25 April, 2024


China-Lanka Port City – The Fallacies Of

By Ramona Therese Fernando

Ramona Therese Fernando

There are conspicuously worrying trends that the proposed China-Lanka Port City brings on to the citizens of Sri Lanka. The greatest worry is that our country erroneously compares herself with other financial cities around the world. It is incomprehensible that our leaders and some of our people fail to have a clearer view of these conditions, and take a more circumspect approach.

Let us first consider Dubai. We are told that Sri Lanka can be another Dubai, right to the positive reinforcing calls of “Yes, we can do it too!” The differences are stark. Dubai was a former oil-rich country. Much of its wealth was placed in the banking system of the oil-rich Arab world, and which is pegged with the global dollar of the USA for greatest stability. Its rise as the financial city of the UAE and parts of Africa and South Asia was a natural progression towards its survival as a nation for its Sheiks, given the currency of its former oil-wealth and consolidation with its rich neighboring states.

Next is Singapore that we compare ourselves to. Lankans coming home from Singapore are appalled that we do not have the same high-rise city structure that will give us greater prominence. Little do they see the beauty of the natural countryside and profusion of our untouched forests. Singapore was built up from the oil wealth of the surrounding South East Asian neighbors. Singapore has offered itself as the financial center for the oil wealth of Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and also Vietnam since 1967. The Singapore dollar is also pegged to the global dollar of the USA. Yet Singapore’s main trading partner is with China at this time. However, this trading is of the virtual and FinTech type and not true commodity and consumer trading required for the country. An article in the Straits Times says, “Through Singapore’s platform, both sides will cooperate in six areas: the BRI, financial services cooperation, technology and innovation, ease of doing business, urban governance, and people-to-people exchanges.”

Currently, China’s investments into Dubai, as in other places are mostly into driving up prices in real estate. Who benefits? The Chinese Oligarchy themselves. Yet their investments and trade with Dubai in line with the Belt and Road Initiative can be seen as a good and productive venture, although quite unnecessary for Chana’s survival as a prosperous nation. China has her own home market, and expansion of its trade within the Asian region can only be seen as acquisitiveness.

Consider Hong Kong. With Port-City, we can become like even Hong Kong, it is said. But its magical financial creation came out of the capitalistic wealth that came out of pre-communist Old China. When the communists took over China in the early 1900’s, Chinese capitalists and old Feudal Lords absconded with the fat wealth of China, and stashed it in this British colony. Incidentally, this is how Singapore was also initially created. The British made good use of this wealth to further their colonial ambitions, giving HK a head-start in the capitalist realm consolidated within the Colonial structure that later became the US and Western financial modus.

Another financial undertaking is the more recent Chinese buying of the Greek port. The Greek ports have a long and also ancient history of shipbuilding and trade enterprises with shipping magnates like Onassis.  China has hence bought into an already well-established industry  giving it new life, and something that can be well commended to China for investing in and saving.

Then comes the other global financial centers that Sri Lanka feels she can easily replicate, but has not done so, it is felt by certain Lankans, because of poor leadership in previous times. Not much needs to be said about London Old Colonial and Crown wealth need no elaboration. Monte Carlo, Panama City- Panama, Switzerland, New York are all entities that have hundreds of years of capitalistic financing, for better or worse, that have held up the Western monetary value, and later the US dollar. This of course included rogue capitalism of gambling, prostitution, offshore finance centers, tax havens, money laundering, dramatic decrease in rural lifestyles and destruction of rivers, forests, oceans and farmland of the unfortunate “lesser” countries. The money for these entities came about from the old colonial and aristocratic wealth stashed away and invested carefully in all kinds of frivolous pursuits after the downfall of the old European autocracies. And now China is attempting to imitate the same set of old procedures, just when the West is seeing the error of their former ways and making concerted efforts to correct the global disharmony that they created. Indeed, the West has been working on a better capitalistic global order for several decades.

Mauritius, the Chinese financial center for the whole of Africa is another country China has invested in to consolidate its trade and finances. We were told recently by Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his true capitalistic fashion, that China’s involvement in Mauritius was a thing of wonder that Sri Lanka should also strive after. He prefers to have a Lankan Port City in similar fashion, but with all major powers of stake-holders involved instead of solely China. That pie-in-the sky statement can only come from one that sees unlimited bounds to capitalism.

The reality is that capitalism cannot be shared too broadly, and needs to be balanced with areas of the world that subscribe to greater socialism. The West has exploited Africa for its resources and has not done much to uplift the African counties off its poverty levels. China then comes to the rescue with its usual Infrastructure upon Infrastructure projects, and sets up a base in Mauritius to consolidate its financial bourgeoning.

