18 February, 2025


CJ Shirani Has Been Summoned To Appear Before Bribery Commission

By Colombo Telegraph

“The Lawyers Collective learns that Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake has been summoned to appear before the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (Bribery Commission), on 18th March 2013.” says the Lawyers Collective.

CJ Shirani

Issuing a statement the Lawyers Collective says; “Under the prevailing situation where politicization of all public institutions at all levels is prevalent, we are of the considered view that the government has started its much practiced witch hunts of those who do not submit to the dictates of the government. The intolerance of dissent and not leaving any space for diversity is the trade mark of those in power. The loss of confidence of the legal fraternity and the public on public institutions is therefore justified. In that context, we are of the view that the government has started its persecution of CJ Shirani Bandaranayake for her courageous stand to challenge the Impeachment.”

The lawyers at the recently concluded Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) elections have clearly shown their disapproval of the government’s intimidation of the judiciary and the need to protect the Rule of L aw and the independence of the judiciary. We call upon the government to stop post impeachment intimidation of Chief Justice Bandaranayake and the legal fraternity.

“We also urge the Government and all its institutions to respect the right of the citizens of the country to dissent and to enjoy the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution before it reaches dangerous proportions.” they further say.

Latest comments

  • 0

    All the bribe takers can be found at the Diyawanna and various local bodies, throughout the country. Yet the vindictive executive is hell bent on destroying the reputation of the CJ who dared question his authority. Shame on the ex judges at the BC who are themselves bribe takers of positions (Pandan Karayas) to please the regime.

    • 0

      Don’t worry.

      This kind of relentless vengeance will backfire soon on corrupt Rajapassa clan and their dispicable cronies.

      Regime is blinded by power.

      Not only CJ Shirani Bandaranayake. 3 times fatally wounded, only 4 star General of Sri Lanka is languishing without pension or civil rights. In the very country he nearly lost his life trying to rescue.

      In the meantime, the corrupt ruling family is feasting using poor taxpayers’ money.

      Nothing lasts forever. Their end is nearer than they think.

    • 0

      BASL of Lanka should call for the BC to investigate the corrupt clown Mohan Peris! The BC is clearly a bunch of Rajapassa stooges!

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    What a Joke, what shall we do with the Joker who robbed millions of Tsunami Funds?

    • 0

      You mean our Tsunamipathy a.k.a Hitlerpaksha/Idi Mahin?

    • 0

      Also the Tsunami Robber who shared PART OF HIS LOOT WITH THE OTHER JOKER who was in the Bar who acquitted Tsunami Robber.

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      He is in Japan looking at Tsunami developments.

    • 0

      They are waiting for Another Tsunami, while looting government coppers.
      All this Jarapassa Clan gone Topsy with the power.

      HAIL JARAPASSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
      Now Touring JAPAN FOR BEGGING ,

  • 0

    Will the Government ask all their ministers to appear before the bribery commission? Then we can say our leaders are genuine patriots.

  • 0

    It is witch hunt.

    • 0

      State Terrosism.

      • 0

        Dear Jayantha,
        I am only worried about her life. Even summoning her before the Bribery Commissioner is a type of procedures and the consequences of the findings appear to be dreadful. She was alreadu summoned by the Bribery Commissioner earlier, why again. Then what about the case of formalin import at a cost of Rs.2,000 million, Lamborigini cars, Wimal Weerawansa’s house worth Rs.50 million which is already reported in the news, at a time when she had politely refused to accept the privilege of importing a car for herself. What about the massive fraud by the new CJ which is in the news. Let us all pray that Truth will eventually triumph. Will the Bribery Commissioner have these in mind?

  • 0

    What has happened to Lawyers Collective? If there is a charge it should be investigated. She can not be sent to jail by the Bribery Commission. Lawyers Collective know this clearely. Can this Lawyers Collective inform us the reason for Mr. Waliamuna to meet President? Where is he now and what is he doing? Bullshit. You all have you own personal agendas.

  • 0

    Naked exposure of politicization of this public institution
    which is totally deaf and blind to corruptions of politicians
    and MR clans.

    Chandra Seneviratne

  • 0

    This statement is unprofessional and absolutely rubbish.if any person is equal under the rule of the law what is wrong with calling her to appear in front of bribery commission.today these attorneys are thinking law is in their hand and every think has to approve by them.if she has done any thinks wrong and liable for any criminal doing it is a duty of the commission to investigate and take action. because of your guys have lawyers do not take law in to your had too like a politician of the country.so call civil society and Lawyers collective must understand that you all are nuts when terrorist bombing the city over 30 years.do not make obstacle to all the great thinks taking place in the country and just keep your job.one time your guys told that no attorneys will present any cases in front of current chief justice.what happen now ,all are really become jokers.

    • 0

      Also can you ask Tsunami Robber how much he shared his loot with the then CJ Joker who acquitted him.

