19 January, 2025


CoPA Exposes Misappropriations In Vasu’s Ministry

A large number of misappropriations committed in the Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration headed by Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara during the Rajapaksa regime, has been revealed by the Committee on Public Accounts (CoPA).



The Committee that was chaired by Dr. Sarath Amunugama has released its report few days ago,where irregularities that had been committed by Vasudeva’s Ministry including financial misappropriations by its officials, unsuccessful implementation of several projects and failure to utilize its funds accordingly and promptly have been listed as the main issues.

Following are the list of major issues that have been highlighted by CoPA ( during the period from 17 January 2012 to 25 October 2012) as those that needed the attention of the former Minister:

– Failure to prepare the Procurement Plan since 2005
– Despite a sum of Rs. 2,221,988 had been awarded by the UNDP to install multilingual sign boards in all government establishments in the Northern province, even as of December 20,2011 a sum of Rs. 170,360 had been retained in the General Deposit account without being utilized or being returned
– Six vehicles out of the 14 fleet had not even belonged to the Minister, that had resulted in heavy rent costs.
– Some 95 books valued at Rs. 27,792 had been misplaced and the Committee inquired as to why the circular of National Library and Documentary Services Board had not been implemented and a Committee had been appointed to investigate the matter
– Duties of the National Intergration Programme Unit functioning under the Ministry had not been stated in terms of section 75:1 and 75:2 of the government tender procedure guidelines. Although recruitment had been done by the recommendation of the Minister, they had been unable to follow the guidelines of the Public Finance Circular in that process

Meanwhile, a sum of Rs. 1,267,750 had been paid to the consultants who had not submitted any documentation including commence reports, progress reports, interim reports or performance reports.

An individual appointed as a Language Consultant had also been appointed as the Chairman of the Institute of National Languages Education ad Training, and he had drawn salaries and allowances applicable to both posts. This misconduct had been reported to the AG for legal action to be taken against the official responsible.

– On a request made by the Ministry, he had refunded only Rs. 58,000 from the salaries amounting to Rs. 208,000 drawn by him elated to the period of four months served in the capacity of the Chairman National Languages Education and Training – he had also used two motor vehicles which were not entitled to him and irregularly spent Rs. 93,333 on those vehicles the CoPA emphasized the need of taking stern action against the person in question and have rested a comprehensive report as to what action should be taken against him within a month

– A sum of Rs. 3,643,420 and Rs. 5,637,676 had been paid in 2006 and 2007 respectively as the allowances of Teacher instructors for teaching Tamil language in the privenas. Although this teaching programme had been continuing since 2001 there had been no syllabus to be followed throughout and therefore the programme had been instructed to be continued by the Ministry of Education

The coordination of the language programme and the popularisation of English language in multi-ethnic areas that were proposed for 2007, had not been implemented though a sum of Rs. 8,315,044 had been spent in 2007 as recurrent expenditure.

A sum of Rs. 77,417 and Rs. 57,013 had been paid in respect of food and accommodation respectively, in addition to the legitimate allowances payable for the officer relation to eight program despite the approval of the Director Establishments and the Committee has observed that the Ministry has misinterpreted the instruction of thh Director of Establishments.

Latest comments

  • 35

    This man always talk about socialism and completely doing different thing.

    I still can remember how he talk about present constitution when Mrs. Chandrika Bandaranayke’s regime.

    Unfortunately because of his Ministerial post in Rajapaksa regime he completely changed and talked nonsense.

    This old man must leave politics and stay at home.

    Vasudewa, Buruwansa, Dinesh Gunawardana and idiot Gammanpila mislead foolish people in Sri lanka.

    These four people should be hospitalised in Angoda Hospital.

    • 19

      Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara RE: The “Socialists”

      “This man always talk about socialism and completely doing different thing.”

      What is the difference between wimal Weerawansa and Vasudeva Nanayakkara? Nothing, except for the age.

      Both were former’socialists”, and they both out Socialism to shame.

      Therefore they should be called Baludeva and Baluwansa for services to Mahinda Rajapaksa Dynasty.

