15 January, 2025


Dislodging The Mahinda Rajapaksa Regime

By Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe

Ajit Rupasinghe

There is a growing sense of frustration among those who wish to see the Mahinda Rajapaksa Regime ( MRR) being superseded by a more responsive, responsible and accountable system of democratic governance. Following the impeachment and sacking of the Chief Justice and her replacement by Mr. Mohan Pieris, who had been a government spokesman and a legal advisor to the Cabinet, along with such credentials as withdrawing a murder case and a rape case against two favored members of the government while functioning as a former Attorney General, the sense of frustration has turned into a feeling of helplessness and despair. Some claim that Mr. Mohan Peiris had lied to the Committee Against Torture when he claimed that he has reliable knowledge that Prageeth Ekneligoda, a journalist disappeared now for three years, is quite safe and living in self-exile in some foreign country. Consequently, after appearing in court, He had claimed that he had no knowledge of the matter and that only God knows where he may be. This lackey is now the head of the Judiciary! Chilling! It is not just the constitutional fait accompli accomplished by a kangaroo parliament majority that struck fear and despair, but the unleashing of naked state terror upon the legal fraternity and against all democratic opposition, which  contributed to a sense of utter helplessness. It is felt that the passage of the Divineguma Bill and the Amendment to the Criminal Procedure Act, combined with the intention to introduce a 19th and 20th Amendment to the Constitution has spelt the death knell of freedom and democracy in Lanka. Together, these policies and actions of the MRR have accomplished the immediate objectives of the MRR.

They have ensured that the MRR shall freely defy the Rule of Law and perpetuate its dynastic dictatorship. It can now freely rig up elections without any legal compunctions, since it is assured of a loyal, lackey Chief Justice. It has cleared all obstacles towards the unlimited aggrandizement and monopolization of all sources of wealth, power and the dispensation of privileges through the passage of the Divineguma Bill. It has institutionalized and legalized its terrorist dictatorship by empowering the hated Police to torture and murder at will and to ram anyone through the courts. It now enjoys the freedom to nullify the 13th Amendment and rob the Tamil Nation of all the national-democratic rights won through decades of struggle and sacrifice. It now has the freedom to unleash its Sinhala-Buddhist chauvinist political base as part of entrenching a centralized unitary Crony-Mafia / Comprador-Capitalist State under its hegemony and command. The Bodu Bala Sena is the latest version of this political crusade of the MRR, not to mention the Mahasona Brigade and other such fascist organizations, operated by the various centers and agencies of state power.

What then are the strategic options available for those who dream of Freedom and Democracy- and just simply civilized decency? There are those who rely on the so-called “International Community” to rescue them. Whether it be the US, EU, India, China or Russia or any other imperialist/sub-imperialist power, they shall advance and execute their own respective geo-strategic political agendas with the same ruthless and callous disregard for any principle of democracy. This hope is the expression of ultimate political and ideological bankruptcy. Besides, this illusory reliance will play into the hands of the MRR, who rides on the platform of  ‘anti-imperialism and patriotism’, and the threat of a foreign conspiracy, aided by pro-LTTE forces bent on  dislodging it. This platform and this call for patriotic loyalty continues have resounding resonance within its disparate Sinhala chauvinist social and political base. The MRR has truly mastered the art of manipulating and exploiting genuine and enduring anti-imperialist sentiments, needs and aspirations of the oppressed Sinhala masses unlike any other Capitalist regime before it. This is the calculated profit gained by the military victory and the culture of triumphalism and supremacy persistently and insistently drummed into the masses by the MRR through all the apparatuses of the State. This type of drugging the consciousness of the oppressed masses is more potent that heroin, since it mobilizes the worst, most narrow, introverted and selfish aspects of the oppressed Sinhala psyche, leading them to believe that the MRR is the only hope and savior that shall protect them from “Tamil Invaders” and foreign predators. This is Nazism at its very perfected best! (Still, some wormy, careerist, sycophantic lackeys of the Regime claim that we still have not entered the stage of Dictatorship!).

