Rohitha Rajapaksa, youngest son of Premier Mahinda Rajapaksa has responded to an article on Colombo Telegraph for the first time regarding the actions of his wife Tatyana’s stepfather and his alleged harassment of women at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo.
In an email to the editor of the Colombo Telegraph Rohitha Rajapaksa called the actions of the man accused of harassment “despicable”said he and his wife condemn sexual harassment of any one ‘despite gender’ in the strongest terms.
The youngest Rajapaksa explained in his email requesting a right of reply that both his wife Tatyana and her mother had been estranged from N.V. Thivakaran for many years.
“The accused is solely responsible for his own actions, and I strongly encourage the management of Cinnamon Grand hotel and respective law enforcement authorities to do justice by the victims, independent of the accused’s social status. I would also like to further emphasize that at the point of writing to you, neither I nor any member of my family have directly or indirectly contacted the Cinnamon Gardens police regarding the accused,” the Space Systems Engineer said in his email to Colombo Telegraph.
Rohitha Rajapaksa made similar remarks about the matter on Twitter. ps://twitter.com/Rohitha_Chichi/status/13Raja58981521940635651?s=20
It was very disheartening to hear about the despicable actions by the accused at the @CinnamonHotels. My wife, @Tatyanalee94 and I strongly condemn sexual harassment against anyone, despite gender.— Rohitha Rajapaksa (@Rohitha_Chichi) February 9, 2021
It was very disheartening to hear about the despicable actions by the accused at the @CinnamonHotels. My wife, @Tatyanalee94 and I strongly condemn sexual harassment against anyone, despite gender.— Rohitha Rajapaksa (@Rohitha_Chichi) February 9, 2021
Rajapaksa in his email says that Colombo Telegraph published unverified facts in order damage the reputation of his family. However Colombo Telegraph wishes to point out that it is accurate that Thivakaran is still “legally” married to Tatyana Jayaratne’s mother and that was the basis on which the article was published. The article did not make a claim that Rohitha Rajapaksa or his family members have attempted to influence the police with regard to the incident.
We publish below the response in full:
I was extremely dismayed this morning to be made aware of an article in your newspaper website, “Colombo Telegraph” which carried my nickname in its title (and full name in body text) regarding an incident which had taken place at the Cinnamon Grand hotel.
I would like to emphasise that as a well-known organisation in Sri Lanka, it is a fundamental responsibility of the company and yourself as its Editor; to verify news prior publication.
Had the respective reporter made use of much needed investigate skills as a journalist, or simply contacted me for a clarification, I would have been very cooperative to state that, “The individual concerned ‘was’ married to my mother-in-law, but she and my wife (his step daughter) have been estranged from him for many years now.
It was very disheartening to learn of the despicable actions by the accused at the Cinnamon Grand hotel. My wife and I strongly condemn sexual harassment against anyone, despite gender.
The accused is solely responsible for his own actions, and I strongly encourage the management of Cinnamon Grand hotel and respective law enforcement authorities to do justice by the victims, independent of the accused’s social status.
I would also like to further emphasise that at the point of writing to you, neither I nor any member of my family have directly or indirectly contacted the Cinnamon Gardens police regarding the accused.
As a responsible media organisation in Sri Lanka and to stay truthful to ethics of your profession, I kindly request you to publish a re-correction regarding the familial relationship (rather the lack of it), along with my stance regarding this incident, with respect to my “right to reply”.
I look forward for you to execute this matter with the same level of enthusiasm you portrayed when publishing unverified facts in a weak attempt to damage the reputation of my family.
Yours sincerely,
Rohitha Rajapaksa
Ashan / February 10, 2021
If this man had the Rajapaksa name, the story would be different, and they would not be throwing him to the wolves so easily.. They all deserve each other. They are as my aunt would say “useless people”. :))
Svenson / February 10, 2021
Ashan, there then is the solution. Everyone should change their name to Rajapaksa.
Svenson Rajapaksa
Ashan / February 10, 2021
First we should change the name of our country to Rajapaksaland, Rajapakstan, or Cheenapaksa.
Muhandiram / February 13, 2021
Change the name for how long? Keep changing the name as often as necessary? That will be in keeping with the Chinese saying, “Change is the Only Permanent thing in Life.”
