In a tripartite agreement between the Government of India, Government of Sri Lanka and the Jaffna Municipal Council, Jaffna was gifted an SLRs. 2000 million Cultural Hall. The said hall has been ready for over six months but is not operational for lack of funds for staff, telephones etc.. It was poor planning from beginning to end. The sri Lankan government that gives that as an excuse to keep the centre shut, in a shocking move that has just come to light somehow has found the funds for the army to run the Cultural Centre.
In a letter dated 26 Jan. 2021, S.T. Kodikara, Secretary, State Ministry of National Heritage, Performing Arts and Rural Arts Promotion, has written to Secretary, Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs, to say
Considering technical requirement to be met with priority, it is recommended to hand over [sic.] management of the newly build [sic.] Cultural Centre in Jaffna to the Chief Executive officer [sic.] of the Nelum Pokuna Theater in order to make arrangements to activate it until the Municipal council [sic.] in Jaffna is ready to take over the management.
Who is this CEO of Nelum Pokuna Theatre whose full name is Nelum Pokuna Mahinda Rajapaksa Theatre? It is part of the Rajapaksa’ grandiose personality cult scheme they seem to have picked up from Mao Tse Tung. As to who this CEO is, the Army website says:
After a formal Guard Turnout at the entrance, the newly-appointed Colonel of the Regiment was received by Brigadier Sujith Balachandra, Chief Executive Officer at Nelum Pokuna Theatre along with Brigadier Janaka Priyadarshana, Commander, Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Brigadier Kumara Wanasinghe, Centre Commandant, Mechanized Infantry Regiment.
If the government verily has the money for the Army to run the Cultural Centre, why could it find no money for the Municipality to do so, asked a Jaffna man. “Indeed, asked an ordinary indignant Tamil teacher, “What has the Ministry of Buddhasasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs got to do with Tamil Culture? Their track record is to take over anything Tamil and call it something that belongs to the Sinalese? India should have anticipated this.”
And what does the army know about our culture except to kill it, asked the same Jaffna man cited earlier. He pointed to the causeway from Jaffna to Poonahari where just North of the new Sangupiddy Bridge, there is a “Check Point.” Employing no Tamils and not wishing to pay a Tamil to translate this into Tamil, the army appears to have used Google’s translator. The Tamil sign as a result now says “Chothanai Pulli” a direct translation of “Point” whereas the usual phrase is “Chothanai Chaavadi.” We laugh but that papers over the cultural danger we face, says an engineer at the Road Development Authority.
Will such Google Translations characterize the titling of exhibits in out new cultural hall? Why is India so scared to tell off Sri Lanka where to get off, when Sri Lanka acts so brazenly, spurning anything that India gives with charitable motives, including the now shut down airport? Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi being another Neville Chamberlain, keeping quiet as the Chinese are given footholds within a few kilometers of India on the islands? Will Prime Minister Modi need an open challenge to wake up, as happened when Adolf Hitler on 1 Sept. 1939 invaded Poland exploiting Chamberlain’s appeasement policy? What will it take for Modi to wake up?
These are fair questions from different terrified citizens in Jaffna who fear a nuclear clash between India and China on our soil.
Said a long-term Tamil observer and feature writer, “The only silver lining in the dark clouds for us Tamils is that the more mad things Sri Lanka does like spurning UNHRC and its Chief, insulting President Biden, beating up Sri Lankan Tamils, killing Indian Tamil fishermen etc., all the more will it make it impossible for the world to appease the mad Sinhalese government as it goes rogue, and ignore its madness. A part-horrible Sri Lanka has a chance to escape justice. A wholly rotten Sri Lanka as it rots more and more, cannot escape justice. Hopefully that process will not entail more deaths.” (by Jaffna Correspondent)
Ajith / February 10, 2021
Part of Genocide of Tamils.
Buddhist1 / February 10, 2021
Has India got no say in this as they funded the project, is India so stupid not to have a hold on the running of this center?