Yet another grotesque illusion is being spread by so-called “Left” forces who ally with bourgeois oppositional forces of the ruling class against the MRR. This is a form of the worst self-deception and class collaboration. Whether it be Ranil Wickremasinghe or Sarath Fonseka, they shall all compromise with the MRR and serve their imperialist masters precisely to derail a genuine revolutionary alternative. These “Left” forces play into the game of the ruling classes to deceive and divide the workers and the oppressed masses, and so preserve the feudal-colonial State.

As a result, the workers, farmers, fishermen, small and middle traders and entrepreneurs,  students, youth, women, political prisoners, journalists, professionals- all of whom suffer the terrible oppression and violent repression of the MRR- remain isolated and effectively marginalized. The oppressed Tamil nation and the Moslem and Hill Country Tamil nationalities and ethnic-religious communities remain isolated and marginalized, without an effective and powerful Center to combine and coordinate sustained resistance to the MRR.

This is not their fault. It is the fault of the oppositional forces and their leadership who remain divided, seeking to advance their own private advantage and agendas. The heroic struggles waged by FUTA, the Inter-University Students Federation, the workers and peasants etc, have been forced to capitulate and surrender due to the lack of an unified, powerful Center of Mass Resistance that has its vision sighted on a bright new world and a whole new way of social organization that would have no need nor reason for the social relations of domination, exploitation and oppression. The path to the future lies in unyielding and persistent struggle to forge such a Mass Resistance Center with clearly defined goals and objectives.

*The writer is Secretary: Ceylon Communist Party- Maoist.

Latest comments

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    FUTA and the IUSF are on the same wavelength, engaged in Heroic Struggles,says our comrade Surendra.

    Wonder who is picking up the tab and going to collect the spoils?.

    • 0

      the Passa now bigger than Budda to the vilager & opposition
      Metta, mudita, karuna is foreign conspiracy,
      family power, thuggery & racism is patriotism.

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    The MRR’s despotic,dictatorial rule is guarded against all activists who may attempt to turn the oppressed masses into a revolt against it,as has happened in many countries with similar governments,by a slavish military and police who are even allowed to terrorise citizens and send them to prisons called ‘army camps’& ‘rehabilitation entres’,without judicial sanction.
    When rarely ‘offenders’ are produced before magistrates,the latter,without further private inquiry as rquired by law, send them to prison without proof of any crime – so called “remand” – even though there are many family members and frends who would stand “suerty” for them.
    During the recent coldblooded killings of prisoners at Welikada Prison – 16 by the STF in the evening of the ‘riots’ and 11 before dawn next day by police,one prisoner who was on ‘remand’ for only one week had been killed.
    These are all supervised and permitted and/or ordered by a ‘commissar’,who is a public servant,namely,the secretary of the ministry under which the military and police function.
    He has effectively usurped the functions of the judiciary by such orders to the military and police.
    Sri Lanka maybe the only country where this happens.

  • 0

    There are two methods available to bring down…. the Blood sucking Leech Rakapakse Family Brutals who will never leave their ill gotten dynasty under any circumstances and will fight for life to stay in power under any circumstance.

    One method is the International Community giving them a deadline……an immediate action to give all the Minority rights, all acquired northern land to native tamil people, to implement 13th amendment, to give federal powers to all provinces, religious, race, minority , free media juournalist and press freedom,Human rights NGO’s and INGO’s, implement LLRC and finally Re-instate CJ Shirani Bandaranayake as Chief Justice.

    If Rajapakse regime does not agree to these conditions…..International community should bring in a regime change similar to toppling Saddam Husain, Idi Amin or Gaddafi.

    Second method is to organise Mass protests involving all the opposition parties, trade unions, Clergy, both villege and urban masses, professional community, university and student communituies etc……and if the regime use brutal methods to suppress these mass agitations similar to 1983 riots……they should immediately call in the international community to come into their rescue and at the same time to topple the Rajapakse Regime.

    This has to be done only after informing and by getting the approval and guarantee of the International Community to come into Rescue if and when necessary arrives.

    There’s no other method available to chase thie Rajapakse leeches who will never leave even through elections or any other means such as “Dun Gahala” …….settingt fire or smoke to their hideouts.

