16 January, 2025


Update – The Case Against Mohan Pieris Misconduct: Pieris Himself Chaired The Bench

By Mudliyar

According the official record released by the Supreme Court yesterday (See the copy below), the case ( which challenges Mohan Pieris’s conduct was due to come up before a bench headed by Justice Shiranee Thilakawardane. However, it has been altered at the last minute, permitting Mohan Peiris himself to chair the bench as the Chief Justice, to hear the case, where he himself was accused in a major revenue fraud.

Mohan Pieris

However, when it was brought to the notice of the Court that this is a matter challenging his conduct as the AG, Mohan Pieris immediately withdrew from the hearing and the matter was re-fixed for support by the other two judges and the case is now due to come up tomorrow again. As per the case record, including today’s postponement, it is learned that this case has been postponed for 19 times, since filing of this case on 24th September 2010.

After the postponement of the matter and on the way to the Court car park, it is reported that some media men and Counsel  Nagananda Kodituwakku‘s team had observed three people in a red colored Toyota car acting in a suspicious manner. They have tried to obtain some images of those people but before that those people have vanished from the Court premises. However the team has managed to obtain the registration mark of the car and to obtain registered keeper details from the RMV. According to the counsel, he had alerted the police about this incident with the details of the car given, urging the police to inquire to the matter immediately and provide a feedback. Our inquires on the matter reveal that up to the time of writing there is no response from the police yet.

Related posts;

Mohan Pieris’s Gross Misconduct And Dishonesty Exposed Before The SC


Aspirant CJ Mohan Pieris Exposed: Professional Misconduct As Attorney General


Rs 619 Million Public Funds Fraud Case Against Mohan Peiris And PB Jayasundara: The Lawyer Was Threatened

Latest comments

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    Now that there is a strong case against MP, will the parliment move another impeachment and appoint another PSC to impeach him? Some people suggested in the case of CJ SB that she should have stepped down as her husbands case was before a magistrates court. Here we have the accused trying to hear his own case?

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    So it is once more a case of baduth hamuduruwange naduth hamuduruwange.
    Our higher Courts have become something like the comedy series of Mr Bean. My word! the ghosts of such great CJs as Basnayake, Sansoni,
    HNG, Sharvananda et al must be twisting in their graves.


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    Still Sri Lanka is blessed with courageous people like Mr.Nagananda.It is up to the Hon learned judges to give a verdict of guilt .Then and then only the people of Sri Lanka will be eternally grateful for upholding the independence of the judiciary.

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    The BASL should organize a massive protest against MP and seek his impeachment and removal immediately since justice Shiranee was impeached on far less evidence of corrupt and fraud.

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    No government in the world has brought its judiciary to as much shame as we have done. Today we stand exposed and accused before the civilized world as a pariah nation.

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      Let alone, the incumbent president has not been able to choose the next CJ properly. This proves again – how pragmatic and how experienced he has been in terms of respecting international norms and ethics.

      The island folks are not happy with SN Silva and his support given to MR in terms of passing constitutional amds easing the corrupted bunch then UNPers (today, the cream of the most corrupted ministers in the ruling bunch)to cross over, but he has reiterated lately- that MR is very kapati miniha who is merciless when going to revenge someone. E.g is the flawed impeachement against Dr. BANDARANAYAKE. Alike leaders on this planet were Gadapi, Sadam, Polpot and slain korrean leaders. This man is LITERALLY unpredictable and is born to DESTROY the nation – SRILANKEN FOLKS.

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    Justice in Sri Lanka- the symbol of justice,the blindfolded lady with the pair of weighing scales , has now been replaced by a naked man with a
    kurakkan saatakaya
    holding a bow and arrows to strike down any one who comes within the
    range of his fiery eyes. Cheap justices /thief justices support the pedestal on which he stands! Shame ..shame on Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      As the latest sources say, this situation would not prevail longer. The British are undecided about the CHOGEM participation while Canada is vehimently opposing the situation in the post war srilanka and in terms of the delays being unable to implement the LLRC agreements.

      So all in all, a dark cloud will be over the country with effect from the March UN sessions scheduled to be held in Geneva.

      My wish all forces should work synegistically to have the killing minded bunch to be captured by international court for the war crime investigations. As one of the commentators reiterated, fine efforts of RW and the UNP should finally work to nail the MAHADANAMUTTA AND GOLAYAS, to those who peace loving, law bounded folks to be able to breath in.

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    A comparison of the House as of now and during the late 1970s to sift knotty legal/constitutional issues – when JRJ presented the 1978 Republican Constitution – may be relevant. The version JRJ presented was widely discussed and debated among legal/constitutional sources
    then – including opinion from Indian and UK, Canadian experts during the process of its preparation. Learned men like Neelan T and Prof GLP played their part. During the debate stage our then great LSSP and leftist MPs – all men of learning with many of them successful lawyers while others professionals in their own fields – dissected the Bill in due manner. NM, Colvin, Bernard, Pieter et concluded the final outcome will divide the nation. They pointed out the citizen will have none to complain to or call as his MP under the District Constituency. They then predicted, quite rightly as events were to show, what that Constitution will achieve is to produce a constitutional dictator to be followed by more. They feared chaos, division and disaster will follow ??? We may have not agreed with their politico-economic prescriptions but as learned Parliamentarians their memories will be revered, honoured and deeply respected.

    As to today’s lot ????? IRCs, murderers, kidnappers, extortionists,
    drug-traffickers, pimps, women of easy virtue, racial-religious rabble-rousers, men/women displaying bogus educational qualifications. We have them all. Why, one even comes with a document grinning “Look here, my psycho has certified me SANE” Sadly, we have to stew in the juice we voted for until divine intervention saves us.


  • 0

    BBC Tamil reports that the case has been concluded and that the verdict is ‘not guilty’.

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