minor issues and his victims will end up as tiffin for his pet Sharks. If he becomes president, rest assured, Sri Lanka will get erased from the world map forever. Are the Sri Lankan voters insane and stupid bring a killing machine to power?
Anonymous / April 20, 2018
If this Government is unable/unwilling to take action against the Rajapaksas just hand them over to the Hage for trial and be done with it. We don’t need Criminal politics ruining our country anymore…
Fathima / April 25, 2018
Lock up this mass murderer and war criminal Kotapaya soon. Otherwise they will be back in power and start killing tens of thousands. Now their hatred knows no limit.
Eradicate Kothapaya legally now. For Buddha’s sake!
asela / April 19, 2018
What do these people suggest when most dangerous criminals riot against the prisons and army > do you want these criminals to be taken home and feed them with baby milk? This is the best answer any legal authority can give /
Concerned / April 19, 2018
I pray to god that one of your loved ones to face such a crime for you to understand and feel what it is !
Kamalawathie Sameer / April 19, 2018
Concerned – “I pray to God that one of your loved ones to face such a crime for you to understand and feel what it is !” I wonder whether “ass-ela” understands your good comment??
Analyst / April 19, 2018
Are you a donkey or a mule.
Actually the two above just have no thinking power. That’s why they’re called Mules.
Go and read of Human rights of prisoners/ inmates.
Those who’re in Authority are suppose to keep them from any harm.
The arms cupboard was left opened for the inmates to help themselves . This too was premeditated by the ones suppose to protect them??
Then shoot to kill in an appalling manner.
You’re justifying the actions of the officials??
What a Moron you are.
Shenal / April 19, 2018
What about the human rights of the victims of these gangsters? Vermin like these should be terminated. They are a menace to the society.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
“Vermin like these should be terminated.”
There are hundreds of thousands of vermins in this island Mervyn, Duminda, … the war criminals representing armed forces, national hangman Dr Gota, his executioners, Wimal, Dayan, ……………………………………
Shenal / April 19, 2018
Native Vedda,
Why don’t you terminate them?
Maharage, Nimal / April 19, 2018
GoTa is terminating himself. He is reflecting on the blood of his murders and murmuring:” “I am in blood stepped in so far that should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o’er,” (Macbeth)
Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
If you insist I must start with you, somass, …………………..
However I don’t believe in violence nor killing. I am a pacifist and a liberal.
Sri / April 20, 2018
It is because of people like you who have scanty regard for human life that the world is in such a predicament. What power do we have to take a life? Are we gods to decide that one’s life is insignificant to that of another’s?
Ben Hurling / April 20, 2018
What shall we do with Vermin like yourself? Any good ideas?
Aku / April 19, 2018
That’s the point – there were no riots without provocation and that Gotaya is responsible for creating a riot.
Shenal / April 19, 2018
Gotabaya is responsible for everything except the war victory. We understand.
Aku / April 20, 2018
Your Gotaya?? A War Hero??? hahahaha…. Responsible for winning the war??? Talk to Mervin the perve and he might explain it all to you, after he ties you up of course… lol
hancho pancha / April 19, 2018
Lot of cow dung in your head.
Mudson Amerasinghe / April 19, 2018
“Every massacre starts with the tongue.”
Justice & Fairplay / April 19, 2018
Amazing statement from Asela! No wonder Sri Lanka is, where it now is, internationally!
Upali / April 19, 2018
By your comments you have become party to this macabre incident which no saner person can condone. Get ready to face ‘Dittadhamma Wedhaniya” karma.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
“do you want these criminals to be taken home and feed them with baby milk? “
Isn’t it what exactly happened at Welikada prison in July 1983. After 53 detainees were being killed the other rioting inmates who murdered them were feted for being patriots and their actions were praised being patriotic act. None of the murderers were charged.
Why treat the rioting prisoners differently in 2012 and kill them?
If Gota planned to teach a lesson to the unruly prisoners/detainees in 2012 he as Defense secretary should have investigated the riots and massacre of 53 prisoners/detainees.
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
Native Vedda: Gotabhaya Rajapakse should have offered them all the Justice of Peace positions or should have helped relocatimg to where Arjun Mahendran is moved. So that, Ranil will not have any competition to fight the PResidential elelction.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
Jim softy Dimwit
What on earth are you blabbering?