      Sirasa News – Vasudeva Nanayakkara


      wimal weerawansa 2015 01 05 kesbewa meeting


      • 11

        Vasu’s son was the all powerful Secretary in his Ministry! Wonder how many cars he had and how much he skimmed?!

        This dead leftist is totally unethical and a disgrace!

    • 3

      This man Vasidewa in early 70ties should atleast now realize how experiecne could better be used for the benefit of the majority folks. Just to be harboured to his views of oder days can only help idiots to raise their head again AND loot the couuntry as had been before.

    • 5

      Can anybody please help Vasidewa to use the right end ? He ticks not right so how can he be a senior politician ?

      These men are paralized with the age must nto be in parliament if cant react accordingly. JuST jacking MR for ever, almost killed the people over the years. Now again trying to stay in the dumb mode cant bring anything. Either they should go home or support any good parties that are anti corruptive forces

    • 4

      This S.O.B is a kiss ass of MR, he is kissing so much coz of the fact he was given ” Some ministry” lol at national languages..oh pls how much importance he gave to the Veddah’s is a question worth pondering.

      He kisses the ass deeper coz MR gave his niece a chance to work at the SL embassy in France with NO foreign service qualifications… This leftist is out dated… ONLY way he would be a MP is via the chit system… for the masses do not trust on loser like him nor the OLD shills who are suckers and parasites…

      One classless spineless jackass… who need to be sent home at the next elections..

    • 1

      Well said, Saman.

      For over 50 years, this man disguised as our local “Che Guevara or Fidel Castro” has been living a luxurious life just as Rohana Wijeweera and Weerawansa and Dinesh, etc. Vasu misguided thousands of our youth to death during the 1970 & 1989 JVP insurrections. People have forgotten how Vasu recruited poor kids to die for his dream to grab power.

      By selling himself to Mahinda Rajapaksa, prostitute Vasu finally landed a ministerial post. Still deceiving the masses with a group of similarly misguided jokers, these buffoons are trying to bring back a Dictator to power. These Marxists (leftists of all shades) who are still covering their genitals should think for a moment what kind of a REGIME they have been supporting for the last 10 years. FRAUDS.

      This fraudster, Vasu, should shave off his bogus beard, give up the bogus national dress, and he should go and live the luxurious life with the wealth he stolen from the masses – just as his buddy, Rohana Wijeweera lived in disguise.
      This report speaks volumes about these fraudsters who deceive the masses and live completely a different life at the expense of the poor people.

      The only rightful place for Vasu, Dinesh, Wimal and Udaya are nothing but “HELL”. Even the HELL may not take you.

  • 25

    Well, I am not shopping for Vasu, but I find it incredible that CoPA is going for peanuts a little missing pennies when Rajapaaksa family has been plundering not only the treasury but also the revenue of the country for the next 100-years yet to come. Is something wrong with CoPA? Are they in MRs payroll still? If not are the negative stories about Paksha Rajas are just imagination of story writers. Tell us the truth CoPA.

  • 23

    Vasudeva was a well respected guy, however, as with other prominent lefties, he was able to change his believes and switch allegiance to MR in the name of patriotism and a partner in crimes.

    And this findings reveal that he is capable of making some quick money, well done Vasu, you set the example for our future lefties.

  • 8

    Rathu sahodaraya diluted by MR BLUE RINSE .. Did make the rathu run out and then become a colour that became a colour that could not be identified with the old box of paints .. sad that the voice too changed . Well we lived in hope that he could influence others to his socialist humanist ideology .but royalty put out the fire of this fire brand of Sabaragamuwa .. he may justify his change .. but how could he let us down ?.We who were socialist converted by the likes of hiM . NM , COLVIN all let us believe that they were Fidel Castros but were only bill boards ..only the mild mannered Peter K was somewhat true to his ideology .

  • 13

    Vasu like rich and connected communists are never ending curse to the country.

  • 8

    Vaasi-Dewa is worse than a street prostitute when it comes for Politics as this shameful man have sold his soul for few million ruppes.

    His whole family is US citizens and then niece was appointd to the embassy from the back door and then preach socilism for our poor masses.

    Its time to thorow this garbage in the next elections.