Where is the sustainability after all these infrastructures have been built? What will give financial substance to keep the skyscraper viable. Certainly, infrastructure on its own cannot create wealth even if the whole country and continent is networked into perfection. Countries need to be forced set-up in mostly technological pursuits that keep ever producing, to keep the wealth rolling so substance of the infrastructure is worth its manifestation. Is that feasible considering the nature of our countries and our spirit and ability? Traditional socialist agrarian and forestry lifestyles can never again be worked in line with the Climate Change theme. But many of our Lankans are awed with technological progress of super highways, fast cars, ever evolving semiconductor devices, high speed bullet trains, and so on. How far are we as a nation to crave what should not be ours given our history and especially our religious precepts of Buddhism?

In the end, Sri Lanka has none of the associations of other financial centers that can make Port City truly viable. We have no oil wealth, and not much in the South Asian region. We have no time-honored structure to weather global monetary fluctuations. India is strongly rooted with the USA, and so are the other countries of South Asia. Yet, Sri Lanka feels she would be safe as Port City will belong almost entirely to China. The lure of a foreign power investing high stakes on the side of our capital city where we would get a percentage of its earnings (albeit no fixed amount decided as yet) is a phenomenon too enticing to ignore.

But what is the Port City exactly about? Is it about providing financial service to the South Asian region that surrounds us, like the way Dubai and Singapore (with their oil-rich collateral) do with their neighbors? The Belt Road Initiative is about sea trade starting from the Arab state of West Asia right through to the east to China. Sri Lanka as a stopover will surely bring in riches from the trade routes. We have the Hambantota harbor together with Colombo City Port. Although is seen the Chinese ships that use them as a stopover are not too adequate at present, once China increases her trade within Asia, these ports will certainly have more stopover potential. But why then should we have a Financial Port City? The harbors itself should be about to handle the shipping lanes. Well established Dubai and Singapore should be able to handle the financial side of China’s initiatives. Singapore has been naturally set up through the decades to handle a vast array of financial services. For Sri Lanka, it will be a entirely new set of entities. China’s Port City intends to entice investment from the South Asian region into its system and use each area of Asia to gradually overturn the global US monetary status to and Chinese Yuan monetary system. But again, India and other countries of South Asia are strongly grounded with the USA.

And cities like Dubai and Singapore are squeaky capitalistic clean, in line with the New Western Global Order of clean capitalism. No, they won’t ditch the West too soon, if ever. Fitch Ratings, Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s are American credit rating agencies that ensure clean capitalistic practices. Yet it was not always so, and these agencies were only created in 1975 after the West acquired most of its wealth. China is her global quest for power desperately needs a spot to achieve the same prominence the West did so about a few decades and centuries ago through Rogue Capitalism. Sri Lanka’s will be their vastly experimental entity, unfortunately also stoking the wrath of the Western superpowers, and the easiest for retaliation. 

When the Europeans invaded, colonized and broke our nations, they created cash crops. Cash crops are consumable and sustainable ones, even if they destroyed our forests and farmland, and destroyed our traditional livelihoods. Yet our countries are gradually coming to some balance and have actually improved the conditions of our people through the decades. Cash crops like tea, coffee and rubber are things that people can sustainably use.

But compare this with how China intends to boost up its monetary prowess: Infrastructure upon Infrastructure! Once built, where is the sustainable industry to support this infrastructure? Cash-crops in the end are green, and comparatively non-environmentally damaging if done in an organic way, compared to rabid infrastructure and unnecessary technological advances. Did big cities like what the US exist on organic agriculture and traditional lifestyles? No, they got their fruits and vegetables from other market-growing nations. They exist and thrive on technological advances, but the good earth can only handle a limited amount of such undertakings, including ones into the space age. Another global power coming into rampant technological services as a rival to the established one will sink the world in technological surpluses, driving up inflation, creating poverty, and all the while depleting the only sustainable resources we have. Many countries are aware of the pitfalls of excess capitalism and consumerism, so much so as that American President Biden is subscribing to a greater socialized capitalistic structure : taxing the mega-rich to uphold the value of the small business structure for the American masses; developing the environmentally friendly industry

When one looks at the US dollar, it did not come solely at the tight holding of monetary values at the expense of lesser developed nations. No indeed, because from countries like the US also emerged innovation, entrepreneurship and scientific invention such that all countries of the world long for and bought up, thus placing a country like the US at a constantly high level. Comparing this with China, it is found that China is also propagating the very same system, albeit with only some fractional deviation from the West’s technological and scientific advances.

The US began its city-building for historical reasons when immigrant upon immigrant fled the ravages of old Europe. Never mind at this time the detriment they caused the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and the destruction of their traditional farmland and forest to build up their cities for their ever-increasing population. The US finds it impossible to go back to traditional farming as its soil is now mostly inhospitable to  traditional farming – the farming of the ancient Native population gone mostly forever, and hence the newer techniques of inorganic and GMO food production. USA is a unique case as a large nation over centuries of trial and error.

It is seen that China however, within a decade or two, is installing on its soil, the very same US structure that took over 400 years to establish. China had, and has multiples of farmland and forest, and ample resources to feed and house her billion people. The burning question is why is what they are doing necessary, and why doesn’t China go along the traditional routes to use her own innovative processes to build up within her own ability and structure. One can only see the trend of power hunger and empire games that China is playing. Is this fair to the rest of the networked globe, and is it good to humanity in general? 

