19 September, 2024


Church Of Ceylon (Anglican) Democracy: Choosing The Best To Be Put Over Us

By S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Prof S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole

Heritage of England

We Anglicans have the heritage of the mother of Parliaments. As such we expect our Sri Lankan Anglican Church, the Church of Ceylon which is the successor to the Church of England in Ceylon, to be run most democratically. However, like our country, we too show signs of decline in our democracy. It is a make-or-break time for the Church, and I raise some of the issues at a time our new and dear Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dushantha Rodrigo, just finished his first Diocesan Council on 26-27 Nov. 2021. The Church has assets worth well over 2 Billion Rupees and a regular communicant membership of 20,000 (Higher figures may be quoted using those who maintain nominal membership to retain their right to be married in a magnificent church building and buried with their parents in the church graveyard, or even to retain good memories from their childhood coming to Church for Easter and Christmas services which often are a choral concert.

The Diocesan Council reports are a case in point. Chartered Accountant Rajan Asirwatham has for years maintained the funds which are so well-managed that are seen to grow every year. But Asirwatham is aging. Most of us do not understand these esoteric numbers. Every year I see fewer and fewer questions raised at Council on these accounts. I fear for the long-term prospects of these vast sums as good people die or quit our shores.


The resolutions are how we lay folk escape theocracy, the rule of priests. We Council representatives, whether laity or clergy, can put forward resolutions to express our views and have them carried. It is in the resolutions that our democracy is expressed.

A case in point is the Tamil Eucharistic Liturgy, the highest form of communion with God during the Mass. Passing Resolutions is a tightly controlled episcopal exercise. It has to be submitted to the Standing Committee 60 days early. Rarely is this cautious restriction eased. Even if passed, it fails if the Bishop refuses his assent. All that failed this year as Rev. S.D. Parimalachelvan who campaigned for the Bishop’s election was allowed to introduce multiple resolutions on the floor with bad grammar, poor translations and the bishop still gave his assent, even though they were voted on without time for study or correction.

Resolutions have run into clericalism. The liturgical Commission mostly has Sinhalese. They gave the Tamil Liturgy to Rev. Joshua Ratnam who came to St. John’s College from Trinity College after failing, was in Special V, and the day the results came he left school after not making the mark again. He naturally found a vocation in the Anglican priesthood.

Ratnam was good with the clerical hierarchy and putting him in charge of the Liturgy was a means of rewarding him for supporting liberal agendas shared with former Bishops Kenneth Fernando and Duleep Chickera. What would happen when a scholastic failure writes our prayers? Disaster upon disaster.

For one, the 10 Commandments became 9 Commandments. Almighty in “Almighty God” had Almighty deleted because Theological College Pilimatalawa teaches that the word implies that God is mightier than other gods. So on and so forth. The worst was the prayer “O God without Holiness and Destruction.” The poor man was in Diocesan Council saying indefensively before everyone that if it is broken up correctly it is acceptable.

The Liturgical Commission approved Ratnam’s disaster. So the Bishop says we cannot blame Ratnam. This seems the purpose of Committees. One man runs it and takes decisions. The Yes-man Committee gives him cover so it does not seem a one-man show. I say the majority Sinhalese never read what thry approved.

Anyway, Fr. Steven Jebachelevam and I of Nallur moved a resolution demanding immediate revision. Bishop Dhilo Canagasabey gave it his assent because the approval was near unanimous so even to defend his man he could not deny the resolution to save face for his man.

After 2018 we have been calling God Him without Holiness. It is OK because we are stupid Tamils in the eyes of the church. We Tamils will play meek and dumb as we have done for 3 years without a word of protest. I have asked Bishop Rodrigo many times at the Standing Committee. He too has stalled saying “soon” but we Tamils are the step-children of the Lord Bishop even Tamil Lord Bishops who rely on Sinhalese to manage the Church. I say that Moratuwa Christians would not have allowed such brazen meddling with their prayers and would have kicked out the Bishops who tried this.

Rev. Steven Jebachelvan who seconded the resolution is a rare priest with a national university degree, B.Sc. Peradeniya, in addition to the normal B.Th. degree from Pilimatalawa. He has been ignored for all serious appointments in the Church and been put under a poorly educated Archdeacon. He has to taught the lesson not to cross our Lord Bishops!

Former murdered St. John’s Principal Anadarajan’s son, already a school administrator in Canada, came and offered his services as Principal of St. John’s. He was turned down. When Archdeacon Ponniah who as a theology student was suspended for smuggling hard liquor into the theological College and scraped through courses was appointed, and I asked why Jebachelvan is not better, I was told that Jebachelvan lacks personality. He is not shorter, if at all, than Ponniah. And the Church now has a height specification for Principals rather than degree requirements! CMS which is responsible for principals’ appointments seems not to look at qualification for Principals or for its own Members. The CMS, an institution that must upkeep standards, had a Chairman going as Dr. Dan when he had no earned doctorate. what a standard for the world.

Is the church taking Tamils and Tamil institutions for granted? Would the Church dare put a man without a university degree in charge of any of the St. Thomas’ schools or Trinity? We in Jaffna do not wish to be the dumping grounds for Church favourites.

Sabotaged Resolutions by Council

We who moved the Tamil Liturgy resolution are not the Church’s only stepchildren. Fr. Nesakumar of St. Thomas’ Gurutalawa has had a resolution from 2018 going nowhere for lack of funds in a church with Rs. 10 million for cars for each of the 4 archdeacons and Rs. 300+ for sending routine letters by courier after sending them first by email. It has almost Rs. 3 billion in assets.

Another ignored resolution is from 2015. It calls for including other churches in the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL). And the objection? The new churches are converting our members. The clue to the objection is the new resolution in 2021 (by Mr. Keshan Leitch and Rev. S.D. Parimalachelvan) reminding us of the 2015 resolution telling the Church to ensure that the admission of new members to the NCCSL does not undermine its statements on comity and ethics in mission. The cat is out of the bag. People voted for the new resolution, most of us not knowing the comity principle from the nineteenth century – that demarcates different cities to different missions. We were tricked into voting for the 2021 resolution against the new churches while pretending to be all for ecumenism!

