1 December, 2024


Dark Thoughts: Why Mental Illness Is On The Rise In Academia

Mental health problems are on the rise among UK academics amid the pressures of greater job insecurity, constant demand for results and an increasingly marketised higher education system, the Guardian reports.

According to the newspaper, University counselling staff and workplace health experts have seen a steady increase in numbers seeking help for mental health problems over the past decade, with research indicating nearly half of academicsshow symptoms of psychological distress.

Read more in the Guardian

Mental illness: stressed girl


Picture courtesy Guardian

Latest comments

  • 16

    What’s even more tragic, many who survive mental illness during their graduate studies end up as human rights workers.

  • 16

    Part of the reason that mental illness is “on the rise” is that the criteria for diagnosing mental illness are constantly being broadened, with each publication of the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual). The list of “illnesses” has dramatically increased over the years, along with the reasons that people are labelled mentally ill. And the drug companies are laughing all the way to the bank.

  • 0

    Let us hope that future members of British Parliament are not graduates from British Universities. Will the Sri Lankan students who graduate from institutions affiliated to British universities be mentally ok?

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