Eratne / February 10, 2021
There is nothing wrong in getting some authority to complete the works and hand it over to Jaffna MC. Executive Officer of the Nelum Pokuna Theater being an Army Officer is a different question.
Kanapathy Varunan / February 10, 2021
First of all India has no right to build a hall to promote Tamil Culture that too in Jaffna.. Srilanka is only meant to promote Sinhalese Culture. Eastern Port terminal gone, Northern Islands Gone,. Cultural Hall Gone, Indian Tamil fishermen are being murdered, Kachchatheevu gone. Jaffna Air Port lingering, promised Mattala air port gone. Oil Tanks at Trinco is under threat . India’s self respect gone. So what is left?.
Plato / February 10, 2021
Just see the standard of the Secretaries . First and foremost it should read as Gamini Senerath and not Senarathne..As for the spelling ? An intensive course in English is a must.
It appears that a Cultural Hall is a must in the event of a Military take-over………
Sinhala_Man / February 12, 2021
Dear Plato,
We usually operate on the premises that it is just not done to harp on mistakes made when using a foreign language.
The thinking now appears to be that there is only one language in Sri Lanka that need be properly used (good for us that it is Sinhala). It looks as though it is known that the people of the “Nothen (sic) Province” are not fluent in it, so let them be addressed in whatever form of English we decide is adequate.
Your suggestion of an intensive course in English for those now governing us may be met with a counter-proposal that Sri Lanka will provide an “incentive” (sic) course in Sinhala to enable any non-Sinhalese humans to interact with us.
Plato / February 12, 2021
Remember that Tamil is also an official Language as per provisions of the 16th Amendment that became Law on 17thDec:1988.
So, suggestions of counter proposals for an intensive course in Sinhala for those not conversant in Sinhala would amount to putting the cart before the horse.
It appears that you too stand for Sinhala only!
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
Starting with referring to Sri Lankan army as a Sinhala army then the writer went about some strange way to pack in “very many things” have lost the point the writer want to convey to us??
This is like reading a typical Suthenthiran Tamil articles where content is a one line information for people to learn something requires attention but then the whole point is lost in the writers walk in the park/dreamland as the writer already set out to take you to places of his choosing??
Why not just give the info and let the READER digest the info and ask the questions??
We still wanting to learn something about this cultural hall now is completed and the lack of funds that is keeping this closed?? then the army is asking the Mupinicipality to take over and run the place??
Then comes the list of Indian fishermen issue/palali airport issue and so forth…
Has CT got any kind of vetting regards to what you publish..helping the writer to rewrite his piece as is this is not seating the required structure etc??
Then how we grow our Independent Media skills??
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
I am glad also CT published this article. This sour history in Jaffna with the FP their stage speeches and the propaganda news paper that was read like a National News paper and an investigative journalism. In fact this was just a mouth piece a party political news paper that translated whatever that was in the FP politicians then.
What was in the politicians head was all brought to a halt in 1970 onwards until the same brains thought some more spin…spin… and came-with TULF brain…in between the brain said to the followers they should go and kill all their opponents.
So we did and we are where we are…it is what it is….this article summarises that very well. A confused state of affair by a bunch of thugs who ran the show to date….no due diligence in any evaluation.
This is not the right of anyone to go and write anything they choose as facts/rational/information then CT publish this without any question?? even after we know the consequence of the mis information/mis interpretation of the ground facts to the world?
Buddhist1 / February 11, 2021
Rumble 2021 – Yes Sri Lankan army is Sinhala Army as this army to be called Sri Lankan army its composition should reflect the ethnic mix of the country. In Sri Lanka is 90% or more Sinhalese who are there.
Similarly Sri Lankan Judicial Bench is also Sinhala Bench as its composition too does not reflect the ethnic mix of the country.