We are in quite a different era from the time countries of the New World were colonized. Now is a time of global corporation and global networking. The greatest threat that must be considered is the existence of Nuclear Bombs. Try and establish an alternative global financial order and the billions of humans in the Western countries will be severely disenfranchised. The West will use every means possible to  ensure their survival, including the threat and use of these nuclear weapons. Do we want to see our Unique Motherland at the front and center of this charade and debacle? And experimental Port City will be the first target to eliminate any threat to the current world status quo.

Our war on terror ended just about a decade ago. Many of those who prefer separatism are in the Western nations campaigning for their State of Eelam. Many in the West are deeply compassionate towards these people, with little or no awareness or caring of the anguish to the other side. Foreign policy towards our land will then come only too easily from the West, with the slightest of excuse. The West in its desire to keep their economic system in secure condition, will very easily get rid of any threat to their system.

Yet Chinese presence is a welcome change to a world run by those of Europeans ancestry who are by nature very involved in their right of perceived superiority. The Chinese outlook is comparatively non-racist and undemeaning. The sweetness of Chinese culture, language, food, and religious practices is more in line with the Asian thought process. Many would be extremely contended to see the West pulled down by their sheer arrogance. It is hoped that the West would engage better with China and come to some consensus on how better business practices can be achieved to  be beneficiary to all countries. One thing is certain – the Sri Lanka Port City cannot come into the equation then. Such entities coming into the equation would create the drastic unnatural situations that create wars, and this time it will be nuclear ones.

The Belt and Road Initiative can still proceed with Sri Lanka’s harbors used as entrepot ports. With the abundant money that we will probably have, it is hoped that our government will lead us then into a greater traditional socialism path with little stress on creating rabid capitalist enterprise in vain efforts to have the fruits of the Western capitalists. 


Dubai currency pegged to the stable US dollar 

Chinese investment in Dubai 

Chinese investments in Singapore

Rogue Capitalism 


Article in Straits Times Asia  

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Latest comments

  • 73

    “Did big cities like what the US exist on organic agriculture and traditional lifestyles? No, they got their fruits and vegetables from other market-growing nations.”
    I have serious doubts about that statement. But go, Ramona, go! You can do it!

    • 71

      ” it is hoped that our government will lead us then into a greater traditional socialism path with little stress on creating rabid capitalist enterprise in vain efforts to have the fruits of the Western capitalists. “
      I love the idea of getting rabid Chinese capitalists to pay for socialism here.

      • 54

        “Rent a thumb” is at work for the other side in full force I notice.

        • 10

          Yes, it looks like they’ve got the hang of it now. I wouldn’t mind participating for some pocket money!

          • 9

            Looks like the thumbs system has gone haywire. Everybody is getting dozens of thumbs.

            • 0

              What is sauce for the goose is….
              For serious matter look at comments free of thumb prints.

    • 41

      Haven’t you heard of the Dust Bowls of the 1930’s? American farmland was so destroyed after decimation of Native American lands that they eventually formed an import system to feed the starving millions of immigrants on their shores. Later they experimented with new varieties of GMO. Some if it is good, but much of it is still in the experimental phase. Haven’t you heard that American corn are pesticides growing on stalks?

    • 4

      “But go, Ramona, go! You can do it!

      Gezze OC …… I didn’t see this piece by Ramona until now …… don’t have the time to read; shall read later.

      Ramona looks completely different to the picture I had of her in my mind!

      Go easy on the “Fair and Lovely,” Ramona!! …… OC likes you just the way you are!!! :))

      Native is MIA.

      • 2

        Nae, nae,….ma-me biege partha.

  • 33

    OC, this will explain it.

    ‘Crops cross and breed naturally within an evolutionary time period of say 10,000 years. Humans have evolved and cross-bred along with these same plants.’

    ‘I don’t know much about economics and finances, but I try and understand it from a layman point of view.’

    Comments https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/21st-century-socialism-respect-for-nature-opposition-to-consumerism/

    • 67

      So some of us are part vegetable, according to Ramona? That explains many mysteries.

  • 72

    OC, see the references for such a lengthy article. Today is a double whammy from RTF and DRS. Ramona avoided saying “U.S is drugging our children”. Where as the other uses Kannatta account as primary Pandemic indicator. Aren’t we fortunate ??? I will wait for Deepti,s comment on essay writing. We also had fiction writer to fill up spaces. CT seems to be in a roll.

    • 71

      Aren’t you happy we got two for the price of one?

  • 10

    Chiv, you might remember this gem https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/the-american-midterm-elections-vis-a-vis-the-sri-lankan-constitution/ It was so bad it drove poor Emil van der Poorten away.

    I particularly enjoyed his acidic sarcasm.

    ‘Ramona Therese Fernando: And here we were thinking we’d heard the ultimate in unmitigated crap every time you wrote a comment about what some other CT columnist had to say……………… ! If proof be needed that you are even more stupid than your comments suggested, this piece provides it in ample measure. I have, framed and hanging on the wall, a piece which I considered the single worst use of the English language. Now I’ll have the task of replacing it with this “column” of yours.’

