10 December, 2024


Cluster Bombs Used In Sri Lanka’s Civil War, Leaked Photos Suggest – The Guardian

Images that appear to confirm the use of cluster bombs in the end stages of Sri Lanka’s 26-year civil war have been uncovered as new testimony emerged suggesting the country’s armed forces may have deployed the munition against civilians, the Guardian reports.

Read more in the Guardian


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  • 14

    Why don’t anyone talk about tamil sinhala unity? Huh? It was a whole different time when ltte was established. There is no such hatred in sinhala people towards tamils. It’s just something both some sinhala and some tamil politicians made up to keep the fire burning. People need to see beyond what the politicians show you. As for sinhala people, well most of them don’t even know what’s going on in north. Same can be said to the tamilnadu people who are so worked up about the problems of sri lankan tamil community. They know only what some media people are showing to them in the tv screen. All there problems are cause we don’t think ‘we are sri lankans’. We think ‘we are tamils’ we are sinhala we are muslim blah blah blah.There are a lot of people who profit from all these things. We need to stop playing to their cards. Now i haven’t mentioned anything about cluster bombs in my comment cause i don’t know how much of it is true. But i know that there’s no connection between was crimes and buddhism. So please refrain from saying bad things about my religion. The SL army is not a buddhist army. So i guess that’s pretty much all. Cheers!!

  • 0

    There are numerous eye witnesses who are still alive. All their affidavit should be obtained for us to remember. Prosecution of the war criminals will not happen in Sri Lanka for another 50 years or more.

  • 2

    Its tabloid papers like the UK’s Guardian and ColomboTelegraph which will NEVER let the wounds of the civil war heal!
    You people should be responsible and promote peace and reconciliation rather than try and dig up the past or try to reinstall hatred among-st the masers!

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