      Also can you find how many vehicles Treasury Secretary imported and distributed among Ministries when they did not asked for them……..and what is their Free annual petrol bill. Also P.B.Jayasundera de-valued rupee without anybody’s approval.

      Listen to following Wimal Weerawanse’s DM interview on ECONOMIC HIT MAN AS SRI LANKA TREASURY SECRETARY.



    • 0


      Is this the new tactic Rajapakse robbers adopting to steal money after robbing Tsunami fund,stealing Divineguma 85 Billion Rupees, Mega Commission, museam robbery and recently stealing Wellawatte 10 Million rupees using Security division personnel.

      Is prosecuting MARA opponents is the newest trend……to bring extra loot to MARA coffers.

      Keep stealing the country to the bone.

    • 0

      You are the biggest NUT. It is in your best interest to get your NUTS thoroughly examined??

    • 0


      Show your comments to bosses, and ask for a Salary increment / bonus.

    • 0

      Laksiri, there is nothing wrong to call her for an inquiry. The problem is that if she was suspect that would have justified her removal. If there was a case, that is where it should have started.The process indicate that they are attempting to cause her problems.Remember one salient fact. There is a God, who will deliver the judgement to the wrong doers.That judgement is destructive.The first to face the music will be the boot lickers

  • 0

    I wonder what the delay was all about. It’s high time they got a move on in this matter. No need to front like there’s any decency left.

    • 0

      Yes, I always ask myself why… it takes that long them to take actions what degree the issue has been. Unfortunately, that is becoming common to whatever issue it has been in the recent times.

      That is the governance of MR with his henchmen. THere are some crucial issues – like not imposing law and order matters such as the current issue on Halal for example. President seems to have paid blind eye, not even discussing it with the minister of Justice – let it become kenda kanda.

  • 0

    is this Laksiri Guy living in Sri Lanka or somewhere else?

  • 0

    If there have no reason,government also reluctant to take any political risk.

  • 0

    Lets not just refer to corruption as monopoly of the current government, most party politicians have been corrupt. We Sinhala’s must rise, otherwise other unsavoury’s will, under the banner of human rigth’s, we will then lose our nation. This is basic Cause and Effet – Karma.

  • 0

    Yes, the new Ponnasami MARA goon CJ would have already given the verdict as……guilty.

    Also what is opposition UNP Ponna sami leader doing without prosecuting ECONOMIC HIT MAN Treasury Secretary P.B.Jayasundera for devaluing rupee without anybody’s authority and bringing in untold amount of Vehicles for ministries without their need for them……and bankruptcing CB FOREX reserve…..as per Wimal Weerawanse DM interview.

    Please listen to following web interview.

    It’s time to bring justice to all including EONOMIC HIT MAN P.B.JAYASUNDERA.

  • 0

    It’s time MARA to distribute the Brand new 23 Mercedes Benz cars among the Govt. goon bench hearing the case to impeach Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake as guilty.

  • 0

    Sri Lankan people has no moral or ethecal conduct. They protest against MARA regime until he give them perks or some position. Ex CJ Sarath Silva was against impeachment of Shiraani only till he met MARA to be friends with nhim again. This nation is destined to perish.

  • 0

    Former CJ was fired because of some misdeeds. So the logical consequence is for the government to follow action. If she has a clean record then she does not have to worry. Please let the law take its course.

    • 0

      Yes law takes it’s course already happening with White vans and Gota’s new Republican guard unit called BBS.

      Yea…..Law took it’s course after looting prabhakaran’s TWO TON GOLD AND A LORRY LOAD OF FOREIGN AND LOCAL CURRENCY.

      After looting LTTE and Tamil People’s wealth, furniture, Gold Jewlrey, money and Golden key assets…….now Alibaba getting ready to loot Muslim peoples assets.

      Wait for puppet CJ to take it’s own course.

  • 0


  • 0

    Agreeing with Mr Nagarajah, I agree no one is above the law. She chose to sleep with dogs and she has woken up with ticks. She cannot complain – certainly not with a spouse with that tainted reputation. The regime will wound her until she is of no use to be an instrument of harm to them in the international arena.

    For those who believe in quick retribution this is perhaps “it” The tears – and even curses – of 10,000 GKCCC depositors and their dependents appears to be working. Good reason for the Rajapakses to be rid of this Kotelawala plague.


    • 0


      are you a depositor of GKCC ?

  • 0

    Stinking lawyers with second hand black suits thinks they are above the law…

  • 0

    Rajapakses craving happiness is purely based on Loot.

    Ever since Tsunami Loot….went to LTTE VP’s two ton Gold Loot upto Museum Loot and now continuing to Loot Muslim Community.

    Yes the Rajapakse Happiness loot has taken it’s course already with White vans and Gota’s new Republican guard unit called BBS studs.

    Yea…..Rajapakses learned their happiness loot after looting prabhakaran’s TWO TON GOLD AND LORRY LOADS OF FOREIGN AND LOCAL CURRENCY……….Looting KP’s Tamil diaspora international Bank accounts, Gas Stations, ships, super markets and taking over Kudu (Drug) business.