Why hasn’t the Sri Lankan state gone after Mahendran? Why is the silly joint opposition keeping a deafening mum on Mahendran’s extradition from Singapore to Sri Lanka. Has Mahendran silenced JO/Clan by offering a reward they couldn’t refuse/reject?
Shanker elsewhere believe Mahendran needs someone to play with his b***s or carry them. Since you are unemployed/unemployable why don’t you seriously apply for the job.
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
Intelligent NAtive Veddo: Ask your boss Ranil. HE is still saying he did not steal money. but, I think he was keeping a KEY to the Treasury.
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
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Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
Jim softy Dimwit
Adam believes you are a Jackass.
Are you?
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
Very INTelligent Stupid Vedda: What does the CIVIL SOCIETY says about the bond Scam and finding Arjun Mahendran in Singapore. IS Ranil a JAckass ? TRUMP has Signed for a AID package of $ 25 or 35 million. I can not believe what we have to do for that. why Ranil is bending his back this much. Is there anything left ? some say begin ing with R PEMADASA, Lalitha Arthulath Mudali, gamini dissanayake, Two generals all were killed in order to make Ranil the PResident. Maithripala WAs living blind zand deaf so far. HE is drinking Veniwelgeta now.
wannihami / April 20, 2018
So Native mate who was the Defense Secretary in ’83, shall we start by charging her or him? If LTTE has already killed him/her let us go up and down the hierarchy to find the next in power still alive and charge him or her, let us do this chronologically shall we?
Native Vedda / April 21, 2018
I don’t think LTTE ever targeted a defense secretary other than the one who was parachuted from USA. Nepotism at worst. Here is a brief copy/posted list of Defense secretaries:
Colonel C.A Dharmapala
From 01.09.1977 to 15.08.1983
General D.S Artigala
From 15.08.1983 to 16.02.1990
General S.C Ranatunga
From 16.02.1990 to 01.05.1993
Air Chief Marshal Walter Fernando
From 01.05.1993 to 06.09.1993
General Hamilton Wanasingha
From 06.06.1993 to 10.02.1995
Mr. R.K Chandrananda Silva
From 07.12.1995 to 05.12.2001
Mr. K Austin Fernando
From 21.12.2001 to 03.11.2003
Mr. L.D.C Herath
From 17.04.2004 to 30.11.2004
Maj Gen A.K Jayawardhana RWP RSP VSV USP
Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa RWP RSP psc
From 25.11.2005 to 09.01.2015
Mr.B.M.U.D Basnayake
From 11.01.2015 to 08.09.2015
Eng. Karunasena Hettiarachchi
From 09.09.2015 to 05.07.2017
Go after all of them, whether they are dead or alive. You may need some help, how about Taraki.
Adam / April 19, 2018
Its official. You’re a Jackass.
Aku / April 19, 2018
Very well done C I P I for making this public… Thanks to the reporters for making this public too… Hoping to see the start of the trial soon followed by convictions… But wait, will President Sirisena put another stop to this to safeguard these so called “war heroes” is the billion $ question……….
CHANAKYAN / April 19, 2018
In England “King can do no wrong”.
In Sri Lanka “War Heroes can do no wrong”.
Lankan No 03 / April 19, 2018
Brave CT to speak the truth about this . You must be brave enough. To speak out with gut …specially; against Goata who is famous for his kill it machines..i hope you do not end up.like Lasantha with this publication.
Long life for CT you are really brave ..
May God protect you from evil.of out politician’s punishments
chiv / April 19, 2018
Where are the Rajapaksa cheer leaders, now you will see them coming out one by one to discredit these reports,tell the nation it was done by RW /LTTE /tamil diaspora, some of the deceased shot them self from behind,some were murdered by other prisoners, Gota was abroad then,MR is not at all responsible for what ever happened in the prison, as already one said all prisoners are anyway in death roll …etc….etc to amuse the CT readers.For the rest, this is just a sample of how things were conducted by the previous regime.If any one has sense read this article along with the previous one given by the eye witness who was in the scene.Some how lankans drunk on communalism /racism still want to bring them back to lead the nation.How pathetic it can be????