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2021
His last name is some Nadar. May be Demolu Malaiyalee or a can be South Indian too here to do business. I could not locate him the net.
leelagemalli / February 10, 2021
The youngest Rajaakshe could add what he thinks is right, but there is no creidibility if anything woudl come form this family. Btw youngest son of Mafia boss was then known to have abused state funds for his so called research based on his doctoral thesis. He became “Rocket Rohitha” going by the rumours.
And all of sudden, immediately his bappi (father s younger brother) became the president only, he could be awarded with a doctor title. Miraculously, this country is filled with so called professors and judges in courts that dance to the tune of high criminals in Rajapakshe family.
. There are loads of unsubstantiated information in the air about all these 3 bastard sons. I have noi idea what to be believed. No smoke without fire. Yoshitha Rajakashes is also said to have completed a doctoral work within 2 years or less than that. How come all these men to make wonders just because they wear ” Rajapakshe”.
Ashan / February 10, 2021
It is the privilege of being a Rajapaksa. You can cheat at exams, sit in air conditioned rooms, while others sweat it outside in hot rooms, get PHD’s in a short of time without a basic degree, and get qualified through phone calls, while hard working Sri Lankans spent years and money they cannot afford, trying to get their education and degrees, the hard way.
SJ / February 11, 2021
“No smoke without fire.”
Will you apply this rule to every bit of gossip you hear?
Here is a fair objection by a victim.
And you use the opportunity to pile abuse.
It may not be long before chickens come home to roost.
leelagemalli / February 11, 2021
I really dont think what we hear about Rajapkshes are mere gossips.
You as a Guru (Engineering) if my info about you is right, you could help us clearing the doubts. It is the right of senior academics who are capable to clear the doubts in the air.
Anyways, not me only, but going by what many have got to say about Chichi s abilities focusing on his post graduate achievements. The very same is the case with Jayasumana’s doctorate. plagiarism related stuff are high criminal acts in EUrope and US.
People just believe anything if would have been spread about them. Yoshita to have obtained MSC for what he has not done nothing ? Why you of all people to defend them is beyond my bearing ?
SJ / February 12, 2021
What is involved here is unfair comment by CT.
If you cannot tell right from wrong there is something to worry about.
leelagemalli / February 12, 2021
CT over to you, please clear the doubts.
Tamil from the north / February 10, 2021
CT headline: Chichi Replies To CT – Urges Police To Act Against Harassment Complaint By Tatyana’s Stepdad.
TFN: Yes, the greatest police force in the world, the SL Police are going to investigate this crime. Wow, I am impressed. But the problem is do they know how to investigate? Bloody Rajapaksa jokers are hood winking the entire nation.
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2021
I read a sentence saying the connection is disengaged, but no information about the legal separation or divorce. Are the families are still connected legally? As this is man’s marriage is a loved marriage, how much of behavior of accused were obvious before the affair? Did the Royal Family influenced the separation for the purpose of their marriage with a full-fledged Sinhala Buddhist family, or separation took place before marriage on other criminal actions exposure of the accused? If so can those crimes be publicized for benefits of other women would falling in the accursed’s traps.
If an option for me based on the degree of the crime, I may continue, after taking proper action, my relationships with a soft criminal who bring shame to women like taking their odd photos, instead of those who direct the Rapist Army on massive scale on poor women and widows to use the rape as weapon. For the Rapist Army’s rapes, Royal family must be taken to Hague.
Addaderna, Hiru like biased media, instead of washing criminals, should work with ICC to sue the real dangerous criminals.
Svenson / February 11, 2021
‘Bloody Rajapaksa jokers are hood winking the entire nation.’
Not the entire nation, just you.
SJ / February 10, 2021
“Rohitha Rajapaksa … has responded to an article on Colombo Telegraph for the first time regarding the actions of his wife Tatyana‘s stepfather ….”
It seems that a point is made that it is the first time ever response to CT.
Is being the first time of any significance or is it simply that the reporter of the event is embarrassed by being found to have inadequately researched the subject?
SJ / February 10, 2021
The toothpick looks like a photoshop job. Any thoughts?