Pandi Kutti / February 12, 2021
You are wasting time with that bumbling Ramble or Rumble as he wants to call himself. He is not interested in anything , other than getting petty revenge on the TNA and the Thamizh for the untimely death of his turncoat Koppan., who did everything in his power , including selling out the Thamizh people to the then Chingkalla governments , so that this Bumbling Ramble could travel to Britain for his higher education, whilst these same Chingkalla governments, one of them with a fake Arab, immigrant South Indian low caste converted Thullukan as an Education Minister was denying Thamizh higher education. Bumbling Ramble is another turncoat like his Koppan and will even sell his soul to the Chingkallams , as long he achieves his petty revenge on the TNA and Thamizh
Rumble 2021 / February 12, 2021
My Dearest PK I never thought you could be so bankrupt and scrapping a barrel.
At least for the sake of our Tamil children the victims you may want to participate in some rational discussion whilst you are exercising your right to be enjoying the social media and share your thoughts?? I mean thoughts…meaning some facts that liberate minds for a better tomorrow.
Gove me something to talk to you with etc?? exchange of substance etc please.
Rumble 2021 / February 12, 2021
People who killed others can not be a party in a democracy where it all started in Jaffna? an unprecedented event set the tone for all that happened thereafter.
If you want to know how an investigation into FP/TULF since 1970 would have looked like under any jurisdiction get a feel for that in the senate hearing for the Trump impeachment…..this gives you a glimse into all that took place and the difference is and please note Trump did not openly ask people to be killed and is always indirectly done but FP/TULF did it openly in front of this world??
Weather this matters to you or not I does to me because I. care about my language/culture/future….but the same lot seem to with the GOSL and the Indians and West after all the blunders then tell us what you think about that?? why you want our people to represented by this mafia?? give us some reasons dude….are you scared of something??
Pandi Kutti / February 13, 2021
Dear Bumbling Rumble now please dance to this tune . You are only good for this. Bumble Rumble and dance
Svenson / February 13, 2021
Pandi Kutti, the BBC recently reported that pigs can be trained to play video games with their snouts. I didn’t know you could use a keyboard too. This would explain your foolish racist comments, oink oink.
Pandi Kutti / February 13, 2021
DId they also report about black Aryan racist Chingkallams with Norwegian Viking names? Oink Boink
Whilst Bumble Rumble dance to Rangamma Mangamma either in Telugu or in Tamil you can dance to this fake black Aryan racist Chingkalla Svenson
Now dance by yourself or with Ramble
Svenson / February 13, 2021
Google cannot translate Porkinese into English. Please re-write your post fat fella.
Rumble 2021 / February 12, 2021
Sure B agree with your point. The point I am making is the reason we are in that space because of the FP/TULF and not for any other reasons.
There may have been any other reasons that may have come about following the JVP insurrection in 1970’s and our GOSL along with the Indians prevented that…we are fortunate and should have taken this further to our advantage but the Jaffna losers TC and FP in the 1970 would not have it any other way.
Since you believe in democracy I am sharing this undemocratic fact that was taken away from the people of Jaffna by a bunch of thugs…only if you are a democrat…if you are not then all goes and accept my apologies for stating anything otherwise.
I am a believer in people choice & now the JVP is a reformed National Party with national policies also a good example demonstrate our GOSL (any) will and determination is a credit to the people of our Country.
Native Vedda / February 11, 2021
Could anyone tell us why USA along with its allies invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, … while China remained their close ally of these countries but did nothing to stop the war.
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
(1)That is called playing “good cop and bad cop” by the UN Security Council Permanent Member Nations.
(2) Next in the pecking order are the G 20+++
(3) India is following the same methodology(unprincipled) to join the club…that is why we lost our Nation.
(4) The non-aligned Nations were systematically taken out including open assassinations/cooked up wars/false flags for this adventure of exploiting the Natural and Human resources that belongs to all the “Developing Countries”(mostly ex colonies being recolonised under different disguise of humanitarian interventions) …
(5) Whilst India is failing to take on moral grounds now China using her strength to deliver a model slightly different from historical blunders…more acceptable to many developing countries who suffered from all the known practices and cause everything comes with its own limitations one need to how to manage them…a divided Nation cannot manage this and we are being exploited because of this..fault line.