    Therefore the only way to chase these Bast….ds is only by calling Internatiuonal community to carpt bomb the Rajapakse leeches hideouts similar to Saddam Hussain, Gaddafi or Noriega.

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      @Jayantha: “One method is the International Community giving them a deadline……an immediate action to give all the Minority rights, all acquired northern land to native tamil people”

      Don’t forget the 90,000 Muslims that the LTTE kicked out of their northern homes.

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        All are kallathoni from india that is your history and the muslims.

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    You are complaining about Opposition disunity but you yourself is attacking some Opposition leaders. Why don’t you stop your Mao madness and join Ranil?

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      Mao madness??!!

      Is the writer a devotee of Mao? The man who killed millions more than Saint Mahinda?

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    Dr Hemapala Wijewaradana Mao madness….writer( Mr Ajith Rupasinghe) has fail understand differance between Bourgeiosie Democratic Revolution and Socilist Revolution in differant era of task by People of SL, ongoing social changes in Capitalism of our soil.
    In your comment, you have mention ‘Mao Madeness…..’
    On the consciouness of masses Mao said”The masses have a pontentially inexhausible enthusiasm for Socialism. Those who can only follow the old routine in a revolutionary period are utterly incapable of seeing this enthusiasm.They are bilnd and all is dark ahead of them.At the time they go so far to confound right and wrong and turn things upside down.Haven’t we come across enough persons of this type?
    Those who simply follow the OLD ROUTINE invariably underestimate the people’s enthusiasm.Let something new appear and they always disapprove and rush to oppose it.Afterward they have to admit defeat and do a little self-criticism.But the next time something new appears,they go through the same process all over again.This is pattern of behavior in regard to anything and everything new.Such people are always passive,always FAIL to move forwared at the critical moment and always have to be given a shove in back before they move a step.” (Quotation of Mao page 121)
    Dr Wijewaradna don’t attempt insult Mao,man who change whole ECPOCH OF ONGOING WORLD ORDER.Ongoing changes of China’s development vision was laid-down by Mao,himself.
    Sorry to say Dr Wijewradana your condem of ‘Mao Madness’ is concussion of your mind set of your IDYLLIST writing of which is impertinently statment.
    Dr Wijewaradana I wish conclude few sentence by your comment of Mao said by Dr Henry Kissinger..”We fought this campaign,which made the United State willing to talk.The United States has opened the door.This situation seems to be no good for them,and they will fell nervous day in and day out if they don’t hold talk with us now.
    OK, then let’s talk.For overall situation,it is better to settle disputes with United State through talks,or peaceful means,because we all peace-living people.” On china 2012 edition by Dr Henary Kissinger page 178.That was Chinese diplomacy was guided by Mao.

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    Adding to reader Justice’s comments- in whatever fashion MR feigns his imaginary innocence and cites what he has done for Buddhist Sri Lanka and its vote-winning majority, one of the features he will be remembered by future generations will be that in which he devalued that high position of Secy/Defence to a joke. He brought it to street level if you compare the learned and able men who held that post previously – Sir Kanthiah, NQ Dias, GVP Samarasinghe, WT Jayasinghe (I might make a mistake or two as I recall from memory) Disturbing the tranquil efficiency of our Civil Service is both madness and ignorance.
    In the Fr. Neimoller example other collapses followed – the Police,
    Govt Service, Parliament and now finally – the higher judiciary itself.
    The country is now ruled virtually by the Laws of the Jungle.

    “More the knowledge less the ego. Lesser the knowledge more the
    ego” (Einstein)


  • 0

    After fake lawyer obtained 98 marks in Sri Lanka’s history at law exam writing the paper in an aircondition room with a laptop beside……now spreading to all other Rajapakse Cult institutes in South politicising the whole education system.

    After giving over 600 top govt jobs to uneducated MARA family goons and Hambanthota crooks and now after ruining while politicising countries economy, jobs,education, health, import and export markets,corporations, service sector, private sector, agriculture and industry sector,buddhist clergy, all defense forces, police dept, foreign ministry,all media broadfcasts……now MARA regime has spread it’s wings to all corners of economy and daily life in Sri lanka.