MyView / February 10, 2021
Yes on photo enlargement, the toothpick end is a few mm away from the parting of lips.
leelagemalli / February 10, 2021
Yes very likely, this young chap is no bad but I don’t trust his academic accomplishments as report ed by Cmbo professor s. What do u make of his doctorate? 😉😉😉😉😉
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2021
Anyway, originally who released that photo to media (out side)? Do you know if there is a original photo existing anywhere out from the owners’ to Photoshop it illegally?
First of all did you go to school? Then be frank; Are you point blankly accusing CT that it is responsible, if the photo were a photoshoped, for it? Or are you even accusing CT fishing for photoshoped photos and marketing them? Why the explanation of sincerity part is always missing in your accusation. Without knowing, please don’t write sentences that arbitrarily accuses others, then you come back from nowhere and defense you on the inbuilt loopholes of your sentence. You sounds like in a profession of defending bastards?
eeakdavi / February 10, 2021
I am glad Mr R Rajapaksa has sent this clarification.
Yes he is right, CT should have contacted him before using his name prominently in the title.
SJ / February 11, 2021
Is it in CT’s journalistic code to do so?
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2021
Did police took any action or so far or is it all usual public stunts. Why CGH attempted a cover up instead. If police is not taking action will any higher authority act to make sure justice served for the affected women. Will the WNW would be willing to follow up on this? what about HRCSL?
S. C. Pasqual / February 10, 2021
Nice one.
It looks like CT got kicked in the back.
leelagemalli / February 10, 2021
are u on your head ?
Did you talk to your grand children ? They could guide your better Ms. SCP.
Captain Morgan / February 10, 2021
When will President Gotabaya Rajapaksa respond to at least one of the articles about him and his government that appear regularly in CT? Does he read CT regularly or read it only when someone in his inner circle draws his attention to an article? Anyway, I think it is best if he does not read the stuff about him in CT, especially in the comments section, because if he does so he will censor this website and we will all be the poorer for it.
Lanka Netizen / February 10, 2021
There are 3 sides of every story .
I think Rajapaksher Jr.
must be commended for his brave
defence of his wife and her mother and his whole family’s reputation.
Its hard in a world where people get high and intoxicated destroying families wholesale, ofcause until the same happens to them.
Nothing will change , hypocrisy is promoted in every level by almost everyone ,
No one values humanity , .no shame in gossip ,that is all our people engage in , they do not care if its true or lie,they have no concience, ..its an adiction,.sit for a drink , for a cup of cofee or tea, a meal.or even a walkby chat it has to be a 3rd person’ s personal.life.and most of the time lies.
They do not have the capacity to indulge in intellecual discource, be it among spritual groups , family, friends or just anyone
fkng disgusting people.
Mallaiyuran / February 10, 2021
Lanka Netizen,
I do not still see anything wrong with the original essay. If you don’t mind please, bear with my inability, but can you bring out the sentence that is wrong in original essay but got corrected here? This family sued Sunday Leader and then withdraws the case, when they saw Sumanthiran was in defense. Deva sued Udayan. But Udayan sawed all foreign dignitaries whom visited to Jaffna, including PM David Cameron, the Paramilitaries’ gun spots in the Press Building. Then Deva stayed out of attending that case. This Sinhala Buddhist man is distancing him from another man appears to be an Indian Hindu, which CT did not identify and I could not get the bottom of it. So is that distancing is about Sinhala Buddhism or is it about establishing clean history of him? This family is accused of 174 out of 179 in last government. Famous Sinhala Buddhist journalists left country or murdered. 45 Tamil Journalists are listed as murdered or missing. Will he distance him from a family who is already facing barriers to visit some countries? Will he explain why his brother was stopped in Moscow to fly US? The UOJ chaff Saddampy is a defense lawyer to bastards. He did not write these comments in the original essay. He is an imbecile opportunist, hanging in CT to cut the branch he sits.
SJ / February 12, 2021
“There are 3 sides of every story”
I would have thought that it is usually two!
sitrep24 / February 11, 2021
This shameless creature wants the public to respect his right to privacy when his extremist buddhist family denies the minorites their human rights.
No wonder such perverts are in this rat family.