    • 46

      Yeah, EVDP gets upset with simple and concise English that gives clear logic and analysis. His is about using lenghty idioms, and methaphors with little substance, to shout his way to baffle, entrap and intimidate the Natives. Typical!

  • 67

    Asian thought process?
    Are you insinuating that the chinese and sinhalese have the same mindset? Well maybe with regards to racism against minorities.
    But when it comes to discipline and work ethic there is huge difference.
    Chinese can actually develop a nation on their own. Sinhalese cant even develop a little island. Their only achievement is stealing and erasing tamils.
    Sinhalese actually have more in common with africans than other asian communities.
    White man develops their countries. They fail to even maintain it, let alone continue to develop it further. Blame it all on the white man. Then invite the chinese to pick up where the white man left off.
    This habit will most likely continue. If china establishes their own colonial empire, these backward nations will then accuse china of oppressing them. If china packs up and leaves, they will then run their nations into the ground again. And continue blaming it on china. While looking for another hard working race/nation to come and develop their land again. Its like a cycle that repeats itself.

  • 65

    Wow! CT’s pin-up girl has written an article, her second actually, after the one in 2018.
    I think that there is much that is interesting in this article. Thanks, RTF.
    As you quite well know, most of the readership of CT will soon be agog with the news that RTF has written another article. However, I find that you have made some very useful observations. You’ve spoilt it, towards the end, by buying into some conspiracy theories, but I’m sure that it will finally be granted that this article raises some important issues.

    • 9

      No, no conspiracy theories. China does intend to create the Yuan as the Asian currency apart from the US dollar. And there’s no other way for Port City to be productive other than as a rogue entity. That and as a military base.

    • 12

      Yes, let’s all be kind to RTF. She’ll do better next time, as you teachers keep saying.

    • 0

      This is for nimal fernando; the previous article by RTF has another photograph of her:
      That’s the 2018 article.
      Is there anybody who wants to know how to navigate to the place from which it can be accessed? Somebody once asked me how to get to the Sinhala section. Such queries must be taken seriously; there’s always a first time for anybody.
      However, CT just isn’t the way to get through to a Sinhala-speaking audience. What is the best way? I don’t know, and it may be that three or four different ways exist depending on which group of Sinhala users have to be reached. Our primary task certainly must be to get messages across to the Sinhala voters. It is they who are responsible for electing all these unsatisfactory Members of Parliament.
      Any suggestions?
      I feel that Youtube is one means; Facebook (which I hate!) is another.

  • 0

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

    For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 60

      a14455 / May 15, 2021

      Thanks for making it short.

  • 56

    Port city could not be for the benefit of the common people of Sri lanka .Who knows may be profitable to Rajapakse clan? What is the guarantee that China would not expand its constructions further around the ocean and whether the country has the capacity to prevent such events in future ?

    • 46

      The next step of course a Chinese military base. It’s too terrible to think on. But our leaders might just feel the power surge to do so, never minding the masses of mortal souls on our fragile Island.

      • 9

        “Chinese military base. It’s too terrible to think on.”
        Locals made slot of money out of British military bases till 1957. The Chinese have more money. We could use it to build socialism, as you say.

        • 9

          Quite a different time OC. They didn’t have colonism/post colonism then. The world was not networked financially. Clean capitalistic practices had not been installed then. There were no nukes.

  • 68

    “It is seen that China however, within a decade or two, is installing on its soil, the very same US structure that took over 400 years to establish.”

    This is the point. China is able to achieve accelerated economic development because of it’s one-party political system. The same is (or was) true in Singapore; Singapore has mostly been ruled by the same family since its inception. So-called “democracy” is a Western idea. It works for the West, it has never worked in the East. Consider East Asia. China, Japan, S. Korea etc. adopted Western economic models, yet their immigration policies are designed to preserve racially homogeneous societies. It is true that India is the “toilet” of the West, but India is far behind (leagues) when it comes to development. Look at the health system of India; it is on par with Somalia. Sri Lanka should follow China (East Asia’s) path of rapid development, including industrialization.

    • 11

      Development needs to be innovative, modern, and refreshingly different. Not a blatant copy of another older historical place. It will come up against a blank wall.

      • 31

        Ramona Fernando,

        A bridge is a bridge, a house is a house, a skyscraper a skyscraper. The key point is to build adequate infrastructure to attract FDI as well as facilitate tourism. The goal need not be to recreate Venice.

        • 7

          It won’t bring in much FDI. Few will invest. India is too grounded in the USA. Why should they? We’d be just one of the BRI hubs. There’s only so much investment that can go into that. Rest will be rogue investment and once we get downgraded by places like Fitch, our monetary value for export earnings to the West will be severely reduced….converting to Chinese export earning will be a long time in coming. Anyway they have their owm home market and do not need much imports other than oil. BRI is for China’s acquisitiveness to take over the globe, not for true global trade that will make it viable in the long run.

