20 September, 2024


Circuses In Colombo And The Beheading Of A Sri Lankan In The Middle East

By Emil van der Poorten

Emil van der Poorten

International television broadcasts had extensive coverage of the execution of Rizana Nafeek, by beheading, in Saudi Arabia.

What was patently clear and went unchallenged was the fact that the Sri Lankan government, apart from issuing vacuous appeals for mercy/clemency to the Saudi Monarchy and then recalling its Ambassador to that country after the execution didn’t do the obvious in an effort to save the life of this minor: provide the means for an adequate and appropriate legal defence.

While this is understandable in a government that is only too ready to offer, but not deliver, on promises to compensate the families of those killed, in completely legal protests, by its security forces such as in the Free Trade Zone protests and the protests by fishermen, this judicial murder provides a microcosm of the manner in which Sri Lankan politics and governance work and the priorities of its political elites.

While the financial wherewithal was available for a senseless night-racing extravaganza in Colombo, conducted at enormous cost and considerable inconvenience to the general public, the funds did not exist to provide this citizen of Sri Lanka, a member of an army of slave workers who are the primary financial support of this country, with a decent legal defence.

While the Colombo Municipal Council, controlled by the official opposition UNP, was a prime participant in the monstrosity that was the Colombo Night Races, the UNP has done very little, if anything, while a poverty-stricken Sri Lankan woman was subjected to Kangaroo Justice in one of the world’s most corrupt, venal and socially backward states.

This whole business serves as a tragic metaphor for life in this country where the government, a so-called “Official Opposition” and the so-called “leaders” of the Muslim Community stand by while a Sri Lankan wage slave is murdered in a foreign land.


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    The colombo business class is mostly concerned with dining and running around in flashy cars. Let alone far away mutur there are thousands of poor in colombo living in slums and badly in need of charity and assistance.

    Many are adept at performing multiple pilgrimages whereas only one is compulsory during the lifetime. The SLMC leader is one who runs to saudi to perfom pilgrimage whenever there is some political issue. Despite all our politicians socialising with the saudis they did nothing to help this poor girl.

    The Saudi monarchy owes its power to the british and americans. Before the discovery of oil they were nothing but tribes roaming in the desert. Now they have taken over the entire land and resources and are living it up in style while sponsoring revolutions and bloodshed in other countries. Their cohabitation with the west is based on the supply of oil not human rights or democracy.

    Religon too is only skin deep in saudi and they continue to oppress and enslave innocent women from third world countries. They are not known for their religousness, philanthrophy or compassion. They stone people to death for adultery but the flights to the gulf and east asia are full of young saudis going to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Saudi itself has its own home made brews, liquor, porn etc within the safe precints of palaces and mansions.

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      Safa & Emil:”Kangaroo Justice in one of the world’s most corrupt, venal and socially backward states” Its monkey not kangaroo (american english) because the actions are the same and is a native of SL- Sir Richard Attenborough.

      Sorry Safa sadly you are just emotionally religious. Here is some food for thought. One can read most religions and even Mao in any language but why is it that you Asians study Islam of the middle east in Arabic when even Christianity of the middle east was written in Old Latin but read in any language? Therefore the Arabs call themselves the God/Allah. Go there get a job with one of them even as manager and you would be treated as scum because you are a stupid Asian camel. Even the second class Arabs the North Africans treat the Asian Muslims in Spain the same way while I have wined and dined with Spanish Muslims who hate the Arabs and call them camel sh*t. Your porkistani folk are also treated the same.

      As you are aware Bush single headedly went for war with Iraq ably supported by Blair and both had personal reasons nothing else. It is a well-known fact even in jazz just one person takes the decision.
      Mountains are not moved by the masses but by one person leading like Churchill did. See the orange revolution what happened??

      Experience: India has handled the most no of engineering projects in the Middle East not porkistan. In a major $5billion project for Gaddafi back in the 90’s the engineering drawings were returned to New Delhi because there was no provision for ablution but there were laundry rooms and the Chief in charge of Engineering projects a Panjabi Brahmin Industrial Engineer said “shove them in the washing machine” I burst out laughing; it was infectious and unstoppable and they all joined inclusive of Kaddafi’s rep. BTW the engineer a very powerful diplomatic figure of India had lost his movie director pop during the partition; the porkistanis had beheaded him in front of son. It is the Americans who created porkistan not defeated blitzed UK who needed the American money for reconstruction of UK after WW2. Right now there are so many Arabs getting green Cards. Similarly, the UK very quickly trapped Julian Assange but from 2001 is unable to deport a Jordanian terrorist mullah- Crazy world of emotions called religion and patriotism.

      It’s the Muslims of Sri Lanka my land of birth who are either deceiving themselves or deceiving everybody else.Take a step back, you guys need to have self-respect like the Spanish Muslims who drove the Arabs away. Petrol at the pump is cheaper in China than US or UK and China gets cheaper gas from elsewhere than expensive Russia and the irony is neither India nor China uses Muslims to negotiate with Arabs.