    • 4

      Matilda Ellepola

      “Vaasi-Dewa is worse than a street prostitute when it comes for Politics “

      I strongly object to you comparing a street prostitute to what “Vassi-Dewa” or “Balu-Dewa” and dishonouring the street prostitutes and their profession.

      can you compare “Vaasi-Dewa”, to pigs, but again no dishonor for the pigs or its kind.

      Can you compare the Crooks and Robbers “Vaasi-Dewa” to Crooks and Robbers, Nedamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Family Dynasty? Who are better Crooks and Robbers?

  • 3

    It is sad that this man betrayed the socialism and people have lost their faith on genuine socialist due to this fake socialist.
    He is not comparable to other politicians as they came to clean the society and politics , even one cent wastage by them should be considered as a crime. That is what V.I .Lenine told his 1st meeting after capturing the power in USSR.
    People who sell socialism are dangerous than liberals sometimes ,as these people are very greedy and not transparent , or undemocratic (Starling did same thing in Russia)
    JVP should be careful about to maintain their unblemished name about money corruption( but they are notorious about nondemocratic tactics and corruption within the party , misuse of party properties)
    But how we can find a absolute perfect politicians, it is impossible. All politicians are corrupt such as dogs are inclined to eat shits.

  • 8

    It is with a terrible sense of shame that I recall that once i hero-worshiped this shyster. He has sunk to such a low depth as a politician now, people would believe any vice attributed to him!

    • 2

      shame on me.. One time I also voted for him. Who knew he is going to be like this. I think the three reds and Booruwanse has no place in the next elections so they are trying to bring back MR

  • 6

    No wonder Vasideva Nanaprakara wants Mahinda back in power.

  • 5

    Excellent comment by bo. Inappropriacies and stealing done by Vasu is nothing compared to what MR and the rata kaala, vathura beelah family. The global robbers are also in the shade compared to MR and his family and siblings. They have ruined the country. Sad our children the future generation, being made aware of all the rot done by this vulgar family.

  • 5

    Surely if you calculate all this it is peanuts. Some guys had made a fast buck using the appointments. Can we find funds stacked away by MR and Gota? We need CoPA reports on arms deals and cabinet decisions which gave away 300 acres to China Port City, giving armed purchased by the State to a private company like Avante.

  • 5

    Really sad to see Vasu turn scavenger living off bones chewed and thrown by MR

  • 5

    Get a life people, is this all you have, that Tamil Instructors did not have a proper syllabus?

  • 6

    This rascal used to live in a luxury apartment in Colombo 7, opp Thurs tan College , eat drink & fxxx daily , what bloody Socialism .

    Just like BBS,Rava & ravana taking the whole mass for a ride and diverting the attention so thy join the Caravan and robbed the whole country left right and centre .

    These buggers will suffer like hell before dying all of them , they will vomit blood, for the way they have robbed this dear Country , they will pay ,I guarantee, everyone will see with your own eyes.

    I seen what happens to people who rob their own country , I see the final results of smugglers, no matter what they smuggle , even a piece of chocolate ,it is smuggling , they buggers smuggl ,cheat the country and screw the economy and then with that money they live fashy lives showing off ,feed their wife and children ,but the they pay at some point , they will pay and thy must pay .THERE IS NO REAL DIFFERENCE IN RAPING YOUR OWN MOTHER AND ROBBING YOUR OWN COUNTRY, BLOOD BASTARDS ,they should be hanged by their balls, if I am given the authority to bring such buggars to books ,I will do it in 7 working days, I challenge and I will hang all these buggers by their balls on the lamp posts of Galle face green.




  • 6

    Vasu’s real faults are in the political domain. Opportunism, lack of principles and dire intellectual confusion.

    A careful reading of this report indicates that the shortcomings reported here lie in the domain of mismanagement and poor financial control. I see no smoking gun of corruption in the sense of personal misappropriation of funds unlike his hero MR and numerous SLFP ministers and parliamentarians.

    I make both these remarks as matters of proper observation, neither as condemnation nor as defence.

    • 23

      and NM’s peeping wall was just a computer stimulation.
      and Colvin appearing for skyjacker Sepala was magnanimity.