          Won’t increase tourism much. Who wants to see another artificial city? Tourists come to Sri Lanka for her historical heritage and natural landscapes and wildlife heritage.

          • 8

            And many of China’s bridges and skyscrapers in other countries are white elephants built by trial and error policies.

        • 0


          Beware my man RTF is a billionaire who is in cahoots with Bill Gates. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.

          She knows all that billionaires do not .

      • 6

        if those giant projects are that powerful, then SL economy should make that profits…. unfortunately tha tis not the case. Ajith Cabral doctored the statistics to be seen as 7% of growth by 2014. These were manipulations to mislead the world…. may well, be… those credit sums received from China and other coutnries, was the recent to show that the country’s income rose up. However, those projects brought nothing to the country sofar…. mattala airport is taken the one of the top white elephant projects of so called Chinese investments to developing countries.

    • 10

      could you kindly add what economic development achieved by chinese in SL ? They only made weeraketiya thieves untouchably wealthy… is not that so ?

      Now you the kind ilk would say, that they have built roads and constructions in SL… but none of them brought tangible changes yet in srilanken economy. So called giant development projects, Mattala airport and hambantota harbour are the best exmaples of chinese white elephant projects to the world. We srilanken became popular, being caught by chinese investment injection. Pulligonas aka Mahinda got caught by the easy tricks being played on the kind of stupid leaders. You can talk to those 6.9 mio, but there are a signifcant portion of srilanken population, that would not buy your fairytales. Get back to your montisori lessions… for the benefit of the srilanken youth’s future… thank you.

      • 15

        Silly Leela,

        Who built the Colombo – Katunayake Expressway? Because of Tamil Tiger terrorism, the country has to pay back loans – money borrowed for war – at the expense of development. Development is not easy, regardless of the lender. China has the best rates. Stop complaining about Rajapakse, Bond Scam Ranil and UK Mansion CBK stole billions from the country. CBK bought a mansion in the UK.

        • 8

          You the kind of idiots paved the way top criminals to return to power. Today those 6.9 mio are speechless. We perfectly lknow that it was the biggest lie spread on CBK for Rajaakshe political surivial. The fact is at the time, srilanken was run together with Emirates, the profits they made were in billions, but since ballige puthas took it to hand, SRILANKEN became bankrupt within few years. All these are known to the public., but those who behave born backlickers would never see it right.
          Look at your master manages providing JABS to the nation. There are reliable reports that not only elderly and ones in risk job groups but their close friends are being it. See how shameless they have been: Good governance made it nicely by restoring democracy, but today, WEERAKETIYA palahoru have looted it as nothing can reverse. Just imagine, EU rejected SINNOPHARM yet today, but hardup srilanken being caugh by MAFIA run by high criminals,.. hav eno other choice but bend their heads to get injected with Sinnopharm.
          Mafia boss filled his pockets by the discounts they received in collossal sums, and became untouchably wealthy, making every unborn child eternally indebted to CHINA: You the kind that are very much like to BLUE FLIES (nilamasso) being found the RAJAPAKSHE excreata- because you dont have any survival without support the crime networks.

          • 7


            BTW CBK s govt brought ROAD and construction projects to srilanka thought Rajakshe criminals grabed the credit to the very same manner they did it with so called war victory. Today all is becoming clear… as they can mislead you and the ilk again.
            Just go to ADISABEBA, and look at how the CHINESE built the roads and construction to that poor country… their roads cover over 500 km, but your so called b+++S son, did though to some extent but what happened to the sums took as huge credits. Look at he manner, shamless NGR stole that 90 mio of state funds to build up their parents memorials… at th etime, that was caught red handed, b***son had the audcity… ” I paid that millions back to them”: ha ha….. this is how the bugger understand that law.. today, .. he has been giving orders in terms of health care… letting the public fall from frying pan to the fire….. he may be good to do some work as a soldier.. but nothing beyond that. .look at those brave soldiers and how they work today….. they do their jobs to the top.. not only Gotabaya, any soldier would have some sor t of disipline… to do some good work…

            • 1

              Poor Leela, you are completely out of touch with actual events. Rajapakse is not the bad guy. Dictators take the money and go to other countries. That is what CBK did. Look at CBK family, Ratwatte Uncle’s sons hiding in Australia after killing that New Guinea guy in the club. CBK was doing private lands (https://www.bbc.com/sinhala/news/story/2008/06/080625_cj-chandrika), buying property in UK, etc, jailing opponents, etc. Supreme Court found her guilty. Worst part, she was ready to sell the country to LTTE with PM Moda Ranil after losing massive battles to LTTE bata salesmen. Do you know how many good commanders died because this gong buruwa was clueless on military matters. All the land this fool lost over 10 years, MR/Gotha recaptured within 9 months.