      Emil this is similar to you:
      Back in the 60’s on the language issue etc. a brilliant little girl of 13 left the shores of Ceylon with her father a member of the local Foreign Service. She grew and took up high positions in international diplomacy and became a teacher (but she is a Hindu like the above Punjabi) and close friend to the present king of Saudi when he was a prince in waiting. They both used to meet at the London Ritz and he used to drive her down to the Casinos of Paris. Just one phone call and all those SL folk rotting in Saudi jails could be released but is it worth it ?? I don’t think so like Bewis Bawa once said anything for free has no value when he found his free garden destroyed.

      SL is the next Saudi and that would please the IC because it would cool calm quiet because everything stays supressed.

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    No No. Sri Lanka is declaring war on Saudi Arabia on this issue.

    We will have the support of Norway and Israel to fight the bloody Saudis.

    That is what the world wants. Our war in the middleeast to cause more war there.

    You are invited to take your shot gun and join in.

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    Our great president and Gota could even defeat the Saudi Army.

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      Mr. Sumanasekera:
      It might be of help to those who are looking for intelligent comment on this contribution if you indulged them with something more than this arrant nonsense which is meaningless.

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    K A Sumanasekera

    “Our great president and Gota could even defeat the Saudi Army.”

    I suggested earlier that Sri Lanka should have sent a commando unit to Saudi under the command of Shavendra Silva.

    His combatant would have been decimated in no time by the Pakistani Army on mercenary mission (just like the Vellakkara Padei) which is guarding the wealth of this medieval kingdom.

    You could then call it friendly fire or collateral damage.

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      To dear Native vedda

      I have read about the vedda people of sri lanka. Actually I believe the term vedda was given by the sinhalese, i myslef am mixed(sinhalese and tamil). the correct term is probably Yaksha or Naga.

      From what i am reading i can conclude that your people have been facing a slow genocide throughout the years and unless something DRASTIC is done soon your people will become a non-people. the sri lankan constitution does not even recognise the veddas as a race nor does it recognise the vedda language. I think this is shameful. India (eventhogh it may not be kind to it’s adivasis) actually recognises the adivasis in their constitution. This is much better than where we are at.

      I myself am living in the uk if there is anything i can do to help please let me know.

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        Vedda is a Tamil word

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    To dear Native vedda

    I have read about the vedda people of sri lanka. Actually I believe the term vedda was given by the sinhalese, i myslef am mixed(sinhalese and tamil). the correct term is probably Yaksha or Naga.

    From what i am reading i can conclude that your people have been facing a slow genocide throughout the years and unless something DRASTIC is done soon your people will become a non-people. the sri lankan constitution does not even recognise the veddas as a race nor does it recognise the vedda language. I think this is shameful. India (eventhogh it may not be kind to it’s adivasis) actually recognises the adivasis in their constitution. This is much better than where we are at.

    I myself am living in the uk if there is anything i can do to help please let me know.

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      Hahahaha – wow! Native Vedda – you have to agree that’s a good one! Wonder if he/she is serious??!!!

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    Bilateral relationships, cordiality between heads of state, mutual co-operation in morally condoning each other’s mismanagement and maintaining the goodwill between them for financial deals etc are far more important than mere house maids or drivers who happen to meet the wrong end of the stick in lands where summary execution is the order of the day. Public statements, diplomatic protocol and press releases are mere hogwash to keep the public fooled all the time. Get used to it…!

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      Lasantha Pethiyagoda:
      Your point is taken. However, suffice it to say that there are some of us who will NEVER “Get used to it…!”
      That is what, I am afraid, separates decent human beings from the rest.

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    Even in June 2011, Indonesia did the same thing. They recalled their Ambassador in Riyadh after one of Indonesian national Ruyati binti Sapubi, – a housemaid was beheaded by Saudi Arabian Authorities.

    However Indonesia did not stop there. Indonesian President Bambang Yudhoyono went on to condemn the beheading and accused Riyadh of breaking the “norms and manners” of international relations.

    He further vowed publicly, “I decided to apply a moratorium on sending Indonesian workers to Saudi Arabia, to be in effect from August 1, 2011, he said in a live TV address.

    He added, the moratorium will apply “until Indonesia and Saudi Arabia can come to an agreement to give rights necessary for Indonesian workers.”

    He said Jakarta was considering applying a similar ban to other Gulf States where human rights activists say migrant workers also face abuse and exploitation.

    Similarly it is time Sri Lanka resolutely resolve against the brutality of the Saudi Government led by its King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

    Sri Lanka Government must make Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud responsible for the killing of the maid and announce the immediate ban on sending housemaids anymore to that country. Housemaids already sent there must be traced and recalled if they wish to return.

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    K A Sumanasekera – on your comment:
    “Our great president and Gota could even defeat the Saudi Army.”
    I am not sure whether I should cry or laugh.

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