      Does not surprise me why you could never be a professional but a school teacher on a salary.

      Go to the american Embassy for a dram of Jack Daniels and sing the blues then be back on the streets of colombo praising the corrupt RED.

      You are going cra..zy grey man go find yourself a young nurse.

  • 6

    We are tired of hearing all this from the 9th of Jan, No one is bothered to take them to task. As some one suggested has Copa found any thing about Rajapakses

    There must be an establishment code and FR governing financial transactions, so can action be taken. I know action against the government servants were taken for a mere few rupees. Till we enact new laws government can take Vasu to task within the existing framework. I feel there is no political will and 100 days would be over very soon and we are back to square one

    Has the transport board and rupavahini taken action to recover the balance money due to them for their services during elections. Has they paid the telephone bill.
    Vasu , Dew and Vitharane should go home. Even the SLPers are better than them.

  • 10

    Vasu is a spent force.

    Hopefully he is gone for good now and will be out of Parliament at the next general election.

    He is good enough only to shout at the Lipon Circus and For Railway Station.

    Absolutely useless character with no principles.

  • 7

    Vasu,s clothes have been removed .Now people know the correct Vasu who was an advisor to the former president. These old codgers should be moved out from which ever party.

  • 9

    Even before the election heat is off,trying shopping for the
    rejected candidate,what a bunch of racist and corrupt lot
    these morons are !Is it favouritism more than nepotism ?

  • 1

    Sri Lanka’s “leftists” have been selling out their principles in order to line their pockets since the 1950’s. Why is anyone surprised that Vasu had his fingers in the till?

  • 1

    I too subscribe to the sentiments expressed Saman Wijeysiri, when referring to Vasudeva Nanayakara, that “It is with a terrible sense of shame that I recall that once I hero-worshipped this shyster. He has sunk to such a low depth as a politician now……..”

    —What a sell-out of the Leftist movement and those who have sacrificed their future and the lives believing in the leadership of the turn-coats of the likes of Vasudeva, Dew Gunasekara, Wimal Weerawanse and the like , supporting such a corrupt regime!

    What has Vasu achieved as the Minister of National Languages and Social Integration except to winch and groan occasionally but not having the guts to deliver in fear that he will offend “His Master” and lose his privileges and favours?-Shameful indeed!

  • 0

    These are fraudulent and financial misappropriations or robberies committed by Vasu. On top of this I think two of his relations are in the list of political appointees in diplomatic missions. No wonder Vasu wants his saviour Mahinda back. Can somebody reveal the thefts committed by jackal of boralugoda.

  • 0

    This is the coop report between January and October of 2012 and most or all of the irregularities stated here are for periods before 2010. I believe Vasu became a Minister in November of 2010. Did CT contact Vasu for a response?

  • 1

    Hiding behind the mask of Fidel Castro, and wearing an unaccustomed and uncomfortable national dress is this bloody fraudster. He preaches one thing to the poor masses and turns around and robs funds assigned to uplift these poor people.

    My excreta is better than these bogus Marxists. These fraudsters will rot in hell.

  • 0

    The Minister should be called upon to explain why he should no be surcharged for the financial losses caused by him to the public for he must follow the Financial Regulations? This is a good case to take to the courts. It is I think possible for the new President to call for Vasu’s explanation.

  • 0

    On the above subject

    We have sent the detailed responses to the above on the 26th of February 2015.

    Responses to the issues highlighted in the Article

    Implementation of projects though desired was not possible due to the conditions prevalent at that time in the Northern and Eastern Provinces due to.
    Lack of human and physical resources.
    Further Projects that commenced took along period to complete due to the same reasons. Therefore it was imperative that we kept the money in Deposit Account with the approval of the Treasury until completion of the Project.

    All payments were made in accordance with approved procedures or with Cabinet Approval.

    The correct position with regard to each of the issues are specified below

    1. Preparation of Procurement Plans-

    The Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and National Integration was conceived in 2005 and it was not possible to come up with a Procurement plan for that year. However thereafter up to 2015, procurement plans had been drawn up yearly.

