22 January, 2025


Daham Back On Nepotic Road ‘Inspects’ Army

President Maithripala Sirisena’s son Daham who went into hiding after attending the UN General Assembly in New York, has re-emerged and is back on the nepotism road Colombo Telegraph can reveal.

Daham Sirisena just like his sister Chathurika Sirisena who went on a fact finding mission earlier and to also express her father’s dreams for his people, has yesterday visited the Mihindu Seth Medura, a special complex managed by the Ministry of Defence, to hear the grievances of disabled soldiers. The Sirisena brat also visited to the Narammala Child Buddhist Monks Pirivena wearing the same clothes yesterday.

Whilst President Sirisena is also the Minister of Defence, his son-in-law Wewelpanawa Gamage Thilina Suranjith is the Public Relations Officer of the Defence Ministry, whilst Chathurika has been invited frequently as a chief guest at other known Defence Ministry functions.DahamDahamDahamDahamDahamDahamDaham


Latest comments

  • 20

    Did the army fellows salute this spoiled brat.
    Is Daham planning to become a monk?

    Nepotism breeds Nepotism.

    Christian, Muslim and Jewish prophets, gods etc comes from the same blood line – Abraham Family.
    Lord Buddha’s sister is kept in high esteem.
    Saud family, Sadam Family,Clinton family, Bush family, Rajapakse Family, Sirisena Family ,Ratwatte Family etc etc.

    The problem is poor simple Simon is jealous.

    • 12

      Daham Sirisena

      RE:Daham Back On Nepotic Road ‘Inspects’ Army

      Daham Sirisena, can you please tuck your shirt inside the pants.

      PS. Please do not abuse the “Samaneras”, the Child Novice Monks, even though it is a Sinhala “Buddhist” Monk Tradition as well as Mahayana Tredition. They are reserved for the Senior Monks.

  • 19

    KASmaalam KA Sumanasekere (Dr No)

    Does the army run a boot camp?

    I suggest you spend a month with Nepotista Daham in the camp.

    These photographs do not tell much about nepotista, but all about the army officers.

    What is the reason they have to put up with this political brat? Were they looking forward to a photo opportunity with this boy? The photos might help to impress their wives.

  • 8

    What is going on here.

    It was only yesterday that Daham’s Dad told the local journo that he is now buddy buddy with Batalanada Ranil, and soooo happy to work with him, when quizzed about the shit fight between UNP and the real SLFP.

    Now every one knows how much love Batalanada has for our Armed Forces.

    Can Daham visit our paralysed War Heroes with a few presents, and keep the Armed Forces calm, when the brave Commanders are shitting in their pants thinking about the White Judges and Afrikaaner Hybrid courts imported from Zulu Land.

    Is negotiating TV rights to show the Diaspora,the HD footage of the brave Commanders being dragged into Hybrid courts part of the C4 visit to our Motherland?.

    Will they get the right to show the trials live too like in ZUlu courts,so that the Diasporians in GTF, TNGTE, Solheim, Suren Surendran and the Reverend can watch the proceedings in comfort in their Lounge rooms?.

    And cheer with a beer as they do at Football?..

  • 11

    Daham is A real Prince like Prince Charles of Great Britain. Sri lanka is so blessed to have such an intelligent, learned well accomplished, English speaking western education Royal prince visiting the disabled veterans. Not even the Rajapakse siblings can match this man’s superior intellect and Gandhian ways.

  • 18

    what’s the purpose of this story ?

  • 17

    I do not wish to be unfair by individuals. But the photographs shown in CT web gives me the impression definitely not one of a compassionate young man who wants provide relief to those who suffer. Despite being highly nepotistic and not done, if those visits were to provide relief then I would overlook the aspect of nepotism. But the looks of it reminds me of a Kim Jong Il or a Kim Jong Un.

    In heaven’s name, is that the way a chap who is supposed to represent the President dress? Its a disgrace to the office of the President. If you want to tend the sick and obtain first hand information on behalf of the Father the most appropriate dress for the occasion would be to clad in white or extremely light color, preferably a well tailored national dress to give credibility and hope to the sick.