Resolutions without Understanding

Besides the NCCSL resolution, another example of being tricked into voting is the Resolution by Parimalachelvan and Christopher Baraj. It reads correctly but at the end asks that we move towards costly discipleship Christ demands – “cultic and service” orientation to “transformation mammon to God’s reign.

Christ asks us to be cultic? What is cultic (an adjective) and service (a noun)? Mammon is worldly wealth. What does “transformation mammon” mean? I think Anglican grammar has collapsed. What is worse is that cultic does not appear in the garbled Tamil translation. Tamils were tricked into voting for this without seeing the official text in English.

And the Bishop gave his assent. Or was he asleep when he agreed that we should make our worship cultic. We see the beginnings of this transformation in the church undermining the value of resolutions and prayerbooks in Joshua Ratnam’s Tamil Liturgy!

Yet another sleight of hand is the resolution by Marc Billimoria and Niroshan de Mel on the 5 marks of mission adopted worldwide in 1984. These are well known and innocuous. However, they have added a sixth mark of mission: “To engage with people of diverse faiths and ideologies to discern God’s presence in them.”

The resolution wants us to plan and implement all our local and regional activities in line with the said marks of Mission.

It is a call to celebrate Saarsvathi Pooja and festivities to the 33 million gods (counted in British times) in our churches – a follow up to Bishop Dushantha lighting up for the recent Navarathiri festival. A Councillor remarked that Satanic worship is now an official religion with millions of followers worldwide. Do we worship the Devil to discern the mind of Christ in the Devil? Fr. Jebachelvan asked “How do we proclaim the Good News of the kingdom if others already know the mind of Christ proclaimed in the first mark?” These were pooh-poohed by Ratnam who called the objections arrogant.

Devolution to Rural Areas

Who runs the Church? In theory it is we, the members of the Diocesan Council chosen as representatives from our parishes. Priests are also there. Unfortunately, as in the country, the educated have fled and few of us can comprehend these reports. Reading, together with English fluency, is a dying skill in the country. Technically we can speak in Tamil or Sinhalese in Council and translations are provided. But in a divided country, speaking in Tamil or Sinhalese can put-off many and the message is lost. So those who have things to say but cannot in English, choose silence. Even if they did, short interventions in Tamil or Sinhalese are lost because the message would be over before the headphones can be put on and switched on.

Those who can truly represent their parishes are the representatives from Colombo and Moratuwa who usually speak English. In addition, they attend all church functions and services in their turf, know each other and can get votes in an election for the Standing Committee which runs the church under the Bishop’s chairmanship. Rural people are too unknown to get votes.

Bishop’s Nominee Usurping the Place of Rural Deanery Nominee

Recognizing this problem well-meaning people amended the Constitution to say that from the outlying Rural Deaneries, one candidate with the highest vote gets elected to the Standing Committee – even only with the two votes from the proposer and seconder. A few have come into the Standing Committee on this quota but do not speak because they fear that what they say in Tamil will not be listened to. One man from long ago has managed to come every year and speak in Sinhalese. In the 1990s I kept quiet out of fear. I still do not believe he does not know English to include all of us. Now however I have insisted on a translation and am provided it, albeit short.

In Sri Lanka reforms are there to show some inclusion of minorities. But after getting credit for that, the same reform is used to aggrandize power at the expense of minorities. An example is the 13th Amendment. On the books Tamil is the court language in North-East courts. But in practice, the police come and read charges in Sinhalese. The judges and lawyers speak in English. Poor clients have no choice but to retain layers. Tamil lawyers are happy with that since it makes the good money. Even Tamils speak in Sinhalese to make the opposing side be lost and to ingratiate themselves with the Sinhalese police.

So it is with the diocesan quota for rural areas. I have seen two bishops playing tricks with it. They use their quota of Diocesan Council seats to nominate a rural person. The Bishop’s agent in the relevant rural Deanery, the Archdeacon, quickly jumps ups and nominates the Bishop’s nominee for the Council to the Standing Committee and then holds secretive meetings of Colombo and Moratuwa council members to vote for the Bishop’s nominee. Now that Bishop’s nominee is reckoned as a representative from the Rural Deanery and not a representative of the Bishop. I have written to Bishop Dhilo questioning this and the then Bishop, like royalty, did not deign to reply. The problem was averted because both were elected on their own vote. A Bishop’s nominee so elected to the Standing Committee did not speak one word at the Standing Committee over the year in office except to say “Present” during roll call!

During the last 2021 election too, a Jaffna Nominee and the Bishop’s nominee reckoned as a Jaffna nominee stood for election. There will be a problem, when results are announced this week, if neither gets votes below the cut off marks and the Bishop’s nominee gets more. Then who will represent Jaffna? These issues need to be addressed early to avoid divisive problems and suspicions of intentions.

Whither Anglican Democracy?

I have bad feelings. No one seems to believe in democracy. The Bishops seem happy to exploit the weaknesses in our democracy to carry forward their agenda. The prognosis for the church is poor.

Democracy, after all, is rooted in Biblical teachings:

Deutronomy 1:13: Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes and I will set them over you.

The church must support the democratic structures for that choosing. Bishop: please note. Democracy is from God! Choose wise, understanding and respected persons as school principals and for the CMS.

Latest comments

  • 5

    Editor. I posted an important point on controlling the Diocesan Council by the Standing Committee nominating 2 people to nominate 2 people to count, and telling the first two whom they should be nominating.

    When I said post comment, the system said the site cannot be reached.

    Did my comment go in? If not I will write it again.

    • 4

      Thank you Prof. Hoole,

      “The church must support the democratic structures for that choosing. Bishop: please note. Democracy is from God! Choose wise, understanding and respected persons as school principals and for the CMS.”

      I think once the people s awareness about politics and the religion is improved, we can talk about democracy. That is the case in EUROPEAN countries. And, looking back,, this is the reason why some good values under good governance govt was ridiculed out by very same people in srilanka.