Percy / April 19, 2018
Before getting too excited about Gota let’s find out who Nambuwasam is. He is a retired High Court Judge, a known alcoholic, who earlier this year drove his car under the influence of alcohol and knocked down and killed three people including a 34 year old woman. He is trying to curry favour with govt to get over his case where he faces a jail term
son of Lanka / April 19, 2018
How about the others in the panel? Can you find out from Dayan or will please?
hancho pancha / April 19, 2018
Nambuwasam is the legal adviser to the Minister of Justice. He is a free loader.
Lasith / April 20, 2018
No matter the character of the Judge, his investigation remains solid, bullet proof isn’t it? The report explicitly mentions the incident in detail.
If the Judge is a drunkard, does it change the truth?
In matters involving human rights violations we should become emotional. Clinical analysis of facts and proof beyond reasonable doubt that an accused is guilty should hand him the appropriate punishment.
I would think he is being too lenient on the criminals.
They should be prosecuted and executed for murder, mass murder of people in captivity.
If they can compile all the other cases against GOTA and try him one each one, one after another, I think he will spend his entire life trying to defend himself. In the end they should convict him for gross human rights violations.
As he asked that reporter ‘who is Lasith?’ with impunity, I say who is GOTA? Is he above the law? Hang him if need be. Hang all his associates if they too are guilty!
K.Pillai / April 19, 2018
The photographs and descriptions are unnerving. Our serious concern is the safety of the investigative journalists Ruwan Laknath Jayakody, Kavindya Chris Thomas and Kavindya Perera. They have put their lives at risk.
Chedi / April 19, 2018
the thoththa baba gothabaya denies every thing. now he will rush to courts and obtain a stay order. its funny how the media somehow leaks out the info about who is about to be arrested..there is a pattern here. how are “lawyers” who have been indicted for major crimes allowed to enter court to defend rouges? What does the fake political analyst DJ (and keyboard masturbator) say about these murders? MS and all are equally culpable of covering up all of this whilst enjoying the perks of office. Frauds.
Keynes! / April 19, 2018
This is all nonsense. Back in 2012, the Sri Lankan forensics expert David ‘Blackwater’ Blacker (2Black) demonstrated at the world famous Marga Development Institute that zero casualties occurred inside Welikada.
2Black is a world-class expert. He traveled to Germany to lecture at the Frankfurt School and rubbed shoulders with Adorno and Horkheimer. Foucault then invited him to Sorbonne. The nightly collaboration between 2Black and Foucault led to the birth of Biopolitics – a concept that he applied to explain the Welikada incident in 2012.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
The Black and Decker you mentioned co-chaired Marga meeting with the public racist Dayan.
When the army was accused of rape, he demanded evidence, live action video clip. I was shocked to know this puritan was into Video Nasty.
Actually Black and Decker justified Welikada killings because they were criminals. Some of them were just detainees pending court appearance. He didn’t know only a presiding judge could sentenced anyone to face firing squad, hangman, …………. not the STF commander or Dr Gota (DSc).
Babi Aachchi / April 19, 2018
What pot have you been smoking? These two Frankfurt school theorists and Foucault were long dead before 2012. You are also confusing biopolitics with biopower. Suggest you go read up a bit without rambling utter nonsense here.
Keynes! / April 20, 2018
I have been smoking the tea pot. Nevertheless, I swear I saw 2Black at MIT.
Navin / April 19, 2018
The pictures are gruesome, and we should be ashamed that this terrible massacre in our country. Prisoners have the right to be safe even behind bars. The blame always lies at the top, and all signs are that nothing was done to prevent this, in fact the orders seem to come from the highest offices. Justice must be done.
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
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Steve / April 19, 2018
Quoting from the article
“The C.I.P.I thus recommended charging the relevant aforementioned Public Servants (Rajapaksa, Wakishta, Sampath, Kodippili, Dissanayake and Lamahewage) under Section 162 of the Penal Code, whereby public servants by way of their conduct disobeys the directions of the law in a manner which intends or knowingly causes injury to a person or the Government. Conviction for the charge carries a term of simple imprisonment for a maximum of one year and/or a fine.”
Only simple imprisonment for a maximum of one year and /or a fine ??? . That is all for such a Dastardly, Inhuman Act ?? Is this Justice ??
White Van Der Wert / April 19, 2018
GR will be the next presidential candidate from the pohottuwa party.
He will secure a landslide victory thats for sure
Premasiri Senanayake / April 19, 2018
This Report is a dire warning to all all those who support Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s Presidential aspirations.This is what Sri Lanka is in for should this uneducated murderer become President.Look into his eyes – it spells MURDER.