    The uppish look in front of the priests, the sick is sickening. The father has a better posture than that. However much we talk about the ambitions of people are clear. At least if a chap is representing the President of the country, let him not look like a chap swimming in alcohol.

  • 17

    Whilst the CT is entitled to their opinion, I do not see how the visit of a member of the ‘royal’ family to a home for war veterans is to be considered ‘nepotism’? While his father is busy trying to impress the masses, it is good that this man at least visited those who are worth visiting. Shame on the CT for trying to frame this as ‘nepotism’ when it is unlikely those soldiers thought so themselves. These are people who fought so that we could sleep at night.

    • 0

      I agree, Bagehot.

      There’s plenty that must be read by us to ensure that we know the significant things that are happening; by posting trivia, you dilute our protest against the tangible nepotism that we’d like to see flushed out.

  • 8

    No comment. Why? Nepotism is nepotism whether by Sirisena offspring or not.

  • 7

    The Army must say, determinedly and without apology that he is not welcome. That’s all. But if these army officers are looking for a favour then this boy will really fly high, like the other three boys! No other son/daughter of a P.M or a President of other countries ever walk in like this because they KNOW they will not be patronized !!

  • 11

    Thathi wants to groom the untalented ratharan putha and punchi duwa for future political leadership. Educationally, both do not seem to have gone far and may even have difficulty with that indispensable kaduwa. And, the other point is even thathi is not accepted as a leader in the four corners of the country which is why he has to depend on unreliable katussas like that SoB from Hanguranketa in the N’Eliya Hills.

    To what levels our once-respected professional army has been brought down to. There is nothing wrong in the young man visiting injured soldiers but the fanfare with senior army officials in grovelling attendance is utterly unnecessary. It won’t be long before putha and thathi come crashing down on putha’s misadventures – reminding one of what happened to the earlier King.


  • 18

    One of the most odious things about the Rajapakse regime was the weight thrown about by Rajapakse’s sons.

    Sirisena not being able to rein in his children shows another of his weaknesses.

    I wonder when we would see the resumption of Night Races, the importation of Lamborghinis, helicopter trips to Nuwera-Eliya for horse riding, captaining rugger teams, etc by the Sirisena offspring.

    I can just visualize Sirisena morphing into Rajapakse as time passes!

    O tempora o mores!

  • 2

    This BRAT [Edited out]

  • 5

    Looks a moron!

  • 8

    At least he is showing some concern for those gentlemen who fought for our Country and are now physically incapacitated. These men are paying the price for having fought for the likes of you and me and saved us from the jaws of the ‘TIGER’. CT, I wonder whether like this so called ‘NEPOTIC’ person you have ever ventured to visit those side lined and forgotten heroes suffering in the Mihindu Seth Medura? or whether you only indulge in pointing accusing fingers at people like him who take time off to visit the forgotten and bring some solace to them.? High time you and the likes of you do some responsible acts of Corporate Service instead of resorting to irresponsible journalistic forays.

  • 7

    The Sirisenas are replacing the Rajapakses in the nepotism game.

    Someone should collect Sirisena’s speeches and play them back to him and also broadcast the speeches to the Nation. Although, now that he is proving to have a thicker skin than a rhinoceros, it may have little or no effect whatsoever!

    These guys have no shame and should be returned to the environments from which they crawled out of.

  • 11

    I am not worrying about what Daham does. See the behavior of military people standing beside him as servants.

    Third world country syndrom of bureaucracy

  • 7

    At least he should be thought hoe to dress when visiting the country’s most respected defence office.
    Slippers and his shabby dress is how’s no respect to the ranks he is visiting.
    In the military there is a dead code and the officers should have ensured they don’t deviate from military code for this guy.
    Even our military officers are playing politics.