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
Gyude Moore: “China in Africa: An African Perspective”
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
When was the last time these Nations fired a nuclear missile at each other? never and never will and always in someone else territory?? where the answer lies.
Introducing India into this equation spells dooms day for all of us??
SJ / February 11, 2021
“These are fair questions from different terrified citizens in Jaffna who fear a nuclear clash between India and China on our soil.”
Indo-China nuclear war on Jaffna soil?
An excellent theme for a Kollywood Tamil movie that will break all box office records.
Native Vedda / February 11, 2021
“Indo-China nuclear war on Jaffna soil?”
Have you ever wondered why Hindian’s built their Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant near North of Sri Lanka?
Rumble 2021 / February 12, 2021
Why? Pls
Sugandh / February 11, 2021
A blossoming rogue state.
All acts of the state has a singular goal. Suppress any opportunity for the truth to surface by oppressing anyone or any community who persistently seek truth, accountability and justice.
SJ / February 11, 2021
Why is India so scared to tell off Sri Lanka where to get off, when Sri Lanka acts so brazenly, spurning anything that India gives with charitable motives, including the now shut down airport? Is Prime Minister Narendra Modi being another Neville Chamberlain, keeping quiet as the Chinese are given footholds within a few kilometers of India on the islands?
All Indian involvements including in the Palali Airport have charitable intentions, like the great visit of 1977 I guess.
But China’s offer to put up concrete houses for the homeless (a Yahapalana plan thwarted by the TNA protests, on Indian prompting was evil? A visit by a Chinese archaeological team is to be resented, and now renewable energy projects in the islands off the island are matters of gaining a foothold?
Why could not India come up with a competitive offer to maintain its ‘charitable’ foothold across the N&E?
Modi has been on the warpath with China for some time, although not very successfully, and silently backs the campaign to boycott Chinese goods.
Modi a Chamberlain? You cannot be serious!
Native Vedda / February 11, 2021
“Why is India so scared to tell off Sri Lanka where to get off, when Sri Lanka acts so brazenly, spurning anything that India gives with charitable motives, including the now shut down airport?”
What a silly question?
Under the military leadership of Field Marshall Vellupillai Prabahran (the former Commander of Thamil Eelam Forces, LTTE) won Hindian IPKF (kicked the invading force out of this island). Sri Lanka obliterated LTTE.
Therefore ultimately it can be safely said Gota won Hindians (as per Navya-Nyāya, Neo-Logical Sinhala/Buddhist School) .
Further the Hindians are scared stiff of the formidable SJ who just like Krishna is directing Gota and his forces by his mere presence.
Hindians are too scared of Pakistan and its all weather friend China. Any move by Hindia towards Sri Lanka could invite the wrath of those countries.
Therefore Hindians would not even dream of any such move.
It appears Hindian has a slim chance over Sri Lankan forces not because it’s forces are strong but because every member of Sri Lankan armed forces has become business leaders, management gurus, industrialists, agriculturalists, barbershop owners, tour operators, rag manufacturers and traders, chicken farm managers, chief executives, ….. film producers, diplomats, Medical experts, …………………………. Its like old Samurai’s turning to businessman after Meiji reform and especially after world tribal war 1945.
Rumble 2021 / February 12, 2021
“Sri Lanka obliterated LTTE”
Hon MR invited LTTE several times to the table before the final push that was facilitated and enforced upon the GOSL by many other countries………anyone who does not know this can not say much about SL except stir shit in their own interests whoever and whatever that is hard to know in this forum????
Native Vedda / February 12, 2021
Rumble 2021
Mahinda also paid VP to rig the 2005 elections.
Rumble 2021 / February 12, 2021
Dear NV
So they say. Let us say is true and all I can say is since the day our children were poisoned by the FP/TULF from early 70’s all the segments…FP/TULF/PLOTE/LTTE/TELO/EPRLF/EPDP….JVP/SLFP/UNP/India/
China/West/Muslim parties all had various combinations of orgies trying to survive and in the process killed a lot of people….it has become so grey no normal human can rationalise the events to date except mourn their losses.