            • 0

              To give you further education, Mr/Ms. Leela… Gotha had some very corrupt associates. Prime example: Fonseka’s son-in-law Danuna. Danuna was doing double-dealing on arms sales. Entire Fonseka family are crooks. CID found $527,000 USD in Tillekaratne’s mothers bank locker: https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2010/mar/29/asian-diplomat-funded-sarath-fonsekas-poll-143281.html. Fonseka was funded by UNP and NGO’s to pay Sunday Leader to slander Rajapakses. Sunday Leader was getting something like 1 million SLR a week. After Fonseka won the election, he would have sent the stolen money to the son-in-law hiding in USA. Tabloid journalist Lasantha and Jansz were in charge of Sunday Leader at the time. Fonseka is a mad bugger; he wanted to kill MR after winning the election. Your hero Ranil said in the Parliament, SF killed LW. This is likely as Gotha already won a defamation order against LW. Why waste time killing him? Normally, traitors like SF will be executed for anarchy, but Rajapakse bro’s showed their mercy. You see, Rajapakse is not vindictive. Even to the low-level LTTE, they showed fairness by providing rehabilitation and job training.

              • 6

                No point of talking to you, because yours is no better to that of Jayasumana
                whose professorship is questionable today.

                No doubt your IQ is not even similar to that of DHAMMIKA paniya maker.. that is the reason you the kind of ill fated buggers to easily get caught by the easy tricks being played on you by KNOWN high criminals.
                Rajapakshes’ strength is to find guys of your sort to lick their backs for no reasons. But this culture will be twisted soon, listen to what our AKD has to say about the levels of high crimes and corruption handlings of weeraketiya palhoru. You dont need to make efforts to educate me, but wait and see, gangas would be flown with COVID deaths next days, that is due to the total ignorance of hambantota bitch s sons. You or the like would play the housannas for their political survival, as was the case with Hitlers men never stopped it until holocaust took 6 millions of lives.

                • 0


                  AKD is a “paang kade” joker. Who will believe him? As soon as one of the minorities start their suicide bombing, the majority people will elect another Rajapakse. In 2009, people were ready to make MaRa the KING. Your hero Ranil is a 40 year loser. Your UNP desperately needs a new leader.

                  • 0

                    Thanks for divulging your plans, Lester!

  • 5

    RTF I don’t think India would ever allow a Chinese military base in Sri Lanka. If persuasion, money and threats fail, they will invade us with America’s blessing. To them, any resulting problems will be preferable to a Chinese base so close to their nuclear installations. (They are all around Mumbai and the South, far from their traditional enemies Pakistan and China).

    • 5

      China will try anyway. Their policies are based on trial and error. We’d be left with US F-35 jet fighters zooming over our airspace.

  • 5

    And many of China’s bridges and skyscrapers in other countries are white elephants built by trial and error policies.

    • 0

      RTF have you ever travelled to China in the last 20 years . could you write about your experiences pleases. I would like to understand your articles come from the deep knowledge of China or what you read on google?

      If it is the latter , it is not awful because most of the aritcles here are like that .

      • 2

        Journeys through China – 2018 ( Part 1)
        So I took this budget airline that took me to 2 Chinese cities – Shanghai and Kunming. (difference in price for a more direct route was just $99, but I wanted adventure). It was a rushed booking for I went on impulse for a school reunion in Sri Lanka.
        Stopover in Shanghai was 12 hours. Once out of the Arrivals, I could not use the ATM to withdraw Yuan….a nd I was not allowed into the Arrivals section again. Bank kiosks did not take my credit or debit card, but wanted check or traveler’s check. They were not sure what to do with American cards. Luckily found a nice place to
        eat and they took my American credit card. Ate a large delicious bowl of won-ton noodle soup.
        Boarding the next flight to Kunming , was in the departure with lots of Chinese playing I-phone games. Their volumes were turned on loud and the place was a huge buzz and ping-pong, ting-tong of gaming sounds. I managed to stuff my ears with tissue paper.

        • 2

          Journeys through China – 2018 (Part 2) I was extremely tired as I had to get up super early to catch the flight from home, PA. Couldn’t sleep on the 5.5h flight to LA. Couldn’t sleep at all during the next flight from LA to Shanghai as the budget airline’s seats were so packed together. Chinese guy kept removing and putting on his coat right throughout the flight and hitting me with his elbows right whenever I was drifting off. I howled a number of times, and the fellow kept apologizing.

          Flight to Kunming, and there was a silly woman about 45, with two pony tails on the side of her head, acting like a small girl. She wouldn’t let me into my seat and I had to stand in the aisle for a long time with many passengers behind me. She wanted a photo shoot with some Chinese big-shots I think, in the seats opposite our row. She kept jumping all over the seats taking all direction of photographs with them. I finally howled to be let into my seat.

          • 2

            Part 2b.
            The airline staff and woman were very annoyed with me, and the flight attendant actually went on the speaker to say in English that although they happily welcomed all passengers, they were
            sad to see the vip’s not given due respect because some passengers were being fussy. Next the silly woman with pony tails wanted my window seat, just as I was drifting off again. I told the hostess that I was very tired as i had been flying for long hours from the US. The hostess went off hastily. I think she went to check my details. She suddenly came back with a hot drink for me with some cookies and apologized….told the silly woman about it and the creature left me alone after that, except to keep deliberately knocking me with her elbows throughout the flight. So I couldn’t sleep either during this 2.5 hour flight.