  • 6

    I myself have visited the Ranaviru Sevana with some friends a couple of times to see the soldiers and pay gratitude. We too were taken around and shown the facility and also given a chance to mingle with the soldiers who were being treated. Was it wrong? This is one occasion where Dhaham did his duties right. Of course visiting the UN was disgraceful, but CT should not stoop this low to attack him and give an unpleasant twist when he does something right!

    • 5


      “I myself have visited the Ranaviru Sevana with some friends a couple of times to see the soldiers and pay gratitude”

      Couple of times?

      Have you thought about their rehabilitation and long term future? What have you done to help them to help themselves?

      • 4

        From 2006 I have been sponsoring the education of two children of the soldiers who have laid their lives for us, and I have facilitated over 50 other similar kids to find sponsorship. If you too need to pay at least part of your debt to them please contact the Ranaviru Seva authority, they have details of many kids of both war veterans and current service personnel who need help.

  • 11

    What a depressing set of photographs. Smartly turned out officers of our Armed Forces standing hand-and-foot on a a slouch in slippers. What a comedown for the nation!

  • 4

    The more things change,the more they stay the same.

    plus can change,plus cest la meme chose.

  • 5

    Let the stones be cast by persons who have actually visited these disabled soldiers at Mihindu Seth Madura and think this visit was for an ulterior purpose. May or may not be so but its nonsense to say that this is nepotism.

  • 7

    The army is forced to tolerate Daham’s anics, knowing his previous history as a thug, as his papa has promised to safeguard them from inquiry by a ‘hybrid’ court, and for no other reason.

    The army has never allowed/tolerated this type of visit and ‘inspection’ by a politically connected uneducated juvenile delinquent, who even exposed himself to be photographed in a tourist resort.

  • 5

    “I am not worrying about what Daham does. See the behavior of military people standing beside him as servants.”

    What bothers here is that well groomed Military Ranaviruwa posing with a some guy clad in slippers for a photo Ops.
    Our valiant soldiers has come to this level???????

    All those Officers with pips appear to have no backbone to say NO to this spoilt Brat.
    This is out Military?????????
    What does this brat think who he is and what does the Military men think who this Brat is to pose with him for a photo Ops.

    DISGRACEFUL !!!!!!!!! A cheap show……..Status of the Military ZERO.


  • 3

    As pointed out by another reader CT is entitled to its opinion but some of use feel that CT too is biased at times,I personally dont see anything wrong with this chap visiting our war heroes nothing wrong with that,even Prince William and Harry do it,but if he uses his dads post to get the army run errands for him then its nepotism not totherwise

    At least he visits our armed forces personal unlike the Rajapakse lads who were more into night races and rugby politics!

    CT does act biased esp agaisnt the Sirisena brood and against Sri Lankan airlines and also against the CPA

  • 1

    This remind me of Anura B at the hey days of Mrs. B’s government. Despite all his bad habits he ended up being one of SL’s best speakers of parliament. Let these children too grow up.

  • 2

    ‘The Sirisena brat also visited …..wearing the same clothes yesterday’.

    This is very low journalism of the gutter press variety. I am no fan of this regime but if the Presidents son had not visited wounded soldiers would his family be accused of being uncaring?

  • 1

    Now who is going to win the fight in future.Daham or chaturika?I will put my bet on chaturika as she will be more acceptable to the people just as chandrika was when she sent crown prince anura sulking back to his mother.

  • 2

    This psychopathic ignorant idiot is promoted by army for some reasons of nepotism. Some brass in the army may be wanting a favour from father of nepotism, president of Sri Lanka who is the chief of the clan which breeds nepotism. Sirisena family takes the world pride in breeding nepotism.

  • 2

    What I can’t understand is why high ranking military officers are scrambling one on top of the other to be photographed alongside a brat who has no other qualification than to be the son of the president. This is another sickness of the ‘wakutuweyang’ society that we so strongly espouse.

    A private or a lance corporal would have been more than adequate to show the brat around the hospital.

    Who is more important here. The high ranking military officers or this brat dressed in indeterminate dress codes.

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