The entire affair was an unknown territory to SL (even JVP insurrection was saved by the Indians) never had a capacity to deal with all this drama that was thrown at Mother Lanka.
Now she seems to be getting somewhere I am hoping we should get some normality first for a brighter future without divisions. Our energy should be on this not retribution as everyone by default has equal grievances and the right to retribution too….there is no end to this concept.
This. goes on to date in various formations? where the people are completely disconnected…..the same outside forces still trying to get to their destinations too.
Our Nations screwed.
GATAM / February 11, 2021
What a waste of money!
This money was borrowed by SL at massive interest rate. These loans must be repaid. No wonder SL is in a debt trap!!
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
apparently as per the author he says it was a gift?
sitrep24 / February 11, 2021
This is an disgusting. How can the terrorist army that is responsible for the murder of + 300,000 Tamil civilians now going to illegaly occupy such a building with cultural context.
These extremist sinhala buddhist terrorists will not learn a lesson until they’re made to kneel before those they wronged and beg for mercy.
Eagle Eye / February 11, 2021
I think there is something wrong in your brain that mix-up things.
Sinhala Buddhists never resorted to terrorism. It was Tamils and Muslims who resorted to terrorism and massacred Sinhalayo using suicide bombers, claymore bombs and chemical weapons. The racists and extremists who were behind these terrorists should be made to kneel before those they wronged and beg for mercy.
Dayan / February 12, 2021
@EE, Probably you are suffering from selective amnesia or up bringing of you doesn’t allow to analyse the history righteously. The JVP’s 1971 uprising and insurgency in 1987-1989 under Rohana Wijeweera leadership to terrorist its own people and kneel down the government called at that time as terrorism and widely accepted by everyone. The JVP mainly consist of radicalized members of young Sinhala Buddhist.
The State sponsored Black July event under JR rule is called organised state terrorism. Please be mindful when utter something.
Tamil from the north / February 12, 2021
Eagle ‘dumb twat’ Eye, terrorism committed by the racists from the south was met with terrorism committed by LTTE. But now I see the Rajapaksas have employed very senior LTTE members in their team of terrorists. Can you please impart some wisdom on this matter that has perplexed me for quite sometime.
kali / February 11, 2021
Within 10 years the Hindu Culture and Heritage which has continued for centuries will be overwhelmed and destroyed. With Nainathivu haveing been granted to Chinese to install Missiles the whole of India will come within Chinas missile range. Civilisation gone
Svenson / February 11, 2021
Do you really think any Indian government will allow China to install missiles in Northern Sri Lanka? Absurd idea.
Native Vedda / February 11, 2021
“Do you really think any Indian government will allow China to install missiles in Northern Sri Lanka?”
SJ might recommend it.
SJ / February 12, 2021
Stupid suggestions provoke even more stupid debates.
Do not make a serious response to silly utterances.
Sinophobia is now endemic to Tamil nationalism.
Many think that anti-China declarations will endear them to the West and win India’s love.
They have been at this game since the time of the Sino-Indian border war of 1962 (after the FP satyagraha flopped in 1961) , but to no avail.
Nobody bit that bait– not even the Chinese, who simply ignore it.
Native Vedda / February 12, 2021
“Many think that anti-China declarations will endear them to the West and win India’s love.”
“Nobody bit that bait– not even the Chinese, who simply ignore it.”
Where do we start?
SJ is blinded by his love and loyalty for Mao and China.
China could do no wrong.
China always merrily provided military and naval training to potential and past war criminals, selected from this island elsewhere.
A seminar “a ‘Seminar on defeating terrorism: The Sri
Lankan experience” organised by Shavendra in 2011 was sponsored by Poly Technologies and China Electrical and Technologies Corporation
Ask yourself a question why arms manufacturers/suppliers would sponsor a seminar organised on terrorism by a country which was found to have committed war crimes and crime against and does not respect human rights? It is bit difficult is it?