      And Church do support the democratic structures in Europe while that is not the case in developing world.
      Btw, civilized euopean countries

      • 2

        Thank you, “leelagemalli”,
        This Bishop is not a bad man, but he’s showing himself to be weak. What they have here is a hierarchical structure. Last week, on Monday, (by the clock it now is Monday again), I spoke to the Bishop. He came up with this strange statement that he had to inquire into what’s going on – where? In his office where there are decent, pious, middle class women (no let’s say ladies). Even getting the idiom right is difficult.
        He wasn’t talking about inquiring into the cheating that I have been talking about since 2008 (when he wasn’t in any way involved.) No, there’s no point going on, and you have work. I think that I will try phoning him again. Prospects aren’t propitious; last week he hadn’t bothered to check on how his own article was faring. I must be nearing the word limit. I will stop for now and sleep. Meanwhile, sincere thanks.

  • 2

    Who cares?


    • 8

      Soma, I care, but understand your valid point. I’m approving your comment, be happy!
      I hope that Jaffna Man, who is the author, dislikes both your comment, and mine, thereby conveying his true emotions on seeing your comment. My words up to this will make Hoole unhappy, but he will be in a quandary because of what follows.
      The dislike buttons actually work on this honest site. But not on Youtube. See what Mahila has said here today (2nd December) in response my earlier comment:
      Twenty-two comments on that article, up to now; Mahila’s in penultimate position. Only a comment by Buddhist 1 below it.
      Youtube can’t be trusted.
      Their “Dislike” button doesn’t work. LM, get out of the habit of watching and recommending Youtube programmes.
      The point that you’re making: only a handful of 21 million Lankans are interested in this. Correct. Anglicans exaggerate their importance.
      See this article.

      CT must have faced a few personal problems and their updates weren’t coming in. I had more to say. I will put them at the bottom. It’s the same subject.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela; Anglican for official purposes.


    • 2

      somoooooo, we care. Didn’t I ask you to get your treatment at the Angoda?

  • 7

    Jesus said in Mat.16,18 “I will build my church” If Jesus reads this account written by SRH, I wonder whether He will even recognize, understand or agree with this anglican structure as His own will, purpose and desire.

    • 3

      Hello davidthegood
      Yes, I can buy your above argument. I must confess that I am not a Christian. With the limited understanding of New Testament. Christ Jesus would be somewhat baffled by reading SRH’s article. No offence intended Prof.
      It makes one sad to know how
      Jesus Christ died for us on the cross. I am comfortable with this assertion.
      It also says he died for our sins. Ten commandments of the Old Testament were, as I believe Jesus had qualms and in his short life (even shorter as a Massier). When you consider his 17 missing years. It’s a great pity for me as a non-Christian layman, the bible barely and rarely talks about. It mentions of wise men from the East in the passing. Of cause there are various theories and a good number of books written some by leading Theologian even films
      Jesus Christ as the son of GOD was “literarily God Sent “
      His simple message was/is be good do good. Love your neighbour as thyself. This dogma of the Abrahamic religions (which Christianity is one of the four or so religion s)
      His basic message is” we are left with Three things. Faith, hope and Love. And these are the basic ingredients of life. Of the three LOVE is the greatest” according to Paul in book 7 of the New Testament Please don’t quote me on the exactness!

      • 2

        PART ONE

        Mr Ratnam Nadarajah,
        I can see that you’re a very good man, who values the best that Christianity has to offer, that is it’ll help you to live a good life, almost always making the right decisions when faced with moral dilemmas. Also I’m sure that you know some other religion in greater detail, (Hinduism?) .
        In my case I know much MORE about Christianity than the average Christian does. Now, towards the end of my life, I realise that I know much more than these priests, particularly in this “peculiar” Anglican Church in which I was brought up. As a vestige of colonialism, it possesses great wealth.
        So, the corrupt are drawn to it. But let us not tar all with the same brush. Of the persons already mentioned on this page, Bishop Dushantha and Marc Billimoria are very decent people. There are other priests, but my naming them may embarrass them. That is the clergy. Others?

      • 2

        PART TWO
        Among Christian laymen, also there are the very good. Many are probably much more knowledgeable than I. Take the elder Hoole, Rajan. He has devoted his entire life to furthering the causes of TRUTH and Justice. I dare not generalise about his goodness, say for instance that he’s heavily influenced by the best in Hinduism.
        Dr Rajan is a vegan, he wasn’t when he was a class-mate, and a fellow boarder at Gurutalawa. Look at his Wikipedia entry. It doesn’t even say that he was at Gurutalawa. I can give you the reasons, but the time is 12.25 p.m. and these comments may cease to be accepted. Rajan once told me, very seriously, that he considers animals and himself to be equal, and he lives by such beliefs.
        His younger brother, RatnaJEEVAN, appears somewhat different, and I haven’t known him all that long – six years, let’s see. Two years ago, he was famous throughout this now benighted land. Now few recognise his name – confuse it with that of his brother. I mean the average monolingual residents of Lanka. Let us try not to be like that.
        In your case, Nada, I have got to know you owing to your sincere comments here. Thanks for your observations here.
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

  • 3

    Seems an unfair situation, but unlike politics, religion needs charisma over qualifications; sincerity over hubris; respect of individuals; respect of the opposite sex; deep insight of the human soul that is in-born and cannot be acquired through worldly educational qualifications ; of psychic phenomenon; equanimous personality.