            Perceptions: China has networked and opened up its provinces. Provincial people are enthralled and bemused by their more sophisticated. Chinese counterparts.

            • 2

              Part III
              Kunming airport at around 12.30 am (night)
              Had to check out my bags yet again. Was looking forwards to sleeping in a hotel close to the airport that I had booked on a travel website.
              Made sure I took out 100 yuan before I exited the Arrivals.
              I tried to get a taxi to get to my hotel. Was surrounded by a barrage off cab drivers. Nobody spoke English, and so had a hard time telling them the name of my hotel. (My hotel print out was in English). Finally they used some app on their phones and located my hotel that was 1.5 miles from the airport. Was told it would cost $100 yuan. I refused, but driver after driver wanted anything from 80-100 yuan. I was deranged by then and went walking along the road with my baggage down the convoy of cabs begging then for decent price.

              • 2

                Part III b.
                I even went back to the airport to get more cash and all the bank kiosks were closed because of the time of night, although the place was buzzing and teaming with people. Again the only ATMs I could see were inside the Arrivals and they wouldn’t let me in again.
                So whilst walking down the road begging the cab drivers, one woman actually felt sorry for me and offered to take me for $40 yuan.

                • 2

                  Part IV
                  Arrived at the hotel. It looked grand. At last I could sleep. I was almost crying with relief.

                  At the reception, I had to pay a deposit of 100 yuan. So I took out my American Visa card. “Sorry, we do not take American credit cards. Only Chinese cards,” I was told. My God! So I offered my $60. But they said it wasn’t enough. I begged them to let me sleep there all the same. So they keep calling their big boss to find out what to do. Using an English speaking app, their app keep telling me politely that I could only pay by cash for the $100 deposit. After pleading and crying for about 2 hours, they put me onto one of their vans for 20 yuan and drove me back to the airport so I could get more cash. As I knew I could not get cash except from the Arrivals section, I decided to stay on in the airport and hang around there till my flight to Sr Lanka at about 3pm. By that time I had accepted my fate, was in gaga land and decided to come to terms with my sufferings

                  • 2

                    Part V
                    Airport was teaming with people in the middle of the night. People looked like Burmese or Nepalese people. They all looked highly excited that they were going travelling , but the services were not set up to guide them to their proper airlines. It was impossible to sleep anywhere. Someone told me that there were sleeping lounges in the basement. So I went down there and found a spot to lie down. It was full of stranded people like me and was very loud. I couldn’t sleep as the lights were very bright also.
                    I saw people sleeping under the big escalator, so I went there as it was more dim , and found me a spot to sleep on the floor. A kind stranded
                    Chinese family made room for me. However, the sound of the moving escalator and the angle of it made me panic. So I went back to the lounges. There saw a group of Sri Lankans talking in Sinhalese. Aney, I felt so happy that I saw My People, and was almost drifting off to sleep. Most of the people had gone for their flights by now as it was almost dawn.

                    • 2

                      Part V b.
                      Suddenly, a group of young army personnel started drill practice down in the basement. I could only look on and think that these young people looked crisp and communist and were ready to protect their country and airport from enemies. They looked like from the films, and had young, beautiful, expectant and friendly faces.

                    • 2

                      Part VI,
                      I cleaned up soon afterwards and went upstairs for some breakfast. I was amazed at the beautiful airport and the fantastic stalls with local handicraft they had. Out of the windows I could see beautiful scenery with pagoda temples. How I wished that I had organized it better and spent 2 days there. I was in a mountainous region of China. People were wearing ethnic clothes with bells and cymbals attached, and there were Buddhist monks around. It was sweet to see. Maybe lack of sleep made the experience even more ethereal.

                      Stood at the departure counter for the flight to Colombo. The same Lankan group that was in the basement was taking the same flight. They stared at me as they must have recognized me from the basement. One “fair” Kandyan looking woman kept brushing past me and pushing me hastily, so much a British woman asked me if I was ok, and frowned at the woman. There were a few Lankan Buddhist priests too, and I smiled at them and they smiled shyly back at me.

                    • 2

                      Part VII,
                      Getting in the plane and one of the Lankan fellows tried to use his Lankan “charm” to get some boxes of liquor into the plane without checking it in. His “charm” was lost on the heavy grumpy and looking airport staff woman, and so he had to discard the boxes I think. Going into the plane, the Lankan group was just behind me, shouting and hooting loudly in Sinhalese about the experience with the ground personnel. One stout young Lankan kept coming close behind me and pushing his …..front….on me …..Another place and I would have complained of molestation. But I was too weak and tired to do anything. I prayed to god that I would not be in the same row as this lot. Luckily, I had a window seat with 2 sweet and kind Chinese girls next to me. When the plane took off, I reveled in the beauty of the mountainous countryside and the fantastic and unique design of the airport from above. I managed to sleep finally after had eaten, for 6 of the 8 hours of the flight.