You guys better think wisely .Otherwise the so called Motherland you seek to protect would be turned in to a Murderland under this sycophant.Dont complain once this happens.
Just google his interviews with the BBC’s Stephen Sackur if you need to be convinced of what Gota would look and do as President.With the help of people like Chandrasoma(Gota’s War)this uneducated man, who actually deserted Sri Lanka at the height of the war ,has impressed many as as War Hero who SINGLE HANDEDLY saved the Motherland.In this carefully constructed image lies the biggest danger for the country.Oh Sri Lankans in Sri Lanka hope you choose wisely .
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
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Taraki / April 19, 2018
Nambuwasam has killed too. Where is he now?
Ad / April 19, 2018
What matters is the quality of judgement.
Native Vedda / April 19, 2018
“Nambuwasam has killed too. Where is he now?”
Therefore we better absolve all crimes that were committed by Dr Mahinda, Dr Gota, …………..
Taraki / April 20, 2018
‘Therefore we better absolve all crimes that were committed by Dr Mahinda, Dr Gota, ‘
Therefore we better not point fingers unless our own hands are clean.
Native Vedda / April 20, 2018
Well you find it difficult to uphold law and order.
Why cannot we charge all wrongdoers the clan, Nambuwasam, Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa, armed forces, Karuna, ……….Sambandan, …………….. Arjuna, Champika, … ?
Go read some fake news, fake history, fake ideas of justice, …………..
Taraki / April 20, 2018
Sorry Native, I got fed with TamilNet.
Adam / April 19, 2018
Wanna get away with Murder ? Be a war hero
Want to get away with Rape ? Be a war Hero
Want to get away with inciting racism ? Be a war hero
Want to be above the law ? Be a war hero
LOL. for you own get out of jail free card, make sure you’re born in Sri Lanka, have some sort of role in the armed forces, support a tyrannical ruler and his megalomaniac family, and be of the majority of race.
You’re freedom and heroism is GUARANTEED.
Kamalawathie Sameer / April 20, 2018
Adam – In brief, wannabe ALL of the above, support G O A Ta (“Greedy Old Arrogant Thief”).
shankar / April 19, 2018
Gota now cannot stop killing.He laments thus to his wife”i’am in blood,steeped in it so far that returning will be more tedious than going over”.
Ad / April 19, 2018
Whether by American Law or Sri Lankan law, the criminals who carriedout this mass murder deserves execution.
justice / April 19, 2018
“Not a single prison officer was able to identify a single rioter…………………………………….”
Sepala Ekanayake carried an object like ‘head of John the Baptist’……………………..”
(that of Kuttimani with eyes gauged out)
shankar / April 20, 2018
in this link it is mentioned that after the first massacre JRJ wanted the remaining tamil detainees to be transferred to jaffna but lalith and ranil opposed it.then thesecond massacre took place and 28 were killed.Douglas devenanda was one of the few who escaped.That guy is a cat that has nine lives.So ranil and lalith are responsible for those 28 deaths.lalith who threw acid on his ex wife got what he deserved.
VJ / April 19, 2018
This could be the ultimate acid test for his excellency the president of the democratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka. He should stay clear and allow the law to take its course. Any attempt to interfere will be considered as obstruction of justice, which is an impeachable offense.
W.Milton / April 19, 2018
All photos funded by Tamil diasporas by aim of revival of LTTE to be pave way for armed struggle by TNA support ?
Killed we denied by country, but cannot run by criminals gangs in prisons ? No nation run without law and order of country? Current govt. challenged very foundation of Island democracy! Hence things moving all wrong directions by Ranil Wick and Rajith of UNP’s. This is projects advice by foreign intelligence services by aim of fragmented nation into chaos in politically encourage by UNP RW and CBK!
No body can allowed crime to out of control prisons. How is that LTTE killed Sinhalese -Buddhist 30 years war by Tamil terrorist? Our nation has come to turning point of under UNP-TNA political road map ?
It is that TNA -UNP axis has come to new methods of bargaining? UNP want replace instead of ballot by blood of politics .
Analyst / April 20, 2018
You’re barking up the wrong tree , just being the racist thug can’t think positively.
Gon Thadi morons.