    If Christian hearts are uplifted during the ecumenical liturgy together with the beautiful British musical harmonizing, that must be a good thing. If priests and bishops use modernizing practices to soothe the psychology of the suffering flock, that must be a good thing. That the church is doing well monetarily shows that it works well on the financial scales with no corruption. We only ask that they contribute their earnings towards needy people and also environmental-recovery projects (in lieu of taxation, as religious institutions are not taxed). I believe that the Archbishop of Canterbury has projects in Africa. Projects from Lankan money should go solely towards the Motherland

    • 5

      I’m sending this from my phone. There’s no electricity in Bandarawela. May be island wide. Please excuse resultant shortcomings.
      Charisma is all very well, but what do you say when there is actual cheating, which is what I’m talking about, in BoG Elections, when Dhilo was Bishop.
      .Involves Bishop Dushantha as well since he was the Headmaster of the Kollupitiya School.
      I agree that qualifications are not necessary. However, what do you say to the FACT that a guy who left school at Grade 8, because of his failure to get promoted in school 3 times served twice on the BoG, ending March 2020
      Panini Edirisinhe aka Sinhala_Man

      • 4

        “a guy who left school at Grade 8, because of his failure to get promoted in school 3 times served twice on the BoG”

        Isn’t that par for the course in all matters STC? :))

        • 2

          Yes, nimal.
          Please take our suffering a little more seriously. It is past 4.00 am. I must sleep now, but I will get back to “placing” your friend, Kavinda, a little more clearly. You probably know him better than I do; I have nothing against him. However, too many avoid seriously engaging on important subjects like education.
          You said something very recently about me being some sort of “mimic man”. well, I admit it, but the way you put it was unnecessarily cruel. You have a talent for wit, but you were, perhaps unwittingly, cruel to me. NV, old codger, and Nathan are never that.
          Colombo Telegraph needs steady support; those recent delays in comments coming on shows with what difficulty it is kept going.
          I’ll explain more clearly when I’m wide awake. My appeal to you is to be a little more responsible in what you say.


          • 3

            “but you were, perhaps unwittingly, cruel to me.”


            Geeze …….. you shouldn’t take all the crap I write so seriously ……. the mimicking comment was not directed at you ……. but at all of us, including myself ……. who are condemned to mimic the Whites because our past colonial subjugation.

            My views on our mimicking is much more wide-ranging than you might think ……. because I’ve seen it from both sides – how slavishly we ape and what the people we ape think of us. I will write about this when I have some free time to think clearly.

            This is something I try to get across to most of my family as well ………….

            • 2

              Thanks, nimal,
              See this demonstration of how effectively you can get out of this hole that some may think that I have trapped you in.
              When pseudonyms are used, and also irony and sarcasm are resorted to, some readers who are passionately committed to their causes are liable to accuse the commenter of cynicism, hypocrisy, etc.
              No, I will not do that. Reading between the lines (always a tricky and sometimes precarious past-time) I have long concluded that you are a very sincere, sensitive and decent guy. So, thou art forgiven!
              Just a digression to tell you that in “Early Modern English” (the language of Shakespeare’s plays) – “ye” is reserved for plural use, the singular forms being “thee, thou and thine”.
              However, I’m appalled at the comment that “Jaffna Man” known to be Jeevan Hoole, has made. There are many things that he does which I cannot approve of. For instance, he’s sent me a copy of his Arumuga Navalar book (ISBN 978-955-98051-1-3). I had asked asked him not to publish that book, having proof-read much of it. OTOH, I agree with what the blurb says; he’s an unflinching fighter for truth and justice.

        • 2

          Dear nimal,
          PART A
          About Kavinda dias Abeysinghe:
          He has been on the Board of Governors for about ten years. Appointed by the various Bishops. No problem. There are 15 Members of the Board, only FIVE are elected – three from the Mt Lavinia School, and two from the other 3 schools.
          Bishop is ex-officio Chairman. Nine “appointed.”
          I’m not sure under what category Kavinda has been appointed, (no problem!) but he’s designated Manager of the Bandarawela school. The Education Ministry has a Private School Branch, which recognises only four Managers of the four schools. They can’t understand what they consider to be crazy designations like Warden and Headmaster.
          Kavinda is a Barrister, that means a lawyer (advocate) who has qualified in England, like his late father, Roland Hugh. His late mother, Gwendoline, was one of three sisters, who may not have been close to one another. Another is Sonia, who is in England, but the most famous is this:
          Their father was Samuel Dias, brother of Felix Dias Bandaranaike’s father. Felix was the most powerful Minister during both of Sirima’s governments.

        • 1

          PART B
          worked in the Ministry of Agriculture, and was sent to study (well, I don’t know what!) in Trinidad, and there met Esther, who belonged to the Hindu Brahmins there. We’re talking here of the 1920s. Same community as V.S. Naipaul, who has a book called, “The Mimic Men”, which I have studied. I hope that you now understand why i flew off the handle a bit! Incidentally, I have met the late Shiva Naipaul, brother of V.S.
          To get back to Kavinda’s immediate family, he has a full brother called Yohan, and a much older half-sister named Jayanthi, whose mother was Manel Lilette Ilangakoon who died of Tuberculosis, at a time when it was almost incurable. Manel’s brother, Panini (yes, same name, but known as “Pani”) who was the SLFP MP for Weligama, alternating with Montague Jayawickrema of the UNP.
          Kavinda is O.K. He knows little of education, but can make a tolerable speech (unlike my brother – hell, what the devil did Jeevan mean by spilling those beans?) Gwendoline was a fine teacher of English (same degree as mine, but when some say that standards were higher).

          • 3


            Thanks for that.

            I’m stunned how much you know about people …….. you can start your own business providing Native Vedda his entire family-tree …….. or help Old Codger to find all the children he doesn’t even know he has!

            Kavinda is family ………. anything more, I’ll give myself away. :))

            We are very private people and would like to remain that way ……….. still can express an opinion anonymously …… in the end, what matters is what’s expressed in the opinion, I suppose ……..

            You said Colombo Telegraph needs help ……… can you please elaborate what type of help they need?

          • 1

            So, nimal, while you don’t want all and sundry to know who you are, why not allow me to be your sincere friend. I could get your contact details and we could discuss some of these issues on which you not only know a lot, but display high moral values.
            That is the way it is with some people whom I have got to know via “Colombo Telegraph”. Kavinda will probably be required even to read these pages. I will refer to this conversation and ask him for your contact details. Some like old coder will never let us know, so we’ll never know the number of children he’s fathered.
            We can help CT by always following the guidelines set by them. There are accidents. I’m typing these comments straight in to the CT box – no time this afternoon. I thought that I’d already “missed the bus”. So, you’ll find that almost all my comments hover at around 195 words. NEVER, press a “LIKE” button twice; I think that they have to waste time tracking down infringements. Common sense, man!
            May come back if I have the time.