                    • 2

                      Part VIII,
                      Returning, and the flight only stopped in Shanghai. I took a private tour and visited the main city center places with all of the skyscrapers, as well as the old French section. The guide took me to the old Chinese city area with temples and pagodas and many old shopping plazas. I bought a jade bracelet. We also ate wonderful Chinese sweetmeats like black bean sticky rice dumplings. Bought dried plum packets to take back home. Had authentic Chinese tea at an old tea house. Rubbed a Chinese dragon statue for good luck, and went into one of their temples and lit incense to their many gods. It was profound!
                      Flight back to US and I had a row on the budget airline’s all to myself. So I may down happily and slept for over 8 hours. I felt like I had done an episode of Tintin in China!
                      Perceptions: China has all these fantastic architecture and modernization but still is unsophisticated in its people-to-people services. Kind, friendly, and innocent looking people, but unsure how to manage the actual workings of advanced capitalism.

                    • 3

                      I hope that teaches you not to mess with Ramona.

                    • 0

                      Add Moon Cakes and Chrysanthemum tea to that.

  • 1

    I Just said RTF WTF
    By your own explanation it is clear when ever there is a good investment arrangement the money will flow. And all this money will not stay in one place. Like hongkong – the danger of China taking over, India – Who knows what will happen there. Dubai – The arabs are well known for throwing money around. The More diversification one has more safer their investments. So port city to me is a great idea. It takes the natural strnegths of Sri Lanka and amplifies it .
    The real problem is our politics . There is no stability of politics with each party reversing other parties policies. The hope is that if such a strong case is made economically it will be impossible for the other parties to reverse.
    China does not need the port city for any military purpose. It is rather stupid to suggest it as they already have access to enough real ports in South Asia including our own Hambanthota port. and if you look at presidences in history who do you see colonizing the world and trying to spread idiotic religeon by force or now by influence. China has not shown tendencies even though it is evident they would love to have the influence.

    • 3

      Yeah, that’s when it all becomes Rogue.
      But if China takes over Hong Kong, 100% sure Hong Kongeese will not put their money in China’s Port City. It’s a far shot for India. But if there is an upheaval there, we’d be crossing our fingers that their billionaires will place their money on PC. They’d prefer Swiss banks and Panama accounts. As per Arabs, Arabs will only throw their money around when they too can spread the religion and protect Isis.

      • 3

        And the only natural strength Sri Lankan will have is being an entrepot port. That will be only enough to secure Sri Lanka so people can live well. Try to take it and capitalize it on PC, and the Masses will suffer, and we would need more and more and more ships coming along the BRI to make the investments lucrative. But trade always reaches a plateau. But hey, once the entrepot business becomes lucrative, maybe we can have a regular sized PC.

        • 3

          I already have a regular sized PC on my table. Made in China of course.

      • 2

        you are indeed a genius , why did I not think of this .. ugh .. because I stand in front of such a superior interllect ..

        I srand in awe boss

  • 7

    A Miracle indeed. Up to now only ten people have comments excluding RTF,many have more than one comment so the total comments are > 40 and , rent a thumb is > 150 and I got the max for an observation (not a comment). I think CT may consider more of such writings to increase their viewership.

    • 6

      Unlike other authors, Ramona actively engages in the discussion, providing much lockdown entertainment.

      • 3

        Yes, all others are like half dead.. dont even care about the comments. RTF is doing a great job

    • 2

      I have a theory Chiv but it needs to be tested.

      RTF is actually a blonde and the picture she is posting has been doctored. I had this suspision when she got into an argument about US national parks. But I think there is further evidence solidifying my case.

      and I can assure you no booze or lockdowns are involded here.

  • 6

    OC, I see that. Also this phenomenon takes place usually during week ends. I guess plenty enlightening intellectual discussions (booze sessions) are still alive in otherwise boring lock down period.

  • 3

    OMG, RTF is not done yet. She has now come up with her “Bed Time China Diaries”. OC will this be like the fiction writer, where part 2 may uncover part 1. Will all those rent a thumb read and give their approval or do we have to wait for next weekend ???

    • 3

      What a character! A red-hot but anti-China and anti-Western socialist from USA!

      • 3

        So disappointed with you OC. Is that all you can think of? Typical Lankan, aren’t you, just like those fellows in the airport.
        No, I am not red hot., and I am advancing in years.
        Those Lankans I encountered wanted to demean me because they knew I was Lankan but differrnt – from the hostile woman who wanted to push and hurt me, to the pervert who wanted to humiliate me. Chinese on the other hand have refinement. I like to be Chinese.

        • 1

          “Chinese on the other hand have refinement. I like to be Chinese.”
          But to be Chinese you will need refinement.

          • 3

            I’m American now, and we too have class. Can walk around freely and unmolested here in the average place. Certainly not certain Lankan social groups who get together to jibber-jabber, hoot and then take perverse fun to demean and humiliate the other.

      • 0

        Is she a JVP supporter?

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