    After looting LTTE and Tamil People’s wealth, furniture, Gold Jewelry, money and Golden key assets…….now MARA – GOTA Alibabas getting ready to loot Muslim peoples assets.

    Wait for new puppet CJ to take it’s own course with 23 Brand new Mercedes Benz cars brought down to give as Bribery ransom to Supreme court Judges.


  • 0

    Human rights activists at the Geneva sessions, please tell the civilized world that Sri Lanka’s Bribery Commission packed with the cronies of the dictator MR has begun harassing the impeached Chief Justice Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake. Tell the civilized world all about Helping Hambantota case too.

  • 0

    Perhaps at one level it is a witch hunt, but that should not distract from the fact that a person who held such a high position was in fact guilty of what is accused of. In this case the ‘witch hunt’ is truly after a witch. This cannot be denied, and ignoring the inhumane result of her actions on countless people is unforgivable. All deserve what they get in the end.

  • 0

    Shirani Bandaranayake had been the heroine of most of the commentators here at CT. Some of them even think she would be their coming-up Presidential candidate. They wanted to keep her lily white. No wonder, they do not want authorities to investigate her wrong doings. Stupid.

    • 0

      who is stupid ? Banda , Villager or Lady Leela ?

    • 0


      Who is Stupid….After jailing Gen.Sarath Fonseka who liberated country from LTTE….Rajapakses got their next pound of flesh by impeaching Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake.

      It all comes to Looting and nothing but looting. From Tsunami to, VP, KP and tamil community Gold, currency, property,KP’s ships, gas stations, super markets, drug business, Arms Purchase, Divineguma, 10 to 100 percent commission on fake projects,looting GK, Daya Gamage, Harry Jayawardena and other opposition party supporters, and counting….

      Rajapakses crossed the last hurdle to loot more by impeaching Dr.Shirani Bandaranayke and installing a fake MARA goon CJ Mohan Peiris.

      [Edited out]

      These are just the tip of the iceburg and I could produce more.

      The next loot will occur using BBS to loot Muslim Busiunesses, assetts, wealth and even their lives……similar to Black July.

      Prevention is Better than cure…… knowing that the robber is at your door step.

      @Mahela – Don’t post web links here, if you want to comment on the article please do – CT

      • 0

        In spite of all your inordinate “truth” and pleas by joint and all individual opposition parties, ordinary people had not taken to streets to protest against Rajapakses or their so-called corruption. Why? In spite of rising cost of living mass seems to love Rajapakse. Why? Are the majority and winners or the minority and looses like you are the true uneducated and fools?

        • 0


          I think you would have herd about satellite imaging,GPS, email, face book,blogs, gmail, faxes,texting,twitting, unmanned drone attacks, missiles, esdropping etc…etc…

          You are talking the stone age system of protesting, where now you do same with your cellphone. Your past age old conventional protests no longer popular. Please adopt to new systems like others.

          You say….. In spite of rising cost of living mass seems to love Rajapakse. Why? Are the majority and winners or the minority and looses like you are the true uneducated and fools?

          Don’t you see daily protests, road blocks, agitations, marches organised on daily basis. I don’t know if you are residing in Sri Lanka or in space.

          Paid Propagenda goons and given bribes such as laptops, houses, cars and car permits for services, jobs, perks and party positions, posters and paid rallies are the newest form of Rajapakses governing Sri Lanka, while looting and commissions, drug and kasippu business, illegal acquisitions are the norms of the day. Just watch BBS behaviour and read my other comments.

          My uneducated fool will come into light when UNHRC impeach your Big Boss and his brothyers on war crimes, bribery, corruption and murder and be brought in front of Hague court, loosing CHOGM and CW Membership, when UNHRC pronounce Rajapakses and country as Pariah state, when Sri Lankan and Mihin go branrupt after opening fake biggest white elephant Mattala Airport which gulps 25 Million rupees daily with no earnings, when electricity board increase tariff by 100 percent, when cost of gasolene increased by 100 percent, when BBS taliban terrorists start harassing all communities etc…etc…

          We will see then who is the real uneducated Fool.

    • 0

      @Mahela – Don’t post web links here, if you want to comment on the article please do – CT

  • 0

    Hambantota belongs to Rajapakaya n his brothers. Who is there to question him. You question, white van will follow you n destro not only you but your entire family. Be careful.

  • 0

    They have no money to import petrol. Now MR has gone to Japan to beg. He dsays it is “bilateral talks.” Bloody liar,always

  • 0

    Srilal – Negative. But I know neighbours, who were once considered wealthy, who have been forced to take their children out of good
    international schools and who do not have sufficient resources even
    to travel by bus to short distances. Till 2008 they went about in 2
    new cars – chauffeur driven. If you do not feel for them and
    are angry at those who refused them relief, for personal benefits, you are not human at all.


  • 0

    Govt. having war mentality. Always need a internal fight even with single person.

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