          • 1

            Something edited out, I fear.
            I may have been typing this in on-line. When exact information is called for, I do it on “Word” – or whatever.
            I’m a poor guy, and whilst my Windows Ten on this computer is original, legal and all that, I don’t have Office 365, for which we have to pay huge amounts every year (which on Planet Earth is about 365.25 or so – not exactly that, either. Know-alls, like Gota don’t realise that if doing some serious planning, they must leave it to specialists.)
            I have forgotten now what I started saying. Ah, yes; I use “Libre Office” which is definitely better, and is free, like the British “Guardian” newspaper. They are both the children of altruistic guys, but they, too, have make payments. Journalists in Britain have to be paid amounts that may seem seem incredibly high to people in the silly habit of converting.

          • 1

            When a site gets dependent on advertising, it loses its independence. One bright accountant announced to me that Colombo Telegraph earns huge amounts through advertising.
            A problem here, nimal, is artificial intelligence has already progressed so much that the advertisements are tailor-made for the user. The guys operating these ventures are either fabulously rich (like Larry Page, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, etc) or quite poor (like the editor of CT, Uvindu Kurukulasuriya) because they are honest.
            I see Jeevan Hoole’s books heavily advertised on CT. Do you? Let Jeevan respond to this. How many millions of dollars has he paid CT, and has he set that off the income tax that he has to pay, for Sinhalayo to tolerate him on this thrice-blessed island?
            My guess is that he has paid nothing!
            Long live the independence of CT!

      • 4

        I am not asking for doctorates for Church appointments, but would insist on minimum qualifications.

        I am told that it is Panini Edirisinghe’s own brother who did not go beyond grade 8 but was a big shot at Anglican institutions.

        A specific question to Bishop Rodrigo: Is this really possible in our Church institions? Our Church Keeper is better qualified than this Edirisinghe who was twice on the Board of Governors and even Secretary of a Thomian school.

        If Anglicans can con their way yo the top with the encouragement of Bishops, you Bishop have a big job ahead of you setting things right.

  • 2

    I suggest that the following rules for Church enactment:

    1. Whereas the Archdeacons who are appointed by the Bishop are ex officio members of the Standing Committee running the Church, Bishop’s nominees (Archdeacons, Diocesan Secretary) should not nominate anyone for election to the Standing Committee, particularly other Bishop’s nominees to the Diocesan Council.

    2. The Bishop’s nominees to the Council should not be elected for Standing Committee places reserved for under-represented areas.

    3. Archdeacons should, effacing themselves, not interfere with those conducting Bible Studies during Council.

    4. The two people nominated by the Standing Committee to nominate officials to run the Council should truly be free to make their own nominations and not be told whom they should nominate. These two appointments should be minuted in Standing Committee minutes with proposer/seconder.

    5. Resolutions must undergo strict grammar checks and their translations should be by Church-approved translators who should standby to address amendments. One language version should be declared official.

    6. Lay representatives should be briefed on constitutional procedures like going to the front and standing up to make nominations so that places reserved for underrepresented areas are not wasted. Lay persons must be trained without the presence of vocal priests.

  • 2

    I am not asking for doctorates for Church appointments, but would insist on minimum qualifications.

    I am told that it is Panini Edirisinghe’s own brother who did not go beyond grade 8 but was a big shot at Anglican institutions.

    A specific question to Bishop Rodrigo: Is this really possible in our Church institions? Our Church Keeper is better qualified than this Edirisinghe who was twice on the Board of Governors and even Secretary of a Thomian school.

    If Anglicans can con their way to the top with the encouragement of Bishops, you Bishop have a big job ahead of you setting things right.

    • 2

      The name is Edirisinhe, (No ‘g’ in it), Jaffna Man.
      I am not a stickler, but proper names ought to be spelled properly.
      (Would you have accepted had I had called you, Mr. Hole!)

      • 2

        Mea culpa.
        I agree that proper names ought to be spelt as the bearer wants.

        But there are mitigating circumstances.

        Panini Edirisinhe”s cousin Rohan spells the same name as Edrisinhe. Perhaps he thinks he should not be an enemy (Ediri) to anyone. Or Ediri sounds very Tamil? Are our mistakes not excusable?

        We have the proper noun Sinhalese, Singhalese and Cingalese, all accepted variants.

        Then we have Ariyasinha and Ariyasingha. The former sounds Sanskrit and the latter very Tamil

        Panini the linguist can shed some light

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          PART ONE
          Professor Hoole’s field is computing.
          It is true that Panini, the linguist, made a seminal contribution to computer theory, but that was a considerable time before all you guys reading this got interested in it. I’m quite familiar with the Wikipedia entry, but let’s bypass that this time for something different:
          Let’s see what the next greatest linguist, who has moved from MIT to Arizona thinks. Let’s again try something other than Wikipedia:
          In Lanka, the authority on Sanskrit grammar became my friend many decades ago because of my name. He is now too old and frail for me to telephone him. The last time that I looked him up, he came out of his room, but said that he was just too weak to have a chat:

        • 0

          PART TWO
          As for the spelling of names
          , see how this well-known man who left school at 14, had difficulty spelling his own name:
          Context is what matters. This is today. I’ve been saying that qualifications and ability must be relegated to irrelevancies if a person has been properly elected. Why, oh, why did you bring “real-time” names in to all this?
          However, that’s your nature, I guess: Open and Truthful to a fault. Well, all this is past; let’s move on to the present where all that is necessary is that we create trust between the heads of the school and their staffs. What I’m asking is that the right of the Staff to select a person with the requisite qualifications be respected.