    2. Rs. 170,360 of Funds provided by the UNDP retained in a Deposit Account till 2011

    All funding provided for reconciliation purposes was fully utilized for that purpose by the Ministry. All MULTILINGUAL name boards in the DISTRICT and the DIVISIONAL SECRETARIES in the said Provinces were erected with the resources provided by UNDP. I ACKNOWLEDGE that it could not be done at the speed that was intended. The money. Was held until fully utilized with approval from the relevant authorities. If money was misappropriated by the Ministry UNDP would never have provided funds to the Ministry until 2017 which the 3rd phase of the same Project.

    3. Payment of rent for six vehicles

    The Ministry had very limited resources. The 8 vehicles which were the Ministry assets were all old vehicles and was used by the officers. Therefore with the approval of the Treasury was compelled to take six vehicles on rent for a limited period of time for the Minister and the Deputy Minister.

    4. Books valued at Rs 27,792 misplaced

    The Ministry shifted to a. new location in Rajagiriya in 2009, in transition 95 books in the library had got misplaced. Following the applicable circulars investigation was made by a committee appointed for that purpose. The books were valued at Rs . 27, 792 .The recommendations of the Committee was given effect to as per the Financial Regulations Applicable for losses at Government Institutions.

    5. Duties of the National integration Programme Unit not stated and Consultants appointed
    outside Public Finance Circulars

    The National Integration Programme Unit (NIPU) functioned under the ministry once the funding dried up .This Unit was brought under the Ministry with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers.
    Many experts from diverse fields functioned as Consultants. It was only the support staff that was absorbed to the Ministry.

    The Consultants continued to provide the same inputs until their term of office expired. However during their tenure of office under the Ministry their allowances were paid in line with Government approved rates which was their entitlements for services rendered.
    6. Salary and allowance drawn by Chairman National Institute of Language Education and Training-
    This matter was referred to the Attorney General for his opinion. As per his advice the Attorney General has taken steps to file action to recover the amount overpaid to the officer. This officer made a part payment and action filed to recover the balance due to the State.
    7. Teaching of the Tamil language at Pirivenas
    Teaching of Tamil Language at Pitivenas enabled anyone desirous of learning the Tamil language to learn same at the pirivenas.The ministry in consultation with the Teachers evaluated same and since it was not generating the desired results handed it over to the Pirivena Unit of the Ministry of Education. The second language textbook used in schools was used for teaching at the pirivenas. Many attempts were made to streamline the teaching process at the Pirivenas with consultations with the Ministry of Education.
    8. Language program and the popularization of the English Language .

    This programme was proposed for 2007. However after an evaluation and a situation analysis, considering the context prevalent at that time the Consultants appointed for the purpose expressed the view that it would be prudent to upscale the teaching of the Official Languages instead of teaching English since there were many organizations providing that facility.

    The resources allocated was used for the recurrent expenditure for the teaching of the Official Languages.

    9. Payment of Rs 77,147 and 57,013 for 8 programme,for officers who conducted same ,with the
    Approval of the Director Establishments

    These payments were made to officers who took part in the Mobile Services during the “Negenehira Navodaya and the Uhthuru Vasanthaya” development programmes during the period. 2007- 2009. The officers had to be out of Colombo continuously for several during the week and the. Weekends, in order to ensure the effective delivery of services approval was sort to make an additional payment to the officers who attended theses mobile clinics. Our interpretation of the circular was that it granted approval to make the payment for a limited time period.

    Since it was made known after further inquiry that the payment cannot be made it was completely stopped.

    It should be noted that these officers who attended these Mobile Clinics were able to provide these disadvantaged groups of people their basic LEGAL DOCUMENTATION In quick time which was the need of the hour.
    Mrs. Malkanthi Wickramasinghe.

    CoPA Exposes Misappropriations in Vasu’s Ministry

    Dear Sir,
    Here with I am attaching you the detailed responses to the above, sent by Mrs. Malkanthi Wickramasinghe.
    The then Secretary to the ministry of National Languages and Social Integrations.
    W.K. Wilegoda,
    Parliamentary Affairs Secretary,
    to the Hon. Vasudeva Nanayakkara.

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