Buddhist / April 19, 2018
Mr. President, Minister of Justice and Minister of Law and Order now the ball is in your court. What action are you going to take against Gotabaya and others who were involved in this massacre? If you do not take action, civil organizations should bring action in Supreme courts against these three for not taking action.
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
Mr. PResident has been DUMBED to the fullest. He is living like a Minister. Ranil appointed budda Sasana minister is Protestant and killed the tuskers because Ranil wanted to save money. So, PResident is buddha sasana minister, Ranil is the president. Mangala Samraweera finance minister is helping bankrupt EVangelists. John amaratunga is handing over his torusm portfolio to right honurable Minister with Multiple FRAUDS charges including money laundering to/from LTTE. Now, the civil society is very happy. May BE NGOs here are trying to finish it. PResident steps down. Leave it to Right honourable Ranil the Bank thief. civil society and NGOs need results.
laksiri / April 19, 2018
It is the major joke that report remanded , take action to secure justice but when country major court system do not allow such action and blocked by taking in to custody such criminal because of their political power and just what king of justice you can expect such corrupted judiciary system of this nation??. look may political criminals ,weather they are related to fraud or murders can not be even taken to custody and forward to the court due to supreme /appeal courts of the country blocked such action and just delay the decision by purposely and deliberately to avoid such action so while jungle law exists entire legal system and only law apply to poor and helpless citizen what you expect ???. until such time make rule of the law and independence of judiciary with educated judiciary/efficiency is established such report only make a joke.
Jim softy / April 19, 2018
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Jim softy / April 19, 2018
Daniel Duterte Learned from Srilanka and killed even the king pin Mayor inside his own house. HE is the president and gave orders. but, there are no CIVL society, INGO – Narivaadam as in Sri lanka.
Lion / April 19, 2018
Gotabaya Rajapaksha or Mahinda Rajapaksha cannot absolve themselves or escape on this massacre as it took place whilst MR was the President and Gotabaya ( imported from US by MR ) was the Secretary of Defence. He was the head of the line of Command next to MR….Look at the Central Bank bond scam..
Ranil Wickremasinghe is the Prime Minister and the Central Bank was under him…Arjuna Mahendran ( imported from Singapore by RW ) was the Governor. He was the Head of the line of command next to PM…. AM robbed the Central Bank though yet to be proven….The JO / media were at RW throat talking about conscience brought in NCM to remove him from Premiership….IF as everyone claim that RW is responsible and AM should be jailed for Immorality ….then MR/GR also equally responsible for prison massacre and GR should be jailed and MR should be stripped off his Civic rights for immorality ..Crime against Humanity …as there is enough evidence now…what about the Conscience of MR.. It is slaughter of valuable lives..
Lanki / April 20, 2018
The weak action and protection provided by the courts to rich and famous clearly shows that its time to get foreign judges to sit in Sri Lankan courts. I know I am going to be attacked by many. But let them touch their own heart and tell if I am wrong without having their own nationalistic views blinding them.
Percy / April 20, 2018
No one is talking about the STF Capatain who led the STF group to arrest the prisoners who had taken over the Welikada JAil. He was shot dead within the prison premises itself by the prisoners most of whom were serving life sentences for murder, rape, armed robbery etc. it is the killing of the STF Officer which led to to cornering of the offenders. What the STF did was a great service to Sri Lanka. Now these YahapAlanyas want us to believe that innocent people were killed. What rubbish.! As for Nambuwasam he killed THREE INNOCENT people by driving a car at high speed when totally drunk. Has he a right to live? He will do anything for this utterly discredited Yahapalnayas to save his skin. BTW no self respecting Sinhalese will ever support this govt. It is supported only by Tamil terrorists.
Analyst / April 20, 2018
Wow Percy , coming from you !! Any way we expect this from you and your murder supporters.
Nothing different , always the same views . You will never grow wise .
Percy / April 21, 2018
Some analyst you are ! Afraid of the FACTS!
Burt / April 20, 2018
In other news:
Sri Lanka’s new tourist board advertisment:
“We Don’t Discriminate By Race Or Colour”
A week after the assault on Dutch tourists in Mirissa, four suspects were arrested yesterday by the Weligama police over another assault on a group of Israeli tourists in Midigama last Sunday, Police said.
Gune / April 20, 2018
With such evidence what will this Governtment do? They will stroke Gota’s head and go to sleep.
To hell with the people’s mandate in 2015.