        • 0

          Ooooo! Overlooked something! Rohan is related to me in exactly the same way on the distaff.
          Rohan’s great grand-mother was Margaret Wikramanayake (after Miss Smith – please search for her somewhere on this page – disppeared from the scene). I’ve met the said Maggie; in old age she was so fat she couldn’t get out of bed. Rohan may never have met her.
          My maternal grandmother, whom I knew quite well (she even saw my elder daughter) was Charlotte Wikramanayake, sister of Margaret. But there is a hitch.
          The mothers of the two ladies both bore the same surname: Amarasekera.
          They were sisters. Charles Edward de Zilva Wikramanayake, taught at Richmond College for 49 years – a man to be proud of. When the elder sister died of childbirth, he married the younger sister. Thirteen children in all.
          Feminists, like Manel Fonseka, may have some pretty acerbic things to say.
          Some relatives of mine, when they see all this, are going to blast me for displaying all this!

    • 2

      “I am told that it is Panini Edirisinghe’s own brother who did not go beyond grade 8 but was a big shot at Anglican institutions.”
      The best Chief Minister Madras (now Tamilnadu) had did not go beyond Grade 5.
      The best of learning happens outside the walls of academic institutions, which help, but not as much as some imagine.

    • 0


      I think it is not fair to put anyone down just because he or she was unable to go beyond grade 8. Due to various reasons, elder sisters and brothers had not completed their school education then. My mother for example was not lucky enough to complete her school education because she had to take care of her siblings well. But to everyone’s knowledge my mother was respected to have managed everything better in her life than her siblings that wear degree titles.
      And the best known example we have beofr eus, at the time, Mrs B became the first PM to the world, european counterparts attacked her by calling – a kitchen woman. Remember ? Looking at the manner how Mrs B handled her external politics, compared to those who handle it today with Dr Titles or Prof Titles – makes it very clear that no titles would bring much.

      • 0

        Thanks, “leelagemalli”.
        JM is “Jaffna Man” alias Samuel Ratnajeevan Herbert Hoole. Sometimes, newcomers to this forum, are puzzled. There are many such on this page, because of their special interest in Anglicanism. It may be that one of Justin Welby’s secretaries has alerted him to the fact that some not very well-known bits of information have emerged here.
        Some, like the teachers of these schools may be too scared to comment. nimal fernando has just discovered that I not only know a lot, but also that my knowledge is accurate. I’m not afraid because I’m past caring. It is a matter of total indifference to me how many votes I get at these Thomian Elections. I put myself forward as a means of educating others. However, I try not to allow myself to be “used”.
        Finding comments still coming in, at 1.05 pm has knocked me off schedule for some other things that have to be done – like telephoning the Bishop’s Office. I use his personal mobile only when absolutely necessary; if not I send him text messages.

      • 0

        A corollary to what I have said is that some people, owing to their anti-elite ideology, don’t want to be seen making any comments on this bastion of elitism.
        Jesus Christ, who was always on the side of the poor, and was crucified by the Romans who were then governing Palestine, did so at the behest of the Jewish “priests” who were called Pharisees.
        Kumar David overcame that inhibition when commenting on the Bishop’s own article. Even then, he didn’t state that his entire education was in the Mt Lavina school. At the other extreme, we have people who don’t consider me a “Real Thomian” because most of my education was in the two Uva schools, which then were very good.
        As a regular user you know that it is because CT had problems with moderating comments a week ago, that not many comments came into the article by the Bishop. Seeing what I have said here, he will hopefully, not be too disappointed.

        • 0

          Another such: Manel Fonseka, amazing woman.
          I have never met her, never spoken to her, because she’s deaf. You see, there are rational answers to so many things that may puzzle at first.
          And that is her real name.
          You can get her really angry by saying certain things right here on CT. Try calling her a (refined, highly principled) lady, for instance!
          Try associating her with her famous (late) husband, whom she loved dearly. Yet the surname that she uses is one that she inherited from her father.
          Have I said anything bad about her? However:
          Prediction: I will get an angry email from her tomorrow. But I think that she will forgive me, as Jesus asked people to. But she is not a Christian, follows no religion.
          But take everything that she says seriously. She’s a living saint!

      • 0

        The real issue raised by you
        That was about studying only up to Grade 8: I think that I gave the best possible answer to that by quoting the known facts about William Shakespeare.
        But do you know that there are many people (particularly those who have never read one of his “stories”(sic) – they don’t realise that that he wrote plays) who have heard theories that Christopher Marlow is the guy who actually wrote the “Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Actually, the Folio Edition of the “Works” was not written until 1623. Shakespeare himself (who spelt his name in so many different ways) died on his birthday in 1616. Really, on his birthday? Read up!
        Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela; postal address, 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela (NIC 48 3111 444V) Godson of William Thomas Keble who founded this school on the 18th of January 1942. So I have been told, I was not around.

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    The Bishop read out directly from the Tamil confirmation service sheet. First time a Non Tamil Bishop took such pains. All were so thankful for the children’s sake. He was so careful to wash out the host and wine at the end and drink it. It is again good to be in the Anglican Church.

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    Dear Nathan,

    Thanks, for your concern for my identity; but it’s all right.
    My extended family spell their name in all sorts of ways; my own feeling is that they wanted to sound special, and caste obsessions may have entered into it.
    See what I have said earlier about my respected relative, “Rohan Edrisinha” who is now on the Board of Governors, having been nominated by Bishop Dushantha, to take the place of Archdeacon Perry Brohier (who had studied at Wesley College).
    At the bottom of the valuable Youtube that I have linked you to there, the surname is spelt in the commonest way, which Jeevan has used. However if you access that you will find that at 17 seconds of that 17’ 35” programme the name is spelt “Edrisingha” (I noticed the “g” only just now!). What I had registered in my mind was that the first of the letters “i” had been suppressed.