Since 1950s China the peacefully rising middle kingdom has supplied small arms, ammunition, landmines, naval vessels and aircraft all of which have been used to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. In 1991,
US$104 million worth of arms were supplied.
in 1993 NORINCO set up a warehouse in the south, by 2007 Sri Lanka had owed $200 million for arms supply. In 2008 Supplies amounted to $75 Million. In addition China also supplied fighter air crafts.
Eagle Eye / February 11, 2021
Dumbo, Do you know what is a missile? Chinese do not have to bring their missiles all the way to Nainathive. Whole of India is already in China’s missile range.
kali / February 12, 2021
Chinese ICBMs are crap and they cerainly wont reach Indain Aeuronotics in Bangalore ot the Tank Factory in Avadi as they rash soon after take off. Nainathivu is ideal as it is only 48 mles. Got it
Tamil from the north / February 12, 2021
Eagle ‘blind’Eye, why are you so dumb like all other racists? Did the machine malfunction when it churned you out?
Rumble 2021 / February 11, 2021
What is a cultural centre?? and the need for this whens many Tamils live in poverty/septic tank problems/ambulance shortages/lack of rain water management/waste management…..million more priorities??
did any MP’s discuss the need of this place vs their action items??
did we have a report/joint statement from all the Jaffna MP’s on this subject??
so why this article not give any head or tail about the centre/beginnings/time line?? now attack the GOSL with it??
Rumble 2021 / February 14, 2021
Can the “cultural centre” be used as a Computer Lab (connected to internet)/small classes and lecture hall models with projectors where
(1) students from all walks of life can come and supplement their studies with the Khan academy classes
(2) Have conference hall connection to students around the world on various extra curricula activities …volunteer work/environmental work/connect with youth around the world under respective area educational supervision/connect with Diaspora children of their age group and compare notes
Let’s use video to reinvent education – Salman Khan
The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined | Salman Khan | Talks at Google
Captain Morgan / February 12, 2021
” … spurning anything that India gives with charitable motives, including the now shut down airport?”
If developed properly, the Jaffna International Airport would be capable of generating 50 times the revenue of the Mattala International Airport. But the Sinhala patriots would prefer to kill off the Jaffna Airport because it is in the middle of the Tamil heartland of the country. Instead, they will keep on flogging the moribund White Elephant Airport and get it to perform by offering all sorts of inducements to airlines and occasionally even resorting to arm-twisting.
Rumble 2021 / February 13, 2021
I think Jaffna airport should be a modern looking elegant place just as all the airports in ASEAN Countries….does not have to be huge but fit for purpose and modern.
I am not sure why this is not operating as an International airport at least serving the SARRC countries given we have all the security we need by the armed forces up north.
Andare 2.0 / February 12, 2021
What is Tamil culture ? Did he mean Tamil Nadu culture ? Because there is only Tamil Nadu culture in SL. Anyway ask India/Modi to fund it. If they can built it then they should be able to maintain it.
Pandi Kutti / February 13, 2021
Andare the Chingkalla jester , Thamizh culture can be Thamizh Nadu Thamizh culture or Eezham Thamizh culture. However the so called Chingkalla culture is definitely a carbon copy of Thamizh Nadu Thamizh culture and ancient Chera ( Modern day Kerala) Thamizh culture . Modi/India has built it now you have leased
Thamizh islands close to Thamizh Nadu to China to maintain it. Now run away to the court of your war criminal racist hero to perform more comedy. Most probably there a lots of other comedians in that court who are now out performing you
Rumble 2021 / February 13, 2021
Could be just an Air Asia serving Kerala import and export to Jaffna??
Native Vedda / February 14, 2021
“What is Tamil culture ?”
I am thinking.
Well is it the one Sinhala/Buddhists have been following for the past 2500 years?
Where did the Sinhala/Buddhists get their culture from, Portugal, Dutch, Britain, Gangaikonda Cholapuram, …..Panchalankurichi in Thoothukudi, Sinhapura, ….. ?
petersch / February 15, 2021
Please publish the report attached to the letter from 6 January 2021. The report is mentioned in point 03.