    Sri Lanka’s ever depleting central bank Gold and foreign currency reserve and control sri lanka’s pawning pawning industry MARA govt. have unleached a total control of all the assets in Sri Lanka.

    With politicising education test results Rajapakse family Cult is preparing the next generation of crooks to be installed in top Govt.Positions after the current crooks retire.

    The latest news is the famous fake Lawyer has become a recruiting agent for boat people to Australia.

    These Mother fuc…..er MARA cult family are country’s blood sucking leeches and the opposition parties will never be able to kick out them even through democratic means of elections as the leeches distraught both election and the election results through fraudulent means.

    The only way to save our country from this corrupt distroyers is only through getting help from International community similar to Arab Spring.

    Therefore it is important that all opposition leaders discuss this matter with the international community and ways to save our country, before the regime start to feed people with Bagiri, Mannokka, punnakku and grass….65 years after independence.

    The more we delay to rescue our country from this absolute Corrupt MARA thieves the more they will spread their venum to other sectors of our society.


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    Pure excreta of a bovine animal !

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      stop fudging “gombeti”

  • 0

    Want to dislodge the R’s then send David with a catapult & some stones.

    This Rupesinghe is a lost soul looking for some funders to act as an NGO to bash the Rajapakshes.

    Any takers ?? Ajith try the Diasspora not here.

  • 0

    Sajin took a joke to Courts about people breaking the queue to shoot
    first. I guess if these queues are formed from from all directions
    someone will qualify to win! The sooner the better as no other form
    of Regime change is possible and MRR cult knows it. Make hay while
    the sun shines is their policy.

  • 0

    These are foreign financed disrupters at work to bring disrepute and allow West and its NATO Forces to make Sri Lanka another Lybia. Their aim is regime change and our fools give in like the rebels in Libya, Syria et al to fit into the International Agenda to keep the poor countries poor and disrupt China and Russia. Patriotic Sri Lankans should wake up from their slumber to fight the enemies of Sri Lanka. Ajit Rajasinghe are [Edited out]

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    Patriotic Sri Lankans should wake up and fight the enemy within which is MR and his clan.
    Look at the damage they are doing to your country and whether you like it or not no country other than India has any Jurisdiction in Sri Lanka because Sri Lankas Sovereignty is limited to Indias security.
    India is the only countrty which has a Consular Office in Jaffna and why do you think other countries like your great friend China has not opened an office in Jaffna. India will not allow it and why do you think the chinese ploticians never visit Sri Lanka for talks like the corrupt Indian Politicians do .
    Who is drilling oil in Mannar my frends it is Cairn oil controlled by India.
    Do you know what Miss.Jeyaram did as soon as she was elected as CM she passed a law in the Local Assembly declairing MR as a war criminal and the only reason it has not got very far is because the current corrupt Indian Politicians are all on MRs pay roll.
    I would ask all the Sinhalese diehearts to pray that Mr.Modi and Miss.Jeyaram never get elected to become national leaders.
    But I pray to god that they do and dont worry they will sort you out and untill then there is not going to be a regime change in Sri Lanka
    As soon as they are in power MR will be jetted off to the Hauge like Milosevich, Radavan Karadicth, and Rathco Miladiditch.
    See you all in an years time in my promised land.

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    North Indian leaders treat south Indian Tamil leaders just the way they deserve to be. So ennada Kaliamma, you can keep counting your sheep until the day Jayalalitha becomes a national leader. The diaspora got bull excrement all over their face the day their sun god had his day by the nanthikadal. keep dreaming till India gets a Tamil prime minister. Tamil people living in Sri Lanka get along extremely well with the Sinhalese and the Muslims. Its the diaspora filth that has the big problem.

    • 0

      Hi daddy,

      It shows the level of your ignorance and I am not surprised. You are like an Ostritch like the vast majority of your countrymen you have burried your head in the sand with your bits hanging out but be careful will be bitten off by the thugs.
      You need to learn history man but untill then dream on

  • 0

    International Community..my FOOT. What have they done in Libya, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, …ongoing in Pakistan, Afghanistan, just destroy the country, loot their natural resources.

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