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    I’ve been writing this now for about two hours. Let what I have typed remain. I have now checked with his relatively recent gmail address which he sent me after Bishop Dushantha put him on the Board, to represent the Colombo Diocese I think, and there’s this:
    So, no “g”. Rohan’s great grandfather was Nicholas de Alwis Edrisinha. Now his first wife was an Englishwoman, a Miss Smith (I don’t know the first name). That hardly sounds English aristocracy, but remarkable for those times – must have been around 1870. These things have got wedged in my mind, but after such knowledge has filled the precious few grey cells in my brain, there seems to be little room for more important contemporary material, like installing something to collect solar power from my roof!
    That first “i” may have been dropped to make it easier for Brits to pronounce the name. “Unpardonable!” at least so we’ll say today. Total distortion!

  • 1

    My grandfather was David de Alwis Edrisinha, I now find, but my current spelling was fixed by my father, David Nicholas de Alwis Edirisinhe (who must have thought out a compromise). There was supposed to some additional surname tagged on at times: “Kodituwakku”. I’ve seen some stone inscription at Pinidiyawatte, Baddegama.
    How did Nicholas end up in Tangalle? His paternal aunt had married a Mudliyar Kandamby, something that my father (died 1963) used to recall with pride. They had no children and so had adopted Nicholas.
    Who is going to read this rot? Somebody may note how irrelevant all this is to what is happening today. All Lankans are much too obsessed with details of this sort. Oh, and I do know that I have even first cousins, in the Galle District, who are quite poor and don’t know any English.
    Here’s a song by another Rohan Edirisinghe:
    Certainly not the guy in the Law Faculty, who incidentally has dodged getting a PhD.
    A relative? No idea!

  • 1

    There is yet another twist to this: my father didn’t like the connotations of “Edirisinghe” – he said that it denoted “hostile lion” – Tamil readers might say like the lion on our “National Flag”. He used to say that it would be much nicer to think of an “advancing (i.e brave) lion”. Only I have now got a problem with the surviving seven children (one boy died, aged 3. of leukaemia). My identity card number that I’ve been giving you is correct, but the name there follows my Birth Certificate, which is in Sinhalese; let me transliterate it as “Idirisinghe”.
    There is a danger that all this will be moderated out. I hope that they keep it because many non-Sinhalese readers may read it, laugh at us all, and realise that there’s no point trying to ridicule all this, because I accept all this asweird. One other request: I’m trying to establish my belief that Colombo Telegraph is an honest site on which the “Dislike” button works, unlike on Youtube. However, each reader must use only one of those buttons only once.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 48 3111 444V)

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      About that National Identity Card:
      a traffic cop takes only a cursory glance, and since it was issued in 1988, my photograph is not recognisable.
      However, if it has to be proferred to somebody who is more concerned about my real identity, I preempt any query by drawing attention to it. Sometimes, that is not enough. Then I have to refer to my father’s supposed eccentricity.
      A bit unfair by him, because in most matters he was very rational.

  • 1

    I have recently been trying to teach my wife in Maharagama how this site operates. Going on the scores displayed simultaneously on my computer and hers, it has become clear to me that (owing to my absent-mindedly clicking a button a second time on some comments) different values appear, Maharagama and here. The server may be set so as to ignore a second click, except on my “logged-in” computer for some time, just to keep me happy. Displaying comments that have been successfully submitted is useful. There is no guarantee that it will appear on the computers of others. The CT archives are really valuable, and cannot be tampered with; but I’ve got a caveat there, which I want to elaborate on, perhaps tomorrow.
    I suspect that after all comments are over, some have to be manually removed. Just imagine the headaches! Today, the site has been updated many times; if you value this site because immense efforts are made to keep it “clean”, please help the editor and his staff. That way we will have some idea of what is TRUTH and (sorry to be so blunt!) what is all LIES!

    • 1

      The explanation is simple. When you click a “like”, it’s stored in YOUR computer until the ste is updated. The same applies to comments. That’s why others can’t see your likes/ comments till hours later.

      • 1

        Sorry, not only in your computer, but in CT’s server as well, but not displayed to others till updated.

        • 0

          Agree, old codger.
          That’s why it works that way even on my mobile phone, if I’m logged in.
          Also, that phone has two sims. The packages on both have data coming in. Now, every month, I have lots of unused data. Much of that is known to the CT server, which has incredible memory, but is unable to think on its own.
          Yet, artificial intelligence has progressed so much that it looks as though it can understand, and think. And in practical terms, it does operate like that. This is why I’m so open with the facts pertaining to my 73 years on this planet.
          I find that Colombo Telegraph is an honest platform. Youtube is precarious, but I have learnt to trust this man:
          Srilankan Man Killed In Pakistan Over Blasphemy, Muslim Mob Post Selfies During Murder – Video 5217 – YouTube
          Listen critically. What I’m trying to show you that all generalisations are dangerous.

  • 1

    Back to Central Concerns ONE
    There was this astounding statement that Bishop Dushantha made when I spoke to him for roughly 20 minutes six days ago, on Monday, the 29th, November 2021. See my comment here:
    Scroll down. It was the last to be submitted there, as arranged now in penultimate position. I didn’t want to place it above the comment by Svenson which raised the absolutely valid question of why it is that we use adherents of other religions to collect school fees from, and to work as slaves (teachers who are treated as indentured labour with no right to elect their representative).
    I have been asking patiently for justice to be done by the teachers of the two rural S. Thomas’ Schools since 2008, when I was teaching at S. Thomas’ Gurutalawa. My Belgian-Jewish neighbour, Mr Jacques Huyghebaert, and I, had just rescued the school which was going to be sold to one of these: Lalith Kothelawela, Mr Sokhate (owner of the British School, near the Borella Kanatte) or Mohan Lal Grero. We took charge of the school on the 6th of February 2007 with only 154 students in it.

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    Central Concerns: TWO

    By June, after we got the numbers up to 550, Bishop Duleep de Chickera sent Rev. Marc Billimoria as Headmaster, although he wasn’t qualified for that position. He didn’t have ten years’ teaching experience.
    Marc asked me to go down with a Mr Nesaseelan and vote for an individual (no need of unnecessary details – too many already above). I asked for the Rules, studied them, and told Marc that he and I couldn’t decide who should be on the Board of Governors. We summoned a Staff Meeting. They approved our suggestions, but I said that I was going to be in the school for three full days more, before I set out for Kollupitiya.
    The two delegates had to be employees of the school, but no employee could be on the Board of Governors, so please get this clear: I was only going to vote for the guy approved by the Staff. Lots of people have cheated, but I have forgiven them, so their names are not being mentioned. Before there can be forgiveness, there has to be repentance.
    Panini M.D. de Alwis Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

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    Central Concerns: THREE
    I had to mention Marc Billimoria here – but he’s among the forgiven; may he ascend to heaven and sit at the right hand of God – if you believe such things possible!
    Bishop Dushantha also is decent, but it looks as though the Board is playing for time. After all, I’m 73; if I die before March 2024, problem solved. Nobody else is going to fight this out the way I have been. Imagine saying that he’s going to launch inquiry into how his own article was viewed by us all! He must have delegated publicity to somebody on his staff, and they must have put it on the site where Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury placed at least two articles – links already been given by me.
    The Bishop said that he had not put the article dated 26th on CT. With his name, his photograph, and as far as I know that text must be a public document. All delegates (about 200) to the Diocesan Council must have seen and compared. I had emailed the link to the Bishop during the early hours of the 26th, with copy to Hiran Molligoda.

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    Central Concerns: FOUR
    Hiran had got it.
    These people have my contact details; I have heard nothing.
    I don’t blame readers who can’t find the five articles published under my name (with photographs). Do this to get at them. Put these two words in the your (Google, or whatever) and enter. At least four of them will immediately be visible. The two words:
    Thomian Pharisees

    Much more will be made explicit by evening. Comments cease some time tomorrow. I will get everything in by midnight today.
    Panini M.D. deAlwis Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 48 3111 444V) Place of Birth, as stated in my Certificate of Birth: (It’s in Sinhalese): “S. Thomas’ Children’s School, Metipimbiya Village, Bandarawela.” Sex: Male; Father David Nicholas de Alwis Idirisinha – Sinhala ; Mother: Mita Lenis Wijeratne Dissanayake – Sinhala My father’s signature appears as “Informant”. Parents were married.
    I regret to inform the World (well, I’m hoping that at least one person will see this!) that I have no personal memory of this momentous event, nor of my baptism.

  • 2

    Even Bishops are Cheats.
    That is Anglican Democracy.
    The last Bishop of Colombo was Dhilo Canagasabey.
    He wanted the Archdeacon of Colombo, Rev. Perry Brohier to succeed him.
    His men campaigned for Brohier.
    He could not do much about the House of Laity.
    Lay Reps are mostly appointed by the parishes.
    That is why Bishop Dushantha had a strong, thumping majority from Laity.
    But House of Clergy is subject to easy manipulation.
    On the eve of Elections Bishop Dhilo appointed many priests.
    He waived the customary education in theology for priests.
    We were aghast.
    Bishop’s right insisted Bishop Dhilo.
    Legally true.
    Morally bankrupt.
    Worse rigging than by Rajapaksas
    That explains why Bishop Dushantha missed the required vote from priests by a narrow shave.
    He got 54.46% of clergy votes. and 67.35 of lay votes.
    The election was deemed failed.
    The requirement is 60% from clergy and 60% from laity.
    The Archbishop had to come in.
    Archbishop tried to make Billimoria the Bishop.
    So advised by Bishop Dhilo.
    Billimoria was decent.
    He declined.
    Dushantha was appointed Bishop by the Archbishop.
    God reigns.

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    Dear CGDavid,
    I agree absolutely with yourevaluations. I fear that each of us is so shocked by the behaviour of some of these guys clergy that when our acquaintances ask us to be more circumspect in the way we talk about these villains in fancy dress, we pay too much heed to such advice. Each of us is so convinced of our unworthiness that we are like that publican who stood afar off and talk of our unworthiness whilst these pious charlatans rob in style.
    I have already revealed my weaknesses. I don’t think that God exists, although I know that to be an issue on which there can’t be any certainty, either way. I don’t think that you will be so harsh on me. Certainly, Bishop Jabez wasn’t.
    Unfortunately, although everyone now agrees on the need to get rid of the Rajapaksas from our government, we cannot convince them that Balraj and Nesakumar are as evil. Are they literally devils? I don’t believe in devils! Criminals exist; that’s what these fellows are. Let’s get in touch with each other. All my details are easy to find: email and phone numbers.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

    • 2

      Dear Sinhala_Man,
      I differ.
      Does God exist?
      You say, ‘I don’t think that God exists, although I know that to be an issue on which there can’t be any certainty, either way’.
      My question is, why do you even make a stand of it, when you are not certain. Give the question a pass.
      I have no ‘proof’, either. But, I see circumstantial evidences around me. That is sufficient for an average man like me.

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        Dear Nathan,
        I know; the most sensible thing is to “give the question a pass”.
        Correct. In 1990, I volunteered that information. Well, Bishop Jabez Gnanapragasam and I later had a 3-hour informal chat. I received his imprimatur.
        I don’t think that Professor G.L. Peiris minded. One of the fifteen, an Anglican layman, minded. His name: you shall not have it.
        On the 13th of April 2012, we became friends. About four years ago, he formally asked my “forgiveness”. I said that it had been given him by around December 2015, when I could see that he truly repented. After forgiving, you don’t run a guy down. He’s a sincere man, not on the Board any more.
        Balraj and Nesakumar – now that’s a different story! Another time!
        Bishop Dushantha is a nice guy, but he’s proving weak. He ought to persuade B&N to ask me for my forgiveness. However, if there is repentance, the guys can’t also enjoy the fruit that they have stolen. Gihan Dias is still on the Board. There is nothing to suggest that he has met any teacher of Bandarawela or Gurutalawa (difficult for me to be certain), and he hasn’t contacted me.

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    Jesus said “I will build my church” This journey of words does not reflect it and SM says he does not believe that God exists. What is the whole point of all this, meaning what is it going to focus on or prove.

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